Study On Economic Partnership Projects in Developing Countries in FY2014

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Study on Economic Partnership Projects

in Developing Countries in FY2014

Study on Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit East-West Line Project

in Bangladesh

Final Report

October 2015

Prepared for:

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Prepared by:

Nippon Koei Co., LTD.


This report is compiled the result of a Feasibility Study for Promotion of International Infrastructure Projects in
fiscal year 2014 ordered by the Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry to NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD.

The Study on Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit East-West Line Project aims at investigating the feasibility of MRT
East-West line (MRT Line-5N) construction (study target route length: total 16.2km, elevated section 10.8km, 8
elevated stations, underground section:5.4km and 4 underground stations) to solve the chronic traffic congestion at
a budget of approximately 243 billion yen.

We sincerely hope that this report will be the assistance in the realization of the above project and will also serve as
a useful reference for interested parties in Japan.

October 2015

Team Leader
Project Location MAP

Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit East-West Line Project

Location MAP

MRT Line 5N

Mirpur10 MRT Line 5N Phase2

Notun Bazar Beraid

MRT Line 5(E-W Line) Bhulta Bazar
Aftab Nagar



0km 7km
0km 1km 2km 4km

Legend BRT Line7

MRT Line1 MRT Line4 Existing Railway
MRT Line2 MRT Line5(E-W Line) River
BRT Line3 MRT Line6 Main Road

Source: METI Study Team

List of Abbreviations
Abbreviations Long Forms
AC Alternate Current
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADP Annual Development Programme
AGT Automated Guideway Transit
ATC Automatic Train Control
ATO Automatic Train Operation
ATP Automatic Train Protection
ATS Automatic Train Supervision
BBS Bangladesh Bureaus of Statistics
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
BPDP Bangladesh Power Development Board
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
BRTC Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation
BTN Backbone Transmission Network
CBD Central Business District
CBTC Communication Based Train Control
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CDP United Nations Committee for Development Policy
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
DC Direct current
DC Deputy Commissioner
DCC Dhaka City Corporation
DEE Dhaka Elevated Express Way
DESCO Dhaka Electric Supply Co. Ltd
DHUTS Preparatory Survey on Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project
DITS Dhaka Integrated Transport Study
DMA Dhaka Metropolitan Area
DMDP Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan
DMP Dhaka Metropolitan Police
DMTC Dhaka Mass Transit Company
DNCC Dhaka North City Corporation
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOE Department of Environment
DOHS Defense Officer Housing Society
DPDC Dhaka Power Distribution
DPP Detailed Project Plan
DSCC Dhaka South City Corporation
DTCA Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority
DTCB Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board
DUTP Dhaka Urban Transport Project
DWASA Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
ECA Ecologically Critical Area
ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate
ECOSOC United Nations Economic and Social Council
ECR Environmental Condition Report
ECS Environmental Construction Specifications
EDLC Electric Double Layer Capacitor
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
E&M Electrical and Mechanical
EMU Electric Multiple Unit
ERD Economic Related Division
FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return
FS Feasibility Study
EVI Economic Vulnerability Index
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOB Government of Bangladesh
GNI Gross National Income
HAI Human Asset Index
IDA International Development Association
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IL Inter Locking device
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KCR Karachi Circular Railway
LA Loan Agreement
LAP Land Acquisition Plan
LDC Least Developed Country
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LRT Light Rail Transit
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
MP Master Plan
MRT Mass Rapid Transit
MOEF Ministry of Environmental Forest
MOR Ministry of Land
MTS Mass Transit System
NDB New Development Bank
MTDS Medium Term Debt Management Strategy
NOC No Objection Certificate
NPV Net Present Value
NWZPDC North West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
OCC Operation Control Center
ODA Office Development Assistance
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAPs Project Affected Persons
PAS Passenger Address System
PHPDT Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffic
PIDS Passenger Information Display System
PIS Passenger Information System
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PSD Platform Screen Door
RAJUK Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RDP Roads Development Plan
REB Rural Electrification Board (The most consumed company)
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RHD Road and Highways Department
RL Rail Level
RoR Record-of Right
RSTP Revision and Updating of Strategic Transport Plan
RV Re-procurement Value
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SERF Shadow Exchange Rate Factor
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
STP Strategic Transportation Plan
SZPDC South Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TOR Terms of Reference
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TTC Travel Time Cost
TD Train Detector
UN United Nations
VAT Value Added Tax
VOC Vehicle Operating Cost
VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency
WZPDC West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
Table of Contents

Project Location MAP


Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 1

(1) Background and Necessity of the Project .................................................................................................. 1

(2) Basic Policies Established for Determining the Project Components ....................................................... 2

(3) Outline of the Project ................................................................................................................................. 3

(4) Preliminary Project Implementation Schedule .......................................................................................... 7

(5) Feasibility on Japanese Yen Loan and Project Implementation ................................................................. 8

(6) Conceived Project Implementation Schedule until Realization of the Project and Envisaged Risks
Hampering the Realization of the Project .............................................................................................................. 9

(7) Project Location Map ................................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter1 Overview of the Host Country and Sector .......................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Economy of the Country and Financial Condition of the Government .................................................. 1-1

1.1.1 Economic Condition of the Country ............................................................................................... 1-1

1.1.2 Financial Condition of the Government ......................................................................................... 1-2

1.2 Description of the Targeted Sector.......................................................................................................... 1-4

1.3 Description of the Project Area ............................................................................................................... 1-5

Chapter2 Methodology of the Study .................................................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Contents of the Study.............................................................................................................................. 2-1

2.2 Method and Organization of the Study ................................................................................................... 2-1

2.2.1 Method of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.3 Survey Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 2-3

Chapter3 Project Contents and Consideration of Technical Aspect ................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Background and Necessity of the Project ............................................................................................... 3-1

3.1.1 Background of the Project .............................................................................................................. 3-1

3.1.2 Conclusion of Upper Level Plan ..................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1.3 Current Condition and Future Forecast........................................................................................... 3-7

3.1.4 Necessity of the Project ................................................................................................................ 3-10

3.2 Necessary Considerations for Decision of the Project Contents ........................................................... 3-11

3.2.1 Current Condition of the East-West Corridor and Preliminary Survey ........................................ 3-11

3.2.2 Selection of the Study Route ........................................................................................................ 3-19

3.2.3 Mode Selection of MRT Line 5 .................................................................................................... 3-21

3.2.4 Alignment Plan ............................................................................................................................. 3-25

3.2.5 Transportation Accessibility Plan (MRT Line 6, BRT Line 3, MRT Line 1) ................................ 3-47

3.2.6 Train Operation Plan ..................................................................................................................... 3-53

3.2.7 Rolling Stock ................................................................................................................................ 3-59

3.2.8 Depot Plan .................................................................................................................................... 3-64

3.2.9 Railway System Plan .................................................................................................................... 3-71

3.3 Outline of the Project Plan .................................................................................................................... 3-82

3.3.1 Basic Policy for Determination of the Scope of the Project ......................................................... 3-82

3.3.2 Specifications of the Applied Facilities ........................................................................................ 3-85

3.3.3 Contents of the Proposed Project .................................................................................................. 3-85

3.3.4 Issues and Solution to Apply the Proposed Technology and System ............................................ 3-86

Chapter4 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts ............................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Analysis on the Environmental and Social Impact ................................................................................. 4-1

4.2 Environmental Improvement Effects by the Project ............................................................................... 4-9

4.3 Project Influence on Environmental and Social Sectors ......................................................................... 4-9

4.3.1 No Build Alternative ....................................................................................................................... 4-9

4.3.2 Anticipated Environmental Impacts ............................................................................................. 4-10

4.3.3 Land Acquisition ........................................................................................................................... 4-12

4.4 Outline of Related Laws and Regulations on Environmental and Social Considerations .................... 4-25

4.4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ..................................................................................... 4-25

4.4.2 Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) ............................................ 4-27

4.4.3 JICA Guidelines on Environmental and Social Considerations .................................................... 4-28

4.5 Measures to be Taken by Host Country to Implement the Project........................................................ 4-29

Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation ................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Cost Estimates ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1

5.1.1 Construction Plan............................................................................................................................ 5-1

5.1.2 Construction Cost ........................................................................................................................... 5-3

5.2 Results of the Preliminary Analysis of the Economic and Financial Viability ....................................... 5-5

5.2.1 Preconditions of the Analysis ......................................................................................................... 5-5

5.2.2 Initial Investment Cost .................................................................................................................... 5-6

5.2.3 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Cost....................................................................................... 5-7

5.2.4 Revenue Projection ......................................................................................................................... 5-9

5.2.5 Financial Cash Flow Analysis....................................................................................................... 5-10

5.2.6 Economic Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 5-13

5.2.7 Economic Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 5-15

Chapter6 Planned Project Implementation Schedule ......................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Implementation Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1.1 Construction Method ...................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1.2 Overall Project Implementation Schedule ...................................................................................... 6-2

6.2 Issues on Project Implementation ........................................................................................................... 6-3

Chapter7 Project Implementing Agencies .......................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Overview of the Implementing Agencies of the Host Country ............................................................... 7-1
7.2 Organization for the Implementing Agencies of the Host Country ........................................................ 7-1

7.3 Current Activities of Project Implementing Agency ............................................................................... 7-4

Chapter8 Technical Advantages of Japanese Companies ................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 International Competitiveness of Japanese Companies for the Project Implementation ........................ 8-1
List of Tables

Table 1-1 Foreign Aid Mobilization ............................................................................................................... 1-3

Table 1-2 Comparison of Foreign Aid between World Bank and Japan ......................................................... 1-3

Table 1-3 Ranking of Population and Population Density.............................................................................. 1-6

Table 2-1 Survey Items and Contents ............................................................................................................. 2-1

Table 2-2 Contents of the Site Survey ............................................................................................................ 2-3

Table 2-3 Outline of the Joint Meeting with DTCA ....................................................................................... 2-4

Table 3-1 Development Plan of Public Transport Network under STP .......................................................... 3-2

Table 3-2 Proposal of MTS Network .............................................................................................................. 3-3

Table 3-3 Future Forecast Passengers of Each Line ..................................................................................... 3-10

Table 3-4 Characteristics of Alternative East-West Route ............................................................................ 3-13

Table 3-5 Current Condition of the East-West Corridor ............................................................................... 3-15

Table 3-6 Future Traffic Volume of East-West Line Phase 1 ........................................................................ 3-21

Table 3-7 Comparison of Guide way Transit Systems .................................................................................. 3-21

Table 3-8 Comparison of the Technical Aspects of Guide way Transit System ........................................... 3-22

Table 3-9 Congestion Ratio and Condition of Cabin .................................................................................... 3-24

Table 3-10 Congestion Ratio and Capacity of EMU .................................................................................... 3-24

Table 3-11 Design Standard for Alignment .................................................................................................. 3-25

Table 3-12 Station Location for All Elevated Option ................................................................................... 3-37

Table 3-13 Route Comparison in Cantonment Area ..................................................................................... 3-41

Table 3-14 Station Locations for Partial Underground Option ..................................................................... 3-43

Table 3-15 Types of Junction Station............................................................................................................ 3-50

Table 3-16 Points of View of Facilitation of Transfer Movement ................................................................ 3-51

Table 3-17 Highlights of the Transport Node ............................................................................................... 3-52

Table 3-18 Functions for Smooth Transfer Mobility .................................................................................... 3-52

Table 3-19 List of Expected Developments .................................................................................................. 3-53

Table 3-20 Speed Restrictions of Curve ....................................................................................................... 3-54

Table 3-21 Speed Restrictions of Switch ...................................................................................................... 3-54

Table 3-22 Classification of Stopping Time ................................................................................................. 3-55

Table 3-23 Minimum Headway of One-sided Turnback Line Operation ..................................................... 3-57

Table 3-24 Minimum Headway of Both-sided Turnback Line Operation .................................................... 3-57

Table 3-25 Condition of “Open Track” Simulation ...................................................................................... 3-58

Table 3-26 Headway and Required Train Sets .............................................................................................. 3-58

Table 3-27 Peak Hour and Off-peak Hour of Road Traffic........................................................................... 3-58

Table 3-28 Basic Specifications of the Rolling Stock of the MRT East-West Line ...................................... 3-62

Table 3-29 Basic Specifications of the Rolling Stock of the East-West Line ............................................... 3-64

Table 3-30 Candidate Sites of the Depot Area .............................................................................................. 3-65

Table 3-31 Train Maintenance Plan .............................................................................................................. 3-67

Table 3-32 Ancillary Facilities of Tracks in the Depot ................................................................................. 3-69

Table 3-33 Examples of Basic Unit of Power Consumption of Train........................................................... 3-75

Table 3-34 Power for Traction ...................................................................................................................... 3-76

Table 3-35 Receiving Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 3-76

Table 3-36 Functions of Railway Signaling System ..................................................................................... 3-77

Table 3-37 Signaling System of MRT East-West Line ................................................................................. 3-77

Table 3-38 Functions of Railway Telecommunication System..................................................................... 3-78

Table 3-39 Telecommunication System of the MRT East-West Line ........................................................... 3-78

Table 3-40 General Outline of the System .................................................................................................... 3-79

Table 3-41 AFC System for the MRT East-West Line .................................................................................. 3-81

Table 3-42 Comparison of Cost Estimation .................................................................................................. 3-83

Table 3-43 Comparison between the All Elevated Option and Partial Underground Option ....................... 3-84

Table 3-44 Station Information ..................................................................................................................... 3-86

Table 3-45 Summary of Alignment and Applied System ............................................................................. 3-86

Table 4-1 DOE Ambient Air Standards (µg/m3) ............................................................................................. 4-5

Table 4-2 DOE Ambient Noise Standard (dBA)............................................................................................. 4-6

Table 4-3 Growth in Number of Motor Vehicles ............................................................................................ 4-8

Table 4-4 Comparison Between Mazar Road and Dar-Us-Salam Road ....................................................... 4-15

Table 4-5 Cost Comparison Among Three Routes in the Cantonment ......................................................... 4-21

Table 4-6 Cost Comparison Between All Elevated and Partial Underground .............................................. 4-21

Table 4-7 Expected Execution Time Frame .................................................................................................. 4-30

Table 5-1 Project Cost Estimation for Partial Tunnel Method ........................................................................ 5-4

Table 5-2 Initial Investment Cost in Financial Prices (At 2015 Constant Prices)........................................... 5-6

Table 5-3 Initial Investment Cost in Economic Prices (At 2015 Constant Prices) ......................................... 5-7

Table 5-4 Unit of the Number of Staff and Salary .......................................................................................... 5-8

Table 5-5 Unit Costs of Operating and Maintenance Expenses...................................................................... 5-8

Table 5-6 Estimation of O&M Costs .............................................................................................................. 5-9

Table 5-7 O&M Cost in Economic Prices ...................................................................................................... 5-9

Table 5-8 Estimation of Revenue.................................................................................................................. 5-10

Table 5-9 Financial Cash Flow of the Project for FIRR ............................................................................... 5-11

Table 5-10 Sensitivity Analysis of FIRR ...................................................................................................... 5-12

Table 5-11 Estimation of Value of Time ....................................................................................................... 5-13

Table 5-12 Calculation of Travel Time Saving ............................................................................................. 5-14

Table 5-13 Estimation of Vehicle Operating Costs ....................................................................................... 5-15

Table 5-14 Flow of Economic Cost and Benefit ........................................................................................... 5-16

Table 5-15 Sensitivity Analysis of EIRR ...................................................................................................... 5-17

Table 6-1 Construction Schedule of Partial Underground Option .................................................................. 6-2

Table 6-2 Overall Project Implementation Schedule ...................................................................................... 6-3

Table 7-1 DMTC Shareholders and Number of Shares .................................................................................. 7-2

Table 7-2 Board Members of DMTC and Their Positions .............................................................................. 7-2
Table 8-1 Possibility of Orders from Japanese Companies in Each Package ................................................. 8-2

Table 8-2 List of International Competitive Japanese Technology ................................................................. 8-2

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 GDP Forecast by Goldman Sach................................................................................................... 1-1

Figure 1-2 Shift of GNI Value, HAI Value, and EVI Value ............................................................................ 1-2

Figure 1-3 City Map of DMA ......................................................................................................................... 1-5

Figure 2-1 Survey Organizational Chart ......................................................................................................... 2-2

Figure 2-2 Site Survey Schedule .................................................................................................................... 2-3

Figure 2-3 Survey Item Schedule ................................................................................................................... 2-4

Figure 3-1 Implementation Scheduleof Dhaka Urban Transport Project........................................................ 3-1

Figure 3-2 MTS Development Plan ................................................................................................................ 3-4

Figure 3-3 Proposed Route and Depot Location of MRT Line 6 .................................................................... 3-5

Figure 3-4 Traffic Demand Forecast by Year and By Staged Plan ................................................................. 3-5

Figure 3-5 Project Area (Left) and Study and Plan Area (Right).................................................................... 3-6

Figure 3-6 Urban Development Concept of RSTP ......................................................................................... 3-7

Figure 3-7 Generated Traffic Volume ............................................................................................................. 3-8

Figure 3-8 Modal Share (2014) ...................................................................................................................... 3-8

Figure 3-9 Modal Share (2035) ...................................................................................................................... 3-8

Figure 3-10 Future Changes in VOC and TTC ............................................................................................... 3-9

Figure 3-11 Future Public Transport Network .............................................................................................. 3-10

Figure 3-12 Target Route of the Study.......................................................................................................... 3-11

Figure 3-13 Development Area of East-West Corridor and Control Point ................................................... 3-12

Figure 3-14 Alternative Routes of East-West Corridor ................................................................................. 3-12

Figure 3-15 Picture Location ........................................................................................................................ 3-14

Figure 3-16 MRT East-West Line Route ...................................................................................................... 3-19

Figure 3-17 Demand Comparison of East-West Line North Route and South Route................................... 3-19

Figure 3-18 Phasing of East-West Line North Route ................................................................................... 3-20

Figure 3-19 Control Points and their Locations ............................................................................................ 3-25

Figure 3-20 Control Point (Crossing Area with MRT Line 6) ...................................................................... 3-26

Figure 3-21 Control Point (Banani DOHS Area).......................................................................................... 3-27

Figure 3-22 Control Point (Crossing Area with DEE in Case that MRT East-West Line is an Elevated
Structure) .............................................................................................................................................. 3-28

Figure 3-23 Control Point (Gulshan Lake) ................................................................................................... 3-29

Figure 3-24 Control Point (Crossing Area with MRT Line 1) ...................................................................... 3-30

Figure 3-25 Track Layout Route Drawing (All Elevated Option) ................................................................ 3-31

Figure 3-26 Track Layout Route Drawing (Partial Underground Option).................................................... 3-32

Figure 3-27 Required Height for Elevated Section....................................................................................... 3-33

Figure 3-28 Required Depth for Underground Section ................................................................................ 3-33

Figure 3-29 Transition Section ..................................................................................................................... 3-34

Figure 3-30 Branch Form ............................................................................................................................. 3-35

Figure 3-31 Track Layout of Junction Station with Depot (Beraid Station) ................................................. 3-36

Figure 3-32 Outline of All Elevated Option ................................................................................................. 3-36

Figure 3-33 Condition near CH 1 k 100 m ................................................................................................... 3-38

Figure 3-34 Condition near CH 3k040 m ..................................................................................................... 3-38

Figure 3-35 Comparison Study of Routes in the Cantonment Area ............................................................. 3-39

Figure 3-36 Route in Cantonment Area (Route A) ....................................................................................... 3-39

Figure 3-37 Route in Cantonment Area (Route B) ....................................................................................... 3-40

Figure 3-38 Route in Cantonment Area (Route C) ....................................................................................... 3-41

Figure 3-39 Longitudinal Schematic for All Elevated Option ...................................................................... 3-42

Figure 3-40 Outline of Partial Underground Option..................................................................................... 3-43

Figure 3-41 Route near Banani DOHS (Partial Underground Option) ......................................................... 3-44

Figure 3-42 Location of Transition Section (between Mirpur 14 Station and Kochukhet Station) .............. 3-45

Figure 3-43 Location of Transition Section (between Natun Bazar Station and Vatara Station) .................. 3-46

Figure 3-44 Longitudinal Schematic for Partial Underground Option ......................................................... 3-47

Figure 3-45 Image of Transport Mobility ..................................................................................................... 3-47

Figure 3-46 Turnback Operation Using One-sided Platform ........................................................................ 3-55

Figure 3-47 Turnback Operation Using both-sided Platform ....................................................................... 3-56

Figure 3-48 One-sided Turnback Line Operation ......................................................................................... 3-56

Figure 3-49 Both-sided Turnback Line Operation ........................................................................................ 3-57

Figure 3-50 Train Operation in 2027 ............................................................................................................ 3-59

Figure 3-51 Train Operation in 2055 ............................................................................................................ 3-59

Figure 3-52 Rolling Stock Gauge ................................................................................................................. 3-60

Figure 3-53 Car Dimension .......................................................................................................................... 3-63

Figure 3-54 Facilities of Rolling Stock......................................................................................................... 3-64

Figure 3-55 Candidate Sites of the Main Depot Area ................................................................................... 3-65

Figure 3-56 Number of Train Set after Future Extension ............................................................................. 3-68

Figure 3-57 Depot Layout ............................................................................................................................ 3-70

Figure 3-58 Demarcation of Distribution Companies .................................................................................. 3-72

Figure 3-59 Transmission and Distribution Plan .......................................................................................... 3-74

Figure 3-60 Comparison of Vertical Figures................................................................................................. 3-84

Figure 3-61 Applied Facilities of Elevated Option and Underground Option .............................................. 3-85

Figure 3-62 Horizontal Alignment of the Project ......................................................................................... 3-85

Figure 3-63 Anti- inundation measures ........................................................................................................ 3-87

Figure 4-1 Seismic Zoning Map ..................................................................................................................... 4-1

Figure 4-2 Drainage System of Dhaka City (DWASA) .................................................................................. 4-3

Figure 4-3 Water Quality Hotspots in Surface Waters around Dhaka............................................................. 4-4

Figure 4-4 Proposed Land Use Map of RAJUK ............................................................................................. 4-7

Figure 4-5 Alignment of Mazar Road and Dar-Us-Salam Road ................................................................... 4-13

Figure 4-6 Buildings along Mazar Road (Station) where Land Acquisition is Required ............................. 4-13

Figure 4-7 Buildings along Mazar Road (Southern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required ................... 4-14

Figure 4-8 Buildings along Mazar Road (Northern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required ................... 4-14
Figure 4-9 Buildings along Dar-Us-Salam Road (Southern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required ...... 4-15

Figure 4-10 Alignment in Cantonment Area................................................................................................. 4-16

Figure 4-11 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Yellow Line) ................................................. 4-17

Figure 4-12 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Green Line) ................................................... 4-18

Figure 4-13 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Blue Line) ..................................................... 4-19

Figure 4-14 Proposed Depot Area ................................................................................................................ 4-22

Figure 4-15 Land Use Plan Map of RAJUK................................................................................................. 4-23

Figure 4-16 Alignment of South Route......................................................................................................... 4-24

Figure 4-17 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Intersection of Panther Pass and Dhanmondi)
.............................................................................................................................................................. 4-24

Figure 4-18 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Entrance of Aftab Nagar) .............................. 4-25

Figure 4-19 Possible Depot Area .................................................................................................................. 4-25

Figure 4-20 DOE’s EIA Approval Procedure ............................................................................................... 4-27

Figure 5-1 Example for Traffic Conditions at Narrow Road .......................................................................... 5-1

Figure 5-2 Comparison of Total Payment Between PPP and Public Investment .......................................... 5-13

Figure 7-1 Organizational Chart of DMTC .................................................................................................... 7-3

Figure 7-2 Organizational Chart of DMTC Proposed by IDC........................................................................ 7-3

Executive Summary
(1) Background and Necessity of the Project
The population of Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA) is rapidly increasing and has reached 13.6 million in 2011, a
40% growth since 2001. In particular, the population density is the highest among the mega cities in the world
standing at 43,500 persons/km2. It is expected that the city will greatly benefit from the development of public
transportation infrastructure network; however, the delay of its implementation is at a serious level hampering
urban economic activities. One of the major manifestations is the critical traffic congestion within the DMA, and
immediate actions for the development of transportation infrastructure are required.

To meet such needs, the Government of Bangladesh formulated a transportation master plan for DMA since 1959.
In 2005, the DMA Strategic Transportation Plan (STP), a master plan with a 20-year horizon from 2005 to 2024,
was formed under the technical assistance of the World Bank. The master plan has been reviewed periodically, at
approximately five years interval. In 2010, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has conducted the
Dhaka Urban Transportation Study (DHUTS1) for the review of the order of priority of MRT lines that were
proposed in the STP.

Despite the aforementioned effort, the progress of the implementation of public transportation infrastructure
development has not been realized as planned in STP 2005. At present, MRT Line 6 funded by JICA and MRT Line
3 funded by the World Bank are being implemented.
Figure S-1 Public Transportation Network
Other recommended MRT/BRT projects have not moved Proposed by RSTP
forward for implementation.

The serious delay of implementing public transportation

infrastructure development has exacerbated the traffic
congestion in DMA. To solve such serious traffic
congestion and ease the population density of the Dhaka
City Center, the Government of Bangladesh decided to DMA

expand the Dhaka City limits through the development of

sub-city centers in suburban areas. Subsequently in 2013,
the Government of Bangladesh requested JICA to
conduct the study to revise the STP. Accordingly, the MRT Line 5
Study on Revised Strategic Transportation Plan
(RSTP) is being carried out, in parallel to the METI
Study, aiming to induce the development of suburban
new towns by extending the MRT and road network for
the study area, i.e., Greater Dhaka area (RAJUK area:
1,528 km2). The RSTP is treated as “Upper Plan” of
0 1.75 3.5 7 10.5 14
the METI F/S for MRT East-West Line, therefore the
proposed alignment of East-West Line should be in Source: RSTP Study Team

Figure S-2 Priority Route and Location
accordance with the proposed MRT network in the RSTP. of East-West Line
Figure S-1 presents the MRT/BRT network of RAJUK area MRT6
in 2035, which is proposed in the RSTP. The network MRT1

consists of six MRT lines and one BRT line. Among the BRT3

seven MRT/BRT lines, MRT Line 6, BRT Line 3, and MRT

Line 1 are recommended as priority projects to be
commissioned by 2025.
The MRT Line 5 (East-West Line), proposed by the METI
Study Team, based on the conceptualized Line 5, originally
planned as a circular line in the STP. The RSTP Team
extended the circular line eastwards to secure access for
commuters residing in the new residential area. The MRT MRT Line1
BRT Line3
Line 5 is composed of two routes, i.e., northern route (Line MRT Line5(East-West)
MRT Line6
5N) and southern route (Line 5S) and is defined by the 0km 3km

METI Study Team as the East-West Line. In the RSTP Source: METI Study Team

Study, Line 5N and Line 5S are proposed to be developed by 2035.

As shown in Figure S-2, the three priority lines proposed in RSTP are collectively defined as the north-south
corridor route; however, the priority lines for the east-west corridor have not been proposed yet. The METI Study
Team recommends the early implementation of MRT Line 5 that would establish an organic connection of the
MRT network and enhance the function of the planned urban transportation network.

(2) Basic Policies Established for Determining the Project Components

The following basic policies are established to determine the Project components:

1) Relation of the Plan Proposed in the METI Study with Revised Strategic Transportation Plan (RSTP)

The Revised Strategic Transportation Plan (2016–2035), which is currently formulated by the Dhaka Transportation
Coordination Agency (DTCA) with technical cooperation by JICA, is treated as the Upper Level Plan of the Study.
Based on this understanding, as a policy for determining the Project components, the demand forecast and
transportation network plan approved under RSTP will be applied for the formulation of the plan. Accordingly, the
Study result shall be consistent with the approved RSTP, and will be recognized as a long-term plan.

2) Demand Forecast

The results of the demand forecast for the Pre-Feasibility Study for Dhaka East-West Corridor are based on the
output of the demand forecast that was conducted by the RSTP Study Team. The RSTP Study Team identified the
demand forecast items required for the pre-feasibility study, output of the study, and analysis. Moreover, the
demand forecast model formulated by the RSTP Study Team was utilized for the METI Feasibility Study.

3) Selection of Priority Development Section of MRT Line 5

MRT Line 5 is planned to originate at Gabtoli Bus Terminal and shall consist of two routes totaling 35 km. The
north route passes through the north of Tejigaon Airport, Gulshan, Natun Bazar and stretches towards the east to
Bhulta township (Gabtoli-Bhulta Section, 23.2 km), while the south route passes through the south of Tejigaon
Airport and stretches eastwards to Aftab Nagar New Town (Gabtoli-Aftab Nagar Section, 11.8 km). The METI
Study Team recommends the phased development of MRT Line 5, starting with the implementation of the 16.2 km
section of the north route between Gabtoli and Beraid as Phase 1, since the demand forecast of the RSTP Study
concludes that this section has high demand. The RSTP proposes the full development of Line 5 by 2035, the
METI Study Team recommends the early implementation of the aforementioned section of Line 5N (Phase 1).

4) Partial Underground Structure for Phase 1 Section

The western section of Line 5N Phase 1 is proposed as a viaduct structure built above the right-of-way (ROW) of
the trunk road. On the other hand, a comparative study was conducted for the determination of the structure type
at the eastern side where the route crosses the cantonment area and business district of Banani and Gulshan. As a
conclusion, the underground structure is recommended over the viaduct structure despite the disadvantages of cost
implication and due to the following reasons: 1) expectation of higher level of surface land utilization in the future
following economic development; 2) avoidance of issues arising from viaduct structure passing near cantonment
area and minimizing resettlement; 3) applicability of shield tunneling technology; and 4) consideration on
preservation of landscape. The adoption of partial underground structure was discussed and agreed in principle in
the mini workshop meetings attended by DTCA, military representatives, and other related agencies.

5) Railway Technical Standard

The Bangladesh MRT Technical Standard (2014), which was prepared under JICA technical cooperation study by
DTCA and adopted in the detailed design of MRT Line 6, was applied as the basis of the basic plan and design of
MRT Line 5.

(3) Outline of the Project

1) Outline of the Route under the METI Study

The subject of the METI Study of MRT Line 5 is the Phase 1 section of north route that stretches 16.2 km and is
located between Gabtoli Bus Terminal and Beraid. The Phase 1 section consists of eight viaduct stations and four
underground stations. The depot is planned at the east end of the line located on a vacant swamp land which will be
a reclaimed land of 24.8 ha. A schematic diagram is presented in Figure S-4 indicating the station locations, and
horizontal and vertical alignment.

Figure S-3 Study Section and Location of Stations




Phase1 Line 5N

MRT5 No. Station name Chainage Station distance

s-1 Gabtoli 0k400m
s-2 Dar-Us-Salam 2k100m 1,700m
s-3 Mirpur1 3k400m 1,300m
s-4 Mirpur10 4k700m 1,300m
s-5 Mirpur14 5k840m 1,140m
MRT Line 5S s-6 Kochukhet 7k080m 1,240m
MRT6 s-7 Banani 8k720m 1,640m
MRT Line1 s-8 Gulshan2 9k720m 1,000m
BRT Line3 s-9 Notun Bazar 11k020m 1,300m
MRT Line5(East-West)
MRT Line6 s-10 Vatara 12k965m 1,945m
DMA s-11 Bara Kathaldia 15k000m 2,035m
Station BRT3 1,590m
Depot 0km 3km s-12 Beraid 16k590m

Source : METI Study Team

Figure S-4 Schematic Diagram of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of Study Section

S2 S4 S5
S3 S6 S11
S1 Dar-Us- Mirpur10 Mirpur14 Kochukhet S10 S12
Mirpur1 Cantonment S7
S9 Vatara
Gabtoli Salam S8 Kathaldia Beraid
Notun Bazar
Banani Gulshan2






Source : METI Study Team

2) Typical Cross Section

Viaduct structure and underground structure are shown in Figure S-5.

Figure S-5 Typical Section of Viaduct Structure (Left Figure) and Underground Structure (Right Figure)

Viaduct Section Elevated Station Tunnel Section Underground Station

10~11m 25m

7m (Min)


3.0 1.0 1.0

Source : METI Study Team

3) Demand Forecast

Table S-1 summarizes the estimated daily passenger and per hour passenger direction trip (PHPDT) from 2025 to
2055, which was estimated by the METI Study Team based on the demand forecast results provided by the RSTP
Study Team. The slight decrease of daily ridership between 2025 and 2035 indicates the transient phenomenon of
passengers taking newly developed alternative lines that will be commissioned within the 10-year period.

Table S-1 Future Daily Ridership and PHPDT

Year 2025 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Daily Ridership 852,800 783,900 946,500 1,109,100 1,271,700 1,434,500
PHPDT 27,000 27,000 32,500 38,000 43,500 49,000
Source: Estimates by the METI Study Team based on information provided from RSTP

4) Rolling Stock

Environmental-minded train which adopts stainless/ Alminium structure, regenerative braking system, and VVVF
inverter system is applied. The basic specification of the proposed train is the same as that of MRT Line 6 trains. In
the opening year (2027), trains will operate in 3 min 50 s headway with 22 train sets of 6-car train including spare
cars. In 2055, headway will be shortened to 2 min with 38 train sets of 6-car train.

