Work From Home Trends & Emergence of Micro Hubs (Focus On BFS) - Draup

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Work from home trends &

Emergence of Micro hubs

(focus on BFS)

Copyright © 2020 Draup. All rights reserved

A concept document by Draup
Conceptualized and Developed: June -2020

The objective of this study is to understand the adoption of WFH (Work from
home) regime across industries, Draup’s WFH Propensity model to assess the
remote working suitability for job roles, and how BFS (Banking & Financial Services)
firms can leverage Micro-hubs as a part of their long term operational strategy

To access the full report


➢ COVID-19 has drastically changed the office work place landscape by making Work from home a new normal and changing the way BFS
companies operate:

• Companies are experimenting with different operating model which gives employees partial or full time remote working options
• Companies are struggling to identify Work from home suitability for talent across functions and job clusters as they try to navigate the
unprecedented change

➢ Draup analyzed 150+ Job descriptions to understand the Work From Home Propensity of sample BFS job roles ( Core + Tech) based on
3 critical parameters and rated the suitability of job roles for remote working:

• Job roles like Tax Advisor, Audit Manager, Tax Accountant, Underwriter etc. have high Propensity for remote working

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• Whereas, in Tech jobs, most of the Cybersecurity and Cloud roles have to be on premise to cater their workloads due to high compliance

➢ Work from home regime has also changed the migration trajectory of talent as they shift back to low cost or their native locations ( Tier
2/3 locations or Micro-hubs)

• Firms are also becoming location agnostic and evaluating Micro-hubs to contain operational cost and decentralizing their offices from Tier 1
• Draup analyzed 150+ global micro-hubs and provided Location intelligence for sample location - Krakow, Poland (Europe)

To access the full report


This section gives an overview of :

1. Work from home trends • Evolution of Workplace from (1560 AD – present 2020)
• Work from home trends in last 7 decades
• Remote working models adoption by top companies across
2. Draup’s Work from home Capability analysis

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3. Emerging Micro-hubs

Evolution of workplace (1560 – 2020): Workplace has evolved over the years from having a dedicated office
set up and formal conduct to Co – working space and Virtual Collaboration

1560 1760 - 1840 1900 - 1930 1960 - 1990 1990 - 2010 2018 - 2020

First Corporate Office Industrial Revolution Concept of Modern Office Advent of Internet Co – Working Space Virtual Collaboration

The first ever corporate The industrial revolution The Modern Office Internet has hit the market Earliest models for co- Team collaboration tool
office named Florence’s created a strong social Concept appeared in The number of workings spaces are built Slack grew to 4 million
Uffizi Gallery was momentum drawing large America; Large part of telecommuting Americans The DOT Appropriations Act daily active users
constructed workers in systematic innovations such as reached 1.5 million. Video collaboration
is enacted, requiring all

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WI-FI is invented
assembly lines. Telephone, telegraph, executive agencies to software Zoom reported
typewriter. establish telecommuting 50,800 customers with
Robert Probst designed the policies more than 10 employees, a
cubicle. 5x increase from 2017.

Organization values Mass Collaboration Formal Conduct Digital Collaboration

Work Ethics Structured Approach Dedicated Office Culture & Diversity

Employee Wellness & Work Employee Motivation Psychology Health and Wellness

Source: Above represented information is fetched from secondary sources like Wikipedia, 4
Work from home Regime: COVID-19 outbreak has drastically changed the landscape of Workplace by
making WFH a new norm which was not positively embraced by firms in last few decades

Employment and Work from Home rate Over the years

Tech Innovation
Wi-Fi & IBM initiative Regular WFH due to
IBM experimented work form tech innovative
home concept with its 5 virtual tools like
employees. By 1983, roughly slack, Zoom etc.
COVID-19 Mandatory
Post World War II 2,000 IBM employees worked
WFH: The
Multi-level marketing, Clean Air Act remotely
became a popular work- The Clean Air Act in unprecedented COVID -
from-home job amongst 1970 along with the Telework 19 has made millions of
women. OPEC oil embargo in Enhancement Act people around the world
1973, suggested that to WFH

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The opportunity for post- Enabling federal
war housewives to have “Working at Home can
Save Gasoline”, with agencies to create
their own “business” at
telecommuting easing policies for WFH
home came from companies the gas crisis.
like Tupperware.

