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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በአካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ

APRIL, 2020


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Table of

I Introduction 1
1.1.1. Vision 2
1.1.2. Mission 2
1.1.3. Values 2
1.2. Background of the Department of Accounting 2
1.3. Market Need Assessment 3
1.4. Objective of the Program 3
1.5. Graduate Profile 4
1.5. Admission Requirements 6
1.6. Duration of the Program 6
1.7. Graduation Requirements 7
1.8. Degree Nomenclature 7
1.9. Methods of Delivery and Assessment 7
9.1. Method of Delivery 7
9.2. Assessment of student performance 8
1.10. Resource Profile 8
10.1. Program Management System 8
10.2. Learning Resources Requirement 8
10.3. Manpower Requirement 9
1.11. Quality Assurance Mechanisms 9
1.12. Course Coding and Numbering Scheme 10
1.13. Grading Scale 10
II. Selection and Sequencing of Courses 11
2.1. List of Major Area Courses 11
2.2. List of Related Courses 12
2.3. List of General Courses 12
2.4. Summary of Courses required to complete the program 12
2.5. Year and Term Wise Course Breakdown 14
2.6.. Major Area Course Descriptions 88

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Finance as a profession had emerged following the ever increasing needs of
mankind in the social, economic and business environment. The accounting and finance
profession has shown a continuous and tremendous growth in the business world. This
evolution of the accounting and finance practice ranges from the ancient civilization periods of
the Babylonians and Egyptians when payments for daily workers were used to be calculated on
clay, as today’s practice where Computerized Accounting Information Systems that are used for
generation of financial information which is very useful for making reliable business decisions.
The significance as well as momentum of growth of the accounting and finance discipline has
increased after the 18th century Industrial Revolution of the Great Britain which has brought a
series of radical changes in the Content, Concept and Context of many of the professional
fields, particularly those under the shadow of Business.

The demand for professional accountant and finance activities are highly attractive and are
increasing from time to time. In the existing organizational dynamics and global integrations,
the importance of vibrant accounting and finance professionals is indisputable. In today’s
competitive world the existence of any company depends on the quality of information which is
provided by accountant and finance people. The central role of accountancy and finance in
society make them interesting disciplines in their own right, especially for those who are
interested in how economic or financial activities of any economic players, both at the micro
and macro level, influences and structures our lives.

Obviously, to enhance economic development through effective mobilization of the potential

resources of the nation, the role of trained human resource in the field of accounting and
finance is crucial. The productivity of the various economic sectors has to be improved, the
intersectional linkages should be enhanced and the sustainability of the economic development
of the country should be ensured through effective communication. The current poverty
reduction effort and promotion of sustainable development in Ethiopia demand competent and
committed personnel especially in the area of accounting and finance in addition to other
professionals. It is in reply to these demands that the college developed a curriculum to
contribute its share to the socio-economic development of the country.

When this curriculum was designed, professionals in collaboration with the college are actively
participated and attempts were made to integrate suggestions, comments and recommendations
from various stakeholders especially comments and recommendations from HERQA.

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Accounting and finance profession has shown a continuous and tremendous growth in the
business world. Accounting, in the modern context of business, is a Financial Information
and Communication System that provides various groups of decision makers with valuable
and reliable information that makes a difference in their day-to-day business decisions.

The basic rationale of the program is attributed to the observed continuously flourishing of
different organizations in Ethiopia, along with the rapid pace of development of Ethiopian
economy over the past periods. Different countries in general, and Ethiopia, in particular
host various organizations: private, governmental, profit making, non-profit making,
service, manufacturing organizations, etc. The business world is becoming increasingly
complex and is facing new and greater challenges continually. Accounting and Finance
profession, a key profession in modern business society, will have to meet these
challenges. Given the volatility of events, Accounting and finance education program
needs to provide new skills and knowledge to accounting and finance graduates who enter
the profession.

This program is designed to prepare students for careers in accounting and finance in all
economic sectors such as business, not-for-profit, and government organizations. The areas
of accounting and finance study are financial accounting, cost and managerial accounting,
tax Accounting, Accounting information systems, Government and non-profit accounting,
finance, and auditing. In addition to the above mentioned input of the program, it combines
and applies several supporting subject fields including law, information technology,
quantitative techniques and economics pertinent to the accounting and finance agenda.


The program of Accounting and Finance plans to meet the College’s mission of instilling
into present and future knowledge and skills of current and future accounting, auditing
and finance practices and relevant skills through student–centered high quality, viable
programs which are fully recognized internationally and by both the private and public
institutions in Ethiopia.

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The program of Accounting and Finance has the following specific objectives:

 To produce degree graduates to satisfy a portion of the demand for accounting and
finance graduates.
 To enhance the relevance and timeliness of instruction, as well as the technical
competency of the staff, by conducting applied research and developing
innovative educational materials and techniques.
 To provide students with sufficient academic, technical, logical, analytical, and
professional base from which to pursue a career in accounting and finance to
advance to further study and a potential academic career in accounting and
 To be a major provider of consultancy services to the public
 To establish linkage programs with different stakeholders from which the program
will be able to tap resources and share experiences
 A highly educated and motivated faculty Viable programs which have local
relevance and fully recognized internationally.
 An abundant level of intellectual capital created through scholarly activities
 Research that meets the needs of the local and international business and academic
 A fully integrated international perspective
 A full understanding of employer needs obtained through constant monitoring of
the business environment through linkage program

Upon graduate from the program, the graduate from BA degree in Accounting and finance
should have accounting and finance knowledge and understanding that enable them to:

 Prepare, analyze, and interpret financial statements competently;

 Audit financial statements and the underlying accounting systems, controls and
records, and express an independent professional opinion about them;
 Identify, measure, gather, analyze, interpret and communicate cost and other types
of information to management for planning, control, performance measurement,
and decision making related to pricing, operating, investing, and financing

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 Identify and anticipate control risks both in manual and computerized accounting
systems, and to suggest and establish better controls to safeguard business
resources from risk exposures of illegal acts;
 Analyze and design accounting information systems, and use computer
applications in business transaction cycles;
 Develop the specific skills, modes of analysis and institutional background useful
to work in finance areas for profit-making businesses or not-for-profit enterprises
 Start and run their own business;
 Manage financial resource and risk exposures of business firms, manage financial
institutions, analyze investment opportunities and execute professional services in
investment institutions, brokerage & dealer firms and in investment banks;
 To conduct accounting related research and to form linkage with various
accounting oriented and research based institutions both locally and abroad.
 Work clerical activities like, keeping general accounts, records and reports;
payroll processing and billings.
 Prepare tax return and perform tax plan
 Internalize an appreciation for the role of ethics in both the profession and the
business world..


The Accounting program should enable the graduate to acquire both theoretical knowledge and
practical know-how pertinent to Accounting and Finance profession, so that, they will become
competent nationally and internationally. It should transfer employability skill in an ethical
manner that can be mirrored through the cognitive ability, interpersonal skill, numeric skill and
research working skill of the graduate. It should qualify professionals to contribute for the
development of Accounting and Finance theories, practices and skills by conducting scientific
researches. It has plenty of alternatives to peruse their future carrier development in the field of
management. It also enables them in creating their own business solve Accounting and
administrative problems of the community and the country at large.


 Accounting clerks: Keeping general accounts, records and reports; payroll

processing and billings; Perform cost and managerial accounting and control, data
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generation and supervisions; Disbursement voucher process and control; and bank
reconciliation and banking activities;
 Cost analysts: keep accounts of product costing and provide other relevant cost
 Auditor both internal and external: Work as an assistance auditor (both internal
and external); Pre-audit inspection and investigation; Operational audit, partial
financial audit, cash audit, compliance audit, branch audit, interim reports audit,
advance clearance;
 Tax specialists- prepare tax return, work as internal revenue agents and tax
 Information system designer and manipulator-Generating information which is of
financial and non-financial in nature necessary for management; and analyzing,
designing and installing accounting systems (manual or computerized).
 Financial management –running revenue and expenditure management: capital
investment decisions; risk and insurance management and budgeting.
 Financial analyst: financial planner, investment advisor, project coordinator;
rendering financial consultancy services.

A. After a successful completion of preparatory program:

 As per the regulations of Ministry of Education,
 As per the cut-off points set by ministry of education
 As per the senate legislation of the college,
B. After Completion of Diploma (12+2/10+3) and TVET 10+3
 TVET level IV certification from recognized institution
 Certified National Level COC
 Minimum one-year work experience
 Diploma 10+3 or 12+2 from recognized institute in related field of study
C. After having a first degree:
 BA, BSC and Above degree certification from recognized institution
 Any one from any profession
 Asper the admission criteria of the college
D. For foreign students

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 BA, BSC and above degree certification from recognized institution in any
 Certificates equivalence which meets the Ethiopian MOE higher education
standards, and approved and authenticated by HERQA.
 For other type of certificates, certificates equivalence which meets the Ethiopian
MOE higher education entrance standard, and approved and authenticated by
 As per the admission criteria of the college
E. Student transfer
 A transfer from a recognized university or college in the same field
 As per the admission criteria of the college
 As per the senate legislation of the college
F. In case of high competition for admission;
 Grade 12 university entrance examination result and completion year;
 Grade point average at graduation;
 Additional training after graduation;
 Work experience and supporting letter from respective employer
 Gender and Disability and
 Entrance examination result will be taken in to consideration in order to choose the
candidate for admission.


The duration of the study for Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance is four years
(8 semister), for Regular education in the field, there will be two semester within a year or with
a total of 8 semister with in four years. A total of 148 credit hours of course and research
project work (the final year research project) is considered as a full load of the program.


The delivery system of the program is a Regular or Extension Education.


The medium of instruction for the program is English Language.

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The degree awarded after successful completion of the program is called:

 In English – “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and finance

 In Amharic – “የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪበአካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ


Graduate students will be awarded the “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and finance ” if
they fulfill the following requirements Graduate has to:

 Take all the courses listed in this Accounting Curriculum

 Take a total credit hour of 148
 Earn a Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00
 Earn a Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 in Major Courses
 Avoid F’, No Grade (NG), Incomplete (I) grades in any of the courses
 Compliance with the regulation of the college.


The program’s teaching and learning process include a variety of instructional strategies to
accommodate various students learning style and provides opportunities that will help students
to construct their understanding of the concepts and practices of the respective courses
involved. The teaching will be inquiry oriented and is aimed at developing students’ greater
independence as individual thinkers and as individuals who are capable to work independently
and with groups. The courses will be designed to help students understand the subject matter
effectively and efficiently.

The program uses mainly semester based learning and various types of teaching and learning
methods appropriate to each course. The method may use one or more of the following as
deemed appropriate.

13 Tutorials
14 Term Paper(s)
15 Industry visit/community based program

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16 Research Projects
17 Business plan preparation
18 Feasibility study
19 Case Studies


Student work is assessed differently for different courses throughout the semester through
examinations, research and writing assignments, projects and case studies. Continuous
assessments typically comprise about 60 percent of the final grade for a course and the
remaining 40 percent will be assessed based on final exams and/or projects.


Human Resource

The quality of teaching is one of the most determinant factors for the excellence of the program.
To effectively run the program, the department needs one permanent department head and
sufficient and qualified tutors holding a minimum qualification of master’s degree in the field
of Accounting with relevant experience in teaching and learning in higher institutions. Given
that the intake of students in the department is to increase each year, the tutor number
requirement need also to correspond that according to the HERQA standard. Beyond the
teaching staff’s nonacademic staffs for the different position to support the teaching and
learning method are fulfilled by highly qualified and experienced staffs.

S.N Qualification Specialization Number Academic ranks

1. Masters Accounting & 2 Lecturers

2. BA Degree Accounting & 1 Assistant Lecturer
3. Total 3

Library and facilities

The success of this curriculum highly depends on sufficient provision of the service of the
library. Therefore, the library facility needs to fit the curriculum demand. The Library is
furnished with relevant and up to date hard copy and soft copy books. The college prepare both
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physical and digital library for students with up-to-date and sufficient hardcopy and digital
books, video presentations, and Power Points. Students can borrow the digital CD or can
download the digital materials from the college website. Suitable tutorial class rooms with a
required facility are availed and selected and contractual agreements were signed. Other
facilities like computer laboratory with high performance PC’s, connected with the college’s
LAN network is made available, students who have laptop or smart phones can use the
college’s unlimited wireless network. Information technology facilities, fax and telephone line
with assigned facilitator, and duplication center equipped with modern technology are availed,
the college office facilities (computers, printers, scanners and fixtures), etc., are well
established at each coordinating offices to implement the curriculum as designed.

The modules were printed and will be printed with in the college duplication center. And
modules will be made available with sufficient amount at each center and will be distributed
to students during registration. The dissemination of the modules is made based on the
college academic calendar and the number of students in the respective centers.

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The grading system for the courses of the program will be fixed scale, different scale grading
system as presented below:

Raw Mark Interval Corresponding Fixed Corresponding Status Description

[100 %] Number Grade Letter Grade
[90,100] 4.0 A+ Excellent
[80, 90) 4.0 A
[78, 80) 3.75 A-
[75, 78) 3.5 B+ Very Good
[70, 75) 3.0 B
[65, 70) 2.75 B- Good
[60, 65) 2.5 C+
[50, 60) 2.0 C Satisfactory
[45, 50) 1.75 C- Unsatisfactory
[40,45) 1.0 D Very Poor
Below 40 0.0 F Fail

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To assure the quality and the success of the program the college will:

 Procurement of qualified, experienced and committed academic staffs (tutors) and

administrative staff. And control and evaluate the performance of the tutors after each
tutorial by the students, and supervisors.
 Monitors its program through getting feedback from employer’s students, alumni,
teachers and other stakeholders
 Adopt good planning, monitoring and evaluation of activities and academic programs.
 Seriously evaluate student entry requirement and documents
 Develop its staff members and design an attractive compensation packages to attract,
motivate, and retain qualified and experienced staffs.
 Availing adequate teaching facilities and update its resource and facilities
 The curriculum should be subject to revision when need arises
 Assures students’ involvement in both theoretical and practical teaching learning and
extracurricular activities.
 Conducting tracer study after graduation and enhancing the curriculum based on the
feedback obtained.
 Encouraging students’ involvement in tutorial and other activities
 Continuous discussion at department council about the relevance of contents of
courses, the mode of delivery, and the assessment and evaluation techniques,
 Develop standardizing assessment structure for the student evaluation.


The curriculum review and development committee have observed that the framework provided
by AACSB (the Association to Advance College School of Business) is worthwhile to consider
as a framework. Thus, we have agreed that our courses can be structured as:

 General Foundation Courses – courses offered to Accounting department as basic

know-how for core courses.
 Core Courses – Major area courses that reflect the core objective of the program.
 Supportive Course – Courses that will provide support for core courses.

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Reflects the College’s course code provision across its departments, and centers. The program
courses are coded in line with the colleges overall course coding system which is: The Alpha-
Numeric System, with four uppercase letters (the letter character represents the program name)
followed by three-digit number. The Core courses are logically arranged in their sequential
order so that courses having pre-requisite have to be given due consideration and the course
offerings are expected to keep the sequential order. Supportive courses should take the code of
the department in which it is provided as core course within the college and only if the courses
are similar in names and contents otherwise the department in which the course is offered will
use the same coding system like core courses. General foundation courses will have the same
code across the college for all programs.

 LDS represents core courses.

 The first digit represents the year in which the course is offered.
 The second digit represents the alphabetic sequence of the course with in the Term.
 The third digit represents the semester in which the course is offered.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

13.3. Course Catalogue

I. Major Courses
S. Course Title Course Cr.Hou Prerequisite
N Code r
1. Principles of Accounting I ACFN111 4  None
2. Principles of Accounting II ACFN112 4  ACFN111
3. Mathematics for Finance ACFN121 3
4. Statistics for Finance ACFN122 3
5. Financial Accounting, I ACFN211 4 ACFN112
6. Financial Accounting II ACFN212 4 ACFN211
7. Cost and Management Accounting, I ACFN221 3 ACFN112
8. Cost and Management Accounting II ACFN222 3 ACFN221
9. Financial Management I ACFN 3 ACFN112
10. Financial Management II 223
11. Advanced Financial Accounting 224
12. Financial Markets and Institutions 301
ACFN241 3
13. Risk Management and Insurance ACFN242 3 ACFN122
14. Public Finance and Tax Accounting ACFN 3 ACFN212
15. Accounting Information Systems 251
16. Banking Principles and Practices 321
17. Accounting software Applications 244
ACFN322 3 COMP101
18. Government and NFP Accounting ACFN 3 ACFN112
19. Auditing Principles and Practices I 331
20. Auditing Principles and Practices II 341
21. Project Analysis and Evaluation 342
22. Investment and Portfolio Management 351
23. Research Methods in ACFN 352
ACFN361 3 ACFN 122
24. Senior Research project in ACFN ACFN372 3  ACFN361
Total  76

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II. Supportive Courses

S.N Course Title Course code Cr. Hour Prerequisite

1. Introduction to Management MGMT111 3

2. principles of Marketing MGMT122 3 MGMT111
3. Microeconomics ECON101 3
4. Macroeconomics ECON102 3 ECON101
5. Business and Company Law LAW212 3
6. Entrepreneurship & MGMT342 3 ACFN112
7. Enterprise
Research MGMT362 3
Total 21

III. common Courses

S.No Course Title Code Cr.Hou Prerequisite

1. Anthropology ANTH101 r3 -
2. Communicative English Skills I ENLA 101 3 -
3. Critical Thinking PHIL101 3 -
4. General Psychology and Life Skills PSYL 1011 3 -

5. Global Trends IRGI 1021 3 -

6. Inclusion In Education and Development SNIE__ 2 -
7. Introduction to Civics and Ethics CEST1011 2 -

8. Physical Fitness SPSC 101 0 -

9. Economics ECON- 3 -
10. Entrepreneurship and Business 1103
MGMT- 3 -
11. Development
Geography of Ethiopia and The horn 102
GEES 101 3 -

12. History of Ethiopia and The horn HIST. 102 3 -

13. Mathematics For Social Sciences MATH101S 3 -

14. Introduction to Emerging Technologies EMTE 3 -
1011 or
EMTE 1012
15. Basic Writing skills ENLA101 3
16. Communicative English Skills ENLA102 3 ENLA101
17. General Psychology PSYCH 101 3
18. Civic and Ethical Education CVET101 3
19. Introduction to computer COMP 101 2 None
Total 51  

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13.4. Course Summary

S.No Course Type Number of courses Cr. Hour Percentage

1 Major 24 76 51.351%

2 Supportive 7 21 14.90%

3 common 19 51 34.459

Total 148 100%

2.5. Course Breakdown For Regular Program

Year I: Semester: I
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Anthropology ANTH101 3
2 Communicative English Skills I ENLA 101 3
3 Critical Thinking PHIL101 3
4 General Psychology and Life Skills PSYL 1011 3
5 Global Trends IRGI 1021 3
6 Inclusion In Education and Development SNIE__ 2
7 Introduction to Civics and Ethics CEST1011 2
8 Physical Fitness SPSC 101 0
Total 19

Year I: Semester: II
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Economics ECON-1103 3
2 Entrepreneurship and Business Development MGMT- 102 3
3 Geography of Ethiopia and The horn GEES 101 3
4 History of Ethiopia and The horn HIST. 102 3
5 Mathematics For Social Sciences MATH101S 3
6 Introduction to Emerging Technologies EMTE 1011 3
or EMTE 1012
Total 18

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Year II: Semester I

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Principles of Accounting I ACFN 111 4

2 Basic Writing Skills ENGL101 3

3 Mathematics for Finance ACFN 121 3

4 Introduction to Management MGMT 101 3
5 Microeconomics ECON111 3
6 Civic and Ethical education CVEE 101 3
Total 19

Year II: Semester II

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Macroeconomics ECON111 3

2 Communicative skills ENGL102 3

3 Principles of Accounting II ACFN 112 4

4 Statistics for Finance ACCT 122 3

5 Financial Accounting, I ACCT 113 4
6 Principles of Marketing MGMT 104 3
Total 20

Year III: Semester I

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Financial Accounting II ACCT 214 4
2 Risk Management and Insurance ACCT 203 3
3 Financial Management I ACCT 223 3
4 Business and Company Law BLAW231 3
5 Introduction to Computer COMP 104 2
6 Introduction to Psychology PSYC122 3
Total 18

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Year III: Semester II
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Financial Management II ACCT 224 3
2 Cost and Management Accounting, I ACCT 253 3
3 Financial Institutions and Markets ACCT 243 3
4 Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 315 3
5 Banking Principles and Practices ACCT 244 2
6 Research Methods in Accounting ACCT 234 3
Total 17

Year IV: Semester I

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Cost and Management Accounting II ACCT 254 3
2 Public Finance and Tax Accounting ACFN 251 3
3 Accounting Information Systems ACFN 321 3
4 Auditing Principles and Practices I ACCT 325 3
5 Project Analysis & Evaluation ACCT 335 3
6 Entrepreneurship and Small Business MGMT312 3
Total 18

Year IV: Semester II

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Accounting software Applications ACFN322 3
2 Government and NFP Accounting ACFN 331 3
3 Auditing Principles and Practices II ACFN 342 3
4 Operations Research MGMT362 3
6 Investment and Portfolio Management ACFN 352 3
5 Senior Research project in ACFN ACFN372 3
Total 18

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2.5.1 Course Breakdown For Extension program.

Year I: Term: I
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Anthropology ANTH101 3
2 Communicative English Skills I ENLA 101 3
3 Critical Thinking PHIL101 3
4 General Psychology and Life Skills PSYL 1011 3
Total 12

Year I: Term: II
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Global Trends IRGI 1021 3
2 Inclusion In Education and Development SNIE__ 2
3 Introduction to Civics and Ethics CEST1011 2
4 Physical Fitness SPSC 101 0
5 Economics ECON-1103 3
6 Entrepreneurship and Business Development MGMT- 102 3
Total 13

Year I: Term: III

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Anthropology ANTH101 3
2 Communicative English Skills I ENLA 101 3
3 Critical Thinking PHIL101 3
4 General Psychology and Life Skills PSYL 1011 3
Total 12

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Year II: Term: I
S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Principles of Accounting I ACFN 111 4

2 Basic Writing Skills ENGL101 3

3 Mathematics for Finance ACFN 121 3
4 Introduction to Management MGMT 101 3
Total 13

Year II: Term: II

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Microeconomics ECON111 3
2 Civic and Ethical education CVEE 101 3
3 Communicative skills ENGL102 3
4 Principles of Accounting II ACFN 112 4
Total 13

Year II: Term: III

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Macroeconomics ECON111 3
2 Statistics for Finance ACCT 122 3
3 Financial Accounting, I ACCT 113 4
4 Principles of Marketing MGMT 104 3
Total 13

Year III: Term: I

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Financial Accounting II ACCT 214 4
2 Risk Management and Insurance ACCT 203 3
3 Financial Management I ACCT 223 3
5 Introduction to Computer COMP 104 2
Total 12
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Year III: Term: II

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
4 Business and Company Law BLAW231 3
1 Financial Institutions and Markets ACCT 243 3
2 Introduction to Psychology PSYC122 3
3 Financial Management II ACCT 224 3
Total 12

Year III: Term: III

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
4 Cost and Management Accounting, I ACCT 253 3
5 Banking Principles and Practices ACCT 244 2
1 Cost and Management Accounting II ACCT 254 3
2 Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 315 3

Total 11

Year IV: Term: I

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
3 Public Finance and Tax Accounting ACFN 251 3
4 Research Methods in Accounting ACCT 234 3
5 Auditing Principles and Practices I ACCT 325 3
1 Project Analysis & Evaluation ACCT 335 3

Total 12

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Year IV: Term: II

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
2 Entrepreneurship and Small Business MGMT312 3
3 Accounting Information Systems ACFN 321 3
4 Government and NFP Accounting ACFN 331 3
5 Operations Research MGMT362 3

Total 12

Year IV: Term: IIII

S/N Course Title Course No. Cr. Hr.
1 Auditing Principles and Practices II ACFN 342 3
2 Investment and Portfolio Management ACFN 352 3
3 Accounting software Applications ACFN322 3
4 Senior Research project in ACFN ACFN372 3
Total 12

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1. Course outline and Text books

18.1. Major Courses

1. Principles of Accounting I


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Number ACFN 111

Course Title Principles of Accounting I

Status of the Course



ETCTS Credits 6

credit Hrs. 4

The course has the general objective of introducing students to the

basics of accounting and reporting of financial activities of business
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be
Course Objectives & expected to:
Competences to be  Understand the role of Accounting in business and develop an
Acquired awareness of the accounting profession
 Understand the purpose of the financial accounting function and
standard financial accounting practices
 Summarize and apply basic financial accounting terms, concepts,
and principles.
 Define and apply accounting terminology, concepts, and principles
in analyzing, recording, and reporting basic business transactions
 Take a series of transactions through the accounting cycle
 Analyze, record, and report transactions for service,
merchandising, and manufacturing businesses.
 Prepare financial statements
 Analyze accounting system design and control
 Apply accounting principles and control of cash and receivables
Course Description This course is designed to provide introductory knowledge of
accounting principles, concepts, and practices. The course deals with
the processes involved in financial statements preparation for service-
giving businesses, merchandising businesses, and manufacturing
businesses. Topics covered includes the features of accounting
information, users of accounting information, nature of financial
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

statements, the double entry system, financial statements preparation

process including journals, ledgers, trial balance, adjustments,
worksheets, accruals, adjusting and closing entries, and the accounting
system. This course provides a foundation for more advanced work in
the fields of Accounting and business. All topics are studied in
accordance with the provisions of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS)
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Introduction to Accounting and Business

1.1. The nature of a business
2WEEKS 1.2. The role of accounting in business
1.3. The profession of Accounting
{1ST&2ND } 1.4. Types of business organizations
1.5. Accounting principles and
practices (IFRS)
1.6. The accounting equation and
elements of the equation
1.7. Business transactions and financial
2. Accounting cycle for service-giving business
2.1. Characteristics of an account
4 WEEKS 2.2. Classification of accounts
2.3. Chart of accounts
{3RD ,4TH , 2.4. Rules of debit and credit
5TH&6TH } 2.5. Normal balances of accounts
2.6. Analyzing and recording
2.7. Preparing a trial balance
2.8. The usefulness and limitations of a
trial balance
2.9. The adjusting process-accrual vs.
cash basis of accounting
2.10. Preparing a worksheet
2.11. Preparing financial statements from a
2.12. Adjusting and closing entries
2.13. Post-closing trial balance
3. Accounting cycle for merchandising business
3.1. Characteristics of merchandising
2 WEEKS business
3.2. Accounting for purchases of
{7TH&8TH } merchandises
3.3. Accounting for sales of
3.4. Merchandise transactions using
perpetual and periodic inventory systems
3.5. Chart of accounts for a
merchandising business
3.6. Financial statements for a
merchandising business
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3.7. Adjusting and closing entries for a

merchandising business
4. Accounting for manufacturing businesses
4.1. Characteristics of manufacturing
2 WEEKS business
4.2. Classification of manufacturing
{9TH&10TH } costs
4.3. Product costing systems
4.4. Chart of accounts for a
manufacturing business
4.5. Recording the flow of costs through
production process
4.6. Financial statements for a
manufacturing business
4.7. Adjusting and closing entries for a
merchandising business
5. Accounting Systems
5.1. Manual and computerized
Accounting systems
5.2. Subsidiary ledgers and controlling
2 WEEKS accounts
5.3. Special journals
{11TH&12TH }

6. Cash and Receivables

6.1. Internal control over cash
4 WEEKS 6.2. Bank reconciliation
6.3. Petty cash and change funds
{13TH,14TH , 6.4. Classifications of receivables
15TH&16TH } 6.5. Internal control of receivables
6.6. Accounting for uncollectible
6.7. Accounting for notes receivable
6.8. Factoring Receivables
6.9. Presentation of cash and receivables
on the balance sheet
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Evaluation Student' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates
are then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy
adopted for computation. Each course is going to have its own
modalities for assessment.


Text and reference 1. Fees and Warren, Accounting Principles, 21st

books edition, South Western publishing Company. / Any

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

recent edition/
 commercial code of Ethiopia
 IFRS blue book
 IFRS Green book
  Fees and warren, Accounting Principles, 16th edition, South
Western publishing Company. / Any recent edition/.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2. Principles of Accounting II


Accounting and Finance Program

Course ACFN 112


Course Title Principles of Accounting II

Status of the

prerequisite AcFn111

Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 4

The course has the general objective of introducing students to the accounting
basics of recognizing, measuring, and reporting common balance sheet items.
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be expected to:
 Analyze and record payroll transactions in Ethiopian context.
Course  Utilize and identify the implication of the various methods of valuation in
Objectives respect to accounts and notes receivable, inventories, depreciation, tangible
& and intangible assets, and natural resources.
Competence  Analyze, record and report transactions for businesses organized as
s to be partnerships, private limited companies, and share companies.

