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Dear Cross Country Athletes and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to North Bay Haven's Cross-Country Team. We look forward to an exciting,

challenging season. To make a quality team a reality requires dedication, cooperation, and
teamwork from all involved in the program: athletes, parents, and coaches. This letter includes
our expectations as coaches of all members of the Cross-Country Team and contains valuable
information which should answer many of your questions about our program. If this is your first
experience with running or you are out of condition for running, expect a few weeks of soreness
as your body becomes accustomed to the new demands placed upon it. Many people quit
running in the first couple of weeks because they say it is too hard. A couple of days or weeks
are not enough time to judge how well you can run. You owe it to yourself to try to remain on the
team for the entire season. You will be surprised at the difference in your physical condition at
the end of the season.

What is Cross Country

Cross country is a unique team sport where individual performances are put together to create a
team performance. A cross country team consists of 7-10 runners who will run in a race ranging
in distance from 2 miles to 3.1 miles (5K). The first 5 finishing runners for a team will generate a
team score based off their finishing place. The team with the lowest score will win the meet.

For example:
North Bay Haven runners finish 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
Rutherford Runners finish 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
From these finish places, the first 5 finishing places for each team will be added together to
produce a team score.
North Bay Haven: 1+3+5+7+9=25
Rutherford: 2+4+6+8+10=30

Because NBH has the lower score, they would win the meet. A meet is a collection of Boys
and Girls, Varsity and Junior Varsity (JV) races. Most meets will have 3-4 races depending on
how many teams are entered in the meet (Boys Varsity, Girls Varsity, JV, and Open). There
can be as few as 2 teams in a meet all the way up to 20+ teams. Each race in a meet will be
spaced approximately 30-45 minutes apart. Unlike track, cross country races can take place on
variety of terrains. This includes but is not limited to golf courses, wooded trails, open fields
and gravel pathways. Most cross-country courses are not flat and may contain hills and sharp
Team Philosophy


North Bay Haven cross country has a team first philosophy. Everything we do is focused on
how to make the team better. Cross country can be more of an individual sport; however, we
believe that the athletes can benefit more from an atmosphere where teamwork is stressed.
Decisions will be made with the team in mind and will be made to better the team as a whole.
At any time, if an athlete is considered to be involved in activities that are detrimental to
the team, they can be suspended from the team for a short period of time or indefinitely.
The period of time will be up to the coaches and administration.

Starting now all practices are mandatory. Prior arrangements can be made for special
circumstances but must be accepted in advance by one of the coaches.

School Year Practice- Monday-Thursday-3:30pm-5pm *times subject to change

Have your rides here at 5:00 for pick up in the parking lot by the football field. Chronic
problems with lateness may result in dismissal from the team. Plan ahead and carpool if pick-
up time is a problem.
• Arriving late to practice without an acceptable reason is considered the same as
missing practice.
• Plan to practice rain or shine. The coaches will consider severity of the weather before
canceling practice. We will not practice outside during thunderstorms or other severe
weather. An alternate site will be announced, or practice will be cancelled. Listen to the
afternoon announcements for details.
• Practice will not be held on days that the school is closed.
• Practice sessions are based on individual ability as much as possible. We want all athletes to
try and give their best. Those athletes who consistently do not finish workouts may be asked
to leave the team for the remainder of the season.
• The first week of practice this year is evaluation week. During this time, coaches will
be assessing athletes.

• Excused Absence: This is an absence that has been prearranged and documented by the
coaching staff as being an excused absence - examples include doctor/ dentist appointment,
illness, family emergency, ACT or SAT test etc. During the race week if you miss 2 or more
days (excused) the coaches have the right to sit you for the upcoming meet.
• In addition, before you can run your first meet you will need to attend 10 official practices
even if you have excused absences. Practice becomes official on Sept 4, with our first meet
scheduled for Sept 19th (varsity only-top 7), with Sept 26th being for all.

• Unexcused Absence: This is an absence that has either not been prearranged with
the coaching staff, no attempt was made to contact the coaches, or it is not a valid
reason. Examples: (Keeping in mind that you chose to be a part of this team.)

