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Online shopping has gained a significant role in the 21st century. People are busy with their

hectic schedule today. People are so busy that they don’t have sufficient time for shopping as a

result they prefer online shopping[ CITATION SBe99 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, the availability of the

internet facility has changed the way of consumer store. Due to availability of internet people can

shop 24 hours a day. People can buy anything at anytime due to availability of internet.

Similarly, there are many variables that influence the customers for buying online such as trust,

time, convenience, privacy etc [ CITATION Hil021 \l 1033 ].Moreover, the findings from the all

study show that convenience, and time are the major factors that influence young customers to

do more online shopping. Trust doesn’t play any role for influencing customers.[ CITATION

Cun041 \l 1033 ].

Meaning & purpose of article reviewed:

The articles aim to draw on the findings of the original work, assess its contribution to the body

of information in a given field, and are published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Articles

are very much important to study about anything. A research article consists of title, abstract,

introduction, methodology, results, discussions and references. Similarly, in PA 1 assignment we

are asked to discuss about a product or service and to conduct its SWOT analysis, PESTELG

analysis etc. Moreover, I like to discuss about online shopping in PA 1 assignment and the

reviewed articles of PA1 are discussed as below:

Talking about the articles reviewed one article talks about the consumer buying behavior through

online. This article says that internet shopping has acquired a very crucial status in the 21st

century, as these days people are busier stacked with a busy schedules. Moreover, this paper or

article main purpose is to examine the behavior & perception of online customers in Aizwal.
Similarly, the findings of the study was that the online shopping in Aizwal was getting more

popular among young people as they feel it more comfortable, time saving as well as convenient

[ CITATION Sin131 \l 1033 ]. Similarly, another article talks about the e-commerce factors that

influence customers for online shopping. The key objective of this study is to investigate the

reasons that promote online shopping, evaluating such e-commercial advantages as stability,

quick distribution, comparable rates, convenience, low costs, a wide range, etc. Moreover, the

findings of this study indicates that convenience, simplicity, better price are the main factors that

influence customers to do more online shopping [ CITATION Bau15 \l 1033 ]

Furthermore, another article explains about the effect of online shopping trends on consumer

buying behavior. Moreover, this paper examines the relationship between various factors that

affect buying behavior of customers towards online shopping. Similarly, it focuses to explain the

influence of five major variables on buying behavior. These variables are trust, product variety,

convenience, time and privacy. Moreover, main goal was to find out which variables help more

in adopting online shopping trends and the findings shows that the trust and convenience are the

major factors that influence people to shop[ CITATION Bas151 \l 1033 ].

Similarly, talking about how I will use these articles in PA 1 assignment. I will use these articles

for writing the introduction of the online shopping, its importance, its current scenario in the

market etc. Furthermore, I will use these articles for defining, identifying the target customer as

well as factors influencing online shopping. Similarly, I will use these articles for conducting the

SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis of online shopping etc. Hence, in upper mentioned ways I

will use these articles for upcoming PA 1 assignment. Similarly, the references of the articles are

that are reviewed are presented as below:


Basir, R., Mehboob, I., & Bhatti, W. K. (2015). Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer

Buying Behavior. Journal of Social Development , 2 (2), 78-85.

Bauboniene, Z., & Guleviciute, G. (2015). E-Commerce Factors Influencing Consumers Online

Shopping Decision. Journal of Management & Research , 5 (1), 74-81.

Bellman, S., Lohse, G., & Johnson, E. (1999). Predictors of Online Buying Behavior. Journal of

social Development , 42 (12), 32-38.

Cuneyt, K., & Gautam, B. (2004). The Impact of Quickness, Price, Payment Risk and Delivery

Issues on Online Shopping. Journal of Socio-Economics , 33 (2), 241-251.

Hiller, J., & Smith, W. (2002). Trustwothiness in Electric Commerce. Journal of Strategic

Information System , 11 (2), 245-270.

Singh, A. K., & Sailo, M. (2013). Consumer Behavir in Online Shopping: A Study in Aizwal.

International Journal of Business & Management Research , 1 (3), 45-49.

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