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“Maslow’s Hierarchy of need”

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory

in psychology proposed by Abraham
Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of
Human Motivation". Maslow represented
these needs as a hierarchy in the shape of a
The most recent depictions of hierarchical
pyramid have seven or eight level.  The
lowest requirement in the hierarchy must
be satisfied before moving to higher levels. 
Examples of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

4 Deficiency needs
Physiological Needs: Air, oxygen, food,
water, shelter, sleep, excretion,
reproduction, etc.

Safety Needs: A sense of security of the

self, job security, health security, safe
environment, Stability etc.

Belongingness and Love Needs: Strong

bonds, friends, family, affection, love

Esteem Needs: Self-confidence,
respect, good reputation, achievement,
status, recognition, etc.
3Growth needs:

Cognitive needs: knowledge,

meaning, understanding, etc.

Aesthetic needs: Appreciation,

search for beauty, balance, form, etc.

Self Actualization:  Morality, realizing

personal potential, self fulfillment,
pursue talent, peak experiences,
personal growth, and acceptance.

 Transcendence needs:
Helping other to achieve self
Real life examples:
Breathing, Food:
Imagine a world without oxygen for 5
seconds; we will start dying. Oxygen is an
essential requirement for the survival of all
living beings. Air, food, and water come
under “physiological needs”.
Pensions, Benefits:
We have seen our grandparents getting
monthly pensions. Getting a pension makes
them feel independent. Hence, benefits like
pensions are an important part of the social
needs, which make the individual satisfied
physically as well as emotionally. It’s an
example of “safety needs.”
Family get-together:
The family get-together plays an important role
in satisfying belongingness and affection needs
of us. On different occasions like birthday
parties, marriages, family tours, etc. family
members assemble at one place to share
sorrows and happiness with each other. It helps
in fulfilling the love and belongingness needs of
Academic result:
When a student is motivated and appreciated,
he/she tends to increase his/her academic
performance as compared to the less motivated
student. An excellent academic result will
increase her recognition in the school and
society, which will increase the confidence,
respect, and esteem of the student. It also
belongs to “self-esteem.”
Exhibitions of Art:
Different exhibitions are organized to
demonstrate the creative work or creativity of
different artists like painters, writers, etc. In
these exhibitions, paintings of famous painters
and books or novels of well-known writers are
displayed. It fulfills the Self-actualization needs
of artists.

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