Course This course is a continuation of Principles of Accounting I. The course is

Description designed to introduce students to the application of accounting principles and
concepts to major balance sheet items. The specific topics includes internal
control over cash, accounting for receivables, accounting for inventories,
accounting for current liabilities, accounting for plant asset, natural resources
and intangibles and accounting for businesses organized as partnerships and
companies as per Ethiopian Commercial Code.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3 WEEKS 1. Inventories
1.1. Internal control of inventories
{1ST,2ND&3RD } 1.2. The effect of inventory errors on the financial
1.3. Inventory cost flow assumptions
1.4. Inventory costing methods under a perpetual and
periodic inventory system
1.5. Valuation of inventory at other than cost
1.6. Estimating inventory costs
1.7. Presentation of merchandise inventory on the
balance sheet
3 WEEKS 2. Plant Assets and Intangible Assets
2.1. Nature of plant assets
{ 4TH ,5TH& 6TH } 2.2. Accounting for depreciation
2.3. Capital expenditures and revenue expenditures
2.4. Disposal of plant assets
2.5. Leasing of plant assets
2.6. Internal controls of plant assets
2.7. Intangible Assets
2.8. Natural resources
2.9. Presentation of fixed assets and intangible assets on
the balance sheet
2 WEEKS 3. Current Liabilities
3.1. The nature of liabilities
{ 7TH&8TH } 3.2. Short-term notes payable
3.3. Ethiopian Payroll System
3.4. Presentation of liabilities on the balance sheet

3 WEEKS 4. Accounting for Partnerships Fees and

4.1. Basic characteristics of partnership warren
{9TH ,10TH&11TH 4.1.1. As per the Ethiopian Commercial Code PP.505-534
} 4.1.2. As per USA Partnership Act
4.2. Equity reporting for partnerships
4.3. Formation of partnerships
4.4. Dividing partnership net income and net loss
4.5. Admission of new partners
4.6. Withdrawal or death of partners
4.7. Liquidating partnerships

5. Accounting for Corporations Fees and

5.1. Basic characteristics of Corporations/Share warren
4 WEEKS Companies and PLCs/ PP.537-564
5.1.1. As per the Ethiopian Commercial Code commercial
{12TH ,13TH , 5.1.2. As per USA Corporate law code
14TH&15TH } 5.2. Classes of shares (Ethiopia vs. USA)
5.3. Issuing shares (Ethiopia vs. USA)
5.4. Treasury stock transactions (Ethiopia vs. USA)
5.5. Accounting for dividends (Ethiopia vs. USA)
5.6. Earnings per common share
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.7. Reporting shareholders’ equity on the balance sheet

(Ethiopia Vs USA)

Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions

Learning and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during
Methods/strategy face-to-face tutorial sessions

Assessment/ learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are
Evaluation then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted
for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for


Text and 1. Fees and Warren, Accounting Principles, 21st edition, South
reference books Western publishing Company. / Any recent edition/

 commercial code of Ethiopia
 IFRS blue book
 IFRS Green book
  Fees and warren, Accounting Principles, 16th edition, South Western
publishing Company. / Any recent edition/.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3. Mathematics for Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course ACFN 121


Course Title Mathematics for Finance

Status of the




Credit Hrs 4

Course At the end of this course, students should be able to

Objectives &
Competences  Differentiate the various techniques of mathematics that can be employed
in solving business problems
to be Acquired
 Identify the way mathematical techniques are utilized
 Appreciate the importance of mathematics in solving real world business
 Use different mathematical techniques for supporting managerial
 Analyze real managerial problems using mathematical tools
Course Mathematics for Finance is one of the preliminary quantitative aids to
Description decision making that offers the decision-maker a method of evaluating every
possible alternative (act or course of action) by using various techniques to
know the potential outcomes. This course is designed to expose finance
students to the basic concepts and area of managerial application of
mathematics for decision making. Topics include: linear equations and their
applications, matrix algebra and its applications, Markov chain analysis, linear
programming, mathematics of finance, elements and application of calculus.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

3 WEEKS 1. Linear Equations and Their Interpretative Applications Bowen (page

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

(1st, 2nd and 1.1. Linear Equations, Functions and Graphs 1- 51)
3rd) 1.2. Applications of Linear Equations
1.2.1. Linear Cost Output Relations,
1.2.2. Cost, Total Revenue, and Total Profit
1.2.3. Break Even Analysis: Model and Solutions
3 WEEKS 2. Matrix Algebra And Its Applications Bowen (Page
2.1. Matrix Concepts 133-186)
( 4th, 5th & 6th) 2.2. Dimensions and Types of Matrix
2.3. Matrix Operations and Techniques
2.4. Inverse of a Matrix
2.5. Matrix Applications
2.6. Solving Systems of Linear Equations
2.7. Markov Chains: Concepts, Models and Solutions
3. Introduction To Linear Programming Bowen (page
3.1. Concepts 92-130 and
3.2. Formulation of Linear Programming Models 192-169)
3.3. The Maximization Problem
3.4. The Minimization Problem
3.5. Solution Approaches to Linear Programming
3.5.1. Graphic Approach
3.5.2. Algebraic (Simplex) Approach
4. Mathematics Of Finance Highland
4.1. Overview of exponential and logarithmic functions (page 427 -
4.2. Simple Interest and Discount 452 and 383-
4.2.1. Computing Simple Interest
4.2.2. Promissory Notes and Bank Discount
4.3. Compound Interest Bowen (page
4.3.1. Compound Amount (Maturity Value)
4.3.2. Present Value (Principal) of Compound
4.3.3. Nominal and Effective Interest Rate
4.4. Ordinary Annuities
4.4.1. Sum of Ordinary Annuity
4.4.2. Sinking Fund Payments
4.4.3. Present Value of Ordinary Annuity
4.4.4. Amortization
4.5. Mortgage Payments
5. Elements and Applications of Calculus Bowen (page
5.1. Differential Calculus 506-559 and
5.1.1. Concept 685-740)
5.1.2. Rules of Differentiation
5.1.3. First and Second Derivative for Extreme
5.1.4. Business Application of Differential Calculus
5.1.5. Marginal Analysis
5.1.6. Optimization Problems
5.2. Integral Calculus
5.2.1. Concept
5.2.2. Indefinite and Definite Integration
5.2.3. Rules of Integration
5.2.4. Business Applications of Integral calculus

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5.2.5. Finding Total functions

5.2.6. Area problems
Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and
Learning activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-
Methods/strateg face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/E learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

valuation which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are
then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted
for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for

Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Bowen Earl. Mathematics with applications in Business and
Economics, 10th. 1987
2. Salezman S. A. etal. Mathematics for Business. 8th Ed. 2007,
Pearson Publishing limited.
Reference Books

 Salezman S. A. etal. Mathematics for Business. 8th Ed. 2007, Pearson

Publishing limited.
 Nelda W. Roueche and Virginia H. Graves. Business Mathematics, 6th
ed, 1993, Prentice Hall Limited
 Ronald E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards. Finite Mathematics with
Calculus, 1991
 Ann j. Hughes. Applied Mathematics: For Business, Economics, and the
social Science, 1983.
 Barnett Raymond A. and Ziegler Michael R. Essentials of College
Mathematics for business and Economics, life science and social
science. 3rd Ed. 1989

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course AcFn122

Course Title Statistics for Finance

Status of the


Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance




Credit Hrs 3

Course The objective of this course is thus to discuss the theoretical aspects of statistics
Objectives & and then focus on its practical applications in business decision making, which
Competences modern managers and decision makers are expected to be armed with on the
to be Acquired face of considerable uncertainty. Besides, it is also to create know-how to
students on various application areas and benefit of statistical in business.

This course aims:

 To familiarize students about the use & application of various statistical

tools in the field of financial decision making
 To enable students make valid inference from data
 To enable students to construct and test different types of hypothesis
 To enable students to find correlation between variables
 How to apply the statistical tests in the preparation of Research report.
 To enable students appreciate the application of statistics in every areas of
activities in business and industry such as production, financial analysis,
distribution, market research, manpower planning.
Course The use of statistical knowledge in the field of business aid dated many years
Description back. In recent years, an understanding of statistical methods, techniques, and
the skills to make use of them had widely been recognized more than before. It
is essential for anyone making business decisions on the basis of data to possess
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

a clear understanding of statistics.

Among other, the vast and fast changing technological, financial and economic
setting has necessitated an organized use and extensive application of statistical
tools to business decision making. Statistics has proved useful in many ways.
Such as in establishing relationship, making predications, and providing
solution to the many problems of business operations and managerial decision
Statistics is widely applied in production and quality control, marketing
research, manpower planning, finance, etc.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

2 WEEKS 1. Statistics Refresher Gupta, .P.

1.1. Introduction Statistical
{1ST&2ND } 1.1.1. Definition Methods Chapter
1.1.2. Areas (types) of statistics: Descriptive,
1 and 5
1.1.3. Importance (uses) of statistics
1.2. Descriptive Statistics (Independent Review)
1.2.1. Statistical data (meaning, types, sources,
processing and methods of obtaining
1.2.2. Organization of descriptive data (tabular
presentation; frequency distribution,
graphical presentation; histogram, bar
graphs, pie charts, the frequency polygon,
the give.)
1.2.3. Summarizing data
1.2.4. Measures of location or central tendency:
the arithmetic mean, the median, the
1.2.5. Measures of dispersion or variation: the
range, percentiles, the variance and
standard deviation, the coefficient of
variation, skew ness.
2 WEEKS 2. Probability And Probability Distribution Bowen Earl,
2.1. Basic definitions of probability Basic Statistics
{3RD&4TH } 2.2. Fundamental concepts: experiment and for Business and
event, event and their relationships, conditional
Economics.Ch. 5
and joint probability
2.3. Definitions of probability distribution
2.4. Basic concepts: Discrete and continuous
random variables, expected value and variance of
discrete random variable
2.5. Continuous Probability distribution: Normal
2 WEEKS 3. Sampling & Sampling Distributions Bowen Earl,
3.1. Sampling Theory Basic Statistics
{5TH&6TH } 3.1.1. Basic Definitions for Business and
3.1.2. The need for samples
Economics. Ch.9
3.1.3. Designing and conducting a sampling
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3.1.4. Bias and errors in sampling, non-
sampling errors
3.1.5. Types of samples- random and non-
random samples
3.2. Sampling Distributions
3.2.1. Definitions
3.2.2. Sampling distributions of the mean and
3.2.3. Sampling distribution of the difference
between two means and two proportions
2WEEKS 4. Statistical Estimations Basic Statistics
4.1. Basic concepts for Business and
{7TH&8TH) 4.2. Point estimators of the mean and proportion Economics.
4.3. Interval estimators of the mean and
4.4. Interval estimation of the difference
between two independent means (concept and
4.5. Student's t-distribution
4.6. Determining the sample size
2WEEKS 5. Hypothesis Testing Bowen Earl,
5.1. Basic concepts Basic Statistics
{9TH &10TH } 5.2. Steps in Hypothesis testing for Business and
5.3. Type I and type II errors (concepts)
5.4. One tailed \IS two tailed hypothesis tests
5.5. Hypothesis testing of: Chapter 10
5.6. Population mean, proportion
5.7. The difference between two means and two

2WEEKS 6. Chi-Square Distributions Bowen Earl,

6.1. Areas of application Basic Statistics
{11TH&12TH, 6.2. Tests for independence between two for Business and
13th } variables
6.3. Tests for the equality of several proportions
6.4. Goodness- of fit tests (Binomial, normal, Ch.14
3WEEK 7. Analysis Of Variance Bowen Earl,
7.1. Areas of application Basic Statistics
{14-16 } 7.2. Comparison of the mean of more than two for Business and
7.3. Variance test
7.4. linear regression Ch.14

Teaching& Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and

Learning activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-face
Methods/strateg tutorial sessions.

Assessment/E learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation, which

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

valuation includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then
converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for
computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Anderson. Statistics for Business and Economics
Reference Books

 Lino Douglas A. and Robert D. mason. Basic statistics for Business and

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn 211

Course Title Financial Accounting I

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn112

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 6

Credit Hrs 4

Course Objectives & The course is designed to give students a thorough

Competences to be understanding of the framework, concepts and techniques of
Acquired accounting that the students will need to proceed with upper
level courses in financial accounting.
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will
be expected to:
 have an understanding of financial accounting concepts and
IFRS as they apply to the topics covered in this course;
 Demonstrate an awareness of the substance of and the
standard-setting process for international accounting
 Perform the accounting functions of analyzing, recording and
reporting as accomplished by the accounting cycle and the
preparation of the primary financial statements
 Be able to explain and discuss the fundamentals of financial
 Understand the nature of financial statements and the inherent
limitations in their preparation and use
 Develop professional judgment in analyzing accounting issues
and recommending accounting policies;
 Develop skill in applying accounting standards to situations
and problems;
 Demonstrate the recognition, measurement, and reporting of
cash, receivables, and inventories
Course Description This course presupposes the students’ equipped with knowledge
for basic level of Accounting principles. In this course, emphasis
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

is made on accounting theory of financial statements, recognition

criteria, measurement, also reporting requirements of the elements
of financial statements are covered. Treatment of income, expense
and the current assets, with respect to the above, form the central
objective of this course.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Development of Accounting Principles and

Professional Practice
1.1. The environment of Accounting
1.2. Conceptual framework (FASB Vs
1.3. Objectives of financial reporting
1.4. Qualitative characteristics of
accounting information
1.5. Elements of financial statements of
business enterprise
1.6. Generally accepted accounting
1.7. Cash flow and income measurement
2. Summary of the Accounting process
2.1. Identifying and journalizing transactions
and other events
2.2. Posting transactions and other events
2.3. Trial Balance Preparation
2.4. Adjusting entries
2.5. Preparation of financial statements
2.6. Closing entries
2.7. Post-closing trial balance preparation
2.8. Reversing entries
3. Income Statement and Related Information
3.1. Usefulness and Limitation of the
income statement
3.2. Elements and formats of the income
3.3. Retained earnings statement
3.4. Comprehensive income
3.5. Revenue recognition principle
3.6. Revenue recognition before and after
4. Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows
4.1. Usefulness and Limitation of
Statement of Balance Sheet
4.2. Classification in the Statement of Balance
4.3. Formats of Statement of Balance Sheet
4.4. Purpose of statement of cash flows
4.5. Content and formats of statement of cash
4.6. Overview of the preparation of statement of
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cash flows
4.7. Usefulness of statement of cash flows
4.8. Financial Statements and Additional
5. Cash and receivables
5.1. Nature of cash and Cash control?
5.2. Reporting cash
5.3. Summary of cash-related items
5.4. Recognition and Valuation of accounts
5.5. Recognition and Valuation of notes
5.6. Special Issues Related to receivables
6. Inventories
6.1. Nature and classification of inventories
6.2. Physical goods and costs included in
6.3. Cost flow assumptions
6.4. LIFO, LIFO reserve, LIFO liquidation and
Birr-Value LIFO
6.5. Basis for selection of inventory methods
6.6. LCM and other special valuation methods
6.7. Inventory estimation methods
Teaching & Learning  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-
Methods/strategy assessment questions and activities, answer keys and feedback,
lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Donald E. Kieso. Intermediate Accounting, 15th ed., 2013.

2. Kieso Weygandt and Warfield (2015) Intermediate
Accounting 2nd IFRS edition John Wiely & Sons, Inc,
New Jersey
reference books
1. Jerry J. Weygandt, Financial Accounting , IFRS edition 2nd ,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. commercial code of Ethiopia
4. IFRS blue book
5. IFRS Green book

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn 212

Course Title Financial Accounting II

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn211

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 6

Credit Hrs 4

Course Objectives & The course is designed in such a way that it gives targeted
Competences to be students in – depth understanding of theoretical & Practical
Acquired framework and principles of financial accounting. The exercises
and problems that the students are supposed to workout at the end
of each chapter are expected to make the students internalize
different business cases which may be similar to cases of real
business entities in Ethiopia.
After completion of the course: Students are expected to:
 Acquire advanced knowledge on how to measure and
report complex economic events of business enterprise.
 Treat cases in financial accounting that would be covered
in this course properly, especially in Ethiopian context.

Course Description This course is the continuation of Financial Accounting – I. It is one

of the core accounting courses offered by the department. Like the
first part, it is basically deals with theory of financial accounting for
business organization. It also tries to introduce students with the
financial accounting applications in the Ethiopian business
environment. Topics included are: inventories, long term
investment, debts and current liabilities.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Property, Plant, and Equipment

1.1. Characteristics of Property, plant, and
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.2. Acquisition cost of PPE

1.3. Valuation of PPE
1.4. Treatment of costs incurred subsequent
to acquisition
1.5. Depreciation and Depletion
1.6. Disposition of PPE
1.7. Types of intangible assets
1.8. Impairment of intangible assets
1.9. R&D costs
2. Current Liabilities, Provisions, and
2.1. Nature and Types of current liabilities
2.2. Recognition and measurement of current
2.3. Contingencies
2.4. Presentation of current liabilities
3. Non-Current Liabilities
3.1. Nature of long-term debt
3.2. Types of bonds
3.3. Accounting for term bonds
3.4. Accounting for serial bonds
3.5. Extinguishment of Long-Term Debt
4. Accounting for Investments in equity and debt
4.1. Accounting for short-term investments in
equity and debt securities
4.2. Nature of Long-Term Investments
4.3. Long-Term Investments in Common
4.4. Long-Term investments in Bonds
4.5. Special problems in Accounting for
Long-Term Investments in Securities
4.6. Other Long -Term investments
5. Shareholders’ Equity
5.1. Overview of Ethiopian company law
5.2. Types of shares (stocks)
5.3. Paid -in capital
5.4. Retained earnings
5.5. Dividends
5.6. Stock options and stock splits
6. Accounting for Leases
6.1. Types of leases
6.2. Overview of Ethiopian lease business law
6.3. Basic lease accounting issues
6.4. Accounting for operating leases: Lessee
and Lessor
6.5. Accounting for capital leases: Lessee and
6.6. Special Issues in accounting for capital

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

7. Accounting Changes and Error Analysis

7.1. Types of accounting changes
7.2. Approaches to recording and reporting
accounting changes
7.3. Error correction and analysis
8. Revisiting Statement of Cash Flows
8.1. Classifications of cash flows
8.2. Comprehensive illustration of statement
of cash flows
8.3. Significant non-cash financing and
investing activities
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment.

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Donald E. Kieso. Intermediate Accounting, 15th ed.,


reference books
 commercial code of Ethiopia
 IFRS blue book
 IFRS Green book

7. Cost and Management Accounting –I

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn221

Course Title Cost and Management Accounting –I

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn112

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & After successfully completing this course, the students should be
Competences to be able to:
Acquired  Describe and make use of the basic principles and practices
of cost accounting.
 Differentiate cost accounting , Accounting and financial
 Apply appropriate costing system to determine the cost of
various cost objects.
 Apply for spoilage, reworked units, and scrap in job and
process costing system.
 Determine cost of the product or service using job order
costing , process costing and Activity Based Costing
 Distinguish variable and absorption costing as used in
product costing.
 Properly account for by products and joint product costs.
Course Description Modern businesses needs frequent information about business
activities to plan accurately for the future, control business
results, and make a proper appraisal of the performance of
persons working in an organization. The fulfillment of their
goals requires details about the costs incurred and benefits
(revenues) obtained which are provided by what is known as
“Cost Accounting”. In Comparison, financial accounting does
not provide Accounting with detailed cost and revenue,
information relevant to its needs.

The course deals with detailed concepts about cost accounting

practices, the theory and techniques of cost accounting. Cost
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

behavior, cost identification and analysis, system for establishing

costs, absorption and variable costing, cost allocation, managerial
use of cost data, modern costing system (Activity Based Costing)
nature and objective of Accounting.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

2WEEK 1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of an accounting system
{1ST&2ND 1.2 The role of an accountant
1.3 Accounting and the Accounting
1.4 Financial Accounting, cost
management and Accounting.
1.5 Cost benefit philosophy and behavioral
considerations Accounting systems
1.6 Accounting in service organizations
1.7 Ethical considerations in Accounting.
1 WEEK 2. Introduction to cost terms and cost
{3RD } 2.1 Cost in general
2.2 Cost object and cost driver
2.3 Cost accumulation, assignment and
2.4 Classification of costs
4WEEKS 3 Job, process and operation costing
3.1 Concepts: costing system, cost pool,
{4TH ,5TH ,6TH&7TH } cost allocation bases
3.2 Job order costing system features
3.3 Accounting procedures for job order
costing system.
3.4 Process costing system features
3.5 Job order costing system- -
3.6 Process costing system
3.6.1. Illustration (WA & FIFO
3.6.2. Spread sheet application
of process costing
3.7 Problems of overhead application
3.8 Operations costing
3WEEKS 4 Spoilage, reworked units and scrap
4.1 Spoilage, rework and scrap in
{8TH,9TH&10TH } general
4.2 Process costing and spoilage
4.3 Job order costing and spoilage
4.4 Reworked units
4.5 Accounting for scrap
2WEEKS 5 Income Effect of Alternative product
Costing Methods
{11TH&12TH } 5.1 Variable and Absorption Costing

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.2 Role of various denominator levels

in absorption costing
5.3 Adjusting inventories for external
2WEEKS 6 Cost Allocation
6.1. Cost Allocation –in General
{13TH&14TH } 6.2. General Purpose of Cost Allocation
6.3. Allocation for economic decisions
and motivations
6.4. Cost allocation Methods
6.5. The contribution approach to cost
2WEEKS 7 Cost Allocation-Joint products and by
{15TH&16TH } 7.1. Concepts – Joint. Byproducts Joint
7.2. Allocation of Joint costs
7.3. Accounting for byproducts
8 Practical application of cost accounting in
Ethiopian manufacturing firms (to be done
by students in the form of term paper)
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Charles T. Horngren, et al, Cost Accounting: A
Managerial Emphasis, 11th ed., 2000, Prentice Hall.
2. Charles T. Horngren, et al, Introduction to Management
Accounting, 11th/12th ed., 1999, Prentice-Hall
Reference Books

 C.T Homgren, Introduction to Accounting Accounting 4th

to 8 th editions, 1999 USA
 C.T. Homgren, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis
5th to 8th ecitionsprentice Hall Inc. 1982 to 1994
 Homgren, foster, &Datar, Cost Accounting A Managerial
Emphasis. 10 thEcition
 Robert X. Kaplan Advanced Accounting Accounting 1st
and 2nd edition prentice Haill, Inc, 1982 and 1989
(Chapters 2, 11,12, and 13 only)

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

8. Cost and Management Accounting –II


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn222

Course Title Cost and Management Accounting –II

Status of the

prerequisite AcFn221

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & After successfully completing this course, the students should be
Competences to be able to:
 Explain the importance of cost- volume- profit analysis;
 Describe the benefit of budgeting and its application;
 Prepare a master budget;
 Prepare a flexible budget;
 Compute and interpret variances;
 Apply relevant costing to different decisions;
 Explain the methods of pricing;
 Explain the costs and benefits of decentralization.
Course Description The course builds on the knowledge acquired from the course entitled
cost and Management Accounting and introduces some new concepts
and uses of accounting tools and techniques in the analysis, planning
and control of business operations and Accounting decision making
processes. Topics covered include: intensive review of the Accounting
decision making processes and nature of Accounting information,
examination of concepts and rationale underlying managerial
accounting managerial methods, the budgeting process and standard
costing, the investment decision and quantitative methods of

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

2WEEK 1. Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

1.1. Variable and fixed cost behavior and
{1ST&2ND patterns
1.2. Break-even analysis uses and techniques
1.3. Planning with cost-volume-profit Data
1.4. Limitation of CVP analysis
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

2WEEK 2. Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

2.1. Variable and fixed cost behavior and
{1ST&2ND patterns
2.2. Break-even analysis uses and
2.3. Planning with cost-volume-profit Data
2.4. Limitation of CVP analysis
2 WEEKS 3. The Master Budget
2.1. The overall plan and its
{3RD&4TH } characteristics
2.2. Advantages of budgeting
2.3. Types of budgets
2.4. Developing the master budget
2.5. Difficulties of sales forecasting
3WEEKS 4. Flexible Budgets and Standards
4.1. Static vs. Flexible budgets
{5TH,6TH&7TH } 4.2. Standards for material and labor
4.3. Controllability and variance analysis
4.3.1. Direct material
4.3.2. Direct labor
4.4. Overheads
3WEEKS 5. Measuring Mix and Yield Variances
5.1. Sales variances
{8TH,9TH&10TH } 5.1.1. Sales volume variance
5.1.2. Sales Mix Variance
5.1.3. Market-size and market-share
5.2. Input variances
5.2.1. Direct materials Mix and Yield
5.2.2. Direct Labor Mix and Yield
5.3. Productivity Measurement
3 WEEKS 6. Decision-Making and Relevant
{11TH,12TH&13TH } 5.1. The role of Accounting in special
5.2. The meaning of relevance
5.3. Irrelevance of past costs and
future costs that will not differ
5.4. Special decision areas
5.4.1. Make or Buy decision
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.4.2. Special Order decisions

5.4.3. Add or Drop decisions
5.4.4. Product Mix decisions
5.4.5. Scarce Resource decisions
2WEEKS 7. Pricing Decisions and Cost Management
6.1. Major influence on pricing decisions
{13TH&14TH } 6.2. Costing and pricing for the short run and
long run.
6.3. Cost plus target rate of return on
1 WEEKS 8. Decentralization and Transfer Pricing
8.1. Decentralization
{16TH } 8.2. Responsibility Center
8.3. Transfer Price
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio 'Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. C.T Horn green, Cost Accounting: A Managerial

emphasis 15th Edition, prentice Hall Inc., 2015
Reference Books

 C.T Homgren, Introduction to Accounting Accounting 4th

to 8 th editions, 1999 USA
 C.T. Homgren, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis
5th to 8th ecitionsprentice Hall Inc. 1982 to 1994
 Homgren, foster, &Datar, Cost Accounting A Managerial
Emphasis. 10 thEcition
 Robert X. Kaplan Advanced Accounting Accounting 1st
and 2nd edition prentice Haill, Inc, 1982 and 1989
(Chapters 2, 11,12, and 13 only)

9. Financial Accounting I

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn 231

Course Title Financial Accounting I

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn112

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives The aim of the course is to expose students to the basic concepts and
&Competences to be techniques of Financial Management. This course enhances
Acquired students understanding of corporate finance and to improve their
ability to make decisions in the firm that create shareholder value.
The course emphasizes on financial decision making within the firm

Course Description This course deals with fundamental financial concepts and
principles. Emphasis is placed on practical problem solving skills
based on these concepts and principles. Topics include the role of
the financial manager; financial analysis; risk and return, the cost of
capital; capital budgeting; and leverages

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1,2 1. Introduction
1.1 An overview of financial Accounting
1.2 Basic Assumptions and Principles of
financial Accounting
1.3 Scope of financial Accounting
1.4 Function of financial Accounting
1.5 Goal of financial Accounting
1.6 Agency problem
1.7 Close related field of financial
1.8 Financial market and corporations
3,4,5,6 2. Financial Analyses and Planning
2.1. Financial Statement Analysis
2.2. Vertical and horizontal Analysis
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2.2.1. Ratio Analysis

2.2.2. liquidity ratios
2.2.3. Asset Accounting ratios
2.2.4. profitability ratios
2.2.5. debt Accounting ratios
2.2.6. market value ratios
2.3. Financial Forecasting
7,8,9 3. The Cost of Capital
3.1. The concept of cost of capital and
opportunity cost
3.2. Determining Component of Cost of Capital
3.2.1. Cost of Debt
3.2.2. Cost of Preference Capital
3.2.3. Cost of Equity
3.3. The weighted Average
3.4. The Marginal Cost of capital (MCC)
10,11,12 4. Capital Budgeting/Investment Decision
4.1. Definition, Importance of capital budgeting
4.2. Project classifications
4.3. Capital budgeting processes
4.4. Capital Budgeting Evaluation Techniques
4.5. Capital budgeting under uncertainty
13,14,15 5. Financing Decision
5.1. The concept of capital structure
5.2. Leverage
5.2.1. Overview of breakeven point
5.2.2. Operating leverage
5.2.3. Financial leverage
5.2.4. Total leverage
5.3. Method of financing
5.3.1. Debt financing
5.3.2. Equity financing
5.3.3. Lease financing
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/Evaluatio Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Donald E. Kieso. Intermediate Accounting, 15th ed., 2013.

2. Kieso Weygandt and Warfield (2015) Intermediate
Accounting 2nd IFRS edition John Wiely & Sons, Inc, New

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Reference Books

 Brigham Ehrhadt. Financial Accounting theory and

practice. 13th Ed
 Khanna & Jain. Financial management.
 Financial management. Pandey

10. Financial Accounting II


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn 232

Course Title Financial Accounting II

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn231

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & The basic objective of this course is to familiarize students with
Competences to be the basics of investment, financing and dividend decisions that are
Acquired the central thematic areas of finance profession.

Course Description This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting I. It

emphasizes on building and applying financial models, following
the principle of financial management, for planning and decision
making purposes. It explains with the help of the language of
financial accounting, how top Accounting conducts systematic
analysis, builds innovative plans, understands and manages risk,
and creates more profit, cash and value for the organization.
Topics included are: Introduction to a modeling approach,
financial accounting as the foundation for financial models, cash
flow models for planning, the cost of capital, capital budgeting and
strategy, and investment decisions and portfolio theory.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1,2, 3 1. Dividend Policy and theory

1.1. Dividends- classification
1.2. Factors influencing dividend payments
1.3. Establishing dividend policy
1.3.1. Residual Dividend approach
1.3.2. Dividend stability
1.3.3. A Compromise
3,4,5,6 2. Principles of Working capital Accounting
2.1. The concept of working capital
2.2. Operating and cash conversion cycle
2.3. Permanent and Variable Working Capital

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2.4. Determinants of working capital

2.5. Financing Current Assets
7,8,9 3. Cash and Liquidity Accounting
3.1. Reasons for Holding Cash
3.2. Understanding Float
3.3. Cash Collection and Concentration
3.4. Managing Cash Disbursement
3.5. Investing Ideal Cash
3.6. Determining the target cash balance
10,11,12 4. Receivable Accounting
4.1. Credit and receivables
4.2. Terms of sale
4.3. Analyzing credit policy
4.4. Credit Analysis
4.5. Collection policy
13,14,15 5. Inventory Management
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Meaning & Nature of inventory
5.3. Benefits & costs of Holding Inventory
5.4. Inventory Accounting techniques
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions collected.

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Donald E. Kieso. Intermediate Accounting, 15th ed.,
Reference Books

 Brigham Ehrhadt. Financial Accounting theory and

practice. 13th Ed
 Khanna & Jain. Financial management.
 Financial management. Pandey

11. Financial Institutions and Market


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn241

Course Title Financial Institutions and Market

Status of the Course


Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Financial Institutions


ETCTS Credits 3

Credit Hrs 2

Course Objectives & This course provides students the essential knowledge required to
Competences to be understand the nature and role of the financial system in the
Acquired economy and the characteristics and operations of the major
financial institutions.

Course Description Financial markets and institutions channel trillions of dollars

through the economy, affecting business and consumer decisions
and the economic wellbeing of foreign countries. The purpose of
this course is to guide students in developing critical thinking
skills as applied to financial markets and institutions. Topics
include the financial system in perspective; financial assets,
money and financial transactions; financial institutions in the
financial system; interest rates in the financial system, interest
rates in the financial system, financial markets in the financial
system, the regulation of financial markets and institutions, and
overview of Ethiopian financial system.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. An Overview of the Financial System.

1.1. The role of financial system in the
1.2. Financial assets: role and properties
1.3. Financial markets: role, classifications
and participants
1.4. Lending and borrowing in the
financial system

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2. Financial Institutions in the Financial

2.1. Financial institutions and capital
2.2. Functions of Financial Institutions
2.3. Financial intermediaries and their
2.4. Classifications of Financial
2.5. Depository financial institutions.
2.6. Non-depository institutions.
2.7. Risks in Financial Industry
3. Interest rates in the Financial System
3.1. The theory and structure of interest
3.2. Factors affecting structure of interest
rate determinations
4. Financial Markets In The Financial
4.1. Organization and Structure of Markets
4.2. Primary and secondary market
4.3. Money Market
4.4. Capital Market
4.4.1. Debt Market
4.4.2. Equity Market
4.5. Foreign Exchange Markets
4.6. The Derivative Market
5. The Regulation of Financial Markets and
5.1. Purpose of regulation
5.2. Nature of Financial System
5.3. The forms of regulation
5.4. Arguments regarding regulation
6. Overview Of Ethiopian Financial System
6.1. Financial Markets & Institutions In
6.2. Financial sector in Ethiopia
6.3. Regulation of financial sector in
6.4. Ethiopian commodity exchange
market and its operation
Teaching & Learning  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-
Methods/strategy assessment questions and activities, answer keys and feedback,
lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Text and reference 1. Arshadi, N&G.V Kernels, Modern Financial

books Intermediaries & markets, Prentice Hall. 1997
2. Auer Bach, D .Money, Banking, and Finainal Markets,
2nd Ed., Macmillan Publishing Company. 1985
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3. Burton, M., et al. (2002), An Introduction to Financial

Markets and Institutions
4. Campbell, T & Kracew, Financial Institutions and
Capital Markets, Harper Collins College Publishers 1993
5. Daigle, R.T. (1994), Financial Futures & Options
Markets, Harper Collins
6. Dale. R The regulation of international Banking, Wood
head, Faulkner 1984

12. Risk Management and Insurance


Page 57 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course ACFN242

Course Title Risk Accounting and Insurance

Status of the


Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance




Credit Hrs 3

Course After accomplishment of this course, students will be able to:-

Objectives &
Competences to  Know basic concepts of risk
 Explain the basic classification of risk
be Acquired
 Understand the principles of insurance
 Understand insurance Industry in Ethiopia
 Explain the nature and application of reinsurance
 Identify and measure business loss exposures.
 Discusses how to select among the major tools of risk Accounting
 Measure, if not eliminate, exposures to loss or risk and analyze various
class of insurance contracts
Course Risk affects every aspect of an organization. The effects of risk are not confined
Description within any predictable boundaries; a single event can easily influence several
areas of an organization at once, producing consequences far beyond the
immediate impact. The pervasiveness and complexity of risk presents strong
challenges to managers, one of the most important being the coordination of
risk Accounting across areas within the organization. It deals with: the nature
and Accounting of pure risks, insurance and reinsurance; risk concepts,
classification of risks, Accounting of pure risks through various risk handling
tools, industrial safety, general principles of insurance and major classes of
insurance, reinsurance and development & regulation of the insurance Ethiopia

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Risk And Related Topics

1.1. Risk defined
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.2. Risk vs. uncertainty

1.3. Risk and probability
1.4. Risk, peril and hazard
1.5. Classification of risk
2. The Risk Management
2.1. Risk Accounting defined
2.2. Objectives of risk Accounting
2.3. Steps in risk Accounting process
2.3.1. Risk identification
2.3.2. Risk measurement
2.3.3. Selecting the appropriate tools of risk
2.3.4. Risk administration
3. Insurance
3.1 Insurance Defined
3.2 Basic characteristics of insurance
3.3 Fundamentals of insurable risk
3.4 Insurance and gambling compared
3.5 Insurance and Speculation compared.
3.6 Benefits and costs of insurance
3.6.1 Benefits of insurance to the society
3.6.2 Cost of insurance to society
4. Legal Principle Of Insurance Contract
4.1. Principle of indemnity
4.2. Principle of insurable interest
4.3. Principle of subrogation
4.4. Principle of utmost good faith
4.5. Principle of contribution
4.6. Doctrine of proximate cause
5. Life And Health Insurance
5.1. Underwriting life insurance
5.2. Types of life insurance polices
5.3. Premium determination
5.4. Worker’s compensation insurance
5.5. Personal accident insurance
6. Non-Life Insurance
6.1. Motor insurance
6.2. Burglary and housekeeping insurance
6.3. Fire and lighting insurance
6.4. Marine insurance
6.5. Aviation insurance
6.6. Liability insurance
6.7. Pecuniary insurance
6.8. Fidelity guarantee insurance
6.9. Engineering insurance
7. Re-Insurance
7.1. Meaning of Re-insurance
7.2. Reason for Re-insurance
7.3. Types of Re-insurance
8. The Insurance Business In Ethiopia
8.1. Development of insurance in Ethiopia
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

8.2. Regulation of insurance companies

8.2.1. Proclamation No. 68/1975
8.2.2. Proclamation No.86/1994
8.2.3. NBE Directives
Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and
Learning activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-
Methods/stratey face tutorial sessions

Assessment/E learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation, which

valuation includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then
converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for
computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Rejda, George E.; McNamara, Michael. (2008). 12th Ed. Principles
of Risk Management and Insurance. Springfield Gardens, New
York, USA.
Reference Book

 Teklegiorgis Assefa (2004), Risk Accounting and Insurance, Mega

Printing PLC, MekelleUniversity.
 Hailu Zeleke, Risk and insurance. Lecturer, AAU.
 George E. Rejda, principles of Risk Accounting and Insurance,
 C. Arthur Williamsjrand Richard M. Heins. Risk Accounting and
Insurance , 4thed, 1981 McGraw-Hill
 Joel Bessis, Risk Accounting in Banking, 2nd, 1998, Wiley.
 HailuZeleke, Insurance in Ethiopia, AAU.
attendance Tutorial class attendance is mandatory

13. Public Finance and Tax Accounting


Page 60 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course AcFn251

Course Title Public Finance & Tax Accounting

Status of the

prerequisite AcFn212

Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


Module Public Finance and Taxation



Credit Hrs 3

Course Upon the successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Objectives &
Competences to  Discuss the essence of public finance and taxation in theory and in Ethiopian
be Acquired
 Apply basic Ethiopian tax concepts to various circumstances relating to the
employment, business and other income taxes
 Apply basic Ethiopian tax concepts to various circumstances relating to VAT,
turnover tax, excise taxes, and custom duty
Course The course focuses on the taxing and spending activities of a government and their
Description influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income in general and with
special reference to Ethiopia as per the new economic policy. Moreover, the course will
provide a reliable foundation in the core areas of public finance and Ethiopian taxation,
and enable students understand the operation of the Ethiopian tax system. The topics
covered include: Introduction to public finance, tools of public finance mainly taxation,
analysis of the finance system of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with
emphasis on the Taxation System.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Basics of Public Finance

1.1. Definition of public finance
1.2. Scope of public finance
1.3. The role of government in the economy
1.4. Public expenditure
1.5. Public revenue
1.6. Public debt
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.7. Public administration

1.8. Fiscal federalism
2. Meaning and Characteristics of Taxation
2.1. Objectives of taxation
2.2. Principles of taxation
2.3. Tax classifications
2.4. Tax rate structures
2.5. Shifting and incidence of taxation
2.6. Tax evasion, avoidance and delinquency
3. Public Finance in Ethiopia
3.1. Features of Ethiopian Federal Finance
3.2. Expenditure Assignment
3.3. Revenue Assignment
3.4. Intergovernmental Transfer
3.5. Borrowing
3.6. Trends of Ethiopian public revenues, expenditures,
grants, deficits, and debts
3.7. Budget and its process in Ethiopia
4. Ethiopian Tax System
4.1. Structure of Ethiopian Tax System and Administration
4.2. Income Taxes
4.2.1. Schedule A Income
4.2.2. Schedule B Income
4.2.3. Schedule C Income
4.2.4. Schedule D Income
4.3. Consumption Taxes
4.3.1. Value-Added Tax
4.3.2. Turnover Tax
4.3.3. Excise Tax
4.4. Stamp duties
4.5. Foreign Trade Taxes
4.5.1. Custom duties
4.5.2. Import Procedures
4.5.3. Export Procedures
4.5.4. Sur-Tax
5. Tax Accounting

o Income Taxes Accounting /focus on BIT

o Value-Added Tax
o Turnover Tax
o Excise Tax
Teaching &  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and
Learning activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-face
Methods/strategy tutorial sessions.

