Learning Episode 1

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Make a personal reflection and include this in my pieces of evidence for a
Based on my interview, add to my list of qualities previously identified in
this episode other qualities not included.
Use the checklist in my interview. Write an essay about the teacher from
my interview and observation results. This essay will be part
of my portfolio entry. Title: Personal Qualities of an
4 Experienced Teacher: A Personal Encounter
Secure permission to interview and observe a professional teacher.
Do Activity 1 based on the instruction given.
Stop for a while and reflect. Ask myself: What are my qualities that will
make me a good teacher?
have to follow:
In order to accomplish my desired learning outcomes, these are the steps I
My Map
attributes that would fit you to become teachers. Let us find out in this episode.
you were trained or taught to become a teacher. You are born with qualities and
Nature means your inborn qualities, your natural tendencies. Nurture means, how
teacher in the future? Like learners, teachers are molded by nature and nurture.
attributes or qualities should you have that would tell that you would be a good
“You are born a teacher” somebody would tell you. Is this TRUE? What
My Learning Episode Overview
My Learning Activities
Activity No. 1
Name: Maria Carina V. Cantillo
School: Polangui Community College
Semester: Second
Am I This Person
Box A Box B
Personal Attribute Indicator Match the checked Box C
mark with appropriate
Label in Box C Personal Quality Label
(write letter only)
1. I am mentally alert √ (B) A. BOUYANCY/
2. I very imaginative for new ideas √ (H) Buoyant
3. I to try new out new things. √ (H) B. INTELLIGENCE/
4. I appreciate other people. √ (D) Intelligent
5. I am tolerant of other person √ (D) C. SELF-
6. I adjust to different situations. √ (B) Self-confidence
7. I look at the brighter side of life. √ (G)
8. I don’t consider myself as better
√ (F) Compassionate
than others.
9. I share privileges with others. √ (E)
10. I give personal time for the
√ (F) SS / Cooperate
11. I make it a point to do the group. √ (C)
12. I make quick solutions to
√ (H)
problems. F. FAIRNESS/ Fair
13. I volunteer to do task for others. √ (E)
14. I work for the group even
√ (E)
without affirmation in return. G. EMOTIONAL
15. I am calm in the midst of chaos. √ (G)
Emotional stable
16. I am dependable on a given
√ (I)
17. I give equal chance for others to H. INNOVATIVENE
√ (F)
be heard. SS/ Innovative
18. I am sure of what I do. √ (C)
19. I hold my anger even when
20. I am punctual in attendance. √ (I)
Activity No. 2
Name: Maria Carina V. Cantillo
School: Polangui Community College
Semester: Second
Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist
Personal Qualities those
Put Labels of Qualities

The experienced teacher:
1. Is mentally alert. √ Intelligence
2. Is very imaginative. √ Innovativeness
3. Tries out new things. √ Innovativeness
4. Appreciates other people. √ Compassion
5. Tolerates other people. √ Compassion
6. Adjusts to different situations √ Intelligence
7. Looks at the brighter side of life. √ Emotional Stability
8. Does not consider self as better than others. √ Fairness
9. Shares privileges with others. √ Cooperativeness
10. Gives up personal time for the group. √ Fairness
11. Sees to it that he/she does job well. √ Self-Confidence
12. Make quick solutions to problems. √ Innovativeness
13. Volunteers to do task for others. √ Cooperativeness
14. Works for the group even without being
√ Cooperativeness
affirmed return.
15. Is calm in the midst of chaos. √ Emotional Stability
16. Is dependable on a given task. √ Reliability
17. Gives equal chance for others to be heard. √ Fairness
18. Is sure of what he/she does. √ Self-Confidence
19. Holds anger even when provoked √ Emotional Stability
20. Is punctual in attendance. √ Reliability

Portfolio Entry:

Mrs. Myla S. Manuel : Teacher with a Heart

The Teacher’s personal qualities which a person brings to the

teaching profession are as important as their education and experience. A
wonderful teacher is one who could be heard saying, “I teach because
being around children makes my heart sing.” Great teachers are always
kind, joyful, is seen smiling a lot, listens with heart and mind, emotionally
mature and stable, energetic, enthusiastic, passionate about teaching,
patient and not easily frustrated and has pleasant personal manner.

My Reflections/Insights

A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good teacher?

To become a good teacher, I will use my personal qualities by

encouraging the learners to adopt the positive insights of being a teacher’s, the
characteristics and positive outcomes when teaching. The teacher’s personality
should be pleasantly live and attractive. It is not merely desirable but essential
for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy which means to know
the minds and feelings of the learners.

B. How does the experienced teacher, utilize his/her personal qualities to

make him/her a good teacher?

A teacher must be quick to adapt himself to any situation in order to

know the learner behavior and performance. He/she must be capable of infinite
patience, this is the most common encountered by a teacher to the students
especially when they have a collaborative learning in discussion – a matter of
self-discipline. I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always
wants to go on learning.

My Learning Portfolio

1. Picture of self and descriptions of personal qualities in a Photo-essay

and Reflections.

As a future teacher, I
must stand as a model for the Creative Flexible
learners to provide a lasting
and inspiring example for them. Organized Patient l
I should show love and con-
cern for the students. As a fu-
ture teacher, I must stand as a model for the learners to provide a lasting and
inspiring example for them. I should show love and concern for the students.

Empathy enables me to feel concerned with my students problems and the efforts
I make to cope with them. If we to improve our relations to the learners, we need
to unlearn our habitual language of rejection and a new language of acceptance.

2. Photo Essay of the Experienced Teacher Personal Attributes or

Characteristics and Reflections.





Value Based


Organize information to motivate teaching and learning. Use her

knowledge to guide the science and art of his teaching practices,
dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in reflective
and problem-solving manner.

My Learning Rubric

Field Study 6, Episode 1 – The Teacher as a Person in Society

Focused on: Describe your own personal qualities that will make one a good teacher. Identify the
personal qualities of an experienced teacher that you have interviewed and observed. Compare own personal
qualities with those of the observed teacher

Name of FS Student: Maria Carina V. Cantillo Date Submitted: March 30, 2016
Year & Section: CMT-B Course: Certificate of Methods in Teaching

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Learning Episodes
4 3 2 1
All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
All episodes were done
episodes were done were done with episodes were done; or
with outstanding
with high quality. acceptable quality. most objectives were
Learning Activities quality; work exceeds
met but need
3 2 improvement
All questions/ episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were
were answered were answered were not answered not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely.
answers; thoroughly Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and spelling
Analysis of the
grounded on theories. theories. theories. unsatisfactory.
Learning Episode
Exemplary grammar Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling
and spelling. are superior. acceptable.
4 2 1
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and clear; are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and shallow
Reflections/ supported by clearly supported by by experiences from and are not supported
Insights experiences from the experiences from the the learning episodes. by experiences from the
learning episodes. learning episodes. learning episodes.
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions were
clear, well-organized clear, well-organized; supporting not answered
and all supporting; most supporting documentations are
documentations are documentations are organized but are Grammar and spelling
Learning Portfolio
located in sections available and logical lacking unsatisfactory
clearly designated and clearly marked
4 locations 1
3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days or
Submission of
deadline deadline the deadline more after the deadline
Learning Episode
4 3 2 1
Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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