• I have a soccer game, triathlon, wrestling match, bocci ball tournament on Saturday and I
am choosing to play instead of running in the invitational.
• I have a big homework project and need to miss practice. (Plan ahead! Use and organize
your time wisely. Everyone on the team has big homework assignments)
• I am taking an AP class. Join the crowd.
• I have friends and/or relatives in town, and we have to show them around. (Show them
around after practice or invite them to come run with us!)
• My parents are making me go to my Grandmother's house for dinner. (Go after practice
and make sure to invite Grandma to your next meet!)
• I'm tired, sore and don't feel good. (There will be days when we all feel this way. Smile,
focus on your goals and be proud you compete in the toughest sport around... remember our
sport is another sports punishment)
• If you are injured, you must still report to practice unless excused for medical reasons
from Coach Grogan. Please show up in your practice gear unless told otherwise by
• The penalty for the first unexcused absence from practice is suspension for one meet and
permanent dismissal for a second unexcused absence. This should never be an issue as the
coaching staff can be reached by email, text, Remind, phone, or in person. If you are absent
from school, you will still need to let one of the coaches know. CONTACTING ANOTHER


Good sportsmanship is really nothing more than good manners and extending common courtesy to
all athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and fans regardless of which team they represent. A losing
team that demonstrates good character and classy behavior is held in much higher esteem than a
winning team that is rude and discourteous. We do not tolerate displays of poor sportsmanship for
any reason. Poor sportsmanship is an indicator of poor self-discipline, and a lack of maturity.
Learn to control your temper and keep negative comments to yourselves. Be proud of your team
and your school. Remember to do your best at every practice and at every meet. Have a positive
outlook and be thankful for your athletic ability! Encourage each other for you are a TEAM! After a
race or practice, tell your teammates and your opponents "Good Job" or "Nice race". Thanks for
giving this sport your best. Remember, go the extra mile, go the distance, have fun, improve, and
the rewards will be great.
Pre-sport Participation

The following items must be turned into the coach before an athlete may begin practice
or is issued equipment/uniform
- Completed North Bay Haven Cross Country Registration Contract-signed
- Completed FHSAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (EL2)
- Completed FHSAA Consent and release from Liability Certificate (EL3) (MLEL3
for middle school)
- Completed FHASAA CRLC for Concussion and Heat-Related Illnesses (EL3CH)
- Completed FHASAA CRLC for Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion
(EL3CH Addendum)
- Current NBH Social Networking by Student-Athletes and Co-Curricular Participants

- Athletic Fee paid in full, $150.00, by September 10, no refunds, no exceptions.

Team Rules/Expectations*

*Participation in interscholastic athletics as a part of a school's education program is a privilege,

and not a right. Students wishing to participate are required to meet standards of personal
behavior and academic performance related to school purposes.
Your primary reason for attending North Bay Haven is to get an education. One of our
responsibilities as coaches is to help you maintain the perspective between sports and school.
School must come first. If you are having difficulties in any class let us know so that we can see
that you get the help you need to be successful as a student.

1. Attendance during the season is mandatory. (see attendance policy)

2. Athletes will show respect to all coaches, teammates and other athletes at all times.
a. 1st Violation - verbal warning
b. 2nd Violation - suspended from upcoming meet
c. 3rd Violation -dismissal from team
3. Athletes receiving OSS will be subject to discipline in regard to cross country
a. Discipline could include suspension from practice, suspension from a meet
and/or dismissal from the team. The discipline will be determined by the coaching staff.
b. If a student receives OSS, it is their responsibility to notify the coaching staff.
Athletes receiving OSS are not allowed to attend practice or meets on those days.
4. Athletes will comply with all policies regarding alcohol, drugs, tobacco and
criminal offenses set forth by the North Bay Haven Parent/Student Handbook.
a. Coaches will follow all guidelines set forth by the North Bay Haven Parent
Student Handbook in relation to any incidences involving alcohol, drugs, tobacco and criminal
b. A violation of this policy will result in a minimum of a suspension from the team
or even dismissal from the team depending on the situation.
5. Athletes must participate in every aspect of practice. This includes stretching,
running, core routines and recovery activities.
6. Athletes will not participate in other sports/activities during cross country season
without prior approval by Coach.
a. If an athlete is found to be participating in another sport during cross country
season without prior approval, a meeting will be held with the coaches, the athlete and the
parents to determine the best course of action moving forward.
b. Athletes will not participate in outside activities without prior approval.
7. Athletes will notify a coach when they are experiencing pain or feel that they are
injured. This notification should occur ASAP.
8. If an athlete misses a practice for any reason the week before a meet, it will be the
coaches' decision whether that athlete will run the meet that week.
9. All rules stated in the student handbook apply to any and all North Bay Haven Cross
Country events and practices.
10. Returning athletes may be put on a behavior contract if deemed necessary by the
coaches. Behavior contracts could be warranted for situations where there have been previous
behavior problems in school or in previous season/sports.
11. Situations may arise that which are not addressed specifically by these rules. In these
situations, coaches will issue a fair and consistent decision after consulting the parents and
the administration.
12. A student who receives a GPA of 2.5 or less for the nine- week grading period is
ineligible for the current season and for the next grading period.
15. Students must be in attendance at school a minimum 3 days to be eligible to participate in
a meet.
16. A,B,C,D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K...........lf you have an D or F in any class at any time during the
season you will be ineligible to compete until Coach Grogan has spoken to your teacher and is
convinced you ar making progress to remedy the situation. This may include not running in the
next meet.


