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Slaying Stone Skill Challenges – Logan Bonner
In threads about The Slaying Stone on RPGnet and ENWorld, and in a tweet by @NthDegree256, I've seen
repeated comments that the skill challenges don't have clear failure results. For instance, Skywalker said, "The
module as written doesn't give full details as to what a failed result entails."
(Then gives some good suggestions:)
Off the top of my head:
- maybe the Dragon agrees to give the PCs the artifact in exchange for completing some task or quest.
- perhaps the Dragon gives the artifact to one of the opposing factions, making it harder for the PCs to complete
their goal.
- maybe the Dragon gives them a false artifact that fails at an opportune time.
- perhaps the Dragon uses the artifact to kill the PC's patron.

All add an interesting twist to the adventure, give real impact to failure and are fun.
Overall, as with any prewritten adventure, don't leave your imagination and GM skills at the door. Instead, use
them to make the adventure work. I appreciated how Slaying Stone explicitly gave a nod to this by keeping the
Skill Challenge open as to the impact of its results.
I thought I'd cover some of these challenges and give suggestions. (The Keep Hidden challenge already includes
failure conditions.)


Sneak into Gorizbadd

If the PCs fail to enter the town by one of these options, they still have two other possible paths. Let them revise
their strategy and try another way to enter the city. This is extra, and you probably shouldn't assign XP since they
failed already. Consider making the second attempt require fewer checks, just so you don't spend too long in the
challenge. Alternatively, if the PCs attempted to enter the kobold slums or the forest, they could enter the city at a
location they didn't intend to (possibly after being swept down the river or getting lost). This could lead to a combat
encounter or a tiring slog through mud or underbrush (causing them to lose healing surges or other resources).

Claim the Stone

If negotiations with Tyristys fail, the dragon commands the PCs to leave. Now, the dragon is still there. The stone
is still there. Give your players some time to come up with a crazy plan to get it. I'll just cover a few eventualities:
 The dragon tells the PCs to prove themselves. If the PCs didn't totally bomb the challenge, the dragon
might ask them to do something for her in return for the stone. This works especially well if the PCs didn't
do much in Gorizbadd before heading to see Tyristys. Give the PCs a quest, possibly one that incorporates
one of the setpiece encounters of the adventure that they might not normally see otherwise.
 The PCs wait until the dragon leaves to eat, then steal the slaying stone. Even though the dragon didn't care
too much about the stone, she still has a dragon's pride. Anyone who steals from her invites her wrath, and
she tears the town apart looking for the adventurers. Maybe the PCs need to escape or hide during an
intense skill challenge chase. Or perhaps Tyristys just bides her time and causes trouble for the PCs later in
their adventures.
 The PCs bribe the dragon. What diplomacy can't solve, gold might. If the PCs try to offer gold and loot,
you should let it be successful only if the amount they're giving really hurts. They should be at a
disadvantage later. You might have to give them away to make up their lost loot, but make them work for
 The orcs make a better offer. Since the PCs aren't the only ones after the stone, the orcs might go to talk to
the dragon after the PCs' talks break down. The orcs might get the stone despite their obvious
unworthiness. Perhaps Vohx offers up one of his underlings as a sacrifice to the dragon. If the orcs get the
stone, it's time to fight it out. The orcs won't use it, or all the work they've done to get the damn thing and
get paid will be wasted. Though they love to fight, an orc will run away with the stone if the Severed Eyes
look like they're going to lose and die.
Keep in mind that this challenge has two parts. If the dragon thinks the PCs are trustworthy, but inept, she might
behave differently than if she thinks they'll betray her. (Also see ‘The Den of Dreus’ side trek Dungeon 179)

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