Democracy in Trouble

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Democracy in trouble

Democracy is the greatest political idea of this century but unfortunately the concept of
democracy is failing in Pakistan. Where democracy gives the freedom of speech to the citizens
and the right to elect their own representatives to govern them is now giving an opportunity to
many political leaders here to build up their own future in politics. They are not ready to fight for
the prosperity of Pakistan in fact they have started their own war for continuous power by
criticizing the opposition in most important times of national assembly. Daily a huge population
sleeps without food, water and shelter, it’s our government responsibility to address such issues
in the national assembly rather degrading each other. They should respect the mandate that’s
given to them by 212.2 million citizens of Pakistan, work towards the issues been faced today
and also bring work in unity as it’s the unity, vison and strong administration which drives the
nation which hazrat quaid e azam preached.
Fatima Imran

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