• North Bay XC website:
• Remind App- this will be the primary method for communication between the coach
and athletes to get information out. All athletes must be on this.
• You can join our group by texting "@nbhxc" to "81010" .
• Or by going to
Social Media

As coaches, we recognize and support your rights to freedom of speech, expression, and
association, including the use of social networks. However, it is important you remember that
competing for North Bay Haven is a privilege. As a student athlete you represent many people
and groups other than yourself. Your family, your team, students and staff at North Bay Haven
and the community are all groups that are impacted by what you post on social media;
therefore, you are expected to portray yourself and these groups in a positive manner at all
• Everything you post is public information-any text or photo placed online is completely
out of your control the moment it is placed online-even if you limit access to your site.
Information (including pictures, videos, and comments) may be accessible even after
you remove it. Once you post a photo or comment on a social networking site, that
photo or comment becomes the property of the site and may be searched even after
you remove it (screen shots)
• What you post may affect your future. Many employers and college admissions officers
review social networking sites as part of their overall evaluation of an applicant.
Carefully consider how you want people to perceive you before you give them a chance
to misinterpret your information.
• Similar to comments made in person, we as coaches, will not tolerate disrespectful
comments and behavior online, such as derogatory language or remarks that may
harm your teammates or coaches; other NBH student athletes, teachers, or coaches,
and student athletes, coaches, or representatives of other schools, including comments
that may disrespect our opponents.
• Incriminating photos or statements depicting violence, hazing, sexual harassment, full
or partial nudity, inappropriate gestures, vandalism, stalking, underage drinking, selling,
possessing, or using controlled substances, or any other inappropriate behaviors.
• Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat
of serious physical or emotional in6ury to another person.
• Indicating "knowledge of an unreported school or team violation-regardless if
the violation was unintentional or intentional.
To summarize: Do not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech.
Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited. Social network sites are NOT a place
where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions. The information you post
on a social networking site is considered public information. Protect yourself by maintaining a
self-image of which you can be proud.
Athlete/Team Apparel

All athletes will need to be properly dressed every day. Cross Country is an outdoor sport, so
please be aware of the weather conditions and dress accordingly.
All runners are required to have the following equipment:

• Shoes- Most of your training will be in flats, not spikes. Choose quality running shoes that are
in good condition. Basketball shoes, court shoes, cross trainers, and aerobic shoes are all
examples of unacceptable footwear. These shoes do not adequately protect you while
running and may increase your chances of injury.

• Clothing-, Wear clothing appropriate for the weather. The bulk of our training will be
outdoors. The majority of our meets are before the sun comes up. Plan accordingly. Dress in
layers. The following clothing items are strongly recommended: Stocking cap, cotton gloves,
lycra/spandex tights, sweatpants, sweatshirt, wind pants, windbreaker, turtleneck shirts,
shorts, shirt, and socks that cover your ankles. Avoid wearing tight clothing or other apparel
that limits movement or interferes with circulation. Also keep the school dress code in mind
as the temperature warms up.

• Uniform- issued uniform will consist of a singlet top and shorts. These are to be returned
at your athletes last meet, please be prepared to turn them into the coach. If the uniform is
damaged or not returned, you will be held financially responsible to cover the cost of the
uniform ($75.00).

• Water Bottle - Each runner is responsible to bring their own water bottle to practices. For
health and safety reasons you cannot share bottles.

• Watch- Each runner needs to have a running watch with a timer. GPS feature is a plus. You
are now allowed to wear these during a race.

• Uniforms are only to be worn at meets, do not loan to friends or wear outside of school.
• Runners are financially responsible for any and all equipment which they lose, misplace,
or damage through carelessness or intent. (Replacement uniform cost $75.00)
• Do not store issued items in the locker room or school locker. Take them home. Clean
them. Pack them for your next meet.

• Wash uniform and shorts in cold water delicate cycle, then air dry. Wash warm ups in
cold water and dry on I.ow heat. This will ensure longevity for your uniform.

