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ES-CS000-51 Last Modified 02/06/06

BASE24-es (v05.4) UNIX Install Guide Page 1


Copyright 2006 by ACI Worldwide Inc.

All rights reserved.

All information contained in this manual is CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY to ACI Worldwide
Inc. and has been delivered for use pursuant to license. No part of this manual may be photocopied,
electronically transferred, modified, or reproduced in any manner that is contrary to license without the
prior written consent of ACI Worldwide Inc.
GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................................................. 3
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
WORKSHEET ................................................................................................................................................ 3
BASE24-ES INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 4
TRANSFER FOLDER ...................................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF ZIP/ARCHIVE FILES......................................................................................................................... 4
RUNNING ES_INSTALL.EXE PROGRAM ..................................................................................................... 4
RUNNING ESSETUP ................................................................................................................................... 4
APPENDIX A – CONNECTIVITY VERIFICATION PLAN (CVP)...................................................... 6
INITIALIZE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ........................................................................................................ 6
START MQ MANAGER ................................................................................................................................. 6
START C-TREE SERVERS .............................................................................................................................. 6
START ICE-XS LISTENERS .......................................................................................................................... 6
START APPLICATION MANAGER .................................................................................................................. 6
START SIS TIMER SERVER PROCESS............................................................................................................ 6
START THE IS SERVER PROCESS ................................................................................................................. 7
START THE XML SERVER PROCESS ............................................................................................................. 7
START THE EOPP SERVER PROCESS ............................................................................................................ 7
START THE CMCP SERVER PROCESS .......................................................................................................... 7
START THE JQBTCH SERVER PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 7
VERIFY ALL PROCESSES .............................................................................................................................. 7
START VERSION CHECKER .......................................................................................................................... 7
START USER SECURITY ............................................................................................................................... 8
START VERSION CHECK AND USER SECURITY TOGETHER........................................................................... 8
START JDH (ATM DEVICE HANDLER)........................................................................................................ 8
START UI-SERVER....................................................................................................................................... 8
STARTING THE DESKTOP ............................................................................................................................. 8
XML AND ESWEB SERVER CONNECTIVITY ................................................................................................ 9
XML Connectivity ................................................................................................................................... 9
ESWeb Connectivity................................................................................................................................ 9
TROUBLESHOOTING – LOG FILES................................................................................................................. 9
APPENDIX B – CHECKING SYSTEM STATUS.................................................................................. 11
ESSTATUS .................................................................................................................................................. 11
VIEW EVENT MESSAGES............................................................................................................................ 11
APPENDIX C – STOPPING THE APPLICATIONS............................................................................. 13
INITIALIZE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ...................................................................................................... 13
STOPPING THE ICE-XS LISTENERS ........................................................................................................... 13
STOPPING BASE24-ES SERVER PROCESSES .............................................................................................. 13
STOPPING VERSION CHECKER ................................................................................................................... 14
STOPPING USER SECURITY ........................................................................................................................ 14
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STOPPING VERSION CHECKER AND USER SECURITY ................................................................................. 14

STOPPING JAVA SERVER ............................................................................................................................ 14
STOP C-TREE SERVERS............................................................................................................................... 14
STOP MQ MANAGER ................................................................................................................................. 14
APPENDIX D – REMOVING ES HOST SYSTEM ............................................................................... 15
ESCLEAN .................................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX E – OPTIONAL SOFTWARE............................................................................................. 16

INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF APPLICATION MANAGEMENT .................................................... 16
INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF METAMAN ................................................................................ 16
MODIFICATION HISTORY ................................................................................................................... 17
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1. Preface
a) Pre-Install Checklist and Worksheet
Please ensure you have read and address all the information in the pre-install guide. The
installation automation assumes all entries of the pre-install guide have been addressed and the
install will fail if this is not the case.
b) Example Authorization Scripts
The authorization scripts provided in the file are provided as examples
only and should not be considered as “product ready” scripts. There is a readme.txt file in the file that explains each script and its possible use. Refer to the readme
file before using or modifying any of these scripts.
c) BASE24 Product Documentation
A folder is included. This zip file contains the Publications manuals. Open the zip
file and read the Installing Electronically Distributed ACI Publications <ddMmmyyyy>.pdf
document. This document covers the steps necessary to unzip and load the BASE24
manuals/user guides to the UI Desktop PC. This folder should be extracted to each desktop that
will be running the User Interface.

