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Study Schedule Topic Learning Outcomes Activities Week 2 Mathematical

Language and Symbols Module 2.1 Translating Phrases and Sentences
Into Mathematical Symbols and Vice Versa and Binary Operations August 28 and 31,
1. Determine the language, symbols
and conventions of mathematics 2. Explain the nature of
mathematics as a language 3. Acknowledge that mathematics is
a useful language. 4. Translate mathematical
expressions into verbal expressions, and vise- versa.
Explore: Discover This! Engage: Let’s Try This! Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!
Elaborate: Challenge Yourself! Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!
August 31, 2020 Completion of Let’s Try This and
Gauge Your Learning Activities
File your activity in your red long clear book.
Overview In writing and speaking the language of mathematics, it is important that you

know some basic terms of mathematical grammar because most likely you may
encounter mathematical sentences with complicated structures. In this chapter, we
begin our discussion of mathematical expressions and sentences. This is followed by a
brief discussion on translating phrases and sentences into mathematical symbols and
vice versa, binary operations, propositional logic and quantifiers.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1) Determine the language, symbols and conventions of mathematics 2) Explain the
nature of mathematics as a language 3) Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful
language. 4) Translate mathematical expressions into verbal expressions, and vise-
The language of mathematics is the system used by mathematicians to communicate
mathematical ideas among themselves. This language consists of a substance of some
natural language (for example English) using technical terms and grammatical
conventions that are peculiar to mathematical discourse, supplemented by a highly
specialized symbolic notation for mathematical formulas.
Mathematics uses symbols instead of words. There are the 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, ...,9. There
are symbols for operations: +,−, ×, ÷, that “stand in” for values and many special symbols: ≤,≥,
±,π, etc. Mathematical expressions use mathematical symbols instead of words. For example:
1. “the sum of five and a number x” 2.
“a number y decreased by two” 3.
“twice a number x increased by six”

Let’s Try This! 1. Give your discussion on the following questions in

not more than five sentences.
1. Why is Mathematics called a universal language? 2. Why
is mathematical language important in learning mathematics?

In mathematics, an expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination
of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context. It is a
correct arrangement of mathematical symbols used to represent a mathematical object
of interest. An expression does not state a complete thought; it does not make sense to
ask if an expression is true or false.
The most common expression types are numbers, sets, and functions. Numbers
, (6 − 2) + 1, 1 + 1
have lots of different names: for example, the expressions: 5, 2 + 3, 102
+ 1 + 1 + 1,
all look different, but are all just different names for the same number. This
simple idea – that numbers have lots of different names – is extremely important in
A mathematical sentence is the analogue of an English sentence; it is a correct
arrangement of mathematical symbols that states a complete thought. Sentences have
verbs. In mathematical sentence “3 + 4 = 7”, the verb is “=”.
A sentence can be (always) true, (always) false, or sometimes true / sometimes
false. For example, the sentence “1 + 2 = 3” is true. The sentence “1 + 2 = 4” is false.
The sentence “x = 2” is sometimes true / sometimes false: it is true when x is 2, and
false otherwise. The sentence “x + 3 = 3 + x” is (always) true, no matter what number is
chosen for x.
To solve real-world problems, you need to translate verbal phrases and
sentences into variable expressions and equations. The symbol of operations and
relations with their corresponding meanings are as follows:


plus the sum than added to
of increased
by total more
d by divided by the
n less quotient of the
acted ratio of
divided by the
times the quotient of the
product of ratio of
multiplied by of
times the
product of
multiplied by of
divided by the
quotient of the
ratio of
Examples Example 1: Translate the following into
verbal phrases.
a) 3x – 4 b) n + 8 c) 2x
a) 3x – 4 thrice of a number x diminished by four b) n + 8 the sum of a
+ y a number y added to the quotient of two and a
number n and eight c) 2x
number x

Example 2: Translate in algebraic

a) five times the sum of m and n b) the sum of five times m and n
c) eight times a number x increased by three d) five times a
number n added to six e) fifteen added to the quotient of a
number y and two Solution:
a) five times the sum of m and n 5(m + n) b) the sum of five times m
and n 5m + n c) eight times a number x increased by three 8x + 3 d)
five times a number n added to six 6 + 5n e) fifteen added to the
+ 15
quotient of a number y and two y2

Binary Operations

A binary operation is an operation that takes two input. Binary operations take two
values, and include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation.
There are many binary operations on real numbers. An operation is binary if it takes two
real numbers as arguments to produce another real number. If we let multiplication,
denoted by the symbol x, be a binary operation, then 4 × 6 yields the real number 24 or
4 × 6 = 24.