Assessment/Eva learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation, which includes
TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter
grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is
luation going to have its own modalities for assessment

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Harvey S. Rosen, Public Finance, 4th edition, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995.
Reference Books

 JutiuYucelik M. and Percy W.Kierstead “Ethiopia: Presumptive Taxation” IMF

working Paper. December 1994.
 Richard A. Musgrave and Peggy B. Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and
Practice, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill Inc. 1989.
 Taxation in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce Ethiopian Business
Development Services Network.Jan-2005.
 Various taxes Proclamations, Regulations, and directives.
Web Sites:




Accounting and Finance Program

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Course Information

Course Number AcFn311

Course Title Advanced Financial Accounting

Status of the

prerequisite AcFn212

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Advanced Financial Accounting

ETCTS Credits 6

Credit Hrs 4

Course Objectives After successfully completing this module, students will be able to:
& Competences to
be Acquired  Deal with accounting for joint ventures in general and accounting
for Public Enterprises(focusing on public enterprises in Ethiopia)
 Record, analyze and report financial information of enterprises
with sales agencies and branches
 Account for business combinations and the preparation of
consolidated financial statements
 Differentiate installment and consignment sales from ordinary sales
and explain how revenues are recognized from such sales
 Account for foreign currency transactions and translations and
reporting the operating results of foreign subsidiaries
 Account for segment reporting and interim reporting
Course Advanced Accounting gives due attention to the modern advanced
Description financial accounting issues such as accounting methods and principles for
joint venture businesses, accounting principles and methods for agencies
and branches, accounting principles and methods for installment contract
sales, accounting and reporting issues related business combination and
foreign transactions. Moreover, in this course, some accounting issues for
public enterprises in Ethiopia and accounting for privatization of public
enterprises (Emphasizing Ethiopian context) are discussed.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1, 2 1. Over view of accounting for joint ventures

and Public enterprises
1.1. Accounting for joint ventures
1.1.1. Nature of Joint Venture Businesses
1.1.2. Back ground of JVs
1.1.3. Accounting for investment in JV
1.2. Accounting for public enterprises in
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.2.1. Overview of Proc. No. 25/1992 and
other related provisions Agency
1.2.2. Accounting for the Formation
1.2.3. Accounting for the operation,
Dissolution and liquidation
1.2.4. Privatization of Public Enterprises
1.2.5. Illustrations
3, 4, 5 2. Accounting for Sales Agencies and principal;
Branches and Head office
2.1. Characteristics and principles
2.2. Distinguishing between Agencies,
Branches and Divisions
2.3. Accounting for Operation of Branches
2.4. Reciprocal accounts and their
2.5. Billing of merchandises to branches
2.6. Transaction between branches
2.7. Combined Financial statements
6 3. Installment and Consignment contracts
3.1. Installment Sales
3.2. Consignment sales
7, 9 4. Business Combinations (Mergers and
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Definitions
4.1.2. Motives
4.1.3. Types of business combinations
4.2. Methods of Arranging business
4.3. Accounting Methods and procedures for
Business Combinations
5. Consolidations
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Consolidated Financial Statement :Wholly
owned subsidiary
5.3. Consolidated Financial Statement :
Partially Owned subsidiary
5.4. Consolidated Financial Statement :
Subsequent to data of acquisition:
5.4.1. Wholly Owned Subsidiary
5.4.2. Partially Owned Subsidiary
6. Foreign Currency Accounting
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Definition of terms
6.1.2. Types of currency-related exposures
6.2. Accounting for Foreign Currency
6.2.1. Foreign Currency Transaction
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

6.2.2. Accounting principles and methods

for foreign currency transactions
6.3. Foreign Currency Translations
6.3.1. Rationale for Foreign Currency
6.3.2. Methods and Procedures of Foreign
Currency Translation
7. Segment Reporting and Interim Reporting
7.1. Meaning & Computation of Segment
Revenue & Operating Profit /Loss
7.2. Information to be disclosed by operating
7.3. Interim Reporting Provisions of APB
Opinion No. 28
7.4. Disclosure in Interim Financial Data
Teaching &  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Learning questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
Methods/strategy discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/Eval learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

uation which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates
are then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy
adopted for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities
for assessment

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Larsen E. John, Modern Advanced Accounting, 11th ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, (USA).

Reference Books

 Richard E.Baker et al. Advanced Accounting. 7th Edition, FT

Prentice Hall- Financial Times, United Kingdom, 2004
 Public Enterprises Proclamation No. 25/1992
 Larson. Advanced Accounting. 11th edition
attendance Tutorial class attendance is mandatory

15. Project Analysis & Evaluation


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Course Number AcFn351

Course Title Project Analysis & Evaluation

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn232

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Lecturer Information

ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & This course aims to help students create an understanding of the
Competences to be processes, techniques, and procedures of project identification,
Acquired formulation, appraising, planning, organizing, and implementing. It
also highlights the monitoring, evaluation and impact analysis

Course Description The course deals with the different stages of project management.
Topics covered include: national plans and programs, the project
cycle, market and demand analysis, raw materials and supplies
study, location, site and environmental assessment, production plan
and plant capacity, technology and engineering study, financial
analysis, economic analysis, appraisal criteria, and project

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Introduction to Project
1.1. Definition of a Project
1.2. Classification of a Project
1.3. Characteristics/features of a Project
1.4. National Development Planning and Project
1.5. Role of Project Manager
1.6. Project Accounting Environment
1.7. Project Organization Structure
1.8. Management-By Project
2. Project Cycle
2.1. UNIDO’s Project Cycle (UNIDO Model)
2.2. BAUM’s Project Cycle (BAUM’s Model,
2.3. S Choudhury’s Project Life Cycle (1988)
2.4. Project Clearance Report (PCR)
2.5. Accounting Approach to Project Cycle
3. Project Identification
3.1. Project Identification
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3.2. Source of Project Ideas

3.3. Who Identifies Projects
3.4. Project Concepts and Profiles
3.5. Prioritization and Ranking
3.6. Identification of Commercial Project Ideas
4. Technical Analysis of Project
4.1. The role of feasibility Studies
4.2. Market demand analysis
4.3. Production Program and Plant capacity
4.4. Raw Materials and supplies study
4.5. Location and site selection and
Environmental impact assessment
4.6. Technology and Engineering studies
4.7. Human Resource and organization study
5. Financial Analysis of Projects
5.1. Financial analysis basic
5.2. Measuring Project cash flows
5.3. Non-discounted cash flow approaches
5.4. Discounted cash flow approaches
5.5. Criteria for Investment Decision
5.6. Project financing alternatives
6. Economic Analysis of Projects
6.1. Rational for Economic Analysis
6.2. Valuation and Shadow Prices
6.3. Basic Principle of Shadow Price
6.4. Use of Conversion Factor
6.5. Source of Shadow Prices
6.6. World Price System of Economic
Analysis(Little-Mirrlees Method)
6.7. Domestic Price System of Economic
Analysis (UNIDO Method)

7. Project Planning, Organizing, and

7.1. Project Planning and Organizing
7.2. Managing the Implementation Process
7.3. Problems in Project Implementation
7.4. Success in Project Implementation
7.5. Project Monitoring
7.6. Project Evaluation
7.7. Project Impact Analysis
7.8. Reporting evaluation results
Teaching & Learning  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-
Methods/strategy assessment questions and activities, answer keys and feedback,
lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Development Project Studies Authority (DEPSA),

Guidelines to Project Planning in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa,
1981 and 1990.
2. Irviv G., Modern Cost Benefit Method, and Introduction to
Financial, Economic and Social Appraisal of Development
3. UNIDO, Manual for the Preparation of Industrial feasibility
Studies UN, NY, 1991.

Reference Books

 Prasana Chandra. Projects: planning, analysis, selection,

implementation, and review. 4th

16. Investment and Portfolio Management


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn352

Course Title Investment and Portfolio Management

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn351

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & The course will enable students to understand different investment
Competences to be avenues and aware of the risk return of different investment
Acquired alternatives and estimate the value of securities so as to make
valuable investment decisions.

Course Description This course provides an overview of the field of investment .it
explains basic concepts and methods useful in investment. The
course also tries to imitate the valuation of bond and stocks. It also
covers fundamental and technical analysis as well as portfolio
construction and portfolio managements.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Introduction to investment
1.1. What is investment
1.2. Investment alternatives
1.3. Investment companies
1.4. Security market
2. Risk and return
2.1. Return
2.2. Risk
2.3. Measuring historical risk
2.4. Measuring historical return
2.5. Measuring expected risk and return
3. Fixed income securities
a. Bond characteristic
b. Bond price
c. Bond yield
d. Risks in bond
e. Rating of bonds
f. Analysis of convertible bonds
4. Stock and equity valuation
4.1. Stock characteristic
4.2. Balance sheet valuation
4.3. Dividend discount model
4.4. Free cash flow model
4.5. Earning multiplier approach
5. Security analysis
5.1. Macro-economic analysis
5.2. Industry analysis

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.3. Company analysis

5.4. Technical analysis
6. Portfolio theory
6.1. Diversification and portfolio risk
6.2. Portfolio risk and return
6.3. Capital allocation between risky and risk
free assets
6.4. Optimum risky portfolio
7. Portfolio Management
7.1. Portfolio performance evaluation
7.2. The process of portfolio management
7.3. Risk Accounting and hedging
7.4. Active portfolio management
7.5. International portfolio management
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Bodie, Kane, Marcus, Investments, 10th Edition,
McGraw-Hill. ISBN:9780077861674
Reference Books

 Bodie, Kane & Marcus. Investments. 4th

 Elton, E.J.& Guruber,M.J.. Modern Portfolio Theory and
Investment Analysis. 5th
 Avadhani,V.AsecurityAnalysisandPortfolioManagement9th

17. Government and Non-profit Accounting


Accounting and Finance Program

Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name Cr. Hr CP/ETCT


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

AcFn 331 Government and Non-profit Accounting 3 5

AcFn 332 Ethiopian Government Accounting and 2 3

Financial Management

Course Information

Course AcFn331

Course Title Government and Non-profit Accounting

Status of the


Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


Module Non-Profit Sector Accounting



Credit Hrs 3

Course After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to:
Objectives &
Competences  Identify characteristics and types of government and Not-For-profit
organizations (NFP);
to be Acquired
 Understand the budgeting framework of governmental units and other
non-profit organizations and help senior budget officials of the same in
developing budgets
 Distinguish the legal and economic substance of transactions as opposed
to the nature of transactions in business organizations;
 Record the transactions and present fairly the financial statements of
governmental units and other non-profit organizations in conformity with
legal requirements and internationally accepted accounting standards
Course The course is intended to introduce the accounting and reporting concepts,
Description standards and procedures applied to governmental units and not –for –profit
(NFP) organizations. The course reflects the distinction between legal form of
transactions as opposed to the accounting system for business enterprises, and
the substance of transactions.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Financial reporting governmental and NFP entities

1.1. Distinguishing characteristics of Governmental and
Not- for- Profit entities

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.2. Sources of financial reporting for Governmental and

NFP entities
1.3. Objectives of financial reporting in NFP entities
1.4. IPSAS vs IFRS
1.5. conceptual framework of public sector accounting
( the IPSASB)
 objectives publics sector Accounting
 Fundamental concepts
2. Principles of accounting and financial reporting of
governmental entities
2.1. Activities of government
2.2. Summary statement of principles
2.3. Summary Accounting characteristics of fund types
2.4. Budgeting and uses of budget
2.5. Classification of budget
2.6. Approaches to budgeting
3. International public sector accounting standards
3.1. summary statements of principles
3.2. impairment of Non cash generating assets (IPSAS
3.3. disclosure of financial information about the general
government sector (IPSAS 22)
3.4. revenue from non exchange transactions (IPSAS 23)
3.5. presentations of budget information in Financial
statements ( IPSAS 24)
3.6. cash flow statements (cash basis IPSAS)
4. Accounting for type of government funds
4.1. accounting for general and special revenue funds
4.2. Accounting capital project fund
4.3. Accounting for Debt service fund
4.4. Accounting for general long term assets and general
long term liabilities
4.5. Accounting for proprietary funds
4.6. Accounting for fiduciary funds
5. Accounting for other Not for Profit entities
5.1. Characteristics of Non-governmental organizations
5.2. IPSAS for NGOs
5.3. Financial reporting and accounting for NGOs
5.4. Illustrative transactions for voluntary healthcare and
welfare organizations.
Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and
Learning activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-
Methods/strateg face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/E ' Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

valuation which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are
then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted
for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Accounting for Governmental and Non-Profit Entities, 12th
edition, by Wilson, Kattelus, Hay. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Inc.,
USA, 2001 or recent edition
Reference Books

 Edward S. Lynn and Roberts Freeman,(2005) Fund Accounting:

Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, Publisher: Prentice Hall Inc.
 Harried and Smith,(2000) Advanced Accounting, 6th ed., John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
 Leon E. and Hay,(2004) Accounting for governmental and Non-
profit Entities, 7th ed., prentice Hall Inc.
 Budget proclamation of Ethiopia (175.1999)
 proclamation of FGE Financial administrations

18. Financial Management I


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Code AcFn331

Course Title Financial Management I

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Credit Hours 3

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits

Prerequisites AcFn202
Status of the Course Major

Course Objectives & The aim of the course is to expose students to the basic concepts and
Competences to be techniques of Financial Management. This course enhances students
Acquired understanding of corporate finance and to improve their ability to
make decisions in the firm that create shareholder value. The course
emphasizes on financial decision making within the firm.

Course Description This course deals with fundamental financial concepts and principles.
Emphasis is placed on practical problem solving skills based on these
concepts and principles. Topics include the role of the financial
manager; financial analysis; risk and return, the cost of capital; capital
budgeting; and leverages

WEEKS Course Contents

3 WEEKS 6. Introduction
1.9 An overview of financial management
{1st 2nd& 3rd } 1.10 Basic Assumptions and Principles of financial management
1.11 Scope of financial management
1.12 Function of financial management
1.13 Goal of financial management
1.14 Agency problem
1.15 Close related field of financial Management
1.16 Financial market and corporations
3 WEEKS 7. Financial Analyses and Planning
7.1. Financial Statement Analysis
{4th 5th & 6th} 7.1.1. Vertical and horizontal Analysis
7.1.2. Ratio Analysis
Liquidity ratios
Asset Management ratios
Profitability ratios
Debt management ratios
Market value ratios
Financial Forecasting
2 WEEKS 8. The Cost of Capital
8.1. The concept of cost of capital and opportunity cost
{7th & 8th } 8.2. Determining Component of Cost of Capital
8.2.1. Cost of Debt
8.2.2. Cost of Preference Capital
8.2.3. Cost of Equity
8.3. The weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
8.4. The Marginal Cost of capital (MCC)

3 WEEKS 9. Capital Budgeting/Investment Decision

9.1. Definition, Importance of capital budgeting
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

{9th 10th & 11th } 9.2. Project classifications

9.3. Capital budgeting processes
9.4. Capital Budgeting Evaluation Techniques
9.5. Capital budgeting under uncertainty
3 WEEKS 10. Financing Decision
10.1. Capital structure
{12th 13th& 14th } 10.2. Leverage
10.2.1. Overview of breakeven point
10.2.2. Operating leverage
10.2.3. Financial leverage
10.2.4. Total leverage
10.3. Method of financing
10.3.1. Debt financing
10.3.2. Equity financing
10.3.3. Lease financing
2 WEEKS 11. Stock and equity valuation
11.1. Stock characteristic
{15th & 16th } 11.2. Balance sheet valuation
11.3. Dividend discount model
11.4. Free cash flow model
11.5. Earning multiplier approach
Text and reference T EXT BOOK
1. B.J. Campsey and Eugene F. Brigham, “Introduction to
Financial Management,” 8th ed., Dryden Press, Chicago.
Reference Books

 Ross, Westerfield and Jordan, Essentials of Corporate

Finance, sixth edition, 2008, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
 Brigham, Eugene F. and Michael C. Ehrhardt, Financial
Management: Theory and Practice (13th edition), South-
Western, 2011.
 PandeyI.M. Financial Management. 9th Edition

Assessment/Evaluatio ' Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. Take-home assignment
will be given at the end of each chapter for submission within a
week. Solution to the assignments will be given once assignments
are collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for each
chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full
and active participation of students is highly encouraged.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

19. Financial Management II


Accounting and Finance


Course Code AcFn 332

Course Title Financial Management II

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Credit Hours 3

Page 77 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits

Prerequisites AcFn 331

Status of the Course Major

Course Objectives & The basic objective of this course is to familiarize students with the
Competences to be basics of investment, financing and dividend decisions that are the
Acquired central thematic areas of finance profession.

Course Description This course is a continuation of Financial Management I. It

emphasizes on building and applying financial models, following the
principle of financial management, for planning and decision making
purposes. It explains with the help of the language of financial
accounting, how top management conducts systematic analysis,
builds innovative plans, understands and manages risk, and creates
more profit, cash and value for the organization. Topics included are:
Introduction to a modeling approach, financial accounting as the
foundation for financial models, cash flow models for planning, the
cost of capital, capital budgeting and strategy, and investment
decisions and portfolio theory.

WEEKS Course Contents

3 WEEKS 6. Dividend Policy and Theory

6.1. Dividends- classification
{1st 2nd& 3rd } 6.2. Factors influencing dividend payments
6.3. Establishing dividend policy
6.3.1. Residual Dividend approach
6.3.2. Dividend stability
6.3.3. A Compromise
3 WEEKS 7. Principles of Working capital management
7.1. The concept of working capital
{4th 6th& 7th } 7.2. Operating and cash conversion cycle
7.3. Permanent and Variable Working Capital
7.4. Determinants of working capital management
7.5. Financing Current Assets
3 WEEKS 8. Cash and Liquidity Management
8.1. Reasons for Holding Cash
{8th 9th& 10th } 8.2. Understanding Float
8.3. Cash Collection and Concentration
8.4. Managing Cash Disbursement
8.5. Investing Ideal Cash
8.6. Determining the target cash balance
3 WEEKS 9. Receivable Management
9.1. Credit and receivables
{11th 12th& 13th } 9.2. Terms of sale
9.3. Analyzing credit policy
9.4. Credit Analysis
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

9.5. Collection policy

3 WEEKS 10. Inventory Management
10.1. Introduction
{14th 15th& 16th } 10.2. Meaning & Nature of inventory
10.3. Benefits & costs of Holding Inventory
10.4. Inventory management techniques
Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. B.J. Campsey and Eugene F. Brigham, “Introduction to

Financial Management,” 8th ed, Dryden Press, Chicago.
Reference Books

 Ross, Westerfield and Jordan, Essentials of Corporate

Finance, sixth edition, 2008, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
 Brigham, Eugene F. and Michael C. Ehrhardt, Financial
Management: Theory and Practice (13th edition), South-
Western, 2011.
 PandeyI.M. Financial Management. 9th Edition
Assessment/Evaluatio ' Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous
n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. Take-home assignment
will be given at the end of each chapter for submission within a
week. Solution to the assignments will be given once assignments
are collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for each
chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full
and active participation of students is highly encouraged.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

20. Research Methods in Accounting & Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course AcFn 361


Course Title Research Methods in Accounting & Finance

Status of the

prerequisite AcFn122

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance




Credit Hrs 3

Course After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to:
Objectives &
Competences to  Apply business research methods in doing research
 have foundation knowledge for scientific reasoning and solutions for
be Acquired
business problems
 Implement the research process in doing research,
 prepare research proposal for a project
 explain the various tools and techniques of research
 apply various methodologies of social research to solve Business
 define The sources of data and data collection techniques
Course This course deals with the role of research; the method of scientific inquiry;
Description experimentation, fact finding, design of data collection methods, and
analysis of collected data and interpretation of results, and formulation of
business related research projects by students.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Concepts of Scientific Research

1.1. The Concept of Research
1.1.1. Defining research
1.1.2. Factors stimulating research
1.1.3. Purpose of Studying Research methods
1.1.4. Importance of research
1.1.5. Motivation for research
1.1.6. Managerial value of research
1.1.7. Characteristics of good research
1.2. Types of Research
1.2.1. Basic research
1.2.2. Applied research
1.2.3. Quantitative research
1.2.4. Qualitative research
1.2.5. Exploratory research
1.2.6. Descriptive research
1.2.7. Causal research
1.3. The systematic process of Research
1.3.1. Determining /recognizing a research problem
1.3.2. Formulating a hypothesis/ research question
1.3.3. Designing the study
1.3.4. Developing instrument for collecting data
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.3.5. Collecting data

1.3.6. Analyzing the data
1.3.7. Determining the implications & findings
1.3.8. Making recommendations
2. Formulation of the Research problem
2.1. What is research problem
2.1.1. Defining the research problem
2.1.2. Sources of research problem
2.1.3. Guidelines for the statement of the
2.2. Hypothesis formulation
2.2.1. Defining hypothesis
2.2.2. Hypothesis versus research problem
2.2.3. Possible sources of hypothesis
2.2.4. Null and Alternative hypothesis
2.2.5. Basic characteristics of good hypothesis
2.3. Process of testing hypothesis
2.3.1. State the hypothesis
2.3.2. Determine the appropriate test statistics
2.3.3. Specify the significance level
2.3.4. Determine the decision rule
2.3.5. Collect data & perform the needed
2.3.6. decide to reject or not reject and produce
3. Developing a Research proposal
3.1. The purpose Research proposal
3.2. Structureof a Research Proposal
3.2.1. Background of the study
3.2.2. Statement of the problem
3.2.3. Research Objectives
3.2.4. Research Hypothesis
3.2.5. Significance of the Research
3.2.6. Literature Review
3.2.7. Research methodology
3.2.8. Work plan and Budget / Logistics
3.2.9. Other sections of the proposal ( cover
page , Abstract , Reference
3.2.10. Proposal writing (written Assignment )
4. Sampling Design
4.1. Sampling Design
4.2. Census and sample survey
4.3. The Need for sampling
4.4. Steps in sampling Design
4.5. Criteria for selecting a sampling procedures
4.6. Types of sample Design
4.7. Probability sampling Design
4.8. Non probability sampling Design
5. The sources and collection of Data
5.1. Types and sources of Data
5.2. Methods of primary Data collection

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.3. Methods of secondary Data collection

6. Methods of Data Analysis and Data Analysis
6.1. Descriptive versus inferential data analysis

6.2. Spread sheet application in data analysis

6.3. Software application in data analysis (SPSS,

STATA, E-view)

Teaching &  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment

Learning questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
Methods/strategy discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Eva learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

luation which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are
then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted
for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for

Text and Reference Books

reference books
 Zikmund William G: Business Research Methods, 7th Edition,
 C. William Emory, Donald R. Cooper. Business Research
Methods, 4th ed., 1991.
 Wallace A. W., Accounting research methods: Do the facts
speak for themselves?

21. Accounting Information System


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course AcFn321

Course Title Accounting Information System

Status of the


Degree BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance




Credit Hrs 2

Course After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to:
Objectives &
Competences to • Analyze, document and evaluate business activities performed by
be Acquired firms with in major transaction cycles;

 Identify AIS control and security threats and recommend

preventing/mitigating strategies;
 Understand the models, techniques, and tools for Information Systems
Analysis and Design in general and AIS in particular;
 Develop skills in documenting Accounting Systems;
 Develop understanding about fundamental concepts of database technology
and data modeling and apply the knowledge gained to develop AIS data
 Set up an accounting system using the a general ledger software package:
 Develop working knowledge about database applications.
Course The course is designed to instill the knowledge and skill Accountants require
Description to improve the design and function of the Accounting Information Systems
through harnessing the current state of the art Information Technology. The
course introduces the techniques and methodologies used to design and
develop Information System in general and Accounting System in particular.
It also familiarizes students to Database Accounting System (Ms Access).

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Accounting Information Systems: An Overview

1.1. An Overview of AIS
1.2. Business Processes/Activities/Decisions/ and
Information Needs
1.3. Scope of AIS
1.4. Uses of AIS and Role of Accounts in Relation to
2. Overview of Business Processes
2.1.Business Processes and Events
2.2. Identifying Events in Business Process
2.3.Organizing data in an AIS
2.4.Types of Files and Data
2.5.Events and Activities
3. The System Development Process
3.1. System Development and Documentation Tools
and Techniques: DFD, and Flow Chart
3.2. System Development Processes

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

(Methodology, System Investigation, Planning,

Analysis, Design, Implementation)

4. Relational Databases
4.1. Database Systems
4.2. Database Design Process
4.3. The REA Data Model
4.4. Database Systems and Future of Accounting
5. Transaction Cycles and Accounting Applications
5.1. Organizing Accounting Applications
5.2. Processing Modes
5.3. The Revenue Cycle
5.4. The Expenditure Cycle
5.5. General Ledger and Reporting System
6. Control and AIS
6.1. Overview of Control Concepts
6.2. Information System Control
6.3. Computer Controls and Security
6.4. Overview of Auditing of Computer Based IS

Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions

Learning and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during
Methods/strategy face-to-face tutorial sessions.

Assessment/Ev learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation,

aluation which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are
then converted into letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted
for computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for

Text and T EXT BOOK

reference books
1. Romney and Steinbart, 2007: Accounting Information
Systems, 11thed., Prentice Hall, Inc.
Reference Books

 Bodnar and Hopwood, 1998. Accounting Information Systems, 7th

Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc.
 A.Hall, 1998. Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition, West
Publishing Co.
 Moscove and et. al., 1997. Core concepts of Accounting Information
Systems, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
 Hoffer and et. al., 1999. Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 2 nd
Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
 Gelinas et al, 1999. Accounting Information Systems, 4 th Edition,
South Western Publishing Co. USA.
 Boockholdt, 1999. Accounting Information Systems, 5th Edition,
Irwin/McGraw Hill.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 Jones Rama, 2003. Accounting Information System: A Business

Process Approach.
 Pressman, Rogers S., 2005. Software Engineering: A practitioner’s
 Whiten J.L; Bentley L.D; Dottman, K.C., 2000. System Analysis and
Design Methods.

22. Accounting Software Application


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn322

Course Title Accounting Software Application

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn321

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 3

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Credit Hrs 2

Course Objectives & After successfully completing this course, the students should be
Competences to be able to:
 Understand how common accounting software process business
transactions; including the account structure of a typical
computerized General Ledger.
 Be capable of implementing double entry accounting in a
computerized environment, including producing standard reports
and final accounts including adjustments
 Develop the skills necessary to process transactions for service,
merchandising, nonprofit, and manufacturing businesses using
common accounting software.
 Prepare financial statements and complete financial statement
analysis using common accounting software.
Course Description The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of
the main features of common computerized accounting software

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Accounting Information

System: Overview

1.1 Meaning of Accounting Information

1.2 Manual Accounting System and
Computerized Accounting
1.3 In-house Developed and Off-the-
shelf Computerized Accounting
1.4 Principles of Accounting Systems
Design and Internal Controls

Chapter Two: Peachtree Accounting:


2.1 Basic Features

2.2 Setting-up a New Company
2.3 Peachtree Security Features

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Chapter Three: Peachtree Accounting: The

General Ledger (GL)

3.1 Overview of the GL

3.2 Setting-up GL Defaults
3.3 Setting-up Chart of Accounts

Chapter Three: Peachtree Accounting: The

Accounts Payable Ledger

4.1 Overview of the Accounts Payable Ledger

4.2 Setting-up Vendor Defaults
4.3 Setting-up Vendor Records

Chapter Four: Peachtree Accounting:


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Setting-up Inventory Defaults
5.3 Setting-up Inventory Records

Chapter Six: Peachtree Accounting: The

Accounts Receivable Ledger

6.1 Overview of the Accounts Receivable

6.2 Setting-up Sales Tax Authorities and
6.3 Setting-up Customer Defaults
6.4 Setting-up Customer Records

Chapter Seven: Payroll

7.1 Setting up payroll

7.2 Using payroll tax tables

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

7.3 Paying employees

7.4 Using payroll reports and forms
practical work.

Widely used accounting software’s are covered

Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment

Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books Text and reference books

 Users Guide – Peachtree Complete Accounting 201 Or Later

 Help Indexes Related To Each Peachtree Windows

23. Auditing Principles and Practices I


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn 341

Course Title Auditing Principles and Practices I

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn212

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & After studying this course, the student should be able to:
Competences to be
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Acquired  Describe the nature of an audit and explain the economic and
legal basis for auditing.
 Demonstrate ability in the use of International Auditing
Standards in various audit issues.
 Assess professional ethics with respect to the audit function and
review the main components of Code of Professional Conduct.
 Examine the auditor's legal liability to clients and third parties.
 Demonstrate expertise in planning and carrying out audit
procedures in accordance with International Auditing Standards
and demonstrate how an auditor documents his work.
 Demonstrate how the auditor obtains an understanding of the
entity and its environment and assesses the risk of material
 Explain how materiality and various risk assessments impact the
audit program.
 Determine the audit procedure needed to audit any assertion.
 Relate Accounting assertions to general and specific audit
objectives, relate audit evidence, and audit objectives to
evidence-gathering decisions.
 Demonstrate ability in carrying out functions of internal control
systems and examine the elements of an internal control structure
and their components.
 Describe the audit report and explain conditions for qualifications
in the audit report.
 Be familiar with the working of the auditing profession in
Course Description The emphasis of this course is on conceptual, theoretical and
practical aspects of auditing financial statements. The course is
designed to develop knowledge, understanding, and practical
application of core external audit processes based on the principles
of international auditing standards.

