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Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình


Caùc em hoïc sinh thaân meán,
Caùc em ñaõ coù moät quyeån taøi lieäu in saün töø vöïng ñeå hoïc trong suoát naêm hoïc. Vì
vaäy, ñeå vieäc hoïc töø vöïng ñaït hieäu quaû cao nhaát, caùc em neân theo nhöõng höôùng daãn döôùi
ñaây thaät nghieâm tuùc. Caùc em phaûi saém cho mình moät quyeån taäp hoïc töø vöïng rieâng bieät,
tuyeät ñoái khoâng hoïc töø vöïng treân nhöõng tôø giaáy rôøi vì hoïc xong, em seõ ñeå laïc maát vaø
khoâng coù cô hoäi oân baøi.
1. Cheùp töø:
 Neân cheùp töø vaø nhoùm töø (word and phrase) trong moät quyeån taäp rieâng bieät so vôùi
taäp baøi hoïc vaø baøi taäp treân lôùp.
 Moãi trang neân gaïch laèn chia ñoâi ôû chính giöõa, töø haøng ñaàu ñeán cuoái.
 Vieát chöõ Anh beân traùi, nghóa Vieät beân tay phaûi.
 Neân ghi daáu nhaán (stress) treân moãi chöõ.
 Ñaùnh soá töø vöïng töø 1 trôû ñi, khi ñeán soá 100, laáy vieát gaïch ngang, roài ñeán 200, 300,

2. Hoïc vaø kieåm tra:
 Ñeå mau thuoäc vaø nhôù laâu, khi hoïc thuoäc loøng töø vöïng, neân vöøa vieát vöøa ñoïc.
 Laàn ñaàu tieân, ôû haøng chöõ thöù nhaát, nhìn chöõ Vieät, vieát vaø ñoïc chöõ Anh. Sau
ñoù, nhìn chöõ Anh, vieát vaø ñoïc chöõ Vieät. Laøm tieáp tuïc nhö vaäy cho ñeán heát moät
 Laàn thöù hai, duøng moät mieáng bìa cöùng che chöõ Anh, sau ñoù, nhìn chöõ Vieät, vieát
vaø ñoïc chöõ Anh, roài töø töø keùo mieáng bìa cöùng xuoáng moät doøng ñeå xem mình vieát
ñuùng hay sai. Neáu sai, vieát vaø ñoïc chöõ Anh laïi laàn nöõa. Neáu ñuùng, keùo mieáng bìa
cöùng xuoáng moät haøng nöõa hoïc tieáp. Laøm nhö vaäy cho ñeán heát moät trang.
 Laàn thöù ba, laøm gioáng nhö laàn thöù hai nhöng laàn naøy chæ vieát laïi chöõ naøo maø
mình ñaõ queân hay vieát sai ôû laàn thöù hai.
 Laàn thöù tö, laøm gioáng nhö laàn thöù ba nhöng laàn naøy chæ vieát laïi chöõ naøo maø
mình ñaõ queân hay vieát sai ôû laàn thöù ba.
 Laàn thöù naêm, laøm gioáng nhö laàn thöù tö nhöng laàn naøy chæ vieát laïi chöõ naøo maø
mình ñaõ queân hay vieát sai ôû laàn thöù tö.
 Xong trang thöù nhaát, haõy sang trang thöù hai vaø laøm theo ñuùng caùch ñaõ höôùng daãn
ôû treân, roài ñeán trang ba, boán,…. Ñeán khi hoïc xong 10 chöõ, 20 chöõ,… thì nhôù gaïch
ngang ñeå bieát mình ñaõ chaéc chaén thuoäc ñöôïc bao nhieâu töø vöïng.
3. OÂn taäp:
 OÂn laàn ñaàu tieân: trong voøng 3 ngaøy. OÂn xong, nhôù ñaùnh moät daáu cheùo (x) maøu
ñoû ñaàu tieân leân laèn gaïch ngang choã 10, 20,…
 OÂn laàn thöù hai: trong voøng 7 ngaøy. OÂn xong, nhôù ñaùnh moät daáu cheùo (x) maøu ñoû
thöù hai leân laèn gaïch ngang choã 10, 20,…
 OÂn laàn thöù ba: trong voøng 30 ngaøy. OÂn xong, nhôù ñaùnh moät daáu cheùo (x) maøu
ñoû thöù ba leân laèn gaïch ngang choã 100, 200,…
 OÂn laàn thöù tö: trong voøng 90 ngaøy. OÂn xong, nhôù ñaùnh moät daáu cheùo (x) maøu
ñoû thöù tö leân laèn gaïch ngang choã 10, 20,…
 OÂn laàn thöù naêm: trong voøng 6 thaùng. OÂn xong, nhôù ñaùnh moät daáu cheùo (x) maøu
ñoû thöù naêm leân laèn gaïch ngang choã 10, 20,…
 Khi naøo nhìn thaáy 5 daáu cheùo (x) thì khoâng caàn phaûi oân laïi nöõa. Luùc naøy, chaéc
chaén baïn ñaõ thuoäc loøng nhöõng töø vöïng ñoù roài.

Ñoäng töø baát qui taéc raát quan troïng trong Tieáng Anh, giuùp chia ñuùng Thì, giuùp vieát
Caâu Bò Ñoäng, Caâu Ñieàu Kieän,… Neáu khoâng thuoäc loøng ñoäng töø baát qui taéc, khoâng
bao giôø chuùng ta coù theå vieát ñuùng moät caâu Tieáng Anh, duø laø ñôn giaûn nhö moät caâu
Quaù Khöù Ñôn. Moïi ngöôøi hoïc Tieáng Anh ñeàu phaûi hoïc thuoäc loøng nhöõng ñoäng töø naøy.
Ñeå deã nhôù, ngöôøi ta chia ñoäng töø baát qui taéc thaønh 5 nhoùm sau ñaây:
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -1-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình

1. Nhóm A-A-A:

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. bet bet bet cá độ
2. broadcast broadcast broadcast phát thanh
3. burst burst burst nổ
4. cast cast cast ném
5. cost cost cost trị giá
6. cut cut cut cắt
7. forecast forecast forecast dự báo
8. hit hit hit đánh, đụng
9. hurt hurt hurt làm tổn thương
10. let let let để cho
11. put put put đặt, đ ể
12. quit quit quit bỏ, thôi
13. read read read đọc
14. set set set đặt, vặn lại, thiết lập
15. shut shut shut đóng lại
16. spread spread spread trải ra
17. thrust thrust thrust đâm

2. Nhóm A-B-B:

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. bend bent bent bẻ cong
2. bind bound bound trói buộc
3. bleed bled bled làm chảy m áu
4. bring brought brought mang lại
5. build built built xây dựng
6. burn burnt burnt đốt cháy
7. buy bought bought mua
8. catch caught caught bắt
9. creep crept crept bò
10. deal dealt dealt đối xử, xử lý
11. dig dug dug đào
12. dream dreamt dreamt mơ, chiêm bao
13. dwell dwelt dwelt cư trú
14. feed fed fed cho ăn
15. feel felt felt cảm th ấy
16. fight fought fought đánh nhau
17. find found found tìm được
18. flee fled fled chạy trốn
19. get got got nhận, lấy được
20. grind ground ground xay, nghiền
21. hang hung hung treo
22. have had had có
23. hear heard heard nghe
24. hold held held cầm
25. keep kept kept gi ữ
26. lay laid laid đặt, để
27. lead led led dẫn d ắt
28. lean leant leant dựa
29. learn learnt learnt học
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -2-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
30. leave left left để lại, rời khỏi
31. lend lent lent cho mư ợn
32. light lit lit thắp sáng
33. lose lost lost mất, thua
34. make made made chế tạo, sản xuất, làm
35. mean meant meant có nghĩa là
36. meet met met gặp
37. pay paid paid trả ti ền
38. say said said nói
39. seek sought sought tìm, kiếm
40. sell sold sold bán
41. send sent sent gửi
42. shine shone shone chiếu sáng(m ặt trời)
43. shoot shot shot bắn, sút bóng
44. sit sat sat ngồi
45. sleep slept slept ngủ
46. smell smelt smelt ngửi
47. speed sped sped v ượt nhanh
48. spell spelt spelt đánh vần
49. spend spent spent tiêu xài, trải qua
50. spill spilt spilt làm đổ
51. spoil spoilt spoilt làm hỏng
52. stand stood stood đứng
53. stick stuck stuck dán dính
54. sting stung stung chích
55. strike struck struck tác động
56. sweep swept swept quét
57. swing swung swung đu đưa
58. teach taught taught dạy
59. tell told told kể, bảo
60. think thought thought suy nghĩ
61. understand understood understood hiểu
62. weep wept wept khóc thầm
63. win won won chiến thắng

3. Nhóm A-B-A:

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. become became become trở thành
2. come came come đến
3. run ran run chạy
4. Nhóm A-A-B:
V1 V2 V3 Meaning
Beat beat beaten Đánh, đập
5. Nhóm A-B-C:

V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. be was/were been là, thì. ở
2. bear bore born sinh ra, chịu đựng
3. begin began begun bắt đầu
4. bite bit bitten cắn
5. blow blew blown thổi
6. break broke broken làm vỡ, gãy, vi phạm
7. choose chose chosen lựa chọn
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -3-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
8. do did done làm
9. draw drew drawn vẽ, kéo
10. drink drank drunk uống
11. drive drove driven lái xe hơi
12. eat ate eaten ăn
13. fall fell fallen rơi, ngã
14. fly flew flown bay
15. forbid forbade forbiden cấm
16. foresee foresaw foreseen đoán trước, tiên tri
17. forget forgot forgotten quên
18. forgive forgave forgiven tha th ứ
19. go went gone đi
20. grow grew grown mọc, trồng
21. hide hid hidden giấu, trốn
22. know knew known biết
23. lie lay lain nằm
24. mistake mistook mistaken nhầm, lầm
25. ride rode ridden cỡi(ngựa, xe đạp)
26. ring rang rung reo chuông
27. rise rose risen tăng lên
28. see saw seen thấy, gặp
29. shake shook shaken lắc, rung
30. show showed shown chỉ cho thấy
31. sing sang sung hát
32. sink sank sunk chìm tàu
33. speak spoke spoken nói
34. spring sprang sprung nhảy chồm lên
35. steal stole stolen ăn cắp
36. swim swam swum bơi
37. take took taken cầm, lấy
38. tear tore torn xé rách
39. throw threw thrown ném
40. undertake undertook undertaken đảm nhiệm
41. wake woke woken đánh thức
42. wear wore worn mặc, đội, mang. đeo
43. withdraw withdrew withdrawn rút
44. write wrote written viết

