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Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Licensee: City of Cockburn

Licence: L9159/2018/1

Registered office: 9 Colevill Crescent


Premises address: Henderson Waste Recovery Park

920 Rockingham Road
Being Lot 202 on Plan 60443, Lot 2 on Diagram 17998 and Lot 235 on Plan

Issue date: 23 October 2018

Expiry date: 22 October 2021

Prescribed premises category

Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987

Category Approved Premises

Category production or production or design
Category description
number design capacity
61 Liquid waste facility: premises on which liquid 100 tonnes or 120 tonnes per annual
waste produced on other premises (other than more per year period
sewage waste) is stored, reprocessed, treated or
62 Solid waste depot: premises on which waste is 500 tonnes or 50,000 tonnes per annual
stored, or sorted, pending final disposal or more per year period
63 Class I inert landfill site: premises on which 500 tonnes or 15,000 tonnes per annual
waste (as determined by reference to the waste more per year period
type set out in the document entitled “Landfill
Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996”
published by the Chief Executive Officer and as
amended from time to time) is accepted for burial.
64 Class II or III putrescible landfill site: premises on 20 tonnes or 200,000 tonnes per
which waste (as determined by reference to the more per year annual period
waste type set out in the document entitled
“Landfill Waste Classification and Waste
Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive
Officer and as amended from time to time) is
accepted for burial.
This licence is granted to the licence holder, subject to the attached conditions, on 10 March 2020, by:

Tracey byHassell
Digitally signed
Tracey Hassell
Hassell Date: 2020.03.10
16:30:55 +08'00'
an officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
Licence 1
Contents 2
Introduction 2
Licence conditions 5
1 General 5
2 Emissions 16
3 Monitoring 17
4 Improvements 21
5 Information 21
Schedule 1: Maps 24
Schedule 2: N1 – Notification form 33
Schedule 3: Minimum Specifications 35
Schedule 4: CQA Requirements 40

This Introduction is not part of the Licence conditions.

DWER’s industry licensing role

The Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) is a government department for the
state of Western Australia in the portfolio of the Minister for Environment. DWER’s purpose is to
advise on and implement strategies for a healthy environment for the benefit of all current and future
Western Australians.

DWER has responsibilities under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (the Act) for the
licensing of prescribed premises. Through this process DWER works with the business owners,
community, consultants, industry and other representatives to prevent, control and abate pollution and
environmental harm to conserve and protect the environment. DWER also monitors and audits
compliance with works approvals and licence conditions, takes enforcement action as appropriate and
develops and implements licensing and industry regulation policy.

Licence requirements
This Licence is issued under Part V of the Act. Conditions contained within the Licence relate to the
prevention, reduction or control of emissions and discharges to the environment and to the monitoring
and reporting of them.

Where other statutory instruments impose obligations on the Premises/Licensee the intention is not to
replicate them in the licence conditions. You should therefore ensure that you are aware of all your
statutory obligations under the Act and any other statutory instrument. Legislation can be accessed
through the State Law Publisher website using the following link:

For your Premises relevant statutory instruments include but are not limited to obligations under the:

 Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 – these Regulations make

it an offence to discharge certain materials such as contaminated stormwater into the environment
other than in the circumstances set out in the Regulations.

 Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004 - these Regulations place

obligations on you if you produce, accept, transport or dispose of controlled waste.

 Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 – these Regulations require noise emissions
from the Premises to comply with the assigned noise levels set out in the Regulations.

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
You must comply with your licence. Non-compliance with your licence is an offence and strict
penalties exist for those who do not comply.
Licence holders are also reminded of the requirements of section 53 of the Act which places
restrictions on making certain changes to prescribed premises unless the changes are in accordance
with a works approval, licence, closure notice or environmental protection notice.

Licence fees
If you have a licence that is issued for more than one year, you are required to pay an annual licence
fee prior to the anniversary date of issue of your licence. Non payment of annual licence fees will
result in your licence ceasing to have effect meaning that it will no longer be valid and you will need to
apply for a new licence for your Premises.

Ministerial conditions
If your Premises has been assessed under Part IV of the Act you may have had conditions imposed
by the Minister for Environment. You are required to comply with any conditions imposed by the

Premises description and Licence summary

The City of Cockburn (CoC) has operated the Henderson Waste Recovery Park (HWRP) on
Rockingham Road, Henderson since 1990. HWRP consists of an inert landfill, a putrescible landfill, a
domestic transfer station, green waste mulching area, a household hazardous waste storage shed,
leachate ponds and a landfill gas power generation plant. The putrescible landfill includes Cells 1,2
and 3 which are capped, Cells 4,5 and 6 which are currently uncapped and Cell 7 where waste is
actively being deposited. In June 2016, a Landfill Closure Management Plan was submitted setting out
the activities to be undertaken as part of the progressive closure and rehabilitation of the site.

HRWP currently accepts municipal solid waste, commercial and industrial waste, construction and
demolition waste, inert waste and alternate daily cover. The domestic transfer station accepts and
sorts solid waste pending final disposal or re-use. The HWRP provides a service to the Kwinana
Industrial strip and many other commercial and domestic users where metropolitan landfill capacity is
limited. Greenwaste is removed from the domestic waste stream only and stockpiled onsite until it is
chipped into mulch.

The HWRP is located on the Swan Coast Plain, 3 kilometres inland from the Indian Ocean coastline.
The premises is underlain by limestone and calcrete and depth to groundwater varies on site from
approximately 5 – 18 metres below ground level. The HWRP is located within the Environmental
Protection (Kwinana) (Atmospheric Wastes) Policy 1999 (Kwinana EPP) area. The Beeliar Regional
Park (Bush Forever) is located to the west of the property, separated by Rockingham Road and
contains the conservation category wetlands, Lake Mount Brown, Brownman Swamp and Anderson
Swamp. The nearest residences are located adjacent to the south west boundary, on Rockingham
and Musson Roads. There are also numerous residences and market gardens located to the east of
Cell 7, separated by the railway line, on Moylan Road, west of Cell 6 on Rockingham Road and
adjacent to the premises boundary to the east of Cell 4.

This licence is the replacement licence issued for L6965/1997/14 under the EP Act.

Licence amendment summary

In October 2019, a licence amendment application was submitted to perform infrastructure works to
construct landfill capping to Cell 6. The cell was finally completed in 2011 and it was decided to leave
the cell uncapped to allow it to decompose and settle and reach its final approved post-settlement cell
height by the beginning of the 2019-2020 financial year. The purpose of a landfill cap is to provide a
long-term sustainable barrier between the waste and the environment. It is designed to limit the
ingress of moisture to 75% of the leakage rate through the base liner, so as not to accumulate
leachate within the landfill.

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
The licences and works approvals issued for the Premises since 13 December 2012 are:

Instrument log
Instrument Issued Description
L6965/1997/14 13/12/2012 Licence amendment to include Leachate Pond B.
L6965/1997/14 2/4/2015 Licence amendment to extend duration for two months.
L6965/1997/14 4/6/2015 Licence reissue in new format.
L6965/1997/14 29/04/2016 Licence duration was extended to 2021.
L6965/1997/14 28/03/2018 Amendment Notice 1 issued to include additional category 61.
L6965 licence ceased to have effect in 2018 due to non
payment of fees.
L9159/2018/1 23/10/2018 The new replacement licence issued for the ceased licence.
Also this licence includes amendments issued under the
previous licence.
L9159/2018/1 10/03/2020 Amendment issued for capping of landfill Cell 6.

It is the intent of these Licence conditions that they shall operate so that, if a condition or a part of a
condition is beyond the power of this Licence to impose, or is otherwise ultra vires or invalid, that
condition or part of a condition shall be severed and the remainder of these conditions shall
nevertheless be valid to the extent that they are within the power of this Licence to impose and are not
otherwise ultra vires or invalid.


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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
Licence conditions
1 General
1.1 Interpretation

1.1.1 In the Licence, definitions from the Environmental Protection Act 1986 apply unless the
contrary intention appears.

