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Email Correspondence

MNO – the trademark of a mobile operator from Benin

1. From: Steven Phillips <>

Date: September 14, 2015 at 9:58 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Ana Zama <>


Hi Rochelle,

I hope you are doing well. I would like to introduce to you different top VAS by Unifun. I would highly
recommend you to take up Beep Call service. It is really a great service, different from the traditional
"please call me/ who called".  Most of these VAS will help you achieve the high VAS & Digital Service
Targets. Please let us know when it would be best to discuss further on these.

Here is a summary of available services that might be of interest to you; 

 Operator Services

1. Beep Call – call completion solution. The service can be easily deployed with less hassle (This product
doesn’t require to obtain special license and use of short codes; doesn’t involve much resources and
easy to get approval). Also the product is easy to educate your customers, no need to learn special code
combination like you do for “Missed call alerts”, “Call me Back” services.  Most important the service will
increase your incoming voice traffic (on-net, off-net, international) and generate additional voice
revenue. For each 1mln. subscribers it brings about $40K a month.
2. VASUP - this is complex service, but very profitable and important tool for mobile operator. It allows
to promote successfully any VAS services, Tariffs, Packages to different segments with achieving high
response level due to possibility activate service in real-time with one click.
3. SMS Notification Server - allows inserting of VAS ads (tails) to all SMS-notification, that are sent by
Operator’s services (“Call me Back”, “Missed call Alert”, Balance check via SMS request, Balance
recharge, Low balance notification and etc..).
4. Balance+ Platform - allows to place advertising text (also called as USSD tail) under the requested
balance info within the same USSD-session. The platform also allows to place different advertisement
message to different group separately, For instance, for Data users you can advertise Data packages and
for International Voice users advertise International Minutes Packages as the same time.
Balance+ Platform generates two type of USSD tails:
a) Static USSD tail, shows the advertised text. In this case in order to activate the advertised service
subscriber has to dial short code separately
b) Interactive USSD tail, allows to activate the advertised service within the same session. It increases the
chance of activation of advertised product.
5. IVR Broadcaster – a very powerful tool for IVR Broadcasts and promotion of any operator service.
Advantage of our solution is that we can activate it in real time (within the generated call) for any VAS
services of mobile operator which needs to be promoted.
Note: IVR broadcaster and VASUP products are very powerful and useful tools for Direct Marketing (lift
ARPU, acquisition), Retention and Customer Value Management directions.
Content & Entertainment

1. FunBox - one of our TOP revenue generating products, it is an IVR portal based on subscription model.
This entertainment portal filled with most interesting and popular services, such as Dating, Music player,
Jokes, Tests, Adult stories.
2. USSD Chat - based on simple and clear technologies-USSD and SMS. It gives everybody a chance to
find new friends.
3. IVR Radio –IVR-service which allows its users listening to huge range of radio stations from the whole
world with no need of using their Internet connection.

Looking forward to your feedback.


2. From: Steven Phillips <>

Date: September 15, 2015 at 1:52 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Ana Zama <>


Hi Rochelle,

Following our discussion, please find attached the additional information for the services shared.



3. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: October 27, 2015 at 4:09 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Greetings, Rochelle!

Following previous discussion with Steven on Unifun's VAS services, I want to introduce myself and to
continue our communication from here.
My name is Ana and I am Account Manager for MNO Group at Unifun.

Could you please inform me if you had a chance to review the submitted presentations?
Thus, we could continue our discussions on services which are the most relevant for MNO, Benin.
Looking forward to our fruitful collaboration.

Thank you & have a nice day!

4. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 05, 2015 at 4:34 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hello, Ms. Rochelle

Please accept my warmest regards and my message as a kind reminder on offered services.

Could you please let me know when approximately can I expect your feedback on presented products?
I suggest to schedule an online meeting to discuss all of your questions.

For a more efficient dialogue, please add me to your Skype contact lists, my ID: a_zama

Thank you & have a nice day!

5. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 05, 2015 at 6:33 PM

To: Ana Zama <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hi Ana
And sorry for the latest reply
We will let you know later if we are interest in one of your service
By the moment we are not looking at all the similar we already have in the pipe.
Thanks for your interest to us and we will keep you post.
6. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 09, 2015 at 11:00 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hello, Rochelle

Your reply is highly appreciated.

I would like to save your time and suggest to focus on a single service - Beep Call.

