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A position paper is a document describing a topic, your country’s position, and possible

solutions that is submitted to the chair at the beginning of debate on a topic. It is important to
write a position paper for each of your topics because it will help you gain insight on the issue
and prepare you for the MUN conference.

Below is the standard format:

Country Russia

Topic Background

The first paragraph mainly constitutes of defining your topic and describing any important
information associated with it. Explain how your country is involved and their stance on the
issue. Think of answering who, what, where, when, how?

Past International Action

This second paragraph is all about past actions of the UN, NGOs, and individual countries. Look
at previous resolutions, initiatives, and statements, and other actions from the United Nations.
Choose the most important UN documents and/or events to summarize. NGOs and countries
are also key players in international issues, so make sure to include actions by those groups as
well. If there are differing views on a topic, include actions taken by both sides.


The last paragraph should analyze the outcome of past actions to help you come up with
solutions that are in favor of your country. Think of what has been done already and what
worked well or didn't. This is your chance to be creative.

Work Cited

Remember to always use credible sources.

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