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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 5, 2020

Review Article


Mohammed Umar Usmani *a, Dr. A.S.M. Abdul Awalb
aPhD Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UTP
b Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
*Corresponding Email:

Received: 10.01.2020 Revised: 07.02.2020 Accepted: 04.03.2020

High consumption of plastic based products especially Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles had increased the volume of polymeric
waste which in turn causing environmental problems. With the increase of awareness in sustainable development, researchers have come
out with an idea of utilizing plastic waste fiber which is believed to offer some benefits such as waste reduction and resource conservation.
In this research an attempt has been made to investigate the physical, mechanical and durability characteristics of concrete incorporating
PET fibers from recycled bottle wastes and was exposed to acid and sulphate attack. At the first stage, fiber length of 10mm, 20mm and
30mm with 0.5% of fiber content was included into the concrete matrix to find out the optimum length of fiber to be used. Once the typical
best length was determined, the fresh and hardened properties of concrete including workability, density, compressive strength, splitting
tensile and flexural strength are determined with fiber volume range of 0.5% - 1.5%. The results revealed that the presence of PET fiber in
concrete noticeably decreased the density and workability of concrete. Although a small amount of fibers increased the compressive
strength, higher amount caused a reduction in compressive strength. However, the splitting tensile and flexural strength as well as the
ductility of concrete were greatly enhanced. The concrete exposed to acid attack showed characteristic yellowish color and for sulphate it
combines with C-S-H or concrete paste and destroys the paste. Out of this study, the optimum length and fiber volume determined were
20mm and 0.5% fiber volume fraction respectively. In conclusion, the PET fibers in concrete provided satisfactory performance showing
good potential in concrete construction.

Keywords: Polyethylene Terephthalate; Durability; Flexural Strength; Workability; Compressive Strength; Splitting Tensile strength
© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (

INTRODUCTION: minute the plastic is presented to warm; harmful gases will be

Concrete is a composite material, principally comprises of three radiated and could be exceptionally perilous to human wellbeing.
essential components which are bond, aggregate and water. Because of ecological effect related with the expansion in the
Concrete is moderately great in pressure yet powerless in strain. general attention to squander administration, the development
Another material called Fiber Reinforced cement is created in business is empowering the utilization of reused squander
which discrete filaments are included into a concrete based lattice materials to be added as a supplement to build the want
with a requested or arbitrary appropriation way. PET is an properties of cement. Inquires about are putting much endeavors
individual from the polyester group of polymers and it assume an and endeavors to examine the use of waste strands into the solid
imperative part as manufactured fiber in modern creation. PET mass keeping in mind the end goal to manage and ensure the
picks up its fame because of its attributes which are light weight, biological community. The improvement of new PET fiber
dry in common state, semi-crystalline gum, phenomenal water development materials in concrete is still extensively new and is
and dampness hindrance, and effect safe where it is less weak than in question as the physical and mechanical properties are still
different materials. The world's PET generation rate is moderately under preparatory investigation. It is as yet a noteworthy test to
high, brought about high volume of waste creation in which its create reused plastic strengthened cement with adequate
yearly utilization rate speaks to more than 300,000 million units mechanical properties.
and a large portion of the waste is disposed of to landfill. PET
waste is a non-biodegradable material which don't experience rot LITERATURE REVIEW:
process, stayed in nature for many years (1). Despite the fact that Concrete has considered to be one of the most seasoned
the improvement of reused PET fiber in concrete is considered development materials that generally utilized as a part of
moderately new development yet it is accept to profit both development field. Thus, the endeavors to enhance the physical
development and PET reusing ventures if the usage of PET fiber is and mechanical properties of cement have never halted. The
being confirmed. (2) has expressed that impressive development expansion in practical advancement had conveyed out to the
in the total populace over the most recent couple of decades has presentation of fiber fortified solid where discrete strands are
prompted critical interest for minimal effort living and swing out included into concrete base network. As of late, a recently
to enormous plastics creation and utilization. PET is a notable improvement in development industry was found by including
material utilized as a part of nourishment and refreshment strands from reused squander into concrete. The use of fiber from
pressing items and generally dominant part of these ventures squander in concrete is accepted to advantages to development
wind up disposed of to the landfill. These PET items, for example, industry. Since it is a recently improvement, more inquires about
PET jugs won't rot and stay in nature for a long length of time must be conveyed to check the likelihood of the usage of fiber from
which may trigger air watered ground contamination. reused squander. Plastic is sort of polymer made up of monomers
Additionally, to decimate it, treatment technique through that consolidated in a chain through a procedure called
cremation can be completed in light of the fact that plastic has low polymerization. Plastics items have gotten advantages to society
softening point. All things considered, by mean of cremation, the enhancing the general population ways of life and in addition