The course commences with an introduction to assurance and

auditing and proceeds to the discussion of audit profession and
regulatory organizations, International Auditing Standards (ISAs),
professional ethics and legal liability issues for auditors. Next is a
discussion that helps the student to recognize statement assertions,
the evaluation of the risks to which these assertions are susceptible,
and the methodology of planning to assess the degree to which these
risks give rise to error or fraud in financial information. The course
also covers issues of audit evidence, audit methodology, and
emphasizes assessment of the internal control system and its impact
on audit risk. The last part of the course examines the content of an
audit report and the reason for issuing varying types of reports.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. The Nature, Purpose, Scope of Audit and

Assurance Services
1.1 Meaning Of Audit
1.2 Assurance Services: Overview
1.3 Why Audits are Conducted
1.4 Types of Audit and Auditors

2. The auditing profession

2.1. The Regulatory Framework Governing
2.2. International Standards on Auditing (ISA)
2.3. Professional Ethics: Fundamental Principles,
Threats and Safeguards
2.4. Legal Liability of Auditors
2.5. Rights and Duties, Appointment, Dismissal
and Resignation of an Auditor

3. Planning and conducting the Audit

3.1 Client Acceptance and Continuance
3.2. Reasons for Audit planning

3.3. Planning procedures

3.4. Designing of Audit program
3.5. Audit working paper
3.6. Audit risk
3.7. Materiality

4.Audit Responsibility, Objectives, Evidence

and Recording the Audit
4.1. Audit Responsibility
4.2. Accounting Assertions
4.3. Audit Objectives
4.4. Audit Evidence
4.5. Audit Documentation

5. Internal Control
 5.1.Meaning of Internal Control
 5.2.Internal Control and Internal Audit
 5.3.Control Environment
 5.4.Risk Assessment
 5.5.Control Activities
 5.6.Limitation of Internal Control
 5.7. The Auditor's Consideration of internal
6. Auditing and Auditors in Ethiopia

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

6.1. auditing framework in Ethiopia

6.2. Internal audit standard (IIA)

6.3. Financial auditing by internal auditors

6.4. compliance auditing by internal auditors

6.5. performance auditing by internal auditors

6.6. internal audit reports

7. Audit Reports


7.2.Types of audit reports

7.3. Contents of audit reports

7.4. Audit Opinion

Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment

Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Auditing Principles, a System Based Approach, 5th ed.

Howard F., Stettren.
Reference Books

Reference books

 2012 Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing,

Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements
(the handbook).
 Leung P., Coram P., et. all., Modern Auditing and Assurance
Services, 6th Edition, Wiley 2015
 Messier. Glover, Prawitt, Auditing & Assurance Services, 9th
Edition, with ACL software McGraw-Hill ISBN: 978 125
9162343Louwers, T., Ramsay, (2012). Auditing & Assurance
Services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw‐Hill.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 R. Whittington and K. Pany; Principles of Auditing & Other

Assurance Services 19th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin 2014
 Timothy Louwers, Robert Ramsey, et. al., Auditing and
Assurance Services (3rd ed.). Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2008 (ISNB:

Text and reference Text: Wisdom College, subject matter Module , Addis Ababa,
books Ethiopia .

1. Arens, Elder and Beasley. (2016), Auditing and assurance

service ,Global editions : 16th Edition

Reference Books

Reference books

 2012 Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing,

Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements
(the handbook).
 Leung P., Coram P., et. all., Modern Auditing and Assurance
Services, 6th Edition, Wiley 2015
 Messier. Glover, Prawitt, Auditing & Assurance Services, 9th
Edition, with ACL software McGraw-Hill ISBN: 978 125
9162343Louwers, T., Ramsay, (2012). Auditing & Assurance
Services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw‐Hill.
 R. Whittington and K. Pany; Principles of Auditing & Other
Assurance Services 19th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin 2014
 Timothy Louwers, Robert Ramsey, et. al., Auditing and Assurance
Services (3rd ed.). Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2008 (ISNB: 0-07-337936-

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

24. Auditing Principles and Practices II


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn342

Course Title Auditing Principles and Practices II

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn341

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & After studying this course, the student should be able to:
Competences to be
Acquired  Explain why auditors use sampling and apply audit-sampling
techniques for evidence acquisition and evaluation.
 Identify and assess risks of material misstatement at both the
assertion and overall financial statement levels and respond to
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

identified risks by designing and implementing tests of controls

& substantive tests for a variety of financial statement elements
 Apply the concepts of audit planning, risk assessment, and
obtaining an understanding of the internal control structure to
the sales and collection cycle, the acquisition and payments
cycle, the human resources and payroll cycle, the inventory and
distribution cycle and the capital acquisition and repayment
 Complete the audit and describe the procedures required for
completing the audit, including reviews for contingent
liabilities and subsequent events.
 Recognize the major effects of computerization of accounting
systems on a company's operations and on the audit approach
and explain the use of computer-assisted audit techniques
 Be committed to bringing about a prevalence of good reporting
practice and contribute to the pursuit of social justice and
Course Description The course builds on the knowledge gained in Auditing I. It
covers an in depth practical aspects of topics introduced in
Auditing I and brings in new concepts as well. The course
introduces audit sampling in general and goes on to application of
statistical tools in tests of controls and balances. The technical
application of auditing procedures for balance sheet and income
statement accounts in an audit undertaking are the foremost
subject matters of the course. Audit of systems that include EDP
application along with tools and techniques used in evaluation and
understanding of internal control in such environments will be

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. Sampling in Auditing
1.1 Rationale for and methods of Audit
1.2 Audit sampling for tests of controls
1.3 Audit sampling for substantive tests
1. Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle
1.1 Overview of the cycle
1.2 Key Internal Control
1.3 Tests of Controls & Substantive Tests of
1.4 Tests of Details of Balances
2. Audit of Payroll and Personnel cycle
2.1 Overview of the cycle
2.2 Key Internal Control

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2.3 Tests of Controls & Substantive Tests of

2.4 Tests of Details of Balances

3. Audit of Acquisition and Payment Cycle

3.1 Overview of the cycle
3.2 Key Internal Control
3.3 Tests of Controls & Substantive Tests of
3.4 Tests of Details of Balances of Accounts
3.5 Tests of Details of Property, Plant and
3.6 Tests of Details of Other accounts
4. Audit of Inventory and Warehouse Cycle
4.1 Nature of inventory
4.2 Control activities and Tests of Controls
4.3 Auditing Cost accounting
4.4 Observing physical inventory
4.5 Tests of pricing and compilation

5. Audit of the Capital and Repayment Cycle

5.1 Overview of the cycle
5.2 Key Internal Control
5.3 Auditing Long-term debt
5.4 Auditing Capital stock
5.5 Auditing Dividends
5.6 Auditing Retained Earnings

6. Audit of Cash Balances

6.1 Cash in the Bank and transaction Cycles
6.2 Audit of the General Cash Account
6.3 Audit of Imprest Bank account and Petty
7. Completing the Audit
7.1 Review of Contingent Liabilities and
7.2 Review of Subsequent Events
7.3 Communication with the Audit Committee
and Management
7.4 Accounting Letter
8. Auditing computerized Accounting system
8.1 impact of IT on the audit process
8.2 control in a computerized environments
8.3 computer assisted audit techniques

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

8.4 CIS audit approaches
8.5 Auditing “around” the computer
8.6 Auditing with use of the computer
Teaching & Learning  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-
Methods/strategy assessment questions and activities, answer keys and feedback,
lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions
collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for each
chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full
and active participation of students is highly encouraged.

Assessment/Evaluatio Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Auditing Principles, a System Based Approach, 5th
ed. Howard F., Stettren.

Reference Books

 2012 Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing,

Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services
Pronouncements (the handbook).
 Leung P., Coram P., et. all., Modern Auditing and Assurance
Services, 6th Edition, Wiley 2015
 Messier. Glover, Prawitt, Auditing & Assurance Services, 9th
Edition, with ACL software McGraw-Hill ISBN: 978 125
9162343Louwers, T., Ramsay, (2012). Auditing & Assurance
Services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw‐Hill.
 R. Whittington and K. Pany; Principles of Auditing & Other
Assurance Services 19th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin 2014
 Timothy Louwers, Robert Ramsey, et. al., Auditing and
Assurance Services (3rd ed.). Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2008
(ISNB: 0-07-337936-0).

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

25. Senior Research project in Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number AcFn372

Course Title Senior Research Report in Accounting and Finance

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Status of the Course

perquisites AcFn361, AcFn342

ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives &  Demonstrate the application of research projects to test the
Competences to be theoretical aspects such as principles, concepts, assumptions
Acquired and methods of accounting and finance into applications in the
selected organization and then to draw conclusion and provide
feasible recommendations based on identified problems
Course Description As part of the requirements of Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Accounting and Finance, students will be required to write an
essay (a supervised research project) pertaining to the field of
accounting and finance under the supervision of an advisor
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

assigned by the department. To this end, students are expected to

produce a comprehensive research proposal based on selected and
approved research topic and collect relevant literature from books,
journals, periodicals, internet sources etc.

Assessment/Evaluatio The evaluation scheme will be as follows:

Advisor Evaluation 60%

Examiners evaluations 40%

18.2 Common Courses

1. Introduction to Management


Accounting and Finance Program

Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name Cr. Hr CP/ETCTS

Mgmt111 Introduction to Management 3 5

Mgmt122 Principles of Marketing 3 5

Course Information

Course Number Mgmt111

Course Title Introduction to Management

Status of the Course


Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Coordinator


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Course Objectives & The course enables students to:

Competences to be
Acquired  Define the term management, basic concepts and principles of
 Explain the general overview of Accounting in relation to its
importance, roles, skills and universality
 Acquire sound understanding of the nature and practice of
 Develop a comprehensive understanding of basic concepts of
Accounting functions.
Course Description This course focuses on the basic concepts and principles of
management, the functions of planning, organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling, and their relationships to key issues in
Accounting practices, such as leadership and motivation. Decision
making and effective communication are also discussed.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1&2 1. Fundamentals Of Management

1.1. Definition of Management
1.2. Significance of Management
1.3. Managerial Functions an Overview
1.4. Levels of Accounting and Types of
1.5. Managerial Roles and Skills
1.6. Universality of Management
1.7. Is Accounting an art, science, or
3, 4, & 5 2. Managerial Planning
2.1. Concepts and Need for planning
2.2. Types of plans
2.3. Planning process
2.4. Objectives
2.5. Planning Techniques
6, 7, & 8 3. Decision Making
3.1. Meaning of decision making
3.2. Rational decision making process
3.3. Types (programmed and non-
programmed decisions).
9 & 10 4. The Organization Function
4.1. Concept of organizing and
4.2. Formal and Informal Organization
4.3. Organization chart
4.4. Departmentalization: Meaning and
4.5. Span of Accounting
4.6. Authority and power: source of power
4.7. Line and staff authority
4.8. Delegation, centralization and
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4.9. Groups and Committees

11 & 12 5. Staffing And Organization
5.1. The procurement function
5.2. Training and development function
5.3. Maintenance and utilization
5.4. Separation
13 & 14 6. Directing Function
6.1. Meaning and the need for leadership
6.2. Concept and meanings of Leadership
6.3. Concept and meaning of Leadership
6.4. Motivation
6.4.1. The concept of motivation
6.4.2. Theories of motivation
15 & 16 7. The Controlling Function
7.1. Meaning and need for control
7.2. Control process
7.3. Types of control
7.4. Techniques of control
7.5. Effective control system
Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. The full and active
participation of students is highly encouraged.

Assessment/Evaluation learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Management concepts and application Leon. C.

Megginson Donald C. mos paulh pietric JR 4th edition

Reference Books

 C.B Gubta, “Business Organization and Management”,

Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi.
 David R. Hampton, “contemporary management”, McGraw
Hill Inc., New York, 1981.
 Ernest Dale. “Management. Theory and Practices.” McGraw
Hill Inc. New York, 1981.
 Fred Luthans, “Introduction to Management, A Contingency
Approach”, McGraw Hill Book Company New York,
 George R. Terry and Stephen G. Franklin, “Principles of
management”, All India Traveller book Sellen New Delhi,
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 Harold Koonz, Cyril O’Donnell and Heinz Weihrich,
“Management”, McGraw Hill International New York,
 Henry sisik, “Accounting and Organization”, South Western
publishing Co., Chicago, 1982.
 Peter F. Druker, “Management: Task and Responsibility”,
IIaper & Row, New York, 1973.
 Peter F. Druker,” The practice of management” Haper &
Brothers, New York, 1986.
 Samul C. Certo, “Principles of Modern Management”, Allyn
and Bacon Inc., Boston, 1986.
 Y.K Bushan, “Fundamentals of business Organization and
Management”, Sultan chand & sons, New Delhi.
 Robert N. Lussier, Management: concepts, Applications, and
skil development, “South western college publishing,
 Richard m. Hodgets & Donald F. Kuralko, “Management,”
Harcount Brace Jovanovich publishers, 1991, third ed.
 Plunkett and Attner, Introduction to management,
Wadsworth publishing company, 1994. 5th ed. And 6th ed.
 R.D Agrawal “ Organization & Management” New Delhi
 Bantie et. al., Introduction to Management.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2, Principles of Marketing


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number Mgmt122

Status of the Course

prerequisite Mgmt111

Course Title Principles of Marketing

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Basic Accounting Concepts


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
Competences to be
Acquired  Define basic/core marketing principles/ concepts
 Describe the marketing plan process and strategy
 Identify and analyze marketing environment
 Explain the bases of market segmentation and consumer
buying behavior
 Define and classify products/ product mix
 Explain the importance and role of product development ;
 Discuss marketing channel concept, examine the structure and
function of the channel system, physical distribution and
materials management
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 Describe the role of promotion mix and identify factors

affecting the choice of promotional methods.
 Analyze the importance of pricing and examine key factors
that may influence marketers pricing decisions
Course Description The course covers an overview of marketing, the marketing
environment, types of markets, product decision, product
development, branding and packaging, pricing decisions, factors
influencing' pricing, pricing techniques, distribution decision:
channel and physical distribution decision, promotion decision:
types of promotional messages and media.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1, 2, & 3 1. An Overview Of Marketing And Marketing

1.1. Marketing and its core concepts
1.2. Philosophies of marketing
1.3. Importance of marketing
1.4. Scope of marketing
1.5. Companies’ orientation to marketing
1.6. Goals of marketing system
4&5 2. Marketing Environments
2.1. Meaning of marketing Environment
2.2. Internal and External Marketing
environmental Elements
6, 7, & 8 3. Buying Behavior
3.1. Consumer buying behavior
3.1.1. The buyers decision process
3.1.2. Major factors influencing buying
3.1.3. Consumer buying, role
3.2. Organizational buying behavior
3.2.1. Characteristics of Business Market
3.2.2. Buying situations in organizational
3.2.3. Decision making process in
organizational buying
3.2.4. Influence on organizational buying
9, 10, & 11 4. Market Segmentation, Targeting And

4.1. Market segmentation

4.1.1. Meaning of Market segmentation
4.1.2. Basis of segmenting the market
4.1.3. Importance of Segmentation
4.1.4. Procedures of Market Segmentation
4.2. Targeting the Market
4.3. The concept of positioning
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 5. Managing Marketing Mix Elements

5.1. Product planning
5.1.1. Meaning of a product
5.1.2. Classification of a product
5.1.3. Product Life cycle
5.1.4. New Product Development
5.1.5. The Concept of Product Mix
and Product Line Introduction
to Branding, Packaging 'and
5.2. Pricing Decision
5.2.1. Meaning of Price
5.2.2. Pricing Objectives
5.2.3. Factors Affecting Pricing
5.2.4. General Approach to Pricing
5.3. Placing the Product
5.3.1. Meaning and Importance of
5.3.2. Factors Influencing channel
5.3.3. Channel Decision
5.4. Promoting the product
5.4.1. Meaning of Promotion
5.4.2. The purpose of promotion
5.4.3. Promotional Mix Elements: Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relation and
publicity Personal Selling
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests
70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter grades
according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each
course is going to have its own modalities for assessment.

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Kotler Philip, (2004). Principles of Marketing, 10th Ed.
Prentice-Hall Inc, New Delhi

Reference Books

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 Stephen R. Robins, Organizational Behavior, Concepts,

Controversies and applications, 7th Edition, 1996.
 Plunkett and Attner, Accounting 6th Edition.
 Koonerty Wethrich, Management, 9th edition.
 Georgerr Terry, Principles of Management, 5th Edition.

3. Business and Company Law


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number Law222

Course Title Business and Company Law

Status of the Course


Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Business Law


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & The course enables students to have a broad understanding of the
Competences to be environment of business and the statutory provisions that affect
Acquired the business operations and decisions.

Course Description The primary focus of this course is to introduce students with the
concept, principles, and legal framework governing business
transactions, negotiations, undertakings, and contracts. The course
will pay a closer look at the labor law and the commercial code of
Ethiopia. It is aimed at exposing students to the law of contract
(Such as the contract of sale, insurance, and Agency), commercial
instruments, and commercial undertakings.

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WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1&2 1. General Introduction

1.1. Definition of Law
1.2. Functions of Law
1.3. Meaning of Business Law
1.4. Nature of Business Law
1.5. Sources of Business Law
3 2. Legal Personality
2.1. The concept of the term "personality"
2.2. Physical Persons
2.3. Juridical persons
4&5 3. Business And Business Entities
3.1. Definition
3.2. Elements of a Business
3.3. Different kinds of Business Entities
3.3.1. Sole proprietorship
3.3.2. Partnership
3.3.3. Private companies
3.3.4. Public companies
6, 7 , 8 & 9 4. Law Of Contracts
4.1. Contracts In General
4.1.1. Definition
4.1.2. Formation and Elements of
contracts Capacity of the parties Consent of the parties Defect in consent Object of contract Form of contract
4.1.3. Effect of contract
4.1.4. Extinction of Obligations
4.1.5. Contract Administration
4.2. Law Of Agency
4.2.1. Definition
4.2.2. Source of Agency
4.2.3. Scope of agency
4.2.4. Duties of Agent
4.2.5. Duties of principal
4.3. Law Of Sale Of Goods
4.3.1. Definition
4.3.2. Obligations of Seller
4.3.3. Obligation of Buyer
4.3.4. Common Obligations
4.3.5. Transfer of Risks
4.4. Law Of Insurance
4.4.1. Definition
4.4.2. Types of Insurance
4.4.3. Insurance policy
4.4.4. Rights and Duties of the parties
4.4.5. Insurance of persons

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10 & 11 5. Law Of Negotiable Instruments

5.1. Definition
5.2. Bills of Exchange
5.3. Promissory Notes
5.4. Cheques
12 & 13 6. Law Of Banking Transaction
6.1. Deposits
6.2. Hiring of Safes
6.3. Contracts for current accounts
6.4. Discount
6.5. Credit transactions
14 & 15 7. Labor Law
7.1. Contracts of employment
7.2. Formation and terms of the
employment contract
7.3. Work of employee-contractual duties
7.4. Wages and working conditions to
7.5. Employer duties-Health, Safety and
7.6. Termination of the employment
Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment
Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio Distance learners' performance is assessed on the basis of

n Continuous Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and
supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then converted into
letter grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for
computation. Each course is going to have its own modalities for

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. The Law of Physical persons: Commentary on the
Civil Code of Ethiopia by Jacques Vandorlinded

Reference Books

 The Civil Code of Ethiopia, 1960

 The Commercial Code of Ethiopia, 1960.
 Rene David, Commentary on Contracts in Ethiopia, 1973
 Krezeczunowicz, Formation and Effects of Contracts in
Ethiopian Law, 1983
 S.P.Iyengar and B.K. Goyal, Business Law, 1996
 A.K. Sen and lK.Mitra, Commercial Law including

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company Law, 1998

4. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number Mgmt312

Course Title Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Status of the Course

prerequisite AcFn112


ETCTS Credits 3

Credit Hrs 2

Course Objectives & . The course will help the students to gain basic concepts that can
Competences to be help to consider entrepreneurial career. The specific objectives of
the course are to help students:
o To identify entrepreneurship as a career and lifestyle option
o To build on business skills such as marketing and accounting
o To increase self awareness, especially work ethic
o To become acquainted with business leaders
o To develop a mindset for business and develop confidence
o To gain a "life role" credit after successful completion of the

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Course Description This course discusses entrepreneurship theory, characteristics and

background of entrepreneurs, issues related to starting a new
venture, developing and using a business plan, financing a new
venture, managing one’s own business, and other related issues with
particular emphasis to the Ethiopian economic environment. The
course has lecture component, case analysis, and project work.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Entrepreneurship and Free


1.1. Definition and philosophy

1.2. History

1.3. Role within the economy

1.4 Entrepreneurship, creativity and Innovation

Chapter Two: Small Business

2.1 Definition and importance

2.2 Economic social & political aspects of small

business enterprise

2.3 Small Business Failure factors.

2.4 Problems in Ethiopia small business

2.5 Setting Small Business

2.5.1 What is Basic Business Idea?

2.5.2 What project an Entrepreneu should


2.5.3 Definition of industry and small scale

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2.5.4 Steps in setting a small scale unit

Chapter Three: Business Planning

3.1 The concept of business planning

3.2 Feasibility planning

3.3 The business plan

3.4 Developing a business plan

Chapter Four: Product and Service Concept

4.1 Product technology

4.2 Product development process

4.3 Product protection

4.3.1 Patents

4.3.2 Trademarks

4.3.3 Copyrighting

Chapter Five: Marketing and New Venture


5.1 Marketing research

5.2 Marketing intelligence

5.3 Competitive analysis

5.4 Marketing strategies

5.5 International markets

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Chapter Six: Organizing and Financing the New


6.1 Entrepreneurial team and business formation

6.2. Sources of financing

6.2.1 Asset management

6.2.2 Equity Financing

6.2.3 Venture Capital

6.2.4 Debt financing

6.2.5 Government Programs

Chapter Seven: Managing Growth and


7.1. Preparing for the launch of the venture

7.2. Managing early growth of venture

7.3. New venture expansion strategies and Issues

(Mergers, Acquisitions, Licensing and Franchising)

Teaching & Learning Teaching-Learning will be tutorial based lecture and

Methods/strategy is aimed at developing students' greater
independence as individual thinkers and as
individuals who are capable of working
independently as well as in groups. There shall also
be live recorded lectures on CDs /VCDs to
supplement student’s independent works. In all the
modules of the courses of the program, learner-
centered teaching approach is pursued. That is, the
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students are given the opportunity to learn by doing.

Assessment/Evaluatio Assessment Method Point

Test - 1

Test - 2

Class activity and Participation 5%

Assignment (individual and/or group) 15%

Final Exam 50%

Total Points

Text and reference T EXT BOOK

1. Hisrich, Robert D & Peters, Michael P.,
Entrepreneurship: Developing and
managing a new enterprise, Richard D
Irwin, In., 1998


1. Desao, Vasant, Dynamics of

Entrepreneurial Development and
Management Himalya publishing House,
2. Corrnwell, Jeffary R. and Permian, Baron,
Organizational Entrepreneurship Richard D
Irwin inc. 1990
3. Baumbak, Clifford M., Basic small business
management. Prentice - Hall Inc., 1983
4. D.R stokes. Small Business Management an
active Learning Approach London 1992.

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Accounting and Finance Program

Course Code Econ 201

Course Title Microeconomics

Status of the Course


ETCTS Credits


Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Credit Hours 4

Course Objectives & Upon successfully completing this course, the students should be able
Competences to be to:
Identify the fundamental concept of individual decision-making units
such as consumers, business firms and resource owners and income
Acquaint the students with the neoclassical theory of consumer
behavior, how each consumer makes decision to maximize her/his
Provide the students with a detailed theory of production and cost,
how firms organize their production process, how firms decide to
minimize costs.
Offer a deeper understanding of the different market structures and
how firms behave under perfectly competitive, pure monopoly,
monopolistically competitive and oligopoly markets.
Course Description This course covers theories of consumer behavior, producer behavior
and theories of market structure. It begins presenting the assumptions

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underlying each theory; it proceeds on analyzing the behavior of

economic unit (the consumer or producer) in an attempt to meet its
objective and finding the equilibrium of these economic units.

WEEKS Course Contents



1.1.Consumer Preferences and Choices

1.1.1. Consumer Preference
1.1.2. Utility
1.2. Approaches to measure Utility
1.2.1. The Cardinal Utility approach Assumptions of Cardinal Utility
theory Total and Marginal Utility Law of diminishing marginal Utility
(LDMU) Equilibrium of a consumer Derivation of the Cardinalist Demand
1.2.2. The Ordinal Utility Approach Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
approach Indifference Set, Curve and Map Properties of Indifference Curves The Marginal rate of substitution
(MRS) Types of Indifference Curves
1.2.3. The Budget Line or the Price line Factors Affecting the Budget Line Effects of changes in income Effects of Changes in Price
1.2.4. Optimum of the Consumer Effects of Changes in Income and
Prices on Consumer optimum Changes in Income: Income
Consumption Curve and the Engel Curve Changes in Price: Price Consumption
Curve (PCC) Decomposition of Income and
Substitution Effects (normal, inferior or
giffen goods) Derivation of market demand curve Elasticity of demand

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Expected utility

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2.3. Risk aversion

2.4. Diversification
2.5. Risk spreading

3.1. Production function

3.2. Laws of production
3.2.1. The law of variable proportions
3.3. Laws of returns to scale
3.4. Choice of optimal combination of factors of


4.1. Short-Run Costs

4.2. Long-Run Costs
4.3. Derivation of Cost Functions from
4.4. Production functions
4.5. Dynamic Changes in Costs- the Learning Curve

5.1. Perfect Competition Market

5.1.1. The Short-Run Equilibrium of the Firm and
5.1.2. Market Equilibrium
5.1.3. The Long-Run Equilibrium of the Firmand
5.2. Monopolistic Competition
5.3. Oligopoly
5.4. Monopoly
Text and reference T EXT BOOK
1. Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern
Approach, 4th ed. A.
2. Koutsyiannis, Modern Microeconomics


 A. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics

 H.S. Agrawal, Principles of Economics, 7th edition.
 Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern

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Approach, Forth Edition

 R.S Pindyck and D.L.Rubinifeld, Microeconomics
 E. Mansfield, Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
 Robert H. Frank, Microeconomics and Behaviour
 Any other Intermediate Microeconomics text book can also be
used as a supplementary reading material.

Assessment/Evaluation Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. Take-home assignment
will be given at the end of each chapter for submission within a
week. Solution to the assignments will be given once assignments
are collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for each
chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full and
active participation of students is highly encouraged.

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6. Macroecenomics

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Code Econ 202

Course Title Macroeconomics

Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Status of the Course


ETCTS Credits

Prerequisites Econ 201

Credit Hours 3

Course Objectives & In this course, students are exposed to look at the aggregate analysis
Competences to be of an economy and the interrelationship between various aggregate
Acquired economic variables. It also incorporates the monetary and fiscal policy
instruments through which government can influence the value and
dynamics of aggregate economic variables and thereby the
performance of economies. It also presents the analysis of
transmission mechanism of the effect of macroeconomic policies on
the behavior of economic agents. Generally, the course enhances the
knowledge of the students regarding the functioning of the economy
as a whole as well as the rest of the world thereby to develop a closer
link between academic learning and the professional practice in
analyzing various economic aspects.

Course Description This course focuses mainly on short run analysis of an economy or
business cycle. Hence, the main aim of this course is to present and
discuss the different views of economists (as represented by school of

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thought) on how an economy behaves in the short run, how

equilibrium is achieved in the short run, and the role of market forces
and government in short run economic stabilization. For this purpose,
this part is divided in to three parts: Introduction, aggregate demand
and supply analysis of a closed economy, and the analysis of open
economy macroeconomics.

WEEKS Course Contents



1.1. What macroeconomics is about?

1.2. Basic Concepts and Methods of Macroeconomics
1.3. Analysis
1.4. Macroeconomic Goals and Instruments
1.5. The State of Macroeconomics: Evolution and
Recent Developments
1.5.1. Classical macroeconomics
1.5.2. Keynesian macroeconomics
1.5.3. Neo-classical macroeconomics

2.1. The concepts of GDP and GNP

2.2. Approaches of measuring national income
2.3. Nominal versus Real GDP
2.4. The GDP Deflator and the Consumer Price Index
2.5. GDP and Welfare
2.6. The Business Cycle
2.7. Unemployment and Inflation

3.1. Foundations of Theory of Aggregate Demand

3.2. The Goods Market and the IS curve
3.3. The Money market and the LM curve
3.4. The Short Run Equilibrium
3.5. From the IS-LM to Aggregate demand

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4.1. International flows of Capital Goods

4.2. Saving and Investment in the Small Open
4.3. Exchange rates
4.4. The Mundell-Fleming model
4.5. fiscal and monetary policies in an open economy
with perfect capital mobility
4.5.1. Fixed exchange rate
4.5.2. Floating exchange rate
4.5.3. Limitations of the Mundell-Fleming model
12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 CHAPTER 5- AGGREGATE SUPPLY

5.1. Introduction
5.2. The Classical Approach to Aggregate Supply
5.3. The Keynesian approach to Aggregate Supply
5.3.1. The Sticky Price model
5.3.2. The Sticky Wage Model
5.3.3. The worker- misperception model
5.3.4. Imperfect information Analysis
Text and reference T EXT BOOK
1. N. Gregory Mankiw, (2007). Macroeconomics 4th edition
Worth Publishers USA
2. William H. Branson, (2006). Macroeconomic Theory and
Additional readings

 Eduard Shapiro, 2007. Macroeconomic Analysis 5th edition

New Delhi
 Olivier Blanchard, 1997.Macroeconomics Prentice Hall Inc.
New jersey USA
 Frederick Mishkin, 1998. The Economics of Money, Banking
and Financial Markets 5th edition USA.
 Colander, 2001. Macreconomics 4th edition Newyork
Assessment/Evaluation ' Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous
Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,

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Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. Take-home assignment

will be given at the end of each chapter for submission within a
week. Solution to the assignments will be given once assignments
are collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for each
chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full and
active participation of students is highly encouraged.

7. Operation Research


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Title: Operations Research
Status of the Course:
Prerequisites: BUMA-212
Degree Program: BA Degree in Accounting and Finance
ETCTS Credits:
Course Number:
Credit hours: 4
Course Description: Operations Research (OR) as one of the quantitative aid to decision
making offers the decision-maker a method of evaluating every possible alternative (act or
course of action) by using various techniques to know the potential outcomes. It includes
Models and modeling, linear programming, transportation models, assignment models, decision
models, project management techniques, and queuing models
Course Objective:
At the end of this course, students should be able to
 Know significance of OR in managerial decision making
 Understand the different models of OR.
 Appreciate the application of OR model in solving different quantitative problem.
Status of the Course:Core
Teaching and Learning Methods: Tutorials, self-study, home-take assignments
Evaluation Scheme: Assignment – 30% and Final Exam – 70%

Course Content

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Operations Research

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1.1. The History of Operations Research

1.2. Nature and significance of operations research

1.3. Features of Operations Research

1.4. Model and modeling in Operations Research

Chapter 2 - Linear Programming

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Structure of Linear Programming Model

2.3. Application Area of LP

2.4. Graphical Solutions of LPP

2.5. Special Case in LPP

2.6. The Simplex Method

2.7. Some complication and their Resolution

2.7.1. Unrestricted variables

2.7.2. Tie for leaving and entering variables

2.8. Duality in LPP

2.9. Sensitivity Analysis

Chapter 3 - Transportation and Assignment Problems

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Methods for Finding Initial Solution

3.3. Test for Optimality

3.4. Variation in Transportation

3.4.1. Unbalanced supply and demand

3.4.2. Degeneracy

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3.4.3. Alternate optimal solution

3.4.4. Prohibited transportation routes

3.5. Maximization Transportation problems

3.6. Solution method for Assignment problem

3.7. Special case in Assignment Problems

Chapter 4 - Decision Theory

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Types of Decision Making Environment

4.3. Decision making under Uncertainty

4.4. Decision making Under Risk

4.5. Decision making Under Certainty

4.6 Decision Making with Utilities

Chapter 5 - Network Models

5.1. General network concepts

5.2. Networking algorithms

5.3. Basic Difference Between PERT and CPM

5.4. PERT/CPM Network Components and precedence Relationship

5.5. Critical Path Analysis

5.5.1. Forward pass method

5.5.2. Backward pass method

5.6. Project Scheduling with Uncertain Activity Times

5.7. Project cost and Crashing

Chapter 6 - Game Theory

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6.1. Introduction

6.2. Two person Zero-Sum Game

6.3. Pure Strategies: Game with Saddle Point

6.4. Mixed Strategies: Game without Saddle Point


 A.R. Ravindran, “Operations Research Methodologies”, 2011; CRC Press, New York


 Stevenson, WJ. (2008). Introduction to Management Science. USA: Richard Irwin

 Ragsdale C (2008). Managerial Decision Modeling. Revised Edition. UK: Southwestern


 Efraim, T., Ramesh, S., &Dersun,D., (2012). Decision Support and Business
Intelligence system. 4th ed., Pearson.

