Surface-Preparation Chemicals For Salt Decontamination or Flash Rust Inhibition

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Revie, “Tests have shown that the most

Surface-Preparation important single factor influencing the

life of a paint is the proper preparation
of the metal surface. This factor is gener-
ally more important than the quality of

Chemicals for Salt

the paint that is applied. In other words,
a poor paint system on a properly pre-
pared metal surface usually outperforms
a better paint system on a poorly prepared

Decontamination The corrosion-inducing effect of

soluble salts on metal surfaces is well
documented.2-3 The presence of soluble
salts on steel substrates, when in contact

or Flash Rust
with moisture, forms electrolytic cells that
generate deep and narrow micropits from
the cyclic reaction of the acid and iron salt
products formed. This process can be dem-
onstrated by exposing a steel surface to a

Inhibition neutral solution of sodium chloride

(NaCl), which will form a fluid in the
crevices of that steel with three to 10 times
as many chloride ions as the dipping solu-
H. PETERS, CHLOR•RID International, Inc. tion and a pH of 4 rather than 7.4 An
important objective during surface prepa-
ration is to eliminate or reduce the level of
Surface preparation methods and standards are corrosion-inducing soluble salts (most
under a lot of scrutiny and are subject to commonly chlorides, sulfates, and ni-
significant revisions because of premature coating trates) to recognized threshold levels that
failures. Nonvisible surface salts have been considered a will not influence the performance or sig-
leading cause of these failures. Cost-effective chemical nificantly effect the life of a coating. Be-
removal using products with the proper chemical cause these salt anions are most prevalent
in the deep and narrow pits developed by
functionality is summarized. Formulated acidic products surface abrasive blasting and further ac-
can lower the salt levels to threshold levels, whereas centuated during the chemical transfor-
alkaline formulations provide surface inhibiting properties mations occurring in the electrolytic cells,
that can mask salts remaining on the substrate. removing the salt anion from the electro-
lytic cell is the key to stopping corrosion
and potential for coating failure.

Traditional Salt Removal

Th e corrosion-inducing anions are

he coatings industry is fo- literally sandwiched between the steel
cusing much attention on substrate and a rust layer formed by the
surface preparation because corrosion products. In the testing and
of excessive premature identification of soluble salts during sur-
coating failures. An analy- face preparation, the steel substrate must
sis of premature coating be fully exposed to extract the salt an-
failures may provide evi- ions.5 Exposure alone, however, does not
dence that residual surface salts remain necessarily translate into easy removal.
during surface preparation and are a root Dry abrasive blasting may remove some
cause of the failures. According to corro- of the salt anions, yet the size of the blast
sion authorities H.H. Uhlig and R.W. particles limits penetration into the deep