Journal of critical reviews 908


financial exercises. As per the Plastics - the Facts 2013, an and long strip had been utilized for fiber support by Dora. The
examination completed by Plastics Europe, the world plastics change in malleability conduct of cement was accounted for.
generation persistently development for over 50 years and rose
up to 288 million tons in 2012. Regarding that, Malaysia which is RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:
one of the Asian recorded nations, are contributed also to the First and foremost, preliminary work such as raw material
addition of overall plastics creation. Malaysia plastics industry had preparation should be completed before proceeds to the next
broadened the area by creating a variety of items which procedures. Raw materials preparation included the preparation
incorporate car and media transmission segments, electrical and of Ordinary Portland Cement, crushed aggregate, fine sand, and
gadgets parts, development materials et cetera. Among those water as well as collection of recycled bottle wastes. Recycled PET
different sections, bundling is the key reason for the nonstop bottles were collected and cut into required fiber size. Secondly,
development as of late.The measure of world plastics devoured equipment such as moulds and concrete mixer had to be checked
every year has been expanding constantly. This infers an ever on its availability and booked prior to casting. Once equipment
increasing number of plastics must be created to meet the and materials were readily available, mixes could be developed
expanded of plastics request and thusly, more plastics squander is and tests could be carried out accordingly for every proportions
being produced. In a light of urbanization, industrialization and mixed. The fresh concrete properties that required to be obtained
financial advancement, the strong waste administration had from this research were density and workability, while the
turned into an issue worried by numerous tree huggers. This issue hardened concrete properties consist of compressive strength,
is especially evident in megacities of many created and creating flexural tensile strength and splitting tensile strength. All the
Asian nations and in addition Malaysia where the patterns of laboratory testing works were conducted according to British
strong waste age encountered a disturbing rate of patterns. As per Standard (BS) and Concrete Mix Design (DOE method) was used
(3), a landfill is a waste transfer technique generally known as in order to obtain the proportions of the mixing materials. The
covered up where squanders are covered deliberately in the various materials used in the procedure can be briefly described
ground (or based over the ground). (4) specified that the main as under:
natural effects from the landfill are contributed by the measure of
plastic squanders disposed of to the landfill. The expanded in Cement
plastic squanders had wound up with different negative effects Materials used in the production of concrete plays an important
neither to the excellence nature or people. Terrible smells, visual role in producing a good quality of concrete. The quality of
unsettling influence, arrival of unsafe chemicals through the concrete is highly dependent on its materials used. In this
escape of leachate are among the effects caused via landfill research, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) manufactured by
squanders. The spillage of leachate could make genuine Tasek Corporation Berhad was used in concrete mixing. In order
contamination the underground water and soil and thusly to to prevent any changing in the quality of the cement due to
genuine medical issue. Leachate is the fluid that contained environment factors, it was stored in a clean and dry area with low
assortment of contaminations, for example, benzene, toluene, humidity. This measure was taken to help in prevents the prior
xylenes, ethyl benzenes and trimethyl benzenes (5). Additionally, hardening of cement before it is being used due to presence of
the losses in landfill will draw in creepy crawly or vector result in moisture.
wellbeing crumbling. Vectors could transmit various types of
illnesses flourish subsequently made the landfill destinations add Aggregates
to persuasive spread of ailments (3). Plastic has a low softening The presence of aggregates in concrete mix greatly influences the
point, so it can be effectively demolished by methods for burning. fresh and hardened properties of concrete. In order to ensure the
Other than that, cremation likewise radiates harmful gases which internal structure stability of the concrete, both coarse and fine
profoundly hazardous to human wellbeing. (6) expressed that the aggregates were used in this research. The coarse aggregate that
warmth created from burning procedure might be helpful would be used in the research was crushed with a nominal size of
regardless the minute the plastic is presented to warm, harmful 10mm. The coarse aggregate was sieved to ensure that it fulfilled
gases may deliver. FRC is concrete containing pressure driven the requirement of 100% passing through 12.7mm and 100%
bonds combined with aggregates and fusing in the primary retained on 9.5mm sieve. This measure was on purpose to obtain
discrete fiber fortifications. General execution of cement is consistent coarse aggregate size which believes to contribute
essentially influenced by the kinds of materials included into it. optimum strength result. On the other hand, river sand prepared
Distinctive kinds of fiber consideration into bond grid will deliver by FKA Structural Laboratory will be used as the fine aggregate.
particular impact on the solid properties in light of the reason for
development. The incorporation of fiber into typical cement had Water
extraordinarily help in enhancing certain properties of the solid. Basically, water used in the concrete plays an important role in
The nearness of fiber in solid enhances the flexural and effect utilized the hydration process of cement to form binding matrix in
quality and additionally to control splitting and the method of which the aggregates are held in suspension until the concrete
disappointment by methods for post-breaking pliability. The mixture was hardened. In addition, it also served as lubricant
method of disappointment had changed from weak to pseudo- between the aggregates and made the matrix workable. The
flexible with the joining of fiber. At the interim, it additionally quantity and quality of water directly influenced the performance
gives a specific level of sturdiness to the solid (7). Another of the concrete. Hence, it is important to make sure that water
examination did by (8) on the impacts of reused squander PET used in the concrete mixing was clean and free from injurious
containers on the attributes of cement played out the comparable amount of impurities or contaminants. Normal tap water obtained
outcomes. The compressive quality, part rigidity and versatile from FKA Structural Laboratory was used as mixing water in this
modulus of cement containing waste plastics were diminished as research.
the level of plastic trade expanded aside from the droop which
encountered an addition. Regardless of that, an exploration PET Fibers
completed by (7) on the quality of cement containing of polythene In order to ensure the uniformity of fiber’s thickness, post
strands revealed a negate result in which both compressive and consumed of 1.5 liters PET mineral bottles of single brand were
part elasticity were expanded when contrasted with plain collected. The neck and bottom of the bottles were initially
concrete. Over that, (9) investigated fiber fortification of solid discarded. To minimize cost and contribute to material recycling,
which use PET in two diverse ways. Normally, strands in concrete PET fibers were formed by manually cutting of the remaining
are being used as short strips or fibers, by and by round filaments lateral sides of PET bottles with 2mm of width. The fibers length