 Anderson, D.,et al. (2011) Introduction to Management Science Quantitative approaches

to decision making, 13th Edition, South Western Publishers.

 Veerachamy, R. & Kumar, VR. (2010). Operations Research. New Delhi: IK

International Publishers.

 Rajagopal, K. (2012). Operations Research. Easter Economy Edition.. New Delhi: PHI.

 Kros J (2008). Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decision. International edition. USA:
The McGraw-Hill Companies

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

18.3 Supportive Courses

1. Civics and Ethical Education


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number: CvEt101

Course Title: Civics and Ethical Education

Status of the Course:


Degree Program: BA Degree in Accounting and Finance



Credit Hrs: 3

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Understand the subject matter of Civics and Ethics;

 Explain and exercise civil virtues and ethical values and norms;
 Know the civic, social and political dimension of their lives and the importance of
active participative citizens to the life of the state and all people
 Develop positive attitude towards the values and principles of democracy
 Know the concept of democracy and good governance;
 Understand the essence of constitution, and constitutionalism; and know the types
and functions of constitution
 Examine the Ethiopia’s experience in constitutional development;
 Understand the interdependence of Environment and development;
 Develop positive attitudes towards environment, environmental protection and
 Know the concept of development and developmental Ethics;
 Appreciate diversity and develop the culture of active tolerance
 Critically assess the practices and challenges of democracy and good governance
in a multi-cultural Ethiopia.

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This course is aimed at cultivating the students to participate actively in the public life
using their democratic rights and discharging their responsibilities with the necessary
knowledge and skills, to develop their ethical awareness and reflection, and decision-
making ability. Thus, the module will help students develop civic competences and
become visionary citizens who are concerned with issues affecting their country and the
world at large.

Course Contents Reading

1 Civics and Ethics

1.1. Understanding the Meaning and
Scope of Civics and Ethics
1.2. Rationales of Civics and Ethics
1.3. Competences of Good Citizens
1.4. Ethics and Citizenship
1.5. Principles of Ethics
1.6. Development Ethics
1.7. Environmental Ethics and
1.8. Professional Ethics and
2 Civics as a Study of Society, State and
Government in Ethiopia
2.1. Conceptual framework
2.1.1. Understanding Society
2.1.2. Understanding State
2.1.3. State Structures
2.2. Defining Government
2.2.1. Forms of Government
2.2.2. Branches of Government
3. Civic and Ethical Education in Ethiopia
3.1. Ethiopian Society, State and
Government: Historical Overview
3.2. Federalism in Ethiopian context
3.3. Parliamentary Structure of
3.3.1. Main Features of
Parliamentary Structure of
3.3.2. Powers and Functions of the
Executive, Legislature and
4. Democracy and Good Governance in
4.1. Conceptual Framework:
Understanding Democracy and Good
4.1.1. Defining Democracy
4.1.2. Fundamental Principles and
Values of Democracy
4.1.3. Ways of Exercising
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Democracy: Substantive and

Procedural Views of
4.1.4. The Dynamics of
Democratization process
4.1.5. Democratic Elections
4.1.6. Principles of Democratic
4.2. Good Governance
4.2.1. Defining Good Governance
4.2.2. The Relationship of Good
Governance and Democracy
4.3. The setting of Democracy and
Good Governance in a multicultural
5. Constitution and Constitutionalism
5.1. Defining Constitution and
5.2. The Origin and Development of
5.2.1. Major Features of a
5.2.2. Fundamental Constitutional
5.3. Major Purposes and Functions of
5.4. Modern Classification of
5.5. Constitutional Development in
5.5.1. Traditional Constitutions of
5.5.2. The 1931 Written Constitution
5.5.3. The 1955 Revised
5.5.4. The 1987 Constitution
5.5.5. The 1991 Transitional Charter
5.5.6. The 1995 Constitution
6. Globalization and Citizenship: Challenges
and Prospects
6.1. Meaning of Globalization
6.2. Economic Globalization
6.3. Financial Globalization
6.4. Cultural Globalization
6.5. State, Globalization and Citizenship
Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions and activities,
answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions.
Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous Evaluation, which includes
TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter
grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

to have its own modalities for assessment


1. R. Ball Alan, Modern politics and Government Hong king 1978

Reference Books

 Alexander, Larry (ed.).1998. Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Assefa Fisseha. 2006. Federalism and Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity in
Ethiopia: Comparative Study. Utrecht: Wolf Legal Publishers.
 Boss, J. 1998. Perspective on Ethics. London: Mayfield Publishing Company.
 Charles F. Kettering Foundation, & Harwood Group.1991. Citizens and politics: a
view from Main Street America. Dayton, Ohio: The Foundation.
 Clampham, Christopher .1969. Haile-Selassie’s Government. Praeger: New
 Ehrlich, T. 2000. Civic responsibility and higher education. Phoenix, Az: Oryx
 Fasil Nahum. 1997. Constitution for a Nation of Nations: The Ethiopian Prospect.
Lawrenceville,NJ: Red Sea Publishers.
 FDRE. 1995. The Constitution of the Federal Democratic of Ethiopia
 Frechette,S. 1981. Environmental Ethics. U.S.A.: The Boxwood Press.
 Goodin, Robert E. 2005. Reflective Democracy. Oxford University Press: New
 Harrop, Martin and William L. (1987). Elections and Voters: A Comparative
Introduction. London: The Macmillan Press LTD.
 Held, David .1996. Models of Democracy. Cambridge Polity Press: Cambridge.
 James Paul and Clapham .1972. Ethiopian Constitutional Development: A source
book. Haile Selassie I university: Mizan Tepi.
 Jeavons, T. (1991). Learning for the common good: liberal education, civic
education, and teaching about philanthropy. Washington, DC: Association of
American Colleges.
 Macedo, S. (2000). Diversity and distrust: civic education in a multicultural
democracy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
 Melzer, A. M., Weinberger, J., & Zinman, M. R. (1998). Multiculturalism and
American Democracy. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.
 Niemi, R. G., & Junn, J. (1998). Civic education : what makes students learn. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
 Nzongola, Ntalajia and Margaret C. 1998. The State and Democracy in Africa.
Asmara: Africa World Pres.
 Oppenheim, A. N. (1977). Civic education and participation in democracy : the
German case. London ; Beverly Hills: Sage.
 Penrose, W. O. (1952). Freedom is ourselves: Legal rights and duties of the citizen
as a basis for civic education. Newark: University of Delaware Press.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2. General to Psychology


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number Psyc101

Status of the Course


Course Title General to Psychology

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & Upon completion of this course, students would be able to:
Competences to be
Acquired  Understand the essence of Psychology and become conversant
of the concepts and key issues in the field.
 Comprehend why psychology is characterized as scientific
discipline along with other arguments to the contrary.
 Appreciate the complexities of human behavior and be
reasonably skeptical of assertions made in the name of research
or science in general.
 Have a grasp of the current thinking in the areas of sensation,
perception, emotion, motivation, learning, memory, forgetting,
personality and abnormal behaviors.
Course Description This course introduces students from other disciplines with the
concepts, theories, methods and the core subjects in the field of
Psychology. In short, it is intended to provide an overview of the
field of Psychology as a science of human behavior and mental
process and show how this knowledge can be used to improve
human life.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1. The Essence of Psychology

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1.1. Meaning and Definition of psychology

1.2. Methods in psychology
1.3. Sub-fields in psychology
2. Sensation And Perception
2.1. Sensation and the senses
2.2. Perception
2.3. Perceptual Organization
2.3.1. Depth and Distance Perception
2.3.2. Movement perception
2.3.3. Factors that influence perception-
Selective Attention
2.3.4. Visual Constancy: When seeing is
2.3.5. Visual Illusions: When seeing is
2.4. Extrasensory Perception: Reality or Illusion?
3. Learning
3.1. Classical Conditioning
3.2. Operant Conditioning
3.3. Cognitive Learning

4. Memory: The Information Processing


4.1. Sensory register/Sensory Memory

4.2. Short Term Memory
4.3. Long Term Memory
4.4. Forgetting
4.5. Improving Memory: Some Strategies
5. Motivation
5.1. Nature of Motivation
5.2. Theories of Motivation
5.3. Classification of Motives
5.4. Conflicts of Motives and frustration
6. Emotion And Stress
6.1. Emotion
6.1.1. Expression and Perception of
6.1.2. Theories of Emotion
6.2. Stress
6.2.1. Types of stressors
6.2.2. Correlates of Stress: Factors that
influence stressfulness of events
6.2.3. Coping with Stress
7. Personality
7.1. Definition
7.2. Major Personality Theories and Approaches
7.3. Assessing Personality
8. Abnormal Psychology
8.1. Definitions of abnormality
8.2. Perspectives/theories on abnormal behavior
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

8.3. Classification and description of psychological

8.4. Treatment of psychological disorders
8.4.1. Treatment approaches
8.4.2. Modes of therapy
Teaching & Learning  Provision of self-learning material, individual self-
Methods/strategy assessment questions and activities, answer keys and
feedback, lecture and discussion during face-to-face tutorial
Assessment/Evaluatio 'Learners performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous
n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Morgan T. Clifford, et al (1996). Introduction to Psychology

(7th.ed). New York:
2. BST Graw-Hill Book Company.
3. James W(1986). Introduction to psychology. Belmon
Wadsworth Pub. Comp
4. FeLDSman Roberts, (1990). Understanding Psychology 2nd
ed. USA.
5. Gazaniga, Michale S. (1980). Psychology, San Francisco:
Haper &Row Pub.
6. Huffman Karen, etal ( 1987). Psychology in action.
7. Papalia, Diane E. & OLDS SallyWendkos
(1985).Psychology. BST Graw-Hill Book Company.
Reference Books

 Morgan, T. Clifford, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, and

John Schopler.(1996). Introduction to psychology. (7th Ed.)
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
 Baron, A, Robert. (1995). Psychology. Prince-Hall of India:
New Delhi.
 Davidhoff, L. Linda. Introduction to psychology.(3rd Ed.)
New York: McGraw-Hill Company.
 Huffman, K,Mark Vernoy and Barbara Williams.(1987).
Psychology in Action. John Willy and Sons New York
 Kalat, W.James. (1986). Introduction to psychology.
Wadsworth Inc: California.
 Morris, G. Charles. (1990). Psychology. An introduction.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

(7th Ed.). Prince-Hall: New Jersey.

 Myers, G. David. (1995). Psychology. USA: Worth
 Papalia, E. Diane and Sally Wendkos Olds.(1985).
Psychology. McGraw-Hill Book Company::
 New York.
 Rathus,A. Spencer. (1984). Psychology. (2nd Ed.) New
Yirk:Holt, Rinehart and Wilson.
 Weiten, Wayne.(1989). Psychology. Themes and Variations.
Brooks/Cole publishing Company: California.
 Note: In addition to the above listed reference books,
students can refer to any introductory book on psychology.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

3. Communicative English Skills


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number EnLa101

Status of the Course


Course Title Communicative English Skills

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
Competences to be
Acquired  Express their ideas in various communicative contexts (in
group/ pair discussion, public speaking settings etc.)
 Use various vocabulary learning strategies and techniques
 Write and present reports
 Read various materials and make their own notes
 Identify the structure of oral and written discourses
 Attend their academic work at ease and with clarity.
Course Description This course is intended to develop and improve students' language
competence. It is also aimed at developing students’ communicative
abilities in English which will help students to develop their
communicative skills and overall language competence in English.
Generally, this course will cover the specific language aspects
described below. Developing basic functions of English language
skills: reading (scanning, skimming, reading for details,
summarizing, understanding the structure of a text); listening
(listening for the gist, listening for details, recognizing discourse
markers, noticing the structure of a lecture, understanding speaker
intentions, recognizing signposting, attending and following skills);
writing (summarizing a text, writing descriptive texts); speaking
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

(introducing oneself and others, interviewing, discussions, stating

and supporting propositions, stating one’s opinions, organizing and
taking part in a debate, making a persuasive speech, questioning);
vocabulary (working out meanings from context, synonyms,
antonyms, collocations, definitions); grammar (relative clauses,
modals, voice, conditionals, tense, reported speech).

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

1&2 1. Introductory Unit

1.1. Listening and Speaking: Finding
out  about other people
1.2. Vocabulary: Learning to
learn  vocabulary
1.3. Grammar: Learning to use
grammar for facilitating meaning
1.4. Reading: What is involved
in understanding text?
1.5. Speaking: Introducing oneself and
1.6. Writing: A short Personal description
or story
3, 4, 5 & 6 2. AIDS
2.1. Listening and Speaking:
2.1.1.Understanding markers of
addition and relating
2.1.2.Listening for gist
2.1.3.Responding to the speaker's
2.1.4.Writing a brief summary of a
2.2. Vocabulary
2.2.1. Using component parts of a
word as clues to meaning
2.2.2.Using topic relationships in order
to learn words
2.2.3.Being aware of how words
collocate with each other
2.2.4.Working out word meanings
from context
2.3. Grammar
2.3.1.Using relative clauses
2.3.2.Expressing warning and advice
2.4. Reading
2.4.1.Identifying the intended
audience of a text and other
critical reading skills
2.4.2.Relating a diagram to a text
2.5. Speaking
2.5.1.Brain storming
2.5.2.Public speaking
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2.6. Writing: Writing a short summary of

a talk
7, 8, 9, & 10 3. Culture and Values
3.1. Listening and Speaking

3.1.1. Identifying the structure of a talk

3.1.2. Completing a note framework

3.2. Vocabulary

3.2.1. Using topic relationships to learn new


3.2.2. Words of Greek and Latin origin

3.2.3. Using a vocabulary network to learn


3.3. Grammar

3.3.1.Using active and passive constructions

for descriptive writing

3.3.2. using time clauses for descriptive


3.4. Reading
3.4.1. Critical reading
3.4.2. Reading for main ideas
3.4.3. Reading for detail
3.5. Speaking
3.5.1. Understanding reference
3.5.2. Brainstorming
3.5.3. Organizing and taking part in a debate
3.6. Writing
3.6.1. Writing a brief summary of key ideas
from a text
3.6.2. Writing a descriptive essay about a
marriage ceremony

11, 12, 13, & 14 4.Improving Study Practices

4.1. Listening and speaking
4.1.1. Thinking about what you do when you
listen to a lecture and take notes
4.1.2. Understanding listing and sequencing
4.1.3. Listening for a main sections of a talk
4.2. Vocabulary
4.2.1. Using a dictionary
4.2.2. Working out word meanings from context
4.3. Grammar
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

4.3.1. Using Conditional I,II and III

4.4. Reading
4.4.1. Skimming for gist
4.4.2. Critical reading and evaluating
4.4.3. Using reference/textual markers
4.5. Speaking
4.5.1. Brainstorming and discussing on what makes
a good learner
4.6 Writing
4.6.1. Summarizing a talk
4.6.2. Summarizing an academic article
4.6.3. Writing an essay on learning English

15 & 16 Tutorial

Teaching & Learning The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing,
Methods/strategy discussions, problem solving, and analysis. The full and active
participation of students is highly encouraged.

Assessment/Evaluatio The evaluation scheme will be as follows:

Assessment Scheme %

Listening 10%

Speaking 10%

Reading 10%

Writing 10%

Vocabulary 10%

Grammar 20%

Final Examination 30%

Total 100%

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Dean, M.1988. Write it; Writing Skills for intermediate

learners of English. Cambridge University Press
2. DEFLL, 1996.College English: volume I and II.AAU.AAU
Printing Press
3. Gregory.1999.Public speaking for college and career (Fifth
Ed).New York: McGraw Hill College
4. Hewings, M. 1999.Advanced Grammar in use: self-study
Reference Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Cambridge: CUP.
5. MOE, 2005. Improve Your English: A Course for Ethiopian
Teachers (Grade 1-4)-Face to Face Learner's Books
1&2.Addis Ababa: EMPDE
6. Mohammedtahir and Tibebe Kasahun, 2005.Communicative
English Skills II (unpublished). Jimma University Press
Strong, W.1991. Writer's Choice: Grammar and Composition.
Illinois: McGraw Hall

Reference Books

Dean, M.1988. Write It; Writing Skills For Intermediate Learners

Of English. Cambridge University Press

DEFLL, 1996.College English: Volume I And II.AAU.AAU

Printing Press

Gregory.1999.Public Speaking For College And Career (Fifth

Ed).New York: Mcgraw Hill College

Hewings, M. 1999.Advanced Grammar In Use: Self-Study

Reference Practice Book For Advanced Learners Of English.
Cambridge: CUP.

MOE, 2005. Improve Your English: A Course For Ethiopian

Teachers (Grade 1-4)-Face To Face Learner's Books 1&2.Addis
Ababa: EMPDE

Mohammedtahir And Tibebe Kasahun, 2005.Communicative

English Skills II (Unpublished). Jimma University Press

Strong, W.1991. Writer's Choice: Grammar And Composition.

Illinois: Mcgraw Hall

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

4. Basic Writing Skills


Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number EnLa102

Course Title Basic Writing Skills

Status of the Course

prerequisite Enla101

Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

Module Basic English Skill


ETCTS Credits 5

Credit Hrs 3

Course Objectives & Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
Competences to be
Acquired  construct meaningful sentences in English;
 learn to compose a paragraph that has a clearly stated topic
sentence and details ;
 use appropriate coordination and subordination skills to
relate ideas;
 identify and correct common sentence problems
 Compose paragraphs that have clearly stated topic sentences
and supporting details.
 write a well-structured essay of different types ( descriptive,
narrative, expository and argumentative)
Course Description This course aims at developing students’ basic writing skills. It
contains sentence level writing: sentence structure, sentence types,
functional and structural category, common sentence errors
(fragments, run-on sentences, dangling modifiers and agreement
errors); paragraph level writing : paragraph, topic sentence and
supporting details, structure, essentials of a paragraph, basic types
of paragraphs( expository, narrative, descriptive and argumentative )
and techniques of paragraph development; essay level writing :
structure of an essay, thesis statement and supporting paragraphs,
types of essays and techniques of essay development

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

1, 2, 3, & 4 Unit One: Writing Effective Sentences:

overview of writing effective sentences -

sentence definition, Identifying sentence parts
(subject and predicate), writing complete
sentences; sentence types: functional category
(declarative, interrogative, imperative and
exclamatory sentences)

Writing Effective Sentences (continued----)

Identifying sentence types: structural Category

( simple, compound, complex and compound
complex); Joining ideas :coordination,
subordination, correlation and using relative

Writing Effective Sentences (continued----)

Identifying and correcting faulty sentences

:fragments, run-ons, comma splices,

Writing Effective Sentences (continued----)

Identifying and correcting faulty sentences:
dangling modifiers and agreement errors;

Writing Effective Sentences (continued----)

Using punctuation(a period, comma, semi-

colon, colon, quotation mark) and capitalization

5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 Unit Two: Writing Effective

Paragraphs;overview of writing effective
Paragraphs- paragraph definition, nature of a
paragraph, Identifying topic sentence and
supporting details, writing topic sentences( with
topics and controlling idea), nature and position
of topic sentences in paragraphs, narrowing a

Writing Effective Paragraphs (continued…)

structure of a paragraph, essentials of a

paragraph: unity, coherence(ways of achieving
coherence: using transitional devices, pronouns,
key words and synonyms) and adequate
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

development; organization: space, time and

order of importance

Writing Effective Paragraphs (continued…)

Writing basic types paragraphs: expository,

descriptive, narrative and argumentative;

Techniques of paragraph development:

definition, exemplification/illustration,
classification, cause and effect, comparison,
contrast, description( process, objective and
impressionistic), and listing/enumeration

Writing Effective Paragraphs (continued…)

Developing a paragraph: guided and free

writing guided writing-arranging given
sentences in a logical order, writing a paragraph
by developing topic sentence and specific
details using given points of a title

Free writing –writing a paragraph on a given

title or on your own title

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 Unit Three Essay Writing

Stimulating idea on features of an essay

Definition of an essay, structure of an essay:

introduction, body and conclusion; reviewing
paragraph structure vs essay structure

Identifying thesis statement and supporting

paragraphs, elements of the thesis statement:
topic and controlling idea

Essay Writing (continued…)

Achieving unity and coherence within an essay

Writing the introduction ( writing the hook, the

background and the thesis statement)

Essay Writing (continued…)

Writing the body and the concussion

Steps in writing an essay:

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Planning(questioning, making list, clustering,

preparing outline), drafting, revising, and

Essay Writing (continued…)

Writing the basic types of essays ( expository,

descriptive, narrative and argumentative)by
employing the different techniques

Essay Writing (continued…)

Writing the basic types of essays ( expository,

descriptive, narrative and argumentative)by
employing the different techniques

Essay Writing (continued…)

Writing the basic types of essays ( expository,

descriptive, narrative and argumentative)by
employing the different techniques

Teaching & Learning Distancelearners' performance is assessed on the basis of

Methods/strategy Continuous Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and
supervised tests 70%. The aggregates are then converted into letter
grades according to the evaluation policy adopted for computation.
Each course is going to have its own modalities for assessment.

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

1. Beth, S. Newman. Writing Effectively. 2nd ed. 1991.

2. Carino, Peter. Basic Writing. First Course, 1991.
3. C. Jeriel H, R. Franics T. The Paragraph Book. 1992.
4. Donald H., Birkerts. Writing Well. 7th ed. 1991.
5. Hickman, Butler. An Auto-Instructional Text in Correct
Writing. 2nd ed. 1980.
6. Laurie G., et al. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical
Reader and writer. 7th ed. 1988.
7. Layan , J. Sentence Skills: A Workbook for Writers. 6th ed.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

8. Solomon G/Giorgis. Writing for Academic Purposes, Vol. I.


Reference Books

 Writer’s Choice : Grammar and Composition

 Rorabacher ,L A Concise Guide to Composition (3rd Ed).
London Harper and Row publishers(1976)
 A Guided Writing to Composition
 Langan,J College Writing Skills. sixth Edition. Boston:
Mcgraw-Hill (2005).
 Savage, A.and M. Shafiei,Effective Academic Writing 1.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2007)
 Savage, A.and P. Mayer Effective Academic Writing 2
Mcgraw-Hill (2005). Oxford University Press. (2005)
 Davis,J and R,Liss Effective Academic Writing 3 The Essay.
Oxford University Press. (2005)

5. Introduction to computer


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course Information

Course Number Comp101

Course Title Introduction to computer technology

Status of the Course



Degree Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance

ETCTS Credits 3

Credit Hrs 2

Course Objectives & To bring the students to a practical level of competency in business
Competences to be related IT tools, including word processing, spreadsheets and
Acquired presentation software.

After successfully completing this course, the students should be

able to:

 Explain the fundamental Information Technology (IT) concepts

that underpin Business Information Systems.
 Explain the characteristics of different IT hardware
configurations, in terms of processor, storage and input/output
 Describe different types of software as used by business.
 Be competent in the use of a computer, produce documents,
design spreadsheets and make a presentation.
Course Description To introduce students to the fundamental aspects of IT in business,
including hardware, software, data storage technologies and the
theoretical basis for understanding how systems work and interact.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

3 WEEKS 1. Fundamentals of Information Systems Bocij, Chaffey,

1.1. Data and information Greasley&
(1ST ,2ND&3RD ) 1.2. Attributes of Information, Hickey,
1.3. Business Information,
1.4. Information and decision making
3 WEEKS 2. Hardware and Software Fundamentals Bocij, Chaffey,
2.1. Hardware Greasley&
{4TH ,5TH&6TH 2.2. Software Fundamentals Hickey,

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

10 WEEKS 3. Basic application software Bocij, Chaffey,

3.1. Word Processing, Greasley&
(7TH , 8th , 9TH, 10th , 11th , 3.2. Spreadsheets, Hickey,
12th , 13th ,14th 15th , & 3.3. Presentation software
16 ) 3.4. Introduction to Internet

Teaching & Learning Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment

Methods/strategy questions and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and
discussion during face-to-face tutorial sessions .

Assessment/Evaluatio learners' performance is assessed on the basis of Continuous

n Evaluation, which includes TMAs (30%) and supervised tests 70%.
The aggregates are then converted into letter grades according to the
evaluation policy adopted for computation. Each course is going to
have its own modalities for assessment.

Text and reference books T EXT BOOK

Bocij, Chaffey, Greasley& Hickey. Business Information

Systems, Technology, Development &Accounting for the e-
Business. 2003. Prentice Hall
Reference Books

 Business Information Systems, Dryden Press

 Microsoft, Step by Step Word, Microsoft Press
 Microsoft, Step by Step Excel, Microsoft Press,
 Microsoft, Step by Step Powerpoint, Microsoft Press


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course ANTH101


Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

Intended Learning Outcome:

Up on the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Develop an understanding of the nature of anthropology and its broader
Course scope in making sense of humanity in a global perspective;
Understand the cultural and biological diversity of humanity and unity in
diversity across the world and in Ethiopia;
s to be Analyze the problems of ethnocentrism against the backdrop of cultural
Acquired relativism;
Realize the socially constructed nature of identities & social categories such
as gender, ethnicity, race and sexuality;
Explore the various peoples and cultures of Ethiopia;
Understand the social, cultural, political, religious& economic life of
different ethno-linguistic & cultural groups of Ethiopia;
Understand different forms marginalization and develop skills inclusiveness;
Appreciate the customary systems of governance and conflict resolution
institutions of the various peoples of Ethiopia;

Know about values, norms and cultural practices that maintain society
Recognize the culture area of peoples of Ethiopia and the forms of interaction
developed over time among themselves; and
Develop broader views and skills to deal with people from a wide variety of
socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Course This course is designed to introduce anthropology to first year students' of

Description Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). It covers basic concepts of anthropology
such as culture, society and humanity. It also discusses themes including unity
and diversity; kinship, marriage and family; indigenous knowledge systems and
local governance, identity, multiculturalism, conflict, conflict resolution and
peacemaking system; intra and inter-ethnic relations of Ethiopian peoples. In
addition, the course explores culture areas of Ethiopia such as plough culture,
enset culture and pastoralism. The course further covers marginalized minority
and vulnerable groups in terms of age, gender, occupation and ethnicity by
taking ethnographic case studies into account and discuss ways of inclusive
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One
1. Introducing Anthropology and its Subjects
1.1. What is anthropology – a Mirror for Humanity?
Scope, subject matter and concerns of anthropology
Defining Features of Anthropology- holism, relativism &
comparative perspectives
Anthropological imagination: asking questions and
seeing the world anthropologically.
 Q- What does it mean by using the anthropological
lens when looking at the world?
Methods of Research in anthropology: ethnography &
ethnographic methods
1.2. Sub-fields of Anthropology: Four Mirrors for
Understanding Humanity?
Socio-cultural, archaeological, linguistic and physical
1.3. The relation between anthropology and other sciences
Chapter Two
2. Human Culture and Ties that Connect
2.1. Conceptualizing Culture: What Culture Is and What
Culture Isn’t?
2.2. Characteristics features of culture: what differentiates
culture from other traditions?
2.3. Aspects of Culture –Material & Non-material (values,
beliefs & norms)
2.4. Levels of culture: universality, generality and
particularity (cultural diversity)
2.5. Ethnocentrism, Cultural relativism, and human rights
Discussion- Debating cultural relativism: Human rights
law and the demonization of culture and anthropology along
the way

2.6. Cultural Change: what is cultural change?

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Cultural Diffusion versus Cultural Assimilation

Discussion - Contesting culture as sharply bounded
versus unbounded ‘cultural flows’ or as ‘fields of discourse’
in the context of globalization.
2.7. Ties that Connect: Marriage, Family and Kinship
Marriage -rules, functions and forms of Marriage
Family -types and functions of Family
 Q. How families and marriage differ in different
2.8. Cultural practices, norms and values that maintain society
Chapter Three
3. Human Diversity, Culture Areas, and Contact in
3.1. Human Beings & Being Human: What it is to be human?
–(a bio-cultural animal?)
3.2. Origin of the Modern Human Species: Homo sapiens
sapiens (that’s you!)
Religious, biological & evolutionary (paleo-
anthropological) explanations
3.3. The Kinds of Humanity: human physical variation
 Q. Why isn’t everyone the same?
 Q. Why do people worldwide have differences in
their phenotypic attributes?
3.4. Human Races: the history of racial typing
The Grand Illusion: Race, turns out, is arbitrary
 Q. What can we say for sure about human races?
3.5. Why is Everyone Different? Human Cultural Diversity -
anthropological explanations
 Q. Why don’t others do things the way we/I do?
3.6. Culture areas and cultural contacts in Ethiopia Plough culture area Enset culture area Pastoral societies culture area Historical and social interactions between culture
Chapter Four
4. Marginalized, Minorities, and Vulnerable Groups

4.1. Gender based marginalization

4.2. Occupational cast groups
4.3. Age based vulnerability (children and old age issues)
4.4. Religious and ethnic minorities

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

4.5. Human right approaches and inclusive growth,

anthropological perspectives
Chapter Five
5. Theories of inter-ethnic relations and multiculturalism
in Ethiopia
5.1. The Scales of Human Identity: Who am I?-
Understanding ‘self’ & ‘other’
 Q- What are the ways we tell for others who we are?
5.2. Ethnicity and Race: What’s in a name?
5.3. Ethnic Groups & Ethnic Identity
 Q. What is the basis of one’s ethnic identity?
 Q. Is ethnicity a fundamental aspect of human nature
& self-consciousness, essentially unchanging and
unchangeable identity? Or
 Q. Is it, to whatever extent, socially constructed,
strategically or tactically manipulable, and capable of
change at both the individual and collective levels?
5.4. Race –the social construction of racial identity
 Q. Do the claims of some people/groups about
superior & inferior racial groups have any scientific
5.5. Primordialism; Instrumentalism; Social constructivism
5.6. Debates on inter-ethnic relations and identities

Chapter Six
6. Customary and local governance systems and peace
6.1. Indigenous knowledge systems and local governance
6.2. Intra and inter-ethnic conflict resolution institutions
Ethnographic cases: commonalities and shared practices
(e.g., Oromo and Somali, Afar and Tigray; Gedeo and
Oromo; Guraghe and Siltie; Amara and Tigray)
6.3. Customary/Local governance systems
Ethnographic cases: Oromo Geda; Somali-Gurti; Gamo,
Gofa, Wolayita-Woga; Guraghe-Sera
6.4. Legal pluralism: interrelations between customary,
religious and state legal systems

Chapter Seven
7. Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices
7.1. Defining indigenous peoples and their knowledge?
7.2. Indigenous knowledge and development
7.3. The condition of indigenous knowledge in Ethiopia

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions

Learning and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during
Methods/strategy face-to-face tutorial sessions

Assessment/ Based on the progressive understandings of the course, students will be

evaluated continuously through both non-graded assignments/activities, like
Evaluation (reading assignments) 8
and graded assignments/activities and assessments including class discussion
& participation, Test, Term Paper & presentation, Home Taken Exam/case
studies and Final Exam.