5) Depot and Workshop

The depot is located at the east side of Balu River along the Madani Avenue, which is the east end terminal of MRT
Line 5N, Phase1. The depot area is 24.8 ha that can accommodate 38 train sets of 8-car train, which are the required
number of train sets after extension of MRT Line 5N Phase 2. In the depot area, train storage facilities for 38 trains
of 6-car train, which are required for Phase 1 operation are constructed in this Project as well as the train
maintenance facilities, the Dhaka Mass Transit Company (DMTC) building, an administrative building, and
substations. The Operation Control Center (OCC) is planned to be accommodated in the DMTC building. As an
option, this depot, which is located about 6km east from Junction Station of MRT Line-1, can share with MRT

Line 1 and the trains for MRT Line 1 partial operation can be accommodated.

6) Railway System

(1) Power Equipment

The receiving substation of the railway company constructed in the depot receives electric power of 132 kV 50 Hz
by double system from the substation of Dhaka Electric Supply Co. Ltd (DESCO). The receiving substation
transforms electric power into 33 kV. In the traction substations at Mirpur 1 Station, Banani Station, Vatara Station
and depot, electric power for trains and electric power for services are transformed into 1500 V and 6.6 kV and
supplied to the feeder lines and electric rooms, respectively. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is
installed to monitor and supervise the electric rooms in each substation and electric room. Overhead catenary
system is adopted. Regenerative electric power storage apparatus are installed at the traction substation.

(2) Signaling System

For the Automatic Train Protection (ATP) System, Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) is applied. Also,
train detector uses the CBTC method. Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) and Automatic Train Operation (ATO)
are applied and driver-only operation is performed.

(3) Telecommunication System

By using optical fiber cable and transmission terminal, the Backbone Transmission Network, which connects OCC,
station, substation, and depot, is configured. Radio system for the dispatch control between OCC and train, and
closed-circuit television (CCTV) supervising system for overseeing the condition of stations are installed.
Passenger address system, passenger information display system, and clock system are installed in the platform area
of each station.

(4) Automatic Fare Collection

Contactless IC media is adopted as the ticket media. ISO/IEC 18092 (Type C) is selected for IC card because of high
security. Automatic gate of flap door type is selected because of high processing speed and high safety. Ticket
vending machine is not introduced and ticket media is sold at ticket window by person-to-person selling. The Felica
Type C Card has been introduced through JICA Technical Cooperation Project from 2011 as public bus network
ticket and widely accepted by the people in Dhaka.

(5) Platform Screen Door

A half height type is installed at the elevated station. In the case of underground station, a full height type is selected.

7) Project Cost

Table S-2 summarizes the Project cost estimate. Total construction cost including consultant cost is estimated at
BDT 149,492 million.

Table S-2 Project Cost Estimate and Breakdown
No. Description Breakdown
(Million in BDT)
Civil and Architectural Viaduct Structure, Tunnel, Station (Viaduct,
1 61,456
Works Underground), Depot/Workshop
2 System E&M System, Rolling Stock 37,015
Price Escalation of Items 1
3 41,213
and 2, Contingency
4 Consultant Fee 9,807
Total of Construction Cost and Consultant Fee
(JPY 243.3 billion)
Land Acquisition, Relocation of Public
5 Office Administration Cost 34,777
Utilities, Office Management Cost, Interests
6 Tax and Duties VAT 15%, Import Duties 34,687
Total Project Cost Estimate
(JPY 356.4 billion)
Source : METI Study Team

8) Preliminary Economic and Financial Analyses

The economic internal rate of return (EIRR) for MRT Line 5N Phase 1 is calculated as 16.2%.

The EIRR is higher than the 12% discount rate applied by ADB for their project appraisal; the benefit cost ratio
(B/C) stands at 1.5, and the NPV is about BDT 32.8 billion. The sensitivity analysis resulted in an EIRR of 12.0%
when the cost fluctuates by 20% upwards and benefit falls by 20%. According to DTCA, the opportunity cost
applied in Bangladesh is 16%, and the EIRR for MRT Line 5N Phase1 exceeds this opportunity cost.

The result of the cash flow calculation based on the financial analysis indicates a financial internal rate of return
(FIRR) of 2.7%. This value is rather low and the Project is considered not feasible for private sector funding. In the
event the expenses decrease to 20% and revenue increases to 20%, the FIRR still stands at 5.3%; thus, it was
concluded that the Project was not feasible from the financial point of view.

9) Socio-environmental Evaluation

Noise and vibration are expected to occur during the construction, however, when the Project is realized, the
reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission as well as mitigation of air pollution can be achieved

For land acquisition and resettlement aspects, the impact is considered to be rather minimal since the route is
planned along the existing road for viaduct section, and the underground section was applied for the cantonment
area and for the congested central business district in Banani and Gulshan areas. The land where the natural gas
station at the corner of Mirpur Road is situated and the depot area need to be acquired.

(4) Preliminary Project Implementation Schedule

Figure S-6 indicates the preliminary Project implementation schedule that was drafted based on the experience of
MRT Line 6.

Figure S-6 Preliminary Project Implementation Schedule

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2035

1 Feasibility study
Preliminary study
Feasibility study
Fund arrangement

2 Consultancy services
1 Consultant selection
2 Basic design
3 Detail design
4 Procurement assistance

3 Construction
1 0.2 km - 6.4 km Viaduct, Station
2 6.4km - 6.7km Transition
3 6.7 km - 11.9 km Underground Station
4 6.7 km - 11.9 km Shield Tunnel
5 11.9 km - 12.3 km transition
6 12.3km - 13.4 km Viaduct Station
7 Depot access
8 Depot
9 Architectural works for stations

4 Track works

5 E & M System

6 Rolling stock

7 Test, Commissioning

8 Operation & Maintenance

9 Land acquisition, Utility diversion

Source :METI Study Team

Construction activities that are on the critical path are the tunnel works. In order to shorten the time of the tunneling
works, utilization of four shield machines launched from both ends of the up and down lines can be conceived.
However, this will require the construction of additional intermediate shafts at the underground section. This
method is considered to be technically unrealistic and would incur additional cost; thus, utilization of two shield
machines is considered, at present.

(5) Feasibility on Japanese Yen Loan and Project Implementation

The implementation of the Project by Japanese Yen loan is considerable based on the following situations: 1) The
necessity of the Project is confirmed by the outcome of the on-going RSTP Study which suggests the organic
connectivity with the north-south corridor which is currently being implemented, 2) The implementation of the
Project through private sector finance is financially unfeasible, 3) the first MRT Line 6 of Dhaka is being
implemented by Japanese ODA, and 4) the expectation of the Bangladeshi government towards Japanese
technologies and financial assistance is extremely favorable.

MRT Line 6 is currently in its bidding stage and the Government of Bangladesh expects the participation of
Japanese companies in the bidding for each package of MRT Line 6. The Government of Bangladesh is looking
forward to adopt MRT with Japanese specifications. Among them, the following five technical components are
globally recognized as having superior quality, and its application in the MRT Line 5 Project would realize MRT
construction under Japanese Technology.

Table S-3 Globally Recognized Japanese Technologies
Technical Components Description
Rail Japanese-made heavy haul (HH) rails which are recognized abroad to
have high quality and durability.
Regenerative Electric Japanese-made capacitors utilizing lithium batteries are expected to
Power Storage Apparatus contribute in reducing the power requirement and mitigating
environmental impacts, as well as reducing maintenance costs.
Rolling Stock Japanese rolling stock manufacturers have proven to be competitive in
winning contracts in the USA, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, and in
the Middle East.
Shield Tunneling Machines MRT constructed by Japanese shield machines in India, Turkey, and
Thailand are recognized and proven to have high-tech engineering.
IC Card and Associated The Bangladesh National Bus Transportation System adopted the IC
Devices card technology in 2012 and its effect is well recognized.
Source :METI Study Team

(6) Conceived Project Implementation Schedule until Realization of the

Project and Envisaged Risks Hampering the Realization of the Project
DTCA has identified the implementation of MRT Line 1 and MRT Line 5 as the next MRT projects and has
requested JICA in the end July 2015 to carry out the preparatory study for the two projects. Once JICA accepts the
request, a feasibility study is envisaged to be implemented in April 2016, and design work is expected to
commence in mid-2017. However, DTCA is being approached by the other donors, and the financial source of the
Project implementation is not finalized yet.

(7) Project Location Map

The Project location map is shown in Figure S-7 on the next page.

Figure S-7 Project Location Map

Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit East‐West Line Project 
Location MAP

MRT Line 5N

Mirpur10 MRT Line 5N Phase2

Notun Bazar Beraid

MRT Line 5(E‐W Line) Bhulta Bazar
Aftab Nagar



0km 7km
0km 1km 2km 4km

Legend BRT Line7
MRT Line1 MRT Line4 Existing Railway
MRT Line2 MRT Line5(E‐W Line) River
BRT Line3 MRT Line6 Main Road
Source :METI Study Team

Chapter1 Overview of the Host Country and Sector
1.1 Economy of the Country and Financial Condition of the Government

1.1.1 Economic Condition of the Country

Bangladesh, a South Asian country with large population (142.3 million as of 2011 census, and 156.6 million as
reported in World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI) Little Database (LD) of 2015), has made
significant progress toward a more prosperous and pluralistic society in recent times. Although Bangladesh’s per
capita income is still relatively low (USD 1,096 in 2014 as reported in World Bank, World Development
Indicators, updated on 1st July, 2015, accessed through,
accessed on 28th July, 2015) , its economy has grown at 6% annually for more than a decade; and its current gross
domestic product (GDP) is healthy at USD 158.8 billion (World Bank’s WDI LD of 2015). It may be mentioned
here that its per capita income was only USD 400 in 2004, which testifies that Bangladesh is growing at a very
fast rate. Because of this, leading economic research entities/think tanks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
predicted high-potential economy for Bangladesh. In their Global Economics Paper No 134, “How Solid Are the
BRICS?” (Dec, 2005), Goldman Sachs introduced the Next 11 emerging economics and Bangladesh is included in
the list along with Korea, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey.

Figure 1-1 GDP Forecast by Goldman Sach

Nominal GDP( 1 billion USD)

2010 2030 2050
Bnagladesh 81 304 1466
Japan 4604 5814 6677

Source: “Global Economics Paper No: 153 - The N-11: More Than an Acronym” and ”BRICs and Beyond”

The economy is increasingly led by export-oriented industrialization. The Bangladesh textile industry is the
second largest in the world after China. Bangladesh's textile industry, which includes knitwear and ready-made
garments (RMG) along with specialized textile products, is the nation's number one export earner, accounting for
USD 21.5 billion in 2013 – 80% of Bangladesh's total exports of USD 27 billion. It may be mentioned here that
current exports in this sector have doubled since 2004. Other key sectors include pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding,
ceramics, leather goods, and electronics.

Being situated in one of the most fertile regions on Earth, agriculture plays a crucial role, with the principal cash
crops including rice, jute, tea, wheat, cotton, and sugarcane. Bangladesh ranks fifth in the global production of
fish and seafood. Remittances from the Bangladeshi migrant workers also provide vital foreign exchange;
remittance amounted to USD 14 billion in 2014. Sector-wise share of the economy is as follows: 16% to
agriculture, 28% to industry, and 56% to services (2013 data, World Bank’s WDI LD of 2015). Yearly data shows
steady increase of secondary sector share.

Bangladesh is currently leveled as least developed country (LDC). The United Nations considers three indicators
for graduating a country from the LDC status, i.e., per capita gross national income (GNI), economic vulnerability
index (EVI), and human asset index (HAI). Bangladesh has already fulfilled the necessary conditions of EVI and
is nearly there in terms of the other two. The government expects that by 2018, the country will be able to meet all
three criteria.

Figure 1-2 Shift of GNI Value, HAI Value, and EVI Value

Shit of GNI Value Shift of HAI Value Shift of EVA Value

1400 70 40
1200 60 35
1000 50

800 40
600 30
400 20 10
200 10 5
0 0 0
02‐04 05‐07 08‐10 2012 2006 2009 2012 2006 2009 2012
LDC criteria 900 1086 1190 LDC criteria 64 66 66 LDC Criteris 38 38 32
Bangladesh 403 453 637 840 Bangladesh 50.1 53.3 54.7 Bangladesh 25.8 23.2 32.4

Source: Japanese Embassy in Bangladesh

As a consequence of rapid economic growth, the economy experiences rather high inflation rate. According to the
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) National Accounts Statistics (2013), annual average consumer price index
(CPI) inflation was 8.4% over the period from 2007 to 2013.

1.1.2 Financial Condition of the Government

Because of the rapid growth enjoyed by the country, government expenditure is also increasing. Government
budget is generally divided into development budget and revenue (non-development) budget. In general, revenue
budget includes government’s general expenditure and includes operation and maintenance (O&M) of existing
assets. On the other hand, development budget shows all projected expenditure related to a new project. For
example, a bridge is at first constructed with development budget and after certain years of operation, the bridge
will be transferred to the revenue budget, after which the O&M cost of the bridge will come from the revenue
budget. Usually, the projects under the development budget are listed in the Annual Development Program (ADP).

These two kinds of divisions can be explained in another way. The development budget expenditure is supported
by both domestic resources and foreign aid/loans. These include capital construction, incremental O&M finance,
and technical assistance like investigations and planning studies. The revenue budget covers recurrent expenditure
(like salary of employee), interest on development loans, and some non-development capital expenditures like
building construction.

Some of the key indicators from the financial year (FY) 2015-16 budget are shown as follows:

 Total budget BDT 295,100 cr (about USD 36.9 billion)

 Development budget BDT 102,559 cr (about USD 12.9 billion)
 Expected external financing BDT 30,134 cr (about USD 3.8 billion)
 Development budget in transport sector BDT 21,658 cr (about USD 2,707 million)
 Transport budget as % of total development budget 21%

Some of the key financial indicators for FY 2014-15 (extracted from the FY 2015-16 budget document) are as

 Investment (as % of GDP) 28.97%

 Forex reserve USD 23.7 billion
 Budget amount BDT 239,668 cr (about USD 30 billion)
 Development budget BDT 80,476 cr (about USD 10 billion)
 Average inflation 6.57%

From the above statistics, it can be concluded that transportation is one of the major thrust sectors of the
government as 21% of the total development budget is earmarked for the transport sector in FY 2015-16.

According to the Aid Scenario Report of 2013-14 of the Economic Relations Division (ERD) of Bangladesh
(original report is in Bangla), the foreign aid mobilization situation is as follows:

Table 1-1 Foreign Aid Mobilization

(Unit in million USD)

Total Grant Loan

Commitment 5,844 497 5,346

Disbursement 3,084 680 2,403

Source: Economic Relations Division

Among the development partners, the World Bank is the leading multilateral donor while Japan is the leading
bilateral partner.

Table 1-2 Comparison of Foreign Aid between World Bank and Japan

(Unit in million USD)

Japan World Bank Total (including other donors)
Commitment 1,215 (21%) 2,743 (47%) 5,844 (100%)
Disbursement 450 (15%) 936 (30%) 3,084 (100%)

Source: Commitment and Disbursement in 2013-14, ERD (

1.2 Description of the Targeted Sector

(1) Issue of Urban Transportation in Dhaka Metropolitan Area

Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA), which is the capital city of Bangladesh, is one of the largest mega cities in the
world with over 13.6 million people. In addition, it is the most overpopulated city of the world, since the
population density is 44,000 people / km2, which is ten times of the Tokyo-Yokohama Metropolitan Area.

Bangladesh's economy has achieved strong economic growth of about 6% in the past ten years. The population in
DMA, which is the center of growth, is expected to exceed 20 million in 2025 due to the population influx and the
natural increase from the rural areas. Currently, traffic congestion in DMA is chronic and heavy, and occurs
anywhere in the city because traffic is concentrated on the road, and development of transportation infrastructure
is inadequate. Also, the transportation mode is mixed on the same road such as public buses, rickshaws, and

The traffic jam causes economic losses estimated annually at about BDT 200 billion (2010) and this has become a
major barrier to future economic growth. Traffic pollution of exhaust gas and noise from the cars are also serious.
The development of urban public transportation system has become a pressing issue since this promotes the
improvement of DMA.

(2) Upper Basic Plan Related to Urban Transport

The Strategic Transportation Plan (STP) was formulated by the Bangladesh government with the cooperation of
the World Bank in 2005. The STP prepared the “urban transportation policy" which decided the target period of 20
years from 2004 to 2024. It also presented the establishment of an organization for project implementation and
maintenance, proposal for a mass rapid transit (MRT) with a total of 110 km that has three bus rapid transit (BRT)
routes and three MRT lines (Line 4, Line 5, and Line 6), and development of urban highway with a total of 330

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has conducted the Dhaka Urban Transport Network
Development Study (DHUTS) Phases 1 and 2 with Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) as
counterpart organization from March 2009. DHUTS conducted a review of the STP and traffic demand, selected
MRT Line 6 as the priority project, and verified the technical and economical validity of implementation of MRT
Line 6. Based on this, the ODA loan agreement for MRT Line 6 was signed in February 2013, and design and
procurement works are proceeding currently. In addition, BRT Line 3 is planed section between Gajipur-Airpor by
the World Bank (WB) and section between Airport–Jhimir the Asian Development Bank (ADB), whose design is
currently proceeding.

On the other hand, Government of Bangladesh has decided to enlarge Dhaka City to mitigate serious high
population density in the city center. RAJUK has been established to promote sub-urban centers development in
Greater Dhaka Area (RAJUK Area) of 1,584km2. JICA carried out the Revision and Updating of the Strategic
Transportation Plan (RSTP) from 2014. STP will be revised based on the latest survey results, and the next

priority project will be selected.

Chapter 3 presents the detailed background and overview of these basic plans.

1.3 Description of the Project Area

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. The city is surrounded by rivers in all sides, namely: the Buriganga River in
the south and west, the Balu River in the east, and the Tugar River in the north and west. Dhaka experiences a hot,
wet, and humid tropical climate, with a distinct monsoon and short, dry, and cool winter.

Figure 1-3 City Map of DMA

Source: Geological Survey in Bangladesh

UN Demographia (World Urban Areas 2015, Table 1-3) shows the greater Dhaka area population and density
compared with other major cities of the world. It can be seen from the table that Dhaka is the most densely
populated urban area in the world, followed by Mumbai. This table also shows that total area of Dhaka is much
smaller compared to other Megacities of the World.

Table 1-3 Ranking of Population and Population Density

Current Urban Area Base Base Year Area (km2) Density
Rank Year Population (person/km2)

1 Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan 2010 37,100,000 8,547 4,400

2 Jakarta, Indonesia 2010 27,300,000 3,225 9,500

3 Delhi, India 2011 22,250,000 2,072 12,100

4 Manila, The Philippines 2010 20,750,000 1,580 15,300

5 Seoul-Inchon, South Korea 2010 22,500,000 2,266 10,400

6 Shanghai, China 2013 22,025,000 3,820 6,100

7 Karachi, Pakistan 2011 19,530,000 945 23,400

8 Beijing, China 2013 20,366,000 3,820 5,500

13 Mumbai, India 2011 16,600,000 546 32,400

16 Dhaka, Bangladesh 2011 13,600,000 360 43,500

46 Hong Kong, China 2011 7,050,000 247 26,400

Source: Demographia (World Urban Areas, 11th Annual Edition, 2015)

Cycle rickshaws and auto rickshaws are the main modes of transport, with close to 400,000 cycle rickshaws
running each day. However, only about 85,000 rickshaws are licensed by the city government. Relatively low-cost
and non-polluting cycle rickshaws nevertheless cause traffic congestion and have been banned from many parts of
the city. Public buses are operated by the state-run Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) and by
private companies and operators; however, the service is inadequate and of low quality.

Dhaka City is administrated mainly by two city corporations, namely, Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) and
Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). However, these corporations’ mandates are rather limited, mostly
focusing on city roads and garbage collection. There are separate agencies for electricity, gas, water supply,
sewerage, and drainage. The land use plan of Dhaka City is controlled by another authority called the Capital
Development Authority (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha: RAJUK) was established on April 30, 1987. Its
principal mandate is to develop, improve, extend, and manage Dhaka City and its peripheral areas through proper
development planning and development control (source: On the other hand, the DTCA
is responsible for coordinating all transport-related issues of the Greater Dhaka area. It may be mentioned here

that all public buses are currently operated by the BRTC.

Although there is no official data released on the regional GDP of Dhaka, being the center of national economy,
Dhaka contributes about 15% of national GDP (as estimated by one local think tank, Center for Policy Dialogue

Chapter2 Methodology of the Study
2.1 Contents of the Study

The public transportation network plan of Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA) has been updated every five years
since the Strategic Transportation Plan (STP) 2004 was formulated. Master plans, the Preparatory Survey on
Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project (DHUTS) 2010, and the Revision and Updating of Strategic
Transport Plan (RSTP) 2015 have been formed based on the STP. Target route of this study corresponds to the
MRT Line 5, proposed by RSTP, which is implemented in parallel at present. This Project aims to investigate the
feasibility of this target route.

MRT Line 5 has a length of 35 km. Priority route for early opening section for 16.2km is selected based on
demand forecast results. Issues of the routes are: (1) passing through Banani Cantonment, (2) first underground
construction in Bangladesh, and (3) financing.

Thus, feasibility study is carried out through technical, economical, and environmental aspects.

2.2 Method and Organization of the Study

2.2.1 Method of the Study

Survey items and survey contents are summarized in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Survey Items and Contents

Items Contents
(1) Confirmation of upper ・Review of STP and DHUTS route planning
plan ・Sharing the new network planning of RSTP
(2) Confirmation of traffic ・ Review of demand forecast results of STP and DHUTS
demand forecast ・ Investigate the demand forecast results of RSTP

(3) Mode selection ・ Mode selection based on the results of peak hour peak direction traffic (PHPDT)

・Formulation of the train performance curve

(4) Operation planning
・Preliminary design of the track layout
・Preliminary design of the horizontal and vertical alignment
(5) Alignment planning
・Comparison of all elevated and partial underground option
・ Land selection for rolling stock to meet demand
(6) Depot planning
・ Track layout plan of depot
・Preliminary design of electric and telecommunication system (refer to the
(7) System planning
Bangladesh MRT Technical Standards)
・Preliminary design of rolling stock planning (refer to the Technical Standards for
(8) Rolling stock planning MRT in Bangladesh)
・Estimation of train set and train operation headway

(9) Construction planning ・Estimation of the project cost includes the construction cost, land acquisition
and cost estimation cost, and E&M cost
・Formulation of the project implementation plan for the process of loan
(10) Project
agreement (LA) conclusion for the official development assistance (ODA)
implementation schedule
(11) Economic and ・Estimation of economic and financial analysis based on the demand forecast
financial analysis result, project cost, and implementation schedule
(12) Environmental survey ・ Study of the initial environmental examination (IEE)

Source: METI Study Team

The Study is conducted to prepare the (1) confirmation of upper plan and (2) confirmation of traffic demand
before getting the results of the demand forecast from RSTP. After that, (3) mode selection is conducted. Based on
the mode selection, each planning work from (4) to (8) were carried out; and (9) construction planning and cost
estimation, (10) project implementation schedule, and (12) environmental survey was conducted. Afterwards, (11)
economic and financial analysis was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the Project.

Figure 2-1 Survey Organizational Chart

Transport Planning
Yasutaka Sakamoto

Mode Selection/Operation Planning

Masaru Furuta

Alignment Planning
Team Leader/Railway Planning Seiji Yamashina
Ken Nishino

System/Rolling Stock Planning

Tadaaki Murakami
Deputy Team Leader/ Railway Design
Kazuya Kitamura Execution Planning/Cost Estimation
Hiroshi Shiozaki

Economic/Financial Analysis
Shogo Uchida

Environmental and Social Consideration

Islam A.K.M. Nurul

Assistance of Railway Planning

Yoshiyuki Tajima

Source: METI Study Team

2.3 Survey Schedule

Site survey was conducted four times in the course of the study period. Schedule and contents are summarized in
Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 below.

Figure 2-2 Site Survey Schedule

2014 2015
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apl May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Source: METI Study Team

Table 2-2 Contents of the Site Survey

Site Survey Schedule Contents
・Investigation of the five alternative routes
1st Survey October 15~October 28, 2014
・Detailed investigation of a high possibility route (Alt-2)

2nd Survey December 8~December 17, 2014 ・Detailed investigation of the next possibility route (Alt-4)

・Coordination with RSTP team

3rd Survey March 23~April 10, 2015
・Kick-off meeting

4th Survey May 28~July 3, 2015 ・Detailed investigation for the target project by all experts

Source: METI Study Team

Because of the delay of RSTP’s demand forecast due to social unrest, the METI Study period was extended up to
September 2015. The first amendment was received on February 26, 2015 and the second amendment was
received on February 23.

The schedule of survey items is shown in Figure 2-3 below.

Figure 2-3 Survey Item Schedule

2014 2015
Survey Items
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
(1)Confirmation of upper planning

(2)Confirmation of traffic demand forecast

(3)Mode selection

(4)Operation planning

(5)Alignment planning

(6)Depot planning

(7)System planning

(8)Rolling stock planning

(9)Construction planning and cost estimation

(10)Project implementation schedule

(11)Economic and financial analysis

(12)Environmental survey
▲ ▲
Submitting of report
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲←▲→
Meeting at site (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)~(9)

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Meeting with METI (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Domestic work Site work

Source: METI Study Team

Domestic work is mainly carried out in April and May 2015 with full swing. In June 2015, site work for field
investigation was carried out by all experts and mini workshops were conducted weekly with the Dhaka Transport
Coordination Authority (DTCA). Outline of joint meetings is summarized in Table 2-3 below.

Table 2-3 Outline of the Joint Meeting with DTCA

Date Visited Outline
・Study schedule
October 16, 2014 DTCA
・Characteristics of East-West Line

December 10, 2014 DTCA ・Confirmation of progress of RSTP

April 9, 2015 DTCA ・Kick-off meeting

・Sharing of survey schedule, mini workshop,

May 28, 2015 DTCA ・Outline of East-West Line alignment
・Implementation plan of the Project

June 4, 2015 DTCA ・1st Mini workshop

June 10, 2015 DTCA ・2nd Mini workshop

June 18, 2015 DTCA ・3rd Mini workshop

June 24, 2015 DTCA ・4th Mini workshop

July 1, 2015 DTCA ・Interim meeting

September 16, 2015 DTCA ・Final meeting

Source: METI Study Team

Handouts are attached in the Appendix.

Chapter3 Project Contents and Consideration of Technical
3.1 Background and Necessity of the Project

3.1.1 Background of the Project

The population of the Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA) is rapidly increasing and has reached 13.6 million in 2011,
a 40% growth since 2001. In particular, the population density is the highest among the mega cities in the world
standing at 43,500 persons/km2. It is expected that the city will greatly benefit from the development of public
transportation infrastructure network; however, the delay of its implementation is at a serious level hampering
urban economic activities. One of the major manifestations is the critical traffic congestion within the DMA, and
immediate actions for the development of transportation infrastructure are required.

The following projects are carried out in the past: Dhaka Master Plan (1959), Dhaka Urban Areas Integrated Urban
Development Plan (1981), Dhaka Metropolitan Area Integrated Transportation Plan (DITS) (1994), Dhaka Urban
Transportation Plan (DUTP), and Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka (STP) (2005). Based on the STP study, the
Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project (DHUTS) was implemented in 2010 and the Revision and
Updating of Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP) was implemented in 2015.

Figure 3-1 Implementation Scheduleof Dhaka Urban Transport Project

Dhaka Master Plan Dhaka Urban Ares Integrated Dhaka More
Urban Development Plan District Plan

Dhaka Urban Areas Integrated Dhaka Metropolitan Dhaka Urban CASE Project – Transport Planning
Urban Development Plan Area Integrated Transportation Plan Traffic Component
Transportation Plan
Revision and
Dhaka Flood Precation Strategic
Dhaka Urban Updating of
Project (ADB) Transport Plan Strategic Transport
Transport Network
Urban Infrastructure Development Plan
Dhaka Flood Prevention
Project (JICA) Development Project Project
Dhaka East
Bypass Project
: Master Plan
: Feasibility Study Flyover Project

: Detailed Design Institutional

: Review Study Project of DTCB

Source: METI Study Team besed on DHUTS1 Report

3.1.2 Conclusion of Upper Level Plan

(1) Summary of STP

The STP was formulated by the Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB) under technical assistance by the
World Bank in 2005. The STP has proposed the policy for strategic transport plan, urban transport policy, and
institutional strengthening and capacity building to ensure the sustainability of the transport sector development.
The implementing agency was DTCB under the Ministry of Communication. The STP prepared the ‘Urban

Transportation Policy’ for 20 years (2004-2024), and identified priority issues such as improvement of mass transit
system (buses and rail transportation), development of urban expressway, and establishment of organization for the
implementation and maintenance/operation of the projects.

【 Strategic Transport Plan】

Develop a coherent long-term Strategic Transport Plan (2004-2024), by following and updating the DITS of 1994
and other transport related studies, to address the anticipated transportation needs for future development with
special emphasis on integrating the planned land use for the future growth of the city as presented in the Dhaka
Metropolitan Development Plan (1995-2015) with the transport issues in DMA over the next 20-year planning
horizon under a phased program for the 20-year period.

Table 3-1 Development Plan of Public Transport Network under STP

Project Cost Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-3 Phase-4

(millionUSD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
85 Original Plan
1 BRT Line-1
Actual Condition No Progress
85 Original Plan
2 BRT Line-2
Actual Condition No Progress
95 Original Plan
3 BRT Line-3 D/D
Actual Condition
F/S & P/D
F/S and Original Plan
4 Preliminary Design DHUTS1
for Metro Actual Condition
Tender D/D C/S, Test & Commission
1700 Original Plan
5 MRT Line-4
Actual Condition No Progress
Tender D/D C/S, Test & Commission
1100 Original Plan
6 MRT Line-5
Actual Condition No Progress
Tender D/D C/S, Test & Commission
850 Original Plan
7 MRT Line-6 DHUTS2 Tender D/D C/S, Test & Commission     Partial Opening
1700 Actual Condition

Source: METI Study Team

【 Urban Transport Policy】

Urban Transportation Policy was formulated under STP study and approved by the Government of Bangladesh
that would guide urban transport development, operations, and management in DMA. The policy shall consider
“Road Investment”, “Mass Transit Investment”, “Demand for Public Transport”, “Need for Traffic Management”,
and “Improvement of the Pedestrian transportation network”.

【 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building】

Identify institutional weakness of DTCB, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP),
Capital Development Authority of Bangladesh (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartriphakka: RAJUK), and Bangladesh Road
Transport Authority (BRTA), and prepare a plan for their institutional strengthening and capacity building in the
area of urban transport strategic planning.
(2) Summary of DHUTS1, 2

Under the Dhaka Urban Transportation Study (DHUTS1), the JICA Study Team will conduct the study with DTCB
as the counterpart agency with the aim of formulating the basic concept of urban development for DMA in 2025 as
well as formulating the projects for the JICA assistance program required in the medium to long term. The
objectives of the study are as follows:

・ To formulate the Urban Transport Network Development Plan integrated with the urban development plan of
DMA for the period up to 2025.

・ To draw the general outline of the urban transport projects to be implemented on priority basis based on this plan.

・ To clarify the roles of the project implementation agencies and the operation/maintenance/management agencies,
and to propose the development of their implementation capability.

・ To draw an outline of the feasibility study plan for construction of the urban transport system.

Based on the result of review of the STP study, DHUTS1 developed a policy strategic plan, infrastructure plan, and
master plan.

DHUTS1 proposed a mass transit system (MTS) development plan. The plan has created the MTS network plan and
proposed the priority development route. The MTS network plan, which allows the proposed urban development
plan, has been proposed in order to provide accessibility and mobility to the growing population in the future.

Table 3-2 Proposal of MTS Network

Source:DHUTS1 Report

From the Table 3-2, Line 4 to Line 8 show the mass rapid transit (MRT) corridor. Line 7 and Line 8 are part of the
transportation network that supports the urban development plan until 2050. These are lines for development in the
very long term. A comparative analysis of priority development line for MRT was conducted. The comparative
analysis was confirmed from five points, namely: 1) Urban Development, 2) Traffic Demand, 3) Technical
Acceptability, 4) Social and Natural Environment Impact, and 5) Project Implementation.

Based on the results of the comparative analysis, MRT Line 6 has a high comparative advantage. The reason is

because the transport demand is high and the road space is relatively wide that social issues such as land acquisition
and house relocation are less.

Figure 3-2 MTS Development Plan

Extension of
MRT Line4
MRT Line6

Existing Railway
Line4 Long Term MRT
BRT Line3 Long Term MRT BRT
Network Line3
BRT Line1
MRT Line1
BRT Line5
BRT Line2 Line2
Long Term MRT

Extension of
MRT Line6

Extension of
MRT Line4

Source:DHUTS1 Report

The MRT Line 6 Project was selected in DHUTS1 as a high priority project and it was agreed between the
Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and JICA that this Project will be further studied in DHUTS2 to confirm its
feasibility. The objectives of DHUTS2 are to conduct the feasibility study on the MRT Line 6 Project by confirming
the technical, economical, and financial viability of the Project as well as confirming the environmental and social
aspects. The study area covers the whole length of MRT Line 6, initially from “Uttara Phase 3 New Urban
Development” area to Saidabad but later extended to Bangladesh Bank and its surrounding area.

Figure 3-3 Proposed Route and Depot Location of MRT Line 6

3 3.9km

Depot Location

No. Station Name

16.2km 6 MIRPUR 10

Source:DHUTS2 Report

After careful review of the traffic demand forecast made in DHUTS1, the traffic demand forecast for MRT Line 6 is
carried out more precisely taking into account the staged construction plan mentioned above.