Journal of critical reviews 909


was kept approximately 10mm, 20mm and 30mm. Figure 1 show

the process of preparation the fibers.

Fig 1: Fiber preparation procedure

Specimen Preparation: fibers to be used in the mix for all batches. Once the mix
Once the materials and equipment were readily available, the proportion had been determined, trial mixes are carried out on the
specimens were ready to be casted. Trial mix is a method to verify control sample ( 0% PET fibers inclusion) and the results of this
the properties of concrete and adjust so that the resulting concrete test was shown how acceptable is the mix design. Length of fiber
meets the requirement. Trial mixes are often performed when is one of the factors that influenced the properties of concrete such
new materials are to be used or when setting up batch data as workability and strength. Therefore, in order to obtain the
whereby optimum materials in mixes can be determined and optimum length of fiber, trial mixes with different length of 10mm,
maximized. Therefore, in order to examine the feasibility of the 20mm & 30mm length of fiber were tested respectively. The
design mix, trial mixes was first undertaken. Main specimens were proportion of fiber was kept constant at 0.5% of fiber throughout
casted and cured until the age of testing once the design mix had the whole stage of experiment as it will be difficult to analysis if
been verified. The processes were discussed in the following both length and percentage were manipulated at once. From the
sections. analysis, the optimum length of fiber obtained would be selected
and added into the concrete with three different percentage that
Concrete Specimen: were 0%, 0.5%, 1.0 % and 1.5%. The influence of different fiber’s
The mix proportions for all the samples in this research were proportion on fresh and hardened properties of concrete would
designed based on the DOE method. In this research, the be further investigated.
characteristic strength of the concrete is specifically designed to
achieve 30 N/mm2 at 28 days with range of slump in between Experimental Programme:
30mm to 60mm. Control concrete (PC) was the concrete After the completion of trial tests and obtained the results,
containing cement, water, fine and coarse aggregates; while fiber experimental program was started. The water/cement ratio of 0.5
reinforced concrete was produce with addition of PET fibers to the and proportion of aggregates were held constant for all the
plain concrete mix to produce PET-FRC. batches and only the fibers volume fraction were changed from
0% to 1.5% of fibers. The mix proportion of the samples is shown
Trial Test: in the table 1 below.
The objective of the trial test is to control the concrete mix design
for plain concrete and also to determine the optimum length of

