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Matthew Vaj L. Javier

Honesty. It’s such a broad word the sole meaning is telling the truth to a person or
a group.

To me honesty is an important factor in everyday life it is needed to make and

build strong friendship.

Being able to always tell the truth is very hard. Some people would rather tell lies
to their own families or friends.

But some people can’t tell the truth even if they want to. For the sake and
comfortability of his/her friend or family member.

Telling a lie is always a decision made by the person. It is not a normal reaction or
normal interaction. It is a choice.

I personally experienced telling lies for the sake of my friends. I have also lied to
my parents just so they will let me go with my friends and such.

I too have been lied to multiple times. I figured out they were lying thru my other
friends who were good enough to tell me the truth.

I absolutely avoid lying unless I must need to or if telling the truth can harm the
person in a great way.

Getting lied to can really hurt you. And it can be the cause of a lot of broken trust
between 2 people.

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