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Lab report No:13

Making C-chart using Minitab

 To learn about C-chart
 To make C-chart in Minitab

C-Chart: The c-chart is also used for "Poisson" processes.

Occurrence reporting data (i.e., number of accidents per month) empirically appear to fit the
"Poisson" model.

The number of nonconformities per "unit" and is denoted by c with the "unit" being commonly
referred to as an inspection unit such as "per month."


c ¯¿ ∑ C/ g

UCLc= C-bar +3 √ c−¯¿ ¿ , LCLc= C-bar -3 √ c−¯¿ ¿

Procedure steps for making a C=chart:

1). 1st inter the data in Minitab as shown in fig:1

Figure: 13.1(showing the data in the Minitab)

2). Now click on “stat”=>control charts=>attribute charts=>C-chart. As shown on fig:2

Figure:13.2(shows the steps in making C-chart)

3). After click on c-chart you will gate the following table now select the column for this table
then click on ok.

Figure:13.3(shows the steps in making C-chart)

4). After this step you will gate the c-chart of defects.

Figure:13.4(shows the steps in making C-chart)

Note: we have also get a graph for data of C-chart using excel as shown in fig:

Figure: 13.5(Excel graph)

Results and comments:

You can see that excel graph and Minitab both are same, but you can
calculate it easily with Minitab.
Conclusion: After this lab you become able to know about the c-chart and making it in

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