Table 1: Characteristic of various concrete mixes (All units in Kg/m 3).

Type of Fine Coarse PET
Free water Cement
concrete aggregates aggregate fibers
PC 215 425 820 890 0
PET-FRC0.5 215 425 820 890 6.95

PET-FRC1.0 215 425 820 890 13.90

PET-FRC1.5 215 425 820 890 20.85

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Details of samples: test that carried out, the results will be obtained by getting an
In this study, four batches of concrete mix with four different average of three samples for the purpose to improve the accuracy
fibers content were casted for different types of testing. Among of the results. Therefore, from Table 1 above, it shows that a total
the types of samples that will be casted included 100 x 100 x of 27 concrete specimens are required to be casted per batch.
100mm cubes for compressive strength test, 100 x 100 x 500 mm Since, there are four batches of concrete mixes with different fiber
prisms for flexural tensile strength test, and 100 diameter x 200 inclusion of 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% hence overall the number
mm cylinders for splitting tensile strength test. Table 2 shows the of specimens required in this research were 108 in total.
details of samples required per batch in this research. For each

Table 2: Number of specimens required per batches of concrete mix

Test Ages (days)

Number of

Tests Sample Types

7 14 28 Samples
Test Ages (days)
Compressive 100 x 100 x

3 3 3 9

Strength 100 mm Cube


100 x 100 x

Tensile 3 3 3 9

500 mm Prism


100 mm diameter x
Tensile 3 3 3 9
200 mm Cylinder

Mixing Process: Casting and Curing:

From the details of samples, the total volume for each batch of Once fresh concrete mix was ready, slump test and Vebe test was
casting was calculated that is 0.068m3 and 20% of contingency carried out prior to casting. Both tests were conducted in
was added to compensate the wastage during the mixing and accordance to BS EN 12350-2:2009 and BS EN 12350-3:2009
casting process. Hence, a total of 0.0818m3 of concrete was respectively in order to determine the workability of the concrete
required for each batch of mix designs. In order to produce a mix in fresh concrete state. After completed the slump test and
consistent mix of concrete, mechanical concrete mixer was used Vebe test, the concrete mix was transferred into moulds for
with proper guided from laboratory technician. Prior to any casting purposes. All the moulds were initially cleaned with
mixing process, the concrete mixer (Figure 2) was “buttered” with scrapper to remove stains and assembled to remove dirt. With
water to provide a wet inner surface condition of the drum. Excess regard to prevent the concrete from adhering the mould and for
water was drained off. Both fine and course aggregates were feed easy removal of samples out of the mould, grease was applied on
into the mixer accordingly and followed by half measured water the inner face of the mould. As soon as the steel moulds were ready
and cement. The mixer was allowed to rotate for one minute (Figure 3), concrete mixed was immediately transferred into the
meanwhile up and down movement was applied to the drum by mould in three equivalent layers to prevent early set of the
using the shaft to achieve uniform distribution of the particles as concrete. Each particular layer was compacted 25 times with free
well as to produce a homogenous mix. Eventually, the remaining fall of tamping rod during the placing. Compaction is essential in
water was added into the mix and allowed to continue mixing order to remove the voids in the samples. Once casting was
before it stopped at three minutes. completed, the concrete samples were left in the mould for 24
hours for setting and hardening process (Figure 4). Wet gunny
sacks were used to cover and protect the specimens against shock,
vibration and dehydration. After 24 hours, the samples were
removed from the mould and cured until the day of testing (Figure
5). On the day of testing, the samples were ensured to be in an air
dried condition prior to any test carried out.

