Activity 1 Writing: Present For: Leydy Johana Rozo Jaimes Id: 530614

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Present for: Leydy Johana Rozo Jaimes

Id: 530614

Teacher: Marisol Cubides

English II

Administrative Sciences
Occupational Health Management
Corporation University Minute of God
Bogota, enero 17 de 2018
Hello, my name is Leydy Johana next I will write something about what I do every
day in my house with my family and in my work.
I do sports every day I like to ride a bike I go to my work in the mornings and I do
not use the public transportation so it is more comfortable to travel.
I live in an apartment in the city of Bogotá I live with my family and my pet I have
two sons they are very beautiful the children is Gabriela she is very intelligent and
very cute and the boy is Tomas he is very cute and likes to play with his toys and
they are happies.
We went to travel to rest a little we had a lot of fun and had a very pleasant time.
I am studying at the university and my two children study at school every morning
the go to school and my husband and I go to work and Wanda my dos is takin care
of the house.

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