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New AASHTO 336-09 Coefficient of thermal expansion test method: how will it
affect you?

Article  in  Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board · November 2010
DOI: 10.3141/2164-07

12 1,462

5 authors, including:

Jussara Tanesi Gary Crawford

U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation


Jagan M. Gudimettla


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New AASHTO T336-09 Coefficient
of Thermal Expansion Test Method
How Will It Affect You?

Jussara Tanesi, Gary L. Crawford, Mihai Nicolaescu,

Richard Meininger, and Jagan M. Gudimettla

Although many papers were published during the past decade on the co- The principle of TP60 is quite simple. It measures the length change
efficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and its impact on concrete pavement of a saturated concrete specimen placed vertically in a metal frame sub-
design, an error was recently discovered in the AASHTO TP60-00 about jected to a specific temperature change. A controlled temperature water
the calibration of the testing equipment and, consequently, determination bath is used to vary the temperature range specified by the test method.
of the concrete CTE. The new AASHTO T336-09, even though based on Deformation of the frame is taken into account by measuring the length
the TP60-00, rectifies this calibration issue. This paper presents differ- change of a specimen of known CTE, normally a 304 stainless steel
ences between the two test methods and implications for the Long-Term specimen. TP60 states that the CTE of a 304 stainless steel specimen
Pavement Performance database and for the Mechanistic–Empirical is 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F). This is the value normally reported
Pavement Design Guide and for its implementation by state departments in the literature (8–11) and used by most of the state and university
of transportation. Recommendations are provided for improvements to laboratories that perform TP60.
the AASHTO T336-09 test method. Won proposed a new method to calculate CTE of concrete based
on modifications to TP60 (12). The remainder of this paper refers
to this new method as the Texas method. The principal and testing
The Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) of FHWA equipment proposed in this method is similar to that of TP60. It is
was one of the pioneers in carrying out coefficient of thermal expan- based on the same principles and also assumes that the CTE of the
sion (CTE) tests of concrete pavements over the past 10 years. It
304 stainless steel specimen is 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F). The
has tested more than 2,200 specimens, mostly cores for the Long-
difference between the Texas method and TP60 is that the former
Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database. The LTPP CTE
calculates the concrete CTE as the slope of the deformation versus
test results were originally used to calibrate Version 1.0 of the
temperature curve, while in AASHTO TP60, the CTE is calculated
Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) models.
as the length change over a temperature change after the specimen
Interest in CTE testing has increased significantly in the past few
achieves thermal equilibrium.
years because it was observed to be one of the most important inputs
Both TP60 (or new AASHTO T336) and the Texas method can
of the MEPDG for pavement design (1–7). In the past 5 years alone,
be carried out with the same equipment. Equipment may be a custom-
more than 20 papers have been published on CTE and its effect on
made unit (manual or automated versions) or an automated commer-
the MEPDG.
cially available unit. See Figure 1a through 1d. TFHRC has been
evaluating three commercial units over the past 2 years, but it has
not published data on specific units. Two of them are commercially
available, and one is still under evaluation.
EXPANSION TESTS FOR CONCRETE The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has its own CTE test method,
CRD-C 39-81, which has some similarities to TP60 but does not
Several test methods are available for determining the CTE of con-
crete. The most widely used is the AASHTO TP60-00, the basis for employ a frame; consequently, no calibration specimen is required
all the LTPP CTE testing. This test method was recently modified for the test. Instead, it uses a length comparator. Preliminary tests at
and approved as the new AASHTO T336-09. This is the test method TFHRC using this procedure showed higher variability of test results
used by all the state departments of transportation except Texas, than with others.
which uses a local version of the test method. The Bureau of Reclamation has test method USBR 4910-92, which
does not require the use of a calibration specimen.
Other test methods have been proposed but are not widely
J. Tanesi and M. Nicolaescu, Global Consulting, Inc., and R. Meininger, Turner-
used (13–15), including test methods that measure the CTE of the
Fairbank Highway Research Center, FHWA, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean,
VA 22101. G. L. Crawford, FHWA, Room E73-438, HIPT-20, and J. M. Gudimettla, aggregates and calculate the CTE of the concrete (16).
Global Consulting, Inc., FHWA Mobile Concrete Laboratory, Room E73-105C,
HIPT-20, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590. Corresponding
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2164, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
TFHRC, as part of the CTE equipment evaluation study and in
D.C., 2010, pp. 52–57. preparation for ruggedness and precision studies of equipment and
DOI: 10.3141/2164-07 laboratories, obtained additional reference materials (other than