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -4-

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình



1. acquaintance /ə'kweintəns/ (n) _________________________________

2. acquainted with /ə'kweintid/ (adj) _________________________________
3. common /'kɔmən/ (adj) _________________________________
4. seem / si:m/ (v) _________________________________
5. capable / 'keipəbl/ (adj) _________________________________
6. incapable / in'keipəbl/ (adj) _________________________________
7. last / lɑ:st/ (v) _________________________________
8. lasting / 'lɑ:stiη/ (adj) _________________________________
9. quality / 'kwɔliti/ (n) _________________________________
10. selfish / 'selfi∫/ (adj) _________________________________
11. selfishness (n) _________________________________
/ 'selfi∫nis/
12. unselfishness (n) _________________________________
13. be concerned with / ,ʌn'selfi∫nis/
/ kən'sə:nd/ (adj) _________________________________
14. interest (n) _________________________________
15. be interested in / 'intrəst/
(adj) _________________________________
16. affair / 'intristid/ (n) _________________________________
17. give-and-take / ə'feə/ (exp) _________________________________
18. constant / giv ænd teik/ (adj) _________________________________
19. constancy / 'kɔnstənt/ (n) _________________________________
20. take up / 'kɔnstənsi/
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -5-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
21. enthusiastic / teik ʌp/ (v) _________________________________
22. enthusiasm /in,θju:zi'æstik (adj) _________________________________
23. attract / in'θju:ziæzm/ (n) _________________________________
24. attraction (v) _________________________________
/ ə'trækt/
25. change (n) _________________________________
26. changeable / ə'træk∫n/
(v) _________________________________
27. uncertain about / t∫eindʒ/ (adj) _________________________________
28. loyal to / 't∫eindʒəbl/ (adj) _________________________________
29. loyalty / ʌn'sə:tn/ (adj) _________________________________
30. suspicious / 'lɔiəl/ (n) _________________________________
31. suspicion / 'lɔiəlti/ (adj) _________________________________
32. rumour / sə'spi∫əs/ (n) _________________________________
33. gossip / sə'spi∫n/ (n) _________________________________
34. influence (n) _________________________________
35. trust / 'ru:mə/ (n) (v)
/ 'gɔsip/ _________________________________
36. mutual (n) _________________________________
37. secret / 'influəns/ (adj) _________________________________
38. sympathy / trʌst/ (n) _________________________________
39. aim / 'mju:tjuəl/ (n) _________________________________
40. joy / 'si:krit/ (n)
41. sorrow _________________________________
/ 'simpəθi/ (n) _________________________________
42. pleasure (n)
/ eim/ _________________________________
43. exist (n)
/ dʒɔi/ _________________________________
44. possible (v)
/ 'sɔrou/ _________________________________
45. impossible (adj)
46. be based on / 'pleʒə/ _________________________________
/ ig'zist/ (adj) _________________________________
47. benefit (exp)
48. relationship / 'pɔsəbl/ _________________________________
49. insist on / im'pɔsəbl/ _________________________________
(n) _________________________________
50. remain / beisd/ (v)
51. principle / benefit/ _________________________________
(v) _________________________________
52. physical / ri'lei∫n∫ip/ (n)
53. characteristic _________________________________
/ in'sist/ (adj)
54. height _________________________________
/ ri'mein/ (n) _________________________________
55. face / 'prinsəpl/ (n)
56. square _________________________________
/ 'fizikl/ (n) _________________________________
57. forehead / ,kæriktə'ristik/ (n)
58. broad _________________________________
/ hait/ (n) _________________________________
59. crooked / feis/ (adj)
60. appearance _________________________________
/ skweə/ (adj) _________________________________
61. personality / 'fɔ:hed/ (n) _________________________________
62. caring (adj)
/ 'brɔ:d/ _________________________________
63. hospitable (adj)
64. modest / 'krukid/ _________________________________
(adj) _________________________________
65. sincere / ə'piərəns/ (adj)
66. generous / ,pə:sə'næləti/ _________________________________
(adj) _________________________________
67. honest / keəriη/ (adj)
68. helpful / 'hɔspitəbl/ _________________________________
(adj) _________________________________
69. understanding / 'mɔdist/ (adj)
70. pleasant _________________________________
/ sin'siə/ (adj) _________________________________
71. journalist (adj)
/ 'dʒenərəs/ _________________________________
72. interviewee (n)
73. interviewer / 'ɔnist/ _________________________________
/'helpful/ (n) _________________________________
74. admire
/,ʌndə'stændiη (n) _________________________________
75. share
/ 'pleznt/ _________________________________
(v) _________________________________
/ 'dʒə:nəlist/
/ ,intəvju:'i:/
/ 'intəvju:ə/
/ ∫eə/

1. Infinitive with to (Động từ nguyên mẫu có to)
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -6-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
a. Sau túc từ của động từ:
S + V + O + to V

Ex: The teacher told me to go home.

S V O to V
Các động từ thường dùng trong loại câu này gồm có:
advise (khuyeân), allow, permit (cho pheùp), ask (yeâu caàu), invite (môøi), tell (baûo,
keå), order (ra leänh), …
b. Sau moät soá tính töø:
S + be + ADJ + to V

Ex: She is afraid to go in the dark.

Các tính từ thường dùng trong loại câu này gồm có:
able (coù theå), unable (khoâng theå), happy (vui veû), delighted (vui möøng), easy(deã),
lovely (thuù vò, hay), glad (vui), sorry (tieác), anxious (noùng loøng), content (baèng
loøng), afraid (sôï), eager (haùo höùc), amazed (ngaïc nhieân), pleased (haøi
loøng), disappointed (thaát voïng), surprised (ngaïc nhieân), certain (chaéc chaén),
willing (saün loøng),…

c. Sau moät soá ñoäng töø:

S + V + to V

Ex: I promised to lend her some money.

Các động từ thường dùng gồm có:
want (muoán), expect (mong chôø, kyø voïng), refuse (töø choái), hope (hy voïng),
decide (quyeát ñònh), agree (ñoàng yù), plan (döï ñònh), would like (muoán), fail
(thaát baïi, hoûng), learn (hoïc), afford (coù ñuû khaû naêng/ñieàu kieän), manage (xoay
sôû), demand (ñoøi hoûi, yeâu caàu), prepare (chuaån bò), promise (höùa), wish
(ao öôùc), begin/start (baét ñaàu), mean (ñònh), …
d. Trong caáu truùc:

S + be + too + adj + to V (quaù … neân khoâng theå …)

Ex: She is too young to get married.
(Cô ấy quá trẻ tuổi nên không thể kết hôn được)
e. Infinitive with to thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ:
There is a lot of housework which I should do.
---> There is a lot of housework to do. (Coù nhieàu vieäc nhaø caàn laøm.)
Have you got anything that you can read?
---> Have you got anything to read? (Baïn coù gì ñoïc khoâng?)
2. Infinitive without to (Ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu khoâng coù to)
Ñöôïc duøng:
a. Sau caùc ñoäng töø:
can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, ought to, have to, would
rather, had better
Ex: Can you speak any foreign languages? – Yes, I can speak English and Chinese.
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -7-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
b. Sau tuùc töø cuûa ñoäng töø: S + V + O + V
feel (caûm thaáy), hear (nghe), see (thaáy), watch (thaáy), smell (ngöûi thaáy), make
(baét buoäc), let (ñeå cho), help (giuùp), need (caàn), observe (quan saùt), look (troâng
thaáy), listen to (laéng nghe)
Ex: I saw him go into the coffee shop.
He made her drink beer.
She let him go.
- So saùnh söï khaùc nhau giöõa muïc a. vaø b.
- Neáu ñoäng töø trong caâu ôû daïng bò ñoäng (be + V3/ed), duøng to V theo sau, tröø
ñoäng töø “let” (ñöôïc ñoåi thaønh “be allowed”).
Ex: He was seen to go into the coffee shop.
She was made to drink beer.
He was allowed to go.
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the others
1. A. pleasure B. friendship C. residential D. unselfishness
2. A. adventure B. tear C. volunteer D. tomorrow
3. A. joy B. changeable C. guess D. imaginary
4. A. chew B. fetch C. achieve D. echo
5. A. constancy B. brighten C. patient D. acquaintance
II. Choose the word whose main stress is in the second syllable
1. A. loyalty B. mutual C. unselfishness D. constancy
2. A. apartment B. brighten C. intimate D. common
3. A. sympathy B. sympathetic C. enthusiasm D. understand
4. A. quality B. perfect C. hospitable D. generous
5. A. capable B. gossip C. modest D. acquaintance
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence or substitutes
for the underlined word or phrase
1/ Everyone has a number of acquaintances, but no one has many friends.
A. a person that you have met but do not know well
B. a person whom you know well and whom you like a lot, but who is usually not a
member of your family
C. a player on the same team
D. a person with whom you share a room for a period of time
2/ For true intimate friendship is not common; and there are many people who seem to
be incapable of it.
A. good B. close C. special D. deep
3/ The first quality, which is the very essence of friendship, is unselfishness.
A. certainty B. greatness C. beginning D. nature
4/ Some people seem not to be constant.
A. quick B. sure C. steady D. strong
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -8-
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
5/ Loyalty is the third important quality.
A. Truth B. Faithfulness C. Strength D. Sureness
6/ Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that
there can be no suspicions between them.
A. types B. gaps C. differences D. doubts
7/ We do not think much of people who readily believe rumor and gossip against their
A. chitchat B. talk C. speech D. saying
8/ Those who are easily influenced by whispers can never make good friends.
A. allusions B. words C. letters D. designs
9/ There must be mutual trust between friends, so that each can feel safe when
telling the other his or her most intimate secrets.
A. interested B. social C. shared D. public
10/ And where such mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossible.
A. knowing B. trust C. harmony D. relation
11/ For true intimate friendship is not common; and there are many people who seem to
be incapable of it.
A. choice B. unique C. superior D. tasteful
12/ For friendship to be intimate and lasting, both the friends must have some very special
A. finalizing B. stopping C. temporary D. short
13/ A selfish person is incapable of true friendship.
A. generous B. common C. social D. good
14/ Some people seem not to be constant.
A. unable B. weak C. wrong D. uncertain
15/ They take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it and feel the
attraction of some new object.
A. tiredness B. indifference C. kindness D. shortage
16/ Loyalty is the third important quality.
A. Faithlessness B. Badness C. Absence D. Madness
17/ Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that
there can be no suspicions between them.
A. proof B. connection C. similarity D. trust
18/ But there are talkative people who cannot keep a secret.
A. untruthful B. silent C. quiet D. calm
19/ Lastly, there must be a perfect sympathy between friends, sympathy with each other's
aims, likes, joys, sorrows, pursuits and pleasures.
A. defective B. bad C. sad D. unlucky
20/ Lastly, there must be a perfect sympathy between friends, sympathy with each other's
aims, likes, joys, sorrows, pursuits and pleasures.
A. interests B. joys C. likes D. love
2I/ It's worth_____an appointment before you go.