1.1.2 For the purposes of this Licence, unless the contrary intention appears:

‘AACR’ means Annual Audit Compliance Report, the current template for which can be found on the
DWER’s website

‘ACM’ means asbestos containing material and has the meaning defined in the Guidelines for
Assessment, Remediation and Management of Asbestos Contaminated Sites, Western Australia,
(DOH, 2009);

‘Acceptance Criteria’ has meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Act’ means the Environmental Protection Act 1986;

AHD’ means the Australian height datum;

‘annual period’ means the inclusive period from 2 March until 1 March in the following year;

‘AQIS’ means Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service;

‘asbestos’ means the asbestiform variety of mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine or
amphibole groups of rock-forming minerals and includes actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile,
crocidolite, tremolite and any mixture containing 2 or more of those;

‘asbestos fibres’ has the meaning defined in the Guidelines for Assessment, Remediation and
Management of Asbestos Contaminated Sites, Western Australia, (DOH, 2009);

‘AS 2001.2.13’ means the Australian Standard AS 2001.2.13 Methods of tests for textiles Physical
tests – Determination of mass per unit area and mass per unit length of fabrics;

‘AS 2001.2.15’ means the Australian Standard AS 2001.2.15 Methods of test for textiles Physical tests
– Determination of thickness of textile fabrics;

‘AS 3706.2’ means the Australian Standard AS 3706.2 -2012 Geotextiles – Methods of Test. Method
2: Determination of tensile properties – Wide strip and grab method;

‘AS 3706-3’ means the Australian Standard AS 3706.3-2012 Geotextiles – Methods of test
Determination of tearing strength – Trapezoidal Method;

‘AS 3706.4’ means the Australian Standard AS 3706.4-2012 Geotextiles – Methods of test
Determination of burst strength – California bearing ratio (CBR) – Plunger method;

‘AS 3706.5’ means the Australian Standard AS 3706.5-2014 Geotextiles – Methods of test
Determination of puncture resistance – Drop cone Method;

‘AS/NZS 5667.1’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.1 Water Quality – Sampling –
Guidance of the Design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and
handling of samples;

‘AS/NZS 5667.4’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.4 Water Quality – Sampling –
Guidance on sampling from lakes, natural and man-made;

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
‘AS/NZS 5667.10’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.10 Water Quality – Sampling –
Guidance on sampling of waste waters;

‘AS/NZS 5667.11’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.11 Water Quality – Sampling –
Guidance on sampling of groundwaters;

‘ASTM D1004’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D1004 Standard Test Method for Tear
Resistance (Graves Tear) of Plastic Film and Sheeting;

‘ASTM D1505’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D1505 Standard Test Method for
Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique;

‘ASTM D3895’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D3895 Standard Test Method for
Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry;

‘ASTM D4218’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D4218 Standard Test Method for
Determination of Carbon Black Content in Polyethylene Compounds By the Muffle-Furnace

‘ASTM D4833’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D4833 Standard Test Method for Index
Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes and Related Products;

‘ASTM D5199’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5199 Standard Test Method for
Measuring the Nominal Thickness of Geosynthetics;

‘ASTM D5596’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5596 Standard Test Method For
Microscopic Evaluation of the Dispersion of Carbon Black in Polyolefin Geosynthetics;

‘ASTM D5617’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5617 Standard Test Method for Multi-
Axial Tension Test for Geosynthetics;

‘ASTM D5641’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5641 Standard Practice for
Geomembrane Seam Evaluation by Vacuum Chamber;

‘ASTM D5820’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5820 Standard Practice for
Pressurized Air Channel Evaluation of Dual-Seamed Geomembranes;

‘ASTM D5885’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5885 Standard Test Method for
Oxidative Induction Time of Polyolefin Geosynthetics by High-Pressure Differential Scanning

‘ASTM D5887’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5887 Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Index Flux Through Saturated Geosynthetic Clay Liner Specimens Using a Flexible
Wall Permeameter;

‘ASTM D5890’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5890 Standard Test Method for Swell
Index of Clay Mineral Component of Geosynthetic Clay Liners;

‘ASTM D5891’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5891 Standard Test Method for Fluid
Loss of Clay Component of Geosynthetic Clay Liners;

‘ASTM D5993’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5993 Standard Test Method for
Measuring Mass Per Unit of Geosynthetic Clay Liners;

‘ASTM D5994’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D5994 Standard Test Method for
Measuring Core Thickness of Textured Geomembranes;

‘ASTM D6364’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D6364 Standard Test Method for
Determining Short-Term Compression Behavior of Geosynthetics;

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
‘ASTM D6392’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D6392 Standard Method for
Determining the Integrity of Nonreinforced Geomembrane Seams Produced Using thermos-Fusion

‘ASTM D6496’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D6496 Standard Test Method for
Determining Average Bonding Peel Strength Between Top and Bottom Layers of Needle-Punched
Geosynthetic Clay Liners;

‘ASTM D6693’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D6693 Standard Test Method for
Determining Tensile Properties of Nonreinforced Polyethylene and Nonreinforced Flexible
Polypropylene Geomembrane;

‘ASTM D6768’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D6768 Standard Test Method for
Tensile Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liners;

‘ASTM D7005’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D7005 Standard Test Method for
Determining the Bond Strength (Ply Adhesion) of Geocomposites;

‘ASTM D7179’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D7179 Standard Test Method for
Determining Geonet Breaking Force;

‘ASTM D792’ means the ASTM International Standard ASTM D792 Standard Test Methods for
Density and Specific Gravity (relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement;

‘averaging period’ means the time over which a limit or target is measured, or a monitoring result is

‘Cell 6’ means the cell marked as ‘Cell 6’ in Schedule 1 of the Licence;

‘CEO’ means Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation;

‘CEO’ for the purpose of correspondence means;

Director General
Department administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986
Locked Bag 10
Joondalup DC WA 6919

‘Clean Fill’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘code of practice for the storage and handling of dangerous goods’ means the document titled
“Storage and handling of dangerous goods: Code of Practice“ published by the Department of Mines,
Industry Regulation and Safety, as amended from time to time;

‘Contaminated Solid Waste’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘controlled waste’ has the definition in Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations

‘dangerous goods’ has the meaning defined in the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling
of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007;

‘environmentally hazardous material’ means material (either solid or liquid raw materials, materials
in the process of manufacture, manufactured products, products used in the manufacturing process,
by-products and waste) which if discharged into the environment from or within the premises may
cause pollution or environmental harm. Note: Environmentally hazardous materials include dangerous
goods where they are stored in quantities below placard quantities. The storage of dangerous goods
above placard quantities is regulated by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety;

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Licence: L9159/2018/1
File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
‘freeboard’ means the distance between the maximum water surface elevations and the top of
retaining banks or structures at their lowest point;

‘fugitive emissions’ means all emissions not arising from point sources;

‘‘Green Waste’ means waste that originates from flora and which does not contain or has not been
treated or coated with, preserving agents, biocides, fire retardants, paint, adhesives or binders;

‘Inert Waste Type 1’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Inert Waste Type 2’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Landfill Definitions’ means the document titled “Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions
1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment as amended from
time to time.

‘Landfill Gas’ means gas generated from the decomposition of waste containing a mixture of
methane, carbon dioxide and other gases

‘leachate’ means liquid released by or water that has percolated through waste and which contains
some of its constituents;

‘Licence’ means this Licence numbered L9159/2018/1 and issued under the Act;

‘Licensee’ means the person or organisation named as Licensee on page 1 of the Licence;

‘mulched’ means greenwaste shredded by a mechanical process into small pieces;

‘NATA’ means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia;

‘NATA accredited’ means in relation to the analysis of a sample that the laboratory is NATA
accredited for the specified analysis at the time of the analysis;

‘Premises’ means the area defined in the Premises Map in Schedule 1 and listed as the Premises
address on page 1 of the Licence;
‘Putrescible’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 (As
amended December 2009), published by the CEO and as amended from time to time;

‘quarantined storage area or container’ means a hardstand storage area or sealed-bottom

container that is separate and isolated from authorised waste disposal areas and is capable of
containing all non-conforming waste and its constituents, these areas must be clearly marked and their
access restricted to authorised personnel;

‘Qualified Geotechnical Engineer’ means a person who:

a) holds a Bachelor of Engineering recognised by the Institute of Engineers; and
b) has a minimum of five years of experience working in a supervisory area of geotechnical
engineering; and
c) Is employed by an independent third party external to the Works Approval Holder’s business;

or is otherwise approved in writing by the CEO to act in this capacity.