Additional examples are given below:

1. Addition is a binary operation (e.g. 4 + 5 = 9) 2. Subtraction is also
an example of a binary operation (e.g. 10 –8 = 2)

We consider the properties of these two binary operations, addition

and multiplication, over the set of real numbers as follows:

a) Closure of Binary
The product and the sum of any two real numbers is also a real

Example 3: 2 and 5 are real numbers
2 × 5 = 10, hence, 10 is a real number

b) Commutativity of Binary
Addition and multiplication of any two real numbers is commutative, that is
in mathematical symbols these are written,
a,b ∈ R,a + b = b + a (addition) a,b ∈ R,a ∙ b =
b ∙ a (multiplication)

Example 4: 2,3 ∈ R
Hence, 3 + 2 = 2 + 3 (addition)
3 ∙ 2 = 2 ∙ 3 (multiplication)

c) Associativity of Binary
Given any three real numbers you may take any two and perform addition
or multiplication as the case maybe and you will end with the same
answer. For addition in symbols we write:
a,b,c ∈ R,(a + b) + c = a + (b + c); a,b,c ∈
R,(a ∙ b) ∙ c = a ∙ (b ∙ c);

Example 5: 2,3,4 ∈ R
(3 + 2) + 4 = 3 + (2 + 4) (addition) (3 ∙ 2) ∙ 4 = 3 ∙ (2 ∙ 4)

d) Distributivity of Binary
Distributivity applies when the multiplication is performed on a group of two
numbers added together. Given three real numbers a, b and c, this property is
stated in symbolic notation as a,b,c ∈ R, a(b + c) = ab + ac;

Example 6: 2,3,4 ∈ R
2(3 + 4) = 2(3) + 2(4)

e) Identity Elements of Binary

An element of the set of real numbers is an identity element for addition if a ∈
R,a + e = e + a = a

Example 7: 5 + 0 = 5 and 0 + 5 = 5 The number zero is known as the identity

element of addition, or the additive identity.

The identity element for multiplication is 1 since 1 ∙ x = x ∙ 1 = x, for any real

number x. Example 8: 4 ∙ 1 = 1 ∙ 4 = 4

f) Inverses of Binary
What do you add to any real number x to get the identity element e = 0 as a result? The
answer is negative of that number, −x. In symbols, we state it as a ∈ R,a + (−a) = 0 Example
8: 5 + (−5) = 0 and (−5) + 5 = 0
The additive inverse of 5 is −5.
) = (1 )a = 1. In which case e = 1
For multiplication we have a(1a a a

) = (1 )5 = 1
Example 9: 5(15 5

The multiplicative inverse of 5 is

1 .

A binary operation on a set is a calculation involving two elements of the set to

produce another element of the set. A new math (binary) operation, using the symbol ∗, is
defined to be
a ∗ b = 3a + b, where a and b are real numbers.

Example 10: What is 4 ∗ 3?

Solution: 4 ∗ 3 = 3(4) + 3 = 12 + 3 = 15

Example 11: Is the operation ∗ commutative?

Solution: Verify if a ∗ b = b ∗ a. Hence, 3a + b = 3b + a If a = 4 and b = 2, then 3(4)
+ 2 = 3(2) + 4, but 14 ≠ 10. Therefore, the operation ∗ is not commutative for all real

Example 12: Is the operation ∗ associative?