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng -9-

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
A. make B. to make C. making D. to making
22/ Perhaps you should try _____ up (= You should get up) earlier in the mornings.
A. get B. to get C. getting D. got
23/ She's busy _______ out the wedding invitations.
A. write B. to write C. writing D. written
24/ These lights are used _______ _ the playing area.
A. illuminate . B. to illuminate C. illuminating D. for illuminating
25. Tom and Paul have known each other for a long time. They are close friends.
A. best B. mutual C. intimate D. good
26. He has always remained ______ to his living principles.
A. kind B. loyal C. polite D. thoughtful
27. A(n) _______ is a person that you know but who is not a close friend.
A. neighbour B. friend C. acquaintance D. associate
28. Henry's _________ has made him very popular among his friends.
A. selfishness B. impoliteness C. unhappiness D. generosity
29. All of us extremely admire her courage and constancy.
A. fidelity B. kindness C. self-confidence D. humour
30. The workers seem to be totally of working in such bad working conditions.
A. able B. capable C. incapable D. unable
31. We didn't want to ________ the _________ neighbour so he was always alone.
A. make friends with - selfish B. make fun of - selfish
C. befriend-unselfish D. make friends with-selfish
32. He took his seat quietly ___________.
A. so as to disturb them B. to avoid disturb them
C. so as not to disturb them D. in order for me not to disturb them

IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed

for the sentence to be correct

1. To preserve natural resources means reserving them for our future.

2. If you have difficulty for finding my house, try to ask someone for help.
3. Japanese seems very difficult for me. I would prefer study English.

4. In English people drive on the left, so be sure to go on the right side.

5. John used to live in London, but his company had him be tranferred to a
better position in Manchester.

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 10 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình

Friendship is important to us. Everyone needs friendship. In all of our lives, we cannot live
(1) ______ friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. Friendship gives us
a (2) ______ of security and warmth; friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time.
But real friendship is not easy to (3) ______ True friendship must be sincere and (4)
_____ It is based on mutual Understanding, not on mutual benefit. Some people try to get
something from their friends, and their friends also try to make (5) ______ of them. If such a
relationship can be called friendship, we need no friends at all.
The mutual understanding between two friends means both of them have similar
ideas and (6) ______ each other. Otherwise, it is (7) ______ for them to help each other
and to make their friendship last long. However, it is advisable to have many good friends
as we can. A good friend can always be a good (8) ______ to us. By his advice, we are
persuaded to go the right way; by his help, we can be free from many difficulties;
by his warning, we are (9) ______ of the danger of doing wrongs. The more friends we
have, the more help we can (10) ______ from them and the more beautiful a life we will

1. A. with B. without C. because of D. for

2. A. feeling B. taste C. thought D. imagination
3. A. come in B. come into C. come by D. come on
4. A. unreliable B. unconditional C. unusual D. unlimited
5. A. fun B. friends C. room D. use
6. A. come B. gather C. trust D. live
7. A. unreal B. impossible C. unnecessary D. inconvenient
8. A. teacher B. doctor C. helper D. sponsor
9. A. fond B. aware C. confident D. doubtful
10. A. benefit B. gain C. exploit D. expect

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 11 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình




1. embarrassing / im'bærəsiη/ (adj) _________________________________

2. happen / 'hæpən/ (v) _________________________________
3. floppy / 'flɔpi/ (n) _________________________________
4. idol / 'aidl/ (n) _________________________________
5. extremely /iks'tri:mli/ (adv) _________________________________
6. excited / ik'saitid/ (adj) _________________________________
7. age (n) _________________________________
8. glance at / eidʒ/
(v) _________________________________
9. turn away / glɑ:ns/
(v) _________________________________
10. turn round / tə:n ə'wei/
(v) _________________________________
11. wad / tə:n raund/
(n) _________________________________
/ wɔd/
12. note (n) _________________________________
/ nout/
13. thief (n) _________________________________
14. make a fuss
/ θi:f/ (exp) _________________________________
15. reply / meik ə fʌs/ (v) _________________________________
16. point to / ri'plai/ (v) _________________________________
17. complain / point/ (v) _________________________________
18. type/kind/sort / kəm'plein/ (n) _________________________________
19. situation / taip/ (n) _________________________________
20. teenager / ,sit∫u'ei∫n/ (n) _________________________________
21. imitate / 'ti:neidʒə/ (v) _________________________________
22. discover / 'imiteit/ (v) _________________________________
23. native (adj) _________________________________
24. seriously / dis'kʌvə/
(adv) _________________________________
25. appreciate / 'neitiv/
(v) _________________________________
26. fail / 'siəriəsli/ (v) _________________________________
27. attitude / ə'pri:∫ieit/ (n) _________________________________
28. affect / feil/ (v) _________________________________
29. memorable / 'ætitju:d/ (adj) _________________________________
30. terrified / ə'fekt/ (adj) _________________________________
31. scream / 'memərəbl/ (v) _________________________________
32. replace (v)
33. stove / 'terifaid/ _________________________________
(n) _________________________________
34. embrace / skri:m/ (v)
35. escape / ri'pleis/ _________________________________
(v) _________________________________
36. protect / stouv/ (v)
37. rescue / im'breis/ _________________________________
(v) _________________________________
38. destroy / is'keip/ (v)
39. own _________________________________
/ prə'tekt/ (v) _________________________________
40. be involved in / 'reskju:/ (exp)
/ di'strɔi/
/ oun/
/ in'vɔlvd/

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 12 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình



S + V / Vs / Ves She goes to school by bus.

1. Simple Present :
S + don’t / doesn’t + V He doesn’t like music.
Do / Does + S + V ? Do you know that song?
S + is / am / are + V-ing We are watching TV.
2. Present continuous.
S + is / am / are not + V-ing She isn’t reading.
Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing? Are you sitting at the beach?
S + have / has + P.P (V-ed / V3) I have learnt English for 7 years.
3. Present perfect
S + have / has not + P.P (V-ed / V3) She hasn’t visited Dalat since 2007.
Have / Has + S + P.P (V-ed / V3)? Has he known Mary?
S + have / has + been + V-ing She has been waiting for her for 2 hours.
4. Present perfect continuous We haven’t been reading books.
S + have / has not + been + V-ing
Have / Has + S + been + V-ing? Have they been cleaning the house?
S + V-ed / V2 She went to school last night.
5. Simple past:
S + didn’t + V They didn’t visit Dalat last year.
Did + S + V? Did you watch TV yesterday?
S + was / were + V-ing He was crying when she came.
6. Past continuous:
S + was / were not + V-ing They weren’t riding bikes.
Was / Were + S + V-ing? Was she eating fish?
S + had + P.P She had had dinner before he came.
7. Past perfect:
S + had not + P.P He hadn’t learnt English.
Had + S + P.P? Had they gone there?
S + will + V I will be a model.
8. Simple Future :
S + won’t + V She won’t call him back.
Will + S +V? Will you give him your new book?
S + will + have + P.P I will have known Mary for 3 years.
9. Future perfect :
S + won’t + have + P.P She won’t have finished her work.
Will + S + have + P.P? Will he have built that building?


1. Present simple (Hieän taïi ñôn)
Thì hieän taïi ñôn ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
1.1 Moät thoùi quen, moät haønh ñoäng ñöôïc laëp ñi laëp laïi thöôøng xuyeân. Trong
caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom,
rarely, every day/week/month …
Ex: Mary often gets up early.
(Mary thöôøng thöùc daäy sôùm.)
1.2 Moät söï thaät luùc naøo cuõng ñuùng hay moät chaân lyù.
Ex: The sun rises in the east.
(Maët trôøi moïc höôùng ñoâng.)
1.3 Moät haønh ñoäng trong töông lai ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa vaøo chöông trình, keá hoaïch.
Ex: The football match begins at 5pm. (Traän boùng ñaù baét ñaàu luùc 5g chieàu.)
1.4 Söï vieäc, caâu chuyeän ñaõ xaûy ra (seõ loâi cuoán ngöôøi nghe/ñoïc hôn laø duøng
quaù khöù ñôn)
Ex: In my dream, I see a fairy. She and I fly around the world.
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 13 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
(Trong mô, toâi gaëp moät coâ tieân. Coâ tieân vaø toâi bay voøng quanh theá giôùi.)
2. Past simple (Quaù khöù ñôn)
Thì QKÑ duøng ñeå dieãn taû haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra vaø hoaøn taát trong quaù khöù
vôùi thôøi gian ñöôïc xaùc ñònh roõ raøng. Caùc traïng töø thöôøng ñi keøm:
yesterday, ago, last week/month/year, in the past, in 1990, …
Ex: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969. (Baùc Hoà qua ñôøi vaøo naêm 1969.)
3. Past continuous (Quaù khöù tieáp dieãn) Thì QKTD duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
3.1 Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra (vaø keùo daøi) vaøo moät thôøi ñieåm hoaëc moät
khoaûng thôøi gian trong quaù khöù.
Ex: I was studying her lesson at 7 last night. (7g toái qua, toâi ñang hoïc baøi)
3.2 Moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra (V-ing) ôû quaù khöù thì coù moät haønh ñoäng
khaùc xen vaøo (V2/ed).
Ex: He was sleeping when I came. (Anh ta ñang nguû khi toâi ñeán.)
3.3 Hai haønh ñoäng dieãn ra song song cuøng luùc trong quaù khöù.
Ex: While I was doing my homework, my younger brother was watching TV.
(Trong khi toâi ñang laøm baøi taäp veà nhaø thì em trai toâi ñang xem tivi.)
4. Past perfect (Quaù khöù hoaøn thaønh)
Thì QKHT duøng ñeå dieãn taû:
4.1 Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø hoaøn taát tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm hoaëc moät
haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù (haønh ñoäng tröôùc duøng HAD + V3/ed, haønh
ñoäng sau duøng V2/ed).
Ex: Lucie had learned English before she came to England.
(Lucie hoïc tieáng Anh tröôùc khi coâ aáy ñeán nöôùc Anh.)
4.2 Moät haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra nhöng chöa hoaøn thaønh, tính ñeán moät thôøi
ñieåm naøo ñoù trong quaù khöù.
Ex: By the time I left that school, I had taught there for ten years.
(Tôùi luùc toâi rôøi ngoâi tröôøng aáy, toâi ñaõ daïy ñöôïc 10 naêm.)


1. Meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng When:

a. When + simple past, simple past

Ex: When he opened the window, the bird flew out.

 Khi hai haønh ñoäng xaûy ra lieân tieáp nhau hoaëc khi haønh ñoäng naøy daãn ñeán haønh ñoäng

b. When + past perfect, simple past

Ex: When he had shut the window, we opened the door.

 Khi haønh ñoäng thöù nhaát chaám döùt roài thì haønh ñoäng thöù hai môùi baét ñaàu.
2. Meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng Till/Until

Simple past(negative) + till/until + past perfect

Ex: He refused to go till he had seen all the pictures.
 Khi haønh ñoäng naøy xaûy ra tröôùc, haønh ñoäng kia xaûy ra sau.

3. Meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng After/Before/As soon as/Once

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 14 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình

a. Past perfect + before + simple past

Ex: They had been rich before they came here.

b. Simple past + after + past perfect

Ex: They came here after they had been rich.

c. As soon as + past perfect, simple past

Ex: As soon as/Once I had finished dinner, I went to the cinema.

4. Meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng By the time

By the time + simple past, past perfect

Ex: By the time we got there, the play had started.

(Ñeán khi chuùng toâi tôùi ñoù thì vôû kòch ñaõ baét ñaàu roài.)


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. sing B. single C. thing D. ring
2. A. strong B. designs C. hang D. significant
3. A. run B. and C. think D. thin
4. A. solemn B. Friend C. experience D. sneaky
5. A. own B. want C. thank D. once
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the
1. A. complain B. involve C. embarrassing D. safeguarding
2. A. floppy B. serious C. embrace D. terrified
3. A. appreciate B. attitude C. idol D. sneaky
4. A. memorable B. experience C. selfish D. confidence
5. A. escape B. replace C. involve D. selfish
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
1. She nearly died of _______ when he said such a secret thing.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D.
2. Most children like being made a fuss of by the others.
A. taken care of B. paid much attention to
C. given place to D. made allowance for
3. Can you tell me one of your _____ experiences?
A. embarrassing B. memorable

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 15 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
C. unforgettable D. All are correct
4. The boy looks very like his father.
A. is the idol of his father B. is the only child of his father
C. is the image of his father D. is the best child of his father
5. I have vivid memories of my old friends in my childhood.
A. experiences B. recollections C. images D. impression
6. That film star is no longer popular. She is considered as a fallen _______.
A. actress B. figure C. idol D. woman
7. My little girl is always too shy to ask anyone for help.
A. modest B. attractive C. rude D. timid
8. With a little they could turn this region into a good resort
A. effort B. imagination C. reaction D. research
7. Have you ever had a look at a certain girl?
A. sneaky B. timid C. silent D. strict
7. I failed the entrance examination, but I just put it down to
A. life B. secret C. experience D. thought
11. What time _________ tonight?
A. does the concert begin B. will the concert begin
C. will the concert be beginning D. is the concert going to begin
12. We ____ (arrive) after electricity ____ (cut) and now John ____ (light) the oil
A. arrived - had cut - lighted B. arrived - had been cut - had lighted
C. arrived - had been cut - was lighting D. arrived - was cut - was lighting
13. Wait here until I _________ you.
A. am going to call B. am calling C. will call D. call
14. How _____ since we ______ school?
A. are you - left B. will you be - had left
C. have you been - had left D. have you been - left
15. Did you go to Da Lat on holiday?
- I ______ to go, but I got sick at the last minute.
A. had planned B. would like C. have planned D. planned

16. Thank you for warning me, I don't know the plug is wet and I _______ put it in the
A. will B. am going to C. shall D. was about to
17. Before cars people __________ horses and bicycles.
A. is invented - using B. were invented - had used
C. has been invented - have been using D. inventing - use
18. What's wrong? - _____________.
A. He is dead B. He died C. He has been dead D. lie was dead
19. You 'd better not eat this food. It __________________.
A. went bad B. has gone bad
C. went wrong D. has gone wrong
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 16 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
20. If only you ________your mother what I said, everything _______ all right.
A. didn't tell - would be B. hadn't told - would have been
C. don't tell - will be D. shouldn't tell - would be
21. Have you brought my pocket calculator?
- Oh no! I ________ again. That is stupid of me.
A. forgot B. have forgotten
C. had forgotten D. forget
IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed
for the sentence to be correct
1. London, which was the capital of England, was founded by the Romans
in 43 A.D.
2. I've been being lost one of my keys. I must have dropped it somewhere in
the classroom this morning.
3. It is thought that more than 400 million people will have spoken English
by the end of this decade.
4. The benefits which we gain from walking are more greater than what
many people was realizing
5. The government has promised to deal to the problem of unemployment
. among young people.

V. Read the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the
statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (No):


A major aspect of career counselling and guidance is knowledge of the world of

work. Ignorance of the many ways in which people earn a living has been a great
deterrent to freedom of occupational choice. To help solve this problem, some
schools provide opportunity for students to gain actual work experience as part of their
educational preparation. The value of work experience in education has long been
recognized and is now emphasized in the counselling of youth.
Vocational education and career counseling have had the active support and

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 17 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
participation of the trade unions and, more recently, of business and industry
because both contribute to the goal of an educated labor force.
The two national professional associations concerned with vocational
education and career counseling and guidance are the American Vocational
Association and the National Career Development Association. Accreditation is
provided by the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools.
True False
1/ The knowledge of the world of work is less important.
2/ Ignorance of the ways of people's earning a living has been a cheerfulness of
career choice.
3/ Students are helped by being given good chance to get work experience.

4/ Society has identified the value of work experience in education for a long time.

5/ Work experience also plays a role in advising young students.

6/ Vocational education and career counseling have not been necessary.
7/ Business and industry contribute to the goal of an educated labor force.
8/ The National Career Development Association is one of the two national professional
associations concerned with vocational education and career counseling and
9/ The American Vocational Association has a lot of employees.
10/ The National Association of Trade and Technical Schools provide



1. celebrate /'selibretid/ (v) _________________________________

2. celebration / ,seli'brei∫n/ (n) _________________________________
3. candle / 'kændl/ (n) _________________________________
4. cake / keik/ (n) _________________________________
5. present/gift (n) _________________________________
/ 'preznt/
6. toy (n) _________________________________
7. adult / tɔi/ (n) _________________________________
8. joke / 'ædʌlt/ (v) _________________________________
9. anniversary / dʒouk/ (n) _________________________________
10. get married / ,æni'və:səri/ (exp) _________________________________
11. couple / get 'mærid/ (n) _________________________________
12. special
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 18 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
13. silver / 'kʌpl/ (adj) _________________________________
14. golden / 'spe∫l/ (n) _________________________________
15. mark / 'silvə/ (adj) _________________________________
16. milestone (v) _________________________________
/ 'gouldən/
17. together (n) _________________________________
18. activity / mɑ:k/
(adv) _________________________________
19. relative / 'mailstoun/ (n) _________________________________
20. occasion / tə'geđə/ (n) _________________________________
21. host/hostess / æk'tiviti/ (n) _________________________________
22. decorate / 'relətiv/ (n) _________________________________
23. decoration / ə'keiʒn/ (v) _________________________________
24. take part in / houst/ (n) _________________________________
25. competition (exp) _________________________________
/ 'dekəreit/
26. organise (n) _________________________________
27. budget / ,dekə'rei∫n/
/ teik pɑ:t in/ (v) _________________________________
28. gather (n) _________________________________
29. icing / ,kɔmpi'ti∫n/
(v) _________________________________
30. slice / 'ɔ:gənaiz/
(n) _________________________________
31. clap / 'bʌdʒit/
32. tidy up (n) _________________________________
/ 'gæđə/ (v) _________________________________
33. guest / 'aisiη/ (v)
34. hold _________________________________
/ slais/ (n) _________________________________
35. refreshment (v)
36. New Year’s Eve / klæp/ _________________________________
37. serve / 'taidi ʌp/ _________________________________
(exp) _________________________________
38. service / gest/
(v) _________________________________
39. plate / hould/
(n) _________________________________
40. lemonade / ri'fre∫mənt/ (n)
41. melon / i:v/ _________________________________
(n) _________________________________
42. jelly / sə:v/ (n) _________________________________
/ 'sə:vis/
/ pleit/
/ ,lemə'neid/
/ 'melən/
/ 'dʒeli/

1. Infinitive and gerund (to V vaø V-ing)
Khi nhieàu ñoäng töø trong Tieáng Anh ñöùng gaàn nhau thì ta chia Thì cho ñoäng töø
ñaàu tieân coøn caùc ñoäng töø theo sau coù theå laø Infinitive hay Gerund. Vieäc
naøy hoøan toøan phuï thuoäc vaøo ñoäng töø ñöùng tröôùc..
1.1 Ñoäng töø theo sau laø Infinitive
S + V + to V
Xem laïi baøi cuõ.
1.2 Ñoäng töø theo sau laø Gerund
S + V + V-ing
Moät soá ñoäng töø sau ñaây caàn coù V-ing theo sau:
enjoy (thích, thöôûng thöùc), finish (hoaøn thaønh), postpone (trì hoaõn), avoid
(traùnh), keep (vaãn coøn, tieáp tuïc), practise (thöïc haønh), miss (boû lôõ), spend (tieâu
xaøi, traûi qua), allow/permit (cho pheùp), advise (khuyeân), recommend (ñeà nghò,
khuyeân baûo), give up (töø boû), suggest (ñeà nghò), deny (töø choái), consider (xem

