Footprinting (Also Known As Reconnaissance) Is The Technique Used For Gathering Information About Computer

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Footprinting (also known as reconnaissance) is the technique used for gathering information about computer

systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and
technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.[1]
When used in the computer security lexicon, "Footprinting" generally refers to one of the pre-attack phases;
tasks performed before doing the actual attack. Some of the tools used for Footprinting are Sam
Spade, nslookup, traceroute, Nmap and neotrace.[2]

 1Techniques used for Footprinting
 2Uses of Footprinting
 3Crawling
 4Whois
 5Search engines
 6Traceroute
 7Negative web search
 8Information to be Gathered
 9See also
 10References
Techniques used for Footprinting[edit]
 DNS queries
 Network enumeration
 Network queries
 Operating system identification
 Organizational queries
 Ping sweeps
 Point of contact queries
 Port Scanning
 Registrar queries (WHOIS queries)
 SNMP queries
 World Wide Web spidering
Uses of Footprinting[edit]
It allows a hacker to gain information about the target system. This information can be used to carry out further
attacks on the system. That is the reason by which it may be named a Pre-Attack, since all the information is
reviewed in order to get a complete and successful resolution of the attack.
Crawling is the process of surfing the internet to get the required information about the target. The sites surfed
can include the target’s website, blogs and social networks. The information obtained by this method will be
helpful in other methods.CRAWLING
WHOIS[3] is a web application used to get information about the target website, such as the administrator's e-
mail address and details about the registration. WHOIS is a very large database and contains information of
approximately all the websites. It can be searched by domain name. [4][5]
Search engines[edit]
Search engines such as Google can also be used to gather information about the target system. It depends on
how well one knows how to use search engines to collect information. If used properly, the attacker can gather
lots of information about a company, its career and its policies etc.
Information can also be gathered using the command Tracert ("traceroute"), which is used to trace a path
between a user and the target system on the networks. That way it becomes clear where a request is being
forwarded and through which devices. In Linux systems, the tracepath and traceroute commands are also
available for doing traceroute operations.[6]
Negative web search[edit]
Negative web search will reveal some other websites when performed on the target website. Negative
websites can act as resources for insight about the flaws of the target website.[7]
Information to be Gathered[edit]
If the attack is to be performed on a company, then the following information will be gathered.
 Company details,employee details and their email addressses.
 Relation with other companies.
 Project details involving other companies.
 Legal documents of the company.
 News relating company website.
 Patents and Trademarks regarding that particular company.
 Important dates regarding new projects.[8]

What is Scanning?
Scanning is a set of procedures for identifying live hosts, ports, and services, discovering Operating system and
architecture of target system, Identifying vulnerabilities and threats in the network. Network scanning is used to
create a profile of the target organization.
Scanning refers to collecting more information using complex and aggressive reconnaissance techniques.

Network Scanning:
The purpose of each scanning process is given below:
 Port Scanning – detecting open ports and services running on the target.
 Network Scanning – IP addresses, Operating system details, Topology details, trusted routers information
 Vulnerability scanning – scanning for known vulnerabilities or weakness in a system

1. Reconnaissance:
This is the first step of Hacking. It is also called as Footprinting and information gathering  Phase. This is the
preparatory phase where we collect as much information as possible about the target. We usually collect
information about three groups, 
1. Network
2. Host
3. People involved
There are two types of Footprinting:
 Active: Directly interacting with the target to gather information about the target. Eg Using Nmap tool to
scan the target
 Passive: Trying to collect the information about the target without directly accessing the target. This
involves collecting information from social media, public websites etc.

2. Scanning:
Three types of scanning are involved:
 Port scanning: This phase involves scanning the target for the information like open ports, Live systems,
various services running on the host.
 Vulnerability Scanning: Checking the target for weaknesses or vulnerabilities which can be exploited.
Usually done with help of automated tools
 Network Mapping: Finding the topology of network, routers, firewalls servers if any, and host information
and drawing a network diagram with the available information. This map may serve as a valuable piece of
information throughout the haking process.

3. Gaining Access:
This phase is where an attacker breaks into the system/network using various tools or methods. After entering into a
system, he has to increase his privilege to administrator level so he can install an application he needs or modify
data or hide data.

4. Maintaining Access: 
Hacker may just hack the system to show it was vulnerable or he can be so mischievous that he wants to maintain
or persist the connection in the background without the knowledge of the user. This can be done using Trojans,
Rootkits or other malicious files. The aim is to maintain the access to the target until he finishes the tasks he
planned to accomplish in that target.

5. Clearing Track:
No thief wants to get caught. An intelligent hacker always clears all evidence so that in the later point of time, no
one will find any traces leading to him. This involves modifying/corrupting/deleting the values of Logs, modifying
registry values and uninstalling all applications he used and deleting all folders he created. 
Caesar Ciper 23, 18
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