NOV 2004 MP pp 1-51.indd 28 10/11/04 1:38:39 PM

p g @@ f p g @@

crevices where the salt anions are con- Coating Application,”10 “Methods for neutral solutions if the partial pressure of
centrated. A traditional yet insufficient Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts oxygen is increased sufficiently.”14 The ap-
method of reducing soluble salt levels on on Steel and Other Non porous Sub- plication of an alkaline solution to a metal
surfaces that have been abrasive blasted strates,”11 and “Surface Preparation of surface will accelerate the formation of a
to remove mill scale, pack rust, or the Contaminated Steel Surfaces,”12 will gen- diffusion-barrier layer, forming a direct
layer of insoluble oxides formed over the erate changes to traditional methods of barrier between the substrate and the at-
substrate surface has been to wash these decontaminating surfaces that: 1) maxi- mosphere.15 The films formed are too thin
surfaces with high-pressure water. Re- mize the protective function of a coating, to be detected even by high-energy elec-
peated water washings, even at high pres- 2) minimize life cycle costs, and 3) pre- tron diffraction. The barrier slows down
sure after grit blasting, has been found serve asset value.13 the rate of reaction between oxygen and
to be only slightly effective, however.6 the steel surface to prevent metal oxides
Experience shows that with each water
wash or sequential blast and water wash
Chemical Surface Treatment or rust from forming.14
The choice of a specific chemical
cycle, fewer contaminating salts are re-
moved with each pass—and the desired
product for surface treatment will de- Forming an Alkaline Surface
pend on the desired outcome. The re- Barrier Layer
limit may not be reached after a specified moval of corrosion-inducing surface re-
number of passes. Cost-effectiveness and The formation of a surface barrier layer
acted salts is a major objective toward on steel with the application of an alkaline
time must be considered also. ensuring the extended life of coatings. treatment, commonly known as an in-
Generally speaking, the products for salt hibitor, will mask salt anions that may be
Ultrahigh-Pressure Water and removal and rust inhibition (passivation) present on the substrate. This process was
Salt Decontamination are mutually exclusive due to their chem- verified in an in-house, controlled labora-
An ultrahigh-pressure water was used ical functionality. Except for pickling tory experiment using salt fog contami-
by a coatings contractor on a U.S. Navy acids, which have significant environ- nated panels that were washed with com-
project to replace the antiskid deck coat- mental limitations, specifically formu- mercially available, water-soluble alkaline
ing of the USS Saipan helicopter carrier. lated acidic products will effectively react surface treatments after an initial dry
This project demonstrated the limitations and decontaminate surfaces of corrosion-
abrasive blasting. Multiple coupons were
of water, even at 40,000-psi (276-MPa) inducing salts; alkaline products will
contaminated in a salt fog cabinet for 29
pressure, to remove surface-reacted salts effectively accelerate the formation of a
days to simulate the effect and concentra-
during surface preparation.7 Because of barrier layer on a metal surface to inhibit
tion of salt contamination of weathered
the capillary action in deep and narrow the formation of flash rust.
steel.16 These coupons were all abrasive-
pits, a slow diffusion action may be more blasted to a near-white visual appearance
appropriate than high-pressure water Surface Rust Without Salts with a nonchloride-containing dry abra-
blasting.8 This last statement adds some Under the right conditions of tem- sive. Control coupons were randomly
relevance to the approach outlined by perature, humidity, and moisture, the selected and boiled in deionized (DI) wa-
W.C. Johnson, where the capillary actionpresence of salts will accelerate the pres- ter using the Mayes method to obtain an
from deep pits was observable.9 It is evi-
ence of flash rust. However, rust can still average level of surface chlorides from the
dent that with the threshold levels of salt
form without the presence of soluble salt chlorides remaining in the DI water. The
permissible prior to coating, the overnight
anions. This form of “waterline corrosion” other abrasive-blasted panels were sepa-
capillary drainage is insufficient to achieve
occurs between the interface of the metal rated randomly into two groups and pres-
the specified limits. and waterline because it is at that point sure washed at 3,500 psi (24 MPa) with
that there is a concentration of oxygen a 2% solution of the two alkaline passiv-
Industry Trends and Emphasis from water
the atmosphere and oxygen from the
to promote oxidation or rust.
ation water solutions using local tap wa-
NACE and SSPC committees have ter. The pH of both alkaline solutions was
been preparing and reviewing various >9.2. The alkaline solution-washed sam-
updates to existing documents and new Passivation ples were allowed to dry and then boiled
documents and guides addressing the Surface passivation of metals, also in the same fashion as the control cou-
impact of salts on coating performance, described as the formation of a surface pons. The level of chlorides extracted from
their identification, and methods for barrier layer, is a naturally occurring phe- the boiled, DI water test coupons was
removal. These documents, including nomenon in alkaline or near-neutral en- <25% (22% for one alkaline product and
“Evaluating Nonvisible Soluble Salt vironments. Specifically, “oxygen in air nil for the other) of the average chlorides
Contaminants on Coated and Uncoated can adsorb directly on iron and passivate removed from the control coupons that
Metallic Surfaces Immediately Prior to it in aerated alkaline solutions, or in near- had not had the alkaline prewash. It was