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 19 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
xeùt), quit (rôøi boû), dislike (khoâng thích), can’t help (khoâng theå khoâng), risk (maïo
hieåm), mention (ñeà caäp), mind (phieàn), …
* LÖU YÙ: Sau giôùi töø (in, on, at, about, for, from, …) ta duøng V-ing.
2. Passive infinitive (to be + V3/ed)
Duøng vôùi nghóa bò ñoäng, sau caùc ñoäng töø trong muïc 1.4, trang 2. Khi laøm baøi,
caàn löu yù nghóa cuûa caâu laø chuû ñoäng (V + to V) hay bò ñoäng (V + to be +
Ex: They want to be invited to the party. (Hoï muoán ñöôïc môøi döï tieäc.)
3. Passive gerund (being + V3/ed)
Duøng vôùi nghóa bò ñoäng, sau caùc ñoäng töø ñaõ lieät keâ ôû treân. Khi laøm baøi,
caàn löu yù nghóa cuûa caâu laø chuû ñoäng (V + V-ing) hay bò ñoäng (V+ being+
Ex: I disliked being taken to the zoo when I was a child.
(Khi coøn nhoû, toâi khoâng thích ñöôïc daãn ñi vöôøn baùch thuù.)
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A candle B. family C. adult D. chalk
2. A. could B. would C. couple D. talk
3. A. hour B. hear C. hit D. hat
4. A. mother B. their C. relative D. theatre
5. A. happy B. perhaps C. hungry D. vehicle
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
1. A. together B. receive C. activity D. celebrate
2. A. perhaps B. helicopter C. American D. enthusiasm
3. A. restaurant B. candle C. organize D. invite
4. A. birthday B. cowboy C. enjoy D. treasure
5. A. healthy B. parade C. social D. temper
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
1. A __________ is a person who enjoys going to parties.
A. party-maker B. party-lover C. party-goer D. party-admirer
2. Our parents are. going to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in Dalat.
A. golden anniversary B. silver anniversary
C. special anniversary D. memorable aniversary
3. He refused to be a party to any decision.
A. pay attention to B. deal with
C. be involved in D. take notice of
4. On my graduation, my parents presented me a new computer.
A. awarded B. rewarded C. gave D. sent
5. The plans for the _______ were approved by the committee.
A. celebration B. celebratory C. celebrate D. celebrating
6. They are very happy to be together for their golden anniversary.
A. golden celebration B. golden occasion C. golden wedding D. golden age
7/ He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 20 -
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A. books B. sweets C. gifts D. things
8/ He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big
A. massive B. mature C. adult D. powerful
9/ Of course, Jimmy liked his drum very much.
A. Generally B. Naturally C. Actually D. Luckily
10/ He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind.
A. attend to B. obey C. follow D. take care of
11/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in
the evening, so he did not hear the noise.
A. before B. after C. in D. on
12/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed, when he got home in
the evening, so he did not hear the noise.
A. was eating B. was reading C. was sleeping D. was learning
13/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in
the evening, so he did not hear the noise.
A. clamor B. outcry C. riot D. commotion
14/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days
later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.
A. people living in the same society B. people living near rivers
C. people living in the same city D. people living nearby
15/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days
later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.
A. clear B. pointed C. quick D. heated
16/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she
took a sharp knife and went to Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.
A. colliding B. breaking C. touching , D. kicking
IV. Complete the following sentences with the words provided:

agency, company, birth, day, beloved, celebrated, between, during, random,

free, correct, exact, accompanied, followed, balloons, candles, surely,
generally, sweet food, sea food

Birthday party

A birthday party is a celebration that occurs to celebrate the (1) __________ of the
person being honored. The birthday party is the most (2) __________ event in the
world. As of July 2006 there were approximately 6.525 billion people on Earth. If
birthdays were perfectly (3) ___________in their distribution across the year, and if
every person were to celebrate theirs at their (4) ___________birth time then there
would be a birthday celebration every 0.005 seconds. While a child's party is
usually at home and consists of soft drinks and (5) __________ _as well as savory,
adults' often take place in clubs with a buffet of savory food and alcohol.
In Western culture, particularly in the United States, birthday parties are often

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 21 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
(6) __________ _
by colorful decorations. A traditional birthday cake is often served with
(7) ___________that are to be blown out after a "birthday wish" has been made. This
wish is usually kept secret, and represents some desire for the time (8) __________
the current birthday and the next. While the birthday cake is brought to the table,
the song Happy Birthday to You is (9) __________ sung. A birthday party may even be
an event planned carefully through a special (10) ___________or through a party



1. voluntary / 'vɔləntri/ (adj) _________________________________

2. voluntarily / vɔlənt(ə)rili/ (adv) _________________________________
3. volunteer / ,vɔlən'tiə/ (n)(v) _________________________________
4. nation (n) _________________________________
/ 'nei∫n/
5. take care of (exp) _________________________________
6. college / teik keə ɔv/
(n) _________________________________
7. orphan / 'kɔlidʒ/ (n) _________________________________
8. orphanage / 'ɔ:fən/ (n) _________________________________
9. home for the aged / 'ɔ:fənidʒ/ (exp) _________________________________
10. clean up / 'eidʒd/ (v) _________________________________
11. mow / 'kli:n 'ʌp/ (v) _________________________________
12. lawn / mou/ (n) _________________________________
13. organization (n) _________________________________
/ lɔ:n/
14. baseball (n) _________________________________
15. disadvantaged /,ɔ:gənai'zei∫n
/ 'beisbɔ:l/ (adj) _________________________________
16. handicapped
,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒd (adj) _________________________________
17. comfort
(n) _________________________________
18. overcome / 'hændikæpt/
19. participate in (v) _________________________________
/ 'kʌmfət/ (v) _________________________________
20. suffer / ,ouvə'kʌm/
21. natural disaster (v) _________________________________
/pɑ:'tisipeit in/ (exp) _________________________________
22. vacation
23. remote area
/ 'sʌfə/ (n) _________________________________
'næt∫rəl di'zɑ:stə (exp) _________________________________
24. mountainous area
/ və'kei∫n/ (exp) _________________________________
25. provide
26. beach ri'mout 'eəriə (v) _________________________________
'mauntinəs 'eəriə (n) _________________________________
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27. retired / prə'vaid/ (adj) _________________________________
28. fire / bi:t∫/ (v) _________________________________
29. donate (v) _________________________________
30. donation
/ ri'taiəd/
(n) _________________________________
31. donor / 'faiə/ (n) _________________________________
32. truck / dou'neit/ (n) _________________________________
33. flooded area / dou'nei∫n/ (exp) _________________________________
34. sew / 'dounə/ (v) _________________________________
35. excursion (n)
/ trʌk/ _________________________________
36. war invalid (exp) _________________________________
/ flʌdid 'eəriə / (n)
37. martyr _________________________________
/ sou/ (v)
38. direct _________________________________
39. vehicle / iks'kə:∫n/ (n) _________________________________
40. intersection / wɔ: 'invəli:d/ (n) _________________________________
41. support / 'mɑ:tə/ (v) _________________________________
42. charity / di'rekt/ (n) _________________________________
43. regularly / 'viəkl/ (adv) _________________________________
44. tax / ,intə'sek∫n/ (n) _________________________________
45. fun-raising (adj)
/ sə'pɔ:t/ _________________________________
46. the elderly (n) _________________________________
/ 't∫æriti/
47. the poor (n) _________________________________
/ 'regjuləri/ (n)
48. the sick _________________________________
49. co-operate
/ tæks/ (v)
/ fʌn 'reiziη/ _________________________________
50. co-ordinate (v)
/ 'eldəli/
/ pɔ:(r)/
/ sik/
/ kou'ɔpəreit/
/ kou'ɔ:dineit/
1. Gerund and present participle (Danh ñoäng töø vaø hieän taïi phaân töø)
1.1 Danh ñoäng töø: (V-ing)
1.1.1 Laøm chuû töø cho ñoäng töø
Ex: Singing is one of her hobbies.
(Ca haùt laø moät trong nhöõng sôû thích cuûa coâ ta.)
1.1.2 Laøm tuùc töø cho ñoäng töø (V + V-ing)
Ex: She enjoys singing.
(Coâ ta thích ca haùt.)
1.1.3 Laøm tuùc töø cho giôùi töø (prep + V-ing)
Ex: She is fond of singing.
(Coâ ta thích ca haùt.)
1.2 Hieän taïi phaân töø: (V-ing)
1.2.1 Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan:
S + V + O + V-ing
feel (caûm thaáy), hear (nghe), see (gaëp), watch (thaáy), smell (ngöûi thaáy)
Caùch duøng naøy nhaán maïnh söï tieáp dieãn cuûa haønh ñoäng.
Ex: I saw him writing a letter.
(Toâi thaáy anh ta ñang vieát thö)
1.2.2 Duøng trong caáu truùc:
S + V + O + V-ing
catch (baét gaëp), find (nhaän thaáy), spend (tieâu xaøi, boû ra), waste (laõng phí), leave
Ex: She left him waiting outside.
(Coâ ta ñeå anh aáy chôø beân ngoaøi.)