‘Quarantine Waste’ means material from a foreign region or country that is capable of being host to
insects, helminths or other parasites, diseases, weeds or any other organisms that are not existent or
prevalent in Australia and pose a potential threat to local ecosystems, people or local plant or animal
industries. Quarantine Waste may include:
 Material used to pack and stabilise imported goods;
 Galley food and any other waste from overseas vessels;
 Human; animal or plant waste bought into Australia;
 Refuse or sweepings from a hold of an overseas vessel;

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File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
 Any other waste or other material, which comes into contact with Quarantine Waste;
 Contents of AQIS airport amnesty bins; and
 Articles seized by AQIS and/or not collected by clients.

‘rehabilitation’ means the completion of the engineering of a landfill cell and includes capping and/or
final cover;

‘Schedule 1’ means Schedule 1 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘Schedule 2’ means Schedule 2 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘Schedule 3’ means Schedule 3 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘Schedule 4’ means Schedule 4 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘six monthly’ means the 2 inclusive periods from 2 March to 1 September and 2 September to 1
March in the following year;

‘Special Waste Type 1’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Special Waste Type 2’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘spot sample’ means a discrete sample representative at the time and place at which the sample is

‘Temporary Transfer Station’ means facility designed to separate waste from domestic trailer traffic,
located on top of Cells 4 and 5 (as depicted in Schedule 1);

“tipping area” means the area of the landfill in which waste other than cover material is being

‘usual working day’ means 0800 – 1700 hours, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in
Western Australia;

‘vacuum box test’ means a non-destructive examination used when trying to locate weld seam leaks;

‘x-ray diffraction’ means a non-destructive test method used to analyse the structure of crystalline

‘µS/cm’ means microsiemens per centimetre.

1.1.3 Any reference to an Australian or other standard in the Licence means the relevant parts of
the standard in force from time to time during the term of this Licence.

1.1.4 Any reference to a guideline or code of practice in the Licence means the version of that
guideline or code of practice in force from time to time, and shall include any amendments or
replacements to that guideline or code of practice made during the term of this Licence.

1.2 General conditions

1.2.1 Nothing in the Licence shall be taken to authorise any emission that is not mentioned in the
Licence, where the emission amounts to:
(a) pollution;
(b) unreasonable emission;
(c) discharge of waste in circumstances likely to cause pollution; or
(d) being contrary to any written law.

1.2.2 The Licensee shall operate and maintain all pollution control and monitoring equipment to the
manufacturer’s specification or any relevant and effective internal management system.

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File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8
1.2.3 The Licensee, except where storage is prescribed in section 1.3, shall ensure that
environmentally hazardous materials are stored in accordance with the code of practice for the
storage and handling of dangerous goods.

1.2.4 The Licensee shall immediately recover, or remove and dispose of spills of environmentally
hazardous materials outside an engineered containment system.

1.2.5 The Licensee shall:

(a) implement all practical measures to prevent stormwater run-off becoming
contaminated by the activities on the Premises; and
(b) treat contaminated or potentially contaminated stormwater as necessary prior to being
discharged from the Premises.1
Note1: The Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 make it an offence to
discharge certain materials into the environment.

1.2.6 The Licensee must construct/undertake capping works in accordance with the requirements in
Table 1.2.1.
Table 1.2.1: Capping Works specifications
Landfill cell/ Specifications Design Plan
Infrastructure Reference
Cell 6 – The Cell 6 capping subgrade must be designed to achieve Landfill capping
Sub-grade the following: details 1
Preparation  Steel drum rolled to ensure no excessive Landfill capping
irregularities, depressions or obstructions that may details 2
affect the integrity of the synthetic liner; Landfill capping
 Removal of unsuitable material2; details 3
 Free from any sharp objects, stone, debris, water
and desiccation cracks;
 All vegetation (weeds) removed from areas on
which synthetic liner is to be installed;
 Filled with compacted material meeting the
following parameters on placement1:
o Moisture conditioned to +/- 2 % of optimum
and compacted to not less than 90% of the
Modified Maximum Dry Density (MMDD)
o Free of debris (<2% by weight organic
o General fill material with a maximum
particle dimension no larger than 200mm;
o Sandy fill material with a maximum particle
dimension no larger than 40mm.

Cell 6 – The Cell 6 capping GCL must be designed and constructed Landfill capping
Geosynthetic to meet the following specifications: details 1
Clay Liner  Reinforced, multi-layered system comprising two Landfill capping
(GCL) and layers of geotextile encapsulating a layer of dry details 2
coated GCL bentonite; material for the side slope shall also Landfill capping
incorporate a polyethylene coating, laminated GCL details 3
products are not acceptable; Cell 6 landfill
 Laid in roof tile effect to allow continuous flow of capping layout
water in the downward slope direction, installed plan
such that the panels are continuous down side
 No placement with folds or wrinkles in the overlap
 The overlap zone shall be kept clean and shall not
be contaminated with loose soil or other debris;

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 The minimum longitudinal overlap shall be 300mm
and the minimum roll-end overlap shall be 1.5m on
the top of the landfill and an anchor trench and
1.5m overlap on the side slopes;
 Panel overlaps must be sealed with bentonite paste
or powder/granules; and
 GCL material properties meeting ‘minimum values’
defined in Schedule 3 Table 1.
 No panel placement with folds or wrinkles in the
overlap zone;
 GCL installed on slopes is to be fixed in anchor
trenches or extend a minimum of 5 m up onto the
top of the landfill;
Cell 6 – The Cell 6 LLDPE geomembrane must be designed and Landfill capping
LLDPE constructed to meet the following specifications: details 1
Geomembrane  Overlying; and in intimate contact with GCL; Landfill capping
layer (above  Manufacturer specified thickness of 2mm; details 2
the GCL)  Textured on one side and installed with the textured Landfill capping
surface in contact with GCL; details 3
 All LLDPE panels subject to copper wedge shall Cell 6 landfill
create two contact fusion areas of a minimum width capping layout
of 15mm and a 5mm minimum wide void between plan
each of the separate parallel weld zones;
 All LLDPE panels subject to extrusion welding shall
have a minimum width of the surface extruded bead
of 30mm;
 All LLDPE panels subject to hot wedge welding
must be overlapped by a minimum of 125mm and a
minimum of 75mm for extrusion welding; and
 LLDPE material properties meeting ‘minimum
values’ defined in Schedule 3 Table 2.
Cell 6 - The Cell 6 non-woven protection geotextile must be Landfill capping
Nonwoven designed and constructed to meet the following details 1
geotextile specifications: Landfill capping
cushion layer  Geotextile shall be 100 % polyester or details 2
polypropylene, non-woven needle-punched Landfill capping
geotextile fabric; details 3
 Geotextile shall be placed overlying; and in contact
with the LLDPE geomembrane;
 Geotextile shall be installed such that the sheets
are free of wrinkles and folds;
 Geotextile panels shall be laid in roof tile effect to
allow continuous flow of water in the downward
slope direction;
 Geotextile panel overlap must be a minimum of
 Joining of the sheets shall be conducted by
stitching or by heat bonding and joins shall be
continuous along the full join length; and
 Geotextile material properties meeting ‘minimum
values’ defined in Schedule 3 Table 3.
Cell 6 - The Cell 6 geocomposite drainage layer must be designed Landfill capping
Geocomposite and constructed to meet the following specifications: details 1
Drainage  Consisting of a HDPE resin geonet with non-woven Landfill capping
Layer 100% polyester or polypropylene, non-woven details 2
needle-punched geotextile fabric heat bonded on Landfill capping
both sides; details 3
 Shall be placed overlying; and in contact with the
coated GCL;

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 Geocomposite panels shall be laid to allow Cell 6 landfill
continuous flow of water within the geocomposite capping layout
drainage material; and plan
 Geocomposite drainage material properties
meeting ‘minimum values’ defined in Schedule 3
Table 4.
Cell 6 – The Cell 6 gas collection pipework must be designed and Landfill capping
Gas Collection constructed to meet the following specifications: details 1
Pipework  Installation of landfill gas collection pipes as Landfill capping
specified and to the extent shown in the detailed details 2
design drawings specified in Column 3 of this table; Landfill gas
 Pipes must be placed so that no damage occurs to collection
the pipes; pipework layout
 Joining of pipes shall be in accordance with the plan
pipe manufacturer’s recommendations; Cell 6 landfill
 Perforated pipes are to be wrapped with a light capping layout
geotextile sheet or filter sock to prevent sand from plan
entering the cut or drilled holes; and
 Landfill gas collection pipes shall be placed directly
into pipe trenches with side support material.