Solution: Verify if a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c.
Hence, a ∗ (3b + c) = (3a + b) ∗ c
3a + (3b + c) = 3(3a + b) + c 3a + 3b + c = 9a + 3b + c Then, 3a ≠ 9a. (Check using a
= 2, b = 3, and c = 4) Therefore, the operation ∗ is not associative for all real

Sometimes, a binary operation on a finite set (a set with a limited number

of elements) is displayed in a table which shows how the operation is to be

Example 13: A binary operation is defined on the set {m,

a, t, h} as shown in the table:

a) What is m a ?
Solution: m a = a

b) Is h a commutative?
Solution: h a = t and a h = t. Hence, h a is commutative.

c) What is the identity element of the operation?

Solution: The identity element of the operation is t. You will have found the
identity element when all of the values in its row and its column are the same
as the row and column headings.

d) Find the inverse of each element.

Solution: The inverse of m is m, the inverse of a is h, the inverse of t is t,
the inverse of h is a.

e) Is associative for these values? a (h t) = (a h) t Show your proof.

Solution: a (h t) = (a h) t
a h = t t t = t Hence, it is associative for
values a, h and t.

Example 14: Addition and multiplication of real numbers are binary operations which
combine two real numbers to produce a unique real number. +:(a, b) a + b ∙:(a, b) a ∙ b
Where a,b,a + b,a ∙ b ∈ R

Example 15: Addition and multiplication are also binary operations on the set of
is not always an
integers Z. However, Z is not closed under division because a ÷ b = ab
integer. is not an integer.
3 ÷ 4 = 34

Example 16: Let the operation * be a binary operation on the set of natural numbers N
defined by a ∗ b = ab. The set N is closed under this operation. However, it is not
commutative, that is, a ∗ b ≠ b ∗ a.

5 ∗ 2 = 52 = 25 while 2 ∗ 5 = 25 = 32. Hence, the operation * is not commutative.

Clarify Your
Operations is defined on the set {1, 2, 3, 4} as shown in the table: a)
What is the value of 1*2? How did you get its value? b) Is the
operation ∗ commutative? Why? c) What is the identity element of
the operation? Why?

d) What is the inverse of each element. Explain the inverse
each element. e) Is multiplication a binary operation on the set of rational numbers
Q? If yes, why? If no,
explain and give a counterexample.

Yourself! (Let’s Try
This #2)
A. Rewrite each of the following phrases into a mathematical expression. Use as
variables as possible 1) Twenty-four multiplied
by the sum of x and y

2) The product of two and a number n increased by


3) Five times the difference of y and 7

4) Twice the quotient of x and 3

5) The sum of the squares of two numbers

6) The square of the sum of 5 and a number

7) A man’s age 10 years ago

8) Three less than twice a number

9) One-half times the sum of two numbers

10) There are twice as many boys as there are


B. Fill in the blanks to make a true statement and state the property of binary
illustrated. 1) 7 + (____ + 3) = (____
+ 9) + 3

2) 3(2 + 7) = ____ + 21

3) −9 + ____ = −9

)(____) = 2
4) (23 3

)( ) = ____
5) (45 54 6)
−3(____) = 1

7) 10 ∙ (4 ∙ ____) = (10 ∙ 4) ∙ 6

C. Determine if the specified operation is a binary operation on the given set.

your answer. 1) The operation subtraction on the set of natural numbers N. 2) The operation *
on the set of rational numbers Q except 0.
defined by a ∗ b = ab 3) The operation *
defined by a ∗ b = ±√ab on the set of real numbers R.

Gauge Your

A. Choose a quantity to be represented by a variable, then write a

expression for each.

1) John’s age in 5 years 2) The distance

travelled by a man driving
at the rate of 60 kilometers per hour
3) The fraction of work done by a man
who can finish a job in 2 hours 4)
The age of a woman 15 years ago 5)
The perimeter of a rectangle whose
length is twice the width
B. In every item, indicate what statements p,q, or r might stand for then express
item using the correct symbols (∧,∨,→, ↔,~).

6) Triangle ABC is a right triangle if and

only if c2 = a2 + b2. 7) The function f is
either an odd or an
even function. 8) The function f is a
rational function but
its graph has no horizontal asymptote.
9) Three non-collinear points determine a
plane. 10) Corresponding parts of
triangles are congruent.