Tanesi, Crawford, Nicolaescu, Meininger, and Gudimettla 53

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 1 Examples of CTE units: (a) manual custom-built units, (b) automated commercially available unit (Pine), (c) automated commercially
available unit (Gilson), and (d) unit under FHWA evaluation not commercially available (InstroTek).

the 304 stainless steel calibration used for obtaining the correction The 410 stainless steel has a weak magnetic field that could affect
factor in all initial TFHRC manual custom-built CTE testing of LTPP the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) during tests.
portland cement concrete pavement cores). Preliminary evaluations did not show any effect on the CTE units at
The new reference specimens consist of a variety of materials with FHWA’s TFHRC or MCL.
a range of CTE values typically within the range of the concrete spec-
imens that have been tested previously by TFHRC. Materials obtained
were as follows:
• Alumina bisque. According to the literature, its CTE is 5.5 × The reference material specimens were tested at TFHRC using man-
10−6/°C (3.1 × 10−6/°F) (11). In the case of alumina bisque, the speci- ual custom-built units and one of the commercially available units
men is a very porous ceramic and needs to be saturated before testing. following TP60. As can be seen in Table 1, CTE values obtained for
Careful is necessary when handling the specimen, for the material can the alumina bisque, titanium alloy, and 410 stainless steel CTEs did
be easily broken. not coincide with the values reported in the literature. They were
• Titanium 6 – aluminum 4 – vanadium (Ti-6Al-4V). According about 1 × 10−6/°C (0.6 × 10−6/°F) higher than the values reported
to the literature, its CTE is 9.2 × 10−6/°C (5.1 × 10−6/°F) (11). in the literature. Possible reasons for the differences were that the
• Meanwhile, the FHWA Mobile Concrete Laboratory (MCL) alumina bisque, titanium alloy, and 410 stainless steel obtained by
obtained another reference material, 410 stainless steel. According the TFHRC laboratory and MCL laboratory were not exactly the
to the literature, its CTE is 10.5 × 10−6/°C (5.8 × 10−6/°F) (8). same materials for which values are reported in the literature, or the
54 Transportation Research Record 2164

TABLE 1 CTE Reported in Literature and Test Results (AASHTO TP60 and ASTM E228)

Literature Reported Manual Unit Commercial Unit
Specimen CTE Value × 10−6/°C CTE × 10−6/°C CTE × 10−6/°C Third-Party Laboratory 1
ID Material (× 10−6/°F) (× 10−6/°F)a (× 10−6/°F)a CTE × 10−6/°C (× 10−6/°F)b

A Alumina bisque 5.5 (3.1) 6.5 (3.6) 6.7 (3.7) 5.4 (3.0)
T Titanium alloy 9.2 (5.1) 10.0 (5.6) 10.2 (5.7) 8.9 (4.9)
S 410 stainless steel 10.5 (5.8) 11.8 (6.6) 11.5 (6.4) 10.4 (5.8)
SS743 304 stainless steel—manual 17.3 (9.6) Not applicable Not applicable 15.8 (8.8)
Calibration Specimen 2
M1 304 stainless steel—Manufacturer 1 17.3 (9.6) Not applicable Not applicable 15.9 (8.8)
calibration specimen
M2 304 stainless steel—Manufacturer 2 17.3 (9.6) Not applicable Not applicable 16.2 (9.0)
calibration specimen

Average of two tests.
Single test result. ASTM E228 precision is 0.8% for the temperature range of 25°C to 400°C (77°F to 752°F).