Fig 2: Concrete Mixer

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accordance to BS EN 12350-3:2009. A cylindrical container with

internal diameter of 240mm and height of 200mm was in used
simultaneously with a vibrating table. A conical mould was
damped and placed into the container before filling up the fresh
concrete. The concrete was filled in three layers and each layer
was compacted with 25 strokes of compacting rod. After the top
layer has been tamped, the mould was removed from the concrete
by raising it in a vertical direction, using the handles. The
transparent disc was placed over the top of the concrete just it
comes into contact with the concrete. Then, the vibration and
Fig 3: Preparation of moulds for casting timer were started at the same time. The timer was stopped and
recorded as soon as the lower surface of the disc is fully in contact
with the cement grout. Figure 3.8 illustrated the Vebe test

Fig 4: Casting and hardening of concrete specimens

Fig 7: Vebe consistency test procedures

Density Test:
Density test was performed on samples after 28 days of curing in
accordance to BS EN 12390-7:2009. Prior to any testing, the
samples were removed out from the curing tank and dried with
clean clothes to remove excessive curing water on its surface.
Once the concrete samples were dried, weighing process was
carried out and all the data were recorded.
Fig 5: Curing of concrete specimens Compressive Strength Test:
Compressive strength is the capacity of a structural body to
Slump Test: withstand compressive load prior to any failure. It is one of the
Slump test is the most universal test method used to access the important hardened properties measured in structural analysis.
workability of fresh concrete. In this research, slump test was Compressive strength test (Figure 8) was carried out on samples
performed according to BS EN 12350-2:2009. The mould and the with the size of 100 x 100 x 100 mm for each addition of different
base plate were initially damped and placed on the horizontal fiber volume fraction at 7, 14 and 28 day age. The compressive
surface. During the concrete filling process, the mould was strength of plain concrete and fiber reinforced concrete at each
ensured to be firmly held against the base plate by clamping in age were determined by averaging the three samples according to
place. The fresh concrete was filled into the mould in three layers BS EN 12390-3:2009. During the test, load was applied until the
and each layer was compacted uniformly with 25 strokes of the cube sample failed and the load at which the cube failed was
tamping rod over the cross section of each layer. After the top recorded and converted into compressive strength. An average
layer has been compacted, the mould was removed by raising it value of compressive strength was computed, analyzed and
carefully with a steady upward lift in a vertical direction. presented in the relevant format. Failure mode and the cracks
Immediately after the removal of the mould, the slump h was pattern of all the samples were also evaluated to compare and
measured by determining the difference between the height of the analysis the effects of the PET fibers to the concrete mix.
mould and that of the highest point of the slumped test specimen
as shown in Figure 6.

Fig 6: Slump Test

Fig 8: Compressive strength test with cube sample
Vebe Consistency Test:
Vebe consistency test also specifies a method for determining the
workability of fresh concrete. This test was carried out in

Journal of critical reviews 912


Splitting Tensile Strength Test:

The determination of splitting tensile strength test was conducted
based on BS EN 12390-6:2009 by crushing cylindrical samples of
size 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height longitudinally
after the concrete had reached at age of 28 days. Three cylindrical
samples of each batch were prepared in order to get an average
value of the indirect tensile strength.

Fig 10: Flexural Strength Test with prism

Durability Test:
The specimens were tested at 90 days after wrap method of
curing. Specimens were tested for durability test by immersing
them in a different solution. Hence, the weight change will be
observed after 90 days for every tanks every 24 hours immersion,
dried and measures the weight. After that the cubes are put in
different solutions and to check its compressive strength and
flexural tensile strength and graphs are drawn to see its change.


Fig 9: Splitting Tensile Strength test with cylinder Fresh concrete property:
Slump test is the most universal test method used to access the
Flexural Strength Test: workability of fresh concrete. Table 3 shows the workability of the
Flexural tensile strength was carried out in accordance to BS EN concrete specimens incorporate with different length of PET
12390-5:2009 where samples of size 100 x 100 x 500 mm were fibers in 0.5% fiber volume fraction. The workability of the
tested after 28 days of curing. Each batch of casting produced concrete specimens was analyzed through the slump test
three specimens to obtain an average value of the flexural tensile undertaken during the fresh state of the concrete mix. The slump
strength of the samples. Peak load (kN) with respective stress test conducted for every concrete mix incorporating with different
(MPa) were obtained from the testing machine. fiber length produced a true slump.