Reference Books
Text and
reference books 1. Asmarom Legesse (2006). Oromo Democracy: an Indigenous African
Political System. The Red Sea Press, Inc.
2. Cameron, M. Smith and Evan T. Davies (2008). Anthropology for
Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. Clifored Geertz . (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. A division of
Harper Collins Publishers.
4. Donald Donham . (1986). Marxist Modern. The Ethnographic History of
Marxist Ethiopia.
5. Donald N. Levine. (1974). Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of A
Multiethnic Society. Chicago & London., University of Chicago.
6. Dunif-Hattis and Howard C. (1992). Anthropology: Understanding Human
Adaptation. New York: Harper Collins, Inc.
7. Ellen, R. Parkes P, and Bicker, A.(Eds.) .(2000). Indigenous
Environmental Knowledge and its Transformations: Critical Anthropological
Perspectives. Overseas Publishers Association.
8. Eriksen, T. H. (2001). Small Places, larger Issues: An introduction to social
and cultural anthropology. London: Pluto Press.
9. Eriksen, T. H. (2004). What is anthropology? London: Pluto Press.
10. Eriksen, T. H. (2002). Ethnicity and Nationalism. London; Pluto Press.
11. Eriksen, T.H. and Nielsen, F.S. (2001). A History of Anthropology.
London: Pluto Press.
12. Hallpike, Christopher R. (1972). The Konso of Ethiopia: A Study of the
Value of a Cushitic People. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
13. Hamer, John. (1970). The Sidama Generational Class Cycles: A Political
Geronotocracy. Africa 40,I (Jan,1970): 50-70.
14. Haviland, WA, (1999).Cultural Anthropology (9th ed.). Fort Worth:
Harcourt and Brace College Pub.

15. Kottak, C. P. (2004) – Anthropology: the Exploration of Human Diversity

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

(10th ed.). McGraw Hill, New York.

16. Lavenda, R. and Emily S. (2015). Anthropology. What Does It Mean to
Be Human?. (3rded.). Oxford. Oxford University Press.
17. Pankhurst. R.(2001). Historic Images of Ethiopia. Shamans Books. Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
18. Richard Jenkins. (2006). Rethinking Ethnicity. London Sage Publication.
19. Rosman, A., Rubel, P.G. and Weisgrau, M. (2009). The Tapestry of
Culture: an Introduction to Social Anthropology. Lanham: Rowman and
Little field.
20. Scupin and DeCorse (1988). Anthropology: A Global Perspective (2nd
ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
21. Shack, William S. (1966). The Gurage: A People of the Enset Culture.
London: Oxford University Press.
22. Triulzi et al. (2002). Remapping Ethiopia Easer African Studies:. Addis
Ababa: AAU


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course ECON-1103

Course Title ECONOMICS

Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

General objective

The course will introduce students to the fundamental economic concepts and
Objectives Specific objectives of the course
Competence This course is aimed at:
s to be Describing the major economic agents and their respective roles and
Introducing the concepts of demand and supply and their interactions.
Introducing students to the neoclassical theory of consumer preferences and
utility maximization approaches,
Discuss short- run behaviour of production and the related cost structure,
Introduce the different market structures and their real world applications,
Equipping students with macroeconomic goals, national income accounting,
economic problems and policy instruments in light Ethiopian context.
Expected learning outcomes

After completing introduction to economics, students will be able to:

Describe the major economic agents and their corresponding roles and
Understand the concepts of demand and supply and their interactions;
Explain the objective functions of consumers and producers’ behaviour in the
short run, .

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Differentiate the various types of market structures,

Understand the fundamental macroeconomic concepts, problems and policy
instruments in the context of Ethiopia.

Description This course provides a general introduction to economics combining elements of
micro and macro fundamentals. The first part of the course focuses on theories
of consumers’ and producers’ behavior. Besides the course will also cover the
neoclassical theory of product and/or service pricing for perfectly competitive
market and provide brief introduction to monopoly, monopolistic competition,
and oligopoly market structures. The second major part of the course will
discuss elements of macroeconomics such as macroeconomic goals, national
income account and its measurement, macroeconomic problems and policy
instruments. In offering the course, the real contexts Ethiopia will be thoroughly
considered. .
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Introduction

1. Introduction
1.1. DeFinition and Meaning of Economics
1.2. Rationale of Economics
1.3. Scope and methods of economic analysis
1.3.1. Micro and macro economics
1.3.2. Positive and normative economics
1.3.3. Inductive and deductive reasoning in economics.
1.4. Scarcity, choice, opportunity cost and production
possibilities frontier
1.5. Basic economic questions,
1.6. Economic systems
1.7 Decision making units and the circular flow model

Chapter Two: Theory Of Demand and Supply

2. Theory of Demand and Supply

2.1. Theory of Demand
2.1.1. Demand function, demand schedule and demand curve
2.1.2. Determinants of Demand
2.1.3. Elasticity of Demand
2.2. Theory of Supply
2.2.1. Supply function, supply schedule and supply curve
2.2.2. Determinants of supply
2.2.3. Elasticity of supply
2.3. Market equilibrium

Chapter Three: Theory Of Consumers Behavior

3. Theory of Consumers’ Behaviour

3.1. Consumer preferences
3.2. The concept of utility
3.3. Approaches of measuring Utility
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3.3.1. The cardinal utility approach Assumptions of cardinal utility theory Total and marginal utility Law of diminishing marginal utility (LDMU) Equilibrium of the consumer
3.3.2. The ordinal utility approach Assumptions of ordinal utility approach Indifference curve and map Properties of indifference curves The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) The budget line or the price line Equilibrium of the consumer
Chapter Four: The Theory Of Production and Costs

4. Theory of Production and Costs

4.1. Theory of production in the short run
4.1.1. Definition of production
4.1.2. Production function
4.1.3. Total, average, marginal product
4.1.4. The law of variable proportions
4.1.5. Stages of production
4.2. Theory of costs in the short run
4.2.1 Definition and types of costs
4.2.2 Total, average, marginal costs in the short run
4.2.3 Relationships between the short- run production and
cost curves

Chapter: Market Structure

5. Market structure
5.1. The concept of market in physical and digital space
5.2. Perfectly Competitive market
5.2.1. Assumptions
5.2.2. Short run equilibrium of the firm
5.2.3. Short run equilibrium of the industry
5.3. Monopoly market
5.3.1. Definition and Characteristics
5.3.2. Sources of Monopoly
5.4. Monopolistically competitive market
5.4.1. Definition and characteristics
5.5. Oligopolistic market
5.5.1. Definition and characteristics

Chapter: Fundamental Of Microeconomics ( With Stylized

Facts From Ethiopia)
6. Fundamentals of macroeconomics
6.1. Goals of Macroeconomics
6.2. The National Income Accounting
6.2.1. Approaches to measure national income (GDP)
6.2.2. Other income accounts (GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DI)
6.3. Nominal versus Real GDP
6.4. The GDP deflator and the Consumer Price Index(CPI)
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

6.5. The Business Cycle

6.6. Macroeconomic Problems
6.6.1. Unemployment
6.6.2. Inflation
6.6.3. Trade deficit and budget deficit
6.7. Macroeconomic Policy Instruments
6.7.1. Monetary policy
6.7.2. Fiscal policy

Teaching & The course will involve deploying different teaching methods that attempt to
Learning make the teaching-learning process as effective as possible. For most part of
Methods/strategy the course, delivery method will be arranged as to make the process student-
centered. There shall be full and active participation from students and they
are strongly encouraged to ask questions, to reflect on brain-storming queries,
and be involved actively and attentively in take-home assignments and peer
discussions that appear during the semester both within and outside class-
room sessions.
While there is no limit to the imagination and flexibility of the instructor, the
course delivery techniques will generally involve the following items:
Brain-storming sessions
Group discussions
Individual and group assignments
Assessment/ Students will be evaluated using different mechanisms and their weights as
indicated in the table below.
Table1. General assessment profile

Assessment method Weight

Assignment (individual 20%
and/or group)
Tests/ quizs 30%
Final Exam 50 %
Total 100%

Reference Books
Text and
reference books 1. A. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics
2. D.N.Dwivedi, 1997, Micro Economic Theory, 3rd edition., Vikas
3. R.S. Pindyck& D.L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics.
4. Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 6th
5. C.L.Cole, Micro Economics: A Contemporary Approach.
6. Ferguson & Gould’s, 1989, Microeconomic Theory, 6th edition.
7. N. Gregory Mankiw, 2007, Macroeconomics, 4th edition.
8. P. Aghion and P. Howitt ,2009, The Economics of Growth, The MIT Press.
9. A. B. Abel and B.S. Bernanke, 2017, Macroeconomics, 9th edition,
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

10. Ayele Kuris, Introduction to Economics, 2001.
11. Begg, Fisher &Dornbusch, 2005, Macroeconomics, 8th Ed.
12. Liberman, Marc and Hill, Robert E, 2005, Introduction to Economics 2nd



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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance Program

Course MGMT- 102



Status of the

prerequisite No Pre-requisite

Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Define entrepreneurship within the context of society

Course  Identify business opportunities
Objectives  Prepare business plan
&  Distinguish forms of business ownership
Competence  Comprehend intellectual property rights in business practices
s to be  Define basic marketing concepts
 Formulate context-based marketing strategies
 Identify and evaluate sources of financing new ventures
 Manage business growth and transition
 Practice ethical business with all stakeholders

As the intension of the course entrepreneurship is preparing University students

for self employment, the curriculum is designed focusing on changing the
behavior of students. It is designed in such a way that graduates will be more of
“job creators than job seekers”. Much should be done on the behavioral aspects
than the technical aspects of entrepreneurship. Students are expected to develop
the basic competencies that successful entrepreneurs should possess.

Course This interdisciplinary course is designed to introduce students the meaning and
Description concept of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and their manageable processes
that can be applied across careers and work settings. It focuses on building
entrepreneurial attitude and behavior that will lead to creative solution within
community and organizational environments. The Course topics include the
history of entrepreneurship, the role of entrepreneurs in the globalized economy
and the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. The development of a
business ideas, products and services, marketing and developing new ventures, the
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

examination of feasibility studies and the social and ethical implications of

entrepreneurship are incorporated. Besides, issues related to starting and financing
a new venture are included. Finally, managing growth, transition and
sustainability of the venture are considered. And forms of business organizations,
legal and regulatory frameworks of governing the whole system are also
encompassed in the course syllabus.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter 1
1.1. Definition and philosophy of Entrepreneurship Vs
1.1.1. Historical origin of entrepreneurship
1.2.Type of Entrepreneurs
1.3. Role within the economy
1.4.Entrepreneurial Competence and Environment
1.4.1. Entrepreneurial Mindset
1.4.2. Demographic Factors
1.4.3. Entrepreneurial Environment
1.5. Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation
Chapter 2: Business Planning
2.1. Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
2.2. Business Idea Development
2.2.1 Business Idea Identification
2.2.2 Sources of Business Ideas
2.2.3 Methods for generating Business Ideas
2.3. The Concept of Business Planning
2.4. Business Feasibility
2.5. The Business plan
2.6. Developing a business plan

Chapter 3: Business Formation

3.1. The Concept of Business Development
3.2. Forms of Business (a short explanation)
3.3. Definition and Importance of SMEs
3.4. Setting up small scale business
3.5 Roles of SMEs
3.6. Business failure and success factors.
3.6.1 Problems of small scale business in Ethiopia
3.7 Organizational structure and entrepreneurial team

Chapter 4 : Product or Services Development

4.1. The Concept of product or service technology
4.2. Product or service development Process
4.3 Legal and regulatory frameworks
4.4 Intellectual Property Protection/Product or service

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4.4.1 Patent
4.4.2 Trademarks
4.4.3 Copyrighting

Chapter 5: Marketing
5.1.The Concept and philosophy of marketing
5.2. Marketing Mix and Strategies
5.3 Marketing Information System
5.3.1 Marketing intelligence
5.3.2 Marketing research
5.5. Competitive analysis
5.6 Selling and Customer Service
Chapter 6 : Financing the new venture
6.1 Overview of Business Financing
6.2 Source of financing
6.2.1 Equity financing
6.2.2 Debt financing Trade credit Lease financing
6.3 Traditional Financing (Equib/Edir, etc.)
6.4 Crowd Funding
6.5 Micro finance in Ethiopia

Chapter 7: Managing Growth and Transition

7.1. Managing business growth
7.2. New venture expansion strategies
7.3. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Teaching & Listen to a lecture and take notes on the lesson treated, take part in reading
Learning assignment, Group Discussion, Individual reflection, Debate among groups,
Methods/strategy Case study discussion and analysis, Assignment presentation

Assessment/ Quiz 5%
Test 15%
Evaluation Individual Assignment 10%
Business Plan Preparation 15%
Presentatio 5%
Final Exam 50%

Text and Reference Books

reference books
 Justin G. Longenecker and Carlos W. Moore, Small Business
Management 12th edition, College Division South Western
Publishing Co. Dallas, 2003

 Holt David H. “Entrepreneurship – New venture Creation “Eastern

Economy Edition, 2000.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 DonaldF.Kutatko and RichardM.Hodgetts, “Entrepreneurship: A

Cotemporary Approach” Fourth Edition.
 HailayGebretinsae, Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management, 2nd Edition.



Accounting and Finance Program

Course GEES 101



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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Status of the

prerequisite None

Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:

 Describe the location, shape and size of Ethiopia and the Horn
 Explain the implications of location, shape and size of Ethiopia and the
Horn on the physical environment, socioeconomic and political aspects.
Course  Elaborate the major geological events; the resultant landforms and mineral
Objectives resources of Ethiopia and the Horn.
&  Identify the major drainage systems and water resources of Ethiopia and
Competence their implications for regional development and integration.
s to be  Develop an understanding of the climate of Ethiopia, its dynamics and
implications on the livelihoods of its inhabitants.
 Examine the spatio-temporal distribution and abundance of natural
vegetation, wildlife and Soil resources of Ethiopia.
 Discuss the demographic attributes and dynamics as well as the ethnic
diversity of Ethiopia.
 Read maps as well as compute basic demographic and climatic rates
 Appreciate the biophysical and socio-cultural diversities in Ethiopia and
the Horn
 Explicate the major types of economic activities in Ethiopia; discern their
spatiotemporal distributions and their contributions to the overall
development of the country.
 Comprehend the effects of globalization on the socioeconomic
development of Ethiopian and the Horn.

Course This course attempts to familiarize students with the basic geographic concepts
Description particularly in relation to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. It is also intended to
provide students a sense of place and time (geographic literacy) that are pivotal in
producing knowledgeable and competent citizens that are able to comprehend and
analyze problems and contribute to their solutions. The course consists of four
parts. The first part provides a brief description on the location, shape and size of
Ethiopia as well as basic skills of reading maps. Part two introduces the physical
background and natural resource endowment of Ethiopia and the Horn which
includes its geology and mineral resources, topography, climate, drainage and
water resources, soil, fauna and flora. The third part of the course focuses on the
demographic characteristics of the country and its implications on economic
development. The fourth component of the course offers treatment of the various
economic activities of Ethiopia and the Horn which include agriculture,
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

manufacturing and service sectors. Moreover, Ethiopia in a globalizing world is

treated in the perspectives of the pros and cons of globalization on its natural
resources, population and socio-economic condition
WEEKS Course Contents Reading


1.1. Geography: Definition, scope, themes and approaches
1.2. Location, Shape and Size of Ethiopia and the Horn
1.2.1. Location and its effects
1.2.2. The shape of Ethiopia and its implication
1.2.3. The size of Ethiopia and its implications
1.3. Basic Skills of Map Reading


2.1. Introduction
2.2. The Geologic Processes: Endogenic and Exogenic Forces
2.3. The Geological Time scale and Age Dating Techniques
2.4. Geological Processes and the Resulting Landforms
2.4.1.The Precambrian Era geologic processes and resultant
2.4.2. The Paleozoic Era geologic processes and resultant
2.4.3. The Mesozoic Era geologic processes and resultant
2.4.4.The Cenozoic Era geologic processes and resultant
2.5. Rock and Mineral Resources of Ethiopia


3.1. Introduction
3.2. Physiographic Divisions
3.2.1 The Western Highlands and Lowlands
3.2.2 The Southeastern Highlands and Lowlands
3.2.3 The Rift Valley
3.3. The Impacts of Relief on Biophysical and Socioeconomic
HORN (5hrs)
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Major Drainage Systems of Ethiopia
4.3. Water Resources: Rivers, Lakes, and Subsurface Water
4.4. General Characteristics of Ethiopian Rivers
4.5. Water Resources Potentials and Development in Ethiopia


THE HORN (7hrs)
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Elements and Controls of Weather and Climate
5.3. Spatiotemporal Patterns and Distribution of Temperature
and Rainfall in Ethiopia
5.4. Agro-ecological Zones of Ethiopia
5.5. Climate and its Implications on Biophysical and
Socioeconomic Aspects
5.6. Climate Change/Global Warming: Causes, Consequences
and Response Mechanisms


THE HORN (6hrs)
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Ethiopian Soils: Types, Degradation and Conservation
6.3. Types and Distribution of Natural Vegetations in
6.4. Natural vegetation: Uses, Degradation and Conservation
6.5. Wildlife Resources of Ethiopia: Types, Importance, and
Conservation Strategies


7.1. Introduction
7.2. Population Data: Uses and Sources
7.3. Population Dynamics: Fertility, Mortality and Migration
7.4. Population Distribution and Composition
7.5. Sociocultural Aspects of Ethiopian Population:
Education, Health and Languages
7.6 Settlement Types and Patterns

Teaching & Gap Lecture, Peer/ group Discussion and Reflection, Reading Assignment.

Assessment/ Paper & presentation (20 %); Mid exam (30 %); Final examination (50 %)
Date Of Submitting Assignment:_______________________

Reference Books
Text and
reference books
-A.D. Tathe.(2012). Lecture Notes on Climatology: For Intermediate Met
Training Course, Indian Meteorological Department.
-Addis Ababa University (2001). Introductory Geography of Ethiopia,
Teaching Text, Department of Geography.
-Assefa M., Melese W., Shimelis G.(2014). Nile River Basin;
Ecohydrological Challenges, Climate Change and Hydropolitics. Springer
International Publishing, Switzerland.
-B. D, Ray (1989). Economics for Agriculture: Food, Farming and the Rural
Page 162 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Economy. Macmillan.
-CSA 1994 & 2007. Population and Housing Census Results. CSA: A.A.
-Diao, Xinshen,. 2007. The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development:
Implications for Sub Saharan Africa. Sustainable Solutions for ending
Hunger and Poverty, Research Report 153. IFPRI.Ethiopia.
-Engdawork Assefa(2015). Characterization and classification of major
agricultural soils in CASCEP intervention weredas in the central highlands of
Oromia Region, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University
-FDRE.2001 Ministry of Water Resources, National Metrological Survey,
-Girma Kebede(2017). Society and Environment in Ethiopia
Hartshorne, T. & J. Alexander (1988). Economic Geography, 3rd Ed.
-Hooguelt, A (2001). Globalization and the post-colonial world. The New
political Economy of Development. Basingstoke plagrave.
-Hurni. H. 1988. Ecological Issues in the Creation of Ethiopia. Paper
presented in the National Conference on Disaster prevention and
preparedness Strategy for Ethiopia, A.A
-International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) (2008).
East Africa Migration Route Initiative Gaps & Needs Analysis Project
Country Reports: Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya. Vienna
-Laurence G., Jeremias M., Tilahun A., Kenneth M.(2012). Integrated Natural
Resource Management in The Highlands of Eastern Africa; From Concept to
Practice. New York, Earthscan.
-Lloyd, P. & P. Dickens (1977). Location in Space. Harper @ Row.
-Mesfin Woldemariam (1972). Introduction to Ethiopian Geography, Addis
-Ministry of Agriculture/MOA/ (1998). Agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia:
Natural Resources Management and Regulatory Department, Addis Ababa
-Morgan R.P.C (2005). Soil Erosion and Conservation. National Soil
Resources Institute, Carnfield University. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
-OXFAM(2018). Horn of Africa climate crisis response. Regional summary
-Pausewang, Siegfried (1990), Ethiopian Rural Development Options.
-Plant genetic resource center (1995). Ethiopia: country report to the FAO
International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resource, Addis Ababa
-Robert, E.G, James, F.P & L. MichaelT.(2007). Essentials of Physical
Geography. Thomson Higher Education, Belmont, 8th edition.
-UNDP, FAO (1984) Ethiopia Forest Resources and Potential for
Development; An assistance to land use planning.
-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2007). Climate

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Finance Program

Course PHIL101

Course Title
Page 164 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

Ethiopian is striving to guarantee sustainable development and good living

condition, where constant and consistent critical thinking plays an irreplaceable
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Course Understand the relationship of logic and philosophy,
Recognize the core areas of philosophy,
Competence Appreciate the necessity learning logic and philosophy,
s to be Understand basic logical concepts, arguments,
Acquired Understand deductivness, inductiveness, validity, strength, soundness, and
Develop the skill to construct sound argument and evaluate arguments;
Cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop sensitivity to clear and
accurate usage of language;
Differentiate cognitive meanings from emotive meanings of words,
Differentiate standard forms of categorical propositions from other types of
sentences used in any language,
Apply symbols to denote standard forms of categorical propositions to form
further logical assertions among them.
Develop logical and open-mind that weighs ideas and people rationally;
Develop confidence when arguing with others,
Demonstrate logical argumentative ability,
Develop logical reasoning skill in their day to day life, and
Appreciate logical reasoning, disproving mob-mentality and avoid social
Understand the basic concepts and principles of critical thinking.
Understand the criterion of good argument.
Identify the factors that affect critical thinking.
Apply critical thinking principles to real life situation.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Course Logic and Critical Thinking is an inquiry that takes arguments as its basic
Description objects of investigation. Logic is concerned with the study of arguments, and it
seeks to establish the conditions under which an argument may be considered
acceptable or good. Critical thinking is an exercise, a habit, a manner of
perception and reasoning that has principles of logic as its fulcrum, and
dynamically involves various reasoning skills that ought to be human approach
to issues and events of life. To think critically is to examine ideas, evaluate them
against what you already know and make decisions about their merit. The aim of
logic and critical thinking course is to maintaining an ‘objective’ position. When
you think critically, you weigh up all sides of an argument and evaluate its
validity, strengths and weaknesses. Thus, critical thinking skills entail actively
seeking all sides of an argument evaluating the soundness of the claims asserted
and the evidence used to support the claims. This course attempts to introduce
the fundamental concepts of logic and methods of logical reasoning. The
primary aim of this course is to teach students essential skills of analyzing,
evaluating, and constructing arguments, and to sharpen their ability to execute
the skills in thinking and writing.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Logic and Philosophy (8 Hrs: Week 1 & 2)

1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Meaning and Definition of philosophy
1.3 Core Branches of Philosophy.
1.4 Importance of Learning Logic and Philosophy

Chapter Two: Basic Concepts of Logic (12 Hrs: Week 3, 4

& 5)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Concepts of Logic
2.3 Techniques of recognizing arguments.
2.4 Types of Arguments
2.4.1 Deductive Arguments
2.4.2 Inductive Arguments
2.5 Evaluation of Arguments
2.5.1 Evaluating Deductive Argument
2.5.2 Evaluating Inductive Arguments

Chapter Three: Logic and Language (8 Hrs: Week 6 & 7)

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Logic and Meaning
3.2.1 Cognitive and Emotive Meaning of Words
3.2.2 Intensional and Extensional Meaning of Terms
3.3 Logic and Definition
3.3.1 Types and Purposes of Definition
3.3.2 Techniques of Definition

Page 166 of 224

Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance Extensional Techniques of Definition Intensional Techniques of Definition
3.4 Criteria for Lexical Definitions

Chapter Four: Basic Concepts of Critical Thinking (8

Hrs: Week 8& 9)
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Meaning andDefinition ofCritical Thinking.
4.3. Principles ofCritical Thinking.
4.4. Criterion/Standard ofArgument Good Argument.
4.5. Factors Affecting Critical Thinking.
4.5. Relevance ofCritical Thinking.

Chapter Five: Logical Reasoning and Fallacies (16 Hrs:

Week 10, 11, 12, & 13)
5.1 Induction
5.2 Types of Fallacies: Formal and Informal
5.3 Categories of Informal Fallacies
5.3.1 Fallacies of Relevance
5.3.2 Fallacies of Weak Induction
5.3.3 Fallacies of Presumption
5.3.4 Fallacies of Ambiguity
5.3.5 Fallacies of Grammatical Analogy

Chapter Six: Categorical Propositions (8 Hrs: Week 14 &

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Categorical Propositions
6.2.1 The Components of Categorical Propositions
6.2.2 Attributes of Categorical Propositions: Quality,
Quantity, and Distribution
6.2.3 Representing Categorical Propositions Venn Diagrams Boolean and Aristotelian Square of Oppositions
5.2.4 Evaluating Immediate Inferences: Venn Diagrams and
Square of Oppositions
6.2.5 Logical Operations: Conversion, Obversion, and

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Teaching & For the successful completion of this course, different Student-Centered
Learning teaching methodologies will be applied. These include:
Methods/strategy Semi-Lecture,
Class Discussion,
Group Discussion,
Pair Discussion,
Video/Audio Visual, and
Assessment/ The MoSHE Proclamation and the Senate Legislation of a given University
shall determine the assessment methodologies. Therefore, a Continuous
Evaluation Assessment Method will be applied to evaluate the competence of students
acquired from the course. And the Continuous Assessment will incorporate:
Test.………………………………………….…. 15%
Mid Exam ……………………………………………….…. 20%
Assignment …………………………………....... 15%
Final Exam.…………………………………………. 50%

Hurley, Patrick J. (2014) A Concise Introduction to Logic, 12th Edition,
Text and Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
reference books Hurley, Patrick J. (2012) A Concise Introduction to Logic, 11th Edition,
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Reference Books
Copi, Irving M.and Carl Cohen, (1990) Introduction to Logic, New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company.
Damer, Edward. (2005). Attacking faulty reasoning. A practical guide to
fallacy free argument. Wadsworth Cengage learning, USA.
Fogelin, Robert, J, (1987) Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to
Informal Logic, New York: Harcourt Brace Jvanovich Publisher.
Guttenplan, Samuel: (1991) The Language of Logic. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers Stephen, C.(200) The Power of Logic. London and Toronto:
Mayfield Publishing company.
Simico, N.D and G.G James. (1983) Elementary Logic, Belmont, Ca:
Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Walelign, Emuru, (2009) Freshman Logic, Addis Ababa.

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Accounting and Finance Program

Number PSYL 1011

Course Title

Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance



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Credit Hrs 3

The course General Psychology and Life skills encompasses the fundamental
concepts and principles of psychology which have immense application to
human life problems. Hence, this course is intended to introduce students to the
basic concepts of psychology and acquaint them with how to apply
Course psychological knowledge, principles, and theories to real life situation and
Objectives problems. So it is of paramount importance for students of any field of study to
& be effective in their personal, social, and professional life. Apart from that, it is
Competence to introduce students to the core set of life skills, which are important in
s to be realizing holistic development of students (i.e sense of well-being, confidence
and academic performance) so that they can lead happy, healthy, successful, and
productive life.
Course This introductory course will provide students with an overview of the current
Description body of knowledge and the science of psychology. This course examines the
role of environmental factors and the interaction of nature and nurture in
determining behaviors and mental processes. Areas to be discussed will include;
the essence psychology, human development, theories of learning, memory and
forgetting, motivation and emotion, psychological disorder and treatments. The
course will also focus on how to develop life skills based on the theories and
principles of psychology where self-development, academic and social skills
shall be given due attention.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Essence of Psychology

1.1. Definition of Basic Concepts
1.2. Goals of Psychology
1.3. Historical Background of Psychology
1.4. Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology
1.5. Branches of Psychology
1.6. Research Methods in Psychology
1.7. Applications of Psychology
Chapter Two: Human Development
2.1.Definition and Concepts of Human Development
2.2. Facts and Principles of Human Development
2.3. Aspects of Human Development
2.4. Theories of Human Development
2.4.1. Cognitive Theories
2.4.2. Psychosexual Theory
2.4.3. Psychosocial Theory
2.4.4. Moral Development Theory
2.5. Personality Development
2.5.1. Meaning of Personality
2.5.2. Trait theories of Personality
2.5.3. Humanistic theories of Personality
Chapter Three: Learning and Theories of Learning
3.1 Definition, Principles and Characteristics of Learning
3.2 Factors Influencing Learning
3.3 Theories of Learning and their Applications
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3.3.1. Behavioral Theory of Learning

3.3.2. Social Learning Theory
3.3.3. Cognitive Learning Theory

Chapter Four: Memory and Forgetting

4.1. Memory
4.1.1. Meaning and Process Of Memory
4.1.2. Stages of Memory
4.1.3. Factors Affecting Memory
4.2. Forgetting
4.2.1. Meaning and Concepts of Forgetting
4.2.2.Theories of Forgetting
4.3. Improving Memory

Chapter Five: Motivation and Emotion

5.1. Motivation
5.1.1. Definition and Types of Motivation
5.1.2. Theories of Motivation and their Applications
5.1.3. Conflict of Motives and Frustration
5.2. Emotion
5.2.1. Definition of Emotion
5.2.2. Components of Emotion
5.2.3. Theories of Emotion and their Applications

Chapter Six: Psychological Disorders and Treatment

6.1. Nature of Psychological Disorders
6.2. Causes of Psychological Disorders
6.3. Types of Psychological Disorders
6.4. Treatment Techniques

Chapter Seven: Introduction to Life Skills

7.1. Nature and Definition of Life skills
7.2. Goals of Life Skills
7.3. Components of Life Skills

Chapter Eight: Intra-personal and Personal Skills

8.1. Self-Concept and Self-Awareness
8.2. Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
8.3. Self-Control
8.4. Emotional Intelligence and Managing Emotion
8.6. Resilience and Coping with Stress
8.7. Anger Management
8.8. Critical and Creative Thinking
8.9. Problem Solving and Decision Making

Chapter Nine: Academic Skills

9.1. Time Management
9.2. Note-taking and Study Skills
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9.3. Test-Taking Skill

9.4. Test Anxiety and Overcoming Test Anxiety
9.5. Goal Setting
9.6. Career Development Skill

Chapter Ten: Social Skills

10.1. Understanding Intercultural Diversity and Diversity
10.2. Gender and Social Inclusion
10.3. Interpersonal Communication Skills
10.4. Social Influences and Peer Pressure
10.5. Assertiveness
10.6. Conflict and Conflict Resolution
10.7. Team Work
10.7. Overcoming Risky Behavior

Teaching & Classroom lessons will be mainly lectures preceded by activities (leading
Learning questions followed by brainstorming) and pair or group discussions followed
Methods/strategy by presentations with amendments by the instructor. Students will be given
cases in light of the theories covered and asked to analyze cases form the
perspectives of the course objectives and make presentations. At the start of
every lesson, students will be requested to give brief summaries of the
previous lesson. At the end of each unit, they will be requested to prepare exit
slips where they reflect on what they have learned and what aspects of the
unit need further consideration. In this way continuous assessment of
students’ understanding will be held and remedial actions taken. Whatever so,
below is listed some general approaches:
 Gapped Lecturing
 Brainstorming
 Collaborative learning
 Discussion Independent learning Reading assignment and
 Role play

Assessment/ Assessment & Evaluation Techniques

1. Continuous Assessment 50 %
Evaluation Test: 20 %
Group assignment- 10 %
Individual assignment- 10 %
GroupPresentation-10 %
2. Final exam 50%

Reference Books
Text and
reference books -Coon, D. & Mitterer, J.O. (2008). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to
mind and behavior (12th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
-Feldman, R.S. (2018). Essentials of understanding psychology (13th ed).
New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
-Gray, P. & Bjorklund, D.F. (2017). Psychology (7th ed). New York, NY:
Worth Publishers.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

-Kalat, J.W. (2013). Introduction to psychology (13th ed). New York, NY:
McGraw Hill.
-Lahey, B.B. (2008). Psychology: An introduction (10th ed). New York, NY:
-Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., Namy, L.L. & Woolf, N.J. (2017). Psychology:
From Inquiry to understanding (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
-Meyers, D.G. & DeWall, C.N. (2016). Exploring psychology in modules
(10th ed). New York, NY: Worth publishers.
-Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and variations (briefer version, 9th
ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
-Burnard, P. (1989). Teaching interpersonal skills: A handbook of
experiential learning for health professionals. London, UK: Chapman and
-Cotnell, S. (2013). The study skills handbook. New York, NY: Palgrave
-Haddon, P.F. (1990). Mastering personal and interpersonal skills: Key
techniques and personal success. London, UK: Thorogood Ltd.
-Hays, J. (2002). Interpersonal skills at work (2nd ed). New York, NY:
-Pavord, E. & Donnely, E. (2015). Communication and interpersonal skills
(2nd ed). Banbury, UK: Lantern publishing.