C. One train travel 3 miles more than twice the distance another train travels. The
distance traveled by both trains is 800 miles after one hour. If the rate of the
slower train represents xs and the rate of the faster train represents x f, what is
the correct mathematical expression of the total distance d traveled by both

Study Schedule
Topic Learning Outcomes Activities
Week 2 Mathematical Language and Symbols Module 2.2 Logical Connectives and
Quantifiers September 1- 3, 2020
1. Perform operations on
mathematical expressions correctly
Explore: Discover This! Engage: Let’s Try This! Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!
Elaborate: Challenge Yourself! Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!
September 4, 2020
Completion of Let’s Try This and Gauge Your Learning Activities
File your activity in your red long clear book.
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1) Perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly
Logic is the study of reasoning between objects and forms the basis of all mathematical
reasoning and all automated reasoning. It is applied to prove things, whether
mathematical, philosophical, or scientific. Basically, logic is a systematic method for
clearly expressing and demonstrating truths.
Let’s try this!
1. Below are the four ways to define a rectangle. Determine which one is a good
definition of a rectangle by placing a check mark on a box. Discuss your reasons why
the other three definitions are bad, poor, ambiguous and unacceptable definitions of a
Definitions GOOD BAD Reason 1) A rectangle is a parallelogram in which diagonals
have the same length and all the angles are right angles. It can be inscribed in a circle
and its area is given by the product of two adjacent sides. 2) A rectangle is a
parallelogram whose
diagonals have equal lengths. 3) A rectangle is a quadrilateral with
right angles.
4) A rectangle is a quadrilateral all four
of whose angles are right angles.

Discover This!

Propositional Logic is concerned with statements to which the truth values,

“true” and “false”, can be assigned. The purpose is to analyze these statements either
individually or in a composite manner.
A proposition is a declarative statement that is either "true” or "false". We
usually denote a proposition by a letter: p, q, r, s, ....
For example: The number 6 is even and less than 12.
How old are you? (not proposition – a question) Open your eyes. (not proposition –
command) A statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not
both true and false.
For example: The number 6 is even.
I will attend the meeting. x + 1 = 5 A simple statement is a
statement that conveys a single idea.
For example: I will attend the meeting.
I will go to school.

A compound statement is a statement that conveys two or more

For example: I will attend the meeting or I will go to school.

Example 1: Determine whether each of the following is a proposition or not a

a) Benigno S. Aquino III was one of the
presidents of the Philippines. Solution: proposition b) Fifteen is an even
number. Solution: proposition c) How old have you been? Solution: not a
proposition d) Keep your eyes open. Solution: not a proposition e) What time
is it anyway? Solution: not a proposition

Negation: ~p is read “as not p,” and called a negation. Neither p nor q means ~p and
In some computer languages the symbol ¬ is used in place of
~. Example 2: p: This book is interesting.
~p can be read as: a) This book is not
interesting. b) This book is uninteresting. c) It is
not the case that this book is interesting.

Connectives are words or phrases that allow us to form compound statements
that contain two or more thoughts. Logical Connectives
a) p ∧ q is read “p and q,” and called a conjunction.
Example 3: p: This book is interesting.
q: I am staying at home. p ∧ q: This book is interesting and I am staying at
home. b) p ∨ q is read “p or q,” and called a disjunction. Example 4: p:
This book is interesting.
q: I am staying at home. p ∨ q: This book is interesting or I am staying at
home. c) p → q is read “if p then q,” and called an implication or
conditional. Example 5: p: This book is interesting.
q: I am staying at home. p → q: If this book is interesting, then I am
staying at home. d) p ↔ q is read “p if and only if q,” and called a

Example 6: p: This book is interesting.

q: I am staying at home. p ↔ q: This book is interesting if and only if
I am staying at home.