Beep Call - is an innovative call completion solution, which increases the revenue of mobile operator
from voice traffic with 5-7% immediately after launching.
We already cooperate for this service with some subsidiaries from MNO Group, the service is at
launching stage in MTN, Rwanda and in advanced negotiations in MNO, Cameroon; MNO, Sudan and
MNO, Cote d'Ivoire.
I have analyzed your website to check the call completion solutions which are available within MNO
Network. According to your website you have MNO Xtratime and MNO Bip Me.

Below I would like to share with you some statistics which show the profitability of Beep Call service and
demonstrate that Beep Call generates significant revenue and covers the segments unserved by other

Beep Call vs. MNO Bip Me (Call me back)

1) Beep Call's penetration rate is 100% because it is activate automatically for all subscribers base.
Call me back has a lower penetration rate due to fact that the request should be initiated by subscriber,
thus it's penetration rate is close to only 50%.
We assume that within your network you should have about 400 000 non-balance calls per day from
each 1 Mln of subscribers. Beep Call is automatically sending beeps to all subscribers B due to
insufficient balance of the subscriber A, who has sent the beep.

In order to make the difference about the efficiency of Beep Call and Call Me Back, I am kindly asking you
to check internally the daily number of sent call me back requests.

2) The Beep Call doesn't need to be promoted because it activated for all subscribers base; also the
subscribers don't need to be educated how to use use it, because it works automatically;
The Operator has to invest in promotion of Call me back and education of the subscribers in order to
ensure that they know about solution and know how to use it properly.

3) The Beep Call can send notifications to both directions (both on-net and off-net), thus Operator earns
from charging the callbacks of its own subscribers and interconnection fees from callbacks by users of
other networks.
For Call me back the requests can sent only on-net which means that Operator is losing big profit.

4) The callback rate for beeps delivered through Beep Call is 20%.
The response rate of Call me back notifications is only 8%, which less with 60% than the response rate of
Beep Call.

Beep Call vs. MNO Xtratime

I would like to share with you a simple calculation which shows the size of unserved subscribers by MNO
Xtratime and how much profit is lost as consequence.

Based on statistics from many Operators, everyday almost 50% of subscribers make non-balance calls.
Considering MNO's subscribers base, which according to some sources is 3.2 Mln – everyday within your
network are performed over 1.75 Mln non-balance calls. Thus, it is a great opportunity for Operator to
increase it's revenue from voice traffic.

In order to understand if MNO Xtratime service generates high revenue, please check internally the
number of daily activations.

According to our statistics, within your network should be around 35 000 activations/daily. This
represent only 2% from total number of daily performed non-balance calls and means an extremely low
penetration of target market.
The Beep Call service has a penetration rate of 100% and the pessimistic foreseen revenue within MNO
Network is 250 000 USD/monthly.

As a confirmation, please find attached the Business Case Calculator.

If any of used figures aren’t correct, please replace them with your real data – this way the predicted
income will be more plausible.

Free POC (pilot project) for 3 months

In order to prove that MNO will earn the mentioned above revenue, we offer fully free of charge pilot
project for first 3 months.
During pilot operator can see the real income generated by the service. During the pilot project
operators gets all 100% of revenue generated by the service. MNO has the right to stop pilot project any
time when he wants, without any financial risks.

For more information about Beep Call service, please find attached the service description.

Please analyze the provided statistics and inform me if we can continue our discussions on Beep Call
Help me to help you to get the most efficient call completion solution for MNO, Benin.

Thank you & have a nice day!

7. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 11, 2015 at 2:11 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Greetings, Rochelle

Please accept my best regards and my message as a kind reminder on Beep Call project.

Could you please inform me if you had a chance review the shared statistics and predicted income?
We may schedule an 1 hour online presentation in order to inform you about key advantages of the
Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

8. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 16, 2015 at 1:06 PM

To: Ana Zama <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hi Ana
Thanks for this submission
Some few question
We have a service call pay my call how do you think the beep could be better than it?
Also from the revenue sharing perspective please clarify the model
As from me if an off net subs is calling  back a MNO number that beep him , mean you are requesting
10% on the interconnect revenue which is not actually a revenue sharing but a cost for MNO.
Same apply for the onnet call
Normally RS should be applied on extra revenue coming from voice revenue target or interconnect 
revenue which is not the case here, unless you apply the revenue sharing on the top of revenue
generated after MNO achieve it daily target in terms of voice revenue and interco revenue?

9. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 18, 2015 at 6:06 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hello, Rochelle

Thank you for addressed questions.

I am glad that our discussion is turning to be productive and hopefully will lead to a fruitful partnership
between Unifun and MNO, Benin.

Please find below my feedback on your questions.

1. Beep Call vs. Call Pay My Call

According to statistics I have shared earlier 50% of Mobile Operator's consumers are performing non-
balance calls daily which means 1.75 Mln calls within your network. Based on our figures for
implemented “Pay for me” service, in MNO should be made around 16 500 “pay for me” requests daily.
The response rate for "pay for me" requests is around 30% but if you turn this in figures is means that
only 5 000 of subscribers daily accept the request.

As a summary of above calculation "Call Pay My Call" service covers less than 1%  of potential market,
while Beep Call has a penetration rate of 100% because:
- it is activated free of charge and by default to all subscribers base
- beeps are sent automatically
- subscribers don't have to be educated how to use it
- subscribers don't have to remember by heart any short codes and the number of subscriber they want
to call
In order to understand if MNO Call Pay My Call service generates high revenue, please check internally
the number of daily sent requests and what is the response rate within your network.

2. To offer you the Beep Call on most profitable model and to allay your concerns regarding calculation of
generated revenue, I propose following business model:

- Unifun offers MNO the Beep Call in pilot mode for 3 months free of charge.
During this period, you will have the possibility to see the real income generated by service and cancel
the project any time you want.

- If MNO would like to keep Beep Call service after pilot – you should pay Unifun a fixed monthly fee of 3
500 USD.
You can notice that this business model doesn't assume the revenue sharing of voice revenue.

As a summary of the letter:

1) I assure you that Beep Call generates much more revenue than any other call completion solution;
2) I kindly ask you to have a 3 months pilot launch without any commitment from MNO's side to proof
the predicted income.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

10. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 23, 2015 at 6:05 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Greetings, Rochelle & Georgette

Please accept my regards in this fine day and warm wishes for a great evening.
Just a friendly reminder on the adjusted business model and the figures proving the efficiency of Beep
Call compared to other call completion solutions.

Could you please inform me if newly proposed commercial terms are suitable for MNO? Please note
that we can launch the project in pilot mode and agree upon the most mutually advantageous
business model during this period.
To facilitate our dialogue, I would like to have an online presentation of Beep Call by the end of the
week. Please advise if it is convenient for you to schedule it for Thursday, 26.11 at 11 AM (Cote
d'Ivoire time)?

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

11. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 24, 2015 at 9:38 AM

To: Ana Zama <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Hi Ana
We are ok for the conf call on Thursday.
I would like to include technical team on this conf so if you can send technical detail so that they can go
through it before
Also if you have a contract template please share it as well, preferably in French

12. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 24, 2015 at 3:45 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Steven Phillips <>; Ivan Ivanov <>


Dear Rochelle,

Thank you for positive reply!

Please find below my answers.

1. Conference call
In order to have an efficient live discussion on Beep Call project, I suggest to have two separate
meetings: one for product presentation and another one to discuss technical details.

- Product presentation call

I propose to arrange the presentation of Beep Call service tomorrow, November 25 by 14:00 PM (GMT
This will be an introductory presentation which will allow me to describe all possibilities of the solution
and would allow us to discuss all of product and commercial questions.
- Technical call
I propose to held it at already agreed time (November 26 at 11:00 AM (GMT +1).
Therefore your Core team will have enough time to get familiarized with information about technical
implementation of Beep Call I am sharing below.

2. The implementation of Beep Call service

We highly recommend to implement Beep Call via Port Mirroring method. It is the easiest method of
integration into operator's network as it doesn't have any impact on existing call flow and is full passive
Port Mirroring is already being applied in MTN, Rwanda where Beep Call shall be launched within few
weeks. Hence, I am describing it below in more details.

The implementation of the Mirroring solution:



For more details please check the attached Port Mirroring Description: Beep Call Mirroring - V5.
Please forward this information to your Core team.

3. Agreement
For your convenience I have submitted for translation Beep Call template agreement. I will share with
you the French version by the end of the week.

