Maintenance ESP'

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Electrostatic Precipitator Rappers

gc •  is t e correct operation and setting of t e rapper sstem essential to good

Electrostatic Precipitator performance?

Maintain operation of t e rappers. Alwas c eck (on a dail basis) t at t e rappers are
operating. One of t e best was is to simpl walk up on t e roof of t e ESP and listen to t e
rappers itting. Loss of rapper operation will result in poor precipitator performance.

Bot over rapping and under rapping will deter from optimal performance of t e electrostatic

g Over rapping will cause re-entrainment resulting in poor ESP

performance and ig stack emissions.

g Under rapping will cause an excessive amount of build-up on

t e collecting plates and disc arge electrodes, w ic will reduce
electrical power in t e ESP t us resulting in poor ESP performance
and ig stack emissions.

g Importance of maintaining rapper ground straps and boot seals

T e complete grounding of t e rapper coil
assembl and ousing is essential to complete t e
entire grounding of t e Electrostatic Precipitator.
T e s aft connections on t e rappers are usuall
not sufficient to assure a complete ground to t e
rapper coils. Transient voltages can occur in t e
ESP and if t e rappers are not properl grounded,
t ese voltages can induce electrical surges into
control and power cables, w ic ma damage t e
controls. T is is especiall true wit t e ig
voltage disc arge electrode rappers. T ese
rappers are isolated b a s aft insulator. An
leakage t roug t is insulator will bleed t roug
to t e rapper coil and it is obvious t at a good
ground connection is required to make sure t at
an transient voltage is grounded.

During an ESP walk down, alwas make sure t at t e rapper ground straps are securel in
place. T ese ground straps frequentl break due to t e impact of t e rappers.
Rapper boot seals are important to insure t at no
rain or cold air is allowed to enter t e ESP. If t e
rapper boot seals are leaking, t is will allow cold
outside air to enter t e ESP and create corrosion and
possibl damage to t e insulators.

Alwas make sure t at t e rapper boot seals are in

good condition and t at t e clamps are tig t. Replace
an boot seals t at are torn or cracked. A small item
suc as a torn boot seal could cause a considerable
amount of damage to an ESP.

How to Limit Corrosion of our Electrostatic Precipitator

gc • at causes corrosion in an Electrostatic Precipitator?

Corrosion is alwas a problem wit an ESP. Sometimes

corrosion is ard to avoid. T e flue gases going t roug a
precipitator usuall contain corrosive materials (suc as
SO2). T e best met od to avoid/reduce corrosion is to make
sure all access doors are properl gasketed and securel
tig tened. T is is to avoid cold air inleakage t at can mix
wit t e ot gases in t e ESP and create a corrosive
atmosp ere (namel sulfuric acid).
Electrostatic Precipitator Gas Flow Distribution

T e performance of an electrostatic

precipitator (ESP) is contingent on t e
uniform distribution of t e gases and
suspended particulate entering t e ESP.

Poor gas flow will result in poor

ESP performance and ig stack
opacit. Good gas flow
distribution is essential to
optimum ESP efficienc. T e best-
constructed and aligned ESP will
not provide t e performance levels
expected if t e gas flow
distribution is not wit in

If t e gas flow is not uniform t roug t e precipitator, t is will result in ig velocit zones
in t e gas treatment region resulting in opacit spikes and excursions as a result of re-
entrainment and scouring. Hopper sweepage can also occur if t e gases are being forced in
t e oppers. Also, t e total effective collection zone of t e ESP will not be utilized if t e
gases are not being distributed t roug t e ESP uniforml. T is will underutilize t e ESP and
result in poor performance.

Todas ESPs built b Hamon researc -Cottrell are provided wit t e proper gas flow
corrective devices to insure good gas flow distribution as defined b ICAC. T ese devices are
carefull selected b conducting a gas flow model stud of t e ESP and related ductwork and
scaling t e results to t e full size unit.

If our Electrostatic Precipitator electrical readings are good and our stack emissions are
ig , t is condition ma suggest a problem wit t e gas flow distribution to t e ESP.

gc ips for maintaining good gas flow distribution

?c During an outage, make sure t at all gas flow devices are clean and not built
up wit dust.
?c Make sure all perforated plate oles are open and not plugged off.
?c Make sure t at t e bottom floors of all plenums are not built up wit dust.
Sweep or vacuum out all dust t at ma be built up on t e plenum floors.
?c Make sure all rappers or vibrators installed on perforated plates are in good
working order.
?c Make sure all orizontal surfaces (suc as splitter vanes and egg crates) are
not built up wit dust.
?c During an ESP inspection, look at t e collecting plate surfaces for an signs of
scouring. T is ma be suggestive of ig velocit zones.

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