180,000 158,016 161,355 45.00%

160,000 149,872 40.00%
133,690 35.00%
120,000 95,585 42% 30.00%
100,000 75,569 25.00%
80,000 67,355 20.00%
60,000 6.60% 15.00%
6.70% 3.20% 2.70% 7%
40,000 2% 0.03 10.00%
20,000 5.00%
- 0.00%
1955 - 1960 1961 - 1970 1971 - 1980 1981 - 1990 1991 - 2000 2001 - 2010 2011 - 2019 Q1 2020

Employment Numbers (in '000s) Work From Home Rate (in %)

Source: Above represented information is fetched from secondary sources like Wikipedia,, News articles 5
Work from home practice adoption by Industries: Companies are now analysing the WFH suitability for
their workforce across their value chain and perceiving WFH as a beneficial long-term working model

Industry Companies Work from Home Initiatives Emerging Remote working Models

• Temporarily closed around 20% of ~5,000 worldwide branches,

Banking reducing the number of employees working on site.; Launched a Fully Remote Work Without Office
& Financial Return to Office Taskforce to assist the transitions of Companies with this model have employees
Services workplaces for business continuity distributed all over the Globe, across different
countries and time zones


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• Set to perpetuate work from home culture for at least 50% of its
Software &
48,000 workforce in the next 5 – 10 years; Top performers will
Internet be the allowed to apply for permanent remote work policy
Centralized Office + Work-from-
With this model, employees have leverage to work
from office or any place they feel suitable. It can be
• AT&T instructed ~90,000 of its ~245,000 employees to work
from anywhere with good infrastructure
from home
Telecom • Employees working in retail stores, equipment installation
etc., continue to work on-site with limited, excused paid time
off up to 80 hours
Centralized Office + Work-from-Home
Companies with this model allow employees to work
• $25 Million relief fund initiated for employees working in
Retail & E- primarily from office, but with occasional work from
fulfilment centers & delivery drivers who cannot operate
home in case of high requirement
Commerce remotely ; Initiatives worth $500 Million to increase wages of
existing workers

Note: *Given employers list is not exhaustive

Source: DRAUP signals, Company press releases 6

1. Work from home trends

In this section, Draup analyzed multiple recent job descriptions to understand

2. Draup’s Work from home Capability analysis impact of Covid-19 on Core and Tech job roles in the BFS industry and
determined the Remote working propensity quantitatively by considering the

Copyright © 2020 Draup. All rights reserved

following components:

3. Emerging Micro-hubs • Component-1: People Needs & Tasks

• Component-2: System Needs
• Component-3: Compliance Needs

Work from home Capability analysis: Draup analysed suitability of BFS job roles for Work From Home
model by analyzing sample components that are critical for remote working

Methodology: Draup’s platform analyzes job descriptions based on parameters such as people dependence, system dependence, compliance
requirements, etc to assess suitability of the job role to work from home

Workloads/Responsibilities analysis of job role
based on data from public profiles, resumes

1 2 3

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People Needs Compliance
System Needs
and Tasks Needs

Analysis of workloads and skill Analysis of responsibilities to Job description assessment with critical
Analysis of workloads and parameters
requirement data to identify identify role-specific corporate
industry data to identify people
systems dependence and compliance needs such as data
dependence, supervision and
remote working infrastructure security, information
collaboration needs
availability confidentiality, etc.

WFH Capability Index (range 1-10)*is the

average of scores of all parameters considered
WFH Capability Index
Source: Draup Platform’s Reskilling Module Note: For WFH Capability Index, 1 implies the role is least optimal for work from home and 10 implies the role is most optimal
Parameters impacting remote working suitability- Component 1: People Needs & Tasks

The People Needs & Task parameter in the DRAUP model evaluates remote working set up based on several criteria's like
Supervision, Collaboration, Individual Contribution, Information Sensitivity, etc.

LEVEL OF SUPERVISION Categorising the job as suitable or less suitable based on level of supervision required, if the role
REQUIRED require day to day coaching, workshops, counselling, is an entry level role etc.

Evaluating if the job role requires collaboration: With respect to team based contribution, knowledge
collaboration, knowledge work Vs. Process work, etc.

Evaluating if the job role requires collaboration: With respect to team based contribution, knowledge

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collaboration, knowledge work Vs. Process work, etc.

1. People Needs
DEGREE OF INDIVIDUAL Identifying if the nature of deliverable: If strategic and require multiple stakeholder expectations
and Tasks CONTIBUTION making it suitable or less suitable for a remote set up

JOB LOCATION Categorizing if the job location is based at some economically distressed sites

NATURE OF Identifying if the nature of deliverable: If strategic and require multiple stakeholder expectations
DELLIVERABLE making it suitable or less suitable for a remote set up


Sorting job roles which require collecting data and validating the records physically.

Source: Draup Internal Research 9

Parameters impacting remote working suitability- Component 2: System Needs

The System Needs parameter in the DRAUP model evaluates remote working set up based on Cloud and Specialized Infrastructure,
Data related protocols, Technical Support, etc.

