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Firdous age 43 wife of a billionaire

“I don’t want to describe my needs to a new person everytime i visit a salon”

Scenario: Mrs. Firdous a busy and rich woman married to a renowned tycoon, busy in kitty parties
and social gatherings at her home. She is part of different committees and requires various beauty
services more than once a month.

 To always keep her appearance in parties more than once in a month.
 Readily available salon services at her home due to limited time.
 She wants to look young with trendy makeovers with healthy skin as well.
 Needs someone who understands her makeover needs instead of availing services from
different salons.

 Gets make up inspiration from other women in her social circle.
 Unhesitant in spending money on her appearance for parties.
 Gets salon sevices at her own terms and convenience.
 Visits high end salons to avail their services.

 To remain popular and most up to date in her circle.
 To look elegant and classic consistently in every party.
 To build relationship with her makeup artist who understands her needs.

 She does not have time to visit parlours and wait for her turn every other day.
 Most of the times remain unsatisfied with her makeover and other services from various salons.
 Gets irritated to describe her needs and requirements everytime to new artist at various salons.
 Mostly doesnot get services according to her own convenience like specific week days or time
slot in a day.

Amna age 22 a university student

“before applying anything on my face I make sure it’s more close to nature and I prefer permanent
solutions for my skin problems”

Scenario: Amna, aged 22 a university going student who believes in clean-beauty buzz phrase and
want to avail beauty services related to a cause. She is careful in the choice of beauty products by
salons and prefers natural based ingredients in products and have a healthy life style.

 Seeking more permanent solution for her skin care care problems.
 Wants to know about the ingredients of the cosmetics and skin care products.
 Seeking skin consultancy to have a healthy skin naturally.
 Subtle makeover needs occasionally, preferably with organic products.
 Looking for an expert who can understand her skin and recommend her products suitable
specifically for her skin.

 Have a consistent AM and PM skin care routine.
 Always look for businesses and makeup artists who deal in organic products.
 Habitually applies DIY masks on her skin.
 gets consultation through different social media platforms whenever she gets a chance from
different experts.

 To have clear healthy skin even without applying makeup on.
 To know her skin on deeper level so that she can select organic products that will work for her.
 Regularly consult an expert even in her tough university schedule to seek permanent solution
for her skin problems.

 In salons she is too polite to ask about the products and their ingredients being applied on her
 Surfing social media for skin consultation and listening to different experts confuses her.
 Following every recommendation of experts from different medias without any interaction
about her own skin.

Sumaira, a home maker

“between caring about my kids and home I seldom get time for myself”

Scenario: Sumaira a house wife with two almost teen kids who is super busy and seldom got time
for self-care. Belonging to a middle class she visits parlour once in two months.

 Without compromising the time of her family she wants salon services at her own time and
 Wishes to avail any opportunity she gets to take care of her skin.
 To get a makeover occasionally without disturbing her budget.

 Usually look for affordable salon services in her area.
 Try to save up money for her skin care requirements.
 Prefer getting ready by herself just to avoid the hassle of appointment in a salon.
 To learn some trendy makeup techniques.
 To look younger among her age fellows.
 To look presentable for different gatherings.
 To find a permanent affordable alternate to salons.

 Does not get time for self care.
 Due to her limited income she often fails to find affordable salon services.
 Just to avoid hassle at salons she tries to have makeover by herself and often doesn’t succeed in
 She looks way older than her friends just because she doesn’t get time for her skin care.

Anushae, 19 years old, a rich blogger by passion

“i love to follow every cool trend and have regular salon needs to create content for my audience on
social media.”

Scenario: Anushae, daughter of a billionaire in her late teens who run a blog online, likes to visit
salons for her blog and in the name of relaxation. She regular posts review of different services she
takes from salons.

 To look up to date complied with every fashion and trend.
 Tries every possible new service offered by any high end salon.
 Cannot face camera without proper appearance.
 She needs to have a clear skin as she usually goes live on social media without even makeup
 Wants to upload makeover inspiration for her audience.
 Readily available salon services for her spontaneous gatherings and parties.

 Visits high end salon fortnightly to get basic salon services.
 Often visits new salons to try different services.
 Applies DIY face masks on her skin.
 Spends a huge chunk of her pocket money on makeup products irrespective of the fact they are
suitable for her or not.

 To learn some make up techniques to create content for her audience.
 To have clear glowing skin so that she can go live on social media even without makeup.
 To buy cosmetics recommended by a skin expert or makeup consultant.
 Her skin is affecting because of applying all sorts of products.
 Gets irritated everytime she visits new salon for basic services.
 She cannot learn some basic makeup techniques through online tutorials.
 Cannot trust just any worker in a salon for skin consultation and makeup needs.
 Not every one understands her need of different looks for different gatherings.

Arsalan,29, about to get married

“previously I had visited salons just for hair cut and beard styling, now for my marriage I want to avail
other grooming services as well.”

Scenario: Arsalan who visits salon just for hair cutting, booked an appointment for his facial and
makeup services for his big day.

 His regular salon services include monthly haircut and beard setting.
 For his big day he wants convenience and hassle free groming.
 He is looking for someone who can make him look absolutely charming because he does not
know about these styling techniques.

 Often asks for opinion from friends about salons and their services.
 Does not pay much attention to self care himself.
 Feels shy to have grooming services in public salons.

 To look amazing on his big day.
 To enjoy his big day hassle free of waiting in salons.

 Knows nothing about grooming services.
 Has no time in interest in skin care.
 Has not visited salon except for basic services.

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