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Proforma for Identifying Gaps for IPHS based on Facility Survey


Name of the State: Mizoram


Tehsil/Taluk/Block :

Location Name of CHC: Kawrthah

Not Meeting the Criteria

Partially Meeting the Criteria
Fully Meeting the Criteria

I. Services

S.No. Status Remarks

1.1. Specialist services

a. Medicine
b. Surgery
c. OBG
d. Paediatrics
e. National Health Programmes
f. Emergency services (24 Hours)
24 - hour delivery services including normal and
assisted deliveries
Emergency Obstetric Care including surgical
h. interventions like Caesarean Sections and other
medical interventions
i. New-born care
j. Emergency care of sick children
Full range of family planning services including
Laproscopic Services
l. Safe abortion services
m. Treatment of STI / RTI

n. Essential Laboratory Services

o. Blood storage facility

p. Referral transport service

Bed Occupancy Rate in the last 12 months (1- less
than 40%; 2 - 40-60%; 3 - More than 60%)
1.3. Average daily OPD Attendence
a. Male
b. Female
1.4. Surgeries performed
1.5. HIV / AIDS
Availability of Counseling facility on HIV/ AIDS /
STD etc.
Is it a Voluntary Council and Testing Centre
1.6. Service availability
a. Ante-natal Clinics
b. Post-natal Clinics
c. Immunization Sessions
1.7. Caeserian delivery (During last one year)

1.8. Total number of paediatric beds

1.9. Is separate septic labour room available
Availability of facilities for out-patient department in
Gynecology/ obstetric
a. Board /Name plates to guide the clients
b. Adequate working space
c. Privacy during examination
d. Facility for counselling
e. Separate toilet with running water
f. Facility for Starilizing instruments
g. Male specialist
h. Female specialist

II. Manpower

S.No. Personnel Status Remarks

A. Clinical Manpower
2.1. General Surgeon
2.2. Physician
2.3. Obstetrician / Gynaecologist
2.4. Paediatrics
2.5. Anaesthetist
2.6. Public Health Programme Manager
2.7. Eye Surgeon
2.8. Other specialists (if any)
2 MBBS Doctors and 2
2.9. General duty officers (Medical Officer) M&Hos

B. Support Manpower

S.No. Personnel Status Remarks

2.10. Nursing Staff

a. Public Health Nurse 7 GNMs

b. ANM
c. Staff Nurse
d. Nurse/Midwife
2.11. Dresser
2.12 Pharmacist / compounder
2.13. Lab. Technician
2.14. Radiographer
2.15. Ophthalmic Assistant
2.16. Ward boys / nursing orderly
2.17. Sweepers
2.18. Chowkidar
2.19. OPD Attendant
2.20. Statistical Assistant / Data entry operator
2.21. OT Attendant
2.22. Registration Clerk
2.23. Any other staff (specify)

C. Training of MOs during previous (full) year

2.24 Available training in Status Remarks
a. Sterilization
b. IUD Insertions
c. Emergency contraception
e. Newborn care
f. Emergency obstetric care
g. Other subjects (mention)

III. Investigative Facilities
S.No. Status Remarks
3.1. Availability of ECG facilities
3.2. X-Ray facility
3.3. Ultrasound facility
3.4. Appropriate training to a nursing staff on ECG
Basic Investigations
3.5. Lab test facilities
Any lab test / diagnostic test outsourced to private lab
/ hospital
All necessary reagents, glassware and facilities for
collection and transportation of samples

