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Physical, chemical and

microscopic urine

Violeta BLAGA
 Urine = a product of glomerular filtration,
tubular reabsorption and secretion

Chemical composition
 Water: 93 - 95%
 Mineral and organic substances: 7-5%
 Organic substance 60% (urea, uric acid,
creatinin, proteins, glucoses, amino acids,
ketones, urobilinogen, hormones etc.)
 Mineral substance 40% (chlorides, sulphates,
phosphates, Na, K, ammonium salts, Ca, Mg)
Urine sample examined:
 First fresh morning urine (glucose, albumin, pH,
urobilinogen, bilirubin, ketones and urine sediment)
 Spot urine
 Special collection of urine (e.g. for Addis method)
 24 h urine: after the urinary bladder was emptied of
the “morning urine”, the collection begins at a precise
time (e.g. from 7:00 this morning until tomorrow
morning at the same hour)
Urine collection
Urine collection is to be avoided in:
 Women during the menstrual cycles and 2-3
days after
 Patients radiologically investigated using
contrast media in the previous 48 h (density >
1040 and false+ reaction at proteins)
 Cease of the aspirin or sulphonamide
medication (increased erythrocyte flow) and
also the cease of the diuretics and laxatives.
 Water restriction 12 h before. Densities <1015
impose to repeat the exam.
Urine collection

If urine is examined more than 3 hs after

emission, are expected:
 Red blood cells destruction
 Leukocytes degradation
 Fast bacterial growth
 Appearance of nitrites
 pH increase (the urea is transformed in
ammonia under the bacteria influence)
 pH increase can produce cast dissolution
Urine samples conservation

 Can be done with:

 Thymol
 Methyl-4-hydroxibenzoate
 Chlorophorm
 Formol
 Phenol
 Toluene
 Conservation at +4º C

 Normal diuresis 1000-1800 ml/day

 OLIGURIA (volume < 800 ml/day)

 POLYURIA (volume > 2000 ml/day)
 ANURIA (volume < 300 ml/day)
Macroscopic urinalysis

 Aspect
 Colour
 Smell
Macroscopic urinalysis

The aspect
 Fresh, normal urine must be clear
 Fresh, turbid urine may contain:
 Salts (urates, uric acid, oxalates,
phosphates or carbonates)
 Mucus, epithelia, microorganisms
 Lipids (milky aspect)
Macroscopic urinalysis
Heating test (5-6 ml urine in a test tube)
 Turbidity disappears: urates , uric acid
 Turbidity increases: proteins, carbonates or
 Turbidity does not disappear, but clears up after:
 Adding some drops of acetic acid 10%:
phosphates, carbonates (with CO2 release)
 Adding 2-3 ml of HCl 12,5%: oxalates,
leucine, tyrosine, cystine
 Adding 2-3 ml of NaOH 20%: uric acid,
mucus, cystine
 Adding a mix of ethanol – ether: lipids
Macroscopic urinalysis

 Aspect
 Colour
 Smell
Macroscopic urinalysis
 The urine normal colour is from light
yellow to gold yellow and it is
determinate by pigments: urochrome,
urobiline, uroerithrine.
Macroscopic urinalysis
 The abnormal urine colour can be induced by many exogenous
and endogenous substances
 Milky white:
 chyluria
 From yellow to uncoloured:
 Watery diuresis, diabetes insipidus, diuretic treatment
 From yellow saffron to brown:
 carotenes, flavones, quinine, phenolphtaleine,
bilirubin, erythrocytes, haemoglobin, myoglobin,
 Yellow orange:
 Low fluid intake, fever, sulphonamides, urobilinogen
Macroscopic urinalysis

 Red orange
 betanidine, alimentary colorants,phenitoin,
aminophenazone, nitrofurantoin, metronidazole,
pirogalol, haemoglobin, uroglobin, erythrocytes,
 Red
 Fresh blood, red beet, haemoglobin, myoglobin
 Dark red
 porphyrin
Macroscopic urinalysis
 Brown
 tanin, thymol, indican, porphobilin
 Green blue
 indigo-carmine, methylene blue, biliverdin,
 Dirty green
 indigo-carmine, acriflavine, methylene blue,
copper, biliverdina, indican, chromogen bacteria
(Pseudomonas spp - piocianic)
Macroscopic urinalysis