NBH runners are expected to look like a team. Everyone is to wear plain black athletic pants
and the team shirt. Exceptions will be made for extreme weather conditions.
Cross Country Meet Information

Meets are normally scheduled on Saturday mornings. Meets may last a few hours or all day,
depending on the organization and number of entries. All athletes are encouraged to watch and
cheer on their teammates run in other races before or after their race. Athletes are typically
requested by the head coach to arrive at meets at least one hour prior to their race so they have
time to warm up. See the meet schedule each week for specific information.

Most meets will have three races, usually 30 minutes apart. The three races are varsity boys,
varsity girls, and Open.

Attendance at Meets
Pack your gear the night before and put it next to the door so you will remember it. All
runners are expected to stay for the entire meet unless of a family emergency or very
unique situation. I have never seen a football player or basketball player leave at half
time because they were done playing for the game. Unlike track meets, most of our races
are scheduled right in a row and we are done in a timely fashion.
We will inform you of bus and race times as soon as we know. We will try to be as accurate
as possible with that information, but please understand that things beyond our control may
occur (i.e. the meet may fall behind schedule due to very poor weather).
In town-

• Transportation will not be provided to local meets. It is up to the parent/athlete to arrange

for transportation. Coaches are not allowed to give rides to athletes.

• Runners must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of the meet. If there
are conflicts with picking up athletes, arrange for alternative transportation home. After
two instances of not being picked up on time, you may be asked to leave the team for the
remainder of the season.
Out of town-

• All team members must ride to meets in school provided transportation. Team members
may ride home with their parents or another adult provided coaches have written/verbal
permission. You must check out with the coach at the end of the meet. Failure to do so may
result in dismissal from the team. This is a liability issue.

• If we are traveling over 60 miles away, we will stop to eat on the way home. Please bring
$20.00 to cover the cost of food.

• Athletes will communicate with their parents/rides when we are on the way home, with
an approximate arrival time.

• Runners must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after arrival. If there are conflicts with
picking up athletes, arrange for alternative transportation home. After two instances of not
being picked up on time, you may be asked to leave the team for the remainder of the
• Cross country is not the typical spectator sport because spectators cannot see the
entire race from one location.
• Spectators may want to pick their spot(s) prior to the race start for best viewing of
the race.
• Spectators are encouraged to help cheer on all NBH athletes.
• Come dressed in North Bay Haven apparel to identify yourself as a NBH supporter
and show your school spirit!
• Parents may also want to bring a comfortable chair to sit in while waiting for the races
to begin. Look for the NBH team tent or flag to identify the team's staging area.
• Bring your camera. Photos of all athletes are encouraged to be shared! We will have a
photo sharing site where you will be able to upload all your photos and have it linked
on our page. More information to come soon.

Cross Country Racing Requirements

The first factor coaches will look at will be times/performances at meets. Those runners finishing
with faster times earn the opportunity to run in the varsity (top 7) races. Besides finishing with
faster times, we will also consider the following when making these decisions: attendance at
practice, effort at practice and meets, attitude of runners, etc. All other runners will be placed in
the "open" run. Everyone on the team will be given the opportunity to run at every meet.
***Changes in the "top 7" line-up may be made throughout the season based on race
performances (consistency and improvement is definitely key), effort, illness, etc. Nobody will be
guaranteed a varsity spot for the entire season. Runners must strive each day to earn a spot
and will be encouraged to do so.
We will usually announce the race line-ups no sooner than a day before the meet. These can
be tough decisions, especially when you have several runners that are close together in their
times and other criteria (like attendance).
*Changes can be made at any time at coaches discretion
Lettering Requirements*

*The decision of giving an athletic award to a player, once the sport guidelines have been met,
shall be subject to the approval of the coaches. These names are then submitted to the athletic
director/principal for final approval. Only one athletic letter may be given to a participant during
his/her high school career. Each year after that, if a letter is earned, a service bar may be
awarded. All requirements, including completion of the season, must be met before an athlete
can be recommended for a letter.


• Finish the season in good standing (no violation or academic restriction)

• Have a 5k time faster than 26:21 for girls (8:30 per mile) or 21:42 for boys (7:00 per mile)


• Place in the county meet (top 10) or District meet (top 20) OR
• Have a 5k time faster than 23:15 for girls (7:30 per mile) or 18:36 for boys (6:00 per mile)
• Have been a member of CC team for 4 consecutive years OR
• Participation in State meet: Automatic letter

■ Will I earn a varsity letter if I come to practice every day?