Figure 3-4 Traffic Demand Forecast by Year and By Staged Plan

Source:DHUTS2 Report

Constructing the 20.1 km length of MRT Line 6 may not be practical because the planned line requires a huge land
during construction period and immense cost. Hence, the following staged construction plan is recommended:

Stage 1: From Pallabi to Sonargaon including Pallabi Depot. Length will be 11.0 km plus 1.3 km access track to the
depot and it will include nine stations.

Stage 2: Extension to Bangladesh Bank from Sonargaon. Length will be 4.4 km and it will include four stations.

Stage 3: Uttara Phase 3 Development area to Pallabi. Length will be 4.7 km and it will include three stations.

(3) Summary of RSTP

The population growth of Dhaka is larger than expected in STP. RSTP is doing a review of STP from 2014. The
study area covers Gajipuru, Narayanganj, Manikukonji, Munshiganj, Narayanganj, and Norushinji districts.

Figure 3-5 Project Area (Left) and Study and Plan Area (Right)


Source:RSTP Study Team

[Objectives of the Project]

1) To revise and update the STP which was approved by the GOB in 2005.

2) To select plans and formulate a roadmap that would consist of high priority projects to solve current urban
transport issues.

[Goals of the Project]

・ The STP will be revised appropriately to promote an effective and efficient urban transportation development
in Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj, and Narshingdi districts.

・ By implementing the urban public transportation projects to be included in the revised STP, economic growth,
alleviation of traffic congestion, and elimination of air pollution are expected.

・ A revised STP that will reflect short- , medium-, and long-term perspectives and a list of high-priority projects.

One of the current issues of Dhaka urban transport is that urban transport infrastructure developments had not been
carried out as scheduled in the STP. Thus, new urban developments at Purbachal, Eastern Fringe Area, and other
areas are delayed. One of the main reasons of the existing urban transport problem is the high population density in
DMA. Demands of transport, housing, shopping, and other facilities are too high at the limited area. Road capacity
is wasted due to poor traffic management and lack of coordination among the transport-related agencies.

[Correspondences of RSTP]

・ Formulation of the new urban structure concept for sustainable development of Dhaka

・ Formulation of the revised STP integrated with the new urban structure concept

[Urban Development Concept of RSTP]

The concept involves infrastructure development for implementing sub-urbanization to reduce population density in
the central business district (CBD). Satellite regional centers are connected with the urban core by MRT or bus rapid
transit (BRT). Each satellite regional center is connected by regional highways. Traffic management needs to be
implemented in CBD urgently for increasing the demand of private modes.

Figure 3-6 Urban Development Concept of RSTP

Source:RSTP Study Team

3.1.3 Current Condition and Future Forecast

This study is being conducted on the basis of the home interview survey and traffic volume survey and data
collection that have been carried out in the RSTP. The results obtained are summarized as follows:

(1) The Generated Traffic

The RSTP study conducted the house interview survey, cordon-screen survey, and road inventory survey. Based
on the result, the current generated traffic volume is about 30,000,000 trips/day. In addition, the generated
traffic volume in 2035 is about 55,000,000 trips/day. It was determined using a four-step methodology. The rate
of increase is 1.83 times. It has been calculated including the resident population based on the future land use of
urban development and industrial planning.

Figure 3-7 Generated Traffic Volume

2014 2035 Growth Rate

1 South Dhaka 8,764,000 11,093,000 1.27
2 West Dhaka 6,107,000 8,442,000 1.38
3 Gulshan 2,745,000 4,398,000 1.60
4 East Dhaka 921,000 3,259,000 3.54
5 South East Dhaka 1,504,000 3,529,000 2.35
6 Tongi 800,000 1,749,000 2.19
7 Gazipur 1,752,000 4,591,000 2.62
8 East Gazipur 129,000 285,000 2.21
9 Kaliganj 226,000 1,966,000 8.70
10 Rupganj 573,000 1,200,000 2.09
11 North Sonargaon 249,000 574,000 2.31
12 South Sonargaon 356,000 913,000 2.56
13 North Narayanganj 1,162,000 2,472,000 2.13
14 South Narayanganj 934,000 1,914,000 2.05
15 South Kareniganj 342,000 1,013,000 2.96
16 North Karaniganj 632,000 1,235,000 1.95
17 South Savar 881,000 2,213,000 2.51
18 North Savar 1,832,000 4,742,000 2.59
Total 29,909,000 55,588,000 1.86

Source:RSTP Study Team

(2) The Traffic Share

Public transportation share has a high value of 69% in 2014.

Figure 3-8 Modal Share (2014)

13% 69% 5% 13%


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

CNG Bus,Pub MC Car&Taxi

Source:RSTP Study Material and METI Study Team

If all the proposed projects under the plan are implemented up to 2035, the public transport share will be 80%. Even
if not carried out, the public transport share indicates a high value of 75%.

Figure 3-9 Modal Share (2035)

11% 75% 3% 12%

2035 DN

8% 80% 1% 11%
2035 MP

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

CNG Bus,Pub MC Car&Taxi

Source:RSTP Study Material and METI Study Team

(3)The Road Distribution Traffic Volume

The road distribution traffic volume results were obtained as follows:

With no track maintenance until 2035, the vehicle operation cost (VOC) is BDT 479,000,000/day and travel time
cost (TTC) is BDT 6,941,000,000/day.

Figure 3-10 Future Changes in VOC and TTC

※Network weight shows the volume of traffic capacity.

Source: RSTP Study Team

(4) Future Transportation Network

From the above analysis, the future public transportation network has been proposed as shown in Table 3-10. (Left:
Year 2025, Right: Year 2035)

Figure 3-11 Future Public Transport Network

Source: RSTP Study Team

Table 3-3 Future Forecast Passengers of Each Line

Distance Daily Passenger PHPDT Implementation
(km) 2035 Opening Year
MRT Line 1 52 3,000,000 41,250 2025
MRT Line 2 40 1,200,000 15,500 2035
BRT Line 3 42 1,700,000 12,750 Ongoing
MRT Line 4 16 690,000 33,750 2035
MRT Line 5 35 1,200,000 20,250 2035
MRT Line 6 41 2,400,000 30,900 Ongoing
BRT Line 7 36 490,000 7,650 2035
Source: RSTP Study Material and METI Study Team

3.1.4 Necessity of the Project

MRT Line 5 (East-West Line) has become a second priority after the MRT Line 1 route for passengers based on the
PHPDT results from the demand forecast, excluding the currently ongoing route (MRT Line 6, BRT Line 3). The
MRT Line 1, BRT Line 3, and MRT Line 6 are all lines along the north-south axis, and there is not even one line
along the east-west axis. Therefore, MRT Line 5 can connect organically the north-south axis. As long as realized,
this Project is expected to eliminate traffic jam and further enhance the function of the urban transportation network.

Figure 3-12 Target Route of the Study




MRT Line1
BRT Line3
MRT Line5(East-West)
MRT Line6
0km 3km

Source:RSTP Study Material and METI Study Team

3.2 Necessary Considerations for Decision of the Project Contents

3.2.1 Current Condition of the East-West Corridor and Preliminary Survey

Under the implementation of MRT Line 6 and BRT Line 3, which are part of the north-south corridor, there is no
specific progress about the development plan of the east-west corridor. One of the main causes is the existence of
control points on north-south direction which are Tejigaon Airport and Banani Cantonment as shown in Figure
3-13. Furthermore, swamp is spread on the eastern and western fringe of DMA. Therefore, the development of the
east-west corridor is relatively delayed.

On the other hand, it is important to connect the north-south corridor and east-west corridor from the viewpoint of
the public transportation network development. In addition, the future development of suburban areas such as the
1 million planned population in Purbachal and 0.5 million planned population in Savar, and the influx of people
from these areas to DMA need to be considered. Potential of MRT development is quite high.

Figure 3-13 Development Area of East-West Corridor and Control Point


Savar Purvachal
Tejigaon Airport

0km 3km

Source: METI Study Team

Under the above circumstances, it was supposed to selecte the east-west corridor through the 1st screening and 2nd
screening. However, it is required to investigate the East-West line based on the RSTP proposal by JICA and
DTCA, because of the coordination with upper planning. METI study team follows the RSTP proposal. These
selections were conducted prior to finalization of the RSTP the public transportation plan. These ideas are shared
with the RSTP Team and assisted in the formulation of the public transportation network plan.

(1) Alternative Route Selection and Comparative Consideration

The five alternative routes were identified and site survey was conducted.

Figure 3-14 Alternative Routes of East-West Corridor


Pallabi Kuril


Gulshan1 Aftab Nagar


Legend Kawaran
Surveyed Line Kamalapur
Alt‐4 sta.
MRT line1
MRT line3
MRT line6

Source: METI Study Team

The site survey results are summarized in Table 3-4 below.

Table 3-4 Characteristics of Alternative East-West Route

Alternative Characteristics Evaluation


Alt-1 ・Passing through Purbachal with a planned population of 1 million (○)

・Duplicate route with the MRT Line 1 (×)

・Crossing the Kril Flyover (ᇞ)

・Low demand between Ashulia and DMA (×)

Alt-2 ・Passing through Gulshan 2, which is a central business district (○)

・Passing through Banani, which is a major commercial area (○)

・Passing through the Gabtoli Bus Terminal, which is a transportation Hub

(○) ○

・Good location for station connectivity with MRT Line 6 and BRT Line 3

・Passing through Banani Cantonment (ᇞ)

Alt-3 ・Passing through Gulshan 1, which is a central business district (○)

・Passing through the Tejigaon Airport (×)

Alt-4 ・Passing through the Gabtoli Bus Terminal (○)

・Passing through the Kawaran Bazar, which is a commercial area (○)

・Passing through the Dhaka Expressway flyover and MRT Line 6 which are ○
viaduct structures (ᇞ)

・Road is wide enough and comparatively easy execution (○)

Alt-5 ・Passing through the Gabtoli Bus Terminal (○)

・Passing through the Kamarapur Station, which is a transportation Hub (○)

・Road is narrow and difficult to construction (ᇞ)

・There are low income residential areas, in which the residents may not use
MRT (ᇞ)

・Duplicate with the MRT Line 6 (×)

(○: Good ᇞ: not good but possible ×: Bad)
Source: METI Study Team

As the results, Alt-2 and Alt-4 are selected because of high demand and comparatively easy execution.

(2) Proposed East-West Corridor by RSTP

As mentioned earlier, MRT Line 5, combined with Alt-2 and Alt-4 routes was proposed by the RSTP.

Alt-2 (north route) passes through the Gabtoli Bus Terminal, Dar-Us-Salam Road, Mirpur Road, Banani

Cantonment, Natun Bazar, and Batara.

Alt-4 (south route) passes through the Gabtoli Bus Terminal, Mirpur Road, Panthapath, Hatirjheel, and Aftab

(3) Preliminary Consideration on RSTP Proposed Route

MRT Line 5, proposed by RSTP, is planned passing through the Banani Cantonment area which is considered as
sensitive area passing through by viaduct structure. On the other hand, underground option might be acceptable
because there is no effect on the building in Banani Cantonment during and after construction. In terms of
construction cost, however, cost of underground work will be 2 to 2.5 times higher than the viaduct works.
Therefore, the Study team recommends applying viaduct section in general, and the underground section shall
consider only for the critical/congested area for formulation of cost attractive scheme. Figure 3-15 and Table 3-5
summarize the survey results of North and South routes of MRT East-West Line.

Figure 3-15 Picture Location

5 7 14
9 13
10 12

22 24

No. Picture number 19
Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-5 Current Condition of the East-West Corridor

No. Pitcure Comment

1 Gabtoli Bus Terminal. Although road width is wide enough, two to

three lanes are usually occupied by buses.

2 Mazar Road. Road width is narrow and there is no obvious congestion.

This route will not be selected as MRT Line 5N.

3 Dar-Us-Salam Road. Road width is wide enough for construction of

viaduct structure.

4 Dar-Us-Salam Road. Road width is quite wide for viaduct station

construction. There is a big housing complex along the road.

5 Mirpur 1 Road. Heavy congestion can be seen due to rickshaws and

mini buses at intersection.

6 Mirpur Road. Comparatively calm traffic flow and road width is

enough for construction of viaduct structure.

7 Mirpur 10 Road. Junction station with MRT Line 6. Intersection
congestion is heavy and traffic signal and roundabout are not working

8 Mirpur Road. Road width is wide enough and there is no serious


9 Mirpur 14 Road. Intersection congestion is seen because rickshaws are

waiting for passengers.

Signal does not work properly.

10 Banani Area. Traffic volume is heavy and congestion occurs


11 Between Banani to Gulshan 2. Road width is narrow and tall buildings

exist along the both sides of Road.

12 Gulshan 2 Circle. Signal does not work and traffic flow is unnatural.

13 Natun Bazar. There are street stores in the center of road.

14 Same as No.13. There are street stores and more in the local area.

15 Mirpur Road. Road width is wide enough for construction of viaduct

structure. Heavy traffic is observed.

16 Junction of Mirpur Road and Ring Road. Road width is wide. Bus
passengers are boarding and alighting here.

17 Junction of Mirpur Road and Lake Road. Road width is wide enough
and traffic congestion is seen only in the intersection.

18 Northern area from Junction of Mirpur Road and Panthapass Road.

Traffic congestion becomes worse upon approaching the intersection.

19 Panthapass Road. Road is comparatively narrow and obstruction of
traffic flow by rickshaws is observed.

20 In front of the Pan Pacific Hotel. Policeman is always standing and

controlling the traffic flow. It will be the junction station with MRT
Line 6.

21 Near Hatirjheel Lake. Traffic lanes are reduced due to the construction
of flyover. It becomes the bottleneck of congestion.

22 Near Hatirjheel Bridge. Road pavement is quite good and traffic flow
is smooth.

23 Lane reduction by waiting rickshaw and lack of footpath cause mixed

traffic between pedestrians and cars.

24 High voltage transmission line is installed along the center of the road.
There are few buildings and not well developed yet.

Source:METI Study Team

3.2.2 Selection of the Study Route

Target route of this study for the MRT East-West Line should be selected based on future traffic demand forecast.
The objective is to derive a higher priority (high demand) route among MRT East-West Line routes by phasing. The
development schedule will also be decided.

(1) Phasing of MRT East-West Line

MRT East-West Line is formed by two routes, North route as Line 5N and South route as Line 5S, to the east from
Gabtoli Bus Terminal

Figure 3-16 MRT East-West Line Route

Source:METI Study Team

1) Demand Comparison of East-West Line North Route and South Route

Figure 3-17 shows demand forecast result of RSTP study. The results are about 44,000 passengers per km for the
north route in 2035 while south route has about 20,000 passengers. Therefore, north route has higher demand than
south route. North route will thus be selected as priority line.

Figure 3-17 Demand Comparison of East-West Line North Route and South Route

MRT Line 1

High MRT Demand

Low MRT Demand
High BRT Demand
Low BRT Demand

Source:RSTP Study Material

2) East-West Line Priority Section of North Route

Though the North Route is selected as priority route of MRT Line 5, there are so far no residents found along the
route between Beraid and Bhulta of about 7km stretch. Large scale new town development is planned along the
section in future. On the other hand, the western section of MRT Line 5N between Gabtoli Bus Terminal and
Beraid of 16.2km has certain population along the route and expected high ridership demand for the beginning
stage. It is also expected to develop MRT network by construction of western section of MRT Line 5N together
with a few North-South Corridors.

Considering the above, western section between Gabtoli Bus Terminal and Beraid of 16.2 km stretch shall be
identified as Phase-1 of MRT Line 5N as top priority section.

Figure 3-18 Phasing of East-West Line North Route

N Phase 1 Land Use Situation


Phase1 Line 5N

(East-West) Phase 2 Land Use Situation

MRT Line 5S

MRT Line1
BRT Line3
MRT Line5(East-West)
MRT Line6
Station BRT3
Depot 0km 3km

Source:METI Study Team

3) Summary of Phasing of East-West Line

The western side of MRT Line 5N is defined as Phase 1 while Phase 2 is the eastern side. The target project of the
Study is then MRT Line 5N Phase1. In addition, the RSTP have set the whole MRT Line 5 to be opened in 2035.

(2) Future Traffic Volume Summary of MRT Line 5N Phase1

In the RSTP study, the future traffic volume of 2025 and 2035 has been estimated as shown in Table 3-6 below.
Therefore, the future traffic volume is assumed by growing the trip by 1.83 times from 2014 to 2035.

Table 3-6 Future Traffic Volume of East-West Line Phase 1
2025 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055

Daily Passenger 852,800 783,900 946,500 1,109,100 1,271,700 1,434,500

Trip Length (km) 5.39 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64

PHPDT(※) 27,000 27,000 32,500 38,000 43,500 49,000

(※)PHPDT: Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffic
Source:METI Study Team

3.2.3 Mode Selection of MRT Line 5

The transport capacity is the most important factor for the purpose of selecting public transportation system. In
addition, it is necessary to consider the initial cost of infrastructure, operating speed, resettlement, O&M costs, and
the impact to the surrounding environment. In this section, referring to the demand forecast result for MRT
East-West Line, the candidate guide way transit systems, which have the capacity of several ten thousands of
passenger per hour are selected, and the describing the revalidation of MRT for selection of the Transportation

(1) Conditions of Selection for Transportation Mode

Ultralow-floor tram type of the light rail transit (LRT) and automated guide way transit (AGT) are selected as
medium capacity guide way transit systems. Compared to this, the monorail and MRT systems are selected as large
capacity systems. The following Table 3-7 shows the overview of the results of system selection. The evaluation
method uses “+++”, “++”, and “+” markings to score the systems with Excellent, Good and Fail, respectively.

Table 3-7 Comparison of Guide way Transit Systems

System Capacity Initial Cost of Maximum Resettlement O&M Influence of the
Infrastructure Speed Cost Environment

LRT(Ultralow-floor ++ +++ + +++ +++ +++


AGT + ++ ++ ++ ++ +++

Monorail ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++

MRT +++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++

+++: Excellent, ++: Good, +: Fair
Source: METI Study Team

Although MRT has higher maximum speed and larger transport capacity than the other systems, it has large impact
on initial cost, resettlement, and the environment.

(2) Feature of Each Guide way Transit System

The following Table 3-8 shows the comparison of guide way transit systems in terms of the technical aspects.

Table 3-8 Comparison of the Technical Aspects of Guide way Transit System

(Ultralow-floor tram)

Capacity 1,000~5,000 1,000~13,000 2,000 ~22,000 4,000~85,000

Railway track of Concrete slab on the I and/or box-shape slender Ballast /concrete
asphaltic pavement of viaduct beam on the viaduct Slab track on the
road viaduct or in the
Running Surface

4 wheels/bogie, 4 running wheels/car 4 running wheels/bogie, 4 wheels/bogie,

Wheel/Module 2 bogies/car 2 bogies/car 2 bogies/car

Guidance System Steel rail Lateral guidance Guide wheel Steel rail

Maximum Speed 60 km/h 60 km/h 80 km/h 110 km/h

Min. Radius 50 m 50 m 60 m 160 m


Max. Grade 6% 6% 6% 3.5%

Maintenance of brake Maintenance of brake, Maintenance of brake and Maintenance of

and collector is collector and collector, and exchange of brake and collector,
necessary. exchange of rubber rubber tires are necessary. and grinding of steel
Maintenance tires are necessary. wheels are necessary.

Advantage: Less inital Advantage: Driverless Advantage: Flexible Advantage: Large

cost as the rail bed on Operation by ATO alignment design to fit scale transport
the existing road. system. Flexible dense urban area. Less capacity and high
algiment design to fit affect on landscape and speed transit.
Advantages and Dis-advantage: Less dense urban area. sun-light along the route Applicable to
Disadvantages transportation capacity, by simple beam structure. underground space.
and un-reliable speed as Dis-advantage:
operated on the road Disturbance of land Dis-advantage: Difficult to Dis-advantage: Less
shared with private scape and sun-lignt escape from the train flexible alignment
vehicles. along the route by during the emergency design for elevated
Viaduct Structure. case. alignment.
Source:Chubu Region Development Bureau of MLIT

The estimated PHPDT is more than 27,000 passenger /hr according to the result of the demand forecast for the MRT
East-West Line from 2027 (Opening) to 2035. Consequently, MRT is selected based on the transport capacity in the
table. In addition, MRT Line 6 is planned as MRT and the choice of MRT is also appropriate considering the
technical aspects of management and maintenance of the rolling stock.

(3) Features of MRT

1) MRT Safety

a) Train Operation System of MRT

 Safety management for train operation is based on telecommunication system and signaling system, and
trains are operated through the communication between the traffic dispatcher in the Operation Control Center
(OCC) and the driver. The driver operates a train based on the operation rule and the direction from the traffic

 Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system is provided to secure the safety of trains and the signal from the ATP
system is displayed in the cabin. The ATP system has the capacity to monitor and control trains in order to
observe the designated headway.

b) Train Operation

Practically, there are three methods for Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) driving, namely: 1) Driverless, 2) One-man
Operation (without conductors), and 3) Two-man Operation (with conductors). Recently, One-man Operation of
urban railway is used as the driving method. Although this operation requires facilities and equipment for securing
safety and service, it is significant for cutting off the labor cost.

c) Equipment for Securing Safety and Service

Typical facilities and equipment to ensure the safety of driving are listed as follows:
 Station - Platform Screen Door (PSD)
 EMU - ATP system, Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system, emergency brake device,
emergency alarm device, and automatic announcement system

2) Transport Capacity of EMU

Transport capacity of EMU is determined by car formation, congestion ratio, and headway, and Transport Capacity
is evaluated by the number of passengers of EMU. Generally, the size is 20 m long and 3 m wide and standardized as
JIS E 7103 (Rolling stock –General requirements of car body for passenger car). The capacity is as follows:

a) End Car

Capacity of end car is 45 seats and 108 standing; total capacity is 153 with a wheelchair space.

b) Middle Car

Capacity of middle car is 54 seats and 111 standing; total capacity is 165.

 Capacity of 6-car formation and 8-car formation

・6-car formation (2 end cars and 4 middle cars)

Capacity: 153×2 + 166×4 = 970 passengers/train set

・8-car formation (2 end cars and 6 middle cars)

Capacity: 153×2 + 166×6 =1,302 passengers/train set

 Congestion ratio during peak hour

The following Table 3-9 shows the congestion ratio and the condition of passenger cabin during peak

Table 3-9 Congestion Ratio and Condition of Cabin

Congestion Ratio Condition of Passenger Cabin

100% All passengers can sit and grasp strap or handrail.
150% Passenger’s shoulders touch each other.
180% Passenger’s body touches each other, but it is possible to read
200% Passengers crowd each other, but it is possible to read
250% Passengers are stuffed and cannot move their hands.
Source:Japan International Transport Institute

Considering the convenience of passenger and train operation, the congestion ratio of EMU is ordinarily set to
150%-190% during train operation planning. The congestion ratio of MRT East-West Line is set to 180% taking into
account the headway, number of the train sets, and scale of the depot area. Under the condition of 180% congestion
ratio, the capacity of 6-car formation and 8-car formation will be 1,746 and 2,343, respectively.

Table 3-10 Congestion Ratio and Capacity of EMU

Congestion Ratio (%) 100 150 160 170 180 190 200 250

6-car formation (Passengers)

970 1,455 1,552 1,649 1,746 1,843 1,940 2,425
(2 end cars and 4 middle cars)

8-car formation (Passengers)

1,302 1,953 2,083 2,213 2,343 2,473 2,504 3,255
(2 end cars and 6 middle cars)

Source: METI Study Team

3) Energy conservation of MRT

EMU is more energy efficient than automobile, MRT will contribute to energy conservation in transportation of
urban city.

3.2.4 Alignment Plan

(1) Design Parameter for Alignment

1) Design Standard

The design standard for the alignment follows the “Technical Standards for the MRT in Bangladesh” (June 2014,
prepared by DTCA and JICA), and the main values are shown in the following Table 3-11.

Table 3-11 Design Standard for Alignment

Item Standard Remarks

Maximum Operation Speed 100 km/h

Maximum Design Speed 110km/h

Main line 400 m

Minimum Curve Radius Along platform 600 m

Siding 200 m

Maximum Gradient 35‰

Elevated section 0‰
Minimum Gradient
Underground section 2‰ 0‰ in station section

Platform Length 170 m 8 cars in the future

Source: METI Study Team

2) Control Points

The control points for the alignment plan are shown in the following Figure 3-19.

Figure 3-19 Control Points and their Locations

Source: METI Study Team

a) MRT Line 6

The MRT Line 5N crosses the MRT Line 6 at CH 4k840 m of MRT Line 5N. MRT Line 6 is planned as an entirely
elevated structure, and the MRT Line 6 reduced level (RL) at crossing point is 21.663 m above mean sea level

In case that the MRT Line 5N is an elevated structure, it will pass over MRT Line 6, and the height of the MRT Line
5N Rail Level (RL) at this location needs to be 30.5 m or more above MSL.

Figure 3-20 Control Point (Crossing Area with MRT Line 6)

Source: METI Study Team

b) Banani DOHS

The MRT Line 5N passes through the Banani DOHS at CH 8k140 m-8k440 m of MRT Line 5N. Six-storey
buildings are built continuously in this area. In case that the MRT Line 5N will pass in this area, it should not be
affected on these buildings.
The length of pile foundation of the 6-storey buildings is assumed to be 20 m deep. The distance from the edge of
the pile foundation to the tunnel upper edge should be more than the tunnel diameter 1D (= 7.0 m). Height of RL for
the MRT East-West Line in this area should be less than -24.7 m above MSL.

Figure 3-21 Control Point (Banani DOHS Area)

Source: METI Study Team

c) BRT Line3, Dhaka Elevated Expressway, Bangladesh Railway Line (Existing Railway)

The BRT Line 3 and Dhaka Elevated Expressway (DEE) are planned on the New Airport Road near chainage 8k500
m of the MRT Line 5N. In addition, the Bangladesh Railway (BR) runs parallel in the west side of the New Airport

In the crossing area with the MRT Line 5N, the BRT Line 3 and Bangladesh Railway are at the ground level while
DEE is elevated. In case that the MRT Line 5N is an elevated structure, it will pass over DEE (planned height of

road surface is 21.5 m above MSL). Therefore, the height of RL for the MRT Line 5N needs to be 30.0 m or more
above MSL.

In case that the MRT Line 5N is an underground structure, it needs to avoid the pile foundation of the DEE viaduct.
Although the length of pile foundation of the DEE viaduct is unknown, in this study, the length of pile foundation is
assumed to be 20 m and the height of RL for MRT Line 5N needs to be less than -24.7 m above MSL as well as
Banani DOHS.

Figure 3-22 Control Point (Crossing Area with DEE in Case that MRT East-West Line is an Elevated

Source: METI Study Team

d) Gulshan Lake

The MRT Line 5N passes Gulshan Lake at CH 9k400 m and 10k400 m of MRT Line 5N. In case that the MRT Line
5N is an underground structure, the thickness of overburden from the lake bed to the tunnel upper edge should be 1D
(= 7.0 m).

The Gulshan Lake has "an average depth of 2.5 m" according to the data ("Disaster Management Research Paper",
BRAC University, Bangladesh) coming from the field survey. Therefore, the depth of Gulshan Lake is assumed to
be 2.5 m in this study.

Figure 3-23 Control Point (Gulshan Lake)

Source: METI Study Team

e) MRT Line 1

The MRT Line 5N crosses MRT Line 1 at CH 10k900 m of MRT Line 5N. Although the detailed plan of MRT Line
1 is not yet decided at present, the underground plan of MRT Line 1 is mentioned in RSTP. Therefore, the
examination in this study is based on the assumption that MRT Line 1 is an underground structure.

In RSTP, since the priority of MRT Line 1 is higher than the MRT Line 5N, it is assumed that MRT Line 1 is
constructed in prior. Therefore, as for grade-separation crossing underground, MRT Line 1 is in the upper position
and the MRT Line 5N is in the lower position.

In this study, it is assumed that the MRT Line 1 station is constructed at the intersection and the MRT Line 5N
passes under the two-level station of MRT Line 1. The height of RL for the MRT Line 5N at the crossing area is
lower than -23.4 m above MSL.

Figure 3-24 Control Point (Crossing Area with MRT Line 1)

Source: METI Study Team

3) Track Layout

The alignment plan is considered assuming the following track layout. As for station yard layout, it consists of an
elevated station with a pair of separate platforms serving two tracks and an underground station with an island
platform serving two tracks. Gabtoli Station has a scissors crossover for turnback operation. Mirpur 10 Station,
which is a junction station with MRT Line 6, has an emergency crossover considering turnback operation for
accident and trouble. Vatara Station is a junction station with the depot, which has a pair of separate platforms
serving four tracks. In addition, Beraid Station has a track layout in consideration of future extension to the

Figure 3-25 Track Layout Route Drawing (All Elevated Option)

Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-26 Track Layout Route Drawing (Partial Underground Option)

Source: METI Study Team

(2) Alignment Plan

1) Design Policy for Alignment Plan

a) Horizontal Alignment

The track alignment follows the center of existing road along the median as much as possible, and land acquisition
and house relocation are minimized by arranging the railway within the road right of way.

b) Vertical Alignment

In terms of vertical alignment, the existing ground level is set to a height of 8.0 m above MSL uniformly.

Moreover, in station section and general section, the required height (required depth) from ground level to RL is
shown in Figure 3-27 and Figure 3-28.

Figure 3-27 Required Height for Elevated Section


Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-28 Required Depth for Underground Section



Source: METI Study Team

c) Transition Section

In the transition section from elevated to underground, the civil structure consists of elevated bridge, retaining wall,
excavated structure, box culvert, and shield tunnel. As shown in Figure 3-29 the area is divided in the section
"from the retaining wall to excavated structure", and the road traffic at the ground level is shut off. In case of vertical
gradient of 35‰, the length of “impossible area of crossing” is approximately 500 m.

In addition, the railway structure will occupy a width of about 10 m of the total road width in the transition section.

Based on the above, the position of transition section must be selected so as not to affect the existing road traffic as
much as possible.

Figure 3-29 Transition Section

Source: METI Study Team

d) Junction Station with Depot (Beraid Station)

The Beraid Station is a junction station with the depot, which has a pair of separate platforms serving four tracks
(two main lines and two depot access lines). In addition, the Beraid Station has track layout in consideration of
future extension.

The track layout for branching to the depot has either “grade separation” or “grade crossing”, as shown in the
following Figure 3-30. It is determined in consideration of the carrying capacity of the main line. Generally,
although grade separation can allow crossing without blocking the opposite train during train operation, it needs
facilities such as elevated bridge. On the other hand, grade crossing can minimize facilities although the carrying
capacity of the main line is reduced.

Although determined in consideration of the carrying capacity of the main line, grade separation is adopted in this
study so that obstruction of train operation in case of future extension may be prevented.

Figure 3-30 Branch Form

Source: METI Study Team

In consideration of a simple junction with the depot, Beraid Station is studied as an elevated station. In case that the
depot access line is considered as a grade separation (depot access line passes under the elevated main line), the
length of the depot access line needs to be about 320 m from the main line crossing part to the depot.

Figure 3-31 Track Layout of Junction Station with Depot (Beraid Station)

Source: METI Study Team

2) All Elevated Option

The horizontal alignment follows the existing median on the road as much as possible, except in the cantonment
area. Basically, vertical alignment should be based on the height of a typical elevated station; however, in order that
the MRT Line 5N passes over MRT Line 6 and DEE, the vertical height should be higher. Therefore, the height of
Mirpur 10 Station and Banani Station becomes higher at about 9 m compared with the typical elevated station.

Figure 3-32 Outline of All Elevated Option

S4 Dhaka
S2 S5 S7
S3 Mirpur10 S6 Elevated S8 S9
S1 Dar-Us- Mirpur14 Banani S10 Bara
Gabtoli Salam Mirpur1 Kochukhet Express Gulshan2 Notun Bazar Vatara Kathaldia Beraid









Source: METI Study Team

Station locations are planned at intervals of about 1 km. Station location is shown in the following Table 3-12 in
consideration of horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and junction with other routes.

Table 3-12 Station Location for All Elevated Option

Source: METI Study Team

a) Horizontal Alignment Plan

The salient points of the horizontal alignment plan are described below.

(i) Near CH 1k100 m, between Gabtoli Station and Dar-Us-Salam Station

In order to reduce land acquisition and house relocation, the minimum curve radius R=200 m shall be applied. Land
acquisition and house relocation (gas station), which are shown in the following Figure 3-33, are needed in this

Figure 3-33 Condition near CH 1 k 100 m

Source: METI Study Team

(ii) Near CH 3k040 m, between Dar-Us-Salam Station and Mirpur 1 Station

In order to avoid the relocation of an 8-storey building at the intersection corner, the minimum curve radius R=200
m is applied at Mirpur 1 intersection

Figure 3-34 Condition near CH 3k040 m

Source: METI Study Team

(iii) Cantonment Area between Kochukhet Station and Banani Station

Although the horizontal alignment is constructed in the existing road space, there is no existing road which connects
Mirpur road with Kemal Ataturk Avenue directly in cantonment area. As mentioned above, in cantonment area,
comparison study of the three routes was carried our as shown in the following Figure 3-35.

