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CS313E Survey 1 (Due Wednesday, 02 Sep 2020, 11:59 PM on Canvas)

Here is the class website:

Read the syllabus and the schedule.

Obtain an account on ZyBooks. There are two reading assignments starting the
second week of class.

This is a time intensive course. You will have

 Quizzes every day on Canvas
 You will have two programming assignments per week due on Mondays and
 There will be reading assignments on ZyBooks
 There will be three programming tests on HackerRank on Friday evenings

I want to emphasize the time commitment as we go forward. Please the fill the
following information. Save your file as either CS313E_Survey_1.docx or
CS313E_Survey_1.pdf and upload it to Canvas under CS313E_Survey_1.



Your Physical Location [City, Country]:

Time Zone:

Have you read the syllabus? [Y / N]:

Do you have an account on ZyBooks? [Y / N]:

Have you accepted the invitation to join Piazza? [Y / N]:

Are you willing to make the time commitment? [Y / N]:

Any Comments or Concerns:

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