"Walk The Talk": Assessment

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Are you walking the talk in your life? LET’S FIND OUT!

Step 1
Among the values listed, identify and circle the top 5 most important values to you.
(Or feel free to create your own!)

Accountability Compassion Economy

Achievement Competitiveness Effectiveness

Adventurousness Consistency Efficiency

Ambition Contentment Elegance

Assertiveness Contribution Empathy

Balance Control Enjoyment

Being the best Cooperation Enthusiasm

Belonging Correctness Excellence

Boldness Courtesy Excitement

Calmness Creativity Expertise

Carefulness Curiosity Exploration

Challenge Decisiveness Fairness

Cheerfulness Dependability Faith

Clear- mindedness Determination Family- oriented

Commitment Diligence Fidelity

Community Discipline Fitness

Focus Loyalty Simplicity

Freedom Making a difference Spontaneity

Fun Openness Stability

Generosity Originality Strategic

Goodness Perfection Strength

Grace Piety Structure

Growth Positivity Success

Happiness Practicality Support

Hard work Preparedness Teamwork

Health Professionalism Thankfulness

Honesty Reliability Thoughtfulness

Honor Resourcefulness Tolerance

Humility Restraint Traditionalism

Independence Results- oriented Trustworthiness

Ingenuity Security Understanding

Insightfulness Self- actualization Uniqueness

Intelligence Self- control Usefulness

Intuition Selflessness Vision

Joy Self- reliance Vitality

Justice Sensitivity ___________________

Leadership Serenity ___________________

Legacy Service ___________________

Love Shrewdness ___________________

Step 2
List the five values you selected in the far left column below.

Then, in the middle column (Value Rating), rate each value on a scale of 1 to 10,
based on the importance of that particular value in your life (10 being absolutely
non-negotiable, 1 being not important at all).

In the third column (Action Rating), rate the value on a scale of 1 to 10 based on
how well you live the value, in other words, how well you are "walking the talk”
(10 being fully walking the talk, and one being not taking any action at all).


_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Examine any differences between your value rating and action rating for each
of your five values. Reflect on the reasons why there may be a discrepancy
and list them below.




For the values where you have listed discrepancies between the value and action
ratings, what action steps can you take so that they are more aligned?





1- Year Reverse Planning

This next section will help you put together an action plan to “Walk The Talk”
in your life. Reflect on the following questions and write your answers below.

For each of your top values, write down one-year goals that will help you “Walk the
Talk” and honor these values in your life over the next year.





Six months from now, what will you need to implement in your life so that you can
meet your one-year goals?




Three months from now, what will you need to implement in your life so that you
can meet accomplish the six-month milestones?





What will be your primary focus in the next 30 days to ensure that you will hit
your three-month milestones?





What will you do this week to be more aligned with your values?




Hope this was a helpful exercise! Congrats on taking the time to prioritize your values
so that you can have more fun while getting stuff done!

Do you feel like you still need additional support and want to talk it out further?
If yes, apply for a no- cost Life By Design Session with The Cheerful Mind, Inc.!

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