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1.2.3 Duøng dieãn taû caùc haønh ñoäng keá tieáp nhau (gaàn nhau veà thôøi gian) cuûa
cuøng chuû töø (haønh ñoäng tröôùc duøng V-ing).
Ex: Opening the drawer, she took out a book.
(Môû ngaên keùo ra, coâ ta laáy 1 quyeån saùch.)
2. Perfect gerund and perfect participle
(Danh ñoäng töø hoaøn thaønh vaø phaân töø hoaøn thaønh)
2.1 Perfect gerund (Having + V3/ed)
- Xem laïi caùch duøng cuûa gerund
- Khi ñoäng töø (caàn theâm –ING) chæ haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra tröôùc haønh ñoäng
duøng Perfect gerund dieãn taû haønh ñoäng tröôùc.
Ex: He was accused of having deserted his ship two months ago.
(Anh ta bò caùo buoäc ñaõ boû con taøu caùch ñaây hai thaùng.)
[Haønh ñoäng boû con taøu dieãn ra tröôùc khi bò caùo buoäc.]
Khoâng coù söï khaùc bieät lôùn khi noùi:
“He was accused of deserting his ship two months ago.”
2.2 Perfect participle (Having + V3/ed)
Khi hai haønh ñoäng cuûa cuøng chuû töø xaûy ra tröôùc sau trong quaù khöù,
Having + V3/ed dieãn taû haønh ñoäng tröôùc (keùo daøi hôn haønh ñoäng thöù hai).
Ex: Having dug a hole in the road, they disappeared.
(Ñaøo moät loã treân ñöôøng xong, hoï bieán maát.)
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. worry B. wine C. write D. wind
2. A. used B. Euro C. cure D. bury
1. A. whale B. wheel C. what D. whose
2. A. supply B. simply C. deny D. reply
3. A. growth B. wage C. wet D. one
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the
1. A. orphanage B. problem C. volunteer D. participate
2. A. vacation B. holiday C. mountain D. service
1. A. university B. charity C. brother D. comfortable
3. A. disaster B. provision C. increased D. understand
4. A. provide B. comforts C. conducted D. community
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase1
1. A(n) ........ is a person who does a job without being paid for it.
A. helper B. adviser C. assistant D. volunteer
2. The athlete overcame his injury to win the gold medal.
A. got on B. got in C. got over D. got off
3. The victim's widow was ___________ by family and friends.
A. comforted B. comfortable C. comfort D. comfortably
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4. _______ is a British charity that sends skilled people such as doctors and teachers
to work in other countries as volunteers.
A. Voluntary Service Organization B. Voluntary Charity Overseas
C. Voluntary Overseas Service D. Voluntary Service Overseas
5. We paid a visit to the home for children whose parents are dead.
A. homeless organization B. orphanage
C. children's home D. orphanage home
6. The disadvantaged children need to be helped by the government.
A. deprived B. homeless C. unlucky D. delicate
7/I don't like going on_______tours.
A. organize B. organized C. organization D. organizer
8/ You feel so ________ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.
A. help B. helping C. helpful D. helpless
9/ The lower tax rate is particularly______to poorer families.
A. advantage B. advantageous C. disadvantage D. advantages
10/ Hot soup is very______on a cold winter's day.
A. comforting B. comforter C. comfortable comfortless
11/ An eight-hour______day is still typical for many people.
A. work B. working C. worker D. workhouse
12/ I hate it______there's no one in the office.
A. that B. when C. which D. where
13/ I've never liked_____cousin of hers.
A. that B. whose C. whom D. which
14/ There were 500 passengers,____ 121 drowned.
A. who B. to whom C. whose D. of whom
15/______party would you prefer to go to - Anna's or Ian's ?
A. Who B. Whom C. That D. Which
16/ Quite______he isn't here today Is a mystery.
A. whom B. that C. what D. why
17/ Bradford,_____Bren comes from, has a lot of good curry restaurants.
A. when B. where C. what D. which
18/ Well, ______ it, we've finished - we can go home now.
A. that's B. what's C. why's D. which's
19/ See if you can guess____one is me in my old school photo.
A. what B. whose C. which D. that
20/ He took out a photo of his son,______he adores.
A. whom B. who C. that D. which
IV. Circle the option A, B, C or D that best completes the passage
In order to participate in the project assisting St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation, you
should be 21 years old and over, fit, healthy and (1) _____ of carrying out manual work in all (2) _____
in a hot climate. The upper age (3) _____ is 45 years old, due to the nature of the physical activities in
this project. No specific (4) _____ are needed, but those with previous experience of manual
conservation work, trail work, gardening, sea turtle monitoring, etc. would be (5) _____ useful, as well
as those who are self-motivated, as you will get more out of the project (6) _____ you are. The project
will especially (7) _____ to those with an interest in conservation, tropical botany and marine biology.
(8) _____ with additional skills, such as ornithology are especially welcome. (9) _____, for the trail
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 25 -
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work, some geometry and planning skills are needed, so those with mathematical and logical
thinking would greatly (10) _____ the project!
1. A. fond B. capable C. skilful D. good
2. A. conditions B. weather C. abilities D. days
3. A. control B. permission C. limit D. requirement
4. A. methods B. skills C. grades D. proficiencies
5. A. particularly B. hardly C. never D. rarely
6. A. Unless B. If C. When D. Whoever
7. A. suit B. involve C. concern D. appeal
8. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Anyone D. None
9. A. However B. Therefore C. And D. In addition
1. A. affect B. develop C. benefit D. widen



1. illiteracy / i'litərəsi/ (n) _________________________________

2. illiterate / i'litərit/ (adj) _________________________________
3. province / 'prɔvins/ (n) _________________________________
4. throughout (prep) _________________________________
/ θru:'aut/
5. eradicate (v) _________________________________
6. eradication / i'rædikeit/
(n) _________________________________
7. campaign / i,rædi'kei∫n/ (n) _________________________________
8. ethnic minority / kæm'pein/ (exp) _________________________________
9. highlands / 'eθnik mai'nɔriti
(n) _________________________________
10. receive / 'hailəndz/ (v) _________________________________
11. effective / ri'si:v/ (adj) _________________________________
12. way / i'fektiv/ (n) _________________________________
13. fight/struggle (against) (n) _________________________________
14. honorable / wei/
/ fait/, / 'strʌgl/ (adj) _________________________________
15. material (n) _________________________________
16. technique / 'ɔnərəbl/
/ mə'tiəriəl/ (n) _________________________________
17. family planning
/ tek'ni:k/ (exp) _________________________________
18. promise
/'fæmili 'plæniη/ (v) _________________________________
19. expand (v) _________________________________
20. gradually / 'prɔmis/ (adv) _________________________________
21. decrease / iks'pænd/ (v) _________________________________
22. rate
23. textbook
/ 'grædʒuəli/ (n) _________________________________
24. cheat in exams / di: 'kri:s/ (n) _________________________________
25. school regulation / reit/ (exp) _________________________________
/ 'tekstbuk/ (exp) _________________________________
26. low-income
/ t∫i:t in ig'zæm/ (adj) _________________________________
27. offer
/ ,regju'lei∫n (v) _________________________________
28. solution
29. head-master (n) _________________________________
/ lou 'iηkʌm/ (n) _________________________________
30. shortage / 'ɔfə/ (n) _________________________________
31. self-respect / sə'lu:∫n/ (n) _________________________________
32. maturity / hed 'mɑ:stə/ (n)
33. academic _________________________________
34. weakness
/ '∫ɔ:tidʒ/ (adj) _________________________________
/ ,self ri'spekt/ (n) _________________________________
35. deliver speeches (exp)
36. encourage/motivate / mə'tjuəriti/ _________________________________
(n) _________________________________
37. strategy / ,ækə'demik/ (n)
38. survey / 'wi:knis/ _________________________________
(n) _________________________________
39. percentage /di'livə spi:t∫iz/ (n)
40. essential in'kʌridʒ/'moutiveit _________________________________
(adj) _________________________________
/ 'strætədʒi/
/ 'sə:vei/
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 26 -
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/ pə'sentidʒ/
/ i'sen∫əl/

Khi ñoåi töø Lôøi noùi Tröïc tieáp sang Giaùn tieáp, phaûi nhôù
o Ñoåi THÌ
Qui luaät: Luøi 1 Thì
Simple Present F Simple Past
Present continuous F Past continuous
Simple past F Past perfect
Present perfect F Past perfect
Will F Would
Can F Could
May F Might
Must F Had to

Present simple Past simple

She said, 'I'm happy' She said that she was happy.
Present continuous Past continuous
He said, 'I'm watching TV' He said that he was watching TV
Past simple Past perfect simple
She said, ‘I saw Ben.' She said that she'd seen Ben
Present perfect simple Past perfect simple
He said, 'I've been to Spain.' He said that he'd been to Spain.
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
She said, `I've been studying.' She said she'd been studying.
Will Would
She said, ‘I'll finish my homework’. She said she would finish her homework
am/is/are going to was / were going to
He said, 'I'm going to be adoctor' He said he was going to be a doctor.

- Vôùi Caâu ñieàu kieän Loaïi 2 vaø Loaïi 3: KHOÂNG ÑOÅI THÌ
- Khi Ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät ôû Thì Hieän taïi ñôn nhö Say / Says / Ask / Asks / Wonder /

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 27 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình


Direct Speech Indirect Speech

1. this F 1. that
2. these F 2. those
3. here F 3. there
4. now F 4. then
5. ago F 5. before
6. thus F 6. so
7. today F 7. that day
8. tomorrow F / 8. the next day / the following day / the day after
9. yesterday F 9. the day before / the previous day
10. the day after tomorrow F 10. in two day’s time
11. the day before yesterday F 11. two days before
12. tonight F 12. that night
13. last night F 13. the night before
14. last week F 14. the previous week / the week before
15. next week F 15. the following week / the week after
16. a week ago F 16. a week before / the previous week


Chæ ñoåi Ngoâi thöù nhaát vaø Ngoâi thöù hai
Ngoâi thöù nhaát: I, me, my, mine, myself, we, us, our, ourselves
Ngoâi thöù hai: you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves
Theo luaät sau: nhaát – chuû, nhò – tuùc, tam – nguyeân
- Ñoåi ngoâi thöù NHAÁT phuø hôïp vôùi CHUÛ TÖØ trong meänh ñeà chính
- Ñoåi ngoâi thöù HAI phuø hôïp vôùi TUÙC TÖØ trong meänh ñeà chính
- Ngoâi thöù BA giöõ nguyeân.
Trong Tieáng Anh, coù 3 loaïi Lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp. Vì vaäy, muoán laøm ñuùng daïng baøi taäp
naøy, vieäc ñaàu tieân chuùng ta caàn laøm laø xaùc ñònh Lôøi noùi tröïc tieáp (Caâu trong ngoaëc
keùp) thuoäc daïng caâu naøo. Sau ñoù, chuùng ta phaûi theo ñuùng nhöõng chæ daãn döôùi ñaây.

A. Imperative: (Caâu meänh leänh)

Coù 2 loaïi caâu meänh leänh.

1. Meänh leänh Haõy (meänh leänh baét ñaàu baèng Ñoäng töø)

S + asked/told + O + to + V1

Ex: He said to her, “Bring me a cup of coffee.”

