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Modern Technologies; Positive and Negative Impact in Education

Today’s era is 21st century and often regarded as an era of technology.

Nowadays, technology has been widely used in many aspects such as communication,
education and profession. Its impact can be felt in every possible ways. As a student,
we have queries and concern about the effect of modern technology in the education
system. This concept paper is written to inform others the impact of technology
specifically for the students and teachers that are the subject of this concept. It is
important because it will provide an awareness for those who are engaged in using
technology in their lives.

The increase of modern technology has been changed and affected the
education in both positive and negative ways. Modern technologies positive impact in
education includes; the learning routine of students becomes interesting in a way that
technology engages the students with brand new knowledge, ideas and interactive
methods to learn new things. It also increases the collaboration of students to work with
each other. It can also benefit both students and teachers because by the use of
modern technologies teachers are able to make creative presentations and also help
them to easily compute the scores of students in their examinations to put their exact
grades. Technology provides information to the student for academic purposes such as
assignments and research papers.

Modern technologies negative impact in education includes; can cause lack of

focus because students are seen using their phones during class hours. Being over-
connected to the online world has resulted lack of concentration in academics.
Technology can cause incidents of cheating because other students use gadgets as a
strategy to have a source during quizzes and even in examinations without being
caught. It is also the reason why students declines their writing skills because due to
excessive use of technology, students forgets the correct spelling and grammar of
words and sentences.

Papert (1980), studied on children, computer and powerful idea. He understood

the importance of digital media and how it could be used to enable students to learn
better within a constructivist learning environment. He believed that in order to
assemble and modify their ideas the traditional tools were inadequate. He felt that
technologies were appropriate to enable the learners take control of the learning
Having a modern technology had a greater positive effect than negative effect in
the learning process of the students. It would greatly help both student and teachers to
improve learning strategy and approach to have successful studies.

Conceptual Framework

Positive Impact Positive Impact

Learning becomes interesting Lack of focus

Increases collaboration Cause of cheating

Benefits both students and

Declines writing skills

As it shows in the figure there are advantages and disadvantages of modern

technologies. It has a lot of advantages especially to students and teachers in terms of
learning and teaching from school. Advances of technology for schools can be
considered both good and bad, but changes will continue to occur at a fast pace. We
should aim to use technology in a positive way for school. The presentation of
technology into the learning atmosphere has enabled students to be more focused,
encourage group learning, and helps to stimulate an increase in the student-teacher

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