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Relax. Try to be calm and at ease whenever you are reporting in school. Don’t take
schooling as a very heavy task yet, don’t take it for granted as well.

Know your purpose. You must first set your goal before you do something. Before
making a move, decide for a purpose and think of the consequences that it might bring
you. You have to convince yourself that what you are doing is a “must”, not only
because you want it but especially because it is needed.

Love what you are doing. For a person to be moved, most often than not, he is
motivated to do something because he loves it. If you will learn and motivate yourself to
love schooling, you’ll find fun in learning also.

Be healthy. Keep your mind, body, and spirit always healthy to have a sound
reasoning, active participation, and positive perspective in life whenever you go to

Pray. Talking to HIM puts us in relief. Just like your teachers, they will not give you a
test without believing that you can answer it, God is more just. He will not give you a
challenge that you cannot overcome. If you consider schooling as a big challenge, well,
just be thankful that he entrusted you a challenge that will make you a better person
along the way.

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