Ä He asked/told her to bring him a cup of coffee.
(Haén baûo coâ aáy mang cho haén moät taùch caø pheâ.)

2. Meänh leänh Ñöøng (meänh leänh baét ñaàu baèng Don’t)

S + asked/told + O + + not + to + V1

Ex: The teacher said to us, “Don’t talk in class”

Ä The teacher asked/told us not to talk in class.
(Thaày giaùo baûo chuùng toâi ñöøng noùi chuyeän trong lôùp)

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B. Statements(Caâu phaùt bieåu)
Phaûi theo ñuùng nhöõng qui luaät: ÑOÅI THÌ, ÑOÅI CHI TIEÁT, ÑOÅI NHAÂN VAÄT.
Ex: I told him, “You are very intelligent”
Ä I told him that he was very intelligent.
(Toâi baûo haén raèng haén raát thoâng minh.)

C. Questions(Caâu hoûi)
Phaûi theo ñuùng nhöõng qui luaät: ÑOÅI THÌ, ÑOÅI CHI TIEÁT, ÑOÅI NHAÂN VAÄT.
Coù 2 loaïi caâu hoûi:

1. Yes-No questions:

Caâu hoûi Yes-No khoâng coù töø ñeå hoûi. Khi chuyeån ñoåi, chuùng ta duøng If hoaëc
Whether ôû ñaàu caâu hoûi. Trong tröôøng hôïp naøy If hay Whether coù nghóa laø
COÙ… HAY KHOÂNG. Löu yù raèng traät töï töø gioáng nhö Caâu phaùt bieåu.
Ex: Dan asked, “Is there a waiting room?”
Ä Dan asked if/whether there was a waiting room.
(Dan hoûi xem coù phoøng chôø naøo hay khoâng.)
2. Wh-questions:

Ñaây laø loaïi caâu hoûi coù töø ñeå hoûi nhö: What, When, Where, Why, Who, Whom,
Which, Whose vaø How. Phaûi giöõ laïi nhöõng töø ñeå hoûi naøy. Löu yù raèng traät töï
töø gioáng nhö Caâu phaùt bieåu.
“What did your parents send?” the officer asked.
Ä The officer asked me what my parents had sent.
(Ngöôøi nhaân vieân hoûi toâi xem Boá Meï toâi coù göûi caùi gì hay khoâng.)
- Let’s (Chuùng ta haõy) thöôøng duøng dieãn taû moät ñeà nghò vaø ñöôïc ñoåi thaønh Suggest
(ñeà nghò) trong lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp.
Ex: He said, “Let’s leave the case at the station.”
Ä He suggested that we should leave the case at the station.
Ä He suggested leaving the case at the station.
- Khi lôøi noùi tröïc tieáp laø moät caâu caûm thaùn baét ñaàu baèng What hoaëc How thì ta
duøng caáu truùc said that it was.
Ex: “What a wonderful thing!” he said.
Ä He said that it was a wonderful thing.
“How wonderful it is!” he said.
Ä He said that it was wonderful.
LÖU YÙ: Ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät thay ñoåi tuøy nghóa cuûa caâu. Moät soá ñoäng töø
töôøng thuaät phoå bieán laø: tell (baûo), ask (yeâu caàu, hoûi), encourage (ñoäng
vieân), want (muoán), advise (khuyeân), agree (ñoàng yù), invite (môøi), remind
(nhaéc nhôû), promise (höùa), warn (caûnh baùo),…
o Caâu töôøng thuaät vôùi “to infinitive”:
Caâu meänh leänh khaúng ñònh “Haõy”:
Ex: “Remember to finish your exercise, Tom,” the teacher said.
---> His teacher reminded Tom to finish his exercise.
(Thaày giaùo nhaéc Tom hoaøn thaønh baøi taäp.)
o Caâu meänh leänh phuû ñònh “Ñöøng”:
Ex: They said, “Don’t talk in the class.”(Hoï noùi, “Ñöøng noùi chuyeän trong lôùp”)
---> They told us not to talk in the class. (Hoï baûo chuùng toâi ñöøng noùi chuyeän trong lôùp)
o Moät soá caáu truùc khaùc:
a. Ñeà nghò, lôøi môøi:
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 29 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
Ex: He said, “Would you like to go out for a drink?”
---> He invited me to go out for a drink.
(Anh ta noùi, “Môøi anh ra ngoaøi duøng nöôùc”. ---> Anh ta môøi toâi ra ngoaøi duøng
b. Yeâu caàu:
Ex: She said, “Can you lend me your book?”
---> She asked me to lend her my book.
(Coâ aáy noùi, “Anh coù theå cho toâi möôïn saùch cuûa anh?”---> Coâ aáy yeâu caàu toâi cho coâ aáy möôïn saùch cuûa
c. Khuyeân baûo:
Ex: “You should study harder,” my mother said.
---> My mother advised me to study harder.
(Meï toâi noùi, “Con neân hoïc chaêm hôn”. ---> Meï toâi khuyeân toâi hoïc chaêm hôn.)
d. Höùa heïn:
Ex: “I will give you my book,” he said.
---> He promised to give me his book.
(Anh ta noùi, “Toâi seõ ñöa cho anh quyeån saùch cuûa toâi”.
---> Anh ta höùa ñöa cho toâi quyeån saùch cuûa anh aáy.)

Coâng thöùc chung khi ñoåi sang caâu töôøng thuaät vôùi to V: S + V (+ O) + to
Böôùc 1: Xaùc ñònh (1) caâu tröïc tieáp ñaõ cho thuoäc nhoùm naøo (meänh leänh, ñeà nghò, yeâu caàu, …) vaø
(2) ñoäng töø chính trong caâu tröïc tieáp.
Böôùc 2: Xaùc ñònh (1) ngöôøi noùi vaø (2) ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät thích hôïp.
Böôùc 3: Xaùc ñònh vaø theâm tuùc töø (ngöôøi/vaät ñöôïc töôøng thuaät) vaøo sau ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät
(neáu coù)
Böôùc 4: Haï ñoäng töø chính (ôû Böôùc 1) vaø theâm TO vaøo tröôùc noù.
Coù Thì  Ñoåi Thì, Coù Nhaân vaät  Ñoåi Nhaân vaät, Coù Chi tieát  Ñoåi Chi tieát

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. province B. prepare C. peoples D. provide
2. A. breeding B. bleeding C. brother D. breath
3. A. complete B. able C. admirable D. honourable
4. A. threat B. those C. thank D. thin
5. A. laugh B. thought C. bought D. ought
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed on the second syllable
1. A. illiteracy B. gratitude C. homeless D. voluntary
2. A. primary B. minority C. relevant D. program
3. A. adult B. income C. decreased D. mountainous
4. A. provide B. struggle C. ethnic D. tutor
5. A. village B. various C. benefit D. enforce
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
1. Students are willing to participate in a campaign to promote adult ______

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 30 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
A. literacy B. illiteracy C. knowledge D. education
2. All of us think it would be fair to ______ her talent with the Artist Club scholarship.
A. honour B. give C. value D. estimate
3. The government has paid much attention to the programme for illiteracy ______
and intellectual standard among the people.
A. education B. eradication C. destruction D. reduction
4. Young people are ______ to save the area from building development.
A. campaigning B. campaigners C. campaigned D. campaign
5. A(n) ______ is a person from an ethnic minority.
A. hero B. campaigner C. ethnic D. programmer
6. Many students voluntarily spent their summer holidays teaching illiterate people to
read and write.
A. people who are deaf B. people who don't know how to read and write
C. people who are too poor to learn D. people who hate learning
7/ The hotel was______and comfortable.
A. home B. homely C. homeless D. homeland
8/1 think free-range chickens taste much better than factory-___ones.
A. farm B. farmer C. farmed D. farming
9/ I've had______problems with this car ever since I bought it.
A. continue B. continuing Ccontinuous D. continual
10/ They searched for survivors but it was____
A. hope B. hopeless C. hopeful D. hopefully
11/ The cab drivers' strike __________ last week, and it still _________ on these days.
A. began- is going B. had begun- goes
C. began- goes D. had begun- is going

12/ They______the assignment that they_____assigned to.

A. didn't finish- had been B. don't- are
C. haven't finished- were D. can't finish- could be
13/ Our uncle______while he______a motorcycle.
A. didn't smoke-is driving B. hasn't smoked-was driving
C. doesn't smoke-is driving D. hadn't smoked-was driving
14/ By the end of this month, Mid-Autumn Festival___and______
A. comes-goes B. would come-go
C. will come-go D. will have come-gone
15/ When my mother______old, she often_____of all the things she_when she young.
A. grew-thought-did-was
B. grows-thinks-does-is
C. has grown-thinks-had done-was
D. grows-thought-had done-is
16/ We ______ his sister since last Saturday, but we _____ she _an essay on Romeo and Julie
at present.
A. didn't see-believed-wrote
B. haven't seen-believe-is writing
C. don't see-believe-writes
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 31 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
D. haven't seen-have believed-has written
17/ Do you recognize the____on the envelope?
A. write B. written C. writer D. writing
18/ The radiation leak has had a disastrous ________ on the environment.
A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness
19/ They decided not to ________ an existing order for aircraft.
A. honor B. honors C. honorable D. honorably
20. He told me _______.
A. to read it for yourself if you didn't believe what I say
B. to read it for myself if I didn't believe what I said
C. to read it for myself if I didn't believe what he said
D. to read it for yourself if you didn't believe what he said
21. Linda told her husband _________.
A. not to drive too fast or the baby will be sick
B. not to drive too fast or the baby would be sick
C. to drive too fast or the baby will be sick
D. not to drive too fast and the baby would be sick
IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed
for the sentence to be correct

1. Father told to his son not to waste his time playing games all day.
2. Mai, my closest friend, invited me not to go to her birthday party on Sunday night .

