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3, JULY 2006 1261

A Practical Approach for Determining the

Ground Resistance of Grounding Grids
J. A. Güemes-Alonso, Member, IEEE, F. E. Hernando-Fernández, F. Rodríguez-Bona, and J. M. Ruiz-Moll

Abstract—This paper starts from the premise that ground re- ground resistance is too high, personnel may be killed or injured
sistance is independent of earth-fault current and presents a new and equipment may be damaged.
method for calculating the ground resistance of grounding grids Grounding grids are, without doubt, the most important part
using the finite-element method. The results obtained using the
method proposed are compared with results measured experimen- of an electrical system from the point of view of the safety of
tally and results published by other authors. Once ground resis- people and equipment. The safety, reliability, and correct op-
tance and earth-fault current are known, grid potential and touch- eration of electrical power systems depend on the standard of
and-step voltages can be calculated. The main advantage of the design and construction of their grounding grids.
method proposed here is that it permits us to analyze symmetrical The main jobs of a grounding grid are:
and nonsymmetrical grids of any shape in uniform soils. It provides
a fast-resolution industrial application with acceptable results for • to protect personnel against electrical risks by limiting
calculating the ground resistance of grounding grids of any shape. the overvoltages to which they may be exposed if ground
The results obtained with the proposed method are used as the faults occur in substations or generating stations;
basis for formulating an easy-to-use equation for calculating the • to ensure safety and continuity of electrical equipment by
ground resistance of grounding grids in uniform soils.
limiting the overvoltages that can appear under extreme
Index Terms—Earth potentials, grounding grids, ground resis- operation conditions or in case of accident;
tance, modeling, simulation, step voltage. • to ensure correct operation of equipment and electrical
protection devices by enabling ground faults to be detected
I. INTRODUCTION and action to be taken to disconnect those areas of the elec-
trical installation where faults have occurred.

I N THE LIGHT OF increasing public sensitivity with re-

gard to electrical risks for people, increases in the power
available in electrical power systems and more stringent tech-
This paper presents a practical approach that will be of great
help to electrical power engineers, as it enables them to calculate
the ground resistance of grounding grids of any shape (square,
nical demands in electrical protection systems, an exact study
rectangular, triangular, etc.) in uniform soils via a single test
of grounding grids needs to be carried out.
[using the finite-element method (FEM)]. The method proposed
Grounding grids are basically made of round steel rods that
has been tried and tested in practice. It does not depend on the
form two-dimensional (2-D) grids (normally square or rectan-
grounding grid shape, the grid potential (earth-fault current), or
gular in shape) buried 0.4–0.6 m deep in the soil. Each grid com-
the boundary potential defined in the simulation of grounding
prises a number of meshes.
grid behavior.
The ground resistance of a grounding grid is lower when the
grid is made of meshes and ground rods [1], particularly if the
meshes are buried in high resistivity soil and a significant pro- II. BACKGROUND
portion of the length of the ground rods is in contact with low Estimating the ground resistance of grounding grids is an
resistivity soil [2]. important step in determining the size and basic layout of a
Ground resistance in electrical power systems is defined as grounding system for an ac substation.
, where is the electric potential of the grounding grid, and Calculation methods for determining the ground resistance of
is the earth-fault current (electric current that flows into the grounding grids use the following simplifying hypotheses:
earth through the grounding grid). • the soil is an infinite medium, which is flat, isotropic, and
The ground resistance for a given fault current determines stratified in layers of uniform thickness;
what hazardous voltages exist inside or around the substation or • the laws of electromagnetism may be applied to calculate
generating station. It is therefore an important technical param- ground resistance and potential distribution in the soil;
eter linked to the safety of people and equipment. If an earth • grounding grid rods are assumed to be linear, intercon-
fault occurs in a substation or generating stations where the nected, and buried close to the soil surface;
• grounding grid behavior at power frequencies can be de-
termined using electromagnetic field analysis techniques
Manuscript received March 15, 2004; revised March 10, 2005. This work
was supported in part by the Basque Government under Research Project for stationary fields (propagation time is rejected).
UE2000-21, Vitoria, Spain. Paper no. TPWRD-00129-2004. The various calculation methods are based on the determina-
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University tion of grid potential or grid capacitance.
of the Basque Country, Bilbao 48012, Spain (e-mail:;;; The first method is based on determining the grounding grid
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2006.874121 potential, usually by means of the image method [3], [4].
0885-8977/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

