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Tom Thumb

Once upon a time, there

lived a farmer and his wife. They were
very sad because they had no child.
They thought that if they had a son even
if no bigger than a thumb they will be
happy. So, the queen of the fairy got
happy with their kind behaviour and
gifted them a little child as big as a
thumb and named him Tom thumb. The
farmer and his wife were as happy as
they got everything they had desired.
They took every care of tom thumb and
playing with him. One day, while
watching his mother making pudding,
Tom leaned over the edge of the bowl
and slipped into the mixture without
being noticed by his mother. Suddenly,
she saw that the pudding moved and
tossed about, she got afraid. ‘There must
be witch in it,’ she said to herself. She
first decided to throw the pudding out of
the window. Just then a poor beggar
Tom Thumb
passed by. She gave that pudding to the
beggar. Thanking and putting the
pudding into his bucket he walked off.
On his way, somehow Tom climbed out
of the bowl and come back to his home,
his mother washed him clean. One day,
Tom was in the field helping his father.
As he was trying to drive the cows, he
happened to fall into a deep ditch
without being noticed by his father, who
was busy working in the field.
Meanwhile, a large bird saw him and
taking him for a mouse seized him in its
claws and flew towards its nest. Tom
was trying all the way to get rid of the
bird’s clutch, but he was not successful
in his efforts. As they were passing over
the sea. Tom somehow managed to get
out of its claws. But a mew trouble was
waiting for the him. Getting rid of the
bird’s tight clutch, he straight fell into
the mouth of a giant fish, who swallowed
Tom Thumb
him at once. After sometime, the same
big fish was caught by a fisherman.
Amazed by the big size of the fish, the
fisherman decided to present it to the
King Arthur get something as a reward.
The fish was then taken to the kitchen of
the King’s palace to get cooked. As the
cook cut open the fish to his surprise, a
little boy jumped out of it. Everyone in
the kitchen was amazed to see him, so
small. Tom was then brought before the
king. In the court the king and the queen
besides all the courtiers were amazed to
see Tom. Having known everything
about Tom, the king became very
impressed of him. The king would take
Tom with him, wherever he went. Now,
Tom was clad in a beautiful new suit in
which he looked so pretty. He was given
a needle as a sword, and a little mouse
was trained so that he could ride on it.
The king and queen never tired of seeing
Tom Thumb
his adventures. One day, as they were on
their hunting trip, from somewhere a cat
jumped upon Tom’s mouse and caught it.
Tom drew his sword and did his best to
drive the cat away. The king rushed to
help poor Tom, and the cat ran away.
Likewise, the king would enjoy never
ends adventures of Tom.

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