LVDTs were being affected by temperature change or moisture, value of 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F). So if the specimens are
or both, during the test cycling. This difference led to the explo- tested, the CTE result would be 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F).
ration of options for verification of the CTE by an independent Results obtained according to TP60 were much higher than
third-party laboratory. those obtained according to ASTM E228. Moreover, other than
As a result, the reference specimens were sent to be tested at a lab- the 304 stainless steel specimens, results reported by the third-
oratory specializing in the CTE testing of metals for the aerospace party laboratory are in general agreement with the values reported
industry. The tests were carried out following a modified version of the in the literature. The 304 stainless steel CTE test result was lower
ASTM E228-06 test method, to accommodate 18-cm long × 8-cm- than the reported 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F) for all three of the
or 10-cm (7-in. × 3-in. or 4-in.) diameter specimens and the same specimens.
temperature range as TP60, 10°C to 50°C (50°F to 122°F). After analysis of results received from the independent laboratory,
In addition to sending of the newly obtained reference specimens, another reason for the higher TP60 results arose: the values of CTE
several 304 stainless steel specimens used for calibration of the of 304 stainless steel used for the calibration of the units might not
FHWA manual custom-built unit and two of the commercial units be correct for the temperature range during CTE testing. Of empha-
were sent to the same laboratory for verification. sis is that the CTE value of 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F) is used
In the ASTM E228 test method, a push-rod dilatometer is used to by most laboratories running TP60 and the Texas method, whether
measure linear thermal expansion. The differential expansion between a custom-built or a commercially available unit is used.
the sample and a known standard reference material is measured as a If the 304 stainless steel calibration specimen CTE values used as
function of temperature. The expansion of the sample is computed an input for the determination of the correction factor (according to
from this differential expansion and the expansion of the standard. TP60) were not correct, the resulting CTE values for the materials
Measurements are made under computer control, and linear expansion tested would not be correct, either. As a proof of concept, a new cor-
is calculated at preselected temperature intervals. rection factor was obtained using 15.8 × 10−6/°C (8.8 × 10−6/°F) as
Table 1 shows the CTE reported in the literature and test results the CTE for 304 stainless steel (TFHRC manual custom-built unit).
obtained at TFHRC and at the independent laboratory. As can be With the new correction factor, the CTE reported in Table 1 were
seen, results obtained at TFHRC following TP60 are much higher recalculated (Table 2). The CTE tests in Table 2 were carried out in
than those obtained at the third-party laboratory following ASTM the TFHRC manual custom-built units.
E228. No need existed to test the 304 stainless steel in the manual When the correction factor is determined using the TP60 suggested
and commercial units, for they are calibrated with the assumed CTE default value for 304 stainless steel, the CTE of alumina bisque, tita-

TABLE 2 Comparison of CTE Obtained at Third-Party Laboratory and at TFHRC

Assuming Two CTE Values for Calibration Specimen

Third-Party Manual Unit CTE Manual Unit CTE

Laboratory 1 × 10−6/°C (× 10−6/°F) × 10−6/°C (× 10−6/°F)
Specimen CTE × 10−6/°C (Cf a based on 304 SS (Cf a based on 304 SS
ID Material (× 10−6/°F) of 15.8 × 10−6/°C) of 17.3 × 10−6/°C)

A Alumina bisqueb 5.4 (3.0) 5.0 (2.8) 6.5 (3.6)

T Titanium alloy 8.9 (4.9) 8.5 (4.7) 10.0 (5.6)
S 410 stainless steel 10.4 (5.8) 10.3 (5.7) 11.8 (6.6)

Cf = correction factor as determined by AASHTO TP60.
The difference between TFHRC and the third-party laboratory test result was partially due to the fact that the third-
party laboratory was unable to keep the specimen saturated and alumina bisque is very porous.
Tanesi, Crawford, Nicolaescu, Meininger, and Gudimettla 55

TABLE 3 Comparison Between CTE Test Results Obtained by Two Third-Party Laboratories
(ASTM E228)

Third-Party Third-Party
Laboratory 1 Laboratory 2
Specimen CTE × 10−6/°C CTE × 10−6/°C
ID Material (× 10−6/°F) (× 10−6/°F)

T Titanium alloy 8.9 (4.9) 9.2 (5.1)

S 410 stainless steel 10.4 (5.8) 10.2 (5.7)
SS743 304 stainless steel—manual Calibration Specimen 2 15.8 (8.8) 15.9 (8.8)
M1 304 stainless steel—Manufacturer 1 calibration specimen 15.9 (8.8) 15.7 (8.7)

NOTE: CTE values based on temperature range of 10°C to 50°C (50°F to 122°F).

