Native American Tribes and Casino Business

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Native American tribes and casino Business

MGMT5003 Culture and Ethics in Business



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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................3

2. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................3


FROM THE CASINO BUSINESS?...............................................................................................4


INDIGENOUS GROUP..................................................................................................................6

5. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................7


OF CASINO BUSINESS.................................................................................................................8

7. REFRENCES...........................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction

The U.S. statistics Department's report of 2008 indicated that, the United States has more
than 562 perceived Native American clans. Every one of those native tribes are accounted to
work and run gaming companies. American Gaming Affiliation estimates that the gaming
industry resulted in the Native Americans tribes brought home over $ 26 billion in the same
year. During that year, the casino business alone made over $ 34.1 billion (Christiansen,
Martin.1998). This report demonstrates that Native Americans casino business contributed
about 43% of the incomes produced from gaming exercises. For the most part, the report
showed that half of the Native American tribes profit from the casino business and other
gaming activities. For most people, casino and gaming operations are the main source of
In any case, there has been a high increase of competition that has constrained the greater part
of the Native Americans to stop the business. In the recent past, numerous tribes have begun
to explore other investment opportunities. Business, entities are opting to broaden or move
totally to other business ventures to better the lives of the Native Americans. This paper
therefore aims to explore the status of the Native American casino business and the elements
affecting the choice to broaden or move out of the casino business.

2. Literature Review

According to the National gaming of Indian Gaming Association report in the year 2007,
more than 22 million Native American clans visited inborn gaming offices during their
leisure time. During that year, Native Americans produced incomes 22.6 billion shillings
from the gaming activities worked locally inside the American corridors. All things
considered; the report showed that many more Native Americans rely upon these gaming
activities (Bressler, Martin, Kitty, Brett. 2014). This report evaluated the estimation of
incomes the accommodation and gaming amusement administrations working nearby the
gaming exercises and the cost over $2.7 million for that specific year alone. This shows the
extent of the casino businesses in the Social-financial effects in the American community.
Tribal casinos are not fresh in the streets of U.S. The business started a long time ago since
the 1970s when native tribes started to run bingo halls to get some funds for tribal-related
activities (gambling whats at stake 2020). Generally, this business developed in the U.S as a
result of bingo games that were opened by the tribes within Florida and Wisconsin to secure
the two noticeable examples of tribes who participated in bingo tribe gaming businesses were
Oneida tribe of Wisconsin and the Seminole tribe from Florida (Akee, Randall, Spilde and
Jonathan. 2015). In spite of the fact that these businesses were profoundly controlled during
at that point, they operated until they matured to become a reliable business until recently.

As indicated by the Asia/pacific tax evasion, the casino business vulnerability is very high. It
was identified in the year 2009, the exploration aimed at identifying the vulnerabilities of
gambling clubs and gaming division across various nations. The report lamented that the
casino business lacks regional and worldwide typological gaming methods and risks that the
researchers expected to address. The issue was the business-related money laundering and
terrorist funding activities related with the business. Again, the business is vulnerable to
intimidation and external knowledge that threatens the creditability of the business. Their
report claims that globally there are casino gaming activities that are entirely cash-intensive
and competitive. That is the reason there is exceptionally high competition in casino business
across the tribes in the U.S of America (Barnes, Grace, John, 2011). Along these lines,
the casino business is going digital. There are online gaming practices that are well developed
and make money for some indigenous people from the U.S of America. The casino also has
high-class amenities considered for VIP quarters. Nonetheless, according to the US Bureau of
Indian Affairs, numerous individuals and tribes have been granted administrative
acknowledgment through bargains from the U.S government by legislative or generally made
BIA choices. Such, acknowledgments occurred during the 17th and 18th centuries when the
casino business was on the pinnacle.

3. Why Native American tribes opt to diversify or shift entirely from the casino
Every tribe across the country is looking to expand in terms of revenue generation and.
business sector life. Competition from non-gaming Indian tribes is one of the key components
making American tribes move from the casino business. Many of the main business
organizations cited the significance of expanding the business activity to augment revenue
generation. Others have discussed the concept of growing employment prospects and
improving the lives of Native Americans (Schaap, James. 2010). Another community has
referred to some model business that has broadened quite a while back and is profiting in
generating revenues. For instance, the Winnebago tribe is reported to own several companies
that operate from several states across the country. They trade by the name Ho-Lump Ink
companies and serve a wide market of development firms and the marketing businesses.
Potawatomi Business Advancement Corp operates in different countries. It utilizes a malt
billion tribe holding facility that began in the year 2003.Wisconsin. Kelvin is the president of
the coma pays; a planning group that believes in relaying in one business enterprise which is
not prudent. They did casino business; however, they currently concentrate on different
business ventures to better the lives of Native Americans.