Cell 6 – The Cell 6 capping growing medium material shall: Landfill capping
Growing  Comprise silty sandy or clayey sand soil which details 1
Medium have a maximum particle dimension no larger than Landfill capping
300mm; details 2
 Placed in a single layer and not compacted; Landfill capping
 Minimum layer thickness of 1.2m; and details 3
 Have unsuitable material2 removed. Cell 6 landfill
 Placement of growing medium material to be capping layout
carried out so as not to damage the liner materials plan
and negatively impact on the slope stability1;
 Top of capping designed to 1V in 50H slope; and
 Side batter designed to no steeper than 1V in 3H
Note 1: Determined in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1289.5.2.1, Methods of testing soil for engineering
Note 2: The suitability of material is defined in the Australian Standard AS 3798, Guidelines on earthworks for
commercial and residential developments.

1.2.7 The Licensee shall undertake a minimum of two Material-Specific direct shear tests only for
side slope capping system of the Cell 6 capping system in accordance with ASTM D5321.

1.2.8 The Licensee shall undertake quality assurance including visual inspection, materials testing
and weld testing for GCL, LLDPE Geomembrane, Geotextile and Geocomposite layers in
accordance with the CQA tables in Schedule 4.

1.2.9 The Licensee must ensure that all laboratory samples taken in accordance with Condition
1.2.7 are submitted to and tested by a laboratory with current NATA accreditation for the
parameters being measured unless indicated otherwise in the relevant table.

1.2.10 Within 30 days of the completion of the Cell 6 Capping Works specified in Table 1.2.1, the
Licensee must provide to the CEO a compliance certification from a suitably qualified
professional confirming each item or component of infrastructure specified In Table 1.2.1 has
been constructed with no material defects and to the requirements specified in Column 2.

1.2.11 The compliance certification required by Condition 1.2.9 must be accompanied by a

Construction Quality Assurance Validation Report that:
(a) is written and certified by a Qualified Geotechnical Engineer (or equivalent) that
completed the construction quality assurance processes detailed in Schedule 4;
(b) assesses results against minimum values detailed in Schedule 3;

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(c) documents all repairs to subgrade and resulting from non-destructive weld testing;
(d) certifies that the sub-grade and liner is free of fault or defect, built to the design
specification and fit for the intended purpose;
(e) includes copies of results of surveys and drawings of the final capping, inspections,
monitoring and testing for the sub-grade preparation, liner installation and extraction
systems; and
(f) demonstrates compliance with Condition 1.2.6.

1.2.12 Vegetation and rehabilitation of Cell 6 must commence within 6-months of the completion of the
Cell 6 capping works specified in Condition 1.2.6.

1.3 Premises operation

1.3.1 The Licensee shall only accept waste on to the Premises if:
(a) it is of a type listed in Table 1.3.1;
(b) the quantity accepted is below any quantity limit listed in Table 1.3.1;
(c) it meets any specification listed in Table 1.3.1; and
(d) in the case of contaminated solid waste is supported by documentation that
demonstrates compliance with the acceptance criteria for the relevant Class landfill.

Table 1.3.1: Waste acceptance

Waste Quantity Limit tonnes/annual period Specification 1
Cat 61 Cat 62 Cat 63 Cat 64
Green Waste N/A
Putrescible N/A None specified
Clean fill Combined
Inert Waste Type total of Waste containing visible
1 50,000 asbestos or ACM shall not be
tonnes accepted.
Inert Waste Type Combined Tyres and plastic only
2 total
Special Waste 15,000 Cement bonded asbestos only.
Type 1 N/A tonnes No fibrous asbestos shall be
total of
N/A accepted.
Contaminated tonnes Must meet the waste acceptance
solid waste criteria for Class I landfills
(Class I)
Special Waste Biomedical waste that is not
Type 2 radioactive2
Contaminated Must meet the waste acceptance
solid waste N/A criteria for Class II or III landfills
(Class II & III)
Quarantine As defined in condition 1.1.2
Hazardous Liquid 120 NA Limited to paints and resins only
Waste tonnes
Note 1: Additional requirements for the acceptance of controlled waste (including asbestos and tyres) are set out
in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.
Note 2: Information relating to the classification of radioactive waste can be found in the Western Australian
Radiation Safety Act 1975

1.3.2 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste does not meet the waste acceptance criteria set
out in condition 1.3.1 it is removed from the Premises by the delivery vehicle or, where that is
not possible, stored in a quarantined storage area or container and removed to an
appropriately authorised facility as soon as practicable.

1.3.3 The Licensee shall ensure that wastes accepted onto the Premises are only subjected to the
process(es) set out in Table 1.3.2 and in accordance with any process limits described in that

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Table 1.3.2: Waste processing
Waste type(s) Process Process limits 1,2
 Shall only take place within the landfill area shown on the
Landfill Area Map in Schedule 1;
All in Table  No waste shall be temporarily stored or landfilled within 35
1.3.1 (excluding Disposal of metres from the boundary of the premises; and
tyres) waste by  The separation distance between the base of the landfill
landfilling and the highest groundwater level shall not be less than
Inert Waste storage prior to  No more than 100 tyres stored at any one time.
Type 2 - Tyres
removal from
the premises
 Only be stored and mulched in the Green Waste Storage
Area shown on the map prior to removal from the premises;
 Not to be stored in dried state;
 No more than 2000m3 of greenwaste and 6000m3 of
Storage prior to mulched greenwaste stored at any one time;
mulching,  Mulched Green Waste to be stored in windrows no more
Green Waste mulching or than 3 metres high, 4 metres wide and be separated by at
disposal by least 5 metres;
landfilling  Mulched Green Waste windrows with an internal
temperature exceeding 80 degrees Celsius shall be turned,
mixed or otherwise treated, to reduce the temperature; and
 A 5 metre fire break shall be maintained around the Green
Waste Storage Area.
Clean Fill
Inert Waste
Type 1
Inert Waste
Type 2 None specified
Solid Waste
 Only to be disposed of into a designated asbestos disposal
area within the landfill;
Special Waste  Not to be deposited within 2m of the final tipping surface of
Type 1 Receipt, the landfill; and
handling and  No works shall be carried out on the landfill that could lead
disposal by to a release of asbestos fibres.
landfilling  Only to be disposed of into a designated biomedical waste
disposal area within the landfill;
 Not to be deposited within 2m of the final tipping surface of
the landfill; and
Special Waste
Type 2  No works shall be carried out on the landfill that could lead
to biomedical wastes being excavated or uncovered.
 During disposal access to the landfill area, where Special
Waste Type 2 is buried, shall be restricted to authorised
personnel only
 Only to be disposed of into a designated quarantine waste
disposal area within the landfill;
Quarantine  Not to be deposited within 2m of the final tipping surface of
Waste the landfill; and
 No works shall be carried out on the landfill that could lead
to quarantine wastes being excavated or uncovered.

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Table 1.3.2: Waste processing
Waste type(s) Process Process limits 1,2
 During disposal access to the landfill area, where
Quarantine Waste is buried, shall be restricted to authorised
personnel only.
 All leachate from the landfill shall be collected and
Storage prior to
contained within lined Leachate Pond A or B prior to
disposal offsite,
removal from the premises or infiltration to the lined, waste
Leachate infiltration to
filled cells; and
lined, waste
 Leachate or leachate contaminated water shall not be
filled cells
discharged to the environment.
Receipt,  Paint and resins shall be stored in dedicated impermeable
handling and bunded storage containers (‘stillages’) provided by the
and removal Paintback Scheme
offsite  Paint shall not be decanted or treated on the Premises
Note 1: Requirements for landfilling tyres are set out in Part 6 of the Environmental Protection Regulations1987.
Note 2: Additional requirements for the acceptance and landfilling of controlled waste (including asbestos and
tyres) are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.

