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This transcript was exported on Jun 29, 2020 - view latest version here.

Rose (00:00):
Let's now talk about sport and exercise. Can you tell me why you think people nowadays often get less
exercise than previous generations?

Ari (00:11):
There is lots of reasons for this one. One of the main ones would probably be television and computers.
Much peoples when they come home from work just sit down and turn the television or computer on
and don't do nothing. Without televisions or computers, people will go out more and do things after
work, giving them exercise. Cars and other kinds of transport have also changed and much peoples
prefer not to walk as far as they used to.

Rose (00:48):
Do you think governments should subsidise the cost of sports equipment for children?

Ari (00:54):
That's an interesting question. No, I don't think that they should to pay for this one. It isn't really the
government responsibility to pay for sports equipment. It's not their fault. For myself, if people want to
exercise, there are many options for them which do not requiring many equipment. I think governments
have more important things to focus on. In my opinion, it's more important for governments to pay for
education and healthcare.

Rose (01:32):
Some professional sportspeople earn more than other professionals. Do you think this is justified?

Ari (01:40):
No, I don't think this is justified. I know that some sportsmen and sportswomen make a lot of money
when they play sport like tennis, soccer, but this is too much. I know they are talent, that they have
many followers, many fans, but this does not mean not mean that they're more smart than doctors for
example. The doctor saves lives. It is very important, while sportsmen only entertain. Which is more

Ari (02:27):
There are lots of reasons. One of the main ones would probably be television and computers. Many
people when they come home from work just sit down and turn the television or computer on and do
nothing. Without televisions or computers, people would go out more and do things after work, giving
them exercise. Cars and other kinds of transport have also changed and many people prefer not to walk
as far as they used to.

Ari (03:05):
That's an interesting question. No, I don't think that they should pay for this. It isn't really the
government's responsibility to pay for sports equipment. It's not their fault. For me, if people want to
exercise, there are many other options for them that do not require any equipment. I think that
governments have other more important things to focus on. In my opinion, it's more important for
governments to pay for education and healthcare.

DELIVERABLE_Activity_2.14_2 (Completed 06/21/20) Page 1 of 2

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This transcript was exported on Jun 29, 2020 - view latest version here.

Ari (03:44):
No, I don't think this is justified. I know that some sportsmen and sportswomen make a lot of money
when they play sports like tennis, soccer, but this is too much. I know they are talented, that they have
many followers, many fans, but this does not mean that they are smarter than doctors for example.
Doctors save lives. It's very important, while the sportsmen and women only entertain. Which one is
more important?

DELIVERABLE_Activity_2.14_2 (Completed 06/21/20) Page 2 of 2

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