Example 7: Write the following statement in symbolic form. Consider the following
simple statements:
p: Today is Friday q: It is raining. r: I am going to a movie s: I am not going to the
basketball game a) Today is Friday and it is raining. Solution: p ∧ q b) It is not raining
and I am going to a movie. Solution: ∼ q ∧ r c) I am going to the basketball game or I
am going to a movie. Solution: ∼ s ∨ r d) If it is raining, then I am not going to the
basketball game. Solution: q → s

Example 8: Let p: The game will be played in Cuneta Astrodome.

q: The game will be shown on ABS-CBN. r: The game will
not be shown on GMA. s: The ATENEO are favored to win.
Write each of the following symbolic statements in words.
a) q ∧ p Solution: The game will be shown on ABS-CBN and will be played in Cuneta
Astrodome. b) ~r ∨ s Solution: The game will be shown on GMA or ATENEO are favored

c) s ↔ ~p Solution: The ATENEO are favored to win if and only if the game will
not be played in Cuneta Astrodome.
Truth table shows the truth or falsity of a compound statement. It depends on the truth
or falsity of the simple statements from which it is constructed.
Negation (∼) If p is a statement variable, the negation of p is “not p” or “It is not the
case that p” and is denoted ~p. It has opposite truth value from p: if p is true, ~p is false;
if p is false, ~p is true.
Conjunction (∧) If p and q are statement variables, the conjunction of p and q is “p and q,”
denoted p ∧ q. It is true when, and only when, both p and q are true. If either p or q is false, or if
both are false, p ∧ q is false.
In ordinary language the sentence “It is hot and it is sunny” is understood to be true
when both conditions— being hot and being sunny—are satisfied. If it is hot but not
sunny, or sunny but not hot, or neither hot nor sunny, the sentence is understood to be
Disjunction (∨) If p and q are statement variables, the disjunction of p and q is “p or q,”
denoted p ∨q. It is true when either p is true, or q is true, or both p and q are true; it is false only
when both p and q are false.
Conditional (→) If p and q are statement variables, the conditional of q by p is “If p then q” or
“p implies q” and is denoted p → q. It is false when p is true and q is false; otherwise it is true.
We call p the hypothesis (or antecedent) of the conditional and q the conclusion (or consequent).
Let p and q be statements. A sentence of the form “If p then q” is denoted symbolically by “p →
q”; p is called the hypothesis and q is called the conclusion. Example 9: If 4,686 is divisible by 6,
then 4,686 is divisible by 3
hypothesis conclusion
Truth table for Negation
p ~p T F F T
Truth table for p ∧ q p q p ∧ q T T T T F F F T F F F F
Truth table for p ∨ q p q p ∨ q T T T T F T F T T F F F
Truth table for p → q

Such a sentence is called conditional because the truth of statement q is

conditioned on the truth of statement p.

Biconditional (↔) Given statement variables p and q, the p q p ∧ q ~q (p ∧ q) ∨ ~q T T T F T T F F

biconditional of p and q is “p if only if q” and is denoted p ↔ q. FFFFFFTT
It is true if both p and q have the same truth values and is false
if p and q have opposite truth values. The words if and only if
are sometimes abbreviated iff.
Truth Table for p ↔ q p
Example 10: Construct the truth table of (p ∧ q) ∨ ~q
A predicate is a sentence that contains a finite number of variables and
becomes a statement when specified values are substituted for the variables. The
domain of a predicate variable is the set of all values that may be substituted in place of
the variable.

Example 11: Let P(x) be the predicate “x2 > x” with domain the set of R of all real
), P(− 1 ), and indicate which of these statements are true and
numbers. Write P(2), P(12 2

which are

Solution: P(2) = 22 > 2 = 4 > 2, hence, P(2) is true. P (12
= ( 1 )2 = 1 > 1 , but 1 ≯ 1 , hence, P (1 ) is false.
2 > 12 4 2 4 2 2 P(−
1 ) = (− 1 )2 = 1 > − 1 , hence P(− 1 ) is true.
2 2 > − 12 4 2 2

When an element in the domain of the variable of a one-variable predicate is

substituted for the variable, the resulting statement is either true or false. The set of all
such elements that make the predicate true is called the truth set of the predicate.
If P(x) is a predicate and x has domain D, the truth set of P(x) is the set of all elements of
D that make P(x) true when they are substituted for x. The truth set of P(x) is denoted {x ∈ D|

Example 12: Finding the truth set of a predicate Let Q(n) be the
predicate “n is a factor of 8.” Find the truth set of Q(n) if

a) the domain of n is Z+, the set of all positive integers.

Solution: the truth set of Q(n) is {1,2,4,8}

b) the domain of n is Z, the set of all integers.