1.3.4 The Licensee shall ensure that waste is only disposed of in landfill cells or phases provided
with the infrastructure detailed in Table 1.3.3 for that Class of landfill cell or phase.

Table 1.3.3: Landfill infrastructure

Cell or Phase Class of Cell Infrastructure requirements
Number(s) or Phase
 Lined to achieve a permeability of less than or equal to 1x10-
9 m/s.
Class III
(Putrescible)  Leachate collection system
 Landfill gas collection and management system.

1.3.5 The Licensee shall ensure that waste materials are only stored and/or treated within vessels
or compounds provided with the infrastructure detailed in Table 1.3.4.

Table 1.3.4: Containment infrastructure

Reference and Material Infrastructure requirements
location on
Premises map in
Schedule 1
Leachate Pond Leachate  Lined to achieve a permeability of less than 1x10-9 m/s or
A&B equivalent; and
 Maintain a freeboard of no less than 500mm.
Greenwaste Greenwaste  Compacted limestone which has a minimum thickness of 300
Storage Area millimetres.
Washdown Bay Washwater  Concrete bunded hardstand with grading to sealed tank via
screens to fully contained underground settlement tank.

1.3.6 The Licensee shall manage the landfilling activities to ensure:

(a) the size of the tipping face is kept to a minimum and not larger than 30 m long x 40 m
wide x 2 m high;
(b) waste is levelled and compacted as soon as practicable after is discharged;
(c) waste is placed and compacted to ensure all faces are stable and capable of retaining
rehabilitation material; and
(d) rehabilitation of a cell or phase takes place within 6 months after disposal in that cell or
phase has been completed.

1.3.7 The Licensee shall ensure that cover is applied to waste in accordance with Table 1.3.5 and
that sufficient stockpiles of cover are maintained on site at all times.

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Table 1.3.5: Cover requirements
Waste Type Material Depth Timescales
Inert waste type 1 300mm As soon as practicable and not later than
Special Waste or clean fill the end of the working day after deposit and
Type 1 prior to compaction.
Solid waste or soil 1000mm As soon as practicable after deposit
Inert waste type 1 As soon as practicable and no later than the
Special Waste 300mm
or clean fill end of the working day after deposit
Type 2
Solid waste or soil 1000mm As soon as practicable after deposit
Quarantine Waste
(non Aircraft 2000mm
solid waste or soil
Galley Waste)
Immediately after deposit
Quarantine Waste Non-Quarantine
(Aircraft Galley solid waste or soil 1000mm
Putrescible Inert waste type 1, 150mm As soon as practicable and not later than
Wastes soil or clay the end of the working day.
Putrescible Inert waste type 1, 1000mm Within 3 months of achieving final waste
Wastes soil, or clay contours.
Inert waste type 1 100mm
Inert Waste Type 2 By the end of the working day after deposit
or soil
Note 1: As required by Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry’s ‘Process Management System for the
Burial of Quarantine Waste’

1.3.8 The Licensee shall operate and maintain a system for controlling landfill gas generated on the
Premises to prevent lateral migration of landfill gas outside the boundary of the Premises.

1.3.9 The Licensee shall implement the following security measures at the site:
(a) erect and maintain suitable fencing to prevent unauthorised access to the site as far
as is practicable;
(b) ensure that any entrance gates to the premises are securely locked when the
premises are unattended; and
(c) undertake regular inspections of all security measures and repair damage as soon as

1.3.10 The Licensee shall ensure that no waste is burnt on the premises.

1.3.11 The Licensee shall ensure that wind-blown waste is contained within the boundary of the
Premises and that wind-blown waste is collected on at least a weekly basis to the tipping area
or appropriately contained.

1.3.12 The Licensee shall ensure that vermin, birds, flies and other insects do not give rise to
nuisance at the premises or in the immediate area of the premises. Any method used by the
licensee shall not cause environmental pollution.

1.3.13 The Licensee shall ensure that there is no excavation of areas of the premises where waste
has previously been buried.

1.3.14 The Licensee shall ensure all residual waste located in the waste recovery area of the
Temporary Transfer Station shall be removed by the close of each business day.

2 Emissions
2.1 General

2.1.1 The Licensee shall record and investigate the exceedance of any descriptive or numerical limit
or target specified in any part of section 2 of this Licence.

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2.2-2.4 Point source emissions to air, surface water and groundwater

There are no specified conditions relating to point source emissions to air, surface water and
groundwater in this section.

2.5 Emissions to land

There are no specified conditions relating to emissions to land in this section.

2.6 Fugitive emissions

2.6.1 The Licensee shall ensure that no visible dust generated by the activities on the Premises
crosses the boundary of the Premises.

2.6.2 The Licensee shall provide and maintain suitable wheel cleaning facilities to ensure that no
waste or other debris is tracked beyond the boundary of the premises.

2.7 Odour

2.7.1 The Licensee shall ensure that odour emitted from the Premises does not unreasonably
interfere with the health, welfare, convenience, comfort or amenity of any person who is not on
the Premises.

2.8 Noise

There are no specified conditions relating to noise in this section.

3 Monitoring
3.1 General monitoring

3.1.1 The licensee shall ensure that:

(a) all water samples are collected and preserved in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.1;
(b) all groundwater sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.11;
(c) all laboratory samples are submitted to and tested by a laboratory with current NATA
accreditation for the parameters being measured unless indicated otherwise in the
relevant table.

3.1.2 The Licensee shall ensure that:

(a) six monthly monitoring is undertaken at least 5 months apart; and
(b) annual monitoring is undertaken at least 9 months apart.

3.1.3 The Licensee shall ensure that all monitoring equipment used on the Premises to comply with
the conditions of this Licence is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s

3.1.4 The Licensee shall, where the requirements for calibration cannot be practicably met, or a
discrepancy exists in the interpretation of the requirements, bring these issues to the attention
of the CEO accompanied with a report comprising details of any modifications to the methods.

3.2-3.4 Monitoring of point source emissions to air, surface water and groundwater

There are no specified conditions relating to monitoring of point source emissions to air,
surface water or groundwater in this section.

3.5 Monitoring of emissions to land

There are no specified conditions relating to monitoring of emissions to land in this section.

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3.6 Monitoring of inputs and outputs

3.6.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.6.1 according to the specifications in
that table.

Table 3.6.1: Monitoring of inputs and outputs

Input/Output Parameter Units Averaging Frequency
Waste Inputs Clean fill, Inert Waste Each load arriving at
Type 1, Inert Waste the Premises
Type 2, Putrescible tonnes (where
waste, Contaminated a weighbridge
solid waste, Special is present on
Waste Type 1, Special the site)
Waste Type 2,
Quarantine Waste,
Hazardous Liquid
Waste Waste type as defined N/A Each load leaving or
Outputs in the Landfill rejected from the
Definitions Premises, after

3.7 Process monitoring

3.7.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.7.1 according to the specifications in
that table.

Table 3.7.1 Process monitoring

Monitoring Process description Parameter Units Frequency1
Mulched Greenwaste Temperature °C Weekly
Volume of leachate m3 Whenever irrigated
irrigated over lined
pH1 -
Leachate A Cadmium
Leachate Chloride
Leachate B
C4 Chromium
C5 Copper
Manganese mg/L Annual
Ammonia-Nitrogen mg/L
Total Nitrogen
Total Phosphorus
Total Potassium
Total Dissolved Solids
Electrical conductivity

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Table 3.7.1 Process monitoring
Monitoring Process description Parameter Units Frequency1
Total Petroleum
Polycyclic aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Anthracene µg/L
Pesticides (OCPs)
Leachate A Aldrin
Leachate B Leachate Chlordane and Annual
C4 metabolites
C5 DDT and metabolites
Heptachlor and its
Pesticides (OPPs)
Dimethoate µg/L
Other Pesticides and
Organic Compounds
Note 1: In field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

3.8 Ambient environmental quality monitoring

3.8.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.8.1 according to the specifications in
that table and record and investigate results that do not meet any target specified.