Figure 3-35 Comparison Study of Routes in the Cantonment Area

Source: METI Study Team

The outline of each route is explained as below:

Route A

 Kochukhet Station and Banani Station are connected with the shortest distance, and this route is the most
desirable route in the view or railway technical design.

 Although road width is9 m in Banani DOHS, the route, which needs removal of only the single-sided block
facing this road, so that house relocation will be decreased.

 Land acquisition in the area and house relocation of army chief’s residence and 6-storey buildings (13
buildings) in Banani DOHS are needed. This has the largest impact to the cantonment area and Banani DOHS
among the three routes.

Figure 3-36 Route in Cantonment Area (Route A)

Source: METI Study Team

Route B

 In order to avoid house relocation in Banani DOHS, the route is detoured in the north side of Banani DOHS.

 Although there is no house relocation in Banani DOHS, some land acquisition of golf course is needed.

 In order to reduce house relocation, S-curve with minimum curve radius of 200 m is applied from the golf
course to Banani Station. Seven buildings are relocated at the intersection corner.

 Banani Station is situated farthest from the New Airport Road among the three routes. Therefore, the
accessibility with BRT Line 3 will be worse.

Figure 3-37 Route in Cantonment Area (Route B)

Source: METI Study Team

Route C

 There is the Shadheenata Shoran Road in the south side of Banani DOHS, which crosses the east and west
sides of the cantonment area. In order to avoid house relocation in Banani DOHS, the route is detoured on this

 Road detours largely in the south of Banani DOHS. Therefore, route length between Kochukhet Station and
Banani Station is the longest among the three routes.

 In order to reduce house relocation as much as possible, the minimum curve radius of 200 m is applied.

Figure 3-38 Route in Cantonment Area (Route C)

Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-13 Route Comparison in Cantonment Area

Route A Route B Route C

Alignment shape Good Detour Detour largely

Continuation of curves Continuation of curves

with small radius with small radius

Route length 1.2 km 1.35 km 2.0 km

Construction cost BDT 1,393 million BDT 1,580 million BDT 2,327 million

Land/Building cost BDT 9.3 billion BDT 6.9 billion BDT 6.4 billion

Total cost BDT 10.8 billion BDT 8.5 billion BDT 8.8 billion

Major difficulty in Banani DOHS Golf course Nil

corridor possession
Army Chief’s residence Army Chief’s residence

Minor difficulty in Few Many, but all private Many, but all private
corridor possession
Source: METI Study Team

As mentioned above, although a comparison study of the three routes at the cantonment area was done, each route
for the all elevated option has merits and demerits depending on the viewpoint. Therefore, it is hard to determine the
superiority or inferiority of each route. Accordingly, in this study, Route B, with comparatively small impact on
Banani DOHS and the lowest cost, is adopted. However, in terms of the validity of the alignment from the viewpoint
of train operation, further study is required.

(iv) Vertical Alignment Plan

The height of each station section is decided and the gradient of station section is set to be level. Then the
vertical alignment connects the height of each station.

In order that the MRT Line 5N can pass over MRT Line 6 and DEE, the vertical height should be high enough in the
crossing areas. Therefore, the height of Mirpur 10 Station and Banani Station becomes about 9 m higher compared
with the typical elevated station.

Figure 3-39 Longitudinal Schematic for All Elevated Option

Source: METI Study Team

3) Partial Underground Option

Similar to the all elevated option, the horizontal alignment follows the existing median of the road as much as
possible, except in the cantonment area. In order to reduce the impact on the cantonment area, the vertical alignment
passes through the underground in this area. Four stations from Kochukhet Station to Natun Bazar Station are
underground stations. The other eight stations are elevated stations.

Figure 3-40 Outline of Partial Underground Option

S2 S4 S5
S3 S6 S11
S1 Dar-Us- Mirpur10 Mirpur14 Kochukhet S10 S12
Mirpur1 Cantonment S7
S9 Vatara
Gabtoli Salam S8 Kathaldia Beraid
Notun Bazar
Banani Gulshan2






Source: METI Study Team 11k

Station is located at intervals of about 1 km in consideration of horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and
junction with other routes. The station locations from Gabtoli Station to Mirpur10 Station are the same as previously
mentioned in the elevated plan. The station locations are shown in the following Table 3-14.

Table 3-14 Station Locations for Partial Underground Option

Source: METI Study Team

a) Horizontal Alignment Plan

The horizontal alignment is the same as that of the all elevated option except in the Banani DOHS section.

In Banani DOHS section, the MRT Line 5N runs underground. Therefore, the alignment plan does not need to take
the building block into consideration. In this section, the curve can be reduced and the alignment gets smoother
compared with the all elevated option.

Figure 3-41 Route near Banani DOHS (Partial Underground Option)

Source: METI Study Team

b) Vertical Alignment Plan

As for the elevated section, it is the same as the all elevated option mentioned earlier, i.e., the height of station
section is decided and the vertical alignment connects the height of each station.

As for the underground section, in this study, water leakage from tunnel is gathered together in the station section,
and vertical alignment connects the station section with a gradient of more than 2‰. Vertical alignment does not
form "valley shape" between stations. In addition, the gradient of the station section is level.

Although Kochukhet Station and Gulshan 2 Station are typical two-level underground stations, these stations have
depth of more than three-level underground stations since Banani Station and Natun Bazar Station have nearby
control points. The vertical alignment at the pile foundation section of Banani DOHS can also be made shallower
than the current plan if underpinning construction method is used. However, in this study, not underpinning
construction method but general construction method, which secures a distance of more than 1 D from the pile edge
to the tunnel upper edge, will be applied.

【 About Transition Section】

Since the transition section needs a width of about 10 m and road traffic is blocked out in the section of 500 m,
selection of its location should be considered carefully. In the selection of the location of the transition section,
"wide road" and "location which avoids heavily trafficked main intersections" are selected. In this study, two
transition sections are needed.

Transition Section at WestPoint

Kochukhet Station is planned as an underground station so that the cantonment area may not be affected, and the
transition section is set between Mirpur 14 Station and Kochukhet Station. The width of road (Mirpur Road) in this
section is about 35 m, and since there are no heavily trafficked main intersections, transition section can be set.

In addition, the location of Mirpur 14 Station is decided based on the length of the transition section, and it is located
at about 60 m in the west side compared with the all elevated option.

Figure 3-42 Location of Transition Section (between Mirpur 14 Station and Kochukhet Station)

Source: METI Study Team

Transition Section at East Point

The transition section at the east point is set between Natun Bazar Station and Vatara Station due to the following

 The depth of Banani Station is about 34 m from the ground because of the pile foundation of Banani DOHS. In
addition, since Gulshan Lake is between Banani Station and Gulshan 2 Station, the transition section cannot be
set here. Therefore, Gulshan 2 Station must be planned as an underground station.

 Since Gulshan Lake and Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue are between Gulshan 2 Station and Natun Bazar
Station, the transition section cannot be set here. Therefore, Natun Bazar Station also must be planned as an
underground station.

 Since the width of Vatara Road is about 30 m and there are no main intersections between Natun Bazar Station
and Vatara Station, the installation of transition section is possible.

The location of Vatara Station is decided by the length of the transition section, and it is located about 695 m in the
east side compared with the all elevated option.

Figure 3-43 Location of Transition Section (between Natun Bazar Station and Vatara Station)

Source: METI Study Team

【 About Relation with MRT Line 1】

The MRT Line 5N and MRT Line 1 cross in separated grade underground. In this study, since the priority of MRT
Line 1 is higher than the MRT Line 5N, it is assumed that the MRT Line 1 is constructed in prior. Therefore, as for
grade-separated crossing underground, MRT Line 1 is in the upper position and the MRT Line 5N is in the lower
position. For this reason, the Natun Bazar Station of the MRT Line 5N is located deeper than normal, and the length
of the transition section is longer.

It is necessary to decide by examining further studies whether MRT Line 1 or MRT Line 5N will be located at the
upper position, in consideration of various viewpoints such as the relationship of each route and station, the junction
method of shortcut line in the case of sharing depot, and workability.

Figure 3-44 Longitudinal Schematic for Partial Underground Option

Source: METI Study Team

3.2.5 Transportation Accessibility Plan (MRT Line 6, BRT Line 3, MRT Line 1)

(1) Development Objects for Intermodal Facility

Transport mobility is employed everywhere from the origin to destination.

Figure 3-45 Image of Transport Mobility

Source:The investigation team made a report based on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and

In this study, transport mobility has to promote through smooth transit to other modes at MRT stations. Therefore, it
is important to reduce the transfer resistance for the smooth planning of a transfer facility. Also, it should be
promoted modal shift from existing transport modes to the proposed MRT. Especially, transfer resistance is said to
occur in the following cases:

「・The generation of up and down transit movement, ・The distance of transit movement is more than 200 m」

(2) Junction Station with MRT Line 5

At present, the MRT Line 6 and BRT Line 3 projects are promoted in Dhaka. Also, RSTP identified the MRT Line 1
as a priority project. The three routes are being implemented and planned, and these routes run through Dhaka from
north to south. Thus, the Junction Stations with MRT Line 5N are most important considering the current traffic
condition in Dhaka. However, traffic node is important in order to construct the future transport network of Dhaka.
Moreover, MRT Line 5N is considered necessary in order to connect with BRT Line 3 for the efficient transit city
planning in Dhaka. Thus, the node is shown with “MRT 6”, “BRT 3”, and “MRT 1”. The proposed station location
and transition to other lines are also shown.

1) Junction Station with MRT Line 6 (Mirpur 10)

【Location of the Station】 【Transfer Resistance】

○Both MRT station. To MRT Line To
●Mirpur 10 ○Both elevated station 6 Station Stadium
Distance 140 m 200 m

Access Time 2 min 3 min

Total Transit 5 min 6 min
Note:80 m/min

【Advantage of Junction station】

・ By connection of the public
transportation, convenience of public
transportation network is improved.
・ The demand can be expected to
transfer to MRT Line 6.
【Method of Junction station】
Separation-type connection by
elevated pedestrian deck.

2) Junction Station with BRT Line 3 (Banani)

【Location of the Station】 【Transfer Resistance】

○BRT St. and MRT St. To BRT Line 3
●Banani Station
○At grade St. and underground St.
Distance 150 m
Access Time 2 min
Total Transit 5 min
Time (Approx.)
Note: 80 m/min

150m 【Advantages of Junction station】

・ By connection of the public
transportation, convenience of public
Banani East-West
transportation network is improved.
DOHS ・ The demand can be expected to
transfer to MRT Line 3.
【Method of Junction station】
Separation-type connection by
underground pedestrian tunnel.

3) Junction Station with MRT Line 1 (Natun Bazar)

【Location of the Station】 【Transfer Resistance】

○ Both MRT station To MRT Line 1
●Natun Bazar ○ Both underground St. Station
○ No exact station location Distance Max. 200 m
Access Time Max. 3 min
Total Transit Max. 6 min
Note: 80 m/min
※The resistance will be reduced by the

【Advantages of station node】

・ By connection of the public
transportation, convenience of
public transportation network is
・ The demand can be expected to
transfer to MRT Line1.
【Methods of station node】
・ Separation-type connection
・ Cross-type connection
・ Connection by underground
pedestrian approach
(3) Classification of Junction Station

The junction station is classified as "parallel type", "cross type", or "separation type". The type of junction station
should consider the difference of horizontal distance and vertical distance and the restrictions for the type of station
connection. Table 3-15 describes the characteristics of different type of Junction Stations.

Table 3-15 Types of Junction Station

Type Image Horizontal Distance Vertical Distance
(Advantages) (Advantages)

Same Platform It has minimum distance because None

movement is only in the platform.

Parallel Platforms ・Although mobility in the platform ・Transfer distance is the

has short distance, it is changed by difference of mutually
parallel type

the attachment of stairs and the positioned platform (either

presence and absence of concourse. location of platform or
(separation platform : a side) move over a side)
・The mobility in the platform has
the maximum distance to transfer
the edge spacing. ・The distance of mobility
is decided by the difference
・The mobility has long distance to of the platform level of
transfer to the platform. (separation both lines.
platform : longitudinal)

Cross type There are necessary transfers to the The distance of mobility is
platform, concourse, and passage decided by the difference
(The station overlaps but they are short distances. of platform level.
・In general, the mobility

T cross type Although the distance of transfer to entails short distance in the
the platform needs to move edge case of interlaced opposite
(The station closes spacing, the distance to another platform and island
bilaterally) platform is short distance. platform.
L cross type Mobility of platform needs to
transfer from edge spacing, and it is
(The station closes maximum distance.

Separation type ・There are necessary transfers to Although the range of

separation type

platform, concourse, and passage. mobility is decided by the

Although transfer difference of platform
station is near, the ・Due to the large share of passage, level, in general,
stations are connected the horizontal distance is maximum separated station has long
not only by crossover distance. vertical distance.
but also by
Source:Japan Railway Engineer’s Association Report

(4) Facilities for Smooth Transit

In order to transfer smoothly, “improvement of a facility’s scale”, “convenience of facilities”, “ease to follow a
facility”, and “comfort of facilities” have to be considered. Table 3-16 compiles the major points of provision of

smooth transit facilities,

Table 3-16 Points of View of Facilitation of Transfer Movement

Study Point Examination Item Contents for Discussion Related User

Improvement of ・Securing the capacity ・The subway station cannot secure the scale for ・Commuter
a facility’s scale of facility facilities because it is built the space is under the
・ Optimization of
facility’s ・Measures for capacity during rush/peak period
configuration and the method for appropriate facility location
should be considered.

Convenience of ・Reduce the transfer ・The resistance increases because it is not only far ・All users
facilities resistance for transit, but also there are corners of passage
and up and down stairs. ・Commuter
・ Reduce the
complicated ・Thus, it is considered to reduce the resistance
passenger flow method or alleviate the resistance method.

Clear guidance ・Easy to understand ・A subway has complex architecture because of ・Business
toward guide display constrained condition of the spaces.
destination ・ Non-commuters,
・Thus, it might be difficult to understand for an e.g. shoppers
inexperienced user, so information signs for
proper guidance should be considered. ・Commuter

Comfortability ・ Create the ・In the future, it is necessary to develop not only ・Business
for facility users comfortable space a mere subway station but also comfortable
spaces as a community area where people can ・ Non-commuters,
gather should be considered in the future spaces. e.g. shoppers

Source:The METI investigation team made a report based on the Japan Railway Engineer’s Association Report

(5) Proposal of Improvement of Transport Mobility

In this study, MRT Line 5N proposes the improvement of traffic nodes with MRT Line 6, BRT Line 3, and MRT
Line 1 as important junction stations. The proposal focuses on the important points of each of the transport nodes
which show the location of the MRT Line 5N Station.

Table 3-17 Highlights of the Transport Node
List Contents
Reinforcement of public transportation network ・ Synergy of the number of passenger (increasing
・ Moderation of facility location
・ Enhanced the facility volume
・ Easy to understand guidance
Reduce the transfer resistance ・ Principle of continuity of mobility
(transfer fare, train diaphragm)
・ Reduce the complicated passenger flow
・ Convenience (time, length)
Shift to private mode from public mode ・ Measures against traffic jam
・ Create the comfortable space
Safety ・ Measures against traffic jam
・ Traffic manners
Source:METI Study Team

(6) Formulation of Transport Node Improvement Related to Smooth Transfer Movement

Smooth transfer movement requires four functions. The four functions are called “accessibility”, “information
guide”, “queue”, and “transportation node”. The necessity of each function in the different locations is described in
Table 3-18 below.

Table 3-18 Functions for Smooth Transfer Mobility

Function List Station Yard Station Front Passage and Railway
Station Plaza
Transport node Improvement of the station ○
Parking area, depot ○ △
Bicycle parking area ○ ○
Accessibility Escalator ◎
Elevator ◎
Banister ◎ ○
Braille for the feet ◎ ◎ ◎
Audio guide ◎ ◎ ◎
Removal of the mismatch ◎ ◎ ◎
in height at joint
Disabled ◎ ○
Information Train information guide ○
guide Transfer and site map for ◎ ◎
Information guide board in ◎ ○ △
multiple languages
Queue Bench ◎ ○
Waiting space ○ ○
Roof of depot ○ ○
(rain cover, blind)
Source:METI Study Team

(7) Large-scale Development of Station Plaza/Improvement of Station Plaza

There is a need to develop sub-urban transportation hub at MRT terminal stations to protect the traffic flow to the

city center. It is also necessary to develop public transportation hubs in city center such as junction stations, city
market, and business center for smooth transit. In a suburban station plaza, construction of a terminal facility
should be secured during the planning phase and it should be set as an aggregation of existing transport. Moreover,
it is necessary to focus on the protection of traffic flow to the city center.

Station front is considered not only a transportation node but also an amenity such as a place to gather citizens. Thus,
the characteristics and necessary services of the station front in the future should be considered.

Table 3-19 List of Expected Developments

Station Name Station Plaza Smooth Station Plaza Existing Station Utilization of
Development Transfer for and Relocation Undercrossing/
Facilities of Bus Stop Tunnel
Mirpur 10 ○ ○ ○ ○
(MRT 6)
Banani ○ ○ ○
(BRT 3)
Natun Bazar ○ ○
(MRT 1)
Gabtoli ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
(Bus Terminal)
Source:METI Study Team

3.2.6 Train Operation Plan

The train operation of MRT Line 5N is planned taken into account the road traffic condition during peak hours in
Dhaka City area and the performance of MRT, in addition train operation is planned the required train formation,
number of train sets and frequency of train operation for each year.

(1) Maximum Train Operation Speed

The maximum train operation speed of the Line 5N was set to 100 km/h in consideration of civil structure, average
distance between stations, and energy conservation.

(2) Speed Restriction Curve

Speed restriction at curve section is designed for the prevention of rollover accident and comfortable ride.
1) Cant to be Installed for Curves of Railways

The speed restriction of the curve section is set according to the following basic formula, although the speed limit
for radius below 230 m is set referring to other case.

Table 3-20 Speed Restrictions of Curve
Radius (m) Maximum Speed (km/h)
Basic formula
160 45
200 50
V= 4.3×√R
230 60
250 70
V: Speed (km/h) 300 75
350 80
R: Radius (m) 400 85
450 90
500 95
Over 550 100
Source:METI Study Team

2) Speed Limit for Turnout and Incidental Curve

Cant is not provided in turnout and incidental curve sections and speed restriction is computed according to the
following formula.

Table 3-21 Speed Restrictions of Switch

Radius (m) Maximum Speed (km/h)
100 25
125 30
150 35
175 35
Basic formula 200 40
225 45
V= 4.3×√R - 20 250 45
300 50
V: Speed (km/h) 350 50
400 55
R: Radius (m) 450 60
500 60
550 60
600 65
Source:METI Study Team

(3) Stopping Time of Stations

The following

Table 3-22 shows the classification of stopping time of stations in accordance with the number of passengers at the
station. The stopping time at these stations involves turnback time.

Table 3-22 Classification of Stopping Time
Daily Passenger Stopping Time (s)
Over 100,001 45
70,001-100,000 40
40,001-70,000 35
20,001-40,000 30
Under 20,000 25
Source:METI Study Team

(4) Turnback Time of Station

There are scissors crossing for turning at Gabtoli and Vatara terminal stations. Turnback time at the terminal stations
is different between Gabtoli and Vatara because the train needs shunting to the lead track in Vatara. Turnback time
depends on the headway, turnback facilities, passengers boarding/alighting time, point switching time, and drivers’
transit time.

1) Turnback Time at Gabtoli Station

Scissors crossing is installed at the turnout of Gabtoli Station for the turnback of the main line. Trains pass through
the scissors crossing before arrival at the platform in this layout.

a) Turnback Operation using One-sided Platform

The required minimum passing through time at the scissors crossing is 1 min and 30 s and in addition to that, more
time for getting on and off the train for passengers should also be added. In case of headway of 3 min 50 s, the
stopping time for train getting on and off can be set to 2 min 20 s.

Figure 3-46 Turnback Operation Using One-sided Platform

Line No,2

Line No,1

Line No,1
90sec. 2min.20sec. 90 sec. 2min.20sec.

3min.50sec. 3min.50sec.

Source:METI Study Team

b) Turnback Operation using Both-sided Platform

In case of short headway, train operation uses both-sided platform. As shown in the following figure, the stopping

time of getting on and off the train for passengers is 1 min, and the headway of 2 min can be allowed by
simultaneous approach and exit of the train.

Figure 3-47 Turnback Operation Using both-sided Platform

Line No,2

Line No,1

Line No,2
Line No,1

1min. 30sec. 1min. 30sec. 1min. 30sec.

2min. 2min. 2min. 2min.

Source:METI Study Team

2) Turnback Time at Vatara SBeraid

The turnout of Vatara Station is installed with scissors crossing for turnback. Trains pass through the scissors
crossing after arrival at the platform in this layout.

a) Turnback Operation using One-sided Turnback Line

Figure 3-48 One-sided Turnback Line Operation


3RT Line No,1 6RT

Line No,2

1 RT

Source:METI Study Team

The following Table 3-23 shows the normal turnback operation pattern. The required turnback time is 2 min 18 s
in this case. Minimum headway of using one-sided turnback line operation is 2 min by the simultaneous approach
and exit at 2RT and 3RT positions.

Table 3-23 Minimum Headway of One-sided Turnback Line Operation
Position Required Time (s) Remarks
Arrival at platform (3RT) -
Scissors crossing 3RT→5RT 53
5RT stopping time 12 Driver rides on both end car
5RT→2RT 43
Arrival at platform, boarding and 30
alighting time (2RT)
Total 138 2 min 18 s
Source:METI Study Team

b) Turnback Operation Using Both-sided Platform

The minimum headway of both-sided turnback line operation is examined in this subsection.

Figure 3-49 Both-sided Turnback Line Operation


3RT Line No,1 6RT

Line No,2

1 RT

Source:METI Study Team

In the case of using both-sided turnback line, the minimum headway will be 4 min 50 s due to the restricted
function of the scissors crossing.

Table 3-24 Minimum Headway of Both-sided Turnback Line Operation

Position Required Time (s) Remarks
Arrival at platform, alighting time (3RT) 27
Scissors crossing 3RT→ 5RT 53
5RT stopping time 137 A driver rides on the end car
5RT→2RT 43
Arrival at platform, boarding time (2RT) 30
Total 290 4 min 50 s
Source:METI Study Team

(5) Scheduled Speed and Headway of Train

In order to calculate the scheduled speed between Gabtoli Station and Berail Station, the “Open Track" simulation
software is used to a create train performance curve. The condition of the simulation is shown in Table 3-25.

Table 3-25 Condition of “Open Track” Simulation
Item Specification
Model of EMU JR-East E233 Type
Load condition 180% congestion ratio
Acceleration ratio 0.92 m/s2
Deceleration for service brake 0.97 m/s2
Source:METI Study Team

The scheduled speed of the eastbound train and westbound train is estimated at 33.0 km/h according to the
simulation. The following Table 3-26 summarizes the simulation results of the scheduled speed and the peak hour
transportation capacity (PHPDT).

Table 3-26 Headway and Required Train Sets

Year 2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055

PHPDT 27,000 27,000 27,000 32,500 38,000 43,500 49,000

Train Sets (Car) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Headway 3 min 50 s 3 min 50 s 3 min 50 s 3 min 10 s 2 min 40 s 2 min 20 s 2 min

Required Train
19 19 19 22 26 30 35

Spare Train Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Total Train Sets 22 22 22 25 29 33 38

Total Cars (Car) 132 132 132 150 174 198 228
Source:METI Study Team

From the opening year of MRT East-West Line in 2027 and until 2035, headway is planned to be 3 min and 50 s.
After 2035, the scheduled headway will be shorter and becomes 2 min.

(6) Service Frequency at Peak Hour and Off-peak Hour

The following Table 3-27 shows the time zone of peak hour and off-peak hour at the Dhaka urban area.

Table 3-27 Peak Hour and Off-peak Hour of Road Traffic

Congestion Ratio per

Time Zone Hour Condition
hour of Road Traffic
6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. 2.0 - Off-peak hour
8:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. 2.5 13% Morning peak hour
10:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. 6.0 9 -11% Daytime
4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 2.5 10% Evening peak hour
7:00 p.m. – 00:00 5 - Off-peak hour
Total 18.0
Source:METI Study Team

1) Headway and Round Trips in 2027

On weekdays, headway is set at 3 min and 30 s during peak hour, 5 min during daytime, and 5 to 10 min during
off-peak time, and the number of round trips will be 179 trains a day. Headway on weekends and holidays is set at 7
min during daytime, and the number of round trips is 144 trains a day.

Figure 3-50 Train Operation in 2027

AM6:00 8:00 10:30 PM4:30 7:00

Headway Headway Headway Headway
WEEK DAY 7’~10’ 7′ 3’50” 7’~10’
40 trip
14 trip 50 trip 40 trip 35 trip
Congestion ratio     
180% 72

WEEK END Headway Headway Headway

7’~10’ 7′ 7’~10’
14 trip 95 trip 35 trip

Source:METI Study Team

2) Headway and Round Trips in 2055

On weekdays, headway is set at 2 min during peak hour, 5 min at daytime, and 5 to 8 min during off-peak time, and
the number of round trips will be 282 trains a day. Headway on weekends and holidays is set at 5 min during daytime,
and the number of round trips is 192.

Figure 3-51 Train Operation in 2055

AM6:00 8:00 10:30 PM4:30 7:00

Headway Headway Headway Headway
WEEK DAY 5’~8’ 5′ 2’ 5’~8’
75 trip
17 trip 72 trip 75 trip 73 trip
Congestion ratio     
180% 72

WEEK END Headway Headway Headway

5’~8’ 5′ 5’~8’
17 trip 132 trip 373trip

Source:METI Study Team

3.2.7 Rolling Stock

(1) Basic Specifications Based on Technical Standards

The summary of the explanations about rolling stock described in the "Bangladesh MRT technical standards"
established by DTCA and JICA is shown below. The MRT East-West Line and MRT Line 6 follow these technical

【 "Bangladesh MRT technical standards"(Abstract)】

1) Rolling Stock Gauge

The rolling stock gauge shown in Figure 3-52 below shall be adopted.

Figure 3-52 Rolling Stock Gauge

2) Weight of Rolling Stock

The weight of the rolling stock per one pair of wheels shall be 16 t at the maximum under the stopped and
loaded condition. For the civil design, nominal load which is used for the structure design shall adopt the
condition of the fully loaded train which consists of 20 m long cars which have 4 axles with 16 t of each
axle load.

3) Car Body Material

Aluminum alloy or stainless steel shall be used as the main material of rolling stock car body structure.

4) Brake Device
Rolling stock shall be equipped with brake devices that comply with the following standards:
a) Shall be able to decelerate or stop the rolling stock without failure;
b) Shall be applied to all the cars in conjunction with the control from the crew cabin;
c) Shall be free from failure caused by vibration, impact, and other factors;
d) Shall be able to apply braking force continuously;
e) Shall be applied automatically at the time when vehicles are separated;
f) Shall be able to bring a train to a rapid stop; and
g) Shall be able to prevent the train from departing when the braking effort would be adversely
affected without securing the breaking power supply source.

5) Structure of Car Body

Rolling stock car body shall be made sturdy with enough strength and be capable of withstanding train
Facilities to prevent passengers on the platform from falling into the gap between coupled cars shall be

provided at the coupling portion of the railway rolling stock. However, this shall not apply to cases where
facilities are in place on the platform to prevent passengers from falling into the gap.

6) Structure of Driver’s Cabin

Driver’s cabin shall be partitioned from the passenger room. Driver’s cabin shall have a partition with a
door so that passengers cannot easily come into contact with the equipment in the cab. An exterior
entrance/exit for the crew shall be provided.

7) Structure of Passenger Car

The height of the bottom border of the openable window at the side surface of seat or behind a seat in the
passenger room shall be 800 mm or more from the floor surface.
One or more wheelchair spaces shall be provided in each passenger train.
The passenger car shall provide for the appropriate number of passenger seats. Seating capacity shall be
calculated by dividing the seat width by the length occupied by a passenger. The length occupied by a
passenger shall be 430 mm or more.
The standing capacity shall be calculated by dividing the floor area, where the effective width of not less
than 550 mm and the effective length of not less than 1,900 mm are secured from the seat areas and the
area of 250 mm from the front end of the seats are excluded in the passenger cabin floor area, by the area
occupied by one passenger. The area occupied by one passenger shall be 0.3 m2.

8) Structure of Passenger Entrance Door

Doors shall be provided on both sides of the passenger cars.
The effective width of the doors shall be 1,300 mm or more and the effective height shall be 1,800 mm or
more. A device for automatic door operation shall be provided for the doors. Doors shall have a structure
which prevents departing until doors are closed.

9) Rolling Stock Accessory Devices

Rolling stock shall be equipped with the following facilities;
a) A sign device on which the departure sign is performed by the conductor, and transmission
and receiving shall only be performed reciprocally among crew members.
b) Communication device (Excluding the rolling stock operated as a single car.)
c) Whistle device (At the front end of the first car of trains)
d) Onboard public address system which shall be enabled to guidance information to all rooms
on passenger cars. Emergency alarm device
e) Emergency stopping device
f) Marker light (White-color front marker lights shall be provided and the rear markers should
be red lamps and shall be capable of shining from the rear at night)
g) Onboard guidance equipment which provides the information relating to the train operation,
etc. by displaying characters and by audio broadcast.
h) Destination guidance devices which displays the destination and type of service of the train
on the side of the car body.

10) Countermeasures Against Rolling Stock Fire

Car body shall be made of incombustible material and flame-retardant material.

Incombustible material: Roof, External sheeting, Passenger room ceiling, Inside panel,
Floor panel, Under floor surface, Under floor equipment box
Flame-retardant material: Floor covering, Filler material under floor covering, Seat, Window
shade, Gangway bellows
Others: Roof top surface shall be covered with a flame-retardant insulated
material. Equipment and hardware mounted to the roof shall be
insulated from the car body or shall be covered with a
flame-retardant material.

11) Train Operation

Train shall be operated under the ATC system as the regular method of train operation.
Source: Bangladesh MRT technical standards (DTCA, JICA)

(2) Rolling Stock of the MRT East-West Line

From ease of maintenance and energy conservation measures points of view, composition of the recent mainstream
commuter trains in the urban area in the world is as follows:
a) The stainless steel, which has corrosive resistance, is used as the main material of the car body
because painting is not needed.
b) The bolsterless bogie, with few component parts and reduced wear parts, is adopted.
c) As main motor, an AC motor, which does not have contacted parts and is maintenance-free except for
the axle bearing, is adopted. Main circuit is controlled by inverter.

The rolling stock of MRT Line 6 follows the Technical Standards of the MRT in Bangladesh, and is adopting the
mainstream composition of the latest commuter train such as Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) inverter
control and regenerative braking system. The specification of this train is the typical urban commuter railway of
recent years.

For the MRT East-West Line, the rolling stock whose basic specifications are similar to that of MRT Line 6 is
proposed. By using similar rolling stock, facilitating the technology transfer from the MRT Line 6 engineer and
information exchange for improvement of maintenance technology with the MRT Line 6 engineer are expected.

The basic specifications of the rolling stock proposed for the MRT East-West Line is shown in Table 3-28 below.

Table 3-28 Basic Specifications of the Rolling Stock of the MRT East-West Line
Item Description
Train Configuration (Line 5N Phase 1) 6-car train: Tc-M-M-M-M-Tc
Gauge 1,435 mm
Car Dimension End car: 20,300 mm (L) x 3,000 mm (W) x 4,100 mm (H)
Middle car: 20,000 mm (L) x 3,000 mm (W) x 4,100 mm (H)
Passenger Capacity End car: Seated:45, Standees (Nominal):108, (Maximum): 153
Middle car: Seated:54, Standees (Nominal):112, (Maximum): 166
Performance Maximum running speed: 110 km/ h
Acceleration: 3.3 km/h/s (0.92 m/s2)

Deceleration Normal: 3.5 km/h/s (0.97 m/s2)
Deceleration Emergency: 4.5 km/h/s (1.25 m/s2)
Minimum Curve Radius Main line (Unavoidable Case):R=160 m, Depot: R=100 m
Maximum Gradient 35 ‰
Car Body Material
Stainless steel / Alminium
Side Entrance 4 doors/car each side, 1,300 mm (W) x 1,850 mm (H)
Electric Power Supply Catenary, DC 1,500 V
Traction Motor Squirrel-cage rotor type, three phase induction motors
Controller VVVF inverter control (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor: IGBT)
Brakes Electric Command Brake (Regenerative Brake)
Operation Protection System Automatic Train Control (ATC)
Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-53 Car Dimension

End Car
(Colored portion indicates
the standees area)

Middle Car

Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-54 Facilities of Rolling Stock
Exterior Entrance/Exit Onboard Guidance
Entrance Dimension
for crew Equipment
1800x1300 or more


Height of bottom border of window: 800mm Seat width: Wheel Chair Space Facility to prevent
or more from the floor 430mm or more passengers falling

Single Arm Stainless Steel Destination Guidance Device


Bolsterless Bogie Auxiliary Power Unit VVVF inverter controller

Inverter Motor

Source: METI Study Team

The number of trains to be purchased for MRT Line 5N phase 1 based on the train operation plan is shown in
Table 3-29.

