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PERSONAL & BUSINESS FINANCE NAME: _____________________________

BUDGET - HOMEWORK DATE DUE: __________________________

1st Month “Draft” Budget and Goals

List your monthly income and expenses to begin building your budget.
You can’t list Food as an expense. You must separate groceries from eating out. Many students are
very surprised on what they spend eating out. If you are one to routinely buy pop/candy bar, etc. at
the gas station, separate those purchases; you will more than likely be surprised by what you spend.
Separate expenses that you routinely have or large expenses. It’s okay to have a miscellaneous
category, however, it isn’t for routine or large purchases.
Percent column – Figure the percent of each category according to your total expenses.
Expenses Amount Percent Income Amount


Short-Term Goals
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
Intermediate Goals
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________

Long-Term Goals
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________

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