Table 3.8.1: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality

Monitoring point reference Parameter Units Averaging Frequency
and location period
Standing water level1 m bgl
pH1 -
Bore 1 – 4 Chromium

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Table 3.8.1: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality
Monitoring point reference Parameter Units Averaging Frequency
and location period
MW4-S, MW4-I, MW4-D Manganese
MW5-S, MW5-I, MW5-D Six monthly
MW6-S, MW6-I, MW6-D
MW7-S, MW7-I, MW7-D Nickel Spot
MW8-S, MW8-I, MW8-D Lead mg/L sample
MW9-S, MW9-I, MW9-D Zinc
MW10-S, MW10-I, MW10-D Ammonia-Nitrogen
MW11-S, MW11-I, MW11-D
Total Nitrogen
Total Phosphorus
Total Potassium
Total Dissolved Solids

Electrical conductivity µS/cm

Total Petroleum
Polycyclic aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Bore 1 – 4 Acenapthene
MW4-S, MW4-I, MW4-D Benz(a)pyrene
MW5-S, MW5-I, MW5-D Fluoranthene
MW6-S, MW6-I, MW6-D Napthalene µg/L Spot Annual
MW7-S, MW7-I, MW7-D Pyrene sample
MW8-S, MW8-I, MW8-D Organochlorine Pesticides
MW9-S, MW9-I, MW9-D (OCPs)
MW10-S, MW10-I, MW10-D Aldrin
MW11-S, MW11-I, MW11-D Chlordane and
DDT and metabolites
Heptachlor and its
Pesticides (OPPs)
Bore 1 – 4 Chlorpyrifos
MW4-S, MW4-I, MW4-D Diazinon
MW5-S, MW5-I, MW5-D Dimethoate µg/L Spot
MW6-S, MW6-I, MW6-D Fenamiphos sample Annual
MW7-S, MW7-I, MW7-D Fenthion
MW8-S, MW8-I, MW8-D Maldison
MW9-S, MW9-I, MW9-D Parathion
MW10-S, MW10-I, MW10-D Other Pesticides and
MW11-S, MW11-I, MW11-D Organic Compounds

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Table 3.8.1: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality
Monitoring point reference Parameter Units Averaging Frequency
and location period
Note 1: In field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.
Note 2: m bgl means metres below ground level

3.9 Meteorological monitoring

There are no specified conditions relating to meteorological monitoring in this section.

4 Improvements
4.1 Improvement program

4.1.1 The Licensee shall complete the improvements in Table 4.1.1 by the date of completion in
Table 4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1: Improvement program

Improvement Improvement Date of
reference completion
IR5 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO, a Geotechnical Within 28
Inspection Report prepared on behalf of the Licensee by a calendar days
GITA certified engineer that, through visual inspection, of the end of
assesses the stability of all landfill embankments, cut slopes the annual
and visual inspections to confirm integrity of final capping. period

5 Information
5.1 Records

5.1.1 All information and records required by the Licence shall:

(a) be legible;
(b) if amended, be amended in such a way that the original and subsequent amendments
remain legible or are capable of retrieval;
(c) except for records listed in 5.1.1(d) be retained for at least 6 years from the date the
records were made or until the expiry of the Licence or any subsequent licence; and
(d) for those following records, be retained until the expiry of the Licence and any
subsequent licence:
(i) off-site environmental effects; or
(ii) matters which affect the condition of the land or waters.

5.1.2 The Licensee shall ensure that:

(a) any person left in charge of the Premises is aware of the conditions of the Licence
and has access at all times to the Licence or copies thereof; and
(b) any person who performs tasks on the Premises is informed of all of the conditions of
the Licence that relate to the tasks which that person is performing.

5.1.3 The Licensee shall complete an Annual Audit Compliance Report indicating the extent to
which the Licensee has complied with the conditions of the Licence, and any previous licence
issued under Part V of the Act for the Premises for the previous annual period.

5.1.4 The Licensee shall:

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(a) implement a complaints management system that shall record the following
information (if known or provided) about complaints received at the Premises
concerning any environmental impact of the activities undertaken at the Premises:
(i) name and address of the complainants (if consented);
(ii) date and time of complaint;
(iii) date and time of alleged incident;
(iv) alleged source of the incident;
(v) general description of the alleged incident, including any environmental or
health impacts reported by the complainant;
(vi) wind direction, wind speed and temperature at time of alleged incident;
(vii) likely source of the alleged incident; and
(viii) actions taken by licensee to address complaint, including the outcome of any
investigation(s) and action(s) to verify any impacts.
(b) complete an annual analysis and review of complaints recorded under 5.1.4(a) to
identify any common factors and root cause of complaints and proposals to address

5.1.5 The Licensee shall maintain a register of Special Waste Type 1 (Asbestos waste), Special
Waste Type 2 (Biomedical and clinical waste) and Quarantine Waste disposed of at the
Premises which shall include:
(i) a plan showing the position of Special Waste Type 1(Asbestos waste), Special
Waste Type 2 (Biomedical and Clinical waste) and Quarantine Waste disposed
of at the Premises;
(ii) the date of the deposit; and
(iii) the name of the person that deposited the waste.

5.2 Reporting

5.2.1 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO an Annual Environmental Report within 28 calendar
days after the end of the annual period. The report shall contain the information listed in Table
5.2.1 in the format or form specified in that table.

Table 5.2.1: Annual Environmental Report

Condition or table Parameter Format or form1
(if relevant)
- Summary of any failure or malfunction of any pollution None specified
control equipment and any environmental incidents that
have occurred during the annual period and any action
- Surveyed Topographic contour map depicted the area of At least A3 in size
the planned footprint including cross sections for cut in electronic format
slopes, filled areas and un-excavated areas
Table 3.6.1 Waste input and output data (including rejected loads)
None specified
Table 3.7.1 Process Monitoring
Table 3.8.1 Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality
5.1.3 Compliance Annual Audit
Compliance Report
5.1.4 Complaints summary None specified
Note 1: Forms are in Schedule 2

5.2.2 The Licensee shall ensure that the Annual Environmental Report also contains:
(a) any relevant process, production or operational data recorded under Condition 3.1.3;
(b) an assessment of the information contained within the report against previous
monitoring results and Licence limits and/or targets

5.2.3 The Licensee shall submit the information in Table 5.2.2 to the CEO according to the
specifications in that table.

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Table 5.2.2: Non-annual reporting requirements
Condition or table Parameter Reporting Reporting date Format or form1
(if relevant) period (after end of the
reporting period)
- Copies of original Not Within 14 days of As received by the
monitoring reports Applicable the CEOs request Licensee from third
submitted to the parties
Licensee by third

5.3 Notification

5.3.1 The Licensee shall ensure that the parameters listed in Table 5.3.1 are notified to the CEO in
accordance with the notification requirements of the table.

Table 5.3.1: Notification requirements

Condition Parameter Notification requirement1 Format
or table or form2
(if relevant)
2.1.1 Breach of any limit specified Part A: As soon as practicable but no N1
in the Licence later than 5pm of the next usual working
- Any failure or malfunction of day.
any pollution control
equipment or any incident, Part B: As soon as practicable
which has caused, is causing
or may cause pollution
3.1.5 Calibration report As soon as practicable. None
3.8.1 Any bores listed in Table Within 7 days None
3.8.1 are destroyed or specified
otherwise made unusable
Note 1: Notification requirements in the Licence shall not negate the requirement to comply with s72 of the Act
Note 2: Forms are in Schedule 2

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Schedule 1: Maps
Premises map

The Premises is shown in the map below. The grey line depicts the Premises boundary.

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Map of monitoring locations

The locations of the monitoring points defined in Tables 3.7.1 and 3.8.1 are shown below.

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Landfill and storage area map

The location of Cell 6 capping, the current landfilling area (depicted by the yellow polygon) and the
greenwaste area are shown below.

