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The Youth and Climate Change

Mark Anindya

Copyright © Earth Club NSU

It is a very common practice to try to integrate passion and enthusiasm of the youth
with any desired movement. History gives testimony of positive outcome for such action. Here
in Bangladesh the youth of 70’s were instrumental in liberating the country from oppressors.
The obvious question thus arises what does the youth of today offer to protect their
motherland from probable inundation (due to sea level rise triggered by climate change) under
water in coming decades.   

For assessing the possible contribution of the young generation, it has to be understood
that the climate change occurs mostly from the internationally dominating regions of the earth.
For a developing country like Bangladesh, there are not much realistic chances of surviving from
the situation other than hoping for more co-operation from the industrialized nations in this
aspect- forget the ‘power ‘of the youth to bring in any significant change. Raising awareness
about the situation is perhaps the maximum that can be afforded- as is the solution most
frequently prescribed in the remedy of any problems even when no clear-cut solution exists like
this one. What can be the targeted population? Mostly the local people off course and may be a
selective few abroad in this age of internet via some sporadic nature volunteers- that still is not
of much impact really. But even before this awareness raising stereotype is brought about, one
more basic question awaits – why would an ambitious young person of 21rst century put such
hard effort in his leisure times for some uncertain future betterment of the climate change

Earth Club of North South University aims to perform the difficult task of improving
environment with small steps which includesa.k.a. awareness rising including seminars,
workshops, exhibitions, school campaigns, ecotrips etc. But the more important task such club
carries out is the bridging of the gap between nature and its urban members. A rich kid who has
had his/her whole upbringing done on solid concrete gets to come in contact with soil and
discovers a new fondness. A metalhead who grew up aspiring to finish as an ultimate anti-hero
starts functioning as a more ‘civil’ citizen by refraining from littering here and there. These are
the youth organizations that bring in people from all backgrounds and nurture a common
interest of love for nature in them. This is the initial step of unifying the mass youth behind
environment and thus against climate change impacts that actually could bring about a firm
stand on the issue and be echoed beyond borders to get some positive impact.      

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