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Soil stabilization techniques

oil stabilization can be The degree of stability is governed ment has been added. When sub-

S achieved by pulverizing the

natural soil or borrow ma-
terial, mixing in a chemical
additive, and thoroughly compact-
ing the mixture. The additive can be

a. the physical and chemical

properties of the soil.
b. the proportion of cement.
bases are stabilized with cement,
the purpose of the stabilization is to
improve the properties of a sub-
standard material.
The method calls for these steps:
either portland cement, lime or salt c. moisture conditions (content, a. Grade area
(sodium chloride). temperature, duration) during b. Scarify, pulverize and pre-wet
A stabilized soil has increased both compaction and curing. soil as necessary
strength. It has greater bearing ca- d. degree of compaction. c. Regrade
pacity, and decreased water sensi- d. Spread portland cement and
tivity, which diminishes volume Almost all soil types can be used, mix
change during wet/dry cycles. from gravelly and sandy to fine- e. Apply water and mix
Soil stabilization is used to pro- grained silts and clays. Generally, f. Compact
vide a firm base or sub-base for all the more granular materials are g. Final grade
types of paved areas, to improve used because they pulve ri ze and h. Cure
foundation conditions, and as a lin- mix readily and require the least
ing for ditches and banked earth- amount of cement. Waste and sub- The central-plant-mixed method
works. standard materials found at aggre- calls for this procedure:
gate plants, old gravel road and a. Grade and compact subgrade
STABILIZING SOILS street materials, as well as cinders b. Mix soil, cement and water in
WITH CEMENT and slag, make excellent soil-ce- central plant
Types I and IA, normal and air- ment, if they contain 55 percent or c. Haul mixed material to area
entraining cements, are most com- more gravel passing the No. 4 sieve. and spread
monly used. Materials containing more gra ve l d. Compact
All soils can be stabilized with retained on the No. 4 sieve can be e. Final grade
portland cement, provided suffi- used if they are well graded. Stones f. Cure
cient quantity is added. Some soils that are larger than 3 inches and
with a high organic content do not highly organic matter should be re- Pu l ve rization is necessary with
react well with cement and harden- moved. heavier-type soils to break up the
ing may be delayed. As clay content Soils have been stabilized with soil particles and ensure intimate
increases, soils become more diffi- cement contents ranging from 4 to contact with the cement.
cult to pulverize and work, and larg- 15 percent by weight of the soil. The Optimum moisture is necessary
er quantities of cement must be majority of work, however, is com- to both hydrate the cement and fa-
added to harden them. pleted with a cement content of cilitate compaction. As a rule-of-
The thickness of a cement-stabi- around 6 to 8 percent. thumb guide, optimum moisture
lized base depends upon the traffic Representative soil samples content can be assumed to be the
loads and volumes and the stability should be identified and subjected driest condition at which a 2-inch
of the subgrade. Thicknesses greater to: ball of soil, molded in the fingers, re-
than 7 inches are built in more than a. moisture-density tests to deter- tains its shape. As a further aid, the
one lift. The thickness of subbase or mine optimum moisture con- ball should break into only a few
subgrade stabilization depends up- tent and maximum density. pieces when dropped. Traces of
on the nature of the soils and the b. freeze-thaw and wet-dry tests moisture on the fingers means that
conditions of the job. to determine the lowest ce- the optimum content has been ex-
Chemical bonds or linkages are ment content that will produce ceeded.
developed between adjacent ce- a hard, durable base. (ASTM Proper curing for 7 days is essen-
ment grain surfaces and exposed designations D 558, D 559 and tial. The surface must be sealed to
soil particle surfaces. There is also a D 560). Short-cut test methods prevent evaporation losses.
secondary effect produced when have been developed for use Stabilization should not be at-
lime, which is formed as the cement with granular soils. tempted at temperatures below 40
hydrates, reacts with the silica and degrees.
alumina in the clay fraction to Various bearing capacity tests can Compaction should be done to at
produce secondary cementitious be run on subgrades (and some least 95 percent of maximum densi-
material. sub-bases) before and after the ce- ty (ASTM D 558).
Conventional earth moving and the stabilizing reaction of the lime. tion calls for these steps:
compaction equipment is used. Ce- Lime does not improve sands or a. Grade area
ment spreaders for mixed-in-place other cohesionless granular materi- b. Scarify and pulverize
construction methods and cement als. c. Spread lime
meters for use with central mixing Thickness can be any economi- d. Add water during preliminary
plants are available. Single shaft, cally practical depth. Work normally mixing
multiple shaft and windrow-type proceeds in 6-inch layers. Depths e. Rough grade with light com-
mixes are used for mixed-in-place down to 5 feet, built up in lifts, have paction
work. been successfully stabilized. Depths f. Preliminary cure
The cost of cement stabilization is down to 2 feet can be stabilized in a g. Final rotary mix and pulverize
principally affected by the cement single lift by first scarifying with a h. Compact
requirement, type of soil, thickness back ripper. i. Final cure
