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What is your reflection about the current ECQ?

How do people
behave and communicate during this ECQ?

This frustration drives a person to sometimes do things recklessly. They still find ways to somehow, even
in the least thing possible, they’ll be able to earn and live, even if it means of risking their lives. It just
saddens me whenever I hear or see hurtful things thrown to these people. No they’re not people with
lazy asses; they’re working hard for their needs even before this ECQ. Yes, I’m fully aware of their
mistakes, but aren’t we fighting this together? Why can’t we just lend them help and sympathy? Hence,
this ECQ awaken me of how harsh the world is: we don’t care as long as it is not us who are directly
affected. We know, but we choose not to understand.

My late grandfather—whenever someone would open, say, a can of corned beef—would go out and
buy two. He never allowed their stocks of food and canned goods to be depleted. Saving for a rainy
and difficult day, he once told me. I thought it was hilarious and a tad ridiculous. And yet, decades
later, I find myself during this time of lockdown—not to mention this bizarre fear of a zombie
apocalypse—constantly replacing our stock.

We have seen a capacity to help on a large scale. And I think it is good. But is there a scarcity of
food? Feeding the poor is one thing, but are there enough people going to work to produce food and
even raise and grow them? The balance has been upset after all. I have seen reports about importing
rice as a backup. It is well and good, but that sends signs that It’s funny how I ruminate while lying
down in bed—with a hearty laugh I must add—that the biggest winners of the lockdown are not only
the frontliners who will be replaced by many a younger generation who will see the profession as
something more than noble—but also. Humor during a dark time. It is a coping mechanism.

In reality, this sends a signal to the human race. Not since World War II has the entire world been
affected by an event of this magnitude. Yes, the Cold War reshaped the map of the world as it was
divided by the superpowers. But in this pandemic, the nuclear weapons and military strength hasn’t
protected the populace.

There is this famous quote by Mohandas K. Ghandi that I have kept close to my heart since I first
came upon it as a youngster, “There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need; not man’s greed.”
And it’s so true at this point in time. Even in the midst of this pandemic, some folks still have
nefarious intentions.

Now, let’s hope that the learnings stay with us and continue. Or else, we will be doomed to repeat
them because you know these pandemics come in cycles.

Extreme fear can lead to irrational behavior and violence. This explains why some health workers have
been harmed or denied entry to their own homes.

 . As well, in order to keep essential social services supplied, it was determined that the movement of
cargo and goods needed to go unhampered.                             

Even when the economy shuts down, society and people need mobility. Sadly, the pandemic exposed
the vulnerability of current transport systems. In this type of crisis, traditional modalities were ruled
out because of inadequacies in the need for distancing and compliance with sanitation protocols.
Mass transport as it is today is hard to repurpose to mitigate health risks.

Studies into the mental health impact of previous disease outbreaks, such as the SARS epidemic in
the early 2000s, showed a clear increase in suicide rates and the number of health care workers
who experience emotional distress.
But, with billions of people forced to isolate at home and

Increased social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress, and an economic downturn are a
perfect storm to harm people's mental health and wellbeing," said Rory O'Connor, professor of
Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow. 
He said that a lack of intervention risked an explosion of mental health conditions such as anxiety
and depression, as well as a rise in alcohol and drug addiction.
"The scale of this problem is too serious to ignore, both in terms of every human life that may be
affected, and in terms of the wider impact on society









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