No. A varsity letter is not a certificate of participation. Giving varsity letters for coming to
practice every day would be analogous to naming students to the high honor roll for having
perfect attendance in school. A varsity letter is something to be earned, not something to be
given. It needs to represent something. If everyone gets a varsity letter, a varsity letter won't
mean anything anymore.

Am I guaranteed a varsity letter if the conditions above are met?

No. Factors such as poor attendance and violations of team rules will weigh against your
favor. You must be at practice and at the meets. The decision as to what qualifies as an
excused absence rests with the coaches, not with the athletes. You must also do everything
asked of you by the coaches. You must conduct yourself in the appropriate manner at all
times, which includes working your hardest and being respectful to your teammates,
coaches, opponents, and the officials.
• What if I get injured during summer training or during the season?

The awarding of a varsity letter will be at the discretion of the coaching staff. They will
evaluate your development up to the point of your injury and determine if you would have
earned a varsity letter

• Who keeps track of my performances?

Coach Grogan keeps the official records. Every effort is made to document your
performances in every meet. This is done for numerous reasons. Most importantly, it is done
to track your development.

■ Is there a maximum number of letters that will be awarded?


• Is there a minimum number of letters that will be awarded?


*Changes can be made at any time at coaches’



Captain(s) will be named by the coaching staff only after a demonstrated ability to lead is
evident. Seniors are eligible for selection.


1. To provide leadership, direction, and inspiration to all team members.

2. To demonstrate a diligent work ethic.
3. To serve, when necessary, as a liaison between individual team- members or
between team members and the coaching staff.
4. To model behaviors consistent with team philosophy and team goals.
5. To plan, organize, and execute various team functions.
6. To organize and lead stretching, warm-up drills, and cool-down activities.
7. To share with other team members their knowledge of the rules, spirit, principles, and
strategies of cross-country
8. To always maintain a positive attitude.
9. To recognize and respect the individuality of each team member regardless of ability
or level with the express purpose of making each team member genuinely feel of equal
importance with each and every other team member.
10. To model and champion excellence in all phases of the total high school experience.

Sponsorships help the team achieve overall excellence in many ways, including paying entry
fees and travel to meets, upkeep of shared equipment and the field, hosting meets,
providing runner recognition and end-of-year banquet, purchasing training equipment, and
much more.

Since we are a charter school and do not receive any funding from the school, we rely on
sponsorships and player fees to fund our entire program. While we cannot mandate the
procurement of a sponsor, it is HIGHLY encouraged that everyone gets at least ONE sponsor
to ensure we can cover the cost of our season. As an incentive- you will receive an amount off
your player fees as shown below in relation to the level of sponsorship.

_ GOLD- $500 ($100 off player fees)

4'x8' banner prominently displayed on the football field. Sponsorship announced at all non-race
events the team holds. Sponsorship listed on team website.
_ SILVER - $250 ($50 off player fees)
4'x4' banner prominently displayed on the football field. Sponsorship announced at all non-race
events the team holds. Sponsorship listed on team website.
_ BRONZE- $100 ($25 off player fees)
Sponsorship listed on team website.

We are asking that all sponsors be submitted no later than Sept 26.

The Booster Club provides outstanding support to our cross-country. Our mission is to promote
athletic excellence, positive community image, and to stimulate interest in cross-country among
the parents, students and community by providing financial assistance and support to our
student athletes and coaching staffs through our fundraising efforts. Booster Club donations
also help defray the costs of extra equipment, athlete mementos and gifts for volunteer
coaches. The Booster club conducts numerous activities, end of season banquets and more.

Donations to the Booster Club are needed, welcomed and appreciated. This goes a long way in
achieving our success. During the season, the booster club will be hosting "re-feeds" on some
Thursdays after practice. In an effort to help our athletes refuel after their races, we will be
asking parents to take turns providing snacks for the team. As we approach the season- more
information and signups will be available. Keep in mind, this is also a great way to earn your
volunteer hours!

My signature below indicates my understanding of the North Bay Haven Cross Country athlete
expectations and I agree to abide by these guidelines as a member of the North Bay Haven
Cross Country Team. Failure to follow this Commitment Contract and/or the North Bay Haven
Athletic Code may result in my (my child's) discipline, suspension and/or dismissal from the
North Bay Haven Cross Country Team. I understand that the participation fee is not a guarantee
to compete in meets; only my (my child's) work ethic, abilities, and compliance with team
rules will determine competition status. I also understand that if I am (my child is) dismissed
from the team, I will NOT be reimbursed any fees or monies paid.

Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Athlete Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Parent or Guardian Signature(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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