-Peace Corps (2001). Life skills manual. Washington, DC: Author.

-Skills You need (2018). Personal development. Author.
-State University of New York (nd). The study skills handbook. Albany, GA:
-Sultmann, B. & Burtpn, T. (2003). People skills: Guiding to effective
interpersonal behavior. Bowen Hills, Australis: Australian Academic Press.

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Accounting and Finance Program

Course IRGI 1021



Status of the


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Credit Hrs 3

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

 Understand nations, nationalism and states
 Explain the nature and historical development of international relations
 Gain basic knowledge of the major theories in the discipline of
Course International Relations and develop the ability to critically evaluate and
Objectives apply such theories
&  Elucidate national interest, foreign policy and diplomacy
Competence  Explicate the nature and elements of international political economy and
s to be international law
 Examine the extent and degree of influence of state and non-state actors in
the international system
 Examine the roles major international and regional institutions play in
world politics
 Critically evaluate the major contemporary global issues
 Assess the overriding foreign policy guidelines of Ethiopia in the past and
 Explore Ethiopia’s role in regional, continental and global institutions and

Course The course is designed to familiarize learners on the nature and development of
Description international relations and global issues. It deals with nations, states, national
interest, cooperation and conflict among states, and the role of state and non-state
actors in the international system. Additionally, it explains the nature of
international law, global political economy and the nexus between regionalism
and globalization. It also critically examines the contemporary global issues and
how the international community is trying to address them. It is organized to
systematically examine international issues by employing different theories and
providing concrete examples from different parts of the world. Last but not least,
after providing rigorous understanding of how the international system functions,
it will equip learners to consciously observe and critically understand the
Ethiopia’s Relations with the outside world. As the saying goes “Think globally
act locally!”
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Understanding International Relations

1.1 Conceptualizing Nations, Nationalism and States
1.2 The Nature and Evolution of International Relations
1.3 Actors of International Relations
- State Actors
- Non-State Actors
1.4 Levels of Analysis in the International Relations
1.5 Power, Anarchy and Sovereignty in the International
1.6 The Structure of International System

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Chapter Two: Contending Theories of International

2.1 Realism and Neo-Realism
2.2 Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism
2.3 Marxism and Neo-Marxism
2.4 Critical Theory
2.5. Constructivism
2..6. Modernism and Post-Modernism

Chapter Three: Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

3.1 Conceptualizing National Interest, Foreign Policy and
3.2 National Interest and Foreign Policy
- Determinants of National Interest and Foreign Policy
- Objectives of Foreign Policy
- Foreign Policy Orientations
- Instruments of Foreign Policy
3.3 A Survey of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Ethiopia
- Foreign Policy of Ethiopia during the Reign of Emperor
Menilik II
- Foreign Policy of Ethiopia during the Reign of Emperor
- Foreign Policy of Ethiopia during the Derg Regime
- Foreign Policy of Ethiopia during the EPRDF

Chapter Four: The International Political Economy (IPE)

4.1. Meaning and Nature of IPE
- The Nexus between Politics (State) and Economics (Market)
4.2. Theoretical Perspectives on IPE
- Classical Mercantilism and Economic Nationalism
- Classical Liberalism and Adam Smith
- Comparative Advantage and David Ricardo
- Neoliberalism and Keynesianism
- Marxism and Dependency Theory
- Hegemonic Stability Theory
- Developmental State Model
4.3. The Political Economy of North-South, South-South:
Conflict and Cooperation

Chapter Five: International Law

5.1 Meaning, Nature and Areas of International Law
5.2 Sources and Subjects of International Law
5.3 Law Making and Enforcement process at International
and Domestic level
5.4 Formation, Recognition and Responsibility of State under
International Law

Chapter Six: Regionalism and Globalization

6.1. The Concept, Nature and Development of Regionalism
and Regional Integration
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- The Old and New Regionalism

6.2. Major Theories of the Regional Integrations
- Functionalism
- Neo-functionalism
- Inter- governmentalism
- Supra-nationalism
- Selected Cases of Regional Integration (EU, AU...)
6.3. Definition and Evolution of Globalization
- Aspects of Globalization
- Actors of Globalization
- Pros and Cons of Globalization
- Ethiopia in a globalized World
6.4. Regionalization versus Globalization and State
- The Convergence, Divergence and Overlapping relations of
Regionalization and Globalization
- The Hypocrisy of Sovereignty
Chapter Seven: Major Contemporary Global Issues

7.1 Conceptualizing Global Issues

7.2 Survey of Global Issues
- Security Issues
 Terrorism, Religious Fundamentalism and political
 Weapons of Mass Destruction and The Nuclear Power
 Illicit Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Firearms
-Environmental Issues
 Climate Change and Global warming
-Technology Related Issues
 Cyber Crime and Cyber Security
-Other Social, Economic and Political Issues
 Human Rights
 Migration and Refugee
 Trade War
 Aid, Debt Relief

Teaching & Teaching methodology: Lectures, Group discussions, debates &

Learning Reflections

Assessment/ Tests (20%)

Assignment and Presentation (15%)
Evaluation Mid-Exam (25%)
Final Examination (40%)

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Reference Books
Text and
reference books -Altinay, Hakan (2011) Global Civics: Responsibilities and Rights in an
Interdependent World. The Brookings institution:Washington
-Armstrong, David(ed.)(2009). Routledge Handbook of International Law.
London: Routledge
-Baylis, J. and Smith, S. (eds.) (1997).The Globalization of World Politics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-Browlie, Ian (2003). Principles of Public International Law. (6th ed.). New
York: Oxford University
-Copson, Raymond w.(2007)The United States inAfrica:Bushpolicyand
beyond in association with InternationalAfrican InstituteRoyalAfrican
Societyof SocialScience Research Council, Zed Books:London
-Crane, George T. and AbalAmawi (1997). The Theoretical evolution of
International Political Economy: A -Reader (2nd Edition). Oxford University
Press: New York.
-Crawford, Robert (2000) Idealism and Realism in International Relations:
Beyond the Discipline. Routledge: USA DeLombaerde,Philippe(ed.)
-Demelo, Jaime and ArvindPanagariy(eds.) (1993)ANew Dimensionsin
RegionalIntegration,Centre forEconomic PolicyResearch 1993, Cambridge
University Press:USA
-Demelo, Jaime and ArvindPanagariy(eds.)(1993)ANew Dimensionsin
RegionalIntegration,Centre forEconomic PolicyResearch 1993, Cambridge
University, Press:USA
-Der, James D. (2009) Critical Practices in International Theory: Selected
Essays,Routledg, Abingdon, Oxon
-Farrell,Mary(ed.) (2005)GlobalPoliticsofRegionalism:Theoryand Practice.
Pluto Press: London
-Genest, Mark A. (1996). Conflict and Cooperation: Evolving Theories of
International Relations. Fourth Worth: Harcourt Brace and Co.
-Goldestein, Joshua S. and John C. Pevhouse (2006). International Relations
brief 3rd ed. PrisscillaMcGreehon.
-Goldstein J. S. (2003) International Relations. 5th edition. Washington, D.C.
Pearson Education Press, Inc
-Griffiths, Martin (Ed.) (2007). International Relations Theory for the
Twenty-First Century:An introduction. New York: Routledge
-Griffiths, Martin and Terry O’Callaghan (2002) InternationalRelations: The
Key Concepts. Routledge: London
-Griffiths, Martin, et al. (2008). International Relations: The Key Concepts
(Second Edition). New York: Routledge
-Griffiths, Martin, Steven C. and M. Scott (2009), Fifty Key Thinkers in
International Relations (2nd edition)
-Hancock, KathleenJ.(2009)RegionalIntegration;ChoosingPlutocracy,
PalgraveMacmillan:United States
-Henderson, Conway W.(1998) International Relations: Conflict and
Cooperation at the Turn of the 21 st Century. Guilford: McGraw-Hall.
-Hollis, Martin and Steve Smith (1990) Explaining and Understanding
International Relations. United States: Oxford University Press.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

-Holsti, K.J. (1995) International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. 7th ed.
New Jersey:Prentice Hall.
-J.M. Biswaro. (2012) The Quest for Regional Integration in the Twenty First
Century: Rhetoric versus Reality - A Comparative Study, MkukinaNyota
Publishers Ltd, Dar es Salaam: Tanzania
-Macdonald, David (ed.)(2007)The Ethics of Foreign Policy. Ashgate
Publishing Limited: England
-Malm, Endreas and ShoraEsmailian (2007). Iran on the Brink Rising
Workers and Threats of War. Pluto Press
-Mintz, Alex and Karl De Rouen (2010) Understanding Foreign Policy
Decision Making, Cambridge University Pres: Cambridge
-Rengger,N.J.(2000) International Relations,Political Theory and
theProblem of Order: Beyond International Relations theory?Routledge:
-Rourke, John T. and Mark A. Boyer (1998). World Politics: International
Politics on the world Stag., brief. 2nd ed. Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw-Hall.
-Salmon, Trevor C. (Ed.) (2005). Issues in International Relations. New
York: Routledge
-Steans, Jill and LloyndPettiford (2005). Introduction to International
relations: Perspectives and Themes. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall.
-Sutch , Peter and Juanita Elias (2007 ) International Relations, the basics.
Taylor & Francis.
-Todaro, Michael P. and Stephen Smith (2003).Economic Development
-Trevor S. Salmon and Mark F. Imber (ed) (2008). Issues in International
Relations. Routledge Publishing, 2nd Edition

-Vinay Bhargava (2006). Introduction to Global Issues.

-Walts, Kenneth N. (2003) Progress in International Relations Theory. Belfer
Center for Science and International Affairs John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts
-Weber,Cynthia (2001) International Relations Theory: A Critical
Introduction(2nd edition) Routledge: London

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Accounting and Finance Program

Course HIST. 102



Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

The general objective of the course is to acquaint students with historical

processes in Ethiopia. Specifically, after completing the course, students will be

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

able to:
distinguish meaning, nature and uses of history
identify pertinent sources for the history of the peoples of Ethiopia and the
Competence describe changes & continuities that unfolded in Ethiopia and the Horn
s to be elucidate the causes, courses and consequences of events happened in the
Acquired region
explain the nature of the region‟s external contacts and their effects
appreciate peoples‟ achievements, heritages and cultural diversities of the

Course This course is a common course given to Higher Learning Institutions

Description Students/HLIS. Students will learn about the role of history in human life and
goals of studying history. Students will also learn the importance of history in
nation building and the making of identity in time and space. This course covers
the major historical processes in Ethiopia and the Horn. The course is also
concerned with how the socio-cultural, religious, economic and political
experiences of the past are interwoven in the making of the current Ethiopia and
the Horn. It is useful to know how personalities helped change the scenario, and
how societies, peoples and the world that we live in have changed over time and
its implication for history of Ethiopia and the Horn. It is helpful to understand
history as a base for shaping and bettering of the future.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Unit 1: Introduction
1.1. Concepts of History: Meaning, Nature and Uses
1.2. Sources & Methods of Historical Study
1.3. Origin and Development of Historiography of Ethiopia
and the Horn
1.4. Introducing and Understanding Ethiopia and the Horn

Unit 2: Peoples and Cultures in Ethiopia and the Horn

2.1. Human Evolution
2.2. Neolithic Revolution
2.3. The Peopling of the Region
2.3.1. Languages and Linguistic Processes: Afro-Asiatic
Super Family (Cushitic, Semitic & Omotic
Families) and Nilo-Saharan (Chari-Nile & Koman families)
2.3.2. Settlement Patterns
2.3.3. Economic Formations
2.4. Religion and Religious Processes
2.4.1. Indigenous
2.4.2. Judaism
2.4.3. Christianity
2.4.4. Islam

Unit 3: Polities, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes in

Ethiopia & the Horn to end of 13th Century
3.1. Evolution of States

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3.2. Ancient Polities

3.2.1. North and Northeast Punt Damat Axum Zagwe
3.2.2. East, Central, Southern and Western Agaw, Bizamo, Damot, Enaraya, Gafat. Muslim Sultanates (Shewa, Ifat, Dawaro, Fatagar,
Bali, Hadiya, Arebabani, Shirka, Dera…)
3.3. External Contacts
3.4. Economic Formations (Agriculture, Handicraft, Trade…)
3.5. Socio-cultural achievements (Architecture, Writing …)

Unit 4: Politics, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes

from Late 13th – the beginning of 16th Century
4.1. “Restoration” of the “Solomonic‟‟ Dynasty
4.2. Power Struggle, Consolidation, Territorial and Religious
Expansion of the Christian Kingdom
4.2.1. Succession Problem and the Establishment of Royal
4.2.2. Territorial Expansion towards Agaw, Bizamo, Damot,
Red Sea, Bete-Israel/“Falasha…”
4.2.3. Evangelization and Religious Movements
4.3. Social, Economic and Political Dynamics of Muslim
4.3.1. Political Developments in the Muslim Sultanates and
the Rise of Adal
4.3.2. Trade and the Expansion of Islam
4.4. Rivalry between the Christian Kingdom and the Muslim
4.5. External Relations

Unit 5: Politics, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes

from Early 16th–the End of the 18th Century
5.1. Interaction and Conflicts of the Christian Kingdom and
the Sultanate of Adal
5.2. Foreign Interventions and Religious Controversies
5.3. Population Movements
5.3.1. Population Movements of the Afar, Somali and
5.3.2. Gadaa System and Oromo Population Movement
(1522- 1618)
5.4. Interaction and integration across ethnic and religious
5.5. Peoples and States in Eastern, Central, Southern and
Western Regions
5.5.1. Kushitic: Afar, Somali, Oromo, Sidama, Hadya,
Kembata, Konso, Gedeo, Burji…
5.5.2. Semitic: Harari Emirate, Shewa Kingdom, Gurage
5.5.3. Omotic: Kaffa, Wolayita, Gamo Gofa, Dawro, Konta,
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5.5.4. Nilotic: Anuak, Nuer, Berta, Gumuz…
5.6. The Period of Gondar (1636-1769) and “Zamana
Mesafint/Era of Princes” (1769-1855)
5.6.1. The Revival of the Christian Kingdom
5.6.2. Gondar achievements: architecture, painting, music,
literature, urbanization, trade etc.
5.6.3. Gondar Political Developments: “Close Door Policy,”
Reforms, “Byzantine Politics”…
5.6.4. Major Features of Era of Princes (1769-1855) and
Yejju Dynasty (1786-1853)

Unit 6: Internal Interactions and External Relations from

the 1800–1941
6.1. The Nature of Interactions among peoples and states of
Ethiopia and the Horn
6.1.1. Peoples and sates of Kafa, Wollaitta, Gibe, Leqa,
Qabena, Shawa...
6.1.2. The Role Trade and Trade Routes in the interaction
6.2. Power Rivalry
6.3. The Making of Modern Empire State (Territorial
Expansion, Centralization process…)
6.4. Modernization Attempts: administration, military,
innovation, education, road construction,
railway, transportation & communication, constitution…
6.5. Socio-Economic Issues/Processes: agriculture, disease &
famine, trade, slavery, manufacturing…
6.6. External Relations, Challenges and Threats
6.6.1. External Diplomatic Relations and Treaties
6. 6. 2. The Major Battles (Meqdela, Gundet, Gura, Dogali,
Mattama, Adwa, Maychew…)
6. 6. 3. Italian Occupation and the Patriotic Resistance

Unit 7: Internal Interactions and External Relations from

the 1941–1994
7.1. Post 1941 Imperial Period
7.1. 1. Political Scene: Restoration & Consolidation of
Imperial Power and External Relations
7.1. 2. Socio-economic Conditions: agriculture & tenancy,
famine, factories, education,
health, transportation, religion, welfare institutions (idir,
7.1.3. Opposition: Conspiracies, Revolts and Downfall of the
Monarchical Regime
7.2. The Derg Regime (1974-1991)
. 7.2. 1. The Rise of Derg and the Political Momentum
7.2.2. Attempts at Reforms: Land Reform, Development
through Cooperation Campaign,
Collectivization, Agricultural Marketing Corporation,
Resettlement, Villagization, Literacy…
7.2. 2. Internal oppositions, Ethio-Somali War, International
Changes & End of the Derg
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

7.3. Historical Developments, 1991-1994 (transitional

charter: language & identity issues…)

Unit 8: Cross-Cutting Issues in History of Ethiopia and

the Horn
8.1. The Role of Women in Ethiopian History (economic,
political, cultural and social)
8.2. Environmental Dynamics: changes and continuities
(deforestation, drought, pollution…)
8.3. Indigenous Knowledge: education, folk medicine,
conflict resolution mechanisms (Makabanto,
Shimigilinna, Yejoka, Samugnit, Guma, Luwa, Byto, Heer,
Seera… )

Teaching & This course will be delivered based on learner centered approach.
Learning Therefore, the main instructional strategies of the course are pair & group
Methods/strategy discussions; interactive teaching; brainstorming; icebreaker; debating &

Assessment/ Quiz = 5%
Test = 10%
Evaluation Individual or Group Assignments and Presentations = 15%
Mid-Term Examination = 20%
Final Examination = 50%

Reference Books
Text and
reference books -Abir, Mordechai. Ethiopia and the Red Sea: The Rise and Decline of the
Solomonic Dynasty and Muslim-European Rivalry in the Region. Frankcass,
- Ethiopia: The Era of The Prince; The Challenge of Islam and The Re-
unification of The
-Christian Empire 1769-1855. Institute of Asian & African Studies the
Hebrew University, 1968.
-Alberto, Sbacchi. Ethiopia under Mussolini: Fascism and the Colonial
Experience. 1985.
-Alemayehu Haile et al. History of the Oromo to the Sixteenth Century.
Finfinne: OCTB, 2006.
-Andargachew Tiruneh. The Ethiopia Revolution 1974-1987: Transformation
from Aristocracy to Totalitarian Autocracy. Cambridge University Press,
-Asmarom Legesse. Gada: Three Approaches to Study of African Society.
London: Free Press.
-Bahru Zewde. A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1991. Addis Ababa
University Press.
-Society, State and History, Selected Essays. Addis Ababa: AAU Pres, 2008.
-Bender, M. L. and et al. Eds. The Languages of Ethiopia. London, 1976.
-Clark, J.D. The Prehistoric Cultures of the Horn of Africa. Cambridge
University Press, 1954.
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

-Crabtree J Pam &Campana V. Douglas. Archaeology and Pre-history.

-Gebru Tareke. Ethiopia Power and Protests: The Ethiopian Peasants
Revolts in the 20th Century. -Cambridge University Press, 1991.
-Gadaa Melbaa. Oromia. Minneapolis, 1999.
-Haberland, Eike. “Notes on the History of Southern Ethiopian Peoples.”
Paris, 1975.
-Marcus, Harold G. A History of Ethiopia. University of California Press:
Berkeley, 1992.
-Mohammed Hassen. The Oromo of Ethiopia 1570-1860. Cambridge, 1990.
-Pankhrust, Richard. 1997. The Ethiopian Borderlands: Essays in Regional
History from Ancient Times to the end of the 18th Century. Red Sea Press.
-Rubenson, Sven. Survival of Ethiopian Independence. 1972.
-Sergew Hable Selassie. Ancient and Medival Ethiopian History to 1270.
Addis Ababa, 1972.
-Shiferaw Bekele. Economic History of Modern Ethiopia: Imperial Era
1941-1974. Vol. I. Dakar, 1995.
-Taddesse Tamrat. Church and State in Ethiopia, 1270-1527. Oxford, 1972.
-Teshale Tibebu. The Making of Modern Ethiopia, 1855- 1974. The Red Sea
Press, 1995.
-Trimingham, J.Spencer. Islam in Ethiopia. London: Frankcass and Company
LTD, 1965.

NB: Historical Maps of Ethiopia, relevant historical documents, relevant

internet web pages, museums and other relevant materials can also be used.

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Accounting and Finance Program

Number SNIE_______

Course Title

Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 2

The goal of this course is to provide the tools and strategies that help to create a
convenient environment that accommodates population with divers’ disabilities
and potential. This course encourages exploring the benefits of collaborating with
colleagues to design and implement inclusion an all sphere of life. It also guides
Course the discovery of ways to modify environment as well as services and practices to
Objectives meet the needs of all persons with disabilities in inclusive environment.
& As a result of reviewing various reading materials, completing the assignments,
Competence engaging in related discussions, and strongly workings on activities, towards the
s to be completion of the course, the University students of all fields in Ethiopia will be
able to:
1. Aware the needs of people with special needs, their potential and include all
aspects of developmental needs

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2. Identify population with special needs, their potentials and the learning and
working styles of all population with special needs in their environment.
3. Demonstrate desirable attitude towards all population with special needs in their
learning, working and living environment
4. Apply various assessment strategies for evidence-based planning to meet their
5. Attempt to adapt environments they are working and living in according to the
need and potential of the population with special needs
6. Develop an accommodative and inclusive attitude help to think for the
wellbeing and development of population with special needs.
7. Identify and select appropriate support and services method that addresses the
life needs of population with special needs individually and on group bases.
8. Collaborate with experts and relevant others for the life success of all persons
with disabilities in all environments.
9. Create and maintain successful inclusive environment

Course Special needs education refers to people with divers’ disabilities, gifted and
Description talented, and divers’ population being at risk of education and development. As
per the institutional reform that is focusing on enhancing development for all
population, the field of inclusive education is taking center stage in institutional
planning and improvement. This course introduces the process of achieving
inclusion with all appropriate accessibility and established support system at
institutional level.
In this course, the higher education students will learn how to assess, understand
and address the needs of persons with disabilities and provide relevant support
or seek extra support form experts. He/she also learns how to adapt and
implementing services for an inclusive environment that aimed to develop
holistic development such as affective, cognitive and psychosocial skills of the
population with disabilities. Identification and removal/management of
environmental barriers would find a crucial place in the course. The students
learn how to give more attention and support for students with; hearing
impairments, visual impairment, deaf-Blind, autism, physical and health
impairments, intellectually challenged, emotional and behavior disorders,
learning difficulty, communication disorders, gifted and talented student, and
those at risk due to different reason (population who are environmentally and
culturally deprived, abused, torched, abandoned, and orphaned and
vulnerable..etc). All University students will be given the chance to study the
specific developmental characteristics of each group of students with disabilities
and come up with appropriate intervention strategies in inclusive settings of
their respective professional environment and any development settings where
all citizens are equally benefited.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Unit 1. Understanding students with diverse needs/special

Time allotted: 10 contact hours
1.1. Unit objectives

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At the end of completing this unit, the students will be able to:
1. Brief historical trends of special needs population and their
holistic development
2. Describe the effect of negative attitude on educational and
life success of people with special needs
3. Describe the nature of difficulties, preventable causes,
identification, and assessment, of students with various
impairments that affect their daily learning.
4. Identify students with special needs whose daily life and
functioning is challenged and those students who are at risk.
5. Describe the need and characteristics of gifted and talented
6. Depict the condition of student at risk because of different
reasons (environmentally, culturally and linguistically
deprived, abused, torched, abandoned, and orphaned and
vulnerable student) who need special attention in educational
1.2. Unit Contents and sub contents
1. Overview of students with various special needs; sensory,
physical, below average intelligence, emotional and
behavioral challenges, learning difficulties, communication
difficulties, gifted and talented, students at risk, their
developmental characteristics and preventable causes.
2. Theoretical models such as the right model, medical model
and social model of special needs and its relevance.
3. Educational of students with various special needs.
4. Attitudinal barriers and means to enhance awareness
among the community members and political leaders.

5. The relationship between Poverty and Disability

6. Planning effective development of population with special
needs in inclusive settings
1.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate
1. Interactive lectures
2. Collaborative learning
3. Independent/self learning
4. Institutional/school visits and practicum
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5. Individual and group assignments and presentation

6. Seminars
7. Expert consultancy
8. Group participation
9. Guest practitioners
10. Others…
1.4. Detailed activities
1.4.1. Students’ Activities
2. Reading the materials delineated for this purpose
3. Discus and/or report the diversities of learners in the
classroom and report
4. Conduct mini case studies of students with divers needs
5. Visit schools that integrate students with special needs and
report the teaching and learning experience at school.
6. Find out gifted and talented students and gather facts on the
teaching and learning experience at school.
7. Find out evidence the effective instructional approach from
existing experience and literature.

1.4.2. Instructors Activities

1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Provide some examples of students with special needs and
their success.
3. Provide group case study questions
4. Support learners in all aspects in relation to their learning
5. Facilitate dialogue among learners to find out effective
instructional approach that address divers learning needs.
1.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Visit reports and presentation
4. Assignment (individual and group)
5. Test at the end of the unit

Unit2. Understanding Inclusion

Time allotted: 8 hours
2.1. Unit Objectives

Upon accomplishing this unit, the teacher candidates will be

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able to perform the following activities.

1. Organize and implement inclusion for people with varying
special needs
2. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of an inclusive
environment, the rationale for inclusion, and its effect on
education, and development.
3. Define terms associated with inclusion and its practices
4. Recognize what an inclusive environment looks and sounds
5. Respect rights of students with special needs along with the
disability convention ratified by the Ethiopian Government
6. Identify the benefits and challenges of inclusion
7. Modify environment to meaningfully accommodate
population with special needs in all environments
2.2. Unit Contents and sub contents
1. Definition of inclusive environment and the support system
2. Elements of Inclusive environment
3. Characteristics of inclusive environment
4. Special needs population’s right in the inclusive
5. Benefits and Challenges of Inclusion
6. Strategies in addressing individual needs.
7. Policies, legislations, strategies, legal framework and other
related documents.

2.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Group task
3. Collaborative/cooperative learning
4. Independent/self learning
5. Institutional visits and practicum
6. Individual and group assignments and presentation
7. Seminars

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8. Expert consultancy
9. other…

2.4. Detailed activities

2.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Discuss; define what inclusive environment and the support
system for population with divers needs
2. Discus and list elements and characteristics of inclusive
3. List special populations’ right to development and discuss
how to implement Inclusive environment
4. Explore the benefits and challenges of inclusion,
individually and in-group
2.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Create participatory learning classroom.
3. Provide activity guide for the students
4. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
5. Provide special support for those with difficulties or special
6. Provide feedback on the students various activities
7. Stabilize the learning by summarizing core points
8. Demonstrate the importance and application of adapted
9. Introduce Web sites devoted to technology use in the
inclusive classroom.
10. Introduce software and multimedia applications.
2.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit
5. Assignment and visit reports

Unit 3: Identification of population with special needs

Time allotted: 5 hours
3.1. Unit objectives

Upon completing this unit, the students will be able to:

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1. Learn and engage in developing identification tools that

would be applicable in the environment
2. Identify different needs among population with special
needs and use various strategies that support their
developmental needs.
3. Demonstrate the process of identifying students who need
special support and the options available for serving these
students’ educational needs
3.2. Unit Contents and sub contents
1. Development of checklists for identification of various
2. Procedure of identification
3. Identifying learners needs, potentials and difficulties in

3.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Group activities.
3. Collaborative learning
4. Independent/self learning
5. Institutional/school visits and practicum
6. Individual and group assignments and presentation
7. Seminars
8. Expert consultancy
9. Others…
3.4. Detailed activities
3.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Read materials on how to identifying learning styles of
learns, from literature and experiences.
2. Discuss how to identify various support strategies
3. Discus on various instruments on how to identify students
need, potentials and difficulties
4. Develop identification checklist for specific difficulty.
3.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities

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2. Provide activity guide for the students

3. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
4. Provide special support for those with who need it
5. Provide feed back on the students various activities
3.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit
5. Assignment
6. Portfolio

Unit4. Assessment in special needs

Time allotted: 5 hours
4.1. Unit objectives

At the end of this unit, the students will be able to:

1. Adapt assessments for students with special needs
2. Understand potential challenges of using standard
assessment tools to measure the progress of students with
special needs
3. Modify and create assessments that accurately evaluate the
skills and progress of all students, including those with
special needs
4. Use ongoing as well as summative assessments
5. Use portfolios to assess ethically and appropriately what
each student knows and able to do in inclusive classroom.
6. Design an assessment that addresses an equity issue
7. Assess, design and decide the most appropriate educational
programming for student/youth with sensory impairments,
physical and health impairments, intellectually challenged,
emotional and behavior disorders,
learning difficulty, communication disorders, and students at
risk and gifted and talented students.
8. Assess and design on elimination of social and
environmental barriers that would facilitate inclusive
4.2. Unit Contents and sub contents

1. Strategy and procedure to develop assessment instrument.

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2. Relevant components of assessment instrument.

3. Progressive assessments
4. Portfolios
5. Implication of assessment
4.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Assignment
2. Group and individual presentations
3. Collaborative learning
4. Independent/self learning
5. Institutional/school visits and practicum
6. Individual and group assignments and presentation
7. Seminars
8. Expert consultancy
9. Others….