 Aspect
 Colour
 Smell
Macroscopic urinalysis
 Normal fresh urine has a specific smell because of the
volatile acids
 concentrate urine has a powerful smell
 diabetic urine – sour apples smell

 alcoholic urine - alcohol

 infected urine or renal tumours - ammonia

 in acidosis - fruits or chloroform smell

 drugs based on turpentine essence - violet

 garlic, horse radish, asparagus – unpleasant smell

 new borns urine with powerful smell indicates a
metabolically error (aminoacidopathy)
Physical urine exam

 Density
 Osmolality
 Urine pH
Depends on the dissolved substances concentration: salts
in general and urea at healthy people, glucose and
albumin in pathological cases
 Normal values: 1015-1022 with extremes: 1003- 1035
 Urodensimeter for 20º C
Density correction
 For every 3º C ± from the standard temperature we add
or decrease with one unit
 When urine contains glucose, proteins or crystals we
make a quantitative determination of their concentration
and reduce with one unit from the predetermined density
for each one: 2,5g glucose/l, 3.3 g proteins/l, 2.2 g
Physical urine exam

 Density
 Osmolality
 Urinary pH

 Refers to the number of dissolved molecules in 1

kg solvent
 Osmometers evaluate osmolality by determining
urine freezing point, starting from the relation
0, 56ºC for 272 mOsm/kg. Measuring unit is
 Normal values: 800-1200mOsm/kg
 Osmolality is a measure of concentration capacity
of kidney.
Physical urine exam

 Density
 Osmolality
 Urinary pH
Urines reaction – urinary pH

 Allows the evaluation of the kidneys intervention in

maintaining the acid-base equilibrium
 In normal individuals on a mixed diet, urine is usually
low acid (pH~6).
 Urine acidity comes from: organic acids, uric acid,
citric acid, acetic acid and also from acid salts –
sodium primary phosphates, K, ammonium.
 A hyper proteic diet produces an increase in urine
acidity by enhancing uric acid, urates and acid
phosphates elimination.
Urines reaction – urinary pH
 A vegetarian diet induces an alkaline urine
because of the excess of mineral and organic salts.
 Strongly acid urines (4-4.5 pH) - malignancy, fever,
diarrhoea, diabetic or metabolic acidosis
 Strongly alkaline urine – urinary infections,
respiratory alkalosis, metabolic alkalosis
 Urinary pH is determined with pH paper or dipstick.
Chemical urine exam

 Is done in order to evaluate different

urine components: proteins, glucids,
ketonic bodies, blood pigments,
urobilinogen, bile pigments, bile acids

 Are measured in the 24 h urine collection

 Normal values
<150mg/24 h in adults
<140mg/m2 body surface in children

 Determination methods:
 Semi quantitative
 Quantitative
 Qualitative
Semi quantitative methods

a) Sulphosalicilic acid 20% method:

different types of proteins precipitate
(albumins, globulins, peptide, Bence –
Jones proteins, Tamm-Horsfall
lipoproteins, and albumoses – produced
by proteins degradation). Determined
turbidity is proportional with urine
proteins concentration
Result Approximative Aspect
concentration of
proteins (mg/dL)
0 absent < 10 Clear

± very fine 10 - 15 Very weak turbidity

+ fine traces 15 - 20 Well- defined turbidity

++ fine cloud 20 – 30 White cloud, precipitate (-)

+++ thick cloud 30 - 50 White cloud, precipitate (+)

++++ dosable >50 Flocculent precipitate

Semi quantitative methods

b) Warm coagulation method Warming a

urine sample at a temperature > 60º C
determines the proteins coagulation in
white flocculus which modify the sample
transparency according with the proteins
c) Dipstick method. The test specificity is
higher for albumins and lower for Bence-
Jones proteins
Quantitative methods

