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A competitive analysis is a vital element of business strategy for a product. Using this analysis,

you can determine what makes your product or service unique and hence what qualities you need

play up to impress your target audience. For instance, it identifies the competitors & makes

evaluation of own strength & weakness on basis the competitors[ CITATION Kel16 \l 1033 ].

Moreover, this paper focuses on the Johnson & Johnson Company and its various products.

Purpose of reviewed articles of Johnson & Johnson Company

The articles are intended to draw on the findings of the original work, evaluate its contribution to

the information gathering in a given field and are published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

It includes title, abstract, introduction, methods, findings, conclusion, bibliography etc. Similarly,

talking about the CLA 1 assignment we are asked to discuss competitive analysis of product or

service, its porters five forces model as well as its marketing strategies based on the 7 P’s etc and

in DQ assignment is related with it as in DQ we are asked to state purpose of the articles based

on product or service chosen etc. So, I would like to discuss about the Johnson & Johnson

Company & its products in CLA 1 & its reviewed articles are discussed as below:

Talking about the reviewed articles on J&J, one article talks about the Johnson & Johnson baby

product liability as well as clarifies the problem that occurred to customers. This article focuses

more on the product liability. Product liability is a major responsibility for ensuring consumer

safety for the manufacturer, especially in the baby product because the baby is young and

sensitive and requires additional care from the hazardous product liability[ CITATION Kha15 \l 1033

]. Here, the main purpose of this article is to discuss and address various problems related with

product. Moreover, this article can be used for discussing about the baby products of J&J as well

as it can be used for discussing about the product liability that will help to determine their

strength, weakness regarding product liability.

Similarly, taking about the articles reviewed it is about the business strategy of J&J and its

impacts on the company, moreover the main purpose of this article is to discuss it business

strategy and it impact on the company performance. Today, in this competitive world every

business organization strategies play an important role to succeed. Companies use diverse

strategies, such as educational brochures, videos, and direct-to - consumer advertising (DTC) to

obtain success [ CITATION Ste19 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, J&J business strategies are based on the

human health care; it uses ethical marketing strategies to promote their product [ CITATION

Cho18 \l 1033 ]. Hence, this article will help to discuss about its business strategies in CLA 1


Likewisely, another articles reviewed is about the study conducted Coimbatore city regarding the

customers satisfaction on J&J products. Moreover, the study has been conducted to customer’s

satisfaction on baby lotion & the objectives of the study are:

1. To determine the skin awareness among the customers.

2. To determine customers awareness & perception towards baby lotion as well as satisfaction

from the products.

Moreover, the findings of the study states that the customers are more attracted to product if

discounts are provided as well as they seek more flavors regarding lotion [ CITATION Kum17 \l

1033 ]. Hence, this article can be used for describing the situation of products in the market as

well as its strength & weakness including explanation of 7 P’s. Similarly, another article that I

reviewed is about the marketing mix of J&J. It is the core concept of marketing theory.

Moreover, the article discuss about 7Ps framework that can be applied to consumers goods,

situation of market as well as demonstrate the pros of 7Ps framework over the 4Ps. It also

describes about the elements of marketing mix such as product planning, pricing, branding,
channels of distribution personal selling, advertising etc. Similarly, the reason behind the

modification of 4Ps [ CITATION Ahm95 \l 1033 ]. Hence, this article can be used for explaining

about the marketing mix components of J&J in CLA assignment.


Ahmed, P., & Rafiq, M. (1995). Using the 7Ps as a generic marketing mix: An exploratory

survey of UK and European marketing academics. Journal of Marketing Intelligence &

Planning , 13 (9), 4-15.

Choudhuri, S. (2018). Business Strategy of Jhonson & Jhonson and Impact on Company

Performance. Journal for Advance Reserach in Applied Science , 5 (2), 662-670.

Keller, K. L., & Kotler, p. (2016). Merketing Management. Pearson Education Limited.

Khalid, S. C., & Moketar, A. (2015). Johnson & Johnson's Baby Product Liability Application

and Case Studies: A Review. Journal of Social Science , 2 (2), 1-11.

Kumar, S., & Parthi, U. (2017). A Study on Consumer Satisfactiontowards Johson Products in

Coimbatore City. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics , 3 (3), 3580-3592.

Stewart, K. L., & Paine, W. S. (2019). Johnson & Johnson:An ethical analysis of Broken Trust.

Journal of Academic and Business Ethics , 5 (3), 11-23.

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