The second method is based on determining the electrode ca- The method presented may prove highly useful in deter-
pacitance on the basis of the ratio of electric charge to potential mining precise formulas for calculating ground resistance in
once the electric field in the soil has been calculated. different kinds of grounding grid, with no need to build and
Once the grounding grid potential and the earth-fault current measure large numbers of grounding grids or to study scale
are known, the ground resistance of the grounding grid can be models [23]. Taking the ground resistance results obtained for
calculated by applying Ohm’s law. different configurations of grounding grids as our data, we have
Simple formulas for calculating ground resistance have been drawn up an easy-to-use equation for calculating the ground
proposed by Dwight et al., [5]–[14] for grounding grids without resistance of grounding grids in uniform soils.
vertical ground rods buried in uniform soils and by Salama [15]
and Chow [16] for grids with and without ground rods in two- III. METHOD
layer soils. As indicated above, the greatest difficulties in determining
Over the past 30 years, calculation methods for deter- ground resistance using FEM are:
mining the ground resistance and the step-and-touch voltages 1) the shape and size of the finite-element model;
of grounding systems have been proposed by Dawalibi, et 2) the potential to be assigned to the conductors in the
al., [17]–[20]. These methods generally involve symmetrical grounding grid;
grounding grids in uniform or two-layer soils. Using different 3) the potential to be assigned to the boundary in the finite-el-
mathematical techniques, they enable us to model actual sys- ement model (the numerical value of the boundary condi-
tems in theoretical systems with comparable results. tion is unknown and depends on the soil volume of the
Recently, studies based on the finite-element method (FEM) model and on the potential assigned to the grid).
have been used to calculate the ground resistance of grounding To solve these problems, we will apply these two premises:
grids. The first studies to simulate grounding grid behavior via 1) at power frequencies, the ground resistance of a grounding
FEM were based on calculating ground resistance for an arbi- grid depends solely on the shape and size of the grounding
trary grid potential. The grid current for the grid potential set is grid and on the soil structure (conductivity and thickness
determined by means of a current flow analysis. Once the cur- of each layer of soil), so that it is independent of the nu-
rent is calculated, ground resistance is determined as the quo- merical value of the earth-fault current;
tient between the voltage (grid potential less boundary poten- 2) the soil is an infinite medium with a flat surface.
tial) and the current calculated [21]. If the ground resistance of a grounding grid is independent
In this method, it was difficult to select the size of the model of the earth-fault current, then it must also be independent of
(earth distance to be considered starting from the grounding the grounding grid potential; consequently, the grid potential
grid), and this conditioned the numerical value calculated for can be set at any numerical value in the finite-element model
ground resistance (the potential at each point in the soil is re- for calculating the grounding resistance. Another consideration
lated to the distance between that point and the grounding grid). is that when the grid potential (earth-fault current) is modified,
To decrease ground resistance calculation errors, electrical so is the distribution of potentials in the soil and, therefore, so
power engineers were forced to analyze models of different is the boundary potential to be set in the finite-element model.
sizes with a high number of nodes, but the low levels of accu- This problem is tackled below.
racy of the results and the long calculation times required meant From the second statement above, it can be deduced that the
that this method was not very feasible. Another problem is the ground volume should be considered as infinite, with zero po-
numerical value of the boundary conditions to be applied for the tential at the boundary. Of course, this is not possible, so to solve
size of the model considered. this problem, we have to find a finite model in which a boundary
To overcome the difficulties of the method outlined above, potential of a known value can be defined.
another method was developed that enabled ground resistance For any infinite volume with electrical potential at the
to be determined starting from the dissipated power or from the grid and zero (or any other numerical value) at the boundary,
energy stored by the electric field in the model [22]. the equipotent surfaces tend to become semi-spherical as we
The development of finite-element software and improve- move away from the grid. Theoretically, the equipotent surface
ments in the performance of PCs as calculation tools mean that is semi-spherical only for distances close to infinite (Fig. 1),
we can now solve systems with more equations than just a few but for calculation methods that have a practical application,
years ago, and do so more quickly. With three-dimensional can be much shorter. Our experience in designing grounding
(3-D)-solid modeling techniques, we can now use finite-ele- grids and measuring their ground resistance shows that for uni-
ment models with small element sizes close to grounding grid form soils, can be determined by means of the following ex-
rods. pression:
In view of the foregoing, this paper presents a method for
calculating ground resistance in which only a single test using (1)
FEM needs to be performed, thus saving time in determining
ground resistance. where is the diagonal dimension of the grounding grid in
This method has the additional advantage of being indepen- meters.
dent of the boundary condition, shape, and size of the grid and Once it is accepted that the equipotent surface at a distance
of the soil structure. is semi-spherical (the error implicit in this assumption may be