Table 3-29 Basic Specifications of the Rolling Stock of the East-West Line
Year 2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Number of required train sets (6-car train) 22 22 22 25 29 33 38

Number of cars 132 132 132 150 174 198 228

Completion year of procurement 2027 2039 2044 2049 2054

Number of train sets to be procured 22 3 4 4 5

Number of cars 132 18 24 24 30

Source: METI Study Team

3.2.8Depot Plan
(1) Basic Concept of the Depot Plan

The main function of the depot is train storage and train maintenance. The periodical maintenance can be
categorized to light maintenance and heavy maintenance. Light maintenance is carried out every several days or
every several months. Heavy maintenance is carried out every four years or every eight years. For heavy
maintenance, the large-scale facilities for dividing vehicles into the body and bogie, and disassembling parts are
needed. The depot of the MRT East-West Line is planned based on the following concept:
a) The depot is constructed nearby or along the railway line of MRT Line 5N Phase 1. The depot
mainly consists of the train storage tracks, a main workshop (factory), the inspection tracks for the
train maintenance and inspection, a DMTC operation center, an administrative building, a depot
control room, the office buildings, the warehouses, and a traction substation. In the DMTC operation
center, OCC which controls the train operation of the MRT East-West Line is installed.
b) When the MRT Line 5N Phase 2 is extended, the capacity of the abovementioned depot is expanded
and the additional trains of MRT Line 5N Phase 2 are stored and maintained in the depot.
c) When MRT Line 5S is extended, the route length of the MRT East-West Line becomes relatively
long. Thus, by taking into account the efficiency of train operation, it is recommended that an
additional satellite depot which has storage tracks and light maintenance facility for the additional
trains of MRT Line 5S is constructed along the railway line of MRT Line 5S. The facilities for heavy
maintenance are not installed in this satellite depot. Heavy maintenance of the additional trains for
MRT Line 5S is carried out at the main workshop in depot.
d) A connecting line between MRT Line 6 and the MRT East-West Line is not constructed. Trains of the
MRT East-West Line are stored in its own depots and heavy maintenance is carried out in the main
(2) Location

During the site survey, five candidate sites of the depot area could be found nearby or along the railway line of
Line5N Phase 1. Based on the evaluation described in Table 3-30 below, candidate No. 5 is selected as the location
of the depot of the MRT East-West Line.

Figure 3-55 Candidate Sites of the Main Depot Area

Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-30 Candidate Sites of the Depot Area

Candidate Location Condition Evaluation
1  West side of the Turag  A 200 m long bridge is needed to go  Bridge construction
River and north side of over the Turag River. cost is a
Dhaka-Aricha Highway disadvantageous
2  West side of the Turag point.
River and south side of
Dhaka-Aricha Highway
3  South side of the Gabtoli  Currently this area is a grassland of  This area is not
Bus Terminal 30 ha or more. appropriate because
 This area is categorized as of the conservation
conservation area according to the area.
structure plan prepared by the
Ministry of Housing and Public

4  East side of urban or  A lot of ponds are located.  As a result of an
residential area  Large-scale reclamation is needed for investigation of
 North side of the East-West the depot construction. landowner, it was
Line judged that land
acquisition of this
area is difficult.
5  Southwest side of the new  This area is being divided from  This area is selected
residential development Dhaka city area by Balu River and as the depot site..
area which is sandwiched land development is not progressing
between Balu River and at present.
Shitalakkha River.  Northeast side of this candidate is a
 South side of the planned site of the large scale
East-West Line residential development.

Source: METI Study Team

Candidates 1, 2 Candidate 3 Candidate 4 Candidate 5

A 200 m long bridge is This area is A lot of ponds are There is no bridge
needed. categorized as a located. crossing the Balu River
conservation area. on the route and a land
development is not
Source: METI Study Team

(3) Train Maintenance Plan

In relation to the estimation of the required scale of depot and workshop, train maintenance plan is shown below.
According to the technical standards, performance of three kinds of periodical maintenance (every three months,
every four years or within 600,000 running-km, every eight years) is requested.

【 "Bangladesh MRT technical standards"(Abstract)】
Periodic Inspection of Rolling Stock
Inspection of the rolling stock shall be carried out periodically within the respective period specified
in the table pursuant to the pre-determined items and methods according to their type, structure and
Kind of
Rolling Inspection of Inspection of Important and Critical part Overall
Stock Condition And inspection
Passenger 3 months 4 years, or the period of traveled mileage 8 years
of the rolling stock being not exceeding
600 thousand km, of which shorter period
is selected.

Source: Bangladesh MRT technical standards (DTCA, JICA)

In reality, daily maintenance and unscheduled maintenance are added to the abovementioned maintenance.

Table 3-31 Train Maintenance Plan

Kinds of Required
Cycle Description Work Area
Inspection Period
Daily Every several Visual check and self-diagnosis monitor 2 hr Storage Tracks
Inspection days check
Monthly Every three It is carried out without disassembling 1 day Light Maintenance
Inspection months vehicles. Inspection by test equipment. Area
Replacement of the consumables.
Intermediate Every four The bogie is separated from the car body. 24 days Heavy Maintenance
Inspection years or within The power generating equipment of Area
600,000 vehicles, running device, and the brake
running km equipment are disassembled and inspected
and maintained.
Overhaul Every eight The bogie is separated from the car body. 30 days Heavy Maintenance
years All equipment are disassembled and Area
inspected and maintained.
Unscheduled Occasional Repair of unexpected failure --- Light Maintenance
Maintenance Area
Source: METI Study Team
(4) Required Capacity of the Depot

According to the train operation plan, the number of required train sets for transport service of MRT Line 5N Phase
1 is 22 train sets (6-car train) in the opening year and 38 train sets (6-car train) in the future (2055). During the
construction of MRT Line 5N Phase 1, a depot which has a capacity for storage and maintenance of 38 (6-car train)
train sets which is required in the future is constructed.

Meanwhile, the depot capacity itself will be expanded in a phased manner in accordance with the extension of MRT
Line 5N Phase 2 and MRT Line 5S. According to the estimation shown below, in the ultimate stage of the MRT
East-West Line, the depot shall have the capacity of heavy maintenance for 23 trains of MRT Line 5S, in addition to
the capacities for storage and maintenance of the 38 train sets (including 8-car train) of MRT Line 5N Phase 2. This

estimation referred to the demand forecast done by RSTP.

Figure 3-56 Number of Train Set after Future Extension

Number of Required Trains (2055) Accommodated Location

Future Heavy
Operation Spare Total Storage
Extension Description Maintenance
6-car train x
MRT Line Main
19 sets
5N 18+17 3 38 Depot Workshop
8-car train x
Phase 2 (MWS)
19 sets
MRT Line 6-car train x Satellite Main
14+7 2 23
5S 23 sets depot Workshop
(5) 56 (6) 5 (7) 61 61 train sets Depot: MWS: 61
Total 38 train train sets
Source: METI Study Team

Furthermore, the depot of the MRT East-West Line can be shared with MRT Line 1 and the trains for MRT Line 1
partial operation can be accommodated in the depot of the MRT East-West Line. Although MRT Line 1 partial
operation is expected between the vicinity of the airport and business district, the planned location of the MRT Line
1 depot is far from the section of this partial operation. Therefore, stabling and maintenance of trains are problems
for the MRT Line 1 partial operation. Sharing of the depot of the MRT East-West Line can contribute to the
implementation of the MRT Line 1 partial operation. There are three plans to accommodate the MRT Line 1 trains
in the depot as follows:
a) From the start of operation of MRT East-West Line to when the 1st trains come around 2039, 22
train (6-car train) sets are accommodated in the depot which has a capacity of 36 trains (6-car train).
If the length of train of MRT Line 1 is less or equal to 6-car train, 16 train sets can be stored in the
depot in this period.
b) If MRT Line 1 adopts 8-car train, a depot which adopts a layout of the ultimate stage and has a
capacity of 36 trains (8-car train) is constructed in the construction period of phase 1 of MRT
East-West Line 5N.
(8) When the number of trains for partial operation of MRT Line 1 is more than 16 train sets or when the
depot construction of MRT Line 1 is overdue, a layout which exceeds the capacity of the depot for
ultimate stage is applied. When the transport service of Line 5N Phase 1 is started, 36 train sets of MRT
Line 1 can be accommodated in the depot. Even if the number of train sets of MRT East-West Line is
increased in future, at least 20 train sets of MRT Line 1 can be stored in this depot.Depot Layout

The maintenance tracks are planned so that train maintenance can be carried out for 8-car train. Since the MRT
East-West Line has a lot of opportunity to add train, a space and exclusive track for train installation by trailer are
prepared in the depot. Facilities shown in Table 3-32 below will be installed in each track.

Table 3-32 Ancillary Facilities of Tracks in the Depot

Track Function Ancillary Facilities
Storage tracks Storage of the train Train crew access platform,
Shed (roof) of storage tracks
Train-wash lines Washing the train Automatic train washing machine,
Platforms for manually washing
Wheel turning track Making the worn and deformed Ground wheel lathe,
wheel become smooth Shed
Outdoor MV storage tracks Storage of the maintenance vehicles Maintenance vehicle shed
Train installation track Carrying of the vehicles conveyed Unloading area
by the trailer from the harbor Catenary is not installed for crane
Test track Test run for new delivered rains
Straight track with length of 1,280
Test run after intermediate
inspection or overhaul
Air blast track Cleaning the under floor equipment Air blast machine
by blasting compressed air
In the Light maintenance track For monthly inspection and Inspection deck on roof,
MWS unscheduled maintenance Inspection pit
Heavy maintenance track For intermediate inspection and Lifting jack or overhead travelling
overhaul crane
Source: METI Study Team

Inspection Deck on Roof, Pit Heavy Maintenance Track Overhead Travelling Crane

Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-57 Depot Layout

(A) MRT Line 5N Phase 1 Construction Area

Area: 24.8 ha
Storage capacity: 38 train sets (6-car train)

(B) Ultimate Stage (Depot for Whole Line Operation of the East-West Line)
From MRT Line 5N Phase 1, 28 storage tracks, 2 train-wash lines, 1 shunting track and wheel turning track are
extended for 8-car train. (Red colored tracks)

Area: 24.8 ha
Storage capacity: 38 train sets (8-car train)

(C) Option: Storage Capacity Expanding Plan for Depot Shared Use with MRT Line 1
Compared with the ultimate stage, an additional land area of 1.6 ha is required. 20 storage tracks are extended and
storage capacity for 20 trains is increased. (Red colored tracks)

Area: 26.4 ha
Storage capacity: 58 train sets (8-car train)

Source: METI Study Team

3.2.9Railway System Plan

(1) Power Equipment
1) Power Receiving System

In Bangladesh, in order that the electric power supply meets the demand, electrical infrastructure improvement such
as installation of electric generating plant and improvement of electric power distribution network shall be
undertaken. The electric power sector in Bangladesh is divided into three categories, i.e., power generation, power
transmission, and power distribution.

The MRT East-West Line receives electric power from the power distribution company. Seven distribution
companies exist in Bangladesh and the two companies of Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) and
Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) are distributing electric power to Dhaka. The MRT East-West Line is
located in the area covered by DESCO.

Figure 3-58 Demarcation of Distribution Companies

(Except area of REB)
(Except area of REB)
Note) DESCO: Dhaka Electric Supply Co. Ltd
DPDC: Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd
BPDP: Bangladesh Power Development Board
WZPDC: West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
NWZPDP: North West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
SZPDC: South Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd
REB: Rural Electrification Board
(REB distributes electric power to the rural area of the whole country)
Source: CRM Practices in the Electricity Distribution Sector in Bangladesh (LIRNEasia, March 2013)

Generally, there are two methods of power supply for railway system, namely:
a) The railway company receives electric power from the power distribution company at its respective
traction substations directly.
b) The railway company receives electric power from the power distribution company at its receiving
substation and distributes electric power to the respective traction substations.

The former system is cheap compared with the latter system, and can respond flexibly to future extension. However,
the former system requires that the electric power company has many suitable power lines and the power situation is
stable. From the viewpoint of power situation in Dhaka, the MRT East-West Line applies the latter system. The
power receiving method from DESCO shall take into account of the electric power system and its stability, and will
be decided by further discussion with DESCO. Along the MRT Line 5N phase 1 route, DESCO has the substations
at Mirpur and Bashundhara which is located at about 2 km north from Vatara.

2) Traction Substation

The required electric power for the electric railway system consists of two categories. One is to operate the train,
which is called the “electric power for train”. The other category is referred to as the “electric power for services”,
which is required for the electromechanical equipment (lighting, ventilator, air conditioner, lift and escalator, office
machinery) in the station, substation, and depot.

In each traction substation, the electric power for train is transformed from 33 kV into DC 1,500 V and is supplied to
the feeder lines. And the electric power for services is transformed into 6.6 kV and is supplied to the electric rooms
in the station and depot by double system.

Generally, the installation interval of the traction substation of the railway system of the DC 1,500 V is about 4~5
km. Since the route length of MRT Line 5N Phase 1 is about 16 km, three traction substations are installed in the
Minpur 1 Station, Banani Station and Vatara station. And another traction substation is installed at the depot.

3) Transmission and Distribution Plan

・ An electric power supply adopts reliable double system. It has composition which can operate usually
even if one system breaks down.
・ The receiving substation of the railway company constructed in the depot receives electric power of 132
kV 50 Hz by double system from the substation of DESCO. The receiving substation transforms electric
power into 33 kV.
・ In the traction substations at Minpur 1 station, Banani Station, Vatara station, and depot, electric power
for train and electric power for services are transformed into 1,500 V and 6.6 kV and supplied to the
feeder lines and the electric rooms, respectively.
・ In the electric room, in order to distribute low voltage power to the electrical facilities in the station, AC
6.6 kV which is received from the high voltage line is transformed into 220 V and 440 V.

Figure 3-59 Transmission and Distribution Plan

Source: METI Study Team

4) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

Centralized monitoring and supervision for the electric system is carried out at OCC through the installed SCADA
system. SCADA system can monitor and supervise the equipment installed in the receiving substation, traction
substations, and electric rooms by using the remote supervision and control system which is connected through the
communication line.

5) Catenary System

In accordance with the Technical Standards for the MRT in Bangladesh, a simple catenary system or a feeder
messenger catenary system is adopted.
Simple Catenary System Feeder Messenger Catenary System Overhead Conductor Rail System

Messenger Feeder Messenger

Trolley wire

Trolley wire
Feeder Line

Source: METI Study Team

6) Regenerative Electric Power Storage Apparatus

For the countermeasure against abeyance of the regenerative breaking system of the train, and by taking into
consideration the electric power condition of Dhaka, installation of the regenerative electric power storage device is
proposed. The regenerative power storage device has various types such as the one which uses a lithium-ion battery,
an electric double layer capacitor (EDLC), and a nickel metal hydride battery.

This apparatus can store the regeneration electric power of the surplus currently which was consumed as heat
heretofore. And it can recycle electric power by emitting electric power at the needed time. Furthermore, it
prevents regeneration loss, provides voltage drop compensation, and executes peak cut at transfer substations.

7) Power Receiving Capacity

The basic units of electric power consumption of train of Japanese railway in 2013 are shown in Table 3-36 below.
These Japanese railway companies are operating the energy conservation commuter trains which are similar to the
proposed trains of the East-West Line in this Project. Basic unit of electric power consumption of train is calculated
by dividing the electric power consumption (kWh) by car-running kilometer (car-km).

Table 3-33 Examples of Basic Unit of Power Consumption of Train

Basic Unit of Power Consumption
Consumption by Train Running
Railway company kwh/car-km 1000 kwh/year Remarks
East Japan Railway Company 1.75 2,760,000 Except Shinkansen
Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. 1.75 302,246
Keihin Electric Express Railway Co.,Ltd. 1.81 208,000
SAGAMI RAILWAY Co., Ltd. 1.92 90,220
Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd. 1.96 565,000
SEIBU RAILWAY Co., Ltd. 1.97 337,795
Tokyu Corporation 2.02 289,082
Source:2014 CSR Report or 2014 Environment Report of each company

a) Basic Unit of Power Consumption of Train in the East-West Line

The basic unit of power consumption of train in the East-West line is assumed as 1.93 kWh/car-km.

In the above table, in the case of Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd., the energy conservation commuter train which
has VVVF inverter and regenerative brake accounts for the large proportion of 97.5% of fleet in 2013. Since the
trains of the East-West Line also adopt VVVF inverter and regenerative brake, it is expected that the basic unit of
electric power consumption of the East-West Line can achieve 1.75 kWh/car-km of the same level as that of Odakyu
Electric Railway Co., Ltd. However, in the case of the MRT East-West Line, the electric power consumption of
auxiliary machines including air conditioner shall be increased by taking into account the differences of climate
between Dhaka and Tokyo. When it is assumed that the electric power consumption of the auxiliary machine is 10%
of the whole consumption of train and the workload of auxiliary machine in Dhaka is 200% of that of Tokyo, the
basic unit of electric power consumption of the MRT East-West Line is calculated by the following formula:
Basic unit of electric power consumption of the MRT East-West Line
= (1.75 x 10% x 200%) + (1.75 x (1-10%)) = 1.93 kWh/car-km

b) Power Demand of Station and Depot

In the case of an at-grade station which is equipped with facilities such as lighting, signaling, telecommunication,
Automatic Fare Collection (AFC), and Platform Screen Door (PSD, the power demand is assumed to be 250
kW/station. The power demand of an elevated station is calculated at 350 kW/station by the addition of the lift and
elevator (100 kW) to the at-grade station. The power demand of an underground station is calculated at 1,150
kW/station by the addition of the lift and elevator (100 kW), air conditioning (600 kW), and additional lighting (200
kW) to the at-grade station.

The power demand of the depot is assumed to be 1,800 kW which includes the maintenance facility in the main
workshop (1,000 kW), lighting and air conditioning of main workshop (500 kW), lighting in the depot area (300
kW), and others (100 kW).

c) Power Receiving Capacity

The surplus ratio of substation and power factor are assumed as 1.2 and 0.9, respectively. The required capacity of
the receiving substation of MRT Line 5N Phase 1 in the future is calculated as 29.0 MVA (all elevated option) and
33.3 MVA (partial underground option).

Table 3-34 Power for Traction

Item Year 2025 Year 2055
Basic unit of power consumption (kWh/car-km) 1.93
(including auxiliary machines)
Route length (km) 16.2
Train configuration (car/train) 6 cars (4M2T)
Headway in peak hour 3 min 50 s 2 min
Number of train operation (trains/hour/direction) 15.6 30
Running distance/hour (car-km/hour) 3,033 5,832
Total maximum power per hour for traction (kWh) 5,853 11,256
Instantaneous maximum power for traction (kW) 12,166 19,979
Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-35 Receiving Capacity

Year 2025 Year 2055
Route option Partial Partial
All Elevated All Elevated
Underground Underground
Power demand for station and depot (MW) 6.0 9.2 6.0 9.2
Instantaneous maximum power for traction (MW) 12.2 12.2 20.0 20.0
Instantaneous maximum power, total (MW) 18.2 21.4 26.0 29.2
Required receiving substation capacity (MVA) 24.2 28.5 34.6 38.9
Source: METI Study Team

(2) Signaling System
1) Functions of Signaling System

The general functions of railway signaling system are shown in Table 3-36 below.

Table 3-36 Functions of Railway Signaling System

Function System Remarks
Prevention of a train Block system Dividing a track into a certain section, and allowing
collision only one train to go into the one section.
Control of the train ATP: It is related to the block system which keeps the safety
interval between Automatic Train Protection distance between running trains. The block system
stations includes a fixed block system and a moving block
ATC: ATC has the function to show the allowable running
Automatic Train Control speed of the train automatically according to an
interval from a precedence train and conditions of a
route, and to reduce a train speed in accordance with
the signal.
Detection of the train TD: A continuous sensing system using the track circuit is
Train Detector being adopted for the existing railway.
When the ATP with the moving block system is applied,
train detection by communication-based train control
(CBTC) is applicable.
Control of the route of IL: An interlocking system between the point and route is
the turnout Interlocking installed at the station and depot equipped with the
Supervision of the train ATS: It has the following functions:
operation Automatic Train Supervision Supervision of the condition of train operation;
Preparation and control of the train operation diagram;
Restoration of the train diagram in case the trains were
Automatic train ATO: It is required when performing driver-only operation
operation Automatic Train Operation and driverless operation.
Source: METI Study Team
2) Signaling System for the MRT East-West Line

Table 3-37 Signaling System of MRT East-West Line

System Description
ATP, ATC The MRT East-West Line adopts ATP with the moving block system.

When a driver ignores or misunderstands the signal or sign, ATP brings the brake into operation
automatically if the train advances in defiance of danger, starts erroneously, or exceeds the speed
limit. ATP is the system to check and control the train speed based on the speed condition
information which is continuously directed in accordance with the location of a preceding train
and the condition of railway section.

As for the blocking system, CBTC which is a global trend in new route construction is proposed.
TD Since ATP adopts CBTC, it is proposed that TD also adopts CBTC.
IL In the station and depot which is equipped with the point machine, the interlocking system
which interlocks the point machine and the route is installed.

Route setting of the main line and the tracks in the depot is basically performed by remote
control from an operation control device in OCC. The operation panel installed at each station
and depot can be operated manually for the individual route setting in each station and depot.

ATS The MRT East-West Line adopts ATS.
ATO The MRT East-West Line adopts ATO with driver-only operation.
On-board On the approach tracks of the depot and the storage yard in the depot, the trains are operated
ATP for manually since neither ATO nor CBTC is installed. (On-board ATP for speed control, train
speed collision prevention, and overrun prevention are installed.) Manual train operation using
control wayside signal is adopted at the maintenance yard in the depot.
Source: METI Study Team
(3) Telecommunication System
1) Functions of Telecommunication System

Table 3-38 Functions of Railway Telecommunication System

Function System
Dispatching control Radio communication system
Emergency protection
Monitoring of passenger Passenger Information System (PIS)
Information dissemination to the passenger Passenger Address System (PAS)
Passenger Information Display System (PIDS)
Clock System
Distributing information Emergency call unit
from passenger Interphone system
Remote monitoring of the stations and depot Closed-circuit television (CCTV) system
Communication among related parties Telephone system
Common network service Backbone Transmission Network (BTN)
Source: METI Study Team
2) Telecommunication System for the MRT East-West Line

Table 3-39 Telecommunication System of the MRT East-West Line

System Description
Radio System In addition to the dispatch control between OCC and the train and the emergency protection
communication from the train to OCC, communication between OCC and passenger is
CCTV System OCC staff can supervise the condition of station yard by CCTV supervision system. The
monitoring cameras are installed at the station concourse, escalator exit, ticket window, and
platform. The train driver checks the situation of the boarding and alighting of passengers
with the image of the camera, and operates the door to close. In the depot, the cameras are
focused on the draw-out track, storage tracks, train-wash line, and approach tracks. And the
train movement in the depot is supervised in the depot control room. The video picture
taken with the camera is digitized and recorded on a digital video recorder.
PIS, PAS, PIDS PIDS is the visual display service which provides the information with regard to a train
entering a platform and departure train, as well as the clock time and special announcement
at each station. PIDS is installed in the platform area.

The broadcasting of information regarding the train operation and emergency broadcasting
are carried out from OCC to the passengers in the station yard and trains. The broadcast is
performed with the voice or the recorded sound of an OCC staff to all or specific stations
and trains. Also, manual broadcasting at each station can be performed.
Clock System Clock is installed at OCC, mechanical rooms in the whole line, stations, and depot. A
master clock which has high reliability and becomes the basis of other clocks in the station
is installed in OCC. And other clocks are synchronized with this clock. The master clock is
linked to the GPS system in order to get the correct updated information.
Emergency By pushing the emergency call button equipped in the platform of the station, the
Call Unit emergency bells in OCC and the station will sound. The emergency call unit installed in the
train shall enable talking with the train crew.
Interphone The interphone system with which the passenger on the platform and station staff can talk is
System installed.
Telephone Telephone system consists of a landline phone with PABX, a dispatch telephone, a wayside
System telephone, and an O&M telephone. The dispatch telephone is installed in OCC, each
station, each substation, maintenance division, and the depot. As for the O&M telephone,
which is the communication tool among OCC, depot, and maintenance staff, mobile phone
is prepared.
BTN By using optical fiber cable and transmission terminal, BTN, which connects OCC, station,
substation, and depot, is configured. In order to secure the redundancy as the core
communication system, the ring network which is made by connecting the network
terminals is adopted.

BTN is used for data transmission for CCTV, PA, PIDS, telephone system, signaling,
telecommunication, and AFC.
Source: METI Study Team
(4) Automatic Fare Collection (AFC)
1) Merit by Introduction

The AFC system consists of contactless IC card, contactless IC card handling system, ticket vending machine,
automatic gate, ticket office machine, central server, network facilities, and cash handling equipment.

By introducing the AFC system, work saving of station staff and minimizing the station area as well as preventing
an illegal ride are expected. Moreover, the AFC system can manage fare revenue and collect the passenger
utilization data which is helpful for improvement of transport service.

According to the Technical Standards for the MRT in Bangladesh, the AFC system which is introduced in Dhaka is
being requested as follows: AFC is a convenient system for passengers.
- To secure the mutual availability with the contactless IC cards which are used for the other
public transport system in Dhaka.
- To be designed by taking into account passengers’ safety and convenience, especially the
aged, children, expectant mothers, and handicapped, into the design.

2) General Outline of the System

Table 3-40 General Outline of the System

System Description
Ticket Media Magnetic ticket and IC ticket, which the machine can read/write, are used. In recent years,
contactless IC ticket, which has multiple functions, high security, and can quickly process
ticket gate passage, became the mainstream. In the IC ticket system, IC card is used for
seasonal pass and stored fare card while IC token is used for single journey ticket.

Contactless IC media is used for railway AFC system.

The contactless IC card used for railway AFC can be NFC Type A which carries IC chip of
ISO/IEC14443 and NFC Type C which carries IC chip of ISO/IEC 18092.

Although both types have several versions in terms of the differences of data retention
value and transmission speed, the security level of Type C is higher than that of Type A.
Automatic Gate As for the automatic gate for railway, there are three types, namely: flap door type,
retractable type, and turnstile type. The processing speeds are 60 persons/min for the flap
door type, 40 persons/min for the retractable type, and 30 persons/min for the turnstile type.

The retractable type has the highest prevention against illegal passenger followed by the
turnstile type, and then the flap door type. However, when a passenger is caught by the
door, the flap door type is the safest.
Ticket Vending TVM sells various kinds of railway tickets and charges the money to the IC card. TVM
Machine shall have the function to discriminate bank notes in order to detect and reject fake or
(TVM) unacceptable bank notes.
Source: METI Study Team
Flap Door Type Retractable Type Turnstile Type

Source: METI Study Team

3) AFC System for East-West Line

The Technical Standards for the MRT in Bangladesh describes the basic specifications of the ticket media, ticket
vending machine, and automatic gate of AFC. The main items are summarized below.
【"Bangladesh MRT technical standards"(Abstract)】
a) AFC System
・ The AFC system shall follow the standards of ISO/IEC15408 (information security
valuation basis for development, manufacturing, and operation of security products
and systems) or ISO/IEC14443 (which defines a means of communication by the
international standard of small electric power IC technology (RFID)).
・ Every card shall be numbered uniquely.

b) Contactless IC Card
・ Shape of contactless IC card shall be credit card size (85.6 mm x 53.98 mm).
・ Base material of the card shall be plastic.
・ Contactless IC card shall be powered by modulated radio frequency signal
transmitted from read /write units of each AFC machine. Contactless IC card shall
not have battery inside.
・ Data retention period shall be at least ten years under normal use.
・ Data transfer rate shall be at least 212 kbps.
・ Data retention shall be such that even when power supply to the card is interrupted
while writing the card, the card shall assure data integrity by logically retaining the
previous data.

c) Ticket Vending Machine

・ The ticket vending machine shall accept bills and coins of Bangladesh.
・ The ticket vending machine shall detect and reject fake or unacceptable bills and
・ The ticket vending machine shall have escrow function.
・ The ticket vending machine shall be able to give change back to the passengers.
・ Machines such as ticket vending machine shall be designed so that station staffs do
not need to touch money, unless there are troubles such as when jamming occurs.
・ The ticket vending machine shall have the function to issue stored fare card, day
ticket, and single journey ticket, to deposit the money to stored card, and to show the
data inside card.
・ The ticket vending machine shall issue receipts upon passenger’s demand.
・ The ticket vending machine shall be able to handle at least four passengers per

d) Automatic Gate
・ Installation of two types of automatic gates, namely, normal width and wide width,
shall be considered. Wide-width gate shall be able to accommodate wheelchairs.
・ The automatic gate shall be able to pass at least 60 passengers per minute.
・ Automatic gate shall be of horizontally swinging flap door type.
・ Measures shall be taken to prevent an unauthorized person.
・ The gate status shall be indicated to passengers.
Source: Bangladesh MRT technical standards (DTCA, JICA)

Table 3-41 AFC System for the MRT East-West Line

System Description
Ticket Media Contactless IC media is applied.

As the same as MRT Line 6, ISO/IEC 18092 (Type C) is selected for IC card.
Automatic Gate Flap door type is selected in order to fulfil the processing speed requested by the technical

Reader/writer of an automatic gate shall be multitype so that the media which includes any
type of IC chip can be accepted. When ticket media is IC card, the fare shall be collected by
the automatic gate from the amount of the deposited money in the ticket media.
Ticket Vending Among the bank notes of Bangladesh, most of the notes which will be used to purchase the
Machine train ticket is worn currency. It is difficult to discriminate worn bank notes by the machine.
(TVM) Since the ability requested by the technical standard cannot be fulfilled, TVM is not
introduced and ticket media is sold at the ticket window through person-to-person selling.
Source: METI Study Team
(5) Platform Screen Door (PSD)
1) Merit by Introduction

There are two types of PSD, namely, full-height PSD and half-height PSD.
Full-height PSD Half-height PSD

Source: METI Study Team

By introduction of PSD, the accident of passenger falling from the platform to the track can be prevented. Moreover,
the accident of passenger touching the moving train at the platform edge is also prevented. Therefore, the number of
station staff to secure the safety on the platform can be reduced.

In the case of underground station where the tunnel is not refrigerated, the full-height PSD can keep the air
conditioning in the platform. Thus, the platform can be air-conditioned efficiently and economically by PSD. In the
case of underground station where the train passes, the full-height PSD can protect passengers from train wind.

2) Basin Concept of PSD for the MRT East-West Line

The half-height PSD is installed in the elevated station from the viewpoint of securing the safety on the platform. In
the case of underground air conditioned station, full-height PSD is adopted to secure the safety of passengers and
save the energy of air conditioning.

The train configuration of the MRT East-West Line is 6-car train during MRT Line 5N Phase1 and 8-car train will
be added in MRT Line 5N Phase 2. The train which has four doors per one side of car is being proposed. Allocation
of PSD door shall conform to the number and position of the doors of the train.

3) System Configuration of PSD

The PSD consists of the following systems:

a) Fixed barrier (wall) and movable barrier (wall)
b) Entrance door for driver
c) Control and monitoring system
d) Safety system including sensor, alarm, and display
e) Power supply system including uninterruptible power supply system

The PSD needs to have a combined function with the ATO, train antenna, and CCTV on the platform.

3.3 Outline of the Project Plan

3.3.1 Basic Policy for Determination of the Scope of the Project

(1) Basic Policy of Dhaka City and Outline Design

In the implementation of MRT Line 6, elevated structures for the whole line were accepted. The MRT Line 5N has
been planned to build elevated viaducts like in MRT Line 6, and to cross the cantonment area between Kochukhet
Station and Banani Station where many five-storey residential buildings, an 18-hole golf course, and sensitive
facilities are compactly located. Demolition and land acquisition are required to construct viaduct structure for
MRT Line 5N. The precedent report says that the area is so wide that there are no alternate routes to avoid it, and
it is agreed by the Study Team. Therefore, an underground tunnel method has been envisaged to avoid land
acquisition, demolition of residential buildings, and environmental issues. There are no experiences of shield
tunnels and underground stations in Dhaka which may be far more expensive than the elevated viaducts. However,
it becomes acceptable to adopt better plans based on the recent powerful economic growth even though they are
costlier. At the mini workshop of this study, DTCA has curiously asked how large is the gap between the amount
of all elevated option and partial underground option.

(2) Comparative Study of All Elevated Option and Partial Underground Option

The Study Team presented the schematic drawing of shield tunnel and underground station to DTCA, and then
compared the preliminary project costs between them as shown in Table 3-42.