NOV 2004 MP pp 1-51.indd 29 10/11/04 1:38:49 PM

concluded that a temporary barrier layer concentration along with a buffering agent 6. D. Dasgupta, T.K. Ross, Brit. Corros. J. 6 (1971):
pp. 2,327-240.
was formed on the test coupon surfaces and surfactant. The dilute acid releases the
7. R. Kinsel, correspondence to author, July 7, 1999.
from the application of the alkaline pas- surface-reacted salt anions, displacing cor- 8. M. Morcillo, Prog. Org. Coat. 36 (1999): pp. 137-
sivation wash, under which remained the rosion-inducing chlorides, and forming 147.
substrate metal-reacted chloride ions. insoluble, ferrous phosphate compounds. 9. W.C. Johnson, “Cost Effective Extraction of Chlorides
Ferric phosphate (FePO4·2H2O) that may from Bridge Steel,” JPCL (1997): pp. 82-92.
10. Task Group 259 work in progress, “Evaluating Non-
Surface Barrier Layers be formed is partially soluble in water and
visible Soluble Salt Contaminants on Coated and Uncoated
can be removed with a final DI water
and Salts wash. The NACE book on FBE for pipe-
Metallic Surfaces Immediately Prior to Coating Application”
(Houston, TX: NACE).
It is important to note that the forma-
line corrosion protection outlines the acid 11. SSPC Guide 15 work in progress, “Analysis of
tion of a surface barrier layer to prevent
wash step.19 Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates” (to
flash rust will fail if the salt anions remain replace SSPC-TU 4).
on the substrate surface. From the Uhlig 12. Task Group 142 proposed revision to NACE Publi-
and Revie text, “…iron and stainless Summary cation 6G186, “Surface Preparation of Contaminated Steel
The removal of residual corrosion- Surfaces” (Houston, TX: NACE).
steels are not readily passivated anodically
13. D.E. Milliams, K. van Gelder, MP 11 (1996): pp.
in solutions containing an appreciable inducing surface salts is very important to 13-15.
concentration of chlorides. Instead, the the performance and life-cycle of a coat- 14. H.H. Uhlig, R.W. Revie, Corrosion and Corro-
metal continues to dissolve at high rates ing. It is a primary objective for the long- sion Control (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1985),
both in the active and passive potential term protection of the substrate surface. pp. 60-78.
Using a specifi cally formulated, dilute 15. “Natural Surface Phenomena and the Impact of
ranges….Breakdown of passivity by chlo-
Corrosion-Inducing Salts,” Proc. SSPC Conference, held
ride occurs locally rather than generally, acidic cleaning product, which can be ap- November (2002).
the preferred surface sites being deter- plied without specialized equipment and 16. D. de la Fuente, B. Chico, M. Morcillo, “A New
mined perhaps by small variations in the without an environmental impact, will Contaminating Method for Testing the Effect of Soluble
17 achieve the desired objective cost- Salts,” JPCL 4 (2003): pp. 22-27.
passive-film structure and thickness.”
17. H.H. Uhlig, R.W. Revie, Corrosion and Corrosion
This conclusion ties back to the earlier effectively. Acids that may contain H2SO4
Control (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1985): p. 74.
observation that chloride ions concen- or HNO3 in water-diluted form only re- 18. S.K. Boocock, “SSPC Research and Performance
trate in the crevices of steel panels after place existing corrosion-inducing chloride Testing of Abrasive and Salt Retrieval Techniques,” JPCL
being dipped in a neutral solution of salt anions with sulfates or nitrates, which (1994).
NaCl. The concentration of these anions are corrosion-inducing as well. 19. J.A. Kehr, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE): A Founda-
If the formation and presence of flash tion for Pipeline Corrosion Protection (Houston, TX: NACE,
leads to the formation of a corrosion cell
2003), p. 109.
through the surface barrier layer (which rust cannot be tolerated prior to coating,
can also be a protective coating), leading testing for and removal of the salt anions HARRY PETERS is Managing Director of
to rust formation (and osmotic blistering is always the first step because the pres- CHLOR•RID International, Inc., PO Box 908,
under a coating). ence of the salt anion can accelerate the Chandler, AZ 85244. He has more than 30
formation of flash rust. The masking effect years of experience in the chemical, refin-
of a barrier layer formed by treatment ing, petrochemical, and capital equipment
Effective Salt with an alkaline chemical product, tem-
industries, serving in various U.S. and global
Decontamination with Acid porary though it may be, creates the risk
assignments including business development,
marketing, sales, and business management.
Specific acidic chemical mixtures are of blanketing the salt anions present. This
He has an M.B.A. and has authored various
scientifically sound for the effective re- masking effect ultimately may cause a technical and business publications. He is a
moval of surface-reacted salt anions. S.K. coating to fail because of the breakdown 6-year member of NACE.
Boocock has shown that an acidic extrac- discussed earlier.
tion media will remove a higher level of Need reprints of MP ads,
the residual salts than water.18 Alkaline articles, or covers?
extraction media will not, however, pro- References REPRINTS ARE A GREAT INVESTMENT!
1. H.H. Uhlig, R.W. Revie, Corrosion and Corrosion
vide accurate measurements of salt anions Professionally printed reprints and photo-
Control (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1985), pp.
that may be present. Concentrated acids, 253-254. copied reprints of all MP ads, articles, and
such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric 2. D.G. Weldon, T.A. Caine, Proceedings of SSPC
covers are available for purchase. Reprints
can be customized with your company’s
acid (HNO3), are known to develop a film Symposium (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC, 1985). logo, additional product information, or
on steel, providing a film or surface passiv- 3. M. Morcillo, J. Simancas, JPCL 14, 9 (1997): p. 40. the magazine cover—with no limits on
4. R.A. Flinn, P.K. Trojan, Engineering Materials and creativity!
ation layer. The pipe coatings industry has
Their Applications, 2nd ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
historically used phosphoric acid (H3PO4) Co., 1981), p. 507. Order your reprints today, it simply makes good
business sense! For reprint information and
to remove residual chlorides prior to coat- 5. S. Flores, J. Simancas, M. Morcillo, JPCL (1994): rates, call 281/228-6219.
ings. The H3PO4 is applied in an 8 to 12% pp. 76-84.

NOV 2004 MP pp 1-51.indd 30 10/11/04 1:38:57 PM

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