Solution: the truth set of Q(n) is {−8,−4,−2,−1,1,2,4,8}

Quantifiers are phrases that refer to given quantities, such as "for some" or "for
all" or "for every", indicating how many objects have a certain property.
The symbol ∀ is called the universal quantifier. It is read as “for every x,” “for
each x,” “for any x,” “given any x,” or “for all x.”

Example 13:
a) “Every human being is mortal.” or “All human beings are
→ ∀ human beings x, x is mortal. b) “For every human being x, x is mortal.” If you
let H be the set of all human beings,
then you can symbolize the statement more formally by
→ ∀x ∈ H, x is mortal. c) “For all real numbers x and
y, x + y = y + x.”
→ “∀ real numbers x and y, x + y = y + x.”

Note: When the symbol x is introduced into the phrase “∀ human beings x”, you are supposed to
think of x as an individual, but generic, object-with all properties shared by every human being
but no other properties. Thus, you should say “x is mortal” rather than “x are mortal.” In other
words, use the singular “is” rather than the plural verb “are” when describing the property
satisfied by x.

In a universally quantified sentence the domain of the predicate variable is generally

indicated either between the ∀ symbol and the variable name (as in ∀ human being x) or
immediately following the variable name (as in ∀x ∈ H).
Some other expressions that can be used instead of for all are “for every”, “for
arbitrary”, “for any”, “for each” and “given any”.

Let Q(x) be a predicate and D the domain of x. A universal statement is a

statement of the form “∀x ε D, Q(x).” It is defined to be true if, and only if, Q(x) is true for
every x in D. It is defined to be false if, and only if, Q(x) is false for at least one x in D. A
value for x for which Q(x) is false is called a counterexample to the universal

Example 14:
a) Let D = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and consider the statement
∀x ∈ D, x2 ≥ x. Show that this statement is true. Solution: 12
≥ 1 = 1 ≥ 1 is true 22 ≥ 2 = 4 ≥ 2 is true 32 ≥ 3 = 9 ≥ 3 is true
42 ≥ 4 = 16 ≥ 4 is true 52 ≥ 5 = 25 ≥ 5 is true b) Consider the
statement ∀x ∈ R, x2 ≥ x.
Find a counterexample to show that this statement is false. Solution: If x = 0.5,
then 0.52 ≥ 0.5 = 0.25 ≥ 0.5 is false. Hence, 0.5 is a counterexample.

The symbol ∃ denotes “there exists” and is called the existential quantifier. There
exists an element, ∃x “for some x”, “there exists an x, “there is at least one x”.

Example 15:
a) “There is a student in Math 140” can be written as
→ ∃ a person p such that p is a student in Math 140, or → ∃p ∈ P such that p is a student in
Math 140 Where: P is the set of all people. The domain of the predicate variable is generally
indicated either between the ∃ symbol and the variable name or immediately following the
variable name, and the words such that are inserted just before the predicate.
Let Q(x) be a predicate and D the domain of x. An existential statement is a statement of
the form “∃x ε D, such that Q(x).” It is defined to be true if, and only if, Q(x) is true for at least
one x in D. It is false if, and only if, Q(x) is false for all x in D. Example 16:
a) Consider the statement ∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m. Show that this statement is
true. Solution: Observe that 12 = 1, thus m2 = m is true for at least one integer m.
Hence, ∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m is true.
b) Let E = {5, 6, 7, 8} and consider the statement ∃m ∈ E such that m2 = m. Show
that this statement is false. Solution: Note that m 2 = m is not true for any integer m (5, 6, 7,
8), thus, ∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m is false.

Example 17: Let U = {1,2,4, 6,8}. Determine if each proposition is true or

a) ∀x (1 ≤ x ≤ 9) Solution: true b) ∀x (x is even) Solution: false, 1 is not even c) ∃x
(x + 1 = 4) Solution: false, x = 3 but 3 ∉ U d) ∃x (x is prime and x is even)
Solution: true, 2 is both prime and even e) ∀x (x is even or 2x = 2) Solution: true


Example 18: Translating from formal to informal language. Rewrite the following formal
statements in a variety of equivalent but more informal ways. Do not use the symbol ∀ or ∃.
a) ∀x ∈ R, x2 ≥ 0
Solution: The square of any real number is positive. b) ∀x
∈ R, x2 ≠ −1
Solution: Every square of a real number is not equal to −1 or No real numbers have squares
equal to −1. c) ∃m ∈ Z+ such that m2 = m
Solution: There is a positive integer whose square is equal to itself or Some
positive integer equals its own square.