Table 3-42 Comparison of Cost Estimation

Unit :Million BDT(Bangladesh)

No All Elevated Option Partial Underground Option
Item Unit Q'ty Unit Amount Unit Q'ty Unit Amount
MillionBDT /unit MillionBDT MillionBDT /unit MillionBDT
1 Civil Works 41,311 61,456
Viaduct km 16.8 1,206 20,267 km 10.9 1,200 12,251
Tunnel Km 0 0 Km 5.9 2,600 14,955
Station nos. 12 1,024 12,291 nos. 12 2,399 25,498
Depot LS 1 8,753 8,753 LS 1 9,610 8,753

2 Procurement of Equipment 36,389 37,015

E & M system LS 1 21,794 21,794 LS 1 22,420
Rolling stock LS 1 14,595 14,595 LS 1 14,595

3 Base cost for onstruction LS 1 77,700 77,700 LS 1 98,471

3 Escalation cost LS 1 27,361 27,361 LS 1 34,567
3 Physical Contingency LS 1 5,252 5,252 LS 1 6,646

4 Consulting Services LS 1 7,566 LS 1 9,807

Base cost LS 1 5,774 5,774 LS 1 3,086 7,445
Escalation cost LS 1 1,436 1,436 LS 1 760 1,896
Physical Contingency LS 1 356 356 LS 1 15,966 467

5 Sub-total (3+4) 117,879 149,492

6 Local Administration cost 33,108 26,728

Land acquisition LS 1 28,913 28,913 LS 1 21,474
Utiity diversion LS 1 1,407 1,407 LS 1 1,714
Administration cost LS 1 2,672 2,672 LS 1 3,391
Interests LS 1 117 117 LS 1 149

7 Price Escalation above 6 LS 1 9,988 LS 1 8,048

8 Tax 25,958 34,687

VAT (15%) LS 1 17,678 17,678 LS 1 22,420
Import tax LS 1 8,280 8,280 LS 1 12,267

9 Grand total (5+6+7+8) 186,934 218,955

Source: METI Study Team

Although the all elevated option is more economical than the partial underground option, it was foreseen that there
will be great difficulties in negotiating with the army to acquire the land in the cantonment area, demolish
residential buildings, and manage the environmental issues. Therefore, both DTCA and the Study Team have
agreed to adopt the partial underground option. DTCA deems it to be financially feasible and the Study Team
considers that it is more suitable for the Project to mobilize the technique, cooperation, and financial assistance
from Japan for the tunnel method. The comparison of merits and demerits between the all elevated option and the
partial underground option is shown in Table 3-43.

In addition, full underground option was additionally assessed based on the request of DTCA. The results are
complied in Appendix 4, including the cost estimate, construction plan, project implementation schedule,
economic and financial analysis results. This is for reference only and the Study team recommends that the
Partial-Underground option is the optimim scheme for MRT Line-5N, Phase-1.

Table 3-43 Comparison between the All Elevated Option and Partial Underground Option
Items All Elevated Partial Underground
Contractor International contractor ○ International contractor ○
Techni Traffic All sections and stations Only at the station area
△ △
cal Management 4 lanes ⇒2 lanes 4 lanes ⇒2 lanes
Transition Section None ○ 500 m×2 places △
Viaduct structure and station on No viaduct structure on Banani
Environment (Landscape) △ ○
Banani – Gulshan Road – Gulshan Road
・Depot ・Depot
・Gas station ・Gas station
・Banani Cantonment △ ○
(Land acquisition)
・Banani College Area
・Golf course
Viaduct structures on the
Cantonment issue △ Pass through the underground ○
cantonment area and golf course
Institutional experience Experienced from MRT Line 6 ○ None ×

Overall Evaluation Depend on Cantonment Issue △ Feasible ○

(○: Possible △ : possible, but there are some difficulties ×: Impossible)
Source: METI Study Team

Figure 3-60 Comparison of Vertical Figures

All elevated
S4 Dhaka
S2 S5 S7
S3 Mirpur10 S6 Elevated S8 S9
S1 Dar-Us- Mirpur14 Banani S10 Bara
Gabtoli Salam Mirpur1 Kochukhet Express Gulshan2 Notun Bazar Vatara Kathaldia Beraid









Partial Underground
S2 S4 S5
S3 S6 S11
S1 Dar-Us- Mirpur10 Mirpur14 Kochukhet S10 S12
Mirpur1 Cantonment S7
S9 Vatara
Gabtoli Salam S8 Kathaldia Beraid
Notun Bazar
Banani Gulshan2







Source: METI Study Team

3.3.2 Specifications of the Applied Facilities

The structures of the elevated and underground options are shown in Figure 3-61 below. Applied facilities do not
have any effect on road traffic under both elevated and underground options. Regarding the elevated structure, two
lanes are occupied at all sections during construction. On the other hand, regarding the underground structure,
although two lanes are occupied at the station, there is no effect on road traffic at the other section thanks to the
shield tunnel.

Figure 3-61 Applied Facilities of Elevated Option and Underground Option

Viaduct Section Elevated Station Tunnel Section Underground Station

10~11m 25m

7m (Min)


3.0 1.0 1.0

Source: METI Study Team

3.3.3 Contents of the Proposed Project

Route information and applied system are reproduced in Figure 3-62 below.

Figure 3-62 Horizontal Alignment of the Project

Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-44 Station Information

Source: METI Study Team

Table 3-45 Summary of Alignment and Applied System

Item Contents

Length 16.2 km (Elevated: 10.8 km, Underground: 5.4 km)

Number of Stations 12 (Elevated: 8, Underground: 4)

Depot Area 24.8 ha

Signal System ATP, TD, IL, ATS, ATO

Telecommunication Radio System, CCTV system,


AFC Magnetic ticket and IC ticket, flap door-type automatic gate

Source: METI Study Team

3.3.4 Issues and Solution to Apply the Proposed Technology and System

(1) Shield Tunnel

Underground construction period is extended compared with viaduct construction. Application of the double
shield machine, considering that tunnel construction is the critical path, is also considered in order to meet the
early commercial operation because it is desired to open the line as earlier. However, Banani Cantonment exists at
the tunnel section. Furthermore, although shaft should be prepared for the shield machine installation, it is unclear
where to find it. It is a quite sensitive issue; therefore, the details should be discussed in the next feasibility study

(2) Traffic Management during Construction of Underground Station

In general, road is open for the construction of the underground station, and the station width will be occupied on
the road for the construction. The western side of Gulshan 2 Station, which is the narrowest section in this study,

is 20 m wide, and the station width is also 20 m. Therefore, road is completely blocked during construction, if no
appropriate construction method is taken into account. In fact, it would be a big problem to block the road, which
is the center of the office area of Dhaka. Considering the chronic traffic congestion in the area, half of the station
should be completed first without completely closing the road. After that, road decking panel will cover the
completed part. Traffic can pass through it, therefore it can contribute to traffic management.

(3) About the anti-inundation measures of the transition section and the underground station

In cases that flood and local severe rain occur, the serious damage to affect a human life may occur, besides
paralysis of traffic by the flood from the opening of a subway.

As the opening of subway, there are pithead of transition section, station entrance, and ventilation opening. And
the following is mentioned as main anti-inundation measures.

 Pithead of transition section => Installation of flood wall or pithead gate for anti-inundation

 Station entrance => Mount-up of station entrance, installation of water shut plate or watertight door

 Ventilation opening => Installation of flood prevention machine, installation of the ventilating tower which
has an opening in high position

Figure 3-63 Anti- inundation measures

Anti-inundation measures for pithead of transition section

Pithead gate for anti-inundation

Flood wall
Anti-inundation measures for station entrance

Water shut plate
Mount-up of station entrance, watertight door
Anti-inundation measures for ventilation opening

Flood prevention machine

Ventilation tower
Source: METI Study Team based on the data of Tokyo Metro

(4) Coordination with Other Projects

Total coordination of transport project is poor, but many projects are ongoing in parallel including this Project.
Flyover is now constructed in DMA without coordination, so overlapping with other flyover at the road space
above usually happens. Original planning does not go well. Regarding the crossing section at Natun Bazar, which
is the junction station between MRT Line 1 and MRT Line 5, for example, the vertical alignment of MRT Line 1 is
underground. In addition, MRT Line 1 is the priority line in RSTP. Therefore, the vertical alignment of the
East-West Line will pass under the MRT Line 1. However, if vertical alignment of MRT Line 1 becomes an
elevated structure at this section, the alignment of MRT Line 5 will be revised again and there is an effect on cost
estimation. In this case, the total project cost will decrease because depth will be shallow. But the worse case may
happen in other projects without coordination. Accordingly, it is important to properly coordinate with RSTP and
to collect information.

Chapter4 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts
4.1 Analysis on the Environmental and Social Impact

The current situation regarding the environment and social aspects of the Project is briefly described below.

Geology and Soils

Dhaka lies in the extreme south of the Madhupur Tract, which is situated in the central-eastern part of Bangladesh.
The planning area is covered mainly by the Pleistocene Madhupur Clay, a yellowish brown to highly oxidized
reddish brown silty clay, and by Holocene sediments in the south, west, and east, which is made up of alluvial silt
and clay, and marshy clay and peat.

Earthquake Risk

Dhaka City falls in seismic zone II based on the seismic zoning map of Bangladesh as show in Figure 4-1. It is
classified as being on the upper end of the scale for moderate risk. Significant damaging past earthquakes has
occurred in and around Bangladesh, and damaging earthquakes of moderate magnitude occur every few years.
Faults and lineaments that have occurred due to tectonic movements appear along the edge of the Dhaka Terrace
on the east, trending south-west, and along the Tongi Khal in Tongi-Uttara-Uttar Khan area, trending east-west.

Figure 4-1 Seismic Zoning Map

Z= design coeficient

Source: Bangladesh National Building Code


According to Higgins (InSAR measurements of compaction and subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta,
Bangladesh, Stephanie Higgins, University of Colorado Boulder, CSDMS meeting of 2014), land subsidence in
Dhaka occurs at the rate of 0 to > 10 mm/yr, and is likely related to groundwater abstraction. Variations in the rate
of subsidence correspond to local variations in shallow subsurface sediments. According to some surveyed data
(Updated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of MRT Line 6, 2015), subsidence rates in the order of 2-4
mm/yr are typical in the Project area.


The total groundwater abstraction from licensed production wells operated by the Dhaka Water Supply and
Sewerage Authority (DWASA) and private (mainly industrial) operators is around 700 million cubic meters
(MCM) per year. In addition to DWASA tube wells, there are more than 1,000 privately managed deep tube wells
that are primarily unlicensed and for which no abstraction data are available. Some deep tube wells reach greater
than 400 m.

Groundwater levels throughout the city have fallen drastically over the last 15-20 years. Data tabulated by Zahid
et al. (Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for Urban Demand of Dhaka City: Emergency Measures Needs to be
Implemented to Protect the Aquifer, Anwar Zahid, M Qumrul Hassan, M Abdul Karim and M Ashraful Islam,
Ground Water Hydrology, Bangladesh Water Development Board, undated) indicated that groundwater levels
have fallen from 23 to 47 m in three areas of the city from 1980 to 2007.

Groundwater quality data as reported in the updated EIA of MRT Line 6, 2015, shows the following:

 High arsenic level in some shallow well

 Deep well water seems very fresh


A generalized drainage map for Dhaka is shown in Figure 4-2. This map shows the main drainage channels for the
Project area as follows:

 Drainage is not yet fully developed in the north and east side.
 The section from Pallabi to Mirpur is drained through the Digun Khal (Rupnagar) and the water flows north
and is discharged through the same pump station to the Turag River.
 The section of the MRT Line 5 alignment near Mirpur drains through the Kallyanpur Khal and into the
Buriganga through the Kallyanpur Khal Pump Station.
 Begum Bhari Khal drains the area in the vicinity of Sonargaon and Shahbagh toward the east to the
Shityalakya River.

Figure 4-2 Drainage System of Dhaka City (DWASA)

Source: DWASA

Surface Water Quality

The surface water quality (except rivers) in Dhaka City shows many pollutants according to the Updated EIA of
MRT Line 6, 2015.

 Dissolved oxygen (DO) is generally high, near saturation, in all the lakes, but near zero in the khals.
 pH in the lakes is neutral to slightly alkaline, depending on the season; whereas it is slightly acidic in the
khals, approaching the pH lower limit of the Department of Environment (DOE).
 Conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) are consistently low in the lake water. The khal contains
twice the amount of TDS, and conductivity is two times higher than the average of all lake samples. These
are indicators of inorganic salts present in water from human activity, which are not generally present in the
lake samples.
 Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and coliform bacteria are high in
the lake samples during the dry period, but are reduced significantly in the wet season.

The following Figure 4-3 shows the water quality hot spots of Dhaka City.

Figure 4-3 Water Quality Hotspots in Surface Waters around Dhaka

Source: The Buriganga - Turag - Stitalakya - Balu River Rehabilitation Strategy

General Weather Conditions

Dhaka experiences a hot, wet, and humid tropical climate. The city is within the monsoon climate zone, with an
annual average temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) and monthly mean temperature varying between 18 °C (64 °F) in
January and 29 °C (84 °F) in August. Nearly 80% of the annual average rainfall of 1,854 mm (73 in) occurs
between May and September.

Air Quality

Air quality is measured directly as suspended particulate matter as total SPM and PM10, the fraction smaller than 10
µm, nitrous oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and lead (Pb). DOE sets ambient standards
for four of these pollutant parameters as shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 DOE Ambient Air Standards (µg/m3)

Land Use Category SPM SO2 CO NOx

a. Industrial and mixed 500 120 5000 100

b. Commercial and mixed 400 100 5000 100

c. Residential and rural 200 80 2000 80

d. Sensitive 100 30 1000 30

Source: METI Study Team

According to the Updated EIA of MRT Line 6, 2015, for pollutants that have specific limits set by DOE (SPM, CO,
NOx, and SO2):

 All but one (92% of total 12 sampling points) of the monitoring locations produced daytime SPM values in
excess of the residential standard, and six locations (50%) exceeded the standard for commercial and mixed
land uses. Nighttime values are within the limit set by DOE for commercial and mixed land uses.
 The DOE NOx standard for commercial and mixed land uses was exceeded in eight out of 12 samples
(66%) for both day and night values.
 The CO standard for commercial and mixed land uses was exceeded in seven out of 12 samples (58%)
taken during daytime hours, and in six out of 12 samples (50%) taken at night.
 SO2 is generally within the limits set by DOE, with none of the monitoring results exceeding the residential
standard. Daytime SO2 levels are generally 66% higher than nighttime levels.
 Air quality is better during the rainy season (second data set), with values typically 50-70% lower than the
dry season results.

Noise Level

Noise is measured in weighted decibel units, typically in 10-minute averages, but may also be in 1-hour, or
day-night (24-hour) averages. DOE ambient noise criteria are shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 DOE Ambient Noise Standard (dBA)

Category Day Night

a. Silent zone 45 35

b. Residential area 50 40

c. Mixed area 60 50

d. Commercial area 70 60

e. Industrial area 75 70
Source: METI Study Team

In general, Dhaka is a noisy city, at least along the roadside. According to the Updated EIA of MRT Line 6, 2015,
only six locations out of the 40 measured sites have a noise level of less than 60 dB. On the other hand, there were
26 locations where noise levels exceeded 70 dB. In Mirpur 10, noise level is 70.7 dB, while it is 72.7 dB in

Protected Areas

The DOE designation of an Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) is intended to identify an environmental protection
zone. There is no protected area or ECA within or near the Project area.

Flora and Fauna

Because Dhaka City is urbanized, there are few natural forest areas remaining. Still, the vegetation of Dhaka City
has a variety of indigenous and exotic species especially in parks and gardens. Although there are varieties of
mammals and birds existing in Dhaka, none of them are endangered or protected.

Land Use

Dhaka City’s growth is moderated and directed according to land use classification and zoning set up by the
Capital Development Authority (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha: RAJUK). RAJUK publishes land use map
referred to as “Comprehensive Detailed Area Plan on RS Mauza [base] Map” which both fixes and designates
land uses. The current Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) was prepared in 1997 for the period
1995 to 2015. However, the new DMDP for 2015 to 2035 is now under preparation. A draft version is available
from July 2015. The newly proposed land use map is shown in Figure 4-4 below.

Figure 4-4 Proposed Land Use Map of RAJUK

Source: RAJUK

Transport Assets

Growth of transport vehicles is shown in Table 4-3. Overall growth of passenger vehicles is 49% over the last five

years. Recurring growth is gradually falling from 13% to 3.3%, which shows that the saturation level (0% growth)
may be reached in the next five years. Congestion on roads and lack of road space for driving and parking will
force people not to buy more vehicles.

Motorcycles (76.4% growth over the last five years) will supersede cars and other 4-wheelers soon. Many old
buses and mini buses are operating on the roads and cause air pollution. They are planned to be replaced in phases.
Growth in the public transportation system is not high.

Growth of goods vehicles is very high. In the last five years, their combined growth is 177%. The number of
trucks has increased 2.5 times over the last five years. While the increase in freight traffic is a sign of prosperity,
maintenance of the national and regional highways needs to be improved, and development of new regional roads
is needed to cope with the challenges of growing freight traffic.

Table 4-3 Growth in Number of Motor Vehicles

Type of Vehicles Up to 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 May-14

Number of Public Transport Vehicles

Car/Jeep/Taxi 197,660 218,535 231,708 241,179 251,521 258,019

Bus 15,552 16,783 18,284 19,502 20,473 20,967

Mini Bus 9,341 9,490 9,629 9,732 9,815 9,846

Micro bus 40,503 46,202 49,742 52,385 54,612 56,245

Motorcycle 179,383 210,081 244,789 277,599 303,930 316,370

Auto Tempo 1,659 1,662 1,663 1,663 1,663 1,663

Auto Rickshaw 7,612 7,664 7,775 7,835 7,837 7,868

Total 451,710 510,417 563,590 609,895 649,851 670,978

Recurring Growth 13.0% 10.4% 8.2% 6.6% 3.3%

Growth 13% 25% 35% 44% 49%

Number of Goods Vehicles

LGV 30,557 39,979 50,463 57,637 65,780 70,510

Truck 22,299 26,922 68,972 71,796 75,318 78,599

Tanker 719 817 969 1,059 1,195 1,277

Type of Vehicles Up to 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 May-14

Other Types 9,152 12,224 16,590 19,573 22,135 23,315

Total 62,727 79,942 136,994 150,065 164,428 173,701

Recurring Growth 27.4% 71.4% 9.5% 9.6% 5.6%

Cumulative 27% 118% 139% 162% 177%

Source: BRTA

4.2 Environmental Improvement Effects by the Project

The Project will mainly and significantly contribute in reducing the travel time and also vehicle operation cost. In
turn, this will help in reducing traffic congestion. There are a number of environmental benefits associated with the
Project. These are briefly explained below.

Positive Impacts: Green House Gas Reduction

The Project mitigates climate change by bringing about a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in comparison with
a base case scenario without the Project. The estimate of emissions reduction due to the Project is based on reduction
of polluting cars operation.

Positive Impacts: Air Quality Improvement

As the car and bus operations will be reduced due to modal shift, the emission of CO, SOx and NOx will also be

4.3 Project Influence on Environmental and Social Sectors

4.3.1 No Build Alternative

The Project is considered within the framework of the Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP) of 2015 through a
series of planning decisions. The RSTP is a long-term plan for the target horizon of 2035. The MRT Line 5 is the
only east-west connection among the seven proposed and ongoing MRT and BRT lines. A “No Build Alternative”
is simply not acceptable as without this MRT Line 5, no effective network can be realized.

In the economic analysis of this Study, it was mentioned that with the implementation of MRT Line 5, the travel
speed will increase from 10 km/h to 35 km/h. Also, it was found that yearly economic benefit from MRT Line 5
will be around BDT 20 billion/year. It was also confirmed that the Project is economically viable.

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that “No Build Alternative” is far less logical than the
implementation of MRT Line 5.

4.3.2 Anticipated Environmental Impacts

Environmental assessment involves weighing the likelihood of an event and the magnitude of its impact on an
affected resource. Environmental impacts can be minimized in the planning and design of the Project, and
mitigation measures can be applied during construction and operation phases. A detailed impact assessment of the
MRT Line 5 Project is expected to be carried out in the later stage of the Project during a full-scale feasibility study.
In this Study, anticipated impacts are briefly discussed.


Noise issues during the construction phase are significant, in particular during depot land development, while noise
emissions during operation are less significant. Construction of foundations and piers, and erection of precast
viaduct sections, will generate moderate noise. On the other hand, construction of underground section will not
generate any noise at the ground level.

Noise levels during construction along the alignment are not expected to exceed the adopted standard. Nonetheless,
it might be exceeded at times. The following mitigation measures are proposed to reduce noise impacts from

 Use heavy equipment with built-in noise abatement, especially pavement breakers, crawler cranes,
excavators, and concrete cutters;
 Construct temporary noise barriers between noisy activities and noise-sensitive receivers;
 Place equipment on construction and casting yards as far away from noise-sensitive sites as possible;
 Construct walled enclosures around especially noisy activities or clusters of noisy equipment;
 Combine noisy operations to occur in the same time period, if possible;
 Avoid nighttime activities where there is sensitivity to noise, such as hospitals; and
 Provide noise-dampened equipment such as quiet and enclosed air compressors and properly working
mufflers on all engines.

The noise from train operation depends on track type, rail curvature, track structure, and speed. The transit noises
generated by MRT Line 6 for ballast less track, and with 2 m parapet, are 62.4 dB for train speed of 45 km/h at radius
of 160 m and 57.9 dB for train speed of 95 km/h at radius of more than 500 m. Thus, it can be stated that noise is not
an issue for straight sections, but it is more than 60 dB (mixed area daytime DOE limit) for curved sections.
However, by placing noise- and vibration-proof track like Mass Spring System (MSS), it is possible to reduce the
generated noise by 3 to 5 dB. Thus, it can be said that transit noise can be managed with the proper arrangements.

For underground section, there is no issue of noise both during construction and operation phases.


Vibration is measured in Vibration decibels (VdB) and in Peak Particle Velocity (PPV, mm/sec). It may be noted that
there is currently no vibration-related standards in Bangladesh.

Vibration during operation is not a significant issue; vibration will be at the higher side at curve sections, but this can
be mitigated by introducing noise- and vibration-proof tracks like MSS. On the other hand, normal construction
equipment does not cause severe vibration except for sand compaction or dynamic compaction equipment. At this
stage of the Project, it is not certain which equipment will be used. Hence, it is suggested that this should be
investigated in more detail in the feasibility study stage of the Project.

For underground section, there is no issue of vibration both during construction and operation phases.

Air Quality

Air emissions can be generated during construction of the viaduct and stations by equipment operations and
entrainment of dust along roadways near construction sites, yards, and haul routes. Operation of the transit system
and stations do not generate air pollution.

Air quality impacts associated with construction activities should be minimized by the following measures:

 Spray water at work sites and on unpaved surfaces within fabrication yards;
 Cover and/or wet down materials onsite;
 Loads will be covered during transportation of loose sand, aggregate, and spoil materials by truck;
 Provide washing facilities at the gates of casting yards and materials storage sites, if necessary, to remove
mud from wheels and undercarriages; and
 Provide certification that construction equipment brought onto the job complies with exhaust emissions
standards, and assure equipment is properly maintained.

Traffic Congestion

Although traffic congestion can be significant during operations in the vicinity of stations, it is more significant
during construction of viaduct and overhead station as well as underground station construction (as those are
constructed using open cut method). Traffic congestion in construction zones can be addressed through proper
traffic management planning such as:

 Reducing demand by promoting the use of public transportation;

 Restrictions on rickshaws entering the main thoroughfares;
 Debottlenecking of traffic flow at key intersections;
 Partial restrictions on roadside parking and loading at peak traffic periods; and
 Diversion of private and bus traffic around the construction zones.

For underground section, there is no issue of traffic congestion for tunnel construction.

Drainage and Water Quality

This impact is mainly associated with the construction phase. Drainage design is aimed at preventing standing
water and flooding in the vicinity of work sites by providing positive drainage to the point of outfall. Poor water
quality at the point of discharge or open water can affect public health and aquatic ecosystems. The main impact
during construction is due to suspended solids entrained in runoff that can soil surfaces and clog drainage systems.
However, with proper drainage plan, this impact can be minimized easily.

Visual Impact

The elevated portion including viaduct and stations can have some visual impact. However, it is very subjective
and can be minimized by introducing motifs and colors to blend the imposing structures into its surroundings.

For the underground section, there is no issue of visual impact during construction and operation phases.

Other Negative Impacts

There are possibilities of some other impacts at insignificant level such as groundwater, solid waste, tree cutting,
and occupational health. Impacts from these can be mitigated easily.

4.3.3 Land Acquisition

(1) General Condition

In the earlier chapters, it was explained that the north route of MRT Line 5 (Line 5N) will be considered as
priority route of MRT Line 5, while within this MRT Line 5N, Phase 1 is marked as the section between Gabtoli
and Beraid for immediate implementation. This section passes through the congested areas including cantonment
area. Various types of options are considered including partial underground at the central portion. A very rough
assessment is carried out for the land requirement and estimation of the market value.

In general, for straight portion of the alignment, there is no need for land acquisition as the viaduct will be placed
at the center of the road. The expected width of viaduct is about 10 m and most of the alignment will pass through
roads much wider than 10 m. Impact, however, arises from the curve section, as the minimum allowable curve
radius is 200 m. Stations are proposed in such a way that there should not be any land requirement. It is to be
noted that, entry/exit from the elevated stations might need some minor land requirement, which can also be
confirmed during the detailed design stage.

Three elevated options are considered for passing through the cantonment area. A separate land acquisition cost is
estimated for each of the alternatives. However, it is to be noted that apart from this section, there are land
acquisition required at other locations of the alignment.

Also, costs for depot are estimated. In addition, as for reference, a brief estimate of the land acquisition has also
been made for the south route of MRT Line 5 (Line 5S) as well.

(2) Between Gabtoli and Mirpur 1

The RSTP Team proposed the alignment to follow Dar-Us-salam Road as shown below (yellow line). However,
alternate analysis was carried out for Mazar Road (green line).

Figure 4-5 Alignment of Mazar Road and Dar-Us-Salam Road

Source: METI Study Team

In both cases, there would be land acquisition. However, as Mazar Road is very narrow (average road width is
only 13 m), a large number of buildings need to be demolished at the station site as shown below.

Figure 4-6 Buildings along Mazar Road (Station) where Land Acquisition is Required

Source: METI Study Team

The demolition of buildings in the southern and northern ends of the road will also be massive, as respectively
shown below.

Figure 4-7 Buildings along Mazar Road (Southern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required

Source: METI Study Team

Figure 4-8 Buildings along Mazar Road (Northern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required

Source: METI Study Team

On the other hand, for the yellow line, land acquisition is required only in the southern end as shown below. Here,
Purbachal CNG Station and CNG Conversion Factory will be affected along with some tin shade structures.

Figure 4-9 Buildings along Dar-Us-Salam Road (Southern Part) where Land Acquisition is Required

Source: METI Study Team

The comparison shown below concluded that Dar-Us-Salam Road is recommended.

Table 4-4 Comparison Between Mazar Road and Dar-Us-Salam Road

Mazar Road Dar-Us-Salam Road

Average road width 13 m 35 m

Station Requires a lot of land acquisition and No land acquisition

building demolition

Viaduct Construction will be difficult Less construction problem

Aesthetics/ Landscape Will be severely affected Will be moderately affected

Ridership catering A large number of potential riders will face More suitable for large number
difficulty to access of potential riders
Source: METI Study Team

For Dar-Us-Salam option, there will be a land requirement of around 2,500 m2 at the gas station. The estimated
cost of compensation is around BDT 5,610 million.

(3) Cantonment Area

For the elevated viaduct, three options are considered for the cantonment area as shown below, namely: (a) yellow
line through Banani Defense Officers Housing Society (DOHS), (b) green line through the golf course, and (c)
blue line through the existing road.

Figure 4-10 Alignment in Cantonment Area

Source: METI Study Team

Yellow Route

The yellow route passes through the Banani DOHS, where the road width is only 9 m, so the entire one side of the
block has to be removed. In addition, there are few demolition work required between Kochukhet and Banani

Figure 4-11 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Yellow Line)

Source: METI Study Team

For this option, the total compensation is BDT 9,530 million. The breakdown is as follows:

1. Between Kochukhet and Banani DOHS

a. Land required: 15,000 m2

b. Building damage: few tin shed buildings

c. Passes through the residence of the Chief of Army Staff

d. Approximate cost: BDT 1,580 million

2. Within Banani DOHS

a. Land required: 5,000 m2

b. Building damage: 13 6-storey buildings and one mosque (entire one side of the road)

c. Approximate cost: BDT 7,950 million

Green Route

The green route passes through the golf course as well as Banani intersection, where there are some universities.

Figure 4-12 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Green Line)

Source: METI Study Team

For this option, the total compensation is BDT 7,070 million. The breakdown is as follows:

1. Land in Cantonment

a. Land required: 23,000 m2

b. Building damage: few tin shed buildings

c. Passes through the residence of the Chief of Army Staff and army golf course

d. Approximate cost: BDT 2,420 million

2. Banani Intersection

a. Land required: 3,000 m2

b. Building damage: 2 universities, 1 bank, 1 8-storey and 3 small buildings

c. Approximate cost: BDT 4,650 million

Blue Route

The blue route passes through the existing road but needs a lot of land acquisition.

Figure 4-13 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Blue Line)

Source: METI Study Team

For this option, the total compensation is BDT 6,545 million. The breakdown is as follows:

1. Banani Intersection

a. Land required: 2,200 m2

b. Building damage: UAE market, 10-storey buildings and others

c. Approximate cost: BDT 5,035 million

2. Garison Intersection

a. Land required: 1,400 m2

b. Building damage: one garments factory

c. Approximate cost: BDT 900 million

3. Kachukhet Intersection

a. Land required: 2,000 m2

b. Building damage: about 15 shops

c. Approximate cost: BDT 340 million

4. At Kachukhet – Mirpur 14 Intersection,

a. Land required: 2,200 m2

b. Building damage: Two 6-storey government quarters

c. Approximate cost: BDT 270 million

(4) Comparison among Three Elevated Options within Cantonment Area

As explained in the earlier sections, the land acquisition and compensation costs for the three elevated alternatives
within the cantonment area are as follows:

 Yellow route BDT 9,530 million = JPY 15.2 billion

 Green route BDT 7,070 million = JPY 11.3 billion
 Blue route BDT 6,545 million = JPY 10.5 billion

Although it seems that the Blue Route is the cheapest in terms of land and compensation, the construction cost
would be different as the length of the alternative routes are different. The comparison table is shown below:

Table 4-5 Cost Comparison Among Three Routes in the Cantonment

Yellow (Center) Green (North) Blue (South)

Land/ Compensation Cost BDT 9.5 billion BDT 7 billion BDT 6.5 billion

Length 1.2 km 1.35 km 2.0 km

Construction Cost BDT 1.3 billion BDT 1.6 billion BDT 2.3 billion

Total Cost BDT 11 billion BDT 8.7 billion BDT 8.9 billion
Source: METI Study Team

Thus, it can be said that the Green Route (north, through the golf course) is the cheapest among the three elevated

(5) Underground Option

In case of underground option, there will be no land requirement within the cantonment area. However, the
construction cost would be different. It may be noted here that land acquisition will still be required at the
technical intersection even for the underground option. As explained in Section 4.3.2, the estimated compensation
cost is BDT 5.6 billion. The comparison of civil construction cost and land/compensation cost for elevated and
underground is shown below. For underground option, the Yellow Route (underground) will be used, while for all
elevated portion the Green Route will be used.

Table 4-6 Cost Comparison Between All Elevated and Partial Underground
Item All Elevated Partial Underground

Viaduct BDT 17 billion BDT 8.9 billion

Tunnel 0 BDT 1.5 billion

Station BDT 11.2 billion BDT 20.7 billion

Land/Compensation (Technical Intersection) BDT 5.6 billion BDT 5.6 billion

Land/Compensation (Cantonment Area) BDT 7 billion 0

Total of Civil and Land Acquisition Only BDT 44.1 billion BDT 50.8 billion
Source: METI Study Team

Although the partial underground does not require land acquisition at the cantonment area, the combined cost
would be higher.

(6) Depot Area

As explained in the previous chapters, the land requirement for the depot is about 24 ha. Depot could be located
anywhere in the line. For MRT Line 5N, investigations were made at the end of the route, namely, at the end of
Gabtoli and end of Beraid. It was found that land availability at the Gabtoli end is rather limited and price is high.
Thus, it is proposed to establish the depot at the Beraid end, on the eastern side of Balu River

As shown in the following Figure 4-14, after about 1 km from Beraid Station towards east, there are empty lands
on both sides of the proposed alignment. There are enough areas to locate a 24 ha depot on either side. As the
northern side is now developed for future housing area, the depot is proposed on the southern side on mostly
uninhabited area.

Figure 4-14 Proposed Depot Area

It may be noted here that RAJUK is now preparing a future land use plan for 2016 to 2035, which is expected to
be released in early 2016. As shown in Figures 4-4 and 4-15, the proposed depot area at the east side of the Balu
River may be identified as conservation area, which would not be allowed for any development activities for the

next 20 years. The land use map is revised every 20 years by RAJUK taking into accont the land development
and natural environmental conservation needs. The land development needs should be properly assessed for the
finalization of land use plan for the next 20 years. Thus, it is recommended that DTCA/DMTC shall submit
application for the land development at the east bank of Balu River as Depot Area of MRT Line 5N for the
concerned agencies to assess the needs of land development and conservation. It is also required that the further
detailed investigation for the depot area should be conducted in technical, environmental and social viewpoints in
the next detailed feasibility study stage.

From the land availability aspect, it can be said that land for depot area (around 24 ha) is possible to secure at
anywhere between the Beraid and the proposed Vatara station at any side of the road. Although the initial
investment cost and operation cost might be less for a depot location close to Vatara station, a depot location just
by the bank of the Balu river can initiate “Transit oriented development” in these currently sparsely populated area.
At this stage of the Study, it is not possible to finalize the exact depot location in the absence of topo survey and
basic geotechnical investigation. For the purpose of this Study, depot location is propsed as mentioned above. It is
expected that the depot location will be finalized at the full feasibility study stage with results of topo and geo

Figure 4-15 Land Use Plan Map of RAJUK

Depot Area

Source: RAJUK

(7) Supplementary Study on the Southern Route of MRT Line 5 (Line 5S)

It was explained in the earlier chapters that RSTP proposed MRT Line 5 to have two loops, a part of the northern
loop has been considered as priority project and subject to this METI Study. However, as future reference, this
Study investigated the land acquisition requirement for the southern loop also. The southern loop runs from
Gabtoli to Aftab Nagar as shown in the following Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16 Alignment of South Route

Source: METI Study Team

Near the Panthapath Dhanmondi Intersection: When the line turns from the Mirpur Road (Dhanmondi) to
Panthapath, land acquisition is required at that intersection. The expected land requirement is about 1,500 m2 and
will require the removal of New Model School and College. Approximate cost is about BDT 350 million.

