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Calculation of Circular Pile Capacity

Vertical Concr. grade of pile fcu = 30000 KN/m^2

Typical calculation for Pier P2 Pile Diameter B= 1.2 m
Young mod. of pile Ep= 31000000 kN/m^2
Mom.of Inertia of pile Ip= 0.101788 m^4
Maximum Service Loads per pile
e for pier is taken from bearing level to pile N= 3886.5 KN
Resultant H
cap bottom H= 132.25 kN
e= 10.54 m
N Height of soil 0 Note: 1.0m soil below pile cap conservatively neglected for
e Ground level Avg SPT of soil 30 Vertical capacity analysis only
Pile cap top 0.5m below Height of W/R 12 m
Avg SPT of W/R 50
Height of weak rock 5 m
UCS of weak rock kN/m^2
Neglected depth 1.0m Height of rock 0m
UCS of rock kN/m^2
Soil Layer Referance ICTAD, Tomlinson. l
Calculation of Skin Friction
friction of soil layer 15.6 kN/m^2 =1.3*N/2
Weathered rock friction W/R layer 40.0 kN/m^2 =2.0*N/2
friction weak rock 100 kN/m^2 =ICTAD…. αβqu/4/2: Min taken as 100
Weak Rock RQD<25 Skin friction of rock 0 kN/m^2 =ICTAD... BUT max.
limited to 400 kN/m^2
Note: Above friction values has a F.O.S of 2.5 from ultimate
Rock RQD>25 Total Skin friction capacity 3694.5 kN
Base resitance required
Calculation of base resistance Stuctural axial capacity of the pile =0.2*fcu= 6000 kN/m^2
Referance ICTAD, Tomlinson, Das:

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for RQD < 25 and UCS <= 5 N/mm^2
Allowable end bearing capacity = 1000 kN/m^2 For Weak Rock
for RQD = 25 and 5<UCS <=10 N/mm^2 2500 kN/m^2 For moderate Rock- input 2500
For different RQD and UCS.. input value 0 kN/m^2 For sound Rock
Assuming weak rock to be φ = 30 degrees
Assuming rock to be φ = 40 degrees
Allowable bearing pressure weak rock = No data provided
Allowable bearing pressure rock = No data provided
Allowable bearing pressure weak rock = No data provided
Allowable bearing pressure rock = No data provided

Design allowable bearing pressure on weak rock 1000.0 kN/m^2

Design allowable bearing pressure on rock 0.0 kN/m^2
Total Base capacity 0f weak rock 1131.0 kN
Total Base capacity 0f rock 0.0 kN
Note: Basae resistance contains a safety factor of 5 on the Lab UCS value and an additional overall factor of safety of 3.0.

Total vertical load capacity of the pile

If Terminated on bottom of weak rock 4825.5 kN Ok
If Terminated on bottom of rock 0.0 kN Not OK
Refer Tomlinson Values of nh in MN/m^3 Vs SPT N
Assuming normally consolidated soil with linearly increasing modulus Material\SPT N 4<N<10 11<N<30 31<N<50
Coefficient of subgrade reaction nh = 4400 kN/m^3 Dry or moist sand 2.2 6.6 17.6
Soil Stiffness factor T =(EP*Ip/nh)0.2 3.72 m Submerged sand 1.3 4.4 10.7
depth to point of virtual fixity Z=1.8*T 6.70 m
Total length of embedment of pile L= 18 m η=(nh/EpIp)0.2 = 0.268 (Required for deflection calculations)
Pile acts as a long pile η*L= 4.832
For a Long pile with fixed head condition L/T= 4.832
Approx. Required moment capacity at service = 943.3 kNm Ultimate= 1556.4 kNm
For a Long pile with free head condition 1886.5 kNm Ultimate= 3112.8

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Alternatively, Referring Broms method
Taking . Eff.density of soil/rock 10 kN/m^3 f= 0.82*(H/(B*Kp*ϒ))
Taking friction angle φ = 30 degrees 0.523599 Radian f= 1.571667
Passive pressure coefficient 3.00 M= 0.5*H*(e+0.67*f)
Required moment capacity at service = 766.59 kNm Ultimate = 1264.871 kNm
For a free head condition = 1533.18 kNm
Concluding: Design moment capacity = 1556 kNm For L>4*T Cantilever defln = H*(e+Zf)3/(3*Ep*Ip)
Deflection at Pile head level (Broms) = 0.0020 m for η*L>4 Brom's eqn defln = 0.93*H/(nh0.6*(Ep*Ip)0.4
Deflection at Pile head level (cantilever) = 0.0179 m Avg. defl. 0.0100 m

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