Clarify Your Lesson! (Let’s Try This

# 2)

1) The following diagram shows two cylindrical teapots.

The yellow teapot (big) has the same diameter as the
green teapot (small), but it is one and one-half times as
tall as the green teapot.

If the green teapot can hold a maximum of 6 cups

of tea, then estimate the maximum number of cups of tea
that the yellow teapot can hold. explain your reasoning.

2) The field of a new soccer stadium is watered by three individual sprinkler systems,
as shown by the A, B, and C regions in the figure below. Each sprinkler system is
controlled by exactly one of three on-off valves in an underground maintenance room,
and each sprinkler system can be turned on without turning on the other two systems.
Each of the valves is presently in the off position, and the field is dry. The valves have
not been labeled, so you do not know which valve controls which sprinkler system. You
want to correctly label the valves as A, B, and C. you also want to do it by making only
one trip up to the field. You cannot see the field from the maintenance room, and no
one is available to help you. What procedure can you use to determine how to correctly
label the valves? Assume that all of the valves and all of the sprinkler systems are
operating properly. Also assume that the sprinklers are either completely off or
completely on. Explain your reasoning.

Challenge Yourself! (Let’s Try This # 3)
A. Write the statements in symbolic form using the symbols ~, ∨,and ∧ and the
indicated letters to represent components statements. Let h = “John is healthy”, w =
“John is wealthy”, s = “John is wise”. 1) John is healthy and wealthy but not wise. 2)
John is neither healthy, wealthy nor wise. 3) John is wealthy, but he is not both healthy
and wise. 4) John is neither wealthy nor wise, but he is healthy.
B. The following statement is true:
“∀ nonzero numbers x,∃ a real number y such that xy = 1.” For each x given below, find a y to
make the predicate “xy = 1” true. 5) x = 2 6) x = −1 7) x = 34
C. Rewrite each of the following statements in the form “∀ _____ x,_____."
8) All dinosaurs are extinct. 9) Every real number is positive, negative, or zero. 10) No
irrational numbers are integers.
D. Rewrite each of the following in the form “∃ _____ x such that,_____."
11) Some exercises have answers. 12) Some real numbers are rational.
E. Find counterexamples to show that the statements in 11-14 are false.
13) ∀x ∈ R,x > 1x 14) ∀a ∈ Z, (a−1)
is not an integer.
a 15) ∀ positive integers m and n,(m)(n) ≥ m + n. 16) ∀ real numbers x and
y,√x + y = √x + √y.
F. Write as English sentences and say whether they are true or false.
17) ∃m,n ∈ Z,m + n = 0. 18) ∀x ∈ R,x2 > 0. 19) ∃x,y ∈ Q,x2 + y2 < 9.
Gauge Your

A. Express the following in symbolic form. For each simple statement in the given
statement, indicate what letter you used to represent the simple
statement. 1) The lyrics are controversial and the performance is

2) The lyrics are not controversial and the performance is not


3) If the lyrics are not controversial, the performance is not


B. Using the symbolic representations

p: I love reading books. q: I
have a friend. r: I go to school.
Express the following in words.
4) (p ꓦ q) ꓥ ~r

5) (p ꓥ ~q) ꓦ r

6) (~p ꓥ q) ꓦ r

7) (p ꓥ r) ꓦ ~q

C. Construct a truth table for each of the following:

8) ~( p ∧ q)

9) ~( p ∨ q) → r

10) (p → q) ↔ (q ∨ ~p)

D. Let G(x,y) be “x2 > y”. Indicate which of the following statements are true and
which are false.
11) G(2,3)

, )
12) G (12 12

13) G(1,1)

14) G(−2, 2)

15) G(0.5,0.15)


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