Figure 4-17 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Intersection of Panther Pass and Dhanmondi)

Source: METI Study Team

Entrance of Aftab Nagar: When the alignment enters into Aftab Nagar from the Hatirjheel area, land will be
required, where currently a DWASA building is located. The expected land requirement is about 15,000 m2 and
will require removal of the DWASA building. Approximate cost is BDT 1,590 million.

Figure 4-18 Buildings where Land Acquisition is Required (Entrance of Aftab Nagar)

Source: METI Study Team

Therefore, the land acquisition-related cost compensation for the southern loop of MRT Line 5 is about BDT
1,940 million. In case a depot of about 30 ha is considered at the Aftab Nagar end, the depot land cost can be
about BDT 18,200 million. The possible depot location is shown in the following Figure 4-19.

Figure 4-19 Possible Depot Area

Source: METI Study Team

4.4 Outline of Related Laws and Regulations on Environmental and

Social Considerations

4.4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

The Bangladesh National Environmental Policy, approved in May 1992, sets out the basic framework for
environmental protection together with a set of broad sector guidelines. The policy states that an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) should be conducted before any large-scale transport development project is

The Environmental Conservation Act (ECA), 1995 (and its subsequent amendments in 2000 and 2002) sets the
establishment of the Department of Environment (DOE), among others. This Act also empowered DOE to do the


 Declaration of Ecologically Critical Areas

 Requirement of obtaining Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for any project.
 Regulation with respect to vehicles emitting harmful smoke into the environment.
 Promulgation of standards for air, water, and noise quality for different land uses and purposes.
 Promulgation of acceptable limits for discharging and emitting wastewater.

Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 (and its subsequent amendments in 2002 and 2003) are the first set of
rules promulgated under the ECA 1995, which provides the following:

 National Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for ambient air; surface water and groundwater; drinking
water; industrial effluents; and air, noise and vehicular exhaust emissions;
 Categorization of industries, development projects, and other activities on the basis of anticipated
environmental impact;
 Procedure for obtaining and renewing an environmental clearance over the construction phase, and
obtaining an environmental clearance for operation of the project;
 Requirement for undertaking Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and EIA in keeping with the
category of the proposed activity (including guidelines of EIA preparation); and
 Procedure for claiming damage by persons affected by polluting activities or actions that adversely affect
the conduct of ordinary civic life.

Among many other environmental-related regulations, the Sound Pollution (Control) Rules, 2006 are relevant to
this Project, which set the values of noise limit.

The DOE, an agency under the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF), is the regulatory body and the
enforcement agency of all environmental-related activities. Like all other projects, this Project also needs to meet
the requirements of the DOE. An EIA study needs to be undertaken for obtaining the environmental clearance. As
per ECR 1997, this Project will be considered as ‘Red Category’ as it falls under
“construction/reconstruction/extension of bridges over 100 m in length”. The steps to be followed for obtaining
the ECC for Red Category from DOE are outlined in Figure 4-20. Public participation or consultation is not a
condition in the ECR 1997 and/or EIA Guidelines; however, DOE prefers the proponent to engage in public
participation and put conditions while providing site clearance or during the approval of the terms of reference
(TOR) of the EIA.

Figure 4-20 DOE’s EIA Approval Procedure

  A) Application for Site Clearance

Supported by:
 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE);
 Proposed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the EIA ;
 Treasury Chalan;
 No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Local Authorities; and
 Any additional documentation. 

Returned to Application
for Modification

A1) Site Clearance Granted

Site clearance granted, subject to conditions, and ToR approved

B) Submission of EIA
EIA Submitted as per the approved ToR

Returned to Application
for Modification

B1) EIA Approved

EIA Approved and Environmental Clearance Certificate awarded

Source: METI Study Team

4.4.2 Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

The current legislation governing land acquisition in Bangladesh is the “Acquisition and Requisition of
Immovable Property Ordinance” 1982 (hereinafter referred to as “the Ordinance”) and subsequent amendments
(1989, 1993, 1994 and 2004). The Ordinance provides certain safeguards for landowners and has provisions for
payment of ‘fair value’ for the property acquired. The 1994 amendment also made provision for payment of crop
compensation to tenant cultivators. However, it does not cover project-affected persons (PAPs) without title or
ownership record such as informal settler/squatters, occupiers, and informal tenants and lease-holders (without
document) and does not ensure replacement value of the property acquired. It does not permit the affected persons
to take the salvageable materials for which compensation has been paid. It has no provision for resettlement
assistance and transitional allowances for restoration of livelihoods of the non-titled affected persons.

According to the Ordinance, the Ministry of Land (MOL) is authorized to deal with land acquisition; however, in
practice, MOL deals with the issue through the concerned Deputy Commissioner (DC), who is the head of the
district administration. The DC processes land acquisition under the Ordinance and pays compensation to the legal
owners of the acquired land.

Under this Ordinance, the executing agency needs to prepare the land schedule required to be accrued, and places
the acquisition request to concern DC. Following the Ordinance, the DC determines the: (i) market value of
acquired assets on the date of notice of acquisition (based on the registered value of similar property bought
and/or sold in the area over the preceding 12 months); and (ii) 50% premium on the assessed value (other than
crops) due to compulsory acquisition. The DC payment awarded to owners is called ‘cash compensation under
law’ (CCL). The value paid as CCL is invariably less than the “market value” as owners customarily report
undervalued land transaction prices in order to pay a lower stamp duty and registration fee. As a result,
compensation for land paid by DC, including premiums, remains less than the real market price or replacement
value (RV).

The landowner has to establish ownership by producing a record-of-rights (RoR) in order to be eligible for
compensation under the law. ROR records prepared under Section 143 or 144 of the State Acquisition and
Tenancy Act 1950 (revised 1994) are not always updated and as a result, legal landowners have faced difficulties
trying to “prove” ownership. The PAPs must also produce a rent receipt or receipt of land development tax.

It is usually recommended that khas (i.e., government owned) lands should be acquired first in preference to
private land. If a project acquires only khas, the land will be transferred through an inter-ministerial meeting
following the preparation of an acquisition proposal submitted to DC/MOL. Places of worship, graveyards, and
cremation grounds are discouraged to be acquired.

As explained above, the DC payments as CCL are, in most cases, less than the RV as defined by the Asian
Development Bank or the World Bank. As a result, it is customary in Bangladesh for all official development
assistance (ODA) projects that “additional” payments are made to PAPs following World Bank’s OP 4.12 or its
equivalent. Some of the important elements of such practice are listed below:

 Compensation must be based on the full replacement cost as much as possible.

 Compensation and other kinds of assistance must be provided prior to displacement.
 Resettlement action plans (RAPs) must be prepared and made available to the public.
 In preparing a RAP, consultations must be held with the affected people.
 Appropriate and accessible grievance mechanisms must be established for the affected people and their
 Eligibility of benefits not only include the PAPs who have formal legal rights to land, but also the PAPs who
do not have formal legal rights to land at the time of census, but have a claim to such land or assets, and
even the PAPs who have no recognizable legal right to the land they are occupying.

4.4.3 JICA Guidelines on Environmental and Social Considerations

Financing of this Project is not finalized yet. However, there is an indication that the Bangladesh side might ask
for Japanese assistance, first in the form of technical assistance to carry out the feasibility study, and then in the
form of yen loan for the implementation.

In case the Bangladesh side applies for Japanese assistance and Japanese side agrees to support, this Project will
be under the JICA’s Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations of 2010. As explained in the

previous sections, the legal framework of Bangladesh will comply with the JICA guidelines.

According to the JICA guidelines, the Project will come under category A and will require full EIA, Bangladesh
regulation also calls for full EIA for this kind of project. Similarly, for social issues like resettlement and
compensation, the JICA guidelines follow the World Bank OP 4.12. Although the Bangladesh legal framework
does not comply with World Bank OP 4.12, all ODA projects in Bangladesh including JICA-financed projects are
required to follow the donor agency’s requirements. Thus, it is obvious that the Project proponent will follow the
JICA guidelines for land acquisition and resettlement compensation issues.

4.5 Measures to be Taken by Host Country to Implement the Project

During the full feasibility study, the Project proponent must prepare the EIA and RAP documents. The EIA
document should be submitted to DOE to get ECC. Also, the RAP has to be approved by the competent authority.
These steps are required for loan processing from development partners (like JICA).

During the detailed design stage, the EIA and the RAP document should be updated following the Project details
confirmed at that stage. These updated EIA and RAP documents again have to be approved.

Based on the approved EIA, the Environmental Construction Specification (ECS) should be prepared and
included in the main contractors bidding document, so that all environmental management measures can be
implemented by the contractor. For the RAP implementation, the Proponent must engage an implementing
non-governmental organization (NGO) to carry out the activities as prescribed by the RAP document.

Safeguard-related activities and their expected execution time frame are shown in Table 4-7 below.

Table 4-7 Expected Execution Time Frame
Environmental Activity Feasibility Funding Design Procurement Implementation


EIA preparation

ECC from DOE

EIA updating


EMP implementation and


Land Acquisition Activity Feasibility Funding Design Procurement Implementation


RAP preparation

LAP preparation

RAP updating

RAP implementation
Source: METI Study Team

Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation
5.1 Cost Estimates

5.1.1 Construction Plan

(1) Elevated Viaduct

During site investigation, the width of the road where the MRT East-West Line is planned on is recognized to be
comparatively narrow for construction. For example, it is only 21 m wide at locations of bridges between lakes
(Chainage: 9k400 m to 9k450 m and 10k320 m to 10k460 m) as shown in Figure 5-1. Actually, the bridge is
composed of three consecutive box culverts as a channel, approximately 20 m long and 15 m wide. Once the
construction starts, only one lane each way will be maintained in spite of heavy traffic due to civil construction
works such as piling, foundation, pier, and viaduct.

Fortunately, during this Study through discussions with DTCA, shield tunnel method under the cantonment area is
preferably adopted, and this will extend to this section solving the narrow road issue above.

Figure 5-1 Example for Traffic Conditions at Narrow Road

At present Under  After 

construction completion

C.L. of Road C.L. of Road
& Track

=7.5     2.0       3.75    3.25     2.0         6.5           2.0        

2 lanes 1 lane 2 lanes

1.5  9.5 9.25

10.25 10.25 10.25

Source: METI Study Team

As another example, at the end of the eastern side connecting to the planned depot, which is not a developed area,
only one lane each way is paved with pre-stressed concrete bridge. In that case, track centerline shall be
coordinated with the future road development plan and additional land acquisition for connections with the depot
access lines shall be required.

The footing of the pier is composed of four pieces of bored piles, reinforced concrete, and temporary retaining
walls instead of one pile for one pier according to the study of the MRT Line 6. The pier and the pier top would be
made of in-situ cast concrete or pre-cast concrete. A viaduct will be erected by temporary launching girders, which
hang up pre-cast concrete blocks from the ground to the designed position and combine them into a bridge with
post tension pre-stressed system. This launching method will be able to shorten the construction period and the
influence on the road traffic. This construction method will be referred to the study of MRT Line 6. Working area
for construction on the road requires a minimum width of 10 m at the middle of the road for the above foundation
and viaduct works.

The design and construction methods for stations on the ground shall be finalized at the feasibility study, basic
design, and detailed design stages, while their locations, environmental conditions of surrounding areas,
connections to other metro lines, and road traffic control methods will be thoroughly researched.

(2) Shield Tunnel and Underground Station

The plan for the underground tunnel through the cantonment area has advantage of not demolishing residential
buildings. The tunnel shall be set vertically lower than one outside diameter (O.D.) of the shield tunnel machine
from the tip of the pile foundation of the building, which is said to be 18 m long; therefore, the rail level will be 34
m below the ground. This will inflate the construction cost due to the length of the tunnel and depth of the station.
The transition connecting to the elevated structure from the tunnel, which is made of box culverts and U-shaped
retaining walls, shall occupy the road permanently, which will largely affect the road traffic situation.

At present, the Study Team does not have enough preparation and time to investigate the details for tunnel and
underground station so that the construction plan is envisioned with typical model as follows:

a) Vertical shafts for departure and exit of shield machines.

b) Shield tunnel O.D. = 7.0 m for single line, up and down, two lanes.

c) Underground station which will be built by top-down method with diaphragm walls.

d) Transition from tunnel to viaduct, composed of box culvert and U-shaped wall.

e) Ventilation shaft, if necessary, evacuation system, and flood prevention facilities.

The construction of underground station will start from diaphragm walls which are excavated with slurry and
replaced by high-grade concrete together with fabricated reinforcement steel bars. Each shape of the excavation of
diaphragm wall is like a long rectangular pile and each element shall be connected vertically with special
technique to serve as continuous wall against water seepage. It will work as retaining wall and structural outer
wall permanently. For this work, the road will be divided by two lots longitudinally, one for construction, and the
other for traffic unless the road is so wide that whole construction area can be prepared within the road. Once one
side of the diaphragm wall is completed, the construction and traffic lots will be switched. Diversion, remaking
sidewalk as traffic pavement, and temporary steel decking system would be adopted to maintain the traffic, if

necessary. After the completion of the diaphragm walls, the excavation and slab concrete works will be executed
from top (near the ground) to the bottom, i.e., top-down method. Each slab concrete acts as strut which support the
diaphragm walls against earth pressure due to excavation. In case the distance between concrete slabs is wide,
temporary struts will be required. Equipment for these works will be installed on the road by making limited
working zone to maintain the traffic. After casting the bottom slab concrete, the shield machines will pass on it,
followed by the platform concrete, installation of elevators and escalators, and architectural finishing works. Road
will be reinstated after completion of the station structures with entrances.

The location of vertical shaft (departure) is critical for tunnel works. It is built on the line of track and situated at
an open space to assemble shield machines, supply materials (e.g., segment which is made of concrete or steel and
installed as circular outer structure combining several blocks in-situ), replenish consumables, and haul out
excavated soil from the tunnel. It shall be connected with the logistics yards for the storage of segments and
excavated soil to be stabilized, so that the location of vertical shaft and the size of supplemental yards will heavily
affect the road traffic and progress of the tunnel. The vertical shaft itself is inherently a temporary facility but it
would remain as ventilation shaft or evacuation stairs occasionally.

Utilities shall be away from the area of underground stations and transitions before construction.

Smoke dispersion, ventilation, evacuation facilities, and flood measures shall be prepared in the tunnel.

5.1.2 Construction Cost

The cost of viaducts is estimated by quantity, which is calculated by schematic drawings considering the tentative
span of piers to be 25 m, and unit rate, which follows the estimation standards in Japan but adjusted to local
conditions. The costs for shield tunnel, underground station, electrical and mechanical (E&M) systems, and
rolling stocks are referred to those of similar previous projects. Construction cost is composed of three parts, i.e.:
civil works, procurement of equipment, and consulting services. The Project cost includes the construction cost,
which is composed of escalation cost, contingency, land acquisition, value-added tax (VAT), import tax,
administration cost, etc., as shown in Table 5-1. The cost is presented in Bangladesh Taka (BDT, local currency) as
requested by DTCA.

Exchange rate is BDT 1.0 = JPY 1.628, USD 1.0= JPY 123.96 as of June 2015.

Total Project cost becomes BDT 218 billion as shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Project Cost Estimation for Partial Tunnel Method

FC (100MillionJP\) LC (100MillionBDT) Sum (100MillionBDT)

No. Item Unit Quntity Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount Unit Rate Amount
1 Structural works
1 0.265 km - 6.366 km
1 1 Viaduct Type-1 km 3.6 6.0 33.0 36.7
1 2 Viaduct Type-2 km 2.5 6.0 33.2 36.9
1 Sub total 6.1 12.0 66.2 73.6

2 6.366 km - 12.285 km
2 3 Shield tunnel km 5.2 192.3 13.1 131.2
2 4 Cut & Cover km 0.7 11.4 6.9 13.9
2 5 Vertical shaft nos. 2.0 3.5 2.1 4.2
2 Sub total 5.9 207.2 22.1 149.4

3 12.285 km - 13.446 km
3 1 Viaduct Type-1 km 4.8 8.0 44.0 48.9
3 Sub total 8.0 44.0 48.9

Civil structure Total km 16.8 227.2 132.4 271.9

4 1 Depot civil building works LS 1 12.5 69.2 76.8

4 2 Depot access LS 1 1.7 9.6 10.7
4 Sub total 14.3 78.8 87.5

5 Station with E&M

5 1 Station above ground nos 7 20.7 50.9 63.6
5 2 Station for high riise station nos 1 4.5 11.0 13.7
5 3 Underground Station civil nos 4 119.6 73.5 146.9
5 4 Architectural underground statio nos 4 10.0 24.6 30.7
5 Sub total 154.8 159.9 255.0

1 Sub-total for Structural Construction cost 396.2 371.0 614.4

2 System works
1 Track works LS 1 49.5 13.0 43.4
2 E & M System LS 1 257.0 17.5 175.4
3 Test, Commissioning LS 1 4.8 0.3 3.3
4 Spare parts LS 1 3.3 0.1 2.1
5 Rolling stock LS 1 225.7 7.3 145.9
Su-total for System 540.3 38.3 370.1

3 1 Base cost Construction (1+2) L.S. 1 936.5 409.3 984.5

3 2 Price Escalation LS 1 195.8 225.4 345.7
3 3 Physical Contingency LS 1 108.2 0.0 66.5

4 Consultancy service
1 Base cost LS 1 72.7 29.8 74.4
2 Price Escalation LS 1 11.0 12.2 19.0
3 Physical Contingency LS 1 7.6 0.0 4.7
Sub-total for Consultancy LS 1 91.3 42.0 98.1

5 Sub-total (3+4) LS 1 1331.8 676.7 1494.8

6 Local Administration cost

1 Land acquisition LS 1 214.7 214.7
2 Utiity diversion LS 1 17.1 17.1
3 Administration cost LS 1 33.9 33.9
4 Interests LS 1 2.43 0.0 1.5
Sub-total LS 1 2.4 265.8 267.3

7 Price Escalation LS 1 0.30 80.3 80.5

8 Tax
1 VAT (15%) LS 1 224.2 224.2
2 Import tax LS 1 122.7 122.7
Sub total LS 1 346.9 346.9

9 Grand total (5+6+7+8) LS 1 1334.5 1369.7 2189.4

Source: METI Study Team

5.2 Results of the Preliminary Analysis of the Economic and Financial

5.2.1 Preconditions of the Analysis

(1) Evaluation Period

The evaluation period of 40 years is applied to the economic and financial analyses of the Project. It is assumed
that the construction of the Project (including engineering services) would start in 2018 and end in 2026, and the
commercial operation would start in July 2027 after the commissioning for half year.

(2) Asset Lives

The asset lives of the civil structure, rolling stock, and other investment materials in the Project are assumed as

- Civil structure (50 years from the beginning of operation)

- Rolling stock (25 years from the beginning of operation)

- E&M equipment including control system, telecommunications and signaling, power distribution, and automatic
fare collection (AFC) (20 years from the beginning of operation)

The residual values at the end of the evaluation period are calculated based on the asset lives, and the
reinvestments would take place according to the asset lives during the evaluation period.

(3) Discount Rate

The discount rate is used for the calculation of the net present value (NPV) and the benefit to cost ratio (B/C). The
value differs between the economic and financial analyses. In the economic analysis, the Study employed a
discount rate of 16%, which is suggested by DCTA as the general opportunity cost in Bangladesh, although
commonly used value for economic analysis is approximately 10-12% in developing countries.

On the other hand, the long-term real interest rate is generally used in financial analysis. In the Study, the discount
rate for the financial analysis is calculated at 7.1% from the long-term lending rate of 12% in Bangladesh and the
price escalation of 4.9% that is assumed in the Study.

(4) Currency and Base Year

All prices are valued in the domestic price numerate (taka) at 2015 constant prices. The yen portion of the Project
cost estimates are converted into taka at an exchange rate of BDT 1 = JPY 1.628. The Shadow Exchange Rate
Factor (SERF), which is used to convert financial costs in foreign currency to economic costs, is assumed as 1.0.
The income tax rate is approximately 15%. Since the personnel cost accounts for a large part of E/S and
administration cost, a conversion rate of 0.85 is used for these costs in domestic currency, while 0.9 is used for the

other costs.

(5) Yearly Conversion

The results of the demand forecast and the operation plan represent daily values. The yearly values are calculated
by using 330 days per year considering the holidays.

5.2.2 Initial Investment Cost

The initial investment cost in the financial analysis is estimated at BDT 155.4 billion from the result of the cost
estimates by excluding the price escalation and the interest during construction. The initial investment cost in
economic prices is estimated from the financial cost by excluding VAT, import tax, and the income tax of the
personnel cost. Since the income tax of the personnel cost cannot be directly calculated, it is estimated by
multiplying conversion factors to the domestic currency portion. The economic cost is estimated at BDT 130.8

Table 5-2 Initial Investment Cost in Financial Prices (At 2015 Constant Prices)

Financial Cost Local portion Unit: BDT million

Rolling Land Phiscal
Year E/S Civil E&M Admin Cost VAT Total
Stock Acquisition Contingency
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 313 0 0 0 0 16 212 81 621
2020 625 0 0 0 1,796 31 424 162 3,038
2021 625 0 0 0 14,209 31 424 162 15,451
2022 469 5,364 236 73 1,796 307 424 1,031 9,700
2023 250 5,364 0 0 1,796 281 424 948 9,062
2024 250 10,727 473 146 1,796 580 424 1,890 16,286
2025 250 10,727 709 219 1,796 595 424 1,939 16,659
2026 250 3,576 827 255 0 245 424 837 6,414
2027 94 0 118 36 0 12 212 71 544
Total 3,127 35,758 2,363 730 23,188 2,099 3,391 7,120 77,775

Financial Cost Foreign portion Unit: BDT million

Rolling Land Phiscal
Year E/S Civil E&M Admin Cost VAT Total
Stock Acquisition Contingency
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 469 0 0 0 0 23 0 74 566
2020 938 0 0 0 0 47 0 148 1,133
2021 938 0 0 0 0 47 0 148 1,133
2022 704 3,852 2,006 1,387 0 397 0 1,252 9,597
2023 375 3,852 0 0 0 211 0 666 5,105
2024 375 7,705 4,011 2,773 0 743 0 2,341 17,949
2025 375 7,705 6,017 4,160 0 913 0 2,875 22,045
2026 375 2,568 7,020 4,853 0 741 0 2,334 17,891
2027 141 0 1,003 693 0 92 0 289 2,218
Total 4,690 25,682 20,057 13,865 0 3,215 0 10,126 77,636

Financial Cost Total Unit: BDT million

Rolling Land Phiscal
Year E/S Civil E&M Admin Cost VAT Total
Stock Acquisition Contingency
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 782 0 0 0 0 39 212 155 1,188
2020 1,563 0 0 0 1,796 78 424 310 4,171
2021 1,563 0 0 0 14,209 78 424 310 16,584
2022 1,173 9,216 2,242 1,460 1,796 705 424 2,283 19,297
2023 625 9,216 0 0 1,796 492 424 1,614 14,167
2024 625 18,432 4,484 2,919 1,796 1,323 424 4,231 34,234
2025 625 18,432 6,726 4,379 1,796 1,508 424 4,814 38,704
2026 625 6,144 7,847 5,108 0 986 424 3,170 24,305
2027 235 0 1,121 730 0 104 212 360 2,762
Total 7,817 61,440 22,420 14,595 23,188 5,314 3,391 17,246 155,411

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

Table 5-3 Initial Investment Cost in Economic Prices (At 2015 Constant Prices)

Economic Cost Local portion Unit: BDT million

Year E/S Civil E&M Rolling Land Phiscal Admin Cost VAT Total
CF 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85 0
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 266 0 0 0 0 14 180 460
2020 532 0 0 0 1,616 28 360 2,536
2021 532 0 0 0 12,788 28 360 13,708
2022 399 4,827 213 66 1,616 276 360 7,757
2023 213 4,827 0 0 1,616 253 360 7,269
2024 213 9,655 425 131 1,616 522 360 12,922
2025 213 9,655 638 197 1,616 536 360 13,215
2026 213 3,218 744 230 0 221 360 4,986
2027 80 0 106 33 0 11 180 410
Total 2,658 32,182 2,126 657 20,869 1,889 2,882 0 63,264

Economic Cost Foreign portion Unit: BDT million

Year E/S Civil E&M Rolling Land Phiscal Admin Cost VAT Total
CF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 469 0 0 0 0 23 0 492
2020 938 0 0 0 0 47 0 985
2021 938 0 0 0 0 47 0 985
2022 704 3,852 2,006 1,387 0 397 0 8,345
2023 375 3,852 0 0 0 211 0 4,439
2024 375 7,705 4,011 2,773 0 743 0 15,608
2025 375 7,705 6,017 4,160 0 913 0 19,169
2026 375 2,568 7,020 4,853 0 741 0 15,557
2027 141 0 1,003 693 0 92 0 1,929
Total 4,690 25,682 20,057 13,865 0 3,215 0 0 67,509

Economic Cost Total Unit: BDT million

Year E/S Civil E&M Rolling Land Phiscal Admin Cost VAT Total
2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 735 0 0 0 0 38 180 952
2020 1,470 0 0 0 1,616 75 360 3,521
2021 1,470 0 0 0 12,788 75 360 14,693
2022 1,102 8,680 2,218 1,452 1,616 674 360 16,103
2023 588 8,680 0 0 1,616 464 360 11,708
2024 588 17,359 4,437 2,904 1,616 1,265 360 28,530
2025 588 17,359 6,655 4,357 1,616 1,449 360 32,384
2026 588 5,786 7,764 5,083 0 962 360 20,543
2027 220 0 1,109 726 0 103 180 2,339
Total 7,348 57,864 22,184 14,522 20,869 5,104 2,882 0 130,773

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

5.2.3 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Cost

(1) Estimation Method

The O&M cost is estimated by applying the unit costs to the corresponding O&M items consisting of track, E&M,
rolling stock, station, operation, and traction power. Each O&M cost, except for traction power, is decomposed
into personnel cost and material cost.

(2) Personnel Cost

The number of staff required for O&M is estimated by applying ratios of the number of staff to explanatory
variables such as train-km, number of stations, route length, and number of cars by each O&M activity. The ratios
are assumed based on samples of existing metros. The unit costs for the personnel costs are assumed based on the
present level of the standard salary in Dhaka.

Table 5-4 Unit of the Number of Staff and Salary

Occupation No. of Staff per Variable Yearly Salary (BDT)
Driver 100 drive-km/day per driver 360,000
Station Staff (Management) 2 per station 480,000
Station Staff 20 per station 240,000
Track Engineer 1.1 per route kilometer 360,000
E&M Engineer 2.3 per route kilometer 360,000
Car Engineer 0.8 per car 360,000
Head Office 5% of the sum of personnel 960,000
cost of the above occupations

Source: 1) The consultant’s estimation is based on various studies on urban transport systems.

2) Salary is estimated based on the standard salary level in Dhaka surveyed by the consultant

(3) Expenses

The expenses are also estimated from unit costs considering the scale of the system by work item as shown in
Table 5-5 below, which are based on a similar study on urban rail system in Karachi, Pakistan.

Table 5-5 Unit Costs of Operating and Maintenance Expenses

Cost Item Unit Cost
Track BDT 2.64 million per route kilometer
E&M BDT 4.79 million per route kilometer
Rolling Stock BDT 1.12 million per car
Station BDT 20.55 million per station
Operation BDT 4.27 million per route kilometer
Traction Power BDT 7.5 per kWh

Source: Estimates are based on the KCR Study in Pakistan (2012), JICA

(4) Traction Power Cost

It is assumed that the energy consumption for traction of trains is 1.93 kWh per car-km (Refer to Chapter 3). The
unit cost of the electricity consumption is assumed to be BDT 7.2 per kWh, based on the tariff table (Category-H,
Flat Rate) of the Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO).

(5) Results of O&M Estimates

Table 5-6 below shows the results of the estimation of O&M cost of the Project (16.8 km). The O&M cost in 2030
is estimated at BDT 912 million. The result is close to the estimated O&M cost of JPY 1,238 million (BDT 760

million) of MRT Line 6 Stages 1 and 2 (15.4 km).

Table 5-6 Estimation of O&M Costs

Unit: BDT million

Year 2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Track 21 43 43 43 43 43 43
E&M 39 78 78 78 78 78 78
Rolling Stock 74 147 147 167 194 221 254
Train Operation 35 69 69 69 69 69 69
Station 117 235 235 235 235 235 235
Employment 101 202 202 210 220 229 241
Traction Power 69 138 138 150 161 173 191
Total 456 912 912 951 999 1,046 1,111

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

Table 5-7 O&M Cost in Economic Prices

Economic Cost Unit: BDT million

Year 2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Personnel Cost 86 172 172 178 187 195 205
Power & materials 319 639 639 667 701 736 783
Total 405 811 811 845 888 930 988

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

(6) Additional Investment

According to the transport plan, it will be necessary to purchase 3-4 train sets every five years after 2035.
Although a train set is composed of six cars, it is assumed that 3-5 cars will be procured every year in the
investment plan.

5.2.4 Revenue Projection

(1) Present Fare Level of Public Transport in Dhaka

The fare of existing buses in Dhaka is approximately BDT 1.5-1.6/km, while that of CNGs, which are popular
three-wheel auto cars, is BDT 30 for the first 2 km.

(2) Fare Setting in the Demand Forecast

In the demand forecast carried out by the JICA RSTP Team, the fare of the MRT network was assumed to be BDT
16 as the minimum charge plus BDT 2/km, with the condition that transfer to other lines is free of charge.

(3) Assumption of the Fare Structure

The fare setting used in the RSTP is used because the result of the demand forecast in the PSTP (interim stage) is
used for the demand forecast. The demand forecast in the RSTP includes transfer passengers between MRT
East-West Line and other lines, and MRT East-West Line cannot necessarily take all the minimum charges which

are paid by the transfer passengers. It is assumed that transfer passengers account for 20% of the total passengers,
and MRT East-West Line takes 50% of the minimum charge paid by the transfer passengers as revenue.

(4) Non-rail Business

Non-rail business, such as property development around stations, rental of the station space, and advertisement, is
one of the revenue sources in railway projects. In this study, the investment on non-rail business is not considered,
but the revenue from advertisement and space rental is included in the total revenue considering that the amount
of revenue is very small. It is assumed that the revenue from the non-rail business accounts for 5% of the
passenger fare revenue.

(5) Revenue Projection

The result of the revenue projection is shown in Table 5-8 below. Since the commercial operation in the first year
(2027) is half of the year, the revenue is estimated as half of the yearly projection.

Table 5-8 Estimation of Revenue

Year 2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
No. of passengers (a) 132 270 281 339 396 453 511
Passenger-km (b) 736 1,489 1,517 1,826 2,135 2,444 2,753
Fare revenue (BDT) (c) 3,366 6,868 7,086 8,530 9,973 11,417 12,860
Non-rail revenue (BDT) 168 343 354 426 499 571 643
Revenue (BDT) 3,535 7,211 7,441 8,956 10,472 11,988 13,503
(c) = (0.8+0.2*0.5)*(a) * 16.0 + (b) *2.0

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

5.2.5 Financial Cash Flow Analysis

(1) Financial Cash Flow

The financial cash flow is calculated using the constant prices, which is applied in the project appraisals by
international organizations in general. In this case, the internal rate of return is compared with the real interest rate.
Table 5-9 below shows the financial cash flow. The reinvestment of E&M is scheduled 20 years after the
commencement of operation. Additional investments will be necessary for rolling stock according to the increase
in demand, while the reinvestment of rolling stock is scheduled 25 years after the commencement the operation.
The financial internal rate of return (FIRR) is calculated at 2.7%. FIRR is same as the return of the Project when
all the investment cost is prepared as equity. Since the FIRR is lower than the real interest rate of 7.1% in
Bangladesh, the profitability of the Project is low; therefore, implementation by the private sector would be

Table 5-9 Financial Cash Flow of the Project for FIRR

Discount rate at 7.10% Unit: BDT. Million

Civil EM Others O&M Total Revenue Total

2018 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 0 0 0 1,188 1,188 -1,188
2020 0 0 0 4,171 4,171 -4,171
2021 0 0 0 16,584 16,584 -16,584
2022 9,216 2,242 1,460 6,380 19,297 -19,297
2023 9,216 0 0 4,951 14,167 -14,167
2024 18,432 4,484 2,919 8,399 34,234 -34,234
2025 18,432 6,726 4,379 9,167 38,704 -38,704
2026 6,144 7,847 5,108 5,206 24,305 -24,305
2027 0 1,121 730 911 456 3,218 3,510 293
2028 0 0 912 912 7,081 6,169
2029 0 0 912 912 7,142 6,230
2030 0 0 912 912 7,202 6,290
2031 0 0 912 912 7,263 6,351
2032 0 0 912 912 7,324 6,412
2033 0 0 912 912 7,384 6,472
2034 0 0 912 912 7,445 6,533
2035 0 442 912 1,354 7,506 6,151
2036 0 442 920 1,362 7,811 6,449
2037 0 332 928 1,259 8,117 6,858
2038 0 442 935 1,378 8,423 7,045
2039 0 332 943 1,275 8,729 7,454
2040 0 553 951 1,504 9,034 7,531
2041 0 553 960 1,513 9,340 7,827
2042 0 553 970 1,523 9,646 8,123
2043 2,242 553 980 3,774 9,952 6,177
2044 4,484 442 989 5,915 10,258 4,342
2045 6,726 553 999 8,278 10,563 2,286
2046 7,847 553 1,008 9,408 10,869 1,461
2047 1,121 553 1,018 2,692 11,175 8,483
2048 0 553 1,027 1,580 11,481 9,901
2049 0 5,307 1,037 6,344 11,787 5,443
2050 0 5,528 1,046 6,575 12,092 5,518
2051 0 5,528 1,057 6,585 12,398 5,813
2052 0 663 1,067 1,730 12,704 10,973
2053 0 663 1,077 1,741 13,010 11,269
2054 0 663 1,088 1,751 13,315 11,564
2055 0 0 1,098 1,098 13,621 12,523
2056 0 0 1,098 1,098 13,621 12,523
2057 0 0 1,098 1,098 13,621 12,523
2058 -23,347 -10,089 -15,178 -48,615 48,615

NPV 107,794 103,955 -51,723

IRR 2.7%

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

Table 5-10 below shows the result of the sensitivity analysis of FIRR. Even if the cost increases by 20% and the
revenue decreases by 20%, FIRR is not negative. On the other hand, FIRR is less than the real interest rate of

7.1% in the case of 20% increase in the revenue and 20% decrease in the cost, which means the profitability of the
Project is very low.