Table 3: Workability of concrete specimens incorporating different length of PET fibers.

Type of concrete Length of Fiber(mm) Slump value (mm)
PC 0 35
PET-FRC10 10 25
PET-FRC20 20 20
PET-FRC30 30 15

The initial slump test done on control sample (0 mm) produced a Figure 11: Graph of relationship between workability of
slump height of 35 mm, which is within the desired slump range concrete with different length of fiber incorporation.
of 30 mm to 60 mm. Despite that, as the PET fibers were added
into the concrete mixture, the workability of the concrete These results obtained are in agreement with a previous study
decreased gradually. By adding 0.5% fibers of 10mm into the that showed the decrease in workability of fresh concrete mixture
concrete matrix, the slump value drop to 25 mm which with PET fibers by (10). He revealed that the use of PET fiber in
experienced about 30% of reduction in workability. By increasing concrete mixture may end up in low workability of fresh concrete.
the length of fibers, the slump value obtained was relatively small. In addition, the use of longer fibers may result to an unstable fresh
The results indicate that an increment in fiber length leads to a concrete. Although the results obtained indicates that the increase
lower workability of concrete. The reduction in the workability in length of fibers added into the concrete mass will decrease the
may be due to the fact that the waste PET fibers exhibit resistance workability of concrete, however, if the desired strength and
to the flow of the concrete. The presence of fibers in concrete mass deformation properties was achieved, it is still consider workable.
may obstruct the flow, creating interlocking movement of Alternatively, in order to produce a workable mixture, a super
aggregates. Besides, long fibers tend to mat together more easily plasticizer may be used in the future study but in this research we
than short fibers, while short fibers cannot interlock and can be didn’t use any chemical admixtures.
dispersed by vibration. Figure 10 shows the relationship between
the workability of concrete with different length of fibers Hardened concrete properties:
incorporation. Compressive strength test:
Generally, Table 4 summarizes the experimental results of
compressive strength at 7, 14 and 28 days for concrete
incorporating with different length of fibers. In addition, Figure 11
is plotted to observe the development of compressive strength of
concrete with respect to their concrete age.

Journal of critical reviews 913


Table 4: Compressive strength of concrete incorporating different fiber length.

Type of Length of Compressive Strength (MPa)
concrete Fiber (mm)
7 days 14 days 28 days
PC 0 29.73 37.82 40.19
PET-FRC10 10 31.32 40.33 41.85
PET-FRC20 20 32.85 42.24 43.52
PET-FRC30 30 30.21 38.17 40.66

strength than other length of fibers. The splitting tensile strength

offered by PET-FRC20 (20mm) at age of 28 days was 4.47 MPa
which has increased by almost 10% of the strength of plain
concrete (PC-0mm).

Figure 12: Compressive strength versus age of concrete

From Table 4 the results shown the compressive strength of all

PET-FRC were higher than that of plain concrete (PC) at all ages in
Figure 14: The splitting tensile strength of concrete
the short-term period. It is obvious that among three different
incorporating different length of fiber.
lengths of fibers, 20 mm long recycled PET fibers increased the
compressive strength of 28-day-old concrete up to 8.3%. The
Durability Test:
increment in compressive strength is believed to be caused by the
Resistance to chemical attack:
addition of PET fibers into plain concrete. Besides, the results
Figure 14 shows the sample of mortar after immersion in three
shown for all types of concrete possess the same trend where
types of chemical solutions; hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium
compressive strength increases with respect to the concrete age.
sulphate (Na SO ) and sodium chloride (NaCl), plus one as a
The increment in strength with respect to the days was due to the 2 4

hydration process of concrete. With increasing the number of control, water (H O). From the observation made after 90 days,
curing day, the formation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) gel can the different solutions gave different physical appearances of the
be developed continuously resulted in higher compressive cement composites. The shape and colour of the mortar showed
strength with respect to time. an obvious physical change after being immersed in the chemical
solutions. The specimens immersed in the water showed no
Splitting Tensile Strength test: significant physical changes to occur due to the fact that water acts
The development of splitting tensile strength at 7, 14 and 28 days as a curing agent for the cement matrix. However, when the
for plain concrete and PET-FRC incorporating with different specimens were immersed in HCl solution, the cement composites
length were shown in Figure 12. The splitting tensile strength showed changes in colour,shape and size. The specimens seemed
results obtained was similar in the development trend of to change to yellowish and the edges of the mortar started to peel
compressive strength whereby all the splitting tensile strength off, which indicated the loss of bonding. In the NaCl and Na SO
increased as the concrete age increased. As mention before, the 2 4