Assessing the company has appropriate infrastructure in place to cater to roles that require:
▪ Advanced hardware systems
▪ Command center type operations/set up

Assessing if data related protocols are in place:

▪ If Complex data theft and other protocols are needed

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▪ Secure environment workplace needs

2. System Needs
Understanding custom needs for various roles:
▪ If frequent execution of heavy volume data queries are made
▪ If data is accessed and transmitted across multiple systems

Analyzing if the role requires frequent or regular IT support:

TECHNICAL SUPPORT ▪ Moreover, the ability to provide technical support to all the remote working employees in terms of
system update etc.

Source: Draup Internal Research
Parameters impacting remote working suitability- Component 3: Compliance Needs

The Compliance Needs parameter in the DRAUP model evaluates remote working set up based on contractual Obligations, Location
specific mandates, Data Security & Privacy issues etc.

Analyzing if location specific regulatory requirements are met:

▪ State and Federal mandates on where the job is conducted
▪ OSHA guidelines and other similar guidelines

• Assessing if the job require physical backing up of records for court/legal purposes in the future

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making it less or more suitable in a remote set up
• Additionally, if the job involves making secure phone calls in recorded lines
3. Compliance
▪ Evaluating if job is prone to fraud with respect to data privacy or financial handling

▪ Evaluating if the job require meeting external regulatory audits and if is appropriate to continue
that job in a remote set up

Source: Draup Internal assessment

Work From Home Propensity Model – Core Banking & Finance Industry jobs: Front office roles are less
suitable for remote working due to requirement of physical presence in branches


Work From Home
Job Family Job Roles People System Compliance
Capability Index

Tax Advisor 7.22 7.58 9.30 8.10

Audit Manager 3.97 8.56 9.81 7.85

Tax Accountant 7.49 7.51 7.81 7.61

Audit Analyst 3.74 8.82 8.54 7.45

Underwriter 6.05 7.77 9.37 7.90


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Underwriting Manager 4.58 7.40 9.84 7.55

Financial Sales Manager 3.20 7.46 8.96 6.92

Financial Sales
Field Agent 5.38 6.03 8.82 6.84

Support Services Customer Service Teller 2.65 6.95 9.56 6.79

Relationship Banker 3.78 6.60 9.45 6.89

Client Relations
Personal Banker 6.93 5.00 8.53 6.72

Retail Branch Manager 4.75 6.02 9.50 6.92

Retail Banking
Retail Banking Specialist 6.25 2.50 10.00 6.06

Legend: WFH Propensity (i.e., likelihood of more job tasks being performed remotely) Very High (8.1+) High (7.1 to 8) Medium (5 to 7) Low (<5)
Source: Draup’s Reskilling Module; Draup uses company specific Job Descriptions to generate these data points. Apart from above critical parameters, Other parameters can also be included as per company-specific requirements 12
WFH Propensity – Tech jobs in Banking & Finance Industry (1/2)


Work From Home
Job family Job Roles People System Compliance
Capability Index

Data Analytics Specialist 6 7.5 9 7.7

Machine Learning Engineer 6 6 10 7.4

AI &
Advanced Cognitive and Analytics Consultant 6 7 9 7.4
Analytics Data Scientist 6 6 9.5 7.3

Data & AI Architect 6 6 9.5 7.2

We have covered the Dashboard of BFSI Tech Jobs in the Full Report

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Applied Deep Learning Scientist 6 5 9.5 6.9

Blockchain Blockchain
Send your Developer
requests 6
to to6receive the Full 10
Report 7.4

UX Designer 6 6 10 7.4

Web and Mobile Web Developer 6 6 9.5 7.3

Development Mobile Application Architect 6 6 9.5 7.3

Mobile Application Developer 6 6 9 7.1

Database Administrator 6 7 9.5 7.6

Data Engineering
Data Engineer /Big Data Engineer 6 6 10 7.3
& Management
Database Developer 6 6 9.5 7.3

Legend: WFH Propensity (i.e., likelihood of more job tasks being performed remotely) Very High (8.1+) High (7.1 to 8) Medium (5 to 7) Low (<5)
Source: Draup’s Reskilling Module; Draup uses company specific Job Descriptions to generate these data points. Apart from above critical parameters, Other parameters can also be included as per company-specific requirements 13
WFH Propensity - Tech jobs in Banking & Finance Industry (2/2)


Work From Home
Job family Job Roles People System Compliance
Capability Index

Cloud Support Engineer 6 6 9.5 7.2

Cloud Engineer 6 6 9.5 7.2

Cloud Architect 7 5 9.5 7.1

Cloud Computing
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer 7 5 9 6.9

have covered
Security Engineer the Dashboard
7 of BFSI Tech6Jobs in the Full6Report 6.3