As a summary of the letter, please provide your comments on following:

1) Is it suitable for you to have a Beep Call product presentation tomorrow at 14:00 (GMT +1)?
2) Can we held the conference call via Skype? Phone connection is poor and we can face some
3) Please share your Skype ID or add me to your contacts list, my ID: a_zama

Looking forward to your soonest reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

13. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 25, 2015 at 9:04 AM

To: Ana Zama <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>


Hi Ana
 We cannot go for 2 meetings please due to heavy agenda, please put all together tomorrow, technical
team need to understand the product briefly before you go for any additional technical detail
I will provide the conf bridge for tomorrow
Just need confirmation of the duration, I will put it 1h if more than that please let me know asap so that I
can schedule

14. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 25, 2015 at 10:15 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>


Good morning, Rochelle!

Please accept my best regards.

We comply with your agenda and shall put all together in tomorrow meeting.
Please find below a brief agenda:

Meeting Date&Time: Thursday, November 26th, 11:00 AM (Benin time);

Duration: 1 - 1,5 h
Conference bridge: We suggest to have the conference via Skype or Cisco WebEx in order to avoid
connection issues;

MNO Benin representatives:

1. Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti, Product&Service Manager
2. MNO IT Team

Unifun representatives:
1. Ivan Ivanov, CEO
2. Ana Zama, Senior Account Manager
3. Cornelia Bocancea, Project Manager Beep Call
4. Alex Negru, Project Manager Beep Call

1. Presentation of Beep Call service
2. Discussion on business model and MNO's questions
3. Presentation and discussions of Port Mirroring implementation solution

Dear Rochelle, please confirm the timing and inform us which conference bridge is more suitable for
Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

15. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 9:40 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>


Dear Rochelle,

Hope my message finds you well!

Could you please inform me which conference bridge shall be used to attend the meeting on Beep Call
service? (I suggest Skype, my ID: a_zama)
Please reply ASAP in order to arrange the details.

Warmest regards,

From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 10:14 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Subject: Re: Tr: BEEP CALL solution presentation

Dear Rochelle,

We have some troubles in joining the meeting.

We call the indicated number and are informed that it is incorrect or the meeting hasn't start yet.

Please advise how can we solve this issue or I propose to use another conference bridge.

Warmest regards,

17. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 10:30 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Subject: Re: Tr: BEEP CALL solution presentation

Dear Rochelle,

I deeply apologize for message below.

I got confused by time difference between our countries.

Looking forward to our productive meeting in 1,5 hours from now =)

Best regards,
18. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 10:42 AM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Subject: Re: Tr: BEEP CALL solution presentation

Dear Rochelle,

The updated timing is perfect.

Thank you!

19. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 11:38 AM

To: Ana Zama <>

Subject: Re: Tr: BEEP CALL solution presentation

Hi Ana
 We are waiting for you

20. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 26, 2015 at 1:19 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>


Dear Rochelle,

Thank you for productive meeting!

We are looking forward to receive the templates of documents you have mentioned. We will fill them
ASAP in order to proceed with implementation of the Beep Call.
Could you please inform me if you have a template for NDA or should I share ours?

Thank you & have a nice day ahead!

21. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: November 27, 2015 at 1:03 PM

To: Ana Zama <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>


Hi Ana
 See attached

22. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: November 27, 2015 at 2:44 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>

Subject: Re: Unifun_MNO,BJ_Beep Call project

Greetings, Rochelle

Well received!
I will submit the completed templates by Tuesday.

Have a nice day & a great weekend!

23. From: Ana Zama <>

Date: December 1, 2015 at 3:02 PM

To: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>; Georgette Toping <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>

Subject: Re: Unifun_MNO,BJ_Beep Call project

Dear Rochelle,

Please accept my best regards.

According to your request I am submitting the FRS, NDA and pilot agreement. I hope we can complete
quickly the preparation stage and proceed with Beep Call implemenation with MNO Network.

Please find attached:

1. Beep Call integration FRS: Service Integration FRS Template_Unifun
2. NDA: Accord de confidentialit UNIVERSETEL-BENIN _UNIFUN
3. Pilot launch agreement: Beep Call_Projet Pilote_UNIVERSETEL-BENIN _UNIFUN

Please get familiarized with submitted documents and let me know:

1. When can we expect your comments on them?
2. Which party shall sign the agreements first?
3. Is a scanned copy enough or a hard copy is also required?
Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you & have a nice day!

24. From: Rochelle Mamadou Djibouti <>

Date: December 3, 2015 at 10:54 AM

To: Ana Zama <>

Cc: Ivan Ivanov <>

Subject: Re: Unifun_MNO,BJ_Beep Call project

Hi Ana
We will revert back to you

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