 Quantitative urinary proteins are determined:

 From 24 h urine samples (reported as g/24 h).
Most used determination methods are:
- 3% sulphosalicilic acid,
- pirogalol or Folin-Lowry method.
 Determination in spot urine:
- urinary proteins,
- urinary creatinine
Their ratio Upr/Ucr approximates 24hrs proteinuria.
Qualitative methods

 Offer data on physical – chemical

configuration and on urinary proteins
 Allow the classification of proteinuria
according to the determining process.
 Methods: electrophoresis , immune
electrophoresis, ELISA, immune radial
Qualitative methods

 From the electrophoresis point of view

we can identify 3 types of proteinuria:
physiological, glomerular or tubular.
 Physiological proteinuria is the result of 3
big processes:
 glomerular filtration
 tubular reabsorption of filtrated proteins
 protein tubular secretion
Qualitative methods

 Pathological proteinuria results from 4

 The increase in the glomerular filter permeability
 The decrease in the tubular reabsorption of
normally filtered proteins
 Modifications in the physical-chemical proteins
configuration (sudden increase of plasmatic
proteins concentration)
 Increase in tubular secretion which appears
through nephron degradation or excess tubular
proteins production.
Bence-Jones proteins

 Contain proteins with MW 22000-45000 and sometimes

90000. The concentration of these proteins in serum is
<10µg/ml, and in pathological conditions can reach
100µg/ml. The concentration of these proteins in
pathological conditions is 1-6 g in 24 h.
 Diagnostic methods for Bence-Jones proteinuria:
 Precipitation at 56°C and redissolution at100°C
 Radial immune diffusion
 Immune fixation
 Bence-Jones proteinuria – most often encountered in
myeloma, but can also appear in leukaemia,
osteosarcoma and very rare in Waldenstrom
β2 - microglobulin

 Is a globular protein, MW=11800

 Can be found in serum, saliva, synovial liquid,
 Normal values in urine: 4 - 370μg/l
 Increased values appear in: multiple myeloma
, chronic leukaemia, rheumatoid artritis,
sarcoidosis, lupus, hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis,
immune deficiency syndrome
 Semi quantitative methods
 Benedict
 Dipstick
 Quantitative methods
 Colorimetrical with orthotoluidine
 Enzymatic with hexokinase
 Glycosuria depends on:
 Glucoses concentration in blood
 Glomerular filtration rate
 Tubular reabsorption rate of glucose
Glycosuria is seen in: diabetes mellitus, renal diabetes, renal
hereditary glicozuria, Fanconi syndrome, stress, acidosis, CNS
lesions, 10-15% of pregnant women.

 Is a halogenated derivate of bilirubin; together with urobilin,

stercobilinogen and stercobilin – normal values 4mg/24 h.
 Increased excretion indicates diseases:
 With excess production: hemolytic anaemia, macrocytic
anaemia, policitemia vera. Enterocolitis.
 True functional hepatic deficiency: hepatitis ac. and cr., cirrhosis.

 The urobilinogen is absent if the coledoc channel is completely

 The urobilinogen determination in urine is done through Erlich
classic method or with dipstick. We add 5- 10 ml Erlich solution
drops in 5 ml urine:
 Red colour at room temperature - urobilinogen ;

 Red colour after warming – normal urobilinogen

 If the red colour doesn’t appear after warming – absent

Microscopic urinalysis
 Preparing the urine sample:
 We agitate the recipient with the sample from the
first morning urine
 We put it in a conic test tube of minimum 10 ml
 We centrifuge it 2-3 minutes at 1000 rpm
 We keep the supernatant for protein determinations.
 From the sediment we use 0.5-1ml to prepare the
sample for analyzing the urinary sediment
 It is well agitated and after, a drop is put on to the
thin plate and than it’s covered with a lamella.
 The examination is done with 20X and 40 X
Microscopic examination methods
 Optic microscopy – the most used in clinical
 Phase contrast microscopy is more sensitive
and gives an accurate erythrocyte and cast
 Interface microscopy – offers a three-
dimensional image
 Polarized light microscopy – detects the bi
refringent corps and the crystals.
 Immune fluorescent microscopy: allowed the
cast matrix identification
 Electronic microscopy
Examination techniques

