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1. Access the Nagios web page from any computer attached to the network.
The IP address is The user name and password are
wxin (all lower case)
2. Once logged in click on the “Host Groups” link which is located on the left-
hand side of the browser window. This will bring up a page that shows
each host group and all associated hosts within the group. Within the host
table you will find a services column. If there are any issues the services
column indicated the number of services that are critical or experiencing
issues. Click on the link in the red box to see a list of services that are
3. After you click on the link it will take you to a page that shows you all of the
services on that host that are experiencing issues. Click on the link of the
service you want to see in detail.
4. The next page you will show you the service state information as well as
give you a series of service commands. In the service commands box you
will see a command to acknowledge the problem. Click on this link.
5. The next page will allow you to enter a comment and acknowledge the
problem. When you acknowledge a problem you must put your initials in
the comments box. You can add a note if you like, but you must put your
initials in the box. Once you do that click the comment button and Nagios
will acknowledge the problem and send an email to everyone.

6. After you click commit you will go to another page where you will click a
link that takes you back to the Nagios homepage. If the acknowledgement
was successful you will receive an email from Nagios letting you know that
the service issue has been acknowledged.

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