Guidelines To Answer Part 1 (With Translation)

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(Soalan) Read the Text

Cara menjawab bahagian 1: Mesej
How to answer Part 1: Message
Read the message from your classmate, Osman
Main Idea
Remember you told me about the benefits of running?
I want to start doing it this month. Can you suggest me a good place to start running?
Should I run around my neighbourhood or should I run at the running trail near the

Which one is better? Question

Osman (Pilihan) (Soalan)

In about 80 words, write a message to Osman to give him some advice.

1) Read the questions carefully. 1. Baca soalan dengan teliti

2) Read the text and ask yourself, what is the main idea of this text?
Main idea: Suggest me a good place to start running. 2. Baca dan cari idea utama (main
3) Identify the choices given and choose ONE that you are confident in explaining.

Choices given: 1) run around my neighbourhood 3. Kenalpasti pilihan yang diberi

2) run at the running trail near the beach dan jelaskan hanya SATU.

Pilihan yang diberi dalam mesej terdapat dua iaitu:

1) Run around my neighbourhood

2) Run at the running trail near the beach

Selepas kenalpasti pilihan, pilih HANYA SATU untuk terangkan.

4) Don’t start answering yet! Before that, give some brief reasons for your choice
Below is an example.

Choice (Pilihan): run around my neighbourhood. 4. Sebelum menjawab, tuliskan

idea ringkas berkenaan dengan
Reason 1: easier because you are familiar with the place. pilihan.
Reason 2: feel safe and your mother won’t get worried.
Reason 3: running the trail could be challenging for you as you need more stamina

Dalam contoh ini, kita telah memilih “run around my neighbourhood” untuk diberi
penerangan. Oleh itu, tuliskan 3 idea ringkas yang berkenaan dengan “run around my
neighbourhood” seperti contoh diatas.
Step by step guide to complete your writing
Langkah-langkah menjawab

Introduction > Reason 1 > Reason 2 > Reason 3 > Conclusion

Pengenalan > Isi pertama > Isi kedua > is ketiga> kesimpulan


1. Start with a simple introduction. Here are some examples you can start with.
- That’s a tough decision to make, I think you should …
- Those are some great ideas, but I think you should…
- In my opinion, you should…
- I think …… is a great idea!

Mulakan penulisan dengan pengenalan yang ringkas seperti contoh diatas.

REASON 1/2/3

2. Your reasons should be related to the main idea of the text. Refer to the brief explanations
you have done and use that. For example:

Reason 1: easier because you are familiar with the place. Can go back easily should there be
any emergencies.
Reason 2: feel safe and your mother won’t get worried.
Reason 3: running the trail could be challenging for you as you need more stamina.

Reason 1
- It will be easier for you because you are familiar with the place and it will be easier to go
back should there be any emergencies.

Reason 2

- Also, you will feel safer running near your house and your mother will be less worried as

Reason 3

- Additionally, running the trail could prove to be challenging for you as you need more
stamina to complete it.

Untuk penerangan, Isi pertama, kedua dan ketiga perlu berkaitan dengan pilihan. Seperti contoh
diatas, pilihan adalah “Run around neighbourhood”. Oleh itu, isi pertama, kedua dan ketiga
perlulah berkaitan dengan pilihan. Tuliskan isi yang ringkas dan munasabah sahaja.

3. Conclude with a sentence that is relatable and encouraging to the receiver. For example:

- I am happy that you are going outside instead of being a couch potato. Maybe I could
join you next time when I’m free.
- Hope this helps, and I might join you too in your next run.
- Looking forward for our next meetup, hopefully my choice will benefit you.

Untuk kesimpulan, tuliskan hanya satu ayat yang berkaitan dan memberi semangat kepada


4. You can make your writing better (possibly extra marks will be given) if you write:
- Sentences with less errors in grammar.
- Suitable points (Does not have to be great points)
- Linking verbs (additionally, also, moreover, in my opinion, similarly, because, as)
#It is not advisable for you to use (Firstly, secondly, thirdly). Using this will make your
message too formal.
- Add some suitable idioms to make your writing better.

Such as: couch potato, break a leg, have a blast, have a whale of a time, on cloud nine.

Read the message from you classmate, Osman.

Remember you told me about the benefits of running?
I want to start doing it this month. Can you suggest me a good place to start running?
Should I run around my neighbourhood or should I run at the running trail near the beach?

Which one is better?


In about 80 words, write a message to Osman to give him some advice.

Hi Osman,

That’s a tough decision to make, I think you should run around the neighbourhood first. It will be
easier for you because you are familiar with the place and it will be easier to go back should there be
any emergencies. Also, you will feel safer running near your house and your mother will be less
worried as well. Additionally, running the trail could prove to be challenging for you as you need
more stamina to complete it. I am happy that you are going outside instead of being a couch potato.
Maybe I could join you too next time when I’m free.

Some example of:

Linking verbs


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