The source zip files contain source code and are provided for documentation reference purposes
as described in the BASE24-es Customization Guide.
2. Worksheet
a) The BASE24-es UNIX Pre-Install Checklist and Worksheet has already been provided. The
Worksheet should already have been filled out before starting this install.
Use this worksheet to establish the port numbers, paths, and configuration settings to be used
throughout this document to install the ACI desktop user interface, the Version Checker, and the
USEC Server. This worksheet serves as a central location for all site-specific information you
will need to specify when installing the UIF. Numerous steps in this document refer you back to
this worksheet when you need to enter or edit data for site-specific UIF. Make sure that a
worksheet is completed accurately for each system that is being installed, before continuing with
the installation process.
End of Section
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1. Transfer Folder
a) If software was delivered via the Electronic Distribution method, move all the zip folders from
the distribution location (ED) to a folder on your PC and extract all the zipped folders
received on your shipment to the same folder. Do not extract the folders within these
delivered zipped folders, as the install program will do this for you.
2. List of Zip/Archive Files
a) As part of each shipment of code, there should a file called: report.txt. This file is a report that
ACI generates that describes in detail all the information about your particular shipment.
Open this file and look for the text Archives (near the top of the report). The Archive section
lists all the zip/archive files you should have received for this particular shipment.

Use this information to ensure all the files in the Archive section were sent. Additionally, you
can compare the SDR Product ID’s against your contract Product ID’s.
3. Running ES_INSTALL.exe Program
a) Double click on ES_INSTALL.exe. Refer to the worksheet for your values.

Once all the information has been entered, the desktop will be installed and a number of files
transferred to the target Unix machine for the host installation.
4. Running ESSETUP
a) If you have not installed ICE-XS or c-tree yet, you must do it now prior to the next step. If
you are just now going to install it, the installation files are located in the ES_HOME/install
directory called icexs_product.tar.gz (ICE-XS) and ctree_product.tar.gz (c-tree). Please see
the appropriate Install Guides for installation instructions.
b) To install BASE24-es on your Unix Host Server, from the $ES_HOME/install directory, type
in “./essetup” from the ES_HOME/install directory.

NOTE: The essetup script will need to have executable permission (e.g. chmod u+x essetup).

¾ chmod u+x essetup

¾ ./essetup

c) If your Web Application server is WebSphere, and it is located on a different Unix server than
the one on which you ran./essetup, you were then prompted to give your login to FTP the Web
Application configuration files to the WebSphere server. To complete the installation, you
must log in to the WebSphere Unix server and navigate to the ES_HOME/install directory.

NOTE: The essetup script will need to have executable permissions (e.g., chmod u+x
essetup) given again, since permissions are lost when running FTP.

¾ chmod u+x essetup

¾ ./essetup

d) The essetup script can be restarted on any given step by including the step as a parameter to
essetup. The step names and the status for each step are listed in the essetup.log file that is
created during execution of essetup.

To monitor the progress of your setup, from the ES_HOME/install directory:

¾ tail –f essetup.log
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To restart essetup on step 3 (an example):
¾ ./essetup step003

e) You can run the esinfo script that will collect important information pertaining to your new
BASE24-es system in a report form. The report, called “esinfo.log”, is located in $LOGS
directory, will help you become familiar with the directory structure, and all important
configurations. This report is also required documentation for any HELP24 requests. This
report is also appended to the “essetup.log” file. Help24 will also require the “essetup.log” if
any problems with installation.
f) Your c-tree server database has been created with an Administrator User-ID/Password of
ADMIN/ADMIN. This User-ID/Password is encrypted and stored in the secure.set file in
your $CONFIG directory. If you change your User-ID/Password, using the ctadmn utility,
you will need to also recreate this secure.set file with the changes. To do this, please refer to
the Operations Guide in the c-tree utilities/CTCMDSET section.
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APPENDIX A – Connectivity Verification Plan (CVP)

ES Connectivity Verification Plan

1. Initialize Environment Variables
a) Before any processing can occur, you must initialize the environment variables that contain the
values pertaining to your BASE24-es system. From the $ES_HOME/bin directory enter the

¾ . ./env_vars

NOTE: The above is a dot-space-dot-forward slash.