Fig. 2. Resistance R .

defining the model, it is very important to check whether there

are electrical symmetries in the grounding grid.
The finite-element mesh is made up of four-node solid ele-
ments (tetrahedrons). It is important that the elements should be
small and of uniform size in the proximity of the rods of the
grounding grid.
Properties are defined by means of the electrical conductivity.
Fig. 1. Soil.
Section III states that ground resistance depends only on soil
structure and grounding grid geometry. Accordingly, the grid
smaller than that made in measuring soil resistivity), the ground potential ( in Fig. 2) can be arbitrary.
resistance can be calculated as the sum of two resistances If we accept that for distances , the potential distri-
bution in the soil is semi-spherical (the numerical value of the
(2) potential is constant over the whole boundary of the finite-ele-
ment model), the resistance of the model depends only on the
where is the resistance of a semi-sphere with radius grounding grid geometry and the soil structure. The boundary
(Fig. 1). With being the earth distance for which the distribu- potential can therefore be arbitrary.
tion of potentials in the soil can be assumed to be semi-spherical, Once the analysis has been performed and the dissipated
and is the resistance between the semi-spheres with radii power calculated, resistance can be calculated by means of
and infinity. the following expression:

A. Determination of Resistance Voltage

Dissipated power Dissipated power
Resistance is calculated using FEM.
For an arbitrary geometry, the resistance between two elec- where is the potential in the grounding grid (V); and is
trodes can be expressed in terms of an electric field by [24] the potential in the boundary (V).

B. Determination of Resistance
Resistance , which is small compared to , can be calcu-
lated by applying expression (3) to calculate the resistance of a
where is the surface that completely surrounds an electrode, semi-spherical resistor of internal radius and infinite external
is any trajectory that joins the two electrodes, is the electrical radius (Fig. 3).
conductivity, is the electric field, and is the current density. In these conditions, (3) is transformed into the following ex-
It can be deduced from (3) that resistance depends only on pression [24]:
geometry and electrical conductivity.
In general, it is more advisable to calculate resistance (3)
starting from dissipated power, by means of the following ex-

Voltage C. Determination of Touch-and-Step Voltages

Dissipated power Once the ground resistance has been calculated (2), the fi-
nite-element model can be analyzed again to obtain the actual
At the same time, dissipated power is determined by
potential distribution in the soil. This second test (which is only
needed to obtain the actual potential distribution) is made by
setting actual grid potential and actual boundary potential. The
actual grid potential is calculated as the product
Dissipated power (5) is calculated by applying current flow of the actual fault current and the ground resistance calculated
analysis to the finite-element model. in the first test; the boundary potential on the external surface
The finite-element model is comprisesd of a semi-spherical of the model is calculated as the product of
volume of radius (Fig. 2) and is defined according to the resistance and the actual fault current (Fig. 4).
geometry of the grounding grid and the soil structure. In that Once the actual potential distribution in the soil is known, the
volume, the grounding grid is located at a depth “ .” Before touch-and-step voltages can be obtained:

Fig. 3. Resistance R .

Fig. 5. Grounding grids.

Fig. 4. Boundary condition for the second test.

• directly, by measuring the nodal potentials in the finite-

element model; or preferably
• by using our own software program, in C language, which
reads the potentials at the different nodes on the model
surface and evaluates the points where the step voltage is


In this section, the behavior of grounding grids in uniform
soils is simulated and the results are checked against measure-
ments obtained experimentally. An equation for calculating the
ground resistance of grounding grids with square meshes of any
size in uniform soils is also proposed.