 The examination in fresh drop is the most used

 Coloured sediment examination – brings more
information in the appreciation of the structure;
 Sternheimer-Malbin – casts of leucocytes

 Wright – dysmorphic erythrocytes

 Giemsa

 Hansen - eosinophiluria

 Papanicolau method for cytological exam and

neoplastic cell detection
Urinary sediment examination

 organized structures  unorganized structures

(metabolic origin)
 Epithelial cells
 Organic substances
 White blood cells  Uric acid
 Red blood cells  Cystine
 Casts  Leucine
 Bacteria  Tyrosine
 Inorganic substances
 Carbonates
 Oxalates
 Phosphates
Semi quantitative microscopic
urine examination
A. Organized sediment:
1. Epithelial cells
 pavimentous epithelial
cells :
 big, flat cells with picnotic
nucleus and variable diameter
 come from the superficial
layers of the inferior urinary
Semi quantitative microscopic
urine examination
 transitional epithelial cells:
 spindle shaped or round
 visible nucleus
 come from desquamated
renal calices until the
proximal urethra segment
 are frequent in neoplasia or
inflammatory processes
Semi quantitative microscopic
urine examination
 renal tubular epithelial cells:
 cubic or cylindrical shape
 smoothly granulated
cytoplasm and big, vesicular
 marker for tubular lesions
 appear in infections, after
 can be lipid-laden
Semi quantitative microscopic
urine examination
 2. Leucocytes
 can come from the glomeruli until the
proximal urethra
 are mainly neutrofils

 in pyuria they are degenerated and

covered in mucus
 eosinophiluria appears in acute
interstitial allergic nephritis
 Leukocyturia: caused by infection,
inflammation, haemorrhage
 when there is no infection we can
suspect calculi, papillary necrosis or
renal polycystic kidney disease
 normal values: 1-2/field ; <10/mm³
Semi quantitative microscopic urine
3. Erythrocytes (can come from the urinary
tract or woman genital tract)
 In normal sediment: 1-3 on microscopic
fields or 5/mm³
 Isomorphic erythrocytes:
 yellow biconcave disks with defined
contour and equal diameters
 Influenced by urine osmolality:
 isotonic urines: yellow, biconcave disks
 hypotonic urines: spherical shape
 hypertonic urines: may be crenelated
 Dysmorphic erythrocytes
 uneven colour, abnormal shape and
smaller, unequal diameters

Macro haematuria Glomerular hematuria

 Appears when there is more  accompanied by
than 0,5ml blood/1l of urine erythrocyte casts, marked
(>2500 erythrocytes /μL) proteinuria, dysmorphic
 urine is coloured from red to erythrocytes
Micro haematuria
 red blood cells Inferior urinary tract
number<2500/μL hematuria
 urine colour stays the same  isomorphic red blood cells
Red blood cells of glomerular origin

 Intact or fragmented
 Mainly decolorized (>80%)
 Appear as double rings, with smaller
diameter, are unequal and dysmorphic -
“phantom cells”
 Acanthocytes are predictive for
glomerular hematuria
Dysmorphic red blood cells

 The most important element in the urinary sediment for

establishing the differential diagnostic
 Are renal tubules mouldings mainly formed of Tamm-
Horsfall glycoprotein
 Cylindrical shape, round/smooth endings, but never
 Are formed by proteins jellification when proteins are in
excess in the tubular fluid, either by increased local
production or by increased ultrafiltration;
 The process is stimulated by:
 Urine concentration,
 Urine acidification - low pH 4,7-7 (in pH >7 it dissolves)
Hyaline casts

