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Home Alone

00:00 – 00:41

Task 1. Watch and put the phrases in order. Then match the phrases with the translation.

a parking ticket Если вы торопитесь, вы можете поймать его.

rabies shots Он все еще здесь?
Is he still here? погодите, постойте
how low штраф за парковку
hold on как низко
If you hurry, you can catch him. прививка от бешенства

00:41 – 2:06

Task 2. Watch and complete with the words.

candy canes silly shoot nothing

spoil curiosity important

 Can I talk to you for a minute?

 Make it quick. Santa's got a little get-together he's late for.
 Okay, I know you're not the real Santa Claus.
 What makes you say that? Just out of 1) ___________________.
 I'm old enough to know how it works.
 All right.
 But I also know you work for him. I'd like you to give him a message.
 2) ___________________.
 I'm Kevin McCallister, 671 Lincoln Blvd. Do you need the phone number?
 No, that's all right.
 Okay, this is extremely 3) ___________________. Would you please tell him that instead of presents
this year, I just want my family back. No toys. 4) ___________________but Peter, Kate, Buzz, Megan,
Linnie and Jeff. And my aunt and my cousins. And if he has time, my Uncle Frank. Okay?
 Okay. I'll see what I can do.
 Thanks.
 Wait. My elf took the last of the 5) ___________________ home to her boyfriend.
 That's okay.
 No, don't be 6) ___________________. Everybody who sees Santa has got to get something. Here, hold
out your little paw there. There you go. Don't 7) ___________________your dinner.
 I won't. Thanks.


a parking ticket – штраф за парковку out of curiosity – из любопытства

how low – как низко to make it quick –давай по-быстрому
hold on - погодите, постойте old enough – достаточно взрослый
to hurry – торопиться instead of – вместо
a candy cane - карамельная трость a paw – лапа
silly – глупый to spoil – испортить

Task 4. Complete the sentences.

Just out of curiosity tell me ________________________________________________________________.

I’m old enough to ________________________________________________________________________.

Instead of presents I want__________________________________________________________________.

How low to ____________________________________________________________________________.

I never spoil ____________________________________________________________________________.

Task 5. What would you ask Santa if you met him? Write a letter to Santa Clause.















Task 1.

Is he still here? - Он все еще здесь?

If you hurry, you can catch him. - Если вы торопитесь, вы можете поймать его.

how low - как низко

a parking ticket - парковочный талон

rabies shots - прививка от бешенства

hold on - погодите, постойте

Task 2

1) curiosity
2) shoot
3) important
4) nothing
5) candy canes
6) silly
7) spoil


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