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Ravenroost Bandits

Grundelmar the zealous Dwarf Priest in the House of the Sun (area 10) in Fallcrest has been hearing reports of
Bandit activity from his congregation. He asks the adventurers if they will look into it for him.

Threats to Nentir Vale p90 – Ravenroost Manor

Raven Roost Manor earned its name when its former lords hanged thieves and bandits from nearby hilltop gallows and the
ravens came to nest there. Now, the ravens inhabiting the old stone halls are the very kind its prior inhabitants attempted to
keep away.
The Raven Roost bandits operate from an old manor house between two major trade routes, fanning out to prey on travelers
passing to Fallcrest, Hammerfast, Harkenwold, or Thunderspire. Tipped off to the impending appearance of wealthy travelers
by Barton, the smiling proprietor of Fiveleague House, and led by three ambitious shadar-kai, the bandits forged themselves
such a reputation for elaborate and gruesome killing that the people of the Nentir Vale initially offered them no resistance.
Secluded Strategists: The local lords that dismiss the Raven Roost bandits as mere thieves and robbers are in the greatest
danger of becoming their victims. When the shadar-kai leading the bandits chose the abandoned Raven Roost Manor as
their base of operations, few who witnessed this activity understood the enormity of the threat the bandits were soon to
pose. The road leading to the manor travels generally north-south, curving through the high valleys of the southern part of
the Old Hills. The bandits' enemies are denied a clear vantage of Raven Roost from either direction along the road, making it
difficult for any significant force to take the manor by surprise. To the south, Harken Forest provides the manor with a
defensible flank, and its thick, concealing boughs allow the bandits to easily ambush unwary travelers. The manor is also
located a short distance from both the King's Road and the Trade Road, giving the Roost bandits access to almost half the
wealth that passes through the vale.
Unconscionable Murderers: Bandit gangs have always formed around Harken Forest. For the military deserters, ex-
mercenaries, cutthroats, and outlaws of the Nentir Vale, the Harken's shaded paths and rivers are an obvious temptation.
Such gangs usually fall apart, however, because of infighting, turf warfare, or being brought to justice (vigilante or otherwise).
But when Samminel, Erzoun, and Geriesh arrived, everything changed.
Unburdened by frail human compassion, the three shadar-kai quickly gained respect in outlaw circles. These former servants
of the Raven Queen made an art of savagely murdering their opponents in elaborate, choreographed displays of bloodshed.
Word of their deeds traveled as fast as the breath that spoke them, and within weeks of their arrival, the bandit population
of the Harken Forest knelt before the trio, practically begging for leadership and instruction. The shadar-kai were happy to
oblige and quickly molded the outlaws into the most fearsome band of bandits the region has ever seen.
With their reputation established, the shadar-kai now spare the lives of their victims from time to time, since targets that
know they face certain death are more likely to fight back, and thereby unnecessarily reduce the bandits' numbers. So far,
tales of their infamy have served to provide them untold riches with minimal effort.
Shadar-Kai Commanders: On their home plane, Samminel was a minor warlord, Erzoun was his albino witch, and Geriesh
was his chief spy and assassin. In one of her prophetic auguries, Erzoun predicted that Samminel would become complacent
if he stayed in the Shadowfell, never advancing or gaining major prestige.
Geriesh suggested that only a greater challenge could alter fate's course and proposed that they leave the Shadowfell to
begin anew. Samminel agreed, and the three located a crossing to the world near the Keep on the Shadowfell, determined to
carve out a bloody new destiny worthy of the Raven Queen's favor.
The three cooperate exceptionally well for shadar kai, because each takes charge of a specific group of outlaws, thus avoiding
clashes of authority. Samminel leads and trains the veterans and highwaymen, Erzoun commands the sharpshooters and
grenadiers, and Geriesh directs the harriers and cutthroats. Each unit of bandits relies on the others to function. With their
combined and focused strength, the three shadar-kai are kings and queen of the Raven Roost-and perhaps someday the
same will be true of the Nentir Vale.

Samminel Level 8 Elite Soldier (Leader) Medium shadow humanoid, Shaddar kai XP 700
Raven Roost Highwayman Level 7 Soldier Medium natural humanoid, human XP 300

Geriesh Level 6 Elite Skirmisher (Leader) Medium shadow humanoid, Shaddar kai XP 500
Raven Roost Harrier Level 4 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175
Raven Roost Cutthroat Level 5 Lurker Medium natural humanoid, human XP 200

Erzoun Level 7 Elite Controller (Leader) Medium shadow humanoid, Shaddar kai XP 600
Raven Roost Sharpshooter Level 6 Artillery XP 250
Raven Roost Grenadier Level 5 Controller Medium natural humanoid, human, XP 200

Possibilities – Ravenroost Wilds:

Gang--Chase Encounter
Bandit Camp
River Rat Treasure Hunters
Raven Roost Manor:
In order to completely destroy the threat, the players need to find their base at Raven Roost mansion and
completely wipe out the members.

The mansion is in some disrepair, ravens roost in the

trees surrounding it.

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