A. Grounding Grids of Any Shape

The method described above is applied to calculate the
ground resistance of:
1) a 4 2-m, 2-mesh, 4-ground rod grounding grid buried
at a depth of 0.6 m in uniform soil of conductivity
m ;
2) a 4.5 2.5-m, 4-mesh, 6-ground rod grounding grid
buried at a depth of 0.6 m in “two-layer soil.” The Fig. 6. Grounding grid B. (a) Model (close-up of a quarter of the grounding
first layer is 0.15 m thick and has a conductivity of grid). (b) Finite-element mesh (close-up of a quarter of the grounding grid).
m and the second layer has a conduc-
tivity of m ; Fig. 6 shows the model and the finite-element mesh used for
3) a 6 4-m, 6-mesh , 6-ground rod grounding grid buried calculating resistance of grounding grid B in Fig. 5.
at a depth of 0.6 m in uniform soil with a conductivity of Fig. 6(b) shows the concrete and soil layers and how the ele-
m ; ments used are very small and close to the rods of the grounding
4) a 6 3-m, 8-mesh, 8-ground rod grounding grid buried grid, and increase in size as they get further away.
at a depth of 0.6 m in uniform soil with a conductivity of Table I shows the ground resistance calculated by the method
m . proposed in this paper and the results actually measured once
Fig. 5 shows a plan view of the grounding grids indicated. the grounding grid is built. The soil resistivity is measured using




Conductivity of the soil m ; Diameter of conductor mm; Depth of burial m;

Number of meshes n; Dimensions of grid a b

of grounding grids than shown in Table III enables us to de-

duce that the ground resistance of grounding grids with square
meshes in uniform soils can be calculated by means of an equa-
tion of the following form:


where is the resistivity of the soil m , is the area of one

mesh of the grounding grid m , is the number of meshes in
direction X, and is the number of meshes in direction Y.
Equation (8) allows us to calculate the ground resistance of
grounding grids with square meshes of any size, without ground
rods, buried 0.5 m deep in uniform soils, with a grid rod diameter
of 0.01 m.
The numerical values obtained via (8) are accurate (average
Fig. 7. Potential distribution in the soil. error ) and do not require empirical tables or graphs. The
formula is very easy to use and can be applied with a handheld
the Wenner method and the ground resistance using the fall-of- calculator, making it a useful tool for engineers in the field.
potential method. For example, for a 6 3-m, 8-mesh grounding grid with a
Once the ground resistance and actual grid current are known, soil resistivity of 24 m, the ground resistance calculated by
the actual voltage distribution in the soil can be calculated. means of (8) is
Table II shows the maximum voltage between two points on
the soil surface 1 m apart for each grounding grid as indicated (9)
above. For a known earth-fault current, the ground resistance of
Fig. 7 shows the potential distribution for grounding grid B grounding grids determines what dangerous voltages exist in or
in Fig. 5. around the substation. Consequently, in the design of grounding
grids, it is advisable to start from the maximum ground resis-
B. Ground Resistance of Grounding Grids in Uniform Soils. tance of the grounding grid, so that the touch-and-step voltages
The method presented in this paper has also been used to do not surpass the limits set under the regulations in force in
calculate the ground resistance of a large number of grounding the relevant country.
grids in uniform soils. As a result, it is more useful in practice when designing
Table III shows the ground resistance calculated for some of grounding grids to determine what grounding grids match a
these grounding grids, and compares them to the results calcu- preset resistance figure than to determine the resistance of a
lated by other authors [13], [14]. given grounding grid. Using a spreadsheet, it is easy to calculate
Analysis of the numerical values of the ground resistance what grounding grids have a ground resistance below a certain
calculated by the method proposed for a far greater number level.

V. CONCLUSION [16] Y. L. Chow, M. M. Elsherbiny, and M. M. A. Salama, “Resistance for-

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and the numerical value of the boundary condition defined in the [18] , “Optimum design of substation grounding in two-layer earth
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The method takes the arbitrary grid potential as its initial data [19] H. R. Seedher, J. K. Arora, and B. Thapar, “Finite expressions for com-
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first calculating the electric field and dissipated power. [20] H. S. Lee, J. H. Kim, F. P. Dawalibi, and J. Ma, “Efficient ground grid
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745–751, Jul. 1998.
comparison with those obtained experimentally and those pub- [21] J. A. Güemes and F. E. Hernando, “Cálculo de redes de tierra utilizando
lished by other authors. el método de elementos finitos. Comparación de resultados,” in Proc. I
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