of treatment and size of job. If a soil Base-exchange first agglomerates Lime should not be spread dry
proposed for use requires a high ce- the fine clay into coarse friable par- during windy weather because it
ment factor, the cost of the job can ticles. This is accompanied by a will create dusting problems. A
be kept at a normal figure by using marked drying-out action. A chem- sprinkling with water will reduce
a low-cost borrow material which ical reaction then takes place with dusting. Lime applied as a slurry will
has a low cement requirement. available silica and alumina in the eliminate the dusting problem en-
Strength and modulus of elastici- soil to harden the mass. tirely.
ty increase with cement content and Stability is governed primarily by Bag-dumped lime should be lev-
age. Unconfined compressive the plasticity of the soil (which is a eled with a rake before mixing. To
strength of hardened soil-cement at measure of its clay content), by the minimize carbonation and wind
7 days normally ranges from 300 to amount of lime used and by the de- losses, all lime should be mixed into
800 psi. Flexural strength is approx- gree of compaction and curing. the base within 6 hours of spread-
imately 20 percent of compressive Soils ranging in Plasticity Index
Heavy watering (to at least 5 per-
strength. from 10 to 50+ are suitable for lime
cent above optimum moisture con-
stabilization. If the soil has a low In-
tent) is recommended. Preliminary
Information available from: dex value, it is essential for the soil
mixing should distribute the lime to
Portland Cement Association to contain at least 15 percent of ma-
the correct depth and pulverize the
5420 Old Orchard Road terial passing a minus No. 200 mesh.
soil. Rotary mixing is desirable.
Skokie, Illinois 60078 Stones larger than 3 inches and oth-
Preliminary curing from 0 to 48
er foreign matter must be removed.
hours permits the lime and water to
The amount of time to be used
STABILIZING SOILS WITH LIME break up the clay clods. Rough grad-
may range from 2 to 6 percent by ing and light compaction before
Hydrated lime (calcium hydrox- weight of the dry soil, depending on curing minimizes evaporation and
ide) is mainly used. There are two the nature of the soil. Increasing the carbonation losses. Longer curing
basic types of lime: high calcium lime content above optimum does periods may be necessary for very
and high magnesium. Their soil-sta- not substantially improve the final heavy clays.
bilizing ability is roughly equal. properties of the soil. Final mixing should continue un-
Quicklime is occasionally used to Representative soil samples til all clods are pulverized to pass a
stabilize heavy clays. Quicklime is a should be obtained and their Plas- 1-inch screen with at least 60 per-
strong caustic and requires the use ticity Index and gradation deter- cent passing a No. 4 sieve.
of goggles and protective clothing. mined (ASTM designation: D 422— Compaction should be done to
Use of a non-dusting granulated D 424). If a high proportion of at least 95 percent of maximum
product reduces the danger slightly. organic matter is suspected, its con- density. If necessary, more water
Principal advantage is a saving in tent should be determined (ASTM should be added before compaction
shipping costs: hydrated lime is C 40). begins to reach optimum moisture
about one-fourth chemically com- The bearing capacity of the soil content.
bined water; quicklime is free from should be determined before and Final curing for from 3 to 7 days
water. after laboratory stabilization to de- is necessary to allow the soil to
Lime reacts readily with most termine the optimum amount of harden. Moist curing involves sprin-
plastic soils containing clay. Soils lime acceptable for the job. The kling and light rolling. Membrane
containing more than 3 percent or- Standard or Modified Proctor test curing uses a bituminous coating.
ganic matter cannot be stabilized can be used for this purpose. (ASTM Highly expansive clays are some-
readily. Non-plastic soils and soils designation: D 698 or D 1557). times “ponded” for 30 days. This
with a low Plasticity Index (under Several techniques have been de- helps the soil attain its maximum
10) may also need the presence of a veloped for lime stabilization. volume before stabilizing the upper
pozzolan, such as fly-ash, to initiate Conventional large-area stabiliza- layer.
Lime modification: where com- b. The type of soil. Heavier clays must have 35 to 40 percent clay
plete stabilization is not required require longer and more exten- loam added before they can be sta-
(i.e., where lime is used to dry up a sive treatment. Low plasticity bilized. Best results are obtained if
wet area), lesser quantities of lime soils may need a pozzolan. the overall grading condition of the
may be used, and the construction c. The cost of spreading. soil meets ASTM designation:
procedure is simpler. Steps include d. The quantity of water to be D1241.
spreading, mixing, and compaction. added. Quantities depend on the nature
Pulverization requirements can be Lime stabilization decreases PI of the soil and the bearing strength
waived, so two-stage mixing may and volume change, and increases desired. The optimum amount
not be necessary. the compressive strength of a soil ranges between 0.5 and 1 percent by
In place or post-treatment: In this considerably—up to 250 psi. for dry weight of the soil. Excessive
procedure, the lime is introduced to clays and to 600 psi. for clay-grav- quantities may have a detrimental
the soil to be stabilized without the els. Bearing capacity is improved effect on strength and lead to sur-