IV. Physical Infrastructure (As per specifications)

S.No. Status Remarks
4.1. Whether CHC located in the village
4.2. Building
Is a designated government building available for the
b. Area of the building (Total area in Sq. mts.)
c. Compound Wall / Fencing
d. Condition of plaster on walls
e. Condition of floor
f. Cleanliness
Premises (compound)
Centre not located near to things like garbage dump,
cattle shed, stagnant pool, Industrial pollution
4.3. Location
Whether located at less than 2 hours of travel distance
from the farthest village?
Whether the district head quarter hospital located at a
distance of less than 4 hours travel time?
Feasibility to hold the workforce (e.g. availability of
c. degree college, railway station, municipality,
industrial/mining belt)
Availability of Private Sector Health Facility in the
a. Private laboratory/hospital/Nursing Home
b. Charitable Hospital
c. Hospital run by NGO
Prominent display boards in local language / Charter
of Patient Rights
4.6. Registration counters

a. Pharmacy for drug dispensing and drug storage
Counter near entrance of hospital to obtain
b. contraceptives, ORS packets, Vitamin A and
4.8. Separate public utilities for males and females
4.9. Suggestion / complaint box
4.10. OPD rooms / cubicles
Adequate no. of windows in the room for light and air
in each room
4.12. Family Welfare Clinic
4.13. Waiting room for patients
4.14. Emergency Room / Casualty
4.15. Separate wards for males and females
4.16. No. of beds : Male
4.17. No. of beds : Female
4.18. Operation Theatre
a. Operation Theatre available Minor OT available

b. If operation theatre is present, are surgeries carried

out in the operation theatre?
Operation Theatre used for obstetric / gynaecological
e. Has OT enough space
f. Is OT fitted with air conditioner?
g. Is the air conditioner working?
h. Is generator available for OT?
i. Is emergency light available in OT?
j. Is fumigation done regularly?
Is the days of sterilization in a week displayed on the
public notice on OT?
4.19. Operaion Theatre Equipment
Boyles apparatus
EMO Machine
Cardiac Monitor for OT
Defibrillator for OT
Ventilator for OT
Horizontal High Pressure Sterilizer
Vertical High Pressure sterilizer 2/3 drum capacity
Shadowless lamp ceiling trak mounted
Shadowless lamp pedestal for minor OT
OT care / fumigation apparatus
Gloves & dusting machines
Oxygen cylinder 660 Ltrs 10 cylinders for 1 Boyles
Nitrous Oxide Cylinder 1780 Ltr. 8 for one Boyles
Hydraulic Operation Table

4.20. Labour room
OT cum labour room
a. Labour room available? and Normal delivery
room available
If labour room is present, arc deliveries carried out in
the labour room?
X - Ray Machine
4.21. X-ray room with dark room facility
4.22. Laboratory:
Basic Investigation
a. Laboratory
b. Are adequate equipment and chemicals available?
c. Is laboratory maintained in orderly manner?
4.23. Cold Chain (Avaialable and working)
a. Walk-in coolers
b. Walk-in freezers available
c. Icelined freezers
d. Deep freezers
e. Refrigerators
4.24. Blood Storage Unit
a. Blood Storage Unit available
b. Is the CHC having linkage with district blood bank?

c. Is regular blood supply available?

4.25. Ancillary Rooms - Nurses rest room
4.26. Water supply
a. Source of water supply
b. Whether overhead tank and pump exist
c. If overhead tank exist, whether its capacity sufficient?
d. If pump exist, whether it is in working condition?
4.27. Sewerage
Sewerage system
4.28. Waste disposal
a. Is there an incinerator?
4.29. Electricity
a. Is there electric line in all parts of the hospital?
b. Regular Power Supply
c. Stand by facility (generator) available
4.30. Laundry facilities:
a. Laundry facility available
b. If no, is it outsourced?
4.31. Communication facilities
a. Telephone
b. Personal Computer
c. NIC Terminal
d. E.Mail

