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Approved 9-1-20

Recently, the Monarch Quarterback Club, the booster organization which supports the
Monarch Football team, released this year’s senior photograph. The Monarch Quarterback
Club has sponsored, organized, and produced the senior picture and poster for many years.
While we have a collaborative working relationship with the Monarch Quarterback Club and are
grateful for the support they offer our student-athletes, we do not provide direct oversight of
their organization. The booster group is a separate legal entity with their own governing board.

Through many conversations, we have been informed that the photograph was intended to
honor various family and friends of the senior football players who serve as first responders
and military personnel. Additionally, the picture was taken as a special recognition for a fellow
teammate who chose to forego his senior year and graduate early to begin serving our country
in the military.

As stated last week, it is easy to rush to judgment, especially right now with our society being
so polarized. It is important to understand that intent cannot be measured or evaluated in a
picture. It is also important to recognize multiple perspectives...a symbol or flag can mean one
thing to one person and something entirely different to another.

We have worked diligently to promote and preserve an inclusive school culture as we fulfill our
mission to provide a quality education. We consider this a teachable moment and an
opportunity to demonstrate the ability to understand and respect the feelings of others. In the
midst of the controversy associated with the photo, it is clear that we have a community full of
pride and a collective interest in providing the best for our students. Additionally, we recognize
the need for open communication in order to create awareness, foster empathy, and bring a
better understanding amongst us all. It is ok to have differing opinions. Seeking to engage in
respectful two-way communication will build trusting relationships. This is fundamental for us to
move forward. We will passionately work towards a future that serves our students now and
our community in the future.

We are incredibly fortunate and grateful to have a strong collaborative relationship with the first
responders in Marysville and Union County. Simultaneously, we recognize the real pain felt
across America due to all forms of injustice.

Our hope is that our community can come together, find common ground, and respectfully
recognize multiple perspectives on this issue. When we choose to see only one side, one way,
or one opinion, we limit our collective ability to see the rich character of our entire community.
The beauty is when we can find commonalities and the “and” in our situations, that’s when we
win. Can we honor and respect first responders AND fight against injustice? ​We say yes!​ We
believe promoting a culture of respect, inclusion, and understanding will help us move forward
in our community and allow us to come together as a stronger, better Monarch Nation and

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