2. Start MQ Manager
a) Start your MQ manager for your BASE24-es system:


NOTE: Your MQ Manager is automatically started via the “essetup” Installation script.
3. Start c-tree Servers
a) Start your c-tree servers for your BASE24-es system:

¾ ctstart

NOTE: Your c-tree servers were automatically started via the “essetup” Installation script.
4. Start ICE-XS Listeners
a) Reference the ICE-xs Installation Document for information about the ICE-XS startup process.
Use the following command to start the ICE-XS process for each listener:

¾ runicexs xxx_yyy

(where xxx is the System prefix and yyy is the interface name. This “xxx_yyy” is the name of
your ICE-XS NOF file. Example below points to the $ICECFG/ia52_visa.nof file)
example: runicexs ia52_visa

To access your data through the UI, bring up your GUI listener
(i.e., runicexs xxxx_gui).

If you are planning to bring up a JDH, bring up your TSEC listener

(i.e., runicexs xxxx_tsec).

5. Start Application Manager

a) Start your Application Manager (JMX) for your BASE24-es system:

¾ cd $ES_HOME/ESJMX/bin
¾ runacijmx

NOTE: Your Application Manager is automatically started via the “essetup” Installation script.
6. Start SIS Timer Server Process
a) Start your ES System Timers for your BASE24-es system:

¾ runtimrp
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ES Connectivity Verification Plan

7. Start The IS Server Process
a) Run the script to start the IS process. The n is the number of the IS process you are going to
start. The number coincides with the command queue for that IS process you defined in the
MQ Series scripts. The command queues are the Queues denoted by a number at the end of the
Queue name. These numbers are to coincide with the number of the IS process you want to
start and the n specified below. The IS process runs in the background.

¾ runis n

8. Start the XML Server Process

a) Run the script to start the XML Server process. The XML Server process runs in the

¾ runxml

9. Start the EOPP Server Process

a) Run the script to start the EOPP Server process. The EOPP Server process runs in the

¾ runeopp

10. Start the CMCP Server Process

a) Run the script to start the CMCP Server process. The CMCP Server process runs in the

NOTE: Perform this step, only if you have purchased the Merchant/POS Acquirer
Interface. Without these modules, the “runcmcp” will fail to run correctly.

¾ runcmcp

11. Start the JQBTCH Server Process

a) Run the script to start the JQBTCH Server process. The JQBTCH Server process runs in the

¾ runjqbtch

12. Verify All Processes

a) Verify the processes are running by using the commands below:
The IS process:
¾ ps –ef | grep is.exe
The XML: process
¾ ps –ef | grep xml.exe
The ICE-XS (TCP/IP) processes:
¾ ps –ef | grep icexs
The c-tree process:
¾ ps –ef | grep ctsrvr
The MQ processes:
¾ ps –ef | grep mq

13. Start Version Checker

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ES Connectivity Verification Plan

a) From the $ES_HOME/ESUI , perform the following command:

¾ StartVersionChecker

14. Start User Security

a) From the $ES_HOME/ESUI directory, perform the following command:

¾ StartUsec

15. Start Version Check and User Security Together

a) From the directory $ES_HOME/ESUI, perform the following command:

¾ StartES

16. Start JDH (ATM Device Handler)

a) Run the script to start the JDH1 process. The n is the number of the JDH1 process you are
going to start. The JHD1 process runs in the background.

¾ runjdh n

or, if you are using IFX messaging:

¾ runifx n

17. Start UI-Server

a) Before starting your UI-Server, be sure you have already initialized your environment

¾ cd $ES_HOME/bin
¾ . ./env_vars

From the WebSphere “bin” directory, run the startup script to start your ESWeb application


Example, if your system prefix was “IA54”, your Application server name is “ES_IA54”, all in
19. Starting the Desktop
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ES Connectivity Verification Plan

a) Run the desktop.