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Detailed design plans - Landfill capping details 1

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Detailed design plans - Landfill capping details 2

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Detailed design plans - Landfill capping details 3

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Detailed design plans - Surface water discharge layout plan

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Detailed design plans - Landfill gas collection pipework layout plan

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Detailed design plans - Cell 6 landfill capping layout plan

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Schedule 2: N1 – Notification form
Licence: L9159/2018/1 Licensee: City of Cockburn
Form: N1 Date of breach:

Notification of detection of the breach of a limit or any failure or malfunction of any pollution
control equipment or any incident which has caused, is causing or may cause pollution.

These pages outline the information that the operator must provide.
Units of measurement used in information supplied under Part A and B requirements shall be
appropriate to the circumstances of the emission. Where appropriate, a comparison should be made
of actual emissions and authorised emission limits.

Part A
Licence Number
Name of operator
Location of Premises
Time and date of the detection

Notification requirements for the breach of a limit

Emission point reference/ source
Measured value
Date and time of monitoring
Measures taken, or intended to
be taken, to stop the emission
Notification requirements for any failure or malfunction of any pollution control equipment or
any incident which has caused, is causing or may cause pollution
Date and time of event
Reference or description of the
location of the event
Description of where any release
into the environment took place
Substances potentially released
Best estimate of the quantity or
rate of release of substances
Measures taken , or intended to
be taken, to stop any emission
Description of the failure or

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Part B
Any more accurate information on the matters for
notification under Part A.

Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to

prevent a recurrence of the incident.

Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to rectify,

limit or prevent any pollution of the environment
which has been or may be caused by the emission.

The dates of any previous N1 notifications for the

Premises in the preceding 24 months.

Signature on behalf of
City of Cockburn

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Schedule 3: Minimum Specifications
Table 1: GCL Material Specification
Value –
Landfill side slope
Value – capping (structured,
Property Test Frequency
Landfill top capping Coated GCL, not
laminated or glued
Montmorillonite XRD (X-ray 50 tonnes of Greater than 70 wt% Greater than 70 wt%
content diffraction) GCL
Carbonate 50 tonnes of 1-2 wt% 1-2 wt%
content 1 GCL
Bentonite form 50 tonnes of Natural NA-bentonite Natural NA-bentonite or
GCL or >80 wt% Sodium >80 wt% Sodium as
as activated bentonite activated bentonite
Particle size AS 1289- 50 tonnes of Powdered (e.g. 80% Powdered (e.g. 80%
3.6.2 GCL passing 75 micron passing 75 micron
sieve) or Granulated sieve) or Granulated
(e.g. <1% passing 75 (e.g. <1% passing 75
micron) micron)
Cation Methylene 50 tonnes of Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
exchange Blue Method GCL than 70 meq/100 g 70 meq/100 g (or
capacity (or cmol/kg) cmol/kg)
Free Swell ASTM D5890 50 tonnes of Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
(bentonite) GCL than 24 mL/2g 24 mL/2g
(min. ave)
Moisture ASTM D5993 2,500 m2 Equal to or less than Equal to or less than
Content 25% at Manufacture 25% at Manufacture
(bentonite) 2
Equal to or less than Equal to or less than
35% Site Samples 35% Site Samples
Fluid Loss ASTM D5891 50 tonnes of Equal to or less than Equal to or less than 18
(bentonite) 2 GCL 18 ml max ml max
Polymer Coating ASTM D5261 4,000 m2 N/A Equal to or greater than
(min. ave) 500 g/m 2
Top Geotextile ASTM D5261 20,000 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
Mass (min. ave) than 240 g/m2 200 g/m 2

Mass of GCL ASTM D5993 2,500 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
(min. ave) 4 than 4,340 g/m2 4,500 g/m2
Mass of ASTM D5993 2,500 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
Bentonite (min. than 4,000 g/m2 3,700 g/m2
ave) 4
Bottom ASTM D5261 20,000 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
Geotextile Mass than 100 g/m2 100 g/m 2
(min. ave)

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Value –
Landfill side slope
Value – capping (structured,
Property Test Frequency
Landfill top capping Coated GCL, not
laminated or glued
Composite layer ASTM D5199 2,500 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
Thickness (Dry) than 6 mm 5.7 mm
(min. ave)
Elongation (MD) ASTM D4632 20,000 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
(min. ave) than 10% 8%
Tensile Strength ASTM D6768 20,000 m2 Equal to or greater Equal to or greater than
(min. ave) than 8 kN/m 10 kN/m
Peel Strength ASTM D6496 2,500 m2 360 N/m 360 N/m
(min. ave)
Permeability 2 ASTM D5887 25,000 m2 Equal to or less than Equal to or less than 5 x
5 x 10-11 m/s 10-11 m/s
Permeability EN 14150 25,000 m2 N/A Equal to or less than 1 x
coating (10m 10-14 m/s
Note 1: Carbonate here implies calcite, calcium carbonate or other soluble or partially soluble carbonate minerals
Note 2: These values are maximum (all others are minimum). Coating 10 m head.
Note 3: For both cap and carrier fabrics for non-woven reinforced GCL’s; one, or the other, must contain a scrim
component of mass ≥ 100 g/m2 for dimensional stability. This only applies to GM/GCL composites, which are
exposed to the atmosphere for several months or longer so as to mitigate panel separation
Note 4: Mass of the GCL and bentonite is measured after oven drying as per the stated test method

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Table 2: LLDPE Geomembrane Material Specifications
Test Testing Frequency
Property Test Value – 2.00 mm
Method (minimum)
Thickness (min. ave.)
nom. (-5%)
 Lowest individual for 8 out of 10
values D 5994 Per roll
 Lowest individual for any of the 10 -15%
Asperity Height (min. ave.) D 7466 0.40 mm Every 2nd roll 1
D 1505/
Sheet Density (max) 0.939 g/cc 90,000 kg
D 792
Tensile Properties (min. ave)2
D 6693 21 kN/m
 break strength 9,000 kg
Type IV 250%
 break elongation
2% Modulus (max) D 5323 840 kN/m Per formulation
Tear Resistance (min. ave.) D 1004 200 N 20,000 kg
Puncture Resistance (min. ave.) D 4833 400 N 20,000 kg
Axi-Symmetric Break Resistance
D 5617 30% Per formulation
Strain (min)
Carbon Black Content – Particle size
D 4218 3 2.0-3.0% 20,000 kg
~20 nm (range)
Carbon Black Dispersion D 5596 Note 4 20,000 kg
Oxidative Induction Time (OIT) (min.
ave.) 6
90,000 kg
(a) Standard OIT, or D 3895 100 min.
(b) High Pressure OIT D 5885 400 min.
Oven Aging at 85°C 5 and 6 D 5721
(a) Standard OIT (min. ave.) - % D 3895 35%
retained after 90 days, or Per each formulation
(b) High Pressure OIT (min. ave.)
- % retained after 90 days D 5885 60%
UV Resistance7 D 7238
(a) Standard OIT (min. ave.) or D 3895 N.R. 8
Per each formulation
(b) High Pressure OIT (min. ave.) 35%
- % retained after 1,600 hrs9 D 5885
Note 1: Alternate the measurement side for double sided texture sheet.
Note 2: Machine direction (MD) and cross machine direction (XMD) average values shall be on the basis of 5 test
specimens each direction: Break elongation is calculated using a gauge length of 50mm at 50mm/min.
Note 3: Other methods such as D 1603 (tube furnace) or D 6370 (TGA) are acceptable if an appropriate
correlation to D 4218 (muffle furnace) can be established.
Note 4: Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for 10 different views: 9 in Categories 1 or 2
and 1 in Category 3.
Note 5: The manufacturer has the option to select either one of the OIT methods listed to evaluate the
antioxidant content in the geomembrane.
Note 6: It is also recommended to evaluate samples at 30 and 60 days to compare with the 90 day response.
Note 7: The condition of the test shall be 20 hr. UV cycle at 75°C followed by 4 hr condensation at 60°C.
Note 8: Not recommended since the high temperature of the Std-OIT test produces an unrealistic result for some
of the antioxidants in the UV exposed samples.
Note 9: UV resistance is based on percentage retained value regardless of the original HP-OIT value.
For notes, refer to GRI Test Method GM17
Min Average Roll Value (min. ave.) is defined as the Mean value less 2 standard deviations.