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Cloud Network Engineer 7 5 7 6.2
Send your requests to
Application Security Consultant 7
to receive
the Full Report
8 7.3
Identity & Access Management -IAM Specialist 7 6 7 6.6

Cyber Security Forensic Analyst 6 6 7 6.3

Cyber Security Penetration Tester 6 6 7 6.3

Identity Access Management Architect 7 6 6 6.2

Security & Compliance Architect 7 6 6 6.2

Incident Response Analyst 7 6 6 6.2

Legend: WFH Propensity (i.e., likelihood of more job tasks being performed remotely) Very High (8.1+) High (7.1 to 8) Medium (5 to 7) Low (<5)

Source: Draup’s Reskilling Module; Draup uses company specific Job Descriptions to generate these data points. Apart from above critical parameters, Other parameters can also be included as per company-specific requirements 14

1. Work from home trends

2. Draup’s Work from home Capability analysis

Copyright © 2020 Draup. All rights reserved

3. Emerging Micro-hubs We have covered the Krakow Location Deep-
• Krakow Location Deep-dive dive in the Full Report

Send your requests to to

receive the Full Report

Reverse migration of talent : WFH regime caused by global lockdown has changed the trajectory of
migration as the talent migrates back to low tier locations from traditional Tier 1 locations

Talent Migration trends across the world due to COVID-19

Global firms are also keen on decentralizing their offices
from Tier1 locations to Micro-hubs due to following reasons
Reverse talent migration
towards Micro-hubs
1 Low cost of office operations
Tier 2/3 Current scenario
locations Tier 1
(Micro-hubs) Pre-COVID world locations
2 Access to diverse talent

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3 Contingency for business continuation
Talent shift towards tier 2 locations or Micro-hubs is expected to be
a long term scenario and not expected to be back to normal
because of following reasons 4 Location based wages to talent

High cost of living in Tier 1 location

5 Proximity to migrated talent
Talent prefer to move back towards their native location

Uncertainty of employment amidst economic crisis

6 Speed of Operations scalability
Ban on work visas for foreign talent

Source: Draup Internal Research and interviews with existing clients

Micro-hubs Hotspots: Employers are also evaluating global Micro-hubs as a part of their long term business
expansion & Operational strategies; Krakow, one of the emerging Micro-hub has been analyzed in full version

Draup has analysed 2000+ global locations and provided sample emerging micro hubs hotspots for Support centers based on relevant talent presence

West Coast of NA East Coast of NA Western Europe & Israel India – Asia Pacific East Asia Pacific

Copenhagen Oslo
Detroit Stockholm
Madison, WI Warsaw
Denver Cambridge
Portland Krakow
Philadelphia Tianjin
Dublin Kiev
Boise, Idaho
Zurich Osaka - Kyoto
Provo, Utah Istanbul
Lyon Jaipur
Charlotte Nanjing

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Greensville Ahmedabad Fukuoka
San Diego Milan
Orlando Vijayawada
Tuscon, AZ
Cairo Pune Metro Manila

Caracas Accra

San Antonio Ho Chi Minh

Luanda Gempol - Surabaya

Costa Rica

Santiago Cape Town

We have covered the Krakow Location Deep-dive in the Full Report

Send your requests to to receive the Full Report
Note : DRAUP’s proprietary talent module was used to analyse locations based on tech and non tech talent availability
About Draup


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Draup for Workforce Planning: Draup can deliver Work from home Capability Index data in a variety of
formats such as Excel, Text, XML, APIs etc. as per customer preference

Draup can provide data to the customer in a variety of formats such as SNAPSHOT 1: Excel format
Excel, CSV, Text, XML, APIs, PPT etc.
Draup uses the following methods to share data with other clients in
order of Client preferences:
• Consumption through the platform
The File is uploaded to the platform and is only accessible by the
requested users
• Email direct Delivery
The emails are secured and encrypted by Office 365
• Common S3 bucket
A common S3 bucket is shared with the client where the client
(Authentication via IAM role) only has read privileges

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• Pre-signed S3 URL
Pre authenticated S3 URL with set Expiration date(Generally 3 days)
• Share point
Read privileges added for the user for a SharePoint location where
the file is stored. The files are available on the location for 3 days
• Push to Client FTP Location
The PPT is pushed to client FTP location via secure FTPS
• Blob Storage
Just like S3, we also support push to blob storage on Azure
• Dropbox/Box Account
A shared Dropbox/Box account with access shared between Draup
and the client. The most preferred way used by majority of our
clients to consume the report

SOURCE: Draup Platform 20

Source: Draup


Source: Draup

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