Interestingly, the business icon says says that most of the results they use come from the
profits they make from casino gaming facilities. Be that as it may, its energizing when
numerous tribes are currently thinking something different other casino. Since days of yore,
several tribe’s new casinos as the critical economic development and the best revenue source.
Currently, the presence of non-tribal gaming facilities makes things unique. As per Anton
Treasurer, the executive director of American Indian Resource centre at Bemidji state
College contended that is a decent time for native tribes to differentiate their casino business
ideas. The Minnesota administrators who approved the electronic betting to pay for the new
Vikings football stadiums has adversely affected the casino business. Betting incomes are
profoundly focused by legislators and high government substances to make tax revenues from
the state. Many owners of the gaming facilities complain that government hardly hit their
companies with taxes. It is easier for them to concur with the taxmen on a tribal monopoly on
gaming activities so that both the government benefits and the business owner benefit, instead
of harming the casino business entirely. This is influencing the native tribes of the nation.
Most entrepreneurial leaders are exhorting ancestral business champions to accept
diversification. They claim this is the best way to plan for anything that may come pass in the

4. Case example of organization industry involving a particular indigenous group

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe possesses two of central Minnesota the largest casino centers.
Over the last few years, they have been making millions from the casino business. Mille Lacs
Band of Ojibwe runs more than 18000 slot machines of grand casino milli lacks. Right now,
the vast majority of the slot machines are free, and the place has not crowed as it used to be.

According the top administration, Mille lacks band is strategizing on how to purchase two big
hotels within the St. Paul min. When this deal goes through, Mille lacks band will be among
the largest hotel operators within the city. This is one of the biggest examples of business
shift happening within for local native tribes within the American community.
According to Nayquonabe statement released concerning the new move, venturing into hotel
business will make the business, safe and secure from economic ups and downs. He argues
that putting the profits to hotel business will change over the entity from being a tribunal
centered entity element to internation organization that aims to better the lives of the native
tribes of America. Nayquonabe is the head of business activites in the organization, he
intends to turn the profits of the business in a hotel venture to enhance the organization
assets. The motive of the move is to build the economy of the native people of America they
want to possess a large portion of the biggest hotels inside the U.S advertise and nearly all
the significant market regions in the United States of America.

Nayquonabe argues that it is high time the business network begin to consider how to
improve the quality of native America's lives through venturing into other business. He says
gaming business has fabricated the fundamental foundation for them and has given basic
assets to the American tribe expansion or endeavoring to various business openings will
improve the quality of lives of the American tribes. Gaming operations have created
employments to numerous American tribes through the taxis and revenues, government and
other organizations have manufactured public amenities for the community such as hospitals,
schools and gathering centers. This is the essential fundamental amenities for improving the
quality of life of the American tribes. The organization leaders are presently bemoaning about
the competitor Non-Indian gaming casino facilities that are highly favoured by the
community. Numerous pioneers believe that business that has been truly executed by native
tribe of a network that is diverse to move from or to venture out.

5. Conclusion

As discussed in this content, tribal casino are not new in U.S, the business began since the
1970s when native tribes began operating bingo halls to get some funds for tribal related
activites. Native American Tribes have been doing casino business for a prolonged period of
time. Numerous Native American Tribes have respected casino business as a vital income
provider. Many more native Americans rely on these gaming activities through hospitality
and entertainment services operated alongside the gaming zones. This report evaluated the
estimation of resources that costs over $2.7 million in the year 2008 alone through casino
business and other services in the tremendous Native American community.
All things considered; the reasons discussed in this paper concerning their transition to
venture out of casino business is welcomed by many business community pioneers. American
tribes are doing good to diversify from the casino business. It's not always wise to remain in
one business division. Because of the high, expanding rivalry that has constrained the
majority of the Native Americans to quit the business. The fundamental competitor discussed
here is the non-Indian gaming practices that appear to be favorable to the majority of gaming
lovers. In the recent past, many tribes have begun to investigate other openings. It's
acceptable to venture into various business, a chance to keep the lives of the native
Americans save from severe economic ups. Nevertheless, this paper provides recommends
that the native American tribes attempt to keep to mitigate out of the rivalries, forcing them
out of the market.

6. Recommendations for the Native American tribes venturing out of casino

1.The casino business is a definitive indigenous business of the Native American societies
and there ought not be disregarded totally they think to differentiate.

2. Those business which can operate in the casino business and other business to do as such.
They should work on coming up with ideal ways to retaliate the upcoming Indians gaming
activites and set up themselves back in the market.

3. Introduce an inward control law that administers all the casino organizations over the globe
with the goal that there is an uniform gaming guidelines over the world or certain regions.
This will control the gaming behaviours over specific communities and furthermore control
venture patterns.

4. All casino gaming activties be subjected to casino AML/CFT control bodied for uniform

5. Legitimate administration of foreign casino branches, auxiliaries and workplaces to

manage the business from one directive.

6. Introduce adequate jurisdictions that subject all casino activities to severe preventive
7. Implement a good control high seas gaming market to ensure the market is well captured
and beneficial to casino operators.

8. Introduce professional advisory agencies for casino business owner in all Native American
tribes to help them diversify to other existing opportunities so that they are safe from
completions and economic suctions.
9. Advice all native American tribes doing casino business to diversify to at least one extra
business venture of their choice to stay safe from social, economic unforeseen challenges or
external factors like the Non-Indian casino game.


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