 Matrix formed exclusively from

glycoproteins, are transparent,
uncoloured, variable length and
constant diameter
 Accompany proteinuria and appear in
large number in nephropathies
associated with oliguria, acid pH and
high proteinuria (nephrotic syndrome)
Epithelial casts

 Have renal tubular

epithelial cells entraped
in their matrix and can
be loaded with oval fat
 Can appear in
association with
epithelial tubular free
cells and granular casts
 Are nonspecific markers
for tubular lesions
Red blood cell casts

 Are identified after the

presence of isomorphic or
dysmorphic red cells on the
matrix surface
 Appear in glomerulonephritis,
renal transplant rejection
and, sometimes, in tubulo –
interstitial nephropathies
 Occasionally, can be
observed even in renal
trauma, cortical necrosis
 Markers of glomerular
haematuria .
White blood cell casts

 Contain leukocytes with

different degrees of
degeneration within the protein
 Markers for acute or chronic
renal parenchymal infections;
their presence asks for careful
bacteriological investigations
 Appear in pyelonephritis and
sometimes in glomerulo-
nephritis, lupus nephropathies
or in aseptic kidney transplant
Granular casts
 Are formed through a progressive
degenerative process resulting in
granulations with different size
 Can have bigger or smaller
 Are bigger than hyaline casts, have a
net shape and round or broken
 The main characteristic of
granulations is their refringence
 Appear constantly in chronic
glomerular or interstitial
nephropathies and in acute tubular
Waxy casts

 Well-defined shape, mate

aspect, yellow pale
 Very fragile, with notched
margins and variable
 Increased refraction index and
formed from clear and
homogeneous material
 Results from the granular cast
degeneration; these casts were
fixed in the distal tubules’
lumena for a long time
Other cast types
Fat casts
 Contain lipid globules covering the hyaline matrix surface; in
polarized light appear as Maltese cross.
 Appear in abundant proteinuria (nephrotic syndrome)
 Ribbon shaped, with longitudinal striations and sharp
ending; usually one head is split
 Are formed from mucous/amorphous substances, probably
in the pyelon or urether, not in tubules
Pseudo casts
 Appear when urate or phosphate agglomerations are
produced accidentally in the renal tubules
 Can form shapes similar with casts
 Other pseudo casts can be formed from fibrin or pus
Lipid bodies
 Appear as free lipid drops and oval fat bodies
 Oval fat bodies result from excessive tubular
 Ovalar or round, uneven dimensions, uncoloured and
can appear isolated or burgeoned
 Candida albicans appear under the microscope with
ovalar small cells shape, burgeoned or as a thin
filament (mycelium)
 Determinant factors yeasts collonization in urinary
tract favoured by: antibiotics, some hormones,
diabetes mellitus, avitaminosis
 The most frequent cause of
bacteriuria is urinary infection,
but can also appear by
 In infections, bacteriuria is
accompanied by leucocyturia
 Pathological circumstances
with negative urine cultures
and present leukocyturia:
urinary tuberculosis,
analgesic nephropathy,
mycotic infections and
perinephretic or cortical
Unorganized sediment
Is represented by amorphous or crystalline salts of
metabolic, organic or inorganic origin

 a) Organic substances  Acid urine

 Calcium oxalate
 Uric acid
 Uric acid
 Cystine
 Amorphous urate
 Leucine  Alkaline urine
 Tyrosine  Ammonium urate
 Ammoniac- magnesium
 b) Inorganic substances
 Carbonates  Calcium carbonate
 Oxalates  Calcium phosphate
 Amorphous phosphate
 Phosphates
Quantitative urine microscopic
 Quantitative microscopic exam can be done
through two methods:
 Addis-Hamburger method: after voiding, the patient
ingests 300mL of water, then rests in bed for 100
minutes, after that urine is collected. The results are
expressed as flow.
Normal values:
- Leucocytes <2000/minute
- Erythrocytes <1000/minute
 Stansfeld-Webb method
- Leucocytes <10/mm³
- Erythrocytes < 5/mm³

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