nium alloy, and 410 stainless steel are higher than expected, but when independent laboratory. The small differences observed can be attrib-
the correction factor is determined using the measured CTE value for uted to test variability. The CTE test results shown in Table 3 repre-
304 stainless steel obtained by the third-party laboratory, the CTE sent the CTE values over the same temperature range as for TP60 and
of alumina bisque, titanium alloy, and 410 stainless steel are much do not include the full temperature range used by the laboratory.
closer to the expected values. It seemed that the differences were not Figure 2 shows the mean CTE for the entire temperature range
due to the impact of the temperature change or moisture on the used during the test by the second independent laboratory. It can be
LVDT readings. Rather, they were due to the use of an inappropri- seen that the CTE value changes with temperature. The material that
ate CTE for the 304 stainless steel calibration specimen as an input presented the most stable CTE over the temperature range of −40°C
to calculate the correction factor and consequently the CTE of the to 300°C (−40°F to 572°F) was the titanium alloy. It is also clear
reference materials. that at around 300°C (572°F), the CTE test results for the 304 stain-
To confirm the CTE of the 304 stainless steel specimens, TFHRC less steel specimens approach the value reported in the literature of
sent specimens to a second independent laboratory. Since another 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F).
laboratory was not found that was capable of running a modified
ASTM E228 on 18-cm long × 8-cm- or 10-cm (7-in × 3-in. or 4-in.) IMPACT OF RECENT FINDINGS ON NEW
diameter, small samples of each of the specimens previously sent to T336 COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL EXPANSION
the first independent laboratory were cut off. The samples, also called TEST METHOD
coupons, were approximately 5.1 × 5.1 × 0.6 cm (2 × 2 × 1⁄4 in.).
Because it was not possible to obtain coupons out of all the specimens In light of new findings about the CTE of the 304 stainless steel cal-
previously tested by the first independent laboratory without damag- ibration specimen, the recently approved T336 has incorporated lan-
ing the specimens, only four specimens were tested by the second guage that cautions the reader on the use of assumed CTE values
independent laboratory. This laboratory measured the CTE over a regardless of the material used. The differences between the TP60
much wider temperature range of −40°C to 300°C (−40°F to 572°F) and the new T336 are as follows:
than did the previous laboratory.
Table 3 shows clearly that results received from the second indepen- • Third-party testing. While TP60 states in the nonmandatory
dent laboratory were in agreement with results obtained from the first appendix that the CTE of the 304 stainless steel is 17.3 × 10−6/°C


Mean CTE (x10-6/°C)


14 T 336 temperature


-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature (°C)
M1 S SS743 T

FIGURE 2 Mean CTE over wide range of temperature (CTE calculated with
reference temperature of 20ⴗC: M1 ⴝ 304 stainless steel of commercial unit;
S ⴝ 410 stainless steel; SS743 ⴝ 304 stainless steel of manual units; and
T ⴝ titanium alloy).
56 Transportation Research Record 2164