Table 5-10 Sensitivity Analysis of FIRR

Cost 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15% -20%
-20% 5.3% 5.1% 4.8% 4.4% 4.1% 3.8% 3.5% 3.1% 2.7%
-15% 4.9% 4.6% 4.4% 4.1% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.7% 2.4%
-10% 4.6% 4.3% 4.0% 3.7% 3.4% 3.1% 2.7% 2.4% 2.1%
-5% 4.2% 3.9% 3.6% 3.4% 3.1% 2.7% 2.4% 2.1% 1.8%
0% 3.9% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.4% 2.1% 1.8% 1.5%
5% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.2% 1.8% 1.5% 1.2%
10% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.2% 1.9% 1.6% 1.3% 1.0%
15% 3.0% 2.7% 2.5% 2.2% 1.9% 1.6% 1.3% 1.0% 0.7%
20% 2.7% 2.5% 2.2% 2.0% 1.7% 1.4% 1.1% 0.8% 0.5%

Source: Estimated by the Consultant

(2) Applicability of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Scheme

PPP projects can be categorized into two large groups, namely, financially free-standing projects by the private
sector such as BOT and projects in which the public sector purchases the services provided by the private sector.
Since the Project is not commercially viable as shown in the results of the FIRR calculation and not possible as a
financially independent project, it is difficult to apply the BOT scheme.

In case that the Project should be implemented by the private sector as a financially independent project,
additional business other than railway such as urban development along the railway line that can produce profit is
necessary. However, the implementation by this approach will be difficult due to the lack of land for real estate
development because the alignment of MRT East-West Line passes through developed areas. This is also
unrealistic because it is necessary to wait for the proposal of the private sector which engages in real estate
development along MRT East-West Line.

Vertical separation, which means separating the railway business into the infrastructure by public and the
operation by private based on the concept that the infrastructure of the railway is a part of public assets like roads,
is one of the measures to make the railway project commercially viable. To evaluate the vertical separation, FIRR
is calculated for the case when the private sector makes investment on E&M and rolling stock, which are
categorized in the cost estimates, and run the business by taking the responsibility of O&M. The FIRR of the
above case is calculated at 8%, which is higher than the assumed real interest rate of 7.1%, and the project will be
commercially viable. However, if the Project is implemented by the private sector, the return of the Project is
required to be higher than the interest rate of banks considering the risk premium for the Project.

In case that the private sector constructs and operates MRT Line 6 with the payment by the public sector for the
services provided by the private sector, the public sector will pay the private sector for the initial investment cost
in installments in the future. Since the profit of the private sector is added to the payment, the total amount of
payment by the public sector will be larger than the repayment of principal and interests in the case of using a soft
Figure 5-2 Comparison of Total Payment Between PPP and Public Investment

Financing, returns to stakeholders
Initial Investment O&M Financial cost Profit, dividend
Cost reduction by private
Initial Investment O&M

Source: Estimated by METI Team

Currently, the fare system of the mass transit network in Dhaka has not been concluded yet. In view of users’
benefit, the integrated fare system that does not require additional charge for the transfer of lines is desirable,
although it is necessary to establish a mechanism to distribute the passenger revenue to each operator in case of
BOT scheme.

5.2.6 Economic Benefits

(1) Method

For the economic analysis of the Project, the total transport cost approach, which calculates the reduction in the
total transport cost between “With Case” and “Without Case”, shall be adopted. The economic benefit of the
Project consists of (a) reduction of travel time of passengers who shifted their transport mode from buses to the
metro; and (b) reduction of vehicle operating costs of buses due to the reduction in vehicle kilometers of buses.

(2) Value of Time

The value of time, which is used to calculate the time saving benefit, is estimated from the average hourly income,
which is estimated from the average monthly salary and the average working hours in Dhaka.

The average monthly salary in the urban area of Bangladesh was BDT 16,477 in 2010, according to the
Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010 by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). To estimate the
average monthly income in 2015 from this data, it is assumed that the income level has increased at the same ratio
of the GDP per capita. According to the World Bank database, the per capita GDP in 2015 is 1.27 times that of
2010 at 2005 constant prices. The average monthly working hours is assumed to be 170 hours. The value of time
of car users is estimated by adjusting that of bus passengers using the value of time by income class in 2015,
which is estimated in the JICA study (October 2011).

Table 5-11 Estimation of Value of Time

Value of Time (BDT/hour) Remark
Bus passengers 123 16,477 * 1.27 / 170
Private car users 236 123 * ( 403.2/210.3)

Source: Estimated by METI Team

(3) Reduction in Travel Time

The travel time reduction is estimated by comparing the travel time by metro with that by road in “Without Case”
which runs in parallel with the metro.

Benefit of Travel Time Reduction

= (passenger-hours in “Without Case” – passenger-hours in “With Case”) * value of time (BDT/hour/person)

The average speed of buses is assumed to be 8.65 km/hour based on the RSTP, while that of the MRT East-West
Line is 33 km/h according to the operation plan. The average travel speed of a private car is assumed as 16 km/h.

The route runs through the cantonment area, where a parallel road does not exist. It is assumed that passengers
travelling on the route would make a detour with the length of 4.2 km.

Although the traffic congestion along MRT East-West Line will be relieved because of the reduction in the
number of bus and private cars, the present available data is not enough to analyze this impact. In this Study, the
benefit of the decongestion is estimated by assuming that the travel time will be reduced by eight minutes per
person for 50,000 car users per day along MRT East-West Line, considering the present traffic situation.

Table 5-12 below shows the results of the benefit of the travel time reduction.

Table 5-12 Calculation of Travel Time Saving

Unit: Million (except for m, n)

2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Passengers from bus
Passenger-km (Bus) a 977 1,991 2,053 2,472 2,890 3,308 3,727
along MRT-5 b 652 1,337 1,393 1,677 1,961 2,244 2,528
detour c 325 654 660 795 929 1,064 1,198
Passenger-hour (Bus) d 113 230 237 286 334 382 431
Passenger-hour (MRT) e 20 41 42 51 59 68 77
Saving (Bus->MRT-5) f 11,463 23,331 24,007 28,897 33,787 38,677 43,568
Passengers from car
Passenger-km (Car) g 109 221 228 275 321 368 414
along MRT-5 h 72 149 155 186 218 249 281
detour i 36 73 73 88 103 118 133
Passenger-hour (Car) j 6.8 13.8 14.3 17.2 20.1 23.0 25.9
Passenger-hour (MRT) k 2.2 4.5 4.7 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.5
Saving (Car->MRT-5) l 1,083 2,199 2,257 2,716 3,176 3,636 4,095
Car users
No. of car users m 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Time reduction (min) n 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Saving (Car->Car) o 243 486 486 486 486 486 486
Total p 12,789 26,017 26,750 32,100 37,450 42,800 48,150

Source: Estimated by METI Team

(4) Reduction in Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC)

The Project will reduce the frequency of bus services because of the shift of transit passengers from buses to the
metro, which can reduce the VOC of buses. The reduction in VOC is calculated according to the following



UC: VOC of buses per vehicle-kilometer (BDT/vehicle-km)

PKM: Passenger-kilometer of the metro per year

OR: Average occupancy rate of buses

The occupancy rate of buses fluctuates daily, showing high occupancy rates in peak hours and low rates in
off-peak hours. In this Study, it is assumed that the passenger occupancy rate of a bus is 40 passengers on average.
The VOCs per vehicle-km of buses in Bangladesh are estimated in several reports. The Road User Cost Study
(2009) estimated the financial and economic VOC of buses by type, in which the VOCs of minibuses, which is the
most common bus type along the route, are estimated at BDT 31.35/km for financial VOC and BDT 28.21/km for
economic VOC.

Table 5-13 Estimation of Vehicle Operating Costs

Unit: Million
2027 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Bus Pax-km (from bus) a 1,013 2,064 2,127 2,560 2,993 3,427 3,860
Veh-km (from bus) b 28.4 57.8 59.6 71.7 83.8 95.9 108.1
VOC (from bus) c 2,032 4,141 4,267 5,136 6,005 6,874 7,743
Car Pax-km (from car) d 72 149 155 186 218 249 281
Veh-km (from car) e 48.3 99.0 103.2 124.2 145.2 166.2 187.3
VOC (from car) f 777 1,594 1,661 2,000 2,338 2,677 3,015
Total VOC g 2,809 5,735 5,928 7,136 8,343 9,551 10,758

Source: Estimated by METI Team

5.2.7 Economic Indicators

(1) Benefit and Cost Flow

Table 5-14 below shows the flow of economic cost and benefit of the Project. The economic internal rate of return
(EIRR) was calculated as 16.2%. Since this is higher than the opportunity cost of capital in Bangladesh, the
Project is economically feasible. On the other hand, B/C is as small as 1.02, and the net present value (NPV) is as
small as approximately BDT 0.75 billion compared with the investment cost. In case that the discount rate of 12%
is used, B/C is calculated at 1.5 and NPV is calculated at BDT 32.8 billion.

Table 5-14 Flow of Economic Cost and Benefit

Unit: BDT million

Economic Cost Economic Benefit Net
Capital Cost O&M Total Total Cash
Civil E&M RS Others Subtotal Flow

2019 952 952 952 -952
2020 3,521 3,521 3,521 -3,521
2021 14,693 14,693 14,693 -14,693
2022 8,680 2,218 1,452 3,753 16,103 16,103 -16,103
2023 8,680 3,028 11,708 11,708 -11,708
2024 17,359 4,437 2,904 3,829 28,530 28,530 -28,530
2025 17,359 6,655 4,357 4,013 32,384 32,384 -32,384
2026 5,786 7,764 5,083 1,910 20,543 20,543 -20,543
2027 1,109 726 504 2,339 405 2,744 12,789 2,809 15,598 12,854
2028 811 811 25,724 5,657 31,381 30,570
2029 811 811 25,870 5,696 31,566 30,756
2030 811 811 26,017 5,735 31,752 30,941
2031 811 811 26,163 5,773 31,937 31,126
2032 811 811 26,310 5,812 32,122 31,311
2033 811 811 26,457 5,851 32,307 31,497
2034 811 811 26,603 5,889 32,493 31,682
2035 811 811 26,750 5,928 32,678 31,867
2036 440 440 818 1,258 27,820 6,170 33,989 32,732
2037 440 440 825 1,265 28,890 6,411 35,301 34,036
2038 330 330 831 1,161 29,960 6,653 36,612 35,451
2039 440 440 838 1,278 31,030 6,894 37,924 36,646
2040 330 330 845 1,175 32,100 7,136 39,235 38,060
2041 550 550 854 1,404 33,170 7,377 40,547 39,143
2042 550 550 862 1,412 34,240 7,619 41,858 40,446
2043 2,218 550 2,768 871 3,639 35,310 7,860 43,170 39,531
2044 4,437 550 4,987 879 5,866 36,380 8,102 44,481 38,615
2045 6,655 440 7,095 888 7,983 37,450 8,343 45,793 37,810
2046 7,764 550 8,314 896 9,211 38,520 8,585 47,104 37,894
2047 1,109 550 1,659 905 2,564 39,590 8,826 48,416 45,852
2048 550 550 913 1,463 40,660 9,068 49,727 48,264
2049 550 550 922 1,472 41,730 9,309 51,039 49,567
2050 5,281 5,281 930 6,211 42,800 9,551 52,350 46,140
2051 5,501 5,501 939 6,440 43,870 9,792 53,662 47,222
2052 5,501 5,501 949 6,449 44,940 10,034 54,973 48,524
2053 660 660 958 1,618 46,010 10,275 56,285 54,667
2054 660 660 967 1,627 47,080 10,517 57,596 55,969
2055 660 660 976 1,636 48,150 10,758 58,908 57,272
2056 976 976 48,150 10,758 58,908 57,932
2057 976 976 48,150 10,758 58,908 57,932
2058 -21,988 -11,092 -15,102 -48,183 -48,183 48,183

Discount Rate = 16% NPV 752.7

IRR 16.2%
B/C 1.02

Source: METI Team

(2) Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the stability of the results of the economic analysis by applying
smaller benefits and larger costs than those of the analyzed case as shown in Table 5-15 below. The blue color
means that the EIRR is 16% or more, while the red color means that the EIRR is less than 16%. In case of 10%
increase in the economic cost, or 10% decrease in the economic benefit, the EIRR will be smaller than 16%,
which is suggested by DCTA. Even in the case that the economic benefit is smaller than 20% and the economic
cost is larger than 20%, the EIRR is still larger than 12%, which is commonly used for appraisal by international
banks including the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Table 5-15 Sensitivity Analysis of EIRR

Cost 20% 15% 10% 5% -5% -10% -15% -20%
-20% 21.1% 20.5% 19.9% 19.4% 18.8% 18.1% 17.5% 16.9% 16.2%
-15% 20.3% 19.7% 19.2% 18.6% 18.0% 17.4% 16.8% 16.2% 15.5%
-10% 19.6% 19.0% 18.5% 17.9% 17.4% 16.8% 16.2% 15.5% 14.9%
-5% 18.9% 18.4% 17.8% 17.3% 16.7% 16.2% 15.6% 15.0% 14.3%
18.3% 17.8% 17.2% 16.7% 16.2% 15.6% 15.0% 14.4% 13.8%
5% 17.7% 17.2% 16.7% 16.2% 15.6% 15.1% 14.5% 13.9% 13.3%
10% 17.2% 16.7% 16.2% 15.7% 15.1% 14.6% 14.0% 13.5% 12.9%
15% 16.6% 16.2% 15.7% 15.2% 14.7% 14.1% 13.6% 13.0% 12.4%
20% 16.2% 15.7% 15.2% 14.7% 14.2% 13.7% 13.2% 12.6% 12.0%

Source: METI Study Team

(3) Conclusion

The results of the financial analysis show that the return on investment of the Project is so low that its
implementation by the private sector will be difficult. On the other hand, the Project can be established by using
loans with low interest rates such as Japanese Yen Loan, because its FIRR is calculated as positive.

In the economic analysis, EIRR exceeds 16%, which is given by the counterpart as the opportunity cost in
Bangladesh. This means that the Project is economically feasible.

Chapter6 Planned Project Implementation Schedule
6.1 Implementation Schedule

6.1.1 Construction Method

It is important for the Project to reasonably forecast the construction schedule. Construction is composed of civil
works, track works, electrical and mechanical (E&M) system works, and test and commissioning. Construction of
the depot shall be provided earlier than the track works, and testing and training of rolling stocks. In case of
elevated viaduct, the whole line will be divided to several construction blocks to manage traffic, quality, safety,
cost, and schedule. Generally, the more the number of these divisions are, the shorter the construction time is, but
the more cost there is. In other words, this type of construction, i.e., long distance of structure on the ground, is
easily adjustable in terms of schedule and cost as variations. Not only the civil works but also subsequent works
such as track and E&M system works can be managed within the schedule by appropriate measures.

In case of the shield tunnel, the critical path of the schedule is simple and not flexible to changing situation, which
consists of the design and manufacture of the shield machine, construction of underground station where the
shield machine will pass on the bottom slab concrete, completion of the tunnel, track works in the tunnel, and
E&M system works in the tunnel. Therefore, once troubles come up such as delay of underground station due to
land acquisition or utilities diversion, the excavation of tunnel due to the mismatch of the machine with the
geotechnical conditions or abnormal ground conditions, it would be difficult to make up the schedule. It is of great
importance to investigate the soil conditions and the design including construction sequence for tunnels and
underground stations prior to the construction.

The sequence of constructing piers of viaduct structure is bored piles, driving steel sheet piles, excavation, base
concrete, pier concrete, backfilling, removing steel sheet piles, and pier top concrete, which would take two
months. A block is 200 m in length, and the construction will proceed block by block together with traffic control.
At the same time, precast concrete blocks for the viaduct will start to be produced and stored at the fabrication
yard. Temporary launching girders will be set on piers and bridges will be constructed span by span using the
pre-stressed method. Four pieces of launching girders will be provided for the 11.3 km length of viaduct so that
construction period is expected to take four years.

In case of tunnel construction, these activities will start simultaneously with the design and fabrication of shield
machines and construction of vertical shaft and underground stations, which is foreseen to take two years because
of the depth. The excavation speed of shield machine is expected to be 200 m to 300 m per month except in the
initial stages. A shield machine per single line is provided for a length of 5.2 km; therefore, the whole construction
period will take five years as shown in Table 6-1. Subsequent works such as track, cable, communication, and
ventilation can only commence after the shield machine is demolished from the tunnel. If the number of shield
machines is set to four, the construction period will be dramatically shortened. This analysis will be done in the
next study.

Table 6-1 Construction Schedule of Partial Underground Option
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Station Distance

No1 Station 0k400


Track works     
2k000 E & M system works
No2 Station 2K100

Station architectural works     
12months per a station
Pier & footing, ctc.25m
No3 Station 3k400 A construction block =200m
2 months per one block
Superstructure ,  One span=25m
5 days per one  span erection
= 8 days for calender day
No4 Station 4K700 8*8=64days, about 2months / span

No5 Station 5K840 Vertical shaft (departure)

6k000 Shield Machine fabrication & 
6k366 mobilization to the site

6k735 Transition
Box‐culvert and U‐shape wall
No6 Station 7K080

Underground station
Diaphragm wall, 
8k000 Top down method to Base concret Shield tunnel construction

No7 Station 8k720

Architectural works for 
underground station

No8 Station 9k720

Track works     
E & M system works

No9 Station 11k000

Box‐culvert and U‐shape wall
N0.10 Station 12k965

13k446 Track works     
E & M system works
Depot Access

Source: METI Study Team

6.1.2 Overall Project Implementation Schedule

The overall project schedule is shown in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Overall Project Implementation Schedule

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2035

1 Feasibility study
Preliminary study
Feasibility study
Fund arrangement

2 Consultancy services
1 Consultant selection
2 Basic design
3 Detail design
4 Procurement assistance

3 Construction
1 0.2 km - 6.4 km Viaduct, Station
2 6.4km - 6.7km Transition
3 6.7 km - 11.9 km Underground Station
4 6.7 km - 11.9 km Shield Tunnel
5 11.9 km - 12.3 km transition
6 12.3km - 13.4 km Viaduct Station
7 Depot access
8 Depot
9 Architectural works for stations

4 Track works

5 E & M System

6 Rolling stock

7 Test, Commissioning

8 Operation & Maintenance

9 Land acquisition, Utility diversion

Source: METI Study Team

6.2 Issues on Project Implementation

Remarkable construction activities, which would affect the cost and implementation of the Project, are seen during
the site visit. One is the reclamation with pumps around the planned depot area and the other is a great number of
building constructions at the central part of Dhaka City. In addition to these construction activities, MRT, BRT,
and flyover projects are going to be developed and land readjustment plan will be enforced in the near future.
From the point of view of recent economical growth in Dhaka, the construction cost would be swollen more than
expected and land acquisition would be critical for proceeding with this Project. It is desirable to establish the
cooperation between the public and private parties in obtaining the land for public works like MRT project. For
example, the entrance from both elevated and underground stations will generally be located on the sidewalk in
case of enough width of the road, while it would be a positive idea to combine the public structure (entrance) and
private equity (e.g., shopping mall, condominiums) in case of narrow road. The location of the entrance of the
underground station, which is composed of staircases, escalators, and elevators, is of great importance. It will be
an advantage for the passengers to ride the MRT smoothly and to develop the business environment surrounding
the stations.

In case of tunnel, the design of tunnel as well as underground stations shall be taken into consideration in the

construction method more thoroughly than that for elevated structure; otherwise, unexpected troubles would
happen often during construction.

Where tunnel passes under residential buildings, psychological and environmental issues may occur during the
construction stage or permanently. It is of great importance to spread information widely before construction.
Integrated engineering technology about tunnel construction experienced in Japan shall be available. This is a
great opportunity to introduce tunnel technique to the MRT East-West Line Project in Dhaka.

Chapter7 Project Implementing Agencies
7.1 Overview of the Implementing Agencies of the Host Country

For any metro rail-related projects in Dhaka, two agencies are directly concerned, namely, Dhaka Transport
Coordination Authority (DTCA) and Dhaka Mass Transit Company Ltd. (DMTC). DTCA, as the coordinating
authority of all transportation system in Dhaka, is also mandated to conduct planning like feasibility studies.
DMTC, on the other hand, is a state-owned company (SOC) responsible to implement any metro rail project in
Dhaka. However, if the project is implemented through public-private partnership (PPP), implementation
mechanism can be different and will depend on the extent of engagement of the private sector. For example, in
case of build-operate-transfer (BOT), a special purpose organization (SPO) might be formed. However, if the PPP
engagement is in the form of concession only, it is still possible that DMTC will be the implementing agency. In
this chapter, assessment will be made for DMTC only.

As mentioned above, DMTC is an SOC and is governed according to its own regulations. Legally, all SOCs are
autonomous bodies but the respective ministries appoint their board of directors. Effectively, the SOCs reflect
their line ministry positions. However, as the SOC’s board can take all decisions, the paper work involving the
ministry can be reduced and thus many processes can be expedited. DMTC, like all SOCs, is legally separated
from the government but heavily depends on the financial issuances of the government like loans and subsidies.

7.2 Organization for the Implementing Agencies of the Host Country

The DMTC is an SOC mandated to implement and operate all metro rails on behalf of the government. Its
formation dates back to the 2010 JICA Dhaka Urban Transportation Study (DHUTS), which proposed to form an
authority for the implementation of MRT Line 6 and later for any other lines. Later, the Study for Institutional
Strengthening and Capacity Enhancement of Transport Related Agencies in Dhaka City (SISCETRA) was
undertaken by DTCB (currently DTCA) engaging local consultants. The study recommended the formation of an
authority which is essentially in line with the proposal of DHUTS and proposed the name “Dhaka Mass Transit
Company”. They also suggested that DMTC can be developed in stages and in the beginning it should be formed
with just 18 officials.

During the implementation of MRT Line 6, an institutional development consultant (IDC) was engaged, who will
formulate the full expansion of DMTC. IDC is expected to complete his/her work by 2015 and his/her scope
includes organogram, job description, business plan, financial plan, and work procedure, among others.

DMTC was formed in line with the Metro Rail Act of 2015 and complying with the Companies Act of 1994. The
registration date of DMTC was June 3, 2013 and the registration number is C-109 490/13. The mandate
mentioned in its Memorandum and Articles of Association is as follows (Sec III A 1):

To establish, operate, and maintain including planning, designing, development, construction, and financing
of MRT system in and around Dhaka City (as defined and specified in the Dhaka Transport Coordination Act,
2012 (Act No. 8 of 2012)) so as to meet the urban transport needs of Dhaka and its neighbouring areas. MRT

system covers metro railway, light railway, mono rail, sky bus, or any similar people mover system operating
on a dedicated guide way at surface, above or below the ground level.

In Sec III A 5b, DMTC is also mandated to carry out feasibility study of the system; thus, the feasibility study of
the MRT Line 5e can be undertaken by DMTC.

The authorized share capital of the company is BDT 10,000,000,000,000 (10,000 cr), which is approximately
equivalent to USD 800 million. There are eight shareholders of DMTC and their share numbers are shown in Table
7-1 below.

Table 7-1 DMTC Shareholders and Number of Shares

Shareholders Number of Shares

Secretary, Road Transport and Highways Division 9,999,999,930

Executive Director, Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority 10

Representative from the Prime Minister Office (Not below the rank of Director General) 10

Additional Secretary, Local Government Division 10

Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance 10

Representative from the Ministry of Railway, (Not Below the rank of Joint Secretary) 10

Joint Secretary, Power Division 10

Managing Director, Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited 10

Source: METI Study Team

As mentioned in Sec 33 (i), the number of directors shall not be less than nine and not more than 13 until otherwise
determined by the company in its general meeting. The board of DMTC currently consists of 11 members and the
formation is shown in Table 7-2 below.

Table 7-2 Board Members of DMTC and Their Positions

Member Position

Secretary, Road Transport and Highways Division Chairman

Executive Director, Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority Member

Representative from the Prime Minister Office (Not below the rank of Director General) Member

Additional Secretary, Local Government Division Member

Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance Member

Representative from the Ministry of Railway, (Not Below the rank of Joint Secretary) Member

Joint Secretary, Power Division Member

One Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Member

Engineering and Technology (BUET)
A Qualified Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants Member

Member, An Advocate Specialized in Company Laws Nominated by the Government Member

Managing Member of Director, Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited Member

Source: METI Study Team

At present, DMTC is still in the early stages of formation. Currently, one managing director, one deputy managing
director, two directors, two chief engineers, and few deputy general managers are mobilized from different
government agencies. The IDC is supposed to submit its report by end of 2015 outlining the organogram,
manpower, job description, accounting system, and recruitment plan. It is expected that recruitment will start from
2016. In addition, IDC will also prepare a detailed training program for management and financial positions.

Figure 7-1 Organizational Chart of DMTC

Project Director

Additional Project 

Director, Finance  Director, Strategy 
and Admin and Planning

General Manager, General Manager, Chief Engineer, Civil Chief Engineer, 

Admin Finance and Accounts Electrical and 

DGM, Electrical and 

Manager, Human   Manager, Legal  Manager, Survey and  Manager, Finance  Manager, Electrical Manager, 
Resources and  Affairs Land Acquisition and Accounts Mechanical

DGM, Environment  DGM, Transport  DGM, Traffic  DGM, Urban  DGM, Project 

and Rehabilitation Planning Engineerinhg Planning Management

Manager,  Manager,  Manager, Transport   Manager, Traffic  Manager, Urban  Manager, Project 

Environment & Rehabilitation Planning Engineerinhg Planning Management
Pollution Control

Source: Home Page of DMTC

Figure 7-2 Organizational Chart of DMTC Proposed by IDC


Manager Company  DGM

Manager (PR)
(Internak Audit) Secretary/ DGM (Safety&QC Audit)

Astt. Manager Astt. Manager 

PR Officer
(Internal Audit) (Comp.Aff) Manager Manager
(Safety Audit) (Quality Audit)
Internal Audit  Company Aff. 
PR Assistant Assistant

Director Director
(Finance&Admin.) (Planning & 

GM (HR& Admin.) GM(Fin.&Accts) Manager(Contract Mgt.)

Contract Mgt. Assistant
Manager (IT) DGM (HR) DGM(Finance)
(Training Institute) DGM

Manager (Training  Chief Engineer Chief Engineer  Chief Engineer 

Manager(HR) Manager  (Planning) Development (Civil) Development)

Manager  Manager DCE(Proj.&Prop.D DCE Development  DCE Development 

(Finance) (MIS) ev. Planning) (Civil) (E&M)
Manager (IT) Manager  Manager Manager 

Source: Draft Final Report of IDC

On the other hand, the General Consultant (GC) of MRT Line 6 will prepare the operation and maintenance
(O&M)-related manpower requirement, recruitment plan, and training schedule. It may be mentioned that this will
be prepared mainly focusing on the operation of MRT Line 6 only. For additional lines, such arrangement has to
be updated.

7.3 Current Activities of Project Implementing Agency

DMTC is formed to implement and operate the urban metro rail system. However, this is a new system and there
is no readily available in-country skilled manpower. It is naturally anticipated that DMTC will face difficulties in
recruiting qualified personnel.

DMTC started with very few staff. The MRT Line 6 implementation was planned in a very effective way so that
the GC can nourish the DMTC in its infancy. GC will prepare the total organizational setup related to O&M. GC
will then help in recruitment and provide training. On the other hand, IDC will prepare the management and
financial organization of DMTC.

Although it is expected that DMTC will get significant exposure through the implementation of MRT Line 6, it
cannot be expected that with the implementation of just one line, DMTC can handle all the complex and
interrelated technical, contractual, accounting, and management aspects of a metro rail implementation. Further,
the underground construction associated with MRT Line 5 will present a whole new set of issues. Thus, it is
recommended that at least for the next line also, a GC should be appointed to take the role of an “Engineer”,
rather than to employ the fragmented services of a design and procurement consultant (DPC), a construction
supervision consultant (CSC), and a management support consultant (MSC). By having a GC, DMTC can get
on-the-job training very effectively. In addition, periodic training must be provided to DMTC officials for their
capacity development.

Chapter8 Technical Advantages of Japanese Companies
8.1 International Competitiveness of Japanese Companies for the Project

Construction technology in urban railway in Japan is known as high level technology in the world, including
bridge construction technology in narrow construction space, tunnel construction, rolling stock, depot equipment,
signaling, power, telecommunication, train operation control system, and station equipment. Japanese companies
have various experiences in overseas projects, and they have been highly appreciated in the view of quality,
schedule, safety and overall project management.

MRT Line 6, with a total length of 20 km and which has been selected as the top priority line under the Dhaka
Urban Transportation Study (DHUTS), is currently in progress as one of the projects financed under official
development assistance (ODA) loans. Dhaka Mass Transit Company (DMTC), owner of the MRT Line 6 Project,
expects Japanese companies to participate in the various construction packages (construction, rolling stock, and
railway system) in this Project.

In addition, there is a possibility of utilizing Japanese technology and knowhow such as management,
maintenance, and staff education. Therefore, there is high possibility of orders for railway system and
maintenance from Japanese companies under this Project.

Advantages of railway technology of Japan in the international competition are mentioned below.

1) Safety, Stability

The number of MRT passengers in Japan is large in the world. Japanese railway is ultra-high density
transportation, however serious accident rate is very small, even in comparison with other countries.

2) Energy Saving

Stable mass transit, reduced weight rolling stock, and highly efficient regenerative braking are enabling to reduce
the energy consumption and carbon dioxide.

3) Construction Technology

Since railway structure is often constructed in narrow and congested site in Japanese urban area, construction
technology in Japan have much experience for safety and quickly construction in the city center. Most the city of
Southeast Asia is dense areas like Japan, Japanese construction technology will be useful for minimizing adverse
effects during construction.

Table 8-1 summarizes the capability of Japanese companies in different procurement packages.

Table 8-1 Possibility of Orders from Japanese Companies in Each Package
Item Competitiveness of Japanese Companies
Civil (Elevated) In the special condition of narrow construction yard, Japanese
companies have a lot of knowledge and experience.
Civil (Underground) Japanese shield tunnel technology is leading in the world, and it
has gained international acclaim.
Rolling Stock Japanese rolling stock, which has high safety, has gained
confidence in the world market; it has high competitiveness in
North America , UK and Asian countries.
Signalling System ATC has already many domestic achievements, and CBTC also
has experience of orders in India, South Korea, and Brazil.

Source: METI Study Team

Table 8-2 listed up the international competitive Japanese technologies related to MRT construction.

Table 8-2 List of International Competitive Japanese Technology

Item Expected main Content
HH Rail UIC 60 Rail In the railway business around the world, the Japanese
heat-treated rail has high quality and durability, and has
gained a high reputation abroad.
Regenerative Li-ion Battery Regenerative energy storage system using a lithium
Energy Storage Storage System battery technology made in Japan has an advantage due
System to reduction of environmental and maintenance costs.
Rolling Stock Maximum In recent years, Japanese rolling stock has been ordered
operation speed in the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore,
100 km/h Hong Kong, Middle East, and Egypt by winning in
VVVF inverter international competition. If orders were made from a
Japanese manufacturer in MRT Line 6, opportunity of
orders can also be expected in this Project.
Shield Tunnel Shield tunnel In India, Turkey, and Bangkok, shield tunnel has already
method been ordered and constructed. Japanese technology has
been demonstrated by the Japanese companies.
IC Card and AFC (Non-contact The contactless IC card technology system that has been
Related IC card) used in Japanese railway was introduced in the
Facilities state-owned bus company from 2012, and it has shown a
huge positive impact.

Source: METI Study Team


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