JPN 101 Summer '0X Syllabus: Instructor Office E-Mail Office Hours GTF

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JPN 101 Summer '0X Syllabus

Teaching Staff:
Instructor: Instructor (Office)
Office E-mail: E-mail
Office Hours: Office hours & by appointment

Study Materials:
1) Yookoso!, An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese , 2nd edition, by Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku
2) Workbook /Laboratory Manual to accompany Yookoso!, 2nd edition
optional packet: JPN 201-203 Yookoso Book 1 and Book 2 Review Packet, Iwakawa
Yamada Center Web Site:

Course Objectives:
We will focus on acquiring the following skills:
1) Listening: Able to understand simple everyday conversation, within a limited topic.
2) Speaking: Able to handle certain survival situations with circumlocutions and repetitions.
3) Reading: Able to read short, simple passages, including semi-authentic materials.
4) Writing: Able to write the materials learned in class using the appropriate hiragana and
katakana scripts and about 50 kanji. Write short essays on topics that you have
studied in class.
Attendance: 5% A+=97+ A=93+ A-=90+
Homework 10% B+=87+ B=83+ B-=80+
Quizzes 15% C+=77+ C=73+ C-=70+
Chapter Tests 30% D+=67+ D=63+ D-=60+
Oral Interview 15% F=59.9-
Written Final Exam 25%

Letter grades will be determined according to the above scale. There may be slight changes to the
scale, but there will be no grading on a curve.

Oral Interview:
One day will be devoted to individual interviews led by a GTF "partner". You will be given
detailed information about how the interview will proceed and a chance to practice just before the
interview. It will be different from an Oral Performance since you will have to do much more
talking on your own. This will be a real test of how well you can communicate in Japanese.

You will have two chapter exams which will test your abilities in listening comprehension,
grammar, and reading. The final will cover both chapters. Exams will be kept on file and may be
viewed at any time.

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