(9.6 × 10−6/°F), T336 requires the CTE of any calibration specimen impact on the predicted design thickness. For example, based on a
to be determined by a laboratory possessing ISO 9001 or equivalent sample design, not adjusting the models would result in less conserv-
certification. ative designs of approximately 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) thinner pavement for
• Determination of CTE of the calibration specimen. The CTE low CTE values and 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) thinner pavement for higher CTE
has to be determined by a third-party laboratory, according to ASTM values. A national recalibration of MEPDG concrete models based on
E228 or ASTM E289. Moreover, the CTE determination has to be revised CTE values (NCHRP 20-7 Task 288) has been initiated.
conducted over the same temperature range as with T336: 10°C to
50°C (50°F to 122°F).
• CTE certificate. The calibration specimen has to have a certifi- OTHER IMPLICATIONS
cate issued by the third-party laboratory, including the lot number of
the specimen tested. The CTE has to be determined on the same spec- Numerous highway agencies have started characterizing the material
imen or on a specimen from the same lot, since the CTE of materials properties of their typical mixtures in advance of MEPDG implemen-
may change by lot. tation. The CTE values stored in these databases are still valid. How-
• MEPDG cautionary note. Models in Version 1.0 of the MEPDG ever, the recorded values will need to be adjusted by the difference in
software were calibrated using the LTPP database on CTE, obtained the assumed CTE value of the calibration specimen and the CTE value
according to TP60. Since the values obtained according to TP60 and obtained according to ASTM E228. As noted, these adjusted CTE val-
T336 may differ considerably depending on the calibration specimen ues should be used for design purposes with the MEPDG software only
used and assumed CTE value, the CTE obtained according to T336 after the models have been recalibrated.
should not be used as an input in Version 1.0 of the MEPDG software, Some states have already developed typical pavement designs and
to prevent pavement thickness from being underestimated. design tables based on the MEPDG and CTE. In that case, once the
MEPDG is recalibrated, the tables should be verified and changed as
The current LTPP database of CTE values is the result of extensive
testing of thousands of cores from pavements throughout the coun- Although the approval of a full standard dedicated to measuring the
try over a 10-year period. The test method used to obtain the CTE CTE of concrete has been a great achievement, some modifications
was the TP60, which assumes an improper CTE for the calibration would further improve the procedure. The following recommendations
specimen for the temperature range at which the test is carried out. are based on TFHRC extensive testing and research experience:
As a result, the CTE values in the LTPP database are higher than
they should be for the expected temperature range and needed to be • Correction factor. T336 already presents a procedure for the
adjusted accordingly. determination of the correction factor. Nevertheless, it is in a non-
Since the divergence on the CTE of the calibration specimens was mandatory appendix to the test method. Since determination of the
discovered, TFHRC has worked to backcalculate all the test results, correction factor is mandatory, it should be moved to the body of
substituting the 17.3 × 10−6/°C (9.6 × 10−6/°F) by the CTE value of the standard.
the specific calibration specimens used for each specific unit, includ- Moreover, in the current T336, no discussion is provided for the
ing several manual custom-built units and the commercial units. The calibration specimen. To obtain accurate results, it is suggested that
LTPP database Version 24, released in January 2010, contains the the length of the calibration specimen be within 2 mm (0.1 in.) of
adjusted CTE values. the concrete specimens to be tested. The diameter of the calibration
specimen should be a suitable diameter to firmly rest on support
buttons of the frame.
IMPACT OF RECENT FINDINGS • Addressing the water level. When the water level in the controlled
ON MECHANISTIC–EMPIRICAL temperature water bath affects the CTE, especially if the water level
PAVEMENT DESIGN GUIDE changes during the test or if the water level during concrete testing is
different from the water level during calibration. This is because when
Several studies in the past few years have identified CTE as one of the water level changes, the length of the frame and the LVDT shaft
the most significant inputs or classified as extremely sensitive input that is submerged or exposed to the ambient air will change. Therefore,
in the MEPDG for designing concrete pavements (1–7). The CTE of based on TFHRC research, the water level should not depart from the
the concrete determines the magnitude of the pavements curling last calibration’s water level by more than 13 mm (0.5 in.).
stresses, joint movement, and load transfer efficiency that affect the • Equipment verification. With use of LVDTs in contact with water
overall pavement design. In continuously reinforced concrete pave- and at high temperatures, the electronics can be affected. To verify
ments, the CTE determines the crack spacing and crack width, which proper functioning of the LVDT and overall equipment operation, it is
affects the crack load transfer efficiency and ultimately punchouts. suggested that the setup be verified monthly by testing a reference
Since the various distress models in the MEPDG use CTE data specimen of known CTE, other than the calibration specimen. The ref-
from the LTPP database, these models need to be adjusted based on erence specimen should have a CTE value at least 5 × 10−6/°C (2.8 ×
the corrected data (using the right CTE for the calibration specimen). 10−6/°F) different from that of the calibration specimen. It will ensure
Because the current models in the MEPDG software are based on the that readings are consistently good, for any discrepancies would be
higher CTE values included in the LTPP database, a lower CTE value easily discovered.
should be used only after the models have been recalibrated, either A suggestion is that the reference specimen should be composed
through a global recalibration of the models or through a local cali- of a material that is noncorroding, nonoxidizing, nonporous, and
bration process. If this issue is not addressed, it could have a negative nonmagnetic. Also, it should have a thermal coefficient close to that
Tanesi, Crawford, Nicolaescu, Meininger, and Gudimettla 57

of concrete within the temperature range of 10°C to 50°C (50°F to to account for the difference between assumed and actual CTE value
122°F). The CTE of the reference material should be determined by of the calibration specimen.
an independent laboratory, the same as with CTE of the calibration
specimen. In this study, the titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) was found
to be a suitable material. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
After verification, if the CTE of the reference specimen is found
to differ by more than 0.3 × 10−6/°C (0.2 × 10−6/°F) from the certi- The authors thank William Luecke of NIST for his expertise on
fied value, the correction factor should be determined again using metal properties and the invaluable contributions provided.
the procedure described in T336.
• Calibration of LVDTs. The current T336 requires a micrometer
be used for calibrating the LVDT. Nevertheless, it does not provide REFERENCES
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The following recommendations are made: terization of Aggregate Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Gradation
for Paving Concrete. Texas Transportation Institute and Texas Depart-
ment of Transportation. FHWA Report FHWA/TX-05/0-1700-5. FHWA,
1. All laboratories that conduct CTE tests should determine the U.S. Department of Transportation, 2007.
CTE value of the calibration specimen measured according to 16. Mukhopadhyay, A., D. Zollinger, and S. Sarkar. New Mineralogical
ASTM E228. Approach to Predict Aggregate Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (COTE)
Based on Dilatometer and Bulk Chemical Analysis. Proc., 11th Annual
2. A reference specimen with a known CTE value according to
Symposium of International Center for Aggregate Research (CD-ROM),
ASTM E228 should be obtained and used to verify correct operation Austin, Tex., April 27–30, 2003.
of the CTE equipment.
3. Once the models in the MEPDG software have been recali-
brated, highway agencies will need to adjust their CTE test results The Properties of Concrete Committee peer-reviewed this paper.

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