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The competition can sometimes involve two individuals or two teams or several members and can range

from the playful (Badminton) to the dangerous (Professional Boxing). Sports have been an age-old tradition
in most societies and carry enormous prestige to the point that some of the richest people in the world, even
today, are professional athletes, earning hundreds of millions of dollars in endorsements and advertising
Kayaking is a sport involving rapidly traversing distance over bodies of water in a kayak, which is a small
boat resembling a canoe. It can be an individual sport but is considered a popular team sport.
Bobsleighing or bobsledding is a winter sport in which teams of two or four make their way down pathways
that twist and turn. They do so in a bobsled and are timed so as to determine which person accomplished it
faster. In the Winter Olympics, this is a popular Olympic Sport.
As this is a popular Olympic Sport, canoeing is usually done in one of two types of competitions; which are
canoe sprint or canoe slalom. Both involve going downstream and competing against other individuals doing
the same to see who traverses the waters first. This is also an individual sport and doesn’t involve teams
Skiing is a sport involving traversing icy or snowy mountainous terrain on skis and performing stunts while
doing it. A variation called ski jumping is very popular as a popular Olympic Sport.
Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave rider has to anticipate the wave and make his or her way
through it. Waves suitable for the sport are found in the ocean and can rise several meters high,
endangering the surfers. It is considered a popular individual sport in several coastal areas.
Snorkeling basically refers to swimming through a body of water with a diving mask. It is a popular activity
near resorts and is usually accompanied by proper wetsuits and aquatic gear.
Considered as one of the most challenging sports and requiring years of training to master, Olympic
swimming has become one of the most popular Olympic Sports. The ascension of Michael Phelps as one of
the most decorated athletes has contributed to that fact. It is an almost exclusively individual sport.
Considered as one of the most taxing sports, this involves using a rowboat to travel from one point to
another through the water. Rowing can be done in large bodies of water like rivers or coastal beaches.
Though, not exclusively an individual or team sport, it is considered a popular Olympic Sport in the team
While not strictly a sport because of the lack of competition, Aerobics can be considered a popular physical
activity that involves team effort and is mostly performed in groups. It involves various stretching exercises
and training.
Archery has been a popular individual sport for some time and is often considered a measure of one’s skill
and accuracy. It involves shooting an arrow into a target. It has bred legendary tales like William Tell and
Robin Hood. This is a popular Olympic Sport.

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