4.4. Detailed activities

4.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Identify and discus some basic assessments techniques for
students with special needs and their challenges
2. Exercise how to assessments progresses of all students
3. Discus how to use portfolios for all students
4. Practice to develop assessment tools
4.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Provide activity guide for the students
3. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
4. Provide special support for those with difficulties or special
5. Provide feed back on the students various activities
4.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance

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2. Recording group and individual participation

3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit

Unit 5: Differentiated services for populations of special

Time allotted: 5 hours
5.1. Unit Objectives

At the end of this unit, the students will be able to involve

effectively in the following activities:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the individualized services
plan for population with special needs as a means of ensuring
that these population receive services opportunities tailored to
their needs
2. Describe the purpose of an individualized services plan
3. Identify the components of an individualized services plan
4. Develop strategies for providing remediation to population
with special needs
5. Identify applicable technologies and software that will be
useful for persons with various
6. Use the internet and other technology tools to enhance
services and developments for populations of persons with
various special needs
7. Evaluate technology applications for population with
special needs
8. Explain the need for interdisciplinary individualized
services plan teams, and describe the role and responsibility
of each team member
9. Develop group intervention and describe its approach
5.2. Unit Contents and sub contents

Strategies of mediation to students with special needs

1. Content-specific resources for students
2. Instructional technology
3. Individualized service plan
4. Interdisciplinary individualized services plan teams
5. Curriculum enrichment
6. The role and responsibilities of a general education teacher
in the

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7. implementation of the individualized services p

8. Planning group intervention
5.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Group activities
3. Collaborative learning
4. Independent/self learning
5. Institutional/school visits and practicum
6. Individual and group assignments and presentation
7. Seminars
8. Guest lecture
9. Others…
5.4. Detailed activities
5.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Define what individualized services plan mean
2. Discus the purposes of individualized services plan
3. List the components of individualized services plan
4. Discuss how individualized services plan could be realized
in the school
5. Design and present single case individualized services
plan .
6. Develop group intervention plan
5.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Provide activity guide for the students
3. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
4. Give assignments
5. Provide special support for those with who need it
6. Provide feedback on the students various activities
7. Design and present the sample for good individualized
services plan and group educational intervention.
5.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
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1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product of the students
4. Test at the end of the unit
5. Assignment

Unit 6. Promoting Positive Behaviors Institution-wide

Time allotted: 5 hours
6.1. Unit objectives

Upon the accomplishing this unit, the Higher education

students will be able to perform the following activities.
1. Implement strategies for managing an inclusive
environment effectively
2. Describe behavior management modifications in an
inclusive environment
3. Use strategies to increase desirable behaviors while
decreasing undesirable behaviors
4. Develop effective techniques for responding to
inappropriate behavior both in and out of the classroom
5. Build positive social relationships between all populations
with special needs.
6. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of
collaboration in an inclusive environment
6.2. Unit Contents and sub contents
1. Behavior management modifications
2. Classroom management for inclusive environment
3. Social relationships and collaboration in an inclusive
6.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Collaborative learning
3. Independent/self learning
4. Institutional/school visits and practicum
5. Individual and group assignments and presentation

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6. Seminars
7. Expert consultancy
8. Discussion
9. Others….
6.4. Detailed activities
6.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Discuss how to learn ways to create an inclusive
2. Explore how to modify the current environment.
3. Discuss techniques for relationship building in the inclusive
6.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Encourage interactive approach.
3. Provide activity guide for the students
4. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
5. Provide special support for those with who need it
6. Provide feed back on the students various activities
6.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit

Unit 7: Resourcesfor the Inclusive environment

Time allotted: 5 hours
7.1. Unit objectives

At the end of this unit, the students will be able to accomplish

the following tasks:
1. Apply constructivist techniques to create a conducive
climate to diverse populations’ success.
2. Find out existing resource that enhances success of
inclusive environment.
3. Make adaptations based on the nature of the disabilities
4. Adapt communication for people with special needs
education, such as, Braille, augmentative communication and
Sign Language
7.2. Unit Contents and sub contents

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1. Modification of environment and materials

2. Adapting learning and working process according to the
3. Identifying human material and other resources that help
inclusive environmental activities.
4. Accessing adapted technologies
5. Accessing communication through various means such as
Sign Language

7.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Assignment
2. Interactive lectures
3. Visits and reporting
4. Collaborative learning
5. Independent/self learning
6. Institutional/school visits and practicum
7. Individual and group assignments and presentation
8. Seminars
9. Expert consultancy
10. Others…

7.4. Detailed activities

7.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Review some high school curriculum in group and exercise
how to adapt for learners
2. Adapting instructional techniques and present them in the
7.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Provide activity guide for the students
3. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
4. Provide special support for those with difficulties and
special needs
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5. Provide feedback on the students various activities

7.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit

Unit 8: Collaborative Partnerships with stakeholders

Time allotted: 5 hours
8.1. Unit objectives

At the end of this unit the students will be able to:

1. Identify key elements of successful collaboration
2. Describe the benefits and challenges of collaboration for
various stockholders for the success of inclusive education
3. Explain the process of cop-planning, and develop strategies
for effective co-planning and team learning and working
4. Identify characteristics of successful stockholders
5. Design and plan strategies for community involvement
8.2. Unit Contents and sub contents
1. Collaboration to successfully move towards inclusion
2. Planning Inclusive development in all sectors
3. Implementing inclusive
4. Individualized support as per the law, policies and
5. Evaluation and monitoring
8.3. General Approach/Methods/Strategies

This section is flexible to involve the instructor’s creativity in

identifying selecting and adapting the instructional method to
the context of the learner. Some general approaches are listed
below. The instructor can select among this and add his own
that he/she feels appropriate.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Collaborative learning
3. Independent/self learning
4. Institutional/school visits and practicum
5. Individual and group assignments and presentation
6. Seminars

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7. Individual and group presentations

8. Expert consultancy
9. Others…
8.4. Detailed activities
8.4.1. Students’ Activities
1. Discuss and sort out key elements of successful team or co
2. Discus the benefits and challenges of collaboration in the
move towards inclusive education.
3. Identify and list resources for successful inclusion
8.4.2. Instructors Activities
1. Facilitate students learning by posing questions and guiding
their activities
2. Provide activity guide for the students
3. Encourage all students to work on the activities in
cooperative manner
4. Provide special support for those with who need it
5. Provide feed back on the students various activities
8.5. Assessment Strategies and Techniques
1. Recording attendance
2. Recording group and individual participation
3. Recording the product f students
4. Test at the end of the unit

Teaching & Provision of self-learning material, individual self-assessment questions

Learning and activities, answer keys and feedback, lecture and discussion during
Methods/strategy face-to-face tutorial sessions

Assessment/ Dear teacher candidates, for each contents you will complete getting started
activities, read selected materials complete course works and group
Evaluation assignments. Assessment of the students would be a continuous process. The
following scheme of evaluation would be used:
1. Individual assignments 20% (optional, depending on the class size and
teacher educators teaching load )
2. Group assignment: 20%
3. Overall performance (punctuality, attendance, participation and
collaboration): 10%. This is based on concrete records of punctuality,
attendance and fruitful participation, that is measured by teacher educator
4. Written examination (could be more than one time): 50 to 70%

Reference Books

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

Text and 1. Alemayehu Teklemariam and Temsegen Fereja (2011). Special Need
reference books Education in Ethiopia: Practice of Special Needs Education around the
World. Washington: Gallaudet University Press.
2. Alemayehu Teklemariam (2019). Inclusive Education in Ethiopia: WILEY
and Blackwell: Singapore
3. A Teachers Guide (2001). UNESCO. Inclusive Education and Classroom
Practice in Secondary Education (2004).
4. Berit H. Johanson and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2006). Towards Special
Needs Education as a University Discipline: An Important step on the way to
Education for All. In When All Means All. Hakapaino Oy: Helsinki
5. Tirussew Teferra and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2007). Including the
Excluded: Integrating disability into EFA Fast Track Initiative Process and
National Education Plans in Ethiopia. World Vision
6. MOE (2007). School Improvement Program
7. MOE (2010). Special Needs Program strategies implementation guide.
8. MOE (Ministry of Education). (2006). Special Needs Education Program
Strategy. Addis Ababa
9. Understanding and responding to children’s need in inclusive classroom
10. ዓለማየሁ ትክለማርያም (2009). በመተባበር መማር፡- አንድ ለሁሉም፣ ሁሉም ለአንድ፣ አዲስ
አበባ፡- ፋርኢስት አታሚ

11. ዓለማየሁ ትክለማርያም (2011). አካቶ ትምህርት ለምን፣ምን፣ለነማን እንዴት፤ አዲስ አበባ፡-
ፋርኢስት አታሚ

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Accounting and Finance Program

Number MATH101S

Course Title

Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

After completion of the course, students will be able to:

apply propositional logic in reasoning,

Course use quantifiers in open propositions in mathematical logic

Objectives understand concepts of sets and set operations,
understand the fundamental properties of real numbers
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

s to be solve equations and inequalities

Acquired explain different types of functions, their inverses and their graphs
evaluate zeros of polynomials
describe basic properties of logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric
understand the notion of matrices and determinant.
use matrices and determinants to solve system of linear equations,
apply matrices and determinants to solve real life problems
evaluate limits of elementary functions,
understand the notion of continuity of functions,
evaluate derivatives of elementary functions
apply derivatives to solve practical problems
evaluate integrals of elementary functions,

apply integrals to solve practical problems

solve application problems using differentiations and integrations

Description The course intends to prepare social science students with basic concepts and
materials from mathematics that necessitate a good foundation to treat some
mathematical applications in social science. This course rigorously discusses the
basic concepts of logic and set theory, the real number system, solving equation
and inequalities, relations and type of functions, polynomial and rational
functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions, and
their graphs, matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations;
introduction to calculus.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Propositional logic and Set Theory (14

lecture hrs)
1.1. Definition and examples of proposition
1.1.1 Logical connectives
1.1.2 Compound (or complex) propositions
1.1.3 Tautology and contradiction
1.1.4 Open proposition and quantifiers

1.2. Set theory

1.2.1 The concept of a set
1.2.2 Description of sets

Chapter Two: Functions (14 lecture hrs)

2.1. The real number system
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

2.2. Solving equation and inequalities

2.3. Review of relations and functions
2.4. Real-valued functions and their properties
2.5. Types of functions and inverse of a function
2.6. Polynomials, zeros of polynomials, rational functions,
and their graphs
2.7. Definitions and basic properties of logarithmic,
exponential and trigonometric functions, and their graphs.

Chapter Three: Matrices, determinant and systems of

linear equation (14 lecture hours)
3.1. Definition of a matrix
3.2. Algebra of matrices
3.3. Types of matrices: square, identity, scalar, diagonal,
triangular, symmetric, and skew symmetric matrices
3.4. Elementary row and column operations
3.5. Row reduced echelon form of a matrix
3.6. Rank of a matrix using elementary row/column
3.7. Determinant and their properties
3.8 Ad joint and inverse of a matrix
3.9. System of linear equations
3.9.1. Gaussian elimination
3.9.2. Cramer's rule
3.9.3. Inverse method

Chapter Four: Introduction to calculus (22 lecture hours)

4.1. Limits (Intuitive approach) and continuity
4.2. Derivatives
4.3. Applications of derivatives
4.4. Integrals and their applications

Teaching & Mode of delivery

Learning Lecture
Methods/strategy Group discussion
Problem solving

Assessment/ Assessment methods

 Assignments / quizzes / 20%
Evaluation  Mid Exam 30%
 Final examination 50%

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Reference Books

Text and  Alemayehu Haile and Yismaw Alemu, Mathematics an

reference books Introductory Course, Department of Mathematics, AAU
 Demissu Gemeda, An Introduction to Linear Algebra, Department
of Mathematics, AAU, 2000
 Yismaw Alemu, Mathematics for Social Sciences
 Lorenzo Peccati · Mauro D’Amico ,Margherita Cigola,, Maths for
Social Sciences, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Accounting and Finance Program

Course CEST1011


Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 2

Upon a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Understand the subject matter of Civics and Ethics;
 Cultivate certain moral values and civic virtues that enable them to be
morally matured and competent in their professional and citizenry lives by
Course practically exposing them to moral and civic debates/discussions and
Objectives engagements.
&  Develop such values/ virtues as recognition, appreciation and tolerance
Competence towards diversity and also build culture of peace
s to be  Gain knowledge about the theoretical discourses and practices of state,
government and citizenship, and their mutual interplay especially in the
context of Ethiopia;
 Develop individual and/or collective potential of becoming self-confident
citizens who can effectively participate in their legal-political, socio-
economic and cultural lives;
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 Understand the essences of such values and principles as democracy and

human rights, multiculturalism and constitution and constitutionalism with
especial reference to Ethiopia;
 Develop analytical and reflective skill of identifying global or national
level development, democracy/governance and peace related issues of
civics and ethics and then be able to produce or evaluate policies and
practices in a civically and ethically responsible manner.

Course This course is designed for undergraduate students with the aim of producing
Description good citizens. It emphasizes on equipping learners with the necessary civic
competence and active participation in public life. It will also help them to
exercise their democratic rights and discharging their responsibilities effectively
by familiarizing them with necessary civic knowledge and skills. In countries such
as ours, where the process of cultivating modern constitutional and democratic
values in the minds of citizens is experiencing serious challenges, largely because
the country had no established civic culture and partly because these values and
principles are not yet well-institutionalized, civics and ethical education remains
to be imperative. To this end, the course introduces learners to the basics of civics
and ethics, citizenship, morality and the goals of studying civics and ethics. It
exposes students to the meanings, foundations, approaches, values and principles
of ethics and civic virtue that learners must be equipped with both as citizens and
professionals in their encounter with real life situations both to be morally
matured and responsible while making decisions and taking actions. The course
also elucidate the nature, purpose and forms of state and government, constitution,
democracy and human rights, the nature of democratic citizenship, modes of
cultivating civic-virtues in our citizens mainly within the context of Ethiopia.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One: Understanding Civics and Ethics

1.1 Defining Civics, Ethics, Morality and amorality
1.2 The Origin and Development of Civics and ethical
1.3 The purpose of civics and ethical education
1.4 Citizen: Rights and responsibilities
1.5 Competences of good citizen

Chapter Two: Approaches to Ethics

2.1 Normative ethics
2.1.1 Teleological Ethics (Consequentialist)
 Hedonism
 Ethical and psychological Egoism: Epicureanism and
 Social Hedonism: Utilitarianism
2.1.2 Deontological Ethics (Non- Consequentialist)
 Performance of One’s own Duty
 Devine-based Morality
 Kant’s Categorical Imperative
 W.D. Ross’s Prima Facie duty
2.1.3 Virtue Ethics and Civic Virtues
 Basic Principles of Civic Virtues
 How to be virtuous person?
2.2 Non-Normative Ethics
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 Meta Ethics
 Absolutism/Objectivism
 Relativism/Subjectivism and Conventionalism
 Naturalism and Non-naturalism
2.3 Issues in Applied Ethics
2.3.1 Development Ethics

 How should a society Develop?

 Who is morally responsible for Underdevelopment?
 A ‘Just’ Development
2.3.2 Environmental Ethics
 Ecosystem and the environmental pollutions
 Principles of Environmental Ethics
2.3.3 Professional Ethics
 Profession and Professionalism
 The scope of Professional Ethics
 Common Principles of Professional Ethics

Chapter Three: Ethical Decision Making and Moral

3.1 Ethical Principles and Values of Moral Judgments
 The principle of equal consideration of interest
 Conflicting goals and ethical Justifications
 Ethical values and Justifiable exceptions
3.2 Why Should I act ethically?

Chapter Four: State, Government and Citizenship

4.1 Understanding State
 What is a state?
 Attributes of State
 State Structures
4.2 Understanding Government
 Major Function and Purpose of Government
 Types of Government: Limited and Unlimited
 Systems of Government
4.3 Understanding Citizenship
 What is Citizenship
 Inclusion and exclusion in Citizenship
 Ways of Acquiring Citizenship
 Ways of Losing Citizenship
 Citizenship in Ethiopian Context: Past and Present
4.4 State Formation and Nation-building in Ethiopian Context

Chapter Five: Constitution, Democracy and Human

5.1 Constitution and Constitutionalism
 Peculiar features of Constitution
 Major Purpose and Functions of Constitution
 Classification of Constitutions
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 The Constitutional Experience of Ethiopia: pre and

post 1931
5.2 Democracy and Democratization
 Definitions and Forms of Democracy
 Views on Democracy: Substantive and Procedural
 Fundamental Values and Principles of Democracy
 Democratization and Its Waves
 Major actors in Democratization Process
 Democracy and Good Governance in Ethiopia
5.3 Human Rights
 Definitions and Nature of Human Rights
 Basic Characteristics of Human Rights
 Dimensions of Human Rights
 The Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
-Human Rights Instruments: Documents
- Oversight Mechanisms: Institutions

Teaching & Lectures, Group discussions, debates &Reflections


Assessment/ Quiz (5%)

Tests (15%)
Evaluation Assignments (15%)
Mid-Exam (25%)
Final Examination (40%)
Total: 100%

Reference Books
Text and
reference books - Alexander, Larry (eds.).(1998). Constitutionalism: Philosophical
Foundations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
-AssefaFisseha. (2006). Federalism and Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity
in Ethiopia: Comparative Study. Utrecht: Wolf Legal Publishers.
-Charles F. Kettering Foundation. & Harwood Group.1991. Citizens and
politics: a view from Main -Street America. Dayton, Ohio: The Foundation.
-David S. Oderberg and Timothy Chapel. (2004). Human values , new essays
on ethics and natural law palgravemacmillan, Great Britain.
-Fasil Nahum. 1997. Constitution for a Nation of Nations: The Ethiopian
Prospect. Lawrenceville,NJ: Red Sea Publishers.
-FDRE. (1995). The Constitution of the Federal Democratic of Ethiopia.
Federal NegarritGazeta: Addis Abeba
-Francis Snare (1992). The Nature of Moral Thinking. Rutledge, U.S.A and
-Frechette,S. (1981). Environmental Ethics. U.S.A.: The Boxwood Press.
-Goodin, Robert E. 2005. Reflective Democracy. Oxford University Press:
New York.
-James Paul and Clapham .1972. Ethiopian Constitutional Development: A
source book. Haile Selassie I university: Addis Ababa.
Page 210 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

-Jeavons, T. (1991). Learning for the common good: liberal education, civic
education, and teaching about philanthropy. Washington, DC: Association of
American Colleges.
-John M.Rist Real Ethics. (2004).Reconsidering the Foundations of
MoralityCambridge university press U.K and U.S.A
-Macedo, S. (2000). Diversity and distrust: civic education in a multicultural
democracy. Cambridge, -Mass: Harvard University Press.
-Melzer, A. M., Weinberger, J., &Zinman, M. R. (1998). Multiculturalism
and American Democracy. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas.
-Munitz, Milton K., (ed.) (1961). A Modern Introduction to Ethics, The Free
Press of Clencoe
-Navia, Luis E. and Kelly, Eugene. (1980). Ethics and the Search for Values,
Prometheus Books.
-Niemi, R. G., &Junn, J. (1998). Civic education: what makes students learn.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
-Norman, Richard. (1985). The Moral Photospheres: An introduction to
Ethics, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
-Nzongola, Ntalajia and Margaret C. 1998. The State and Democracy in
Africa. Asmara: Africa World Press.
-Oppenheim, A. N. (1977). Civic education and participation in democracy :
the German case.London ; Beverly Hills: Sage.
-Penrose, W. O. (1952). Freedom is ourselves: Legal rights and duties of the
citizen as a basis for civic education. Newark: University of Delaware Press.

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Accounting and Finance Program

Number SPSC 101

Course Title

Status of the


Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs No

By the end of this course the students will be able to:

1. Recognize the immediate and long term responses of the body to various types
of exercise.
2. Understands the basic concepts of physical fitness and conditioning exercises.
Course 3. Understand the concept of hypokinetic disease and conditions.
Objectives 4. Distinguish the general principles of fitness training
& 5. Develop conditioning programs to enhance the components of health related
Competence physical finesses.
s to be 6. Participate in conditioning programs which may help to develop the
components of health related physical finesses.
7. Understand health issues in relation to excess body fatness and excessively low
body fat.
8. Develop skills to assess health related physical fitness components.
9. Develop healthy body weight management skill.
10. Appreciate and value the benefits of regular physical exercise to healthy
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11. Develop interest to engage in a regular physical exercise program as a life time
12. Develop self-confidence and effective communication skills in and out of the
school environment.

Course This course will provide the students with basic concepts of the five components
Description of health related physical fitness (cardiovascular, muscular strength and
endurance, flexibility, and body composition), conditioning, hypokinetic disease
and general principles of training. It is mainly practical oriented. As a result, the
students will be exposed to various exercise modalities, sport activities, minor and
major games, and various training techniques as a means to enhance health related
physical fitness components. In addition, they will develop the skills to assess
each component of fitness and will practice designing cardiovascular, muscular
strength and endurance, and flexibility programs based on the fitness assessment.
The course serves as an introduction to the role of exercise in health promotion,
fitness, performance including the acute and chronic responses of the body to
WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter 1- Concepts of physical fitness and conditioning

1.1. Meanings and definitions of terms
1.1.1. physical fitness
1.1.2. physical conditioning
1.1.3. Physical Activity,
1.1.4. Physical exercise and
1.1.5. Sport
1.2. General principles of fitness training
Chapter 2- The Health Benefits of Physical Activity
2.1. Physical Activity and Hypokinetic Diseases/Conditions
2.2. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Diseases
2.3. physical activity and postural deformity

Chapter 3 - Making Well-Informed Food Choices

3.1. Sound Eating Practices
3.2. Nutrition and Physical Performance

Chapter 4- Health related components of fitness

2.1. Cardiovascular fitness
2.1.1. Meaning and concepts of cardiovascular fitness
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing cardiovascular fitness
2.2. Muscle fitness
2.2.1. Meaning and concepts of muscle fitness
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing muscle fitness

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2.3. Flexibility
2.3.1. Meaning and types of flexibility
2.1.2. Means and methods of developing flexibility
2.4 Body composition
2.4.1. Meaning of body composition
2.4.2. Health risks associated with over fatness
2.4.3.Health risks associated with excessively low body

Chapter 5- Assessment of fitness components

3.1. Assessment of cardiovascular fitness
3.2. Assessment of muscle fitness
3.3. Assessment of flexibility
3.4. Assessment of body composition

Chapter 6- Development and Assessment of the health

related components of fitness

Teaching &  Lecture

Learning  Group discussion
Methods/strategy  Questioning and answering
 Presentation
 Field Practice
 Explanation
 Demonstration

Assessment/ Test (Written)………………10%.....................................Chapter 1

Group assignment (peer fitness assessment)……..20%...…………….Chapter
Evaluation 5
Mid - term exam (Written)……..30……………… Chapter 1,2,3,4
Final exam - practical group assignment (peer training on the five
components of fitness)..………………………40%Chapter5

Text Book
Charles B. Corbin, Gregory J. Weik, William R. Corbin and Karen A. Welk.
Text and (2006). Concepts of fitness and wellness: a comprehensive lifestyle approach.
reference books 6th edt.
Reference Books

1. Schott k. Powers, Stepheen L. Dod and Virginia J. (2006), Total Fitness

and Wellness.
2. Paul M, and Walton T. (2006), Core Concepts in Health, 10th edit.
3. Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey (1990), Fitness for life, 3rd Edition,


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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Finance Program

Course ENLA 101



Status of the

prerequisite None

Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

 Express themselves in social and academic events in English--Use

English intelligibly with reasonable level of curacy and fluency
 Listen and comprehend to talks related to social and academic events
Course given in English
&  Read and understand texts written in English –texts on academic and
Competence social matters
s to be  Write in English as academically and socially desirable.
 Learn and develop their English on their own—learning to learn: the
language and the skills

Course Communicative English Skills Iis a course designed to enable studentsto

Description communicate in English intelligibly with acceptable accuracy, fluency and
ability to use English appropriatelyin different contexts. The course exposes
students to English language learning activities designed to help students use
English for their academic and social needs. Students would be engaged in
language learning development activities through doing and reflection on action.
This includes grammar and vocabulary as used in communicative events and all
skills and their sub-kills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The language
and skills are integrated where one becomes a resource to the other. There are
six units covering topics related to the life world of students as well as of
societal relevance.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Unite 1: Introducing Oneself

Section 1: Listening
Activity one
-Introducing oneself (who you are, where you came from,
where you finished your primary and secondary school), what
you intend to study and why
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading a short biography written in simple English: using
background knowledge, reading with comprehension, making
notes while reading, guessing meanings, attending to
reference words & discussing notes,
Activity two
-Reading a short deductive essay: taking notes while reading,
discussing notes, guessing meaning while reading, identifying
descriptive words,using descriptive words in sentence writi

Unit 2: Study Skills

Section 1: Listening
Activity one
-listening to a talk on habits of successful students: reflecting
on one’s study skills, taking notes while listening,
discussingnotes, answering listening comprehension
questions, discussing answers
Activity two
-Giving advice using tips from the listening text: using the
language of giving advice
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading an expository essay on study skills: reading with
comprehension, attending to new vocabulary, writing notes
while reading,writing brief summariesfrom notes
Activity two
-Studying the present perfect tense and the past perfect tense:
form, use and meaning of conditionals
Unit 3: Sports and Health
Section 1: Listening
Activity one
-Listening about Zinedine Zidan (who he is, his childhood, his
professional career): using prior knowledge (talking about a
famous football player), predicting what comes next and
checking prediction, taking notes while listening, discussing
notes, presenting oral summary), asking and answering Wh-
Activity two
-Studying conditionals (form, use and meaning)
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading a short expository passage on sports and health:
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discussing how sports improve health, reading for main ideas,

making notes while reading, developing notes into short
summaries, comparing summaries
Activity two
-Working on vocabulary:using word formation

Unit 4: Cultural Values

Section 1: Listening
Activity one
-Listening about cultural tourism: discussing how culture
attracts tourists, listening with comprehension, taking notes
while listening, discussing notes, developing notes into one-
paragraph summaries
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading an expository text on culturalvalues: reading with
comprehension, writing notes while reading, answering
comprehension questions, summarizing the text based on
notes made while reading, discussing summaries
Activity 2
-Revision simple present, simple past, present perfect and past
perfect tenses: revising form, use and meanings of these
tenses, writing short meaningful sentences using simple
present, simple past, present perfect and past perfect forms of

Unit 5: Tourism and Wildlife

Section 1: Listening
-Listening about human-wildlife conflict (argumentative text):
using prior knowledge, listening with comprehension, making
notes while reading, writing summaries using the notes,
discussing the summaries
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading a text on tourism and wildlife: using visual, reading
with comprehension,guessing meanings of words based on
context, writing brief notes while reading, discussing notes
and developing them into summaries, discussing summaries
Activity two
-Working on denotative and connotative meanings
Activity three
-Revising conditionals: constructing meaningful sentences
based on pictures
Unit 6: Population
Section 1: Listening
Activity one
-Listening about population density: learning the meanings of
‘population’, ‘density’ and ‘population density’, predicting
what comes in the talk and checking prediction, listening with
comprehension, taking notes while listening, discussing notes,
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

writing short paragraphs using the notes and discussing them

Section 2: Reading
Activity one
-Reading a text on population pyramid: interpreting tables,
graphs and pie charts, reading with comprehension, making
notes while reading, discussing notes, developing notes into
paragraphs, discussing and improving paragraphs
Activity two
-Studying collocation: learning the definition of collocation,
identifying words that collocate with ‘population’, doing
exercise on collection, using collection in vocabulary study
Activity three
-Working on active and passive constructions (form, use,
meaning): noticing grammar pattern in example sentences,
listening to a brief lecture, writing lectures notes, discussing
notes, identifying active and passive constructions,
completing contextualized exercise, reading independently
and compiling portfolio on passive constructions

Teaching &
Learning  Short lectures
Methods/strategy  Pair and group work
 Discussions
 Presentations
 Independent learning (e.g. independent reading)
Assessment/  Active Participation =5%
 Individual Assignment (portfolio)= 10%
 Group Assignment = 15%
 Written test = 10%
 Oral presentation = 10%
 Final Examination = 50%

Reference Books
Text and
reference books -Alfassi, M. 2004. Reading to learn: Effects of combined strategy instruction
on high schoolstudents. Journal of Educational Research, 97(4):171-184.
-Anderson, N. 1999. Exploring second language reading: Issues and
strategies. Toronto:Heinle&Heinle Publisher.
-Bade, M. 2008. Grammar and good language learners.In C. Griffiths (Eds.).
Lessons from good language learners (pp. 174-184). Cambridge University
Press. https//
-Bouchard, M. 2005. Reading comprehension strategies for English language
learners: 30research-based reading strategies that help students read,
understand and really learncontent from their textbooks and other nonfiction
materials. New York: Scholastic.
-Cameron, L. 2001. Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge:
Cambridge University
-Chamot, A.U. 1987. The learning strategies of ESL students. In A. Wenden
Page 218 of 224
Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

& J. Rubin (Eds.). Learner strategies in language learning (PP 71-85).

Prentice-Hall: Hemel Hempstead.
-Gairns, R. & Redman, S. 1986. Working with words: A guide to teaching
and learning vocabulary. Cambridge University Press.
-Department of Foreign Language and Literature. 1996. College English
(Volume I and Volume II). Addis Ababa University Press.
-McNamara, D.S. (Ed.). 2007. Reading comprehension strategies: Theories,
interventions, andtechnologies. New York: Erlbaum.
-Tilfarlioğlu, Y. 2005. An Analysis of the relationshipbetweenthe use of
grammar learning strategiesandstudent achievement at English preparatory
classes.Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 1: 155-169.
-Murphy R. (?). Essentials of English grammar in use: A self-study reference
and practice book for intermediate students of English (2nd Ed.). Cambridge
University Press.
-Murphy R. 2004. English grammar in use: A self-study reference and
practice book for intermediate students of English (3rd Ed.). Cambridge
University Press.
-Zhang, L. J. 2008.Constructivist pedagogy in strategic reading
instruction:Exploring pathways tolearnerdevelopment in the English as a
second language (ESL) classroom. Instructional Science, 36(2): 89-



Accounting and Finance Program

Course EmTe 1011 or EmTe 1012

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance



Status of the

prerequisite None

Degree BA degree in accounting and finance




Credit Hrs 3

By the end of this course the student will able to:

 Identify different emerging technologies
 Differentiate different emerging technologies
 Select appropriate technology and tools for a given task
Course  Identify necessary inputs for application of emerging technologies
s to be

Course This course will enable students to explore current breakthrough technologies in
Description the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality that
have emerged over the past few years. Besides helping learners become literate in
emerging technologies, the course will prepare them to use technology in their
respective professional preparations.

WEEKS Course Contents Reading

Chapter One-(1) Introduction To Emerging Technologies

 Evolution of technologies
o Introduction to industrial revolution
o Historical background (IR1.0, IR2.0, IR3.0)
o Fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0)
 Role of data for emerging technologies
 Enabling devices and network for emerging
technologies (programmable devices)
 Human to machine interaction
 Future trends in emerging technologies

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Chapter Two-(2) Introduction To Data Science

 Overview for data science

o Definition of data and information
o Data types and representation
 Data value chain
o Data acquisition
o Data analysis
o Data curating
o Data storage
o Data usage
 Basic concepts of big data

Chapter Three-(3) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Introduction to AI
o What is AI
o History of AI
o Levels of AI
o Types of AI
 Application of AI
o Agriculture
o Health
o Business (emerging market)
o Education
 AI tools and platforms (e.g. scratch/object tracking)
 Sample application with hands on activity(simulation

Chapter Four-(4) Internet Of Things (IOT)

 Overview of IoT
o What is IOT
o History of IOT
o Advantages of IOT
o Challenges of IOT
 How IOT works
o Architecture of IOT
o Devices and network
 Applications of IOT
o Smart home
o Smart grid

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o Smart city
o Wearable devices
o Smart farming
 IOT tools and platforms (e.g. KAA IoT/device
hive/zetta/things board…)
 Sample application with hands on activity (e.g. IOT
based smart farming)

Chapter Five-(5) Augmented Reality (AR)

 Introduction to AR
 Virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) vs
mixed reality (MR)
 Architecture of AR systems
 Application of AR systems (education, medical,
assistant, entertainment) workshop oriented hands

Chapter Six-(6) Ethics and Professionalism of Emerging


 Technology and ethics

 Digital privacy
 Accountability and trust
 Threats and challenges

Chapter Seven-(7) Other Emerging Technologies

 Nanotechnology
 Biotechnology
 Block chain technology
 Cloud and quantum computing
 Autonomic computing
 Computer vision
 Embed system
 Cyber security
 Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
 Etc…

Teaching &
Learning Lecture, Tutorial, Seminar /Demonstration …

Assessment/  Attendance and Class Participation (Students must attend above 80%
the lecture classes 100% of Lab/Demonstration.)
Evaluation  Demonstration/Lab Work (15%)
 Test/Quize (15%)
 Assignment/Presentation 20% (Individual (10%), Group (10%) )
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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

 Exam (50%)
 Neither late assignments nor late projects are allowed

Reference Books
Text and
reference books -Follett, J. (2014). Designing for Emerging Technologies: UX for Genomics,
Robotics, and the Internet of Things: O'Reilly Media.
- Vong, J., & Song, I. (2014). Emerging Technologies for Emerging Markets:
Springer Singapore.
-Del Rosal, V. (2015).Disruption: Emerging Technologies and the Future of
Work. Emtechub.
- Sadiku, M. N. O. (2019). Emerging Internet-Based Technologies: CRC
-Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji, Rim Jallouli, Yamen Koubaa, Anton Nijholt
Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation, 2018
Mahdi H. Miraz, Peter Excell, Andrew Ware, Safeeullah Soomro, Maaruf
Ali, Emerging Technologiesin Computing, Lecture Notes of the Institute for
Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
200, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
- Francesco Corea. Artificial Intelligence and Exponential Technologies:
Business Models Evolution and New Investment Opportunities, 2017.
- Laura Igual and Santi Segui, Introduction to Data Science, A Python
Approach to Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Springer International
Publishing Switzerland, 2017.
-Laura Igual, Santi Segu, Introduction to Data Science. A Python Approach
to Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Undergraduate Topics in
Computer Science, Springer, 2017.
- Oleg Chertov, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Yuriy Kondratenko, Janusz Kacprzyk,
Vladik Kreinovich, Vadim Stefanuk , Recent Developments in Data Science
and Intelligent Analysis of Information, 2019
- Carlos Cordon, Pau Garcia-Milà, Teresa Ferreiro Vilarino, Pablo Caballero,
Strategy is Digital: How Companies Can Use Big Data in the Value Chain,
- Wolfgang Ertel, Nathanael T. Black, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,
Springer, 2018
- Stephen Lucci, Danny Kopec, Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century : A
Living Introduction,Mercury Learning & Information, 2015
- Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,Stamatis
Karnouskos and David Boyle, From Machine-To-Machine to the Internet of
Things. Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence, Academic Press, 2014.
- Gaston C. Hillar, Internet of Things with Python: Interact with the world
and rapidly prototype IoT applications using Python, Packt Publishing, 2016.
- Khaled Salah Mohamed, The Era of Internet of Things: Towards a Smart
World, Springer, 2019.
- Michael Haller, Mark Billinghurst, Bruce Thomas, Emerging Technologies
of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and Design,2006.
- Bruno Arnaldi, Pascal Guitton, Guillaume Moreau, Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality: Myths and Realities, Wiley-ISTE, 2018.

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Curriculum For Bachelor Of Arts Degree In Accounting and Finance

- Paul Mealy, Virtual & Augmented Reality for Dummies, 2018.

- Timothy Jung, M. Claudia tom Dieck, Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality: Empowering Human, Place and Business, 2019
- Jon Peddie, Augmented Reality : Where We Will All Live, Springer
International Publishing, 2017.
- Sandler, Ronald, ed.Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Springer, 2016.
- Sachin Ramar, David Oc’conner, Artificial Intelligence: How it Changes the
Future, 2019
- Federica Lucivero, Ethical Assessments of Emerging Technologies:
Appraising the moral plausibility of technological visions, 2016
Sabine Roeser, Risk, Technology, and Moral Emotions, 2018
- Sven Ove Hansson, The Ethics of Technology: Methods and Approaches,

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