On the workstation where you installed the desktop, perform one of the following:

Go to Start > Programs > <Program Group Name > RunDesktop.bat


Access Internet Explorer and enter the following URL address: http://<system IP address or
DNS name>:<port-number>/esweb (e.g., http//


Click on the desktop icon.

b) The first time you start the ACI desktop application from a workstation, the Version Checker
client window will be displayed. You must press the Update button on this window before you
can access the ACI desktop user interface. This step updates the jar files in the repository on
the workstation and can take several minutes to complete. Once this process has started, do not
interrupt it until it has completed.
c) To log on, click File, Log In. You must change the password and it must be alpha (no
repeating characters) with at least two numerics.

Additional logons are:

Login Password
SysAdmin SysAdmin01 (default logon/password)
SecAdmin SecAdmin01
TSSSysAdmin TSysAdmin01
TSSAdmin TSAdmin01

You will be prompted to change the password.

19. XML and ESWeb Server Connectivity
XML Connectivity
To verify connectivity to the XML Server, read up a record from the Environment window.

System Operations Æ Environment

ESWeb Connectivity
To verify connectivity to the ESWeb Server, read up a record from the External Connection

System Operations Æ Server Management Æ External Connection

20. Troubleshooting – Log Files
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ES Connectivity Verification Plan

a) If any errors are encountered, please send the following log files to Help24:

WAS: <WAS_DIR>logs/ES_<system_prefix>/SystemOut.log
Java Server: ES_HOME/ESWeb/ESLogs
USEC: ES_HOME/ESUI/Logs/ENTController.log (or .err)
VC: ES_HOME/ESUI/Logs/VerChk*.log (or .err)
xml.exe ES_HOME/logs/<system_prefix>.XML.out

End of Section
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APPENDIX B – Checking System Status

Checking System Status

1. esstatus
a) *** MQ Series Manager ***
J54D.MANAGER is running
There is 1 runmqlsr Running
There is 1 runmqtrm Running

*** c-tree server ***

J54DSVR is running

*** ES Processes for System: J54D ***

There is 1 IS1 Running
There is 1 XML Running
There is 1 USEC Running
There is 1 VersionChecker Running

*** ICE-XS Listeners ***

There is 1 J54D_GUI Running

This script will show you the status of your ES system. Below is an example of the output:

¾ esstatus

To continuously refresh, use “esstatusl” to loop every 5 seconds. Use Ctrl-c to break.

¾ esstatusl

2. View Event Messages

Each BASE24-es process produces event messages that are stored in XML format in your
$LOGS directory called evtlog file. See the “Event Subsystem” section of the Operations Guide
for more information on how this is done.

A script called runevtparser has been placed into your $BIN directory that allows you to view
your BASE24-es processes Event Messages, using SIEVTQ_XMLPARSER utility. See “Event
Subsystem” section of the Operations Guide for more information on this utility. The
runevtparser defaults to view the current day’s $LOGS/evtlog file.

To see today’s event messages, type:

¾ runevtparser
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Checking System Status

You can also provide a previous day’s file by providing the filename of the evtlog as a parameter
to runevtparser. To see a previous day’s event messages, type:

¾ runevtparser <evtlog.filename>
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APPENDIX C – Stopping the Applications

Stopping the Applications
1. Initialize Environment Variables
a) Before any processing can occur, you must initialize the environment variables that
contain the values pertaining to your BASE24-es system. From the $ES_HOME/bin

¾ . ./env_vars

NOTE: The above is a dot-space-dot-forward slash.

2. Stopping The ICE-XS Listeners
a) Use the following command to stop the ICE-XS process for each listener:

¾ stopicexs xxx_yyy

(where xxx is the System prefix and yyy is the interface name)
example: stopicexs ia52_visa

3. Stopping BASE24-es Server Processes

a) Use the following command to stop the IS #1 process:

¾ stopis 1

b) Use the following command to stop the SIS TIMER process:

¾ stoptimrp

c) Use the following command to stop the XML Server process:

¾ stopxml

d) Use the following command to stop the EOPP process:

¾ stopeopp

e) Use the following command to stop the CMCP process:

¾ stopcmcp

f) Use the following command to stop the JQBatch process:

¾ stopjqbtch

g) Use the following command to stop the Refresh process:

¾ stoprfsh

h) Use the following command to stop the SAF Manager process:

¾ stopsafm
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Stopping the Applications

i) Use the following command to stop the JDH #1 process:

¾ stopjdh n

j) Use the following command to stop the JDH-IFX #1 process:

¾ stopifx n

k) Use the following commands to stop the Application Manager (JMX) process:

¾ cd $ES_HOME/ESJMX/bin
¾ stopacijmx

4. Stopping Version Checker

a) From the $ES_HOME/ESUI , perform the following command:

¾ KillESVersionChecker

5. Stopping User Security

a) From the $ES_HOME/ESUI , perform the following command:


6. Stopping Version Checker and User Security

a) From the $ES_HOME/ESUI , perform the following command:

¾ KillES

7. Stopping Java Server

a) Stop your ESWeb application:


8. Stop c-tree Servers

a) Stop your c-tree servers for your BASE24-es system:

¾ ctend

* NOTE: You should shut down all ES processes before shutting down your c-tree
server, since all ES processes have open connections to it.
9. Stop MQ Manager
a) Stop your MQ manager for your BASE24-es system:


* NOTE: You should shut down all ES processes before shutting down your MQ
manager, since all ES processes have open connections to it.
End of Section
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APPENDIX D – Removing ES Host System

Removing ES Host System

A script to completely remove your BASE24-es system, called esclean, was placed in
your $ES_HOME/install directory. We have disabled the executable permissions on it.
(We suggest you secure this file!) This file MUST be executed from the
$ES_HOME/install directory. It also uses the SETUPINI file that is located in that
directory. The SETUPINI file must exist in the $ES_HOME/install directory for esclean
to function.

To execute:
¾ cd $ES_HOME/install
¾ chmod u+x esclean
¾ esclean
¾ cd $ES_HOME

The script uninstalls and removes everything that was placed under your $ES_HOME
directory. It will not remove your $ES_HOME directory. An esclean.log will be placed
in your $ES_HOME directory.

NOTE: If your ESWeb was installed onto a different Unix machine, you will need to
run the “esclean” from the $ES_HOME/install directory to remove the ESWeb
application there.

NOTE II: Since $ES_HOME/install directory is deleted during the execution of esclean,
you must change to another directory immediately after the execution of the macro.
End of Section
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APPENDIX E – Optional Software

Optional Software
1. Installation and Configuration of Application Management
a) Please refer to BASE24-es Application Management Installation and Configuration Guide on
the documents zip folder.
2. Installation and Configuration of MetaMan
b) Please refer to BASE24-es MetaMan Installation and Configuration Guide on the documents
zip folder.
End of Section
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03/30/05 DMG Initial Release of BASE24-es (v05.2) UNIX Install Guide
04/12/05 JMK Changed Start TCP/IP Listeners for the Test System"; to "Start ICE-XS
04/20/05 DMG Added End of Section
04/21/05 DMG Added Log files necessary for troubleshooting
04/22/05 JMK Modified info for stopping BASE24-es processes
04/25/05 DMG/DKE Lit edit changes
04/27/05 JMK Corrected a few typo’s and added stop of JDH
05/12/05 DMG Changed Heading 2 case to title case
06/07/05 JMK Added notes about esclean and ctend steps
06/08/05 JMK Added Checking System Status
06/09/05 DMG/DKE Changed esprocs to esstatus and lit edits.
06/24/05 JMK Added more “esclean” info
07/14/05 JMK Added verbage about installation of 3rd Party Software.
08/08/05 DMG Updated the Properties of this document
08/29/05 JMK Start of v05.4
Added info about evtlog messages, and c-tree user-id/password
9/22/05 JMK Updated ESWeb information
10/18/05 DMG Added the Desktop section
10/19/05 DMG Added the WebSphere directory as the location for starting ESWeb.
10/21/05 DMG 1. Removed the hard coded date in the following document:
Installing Electronically Distributed ACI Publications <ddMmmyyyy>.pdf
2. Moved Appendix A to after Appendix B
11/17/05 DMG 1. Changed to
2. Added location of esinfo script.
01/03/06 JMK Added steps to start/stop the JMX process and location of the stopacijmx.
02/06/06 JMK Clarification of some steps.

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