increment in strength with respect to concrete age was due to the solutions, the samples become brighter compared to the one that
continuity hydration process of cement particles. With increasing had been immersed in the water. The specimen that was
the number of curing day, the formation of Calcium Silicate immersed in the Na SO also tended to crack as the fibre content
2 4
Hydrate (CSH) gel can be developed continuously resulted in increased.
higher strength with respect to time.

Figure 15: Concrete specimen after immersion in four

different solutions as (a) H2O (b) HCl (c) Na2SO4 (d) NaCl
Figure 13: Splitting tensile strength versus age of concrete
Some figures revealed the mean percentage of the weight change
Besides, from Figure 13 it can also be observed that the 20 mm of mortar reinforced with PET fibers in function with different
long of fiber in concrete offered the highest splitting tensile solutions after 90 days of immersion. The graph shows that the

Journal of critical reviews 914


weight of samples increased with the increase of fiber content in agents on mortar containing natural fiber as fiber reinforcement
Na SO and NaCl due to more absorption. It was expected that the are the sulphates. When the fiber was immersed in the sulphate
2 4
weight of the specimen immersed in the Na SO to decrease after solution or exposed to sulphate environment, the fibers would
2 4 easily get damaged when the concentration becomes higher.
a certain period due to specimen spalling and falling apart. In the Expansion would occur if the fiber is continually immersed in the
HCl solution, the mortar containing higher amount of fiber sulphate solution. The deterioration of mortar exposed to Na SO
2 4
content, surprisingly suffered less deterioration as it was found
that mortar containing higher amount of fibers as reinforcement is the result of penetration of aggressive agents into the concrete
and their chemical reaction with the cement matrix.
was able to resist better against acid attack as weight loss
occurred in the least number. Natural fibers are known to possess
poor resistance to salt. Some of the salts are best known to damage

Compressive strength:

Table 5: Compressive strength of concrete specimen immersed in different solution at 28 days and 90 days.
Solution Percentage Compressive Compressive
Strength for 28 Strength for 90
days days
H2O 0% 21.92 17.123
0.5% 20.23 12.125
1.0% 19.82 13.12
1.5% 18.83 10.123

Na2SO4 0% 24.125 12.098

0.5% 20.12 11.478
1.0% 19.87 10.258
1.5% 18.82 9.283

HCl 0% 20.874 15.265

0.5% 19.12 13.124
1.0% 18.236 12.458
1.5% 17.254 11.457

NaCl 0% 24.784 12.421

0.5% 22.368 11.874
1.0% 21.475 13.174
1.5% 19.124 12.141

Flexural Strength:

Table 6: Flexural strength of beam specimen immersed in different solutions for 28 days and 90 days.
Solution Percentage Flexural Strength Flexural Strength
for 28 days for 90 days
H2O 0% 16.54 10.988
0.5% 17.12 12.125
1.0% 18.19 13.12
1.5% 19.12 14.28
0% 18.53 9.863

0.5% 18.90 11.284

1.0% 19.56 13.128
1.5% 20.52 14.453
0% 18.53 11.85
0.5% 18.78 12.90
1.0% 17.63 11.43

Journal of critical reviews 915


1.5% 20.12 11.25

0% 20.85 12.86
0.5% 21.85 11.585
1.0% 23.68 13.182
1.5% 24.82 12.182

Weight change: 10. The deterioration of concrete specimen exposed to Na2SO4

From the weight change table, it can be seen that the concrete is the result of penetration of aggressive agents into the
exposed to water with different percentages of PET fibers show a concrete and their chemical reaction with the cement matrix
decrease when checked the weight after taking out from water.
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7. The experimental results generally proved PET fibers has
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8. The weight of samples increased with the increase of fiber
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Journal of critical reviews 916

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