e. Is CHC accesible by
i. Rail
ii. All whether road

4.32. Vehicles available and running

4.33. Office room
4.34. Store room
4.35. Kitchen
4.36. Diet provided by hospital
4.37. Residential facility for the staff with living condition
General Surgeon
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist
General Duty Medical Officer
Public Health Programme Manager
Eye Surgeon
Public Health Nurse
Staff Nurse
Pharmacist / compounder
Lab. Technician
Ophthalmic Assistant
Ward boys / nursing orderly
OPD Attendant
Statistical Assistant / Data entry operator
OT Attendant
Ambulance driver
Registration Clerk
4.38. Accommodation facility for families of admitted patients
a. Facility for stay available
b. Attached toilet available
c. Cooking facility available
Centre open for outpatient services for the stipulated
OPD time?
In cases where a patient needs to be admitted for
inpatient care, is he/she admitted?
Does the CHC provide treatment to emergency
4.41. patients /victims of accident medical emergencies etc)
at any time of the day/ night?

If referred to a higher-level health care facility, is the
patient taken there?

4.43. Behavioral Aspects

a. Behaviour of the CHC staff with the patient

Corruption in terms of charging extra money for any

of the service provided?

Receipt always given for the money charged at the


Incidence of any sexual advances. oral or physical

d. abuse, sexual harassment by the doctors or any other

Are woman patients interviewed in an environment

that ensures privacy and dignity?

Are examinations on woman patients conducted in

f. presence of a woman attendant, and procedures
conducted under conditions that ensure privacy?

Do patients with chronic illnesses receive adequate

care and drugs for the entire duration?

If the health centre is unequipped to provide the

services needed, are patients transferred immediately
without de1ay, with all the relevant papers, to a site
where the desired service is available?

Is there a publicly displayed mechanism, whereby a

complaint/grievance can be registered?

V (A). Equipment (As per list) Status Remarks

V (B). Drugs (As per essential drug list) Status Remarks

VI. Furniture
S.No. Item Status Remarks
6.1. Examination Table
6.2. Delivery Table
6.3. Footstep
6.4. Bed Side Screen
6.5. Stool for patients
6.6. Arm board for adult & child
6.7. Saline stand
6.8. Wheel chair
6.9. Stretcher on trolley
6.10. Oxygen trolley
6.11. Height measuring stand
6.12. Iron bed
6.13. Bed side locker
6.14. Dressing trolley
6.15. Mayo trolley
6.16. Instrument cabinet
6.17. Instrument trolley
6.18. Bucket
6.19. Attendant stool
6.20. Instrument tray
6.21. Chair
6.22. Wooden table
6.23. Almirah
6.24. Swab rack
6.25. Mattress
6.26. Pilow
6.27. Waiting bench for patients / attendants
6.28. Medicine cabinet
6.29. Side rail
6.30. Rack
6.31. Bed side attendant chair

VII. Quality Control

S.No. Particular Status Remarks
7.1. Citizen's charter

7.2. Constitution of Rogi Kalyan Samiti

Internal monitoring (Social audit through Panchayati Raj

7.3. Institution / Rogi Kalyan Samitis, medical audit, technical
audit, economic audit, disaster preparedness audit etc.
External monitoring (Gradation by PRI (Zila Parishad)/
Rogi Kalyan Samitis
7.5. Availability of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) /
Standard Treatment Protocols (STP)/ Guidelines

Major Gaps Identified:
I. Services
Lack of any specialist services in the absence of specialist manpower
Lack of safe abortion, emergency obstetric care, new born care and emergency care of sick children
Absence of blood storage facility

II. Manpower
Absence of specialist doctors
Pharmacist / compounder not available

III. Investigative Facilities

Absence of ECG, Ultrasound and fully equipped laboratory facilities

IV. Physical Infrastructure

Absence of Blood Storage Unit, Fully Functional OT and Separate Labour Room
No mention about residential facility for doctors and staff
No mention about arrangement for referral transport

V. Quality Control
No mention about quality control including Citizen's Charter, Internal and External Monitoring;
RKS/ HMS not in place

Note: The selected CHS is lacking in many aspects. As a priority, efforts should be made to make it FRU first
as per the Guidelines. Moreover, specific internvetions to fill up the identified gaps need to be outlined
including provision of specialist manpower on a priority basis.


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