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Table 3: LLDPE Geomembrane Minimum Average Weld Properties
Property Test Method Unit Strength Sample Strength (N)
Peel strength (fusion & ext.), ASTM D6392 18.0 450 N/25 mm test
kN/m sample
Shear strength (fusion & ext.), ASTM D 6392 27.6 690 N/25 mm test
kN/m sample

Table 4: Geotextile Material Specifications

Property Cushion Geotextile Test Method & Frequency
Thickness (min. ave) Equal to or greater than 4.0 mm AS 2001-2.15,
1 sample per 2,500 m2
Mass per Unit Area (min. ave) Equal to or greater than 450 AS 2001-2.13,
g/m2 1 sample per 2,500 m2
Wide Strip Tensile Strength 37.5 kN/m AS 3706-2,
(min. ave) 1 sample per 5,000 m2
Tear Strength (min. ave) Equal to or greater than 830 N AS 3706-3,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
CBR Burst Strength (min. ave) Equal to or greater than 6,400 N AS 3706-4,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
UV Strength Resistance after 70% ASTM D7238,
500 light hrs. exposure 1 sample per 5,000 m2

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Table 5: Geocomposite Drainage Material Specifications
Property Value Test Method & Frequency
Geocomposite Drainage Material
Thickness (min. ave) Equal to or greater than 8.0 mm ASTM D 5199,
1 sample per 2,500 m2
Carbon Black (min. ave) 2% ASTM D 4218,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Tensile Strength (min. ave) 17.5 kN/m ASTM D 7179,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Compressive Strength (min. 2,275 kPa ASTM D 6364,
ave) 1 sample per 5,000 m2
Melt Flow (max) 1.0 g/10 min ASTM D 1238 2,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Density (min. ave) 0.94 g/cm3 ASTM D 1505,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Transmissivity1 (min. ave) 9.0 x 10-3 m2/s ASTM D 4716,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Ply Adhesion (min. ave) 178 g/m ASTM D 7005,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Transmissivity1 (min. ave) 1.2 x 10-3 m2/s ASTM D 4716,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Geotextile – non-woven material only
Fabric Weight (min. ave) 270 g/m2 ASTM D 5261,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Grab Tensile (min. ave) 1001 N ASTM D 4632,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Grab Elongation (min. ave) 50% ASTM D 4632,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Trapezoid Tear (min. ave) 400 N ASTM D 4533,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
CBR Puncture (min. ave) 2,670 N ASTM D 6241,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Water Flow (min. ave) 4,075 l/min/m2 ASTM D 4491,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Permittivity (min. ave) 1.26 sec-1 ASTM D 4491,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
Permeability (min. ave) 0.30 cm/sec ASTM D 4491,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
AOS (max. ave) 0.18 mm ASTM D 4751,
1 sample per 5,000 m2
UV Resistance, strength 70% ASTM D 4355,
retained at 500 hrs 1 sample per 5,000 m2
Note 1: Transmissivity measured using water at 21 + 2°C with a gradient of 0.1 and a confining pressure of 480
kPa between steel plates after 15 minutes. Values may vary with individual labs
Note 2: Condition 190/2.16

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Schedule 4: CQA Requirements
Table 6: GCL CQA testing
Item Property Standard / Test Frequency
Construction Quality Thickness (dry) ASTM D5199 Every 3rd roll
Assurance testing Mass per unit area of ASTM D5993 1 sample per 2,500 m 2
(sampled at the point of bentonite
manufacture or on site, component of GCL
as Mass per unit area of ASTM D5993 1 sample 1,000 m2
determined by the GCL
Superintendent) Montmorillonite content XRD (X-ray 1 sample per 10,000 m2
Cation exchange Methylene 1 sample per 1,500 m 2
capacity of bentonite blue method
Mass/unit length of Visual 1 sample per 40 m overlap
bentonite in inspection and
overlaps weighting
Moisture content of ASTM D5993 1 sample per 2,500 m 2
Swell index/free swell of ASTM D5890 1 sample per 1,500m2
Water absorption ASTM D5891 1 sample per 1,500m2
Peel strength (for ASTM D6496 1 sample per roll for coated
needle-punched GCL and 1 sample per
products only) 1,000 m2 for normal GCL.
Tensile strength ASTM D6768 1 sample per 10,000 m2
Index flux ASTM 5887 1 sample per 10,000 m2
Visual inspection of Colour, thickness, N/A Every roll
GCL needle punching,
presence of needles or
needles, and sewing
density or other
faults in the material.
Thickness of GCL (i.e. On-site N/A Each roll during placement. If
uniformity of bentonite thickness appears to be
distribution) and variable a check of the
apparent variations in variability of the mass per
the as placed moisture unit
distribution. area shall be conducted

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Table 7: LLDPE Geomembrane CQA testing
Item Property Standard / Test Frequency
Conformance Thickness ASTM D5994 Each roll
testing (upon Density ASTM D1505, One sample per 5,000 m2, or
shipment of ASTM D792 every five rolls
Geomembrane to Tensile properties (break ASTM D6693 delivered to Site whichever is
the site) strength, break elongation) Type IV the greatest number of tests
Puncture resistance ASTM D4833
Tear resistance ASTM D1004
Carbon black content ASTM D4218
Carbon black dispersion ASTM D5596
Axi-Symmetric Break ASTM D5617 Per formulation
Resistance Strain
Oxidative Induction Time ASTM D3895, One sample every 10,000 m2, or
(OIT) or High Pressure OIT ASTM D5885 resin type
or manufacturing run
Start-up test weld Welding equipment N/A Checked daily at start of works,
whenever the welding
equipment is shut-off
for more than one hour. Also
after significant
changes in weather conditions
Weld conditions N/A Test weld strips will be required
whenever personnel or
equipment are changed and/or
wide temperature fluctuations
are experienced. Minimum 1.5m
continuous seam
Destructive weld On-site, hand tensiometer ASTM D6392 Every 150 m (if fusion weld),
testing in every 120 m (if extrusion weld)
peel and shear
Off-site — ASTM D6392 Every 150 m (if fusion weld),
weld seam strength in peel every 120 m (if extrusion weld)
and shear
Non-destructive Air pressure test, All seams over full length
weld testing ASTM D5820
Vacuum box test,
ASTM D5641
Visual inspection Tears, punctures, N/A Every roll
of geomembrane abrasions,
cracks, indentations, thin
spots, or other faults in the
Thickness of On-site N/A Five per 100 m, 20 m apart,
geomembrane taken at the edge of the sheet
Note 1: Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for 10 different views: 9 in Categories 1 or 2 and
1 in Category 3.

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Table 8: Geotextile CQA testing
Item Property Standard / Test Frequency

Conformance Thickness AS 2001-2.15 1 sample per 2,500 m2

testing (upon
shipment of Mass per Unit Area AS 2001-2.13 1 sample per 2,500 m2
Geotextile to
the site) Wide Strip Tensile Strength AS 3706-2 1 sample per 5,000 m2

Tear Strength AS 3706-3 1 sample per 5,000 m2

CBR Burst Strength AS 3706-4 1 sample per 5,000 m2

Destructive Tensile tests for joints AS 2001-2.15 As required

Visual Colour, thickness, tears, holes, N/A Each roll during
inspection of punctures, needle-punching, placement.
geotextile presence of needles or broken
needles, and other faults in the

Table 9: Geocomposite CQA testing

Item Property Standard / Test Frequency
Construction Quality Thickness ASTM D5199 1 sample per 2,500 m2
Assurance testing Tensile Strength ASTM D7179 1 sample per 5,000 m2
(sampled at the point Compressive ASTM D6364 1 sample per 5,000 m2
of manufacture or on Strength
site, as determined Ply Adhesion ASTM D7005 1 sample per 5,000 m2
by the
Visual inspection Colour, non-adhered or N/A Each roll during
of geotextile delaminated portions, placement.
presence of needles or
broken needles, and other
faults in the material.

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File Number: DER2018/001433 IRLB_TI0672 v2.8

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