from 5- to 20-fold. face slipperiness.
need for mixing and compaction.
Information available from: Representative samples of the soil
The procedure is most suited to
National Lime Association should be obtained and inspected
smaller areas such as building sites.
4000 Brandywine St. N.W. to make sure they meet the qualifi-
The lime can be introduced by
cations. A sieve analysis should be
drilling, trench irrigation or pres- Washington, D.C. 20016
conducted to ensure that adequate
sure-injection. The stabilizing effect stabilizing soils with salt
binder material in the form of fines
naturally diminishes as the distance is present. If desirable, bearing ca-
from the lime source increases. Salt stabilization applies to treat-
pacity values should be determined
Trench irrigation consists of dig- ing base aggregates for road work or
for test areas in the compacted state
ging a network of interconnected parking lot areas. It has not yet been
before and after stabilization (ASTM
trenches over the site. The trenches tried for improving foundation soil.
designations: D 1195, D 1196, D
are filled with lime topped with a Common salt (sodium chloride)
1194 or similar).
layer of clean gravel. Sufficient wa- of any type and from any source is Sodium chloride can be added to
ter is passed through the trenches to suitable. A pure grade of salt is not the soil either dry or as a brine. Mix-
keep them thoroughly wet without necessary and up to 5 percent ing can be done in place or with a
overflowing. An industrial detergent chemical impurities is not detri- stationary plant. The site to be sta-
can be added as a wetting agent to mental. Coarse, crushed rock salt bilized must be adequately drained
speed dispersion of the lime. The that will pass a 3/8-inch sieve is nor- to remove excess and surface water
spacing of the trenches and the mally used. before work begins. Subgrade weak
length of exposure depends on the Successful stabilization requires a spots must be removed and firmly
nature of the soil. well-graded soil. Clay, loam or lime- compacted; otherwise they will af-
stone fines must be present to serve fect the bearing ability of the stabi-
Drilling is inexpensive, but allows
as a binder. Silt and sand are not lized surface layer.
only very limited lime exposure (less
suitable binders. The proper procedure to follow
than 1 percent) unless a very close
Economic considerations nor- for in-place stabilization with salt is
pattern of hole spacing is used.
mally restrict the thickness of the as follows:
Pressure injection greatly increases
stabilized section to a 12-inch layer. a. Scarify to desired depth
the exposure possibility (up to 3
During compaction, salt and wa- b. Apply salt
percent). A slurry of from 20 to 30
ter exert a flocculating action which c. Apply water
percent solids is forced into the drill
creates a colloidal binder. This d. Mix
holes at pressures from 150 to 600
changes the structural arrangement e. Compact
psi. Pressure injection forces the
of the particles to provide a mass of f. Grade
lime over an area of several feet. maximum stability. After curing, no g. Water and roll
Conventional earth-moving salt crystals can normally be found. h. Cure
equipment is used for mixing, pul- The grading of the soil is an im- Salt must be spread evenly. Salt
verizing and compaction. Special portant factor governing salt stabi- can also be applied as a brine and by
vehicles have been developed to as- lization. It is also believed that at doing this, a separate watering stage
sist the bulk spreading of lime. least 7 to 8 percent clay, and some can be avoided.
The cost of lime stabilization is limestone, must be present to make Adequate water must be present
primarily governed by: salt stabilization function. to dissolve the salt. The content
a. The procedure chosen, which Particles larger than 1 inch maxi- should be 1 or 2 percent in excess of
depends on the nature of the mum size should be removed. Grav- optimum.
site, the performance charac- els should contain 8 to 12 percent Thorough mixing is essential to
teristics desired, and the time binder clay; limestones should con- prevent the formation of non-stabi-
available for treatment. tain 5 to 15 percent dust. Sands lized pockets.
Salt actually facilitates com- a pugmill type mixer. The method is Salt stabilization ensures maxi-
paction. Particles are coated with a more expensive but gives maximum mum compaction. Bearing capacity
film of moisture that remains intact assurance of uniform distribution of is increased from 3- to 5-fold. Frost
under pressure, and is unaffected by the salt. It is most practicable when damage is minimized because salt
temperature changes. During the imported fill must be added to the lowers the freezing point of the soil.
early stages of compaction, the site soil. Pre-mixed soils should be Information available from:
mass interlocks to provide maxi- spread to a depth not greater than 5 Salt Institute
mum density. Further compaction inches before in-place wetting. 206 North Washington Street
forces a salt-soil mortar to the sur- Chief factor governing the cost of Alexandria, Virginia 22314
face and this gives a very smooth salt stabilization is the type of soil.
finish. The need for imported material,
The curing period depends on the with consequent extra handling,
weather. Maximum strength is usu- will greatly increase costs. Material PUBLICATION#C680371
ally achieved in from 10 to 14 days. and compaction costs are relatively Copyright © 1968, The Aberdeen Group
Plant mixing should be done with low. All rights reserved

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