3. Drivers or passengers are required to wear seat belts while in a moving vehicle.
4. Tom told Mary not to interrupt me while he was talking.
V. Circle the option A, B, C or D that best completes the passage
Illiteracy may be considered more as an abstract concept than (1) _____ .When a famous
English writer used the word over two hundred years ago, he was actually referring to people who could
not (2) _____ Greek or Latin. However, it seems (3) _____ that university examiners had this sort of
(4) _____ in mind when they reported on creeping illiteracy in a report on Jr students' final (5) _____
in 1988.
Over the years, university lecturers have become aware of an increasing tendency to
grammatical sloppiness, (6) _____ spelling and general imprecision in their students' (7) _____ of
writing; and sloppy writing is all too often a reflection of sloppy (8) _____ Their complaint was (9)
_____they had enough to do teaching their own subject (10) _____ teaching their undergraduates to
1. A. condition B. standard C. problem D. trouble
2. A. know B. read C. writing D. spell
3. A. likely B. easily C. clearly D. unlikely
4. A. hurt B. disability C. disease D. injury
5. A. race B. tournament C. interview D. examination
6. A. good B. poor C. difficult D. simple
7. A. abilities B. skills C. ways D. tendencies
8. A. thinking B. studying C. expressing D. inferencing
9. A. that B. this C. which D. what
10. A. with B. without C. for D. on
VI. Change the following sentences from direct to reported speech:
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 32 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
1/ Phong said, "I want to buy a pocket calculator for my mother."
2/ "The store isn't going to open on New Year's Day," the man informed us.
3/ She said, "I once spent a summer here in this village."
4/ The students said, "We'll be sitting for our exams next Monday."
5/ The nurse said, "The patient in this room did not obey your orders, Doctor."
6/ "The house will seem so empty without you and Thanh," Mrs. Mai said to Trang.
7/ "If she knew the truth, she would be unhappy," Danh told me.
8/ Khoa said to Sang, "I may come when I've finished my work."
9/ "These students speak English very well," the visitors remarked.
10/ Father said, "I think it won't rain tomorrow."
Exercise: Complete the following sentences by changing direct speech to indirect
speech(reported speech).

1. “Why are you staring out the window, Mary?” said Daisy.
→ ____________________________________________________________
2. “Don’t forget your sandwiches” said his mother.
→ ____________________________________________________________
3. They said, “We have moved into our new flat”
→ ____________________________________________________________
4. Mandy asks, “Have you bought the ticket, Steve?”
→ ____________________________________________________________
5. She asked, “Open your books , please”
→ ____________________________________________________________
6. “Sit down” he said.
→ ____________________________________________________________
7. “Don’t put it on this table” said Tom.
→ ____________________________________________________________
8. “Who did you give the money to?” she asked her son.
→ ____________________________________________________________
9. I’ve made a terrible mistake” said John.
→ ____________________________________________________________
10. “The TV program was very interesting” said her son.
→ ____________________________________________________________
11. Mr. said to Mary, “I didn’t meet your father yesterday”.
→ ____________________________________________________________
12. “Please don’t come back late tonight”, said Mr. Green.
→ ____________________________________________________________
13. “I’m sick today”, said the boy.
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 33 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
→ ____________________________________________________________
14. The teacher said to his pupils, “Bring your books with you tomorrow”.
→ ____________________________________________________________
15. The man said, “I hope it won’t rain tonight”.
→ ____________________________________________________________
16. “When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me.
The interviewer asked me ________________________________________
17. “Do you like music?” Jane asked Lan.
→ Jane asked Lan ______________________________________________
18. “What’s your name?” said the policeman to the little boy.
→ The policeman asked the little boy _______________________________________
19. “Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier?” the doctor asked.
→ The doctor asked her _________________________________________
1. "Please sit down,” the teacher said to me.
→ The teacher asked me _____________________________ .
2. “ What are you doing?”, she asked me.
→ She wondered _________________________________________________



1. competition / ,kɔmpi'ti∫n/ (n) _________________________________

2. competitive / kəm'petitiv/ (adj) _________________________________
3. compete / kəm'pi:t/ (v) _________________________________
4. competitor (n) _________________________________
/ kəm'petitə/
5. contest (n) _________________________________
6. marathon / kən'test/
(n) _________________________________
7. representative / 'mærəθən/ (n) _________________________________
8. annual / ,repri'zentətiv/ (adj) _________________________________
9. aim / 'ænjuəl/ (n) _________________________________
10. stimulate / eim/ (v) _________________________________
11. spirit / 'stimjuleit/ (n) _________________________________
12. among / 'spirit/ (prep) _________________________________
13. sponsor (n) _________________________________
14. explain / ə'mʌη/
/ 'spɔnsə/ (v) _________________________________
15. rule
/ iks'plein/ (n) _________________________________
16. complete
17. completion / ru:l/ (v) _________________________________
18. worksheet (n) _________________________________
/ kəm'pli:t/
19. within (n) _________________________________
/ kəm'pli:∫n/ (prep) _________________________________
20. judge / 'wə:k∫i:t/
21. observe (n) _________________________________
22. score / wi'đin/ (v) _________________________________
23. maximum / 'dʒʌdʒ/ (n)(v) _________________________________
24. announce / ə'bzə:v/ (n) _________________________________
25. total score / skɔ:/ (v) _________________________________
26. award / 'mæksiməm/ (exp) _________________________________
27. member / ə'nauns/ (v) _________________________________
28. smoothly / 'toutl skɔ:/ (n) _________________________________
29. recite (adv) _________________________________
30. poem
/ ə'wɔ:d/
(v) _________________________________
31. poetry / 'membə/ (n) _________________________________
32. disappointed / 'smu:đli/ (n) _________________________________
33. apologise (for) / ri'sait/ (adj) _________________________________
34. on behalf of / 'pouim/ (v) _________________________________
35. achieve / 'pouitri/ (exp) _________________________________
36. sculpture / ,disə'pɔintid/ (v) _________________________________
37. athletics / ə'pɔlədʒaiz/ (n) _________________________________
38. opportunity / bi'hɑ:f/ (n) _________________________________
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 34 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
39. creative / ə't∫i:v/ (n) _________________________________
40. cheerful / 'skʌlpt∫ə/ (adj) _________________________________
/ æθ'letiks/ (adj) _________________________________
/ ,ɔpə'tju:niti/
/ kri:'eitiv/
/ 't∫jəful/

Reported speech with Gerund. (Caâu töôøng thuaät vôùi Gerund hay V-ing):
1 Caûm ôn, xin loãi:
Ex1: “It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you.
---> Tom thanked me for helping him.
Ex2: “I’m sorry I’m late,” Peter said.
---> Peter apologised for being late.
2 Chuùc möøng:
Ex: John said, “I heard you received the scholarship. Congratulations!”
---> John congratulated me on receiving the scholarship.
3 Cöông quyeát, khaêng khaêng:
Ex: “I’ll help you with your physics exercise,” Peter said to Susan.
---> Peter insisted on helping Susan with her physics exercise.
4 Caûnh baùo, ngaên caûn:
Ex1: “Don’t go out alone at night,” I said to Linda.
---> I warned Linda agaisnt going out alone at night.
Ex2: “Sit here. I can’t let you stand all the time,” Mary said to me.
---> Mary prevented me from standing all the time.
5 Chaáp nhaän hoaëc phuû nhaän:
Ex1: “We stole his money,” they said.
---> They admitted stealing his money.
Ex2: “I didn’t steal his money,” she said. ---> She denied stealing his money.
6 Ñeà nghò:
Ex: “Let’s go out for a drink,” Susan said.
---> Susan suggested going out for a drink.
7 Toá caùo, buoäc toäi:
Ex: “You took some of my money,” he said.
---> He accused me of taking some of his money
8. Mô öôùc:
Ex: “I want to pass the exam with flying colours,” John said.
---> John dreamed of passing the exam with flying colours.

Coâng thöùc chung vôùi V-ing: S + V (+ O) (+ prep) + V-ing

Böôùc 1: Ñoïc kyõ caâu tröïc tieáp, xaùc ñònh THÌ, NHAÂN VAÄT vaø CHI TIEÁT.

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 35 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
Böôùc 2: Xaùc ñònh ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät vaø giôùi töø theo sau (neáu coù) (giôùi
töø coù theå
theo ngay sau ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät hoaëc sau tuùc töø).
Böôùc 3: Xaùc ñònh ñoäng töø caàn theâm – ING, ñaët tuùc töø (ngöôøi/vaät
ñöôïc töôøng
thuaät) vaøo sau ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät (neáu coù).
Böôùc 4: Ñaët ñoäng töø chính theâm – ING (sau ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät hoaëc giôùi
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
1. A. trouble B. tropical C. trousers D. drawer
2. A. dreadful B. dream C. trunk D. drunk
3. A. enough B. rough C. tough D. though
4. A. cheerful B. scholarship C. chemist D. ache
5. A. father B. healthy C. other D. mother
II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the third syllable
1. A. athletics B. sculpture C. disappoint D. participation
2. A. representation B. competitive C. spirit D. competition
3. A. observe B. competitor C. popularity D. maximum
4. A. organization B. controversal C. patter D. announcement
5. A. television B. altogether C. enjoyment D. spirit
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase
.1. An ______ is a person who is awarded something such as a prize.
A. awarder B. awardee C. award D. awarder
2. The English Competition is annually organized by our English teachers.
A. once a week B. once a month C.once a year D.once a fornight
3. You have to be highly ______ to do well in sport these days.
A. competed B. competent C. competitive D. competing
4. The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli.
A. sounds B. laughters C. speech D. echoes
5. A person who decides who has won a competition is called a (n) ______
A. opponent B. contestant C. judge D. examiner
6. My brother has some interseting observations on possible future developments.
A. projects B. plans C. remarks D. suggestions
7. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students.
A. force B. stimulate C. ask D. create
8/ There were signs _____ of fog as soon as we got onto the motorway.
A. warn B. warning C. warned D. to warn
9/ I'd strongly_____against making a sudden decision.
A. advise B. to advise C. advising D. advised
10/ Candidates who are successful in the written test _____ for an interview.
A. shall be invited B. should be invited
C. will be invited D. would be invited
11/ He's everything you'd ever _____ in a man - bright, funny and attractive.
A. want B. to want C. wanting D. have wanted
12/______(you) the truth, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.
A. Tell B. To tell C. Have told D. Tells
13/______you_______Paul about dinner on Saturday
A. Will / remind B. Could / remind
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 36 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
C. Have / reminded D. Do / remind

14/______me (that) you______him.

A. Promise / won't tell B. Promise / wouldn't tell
C. Promising / won't tell D. To promise / wouldn't tell
15/ My father and I _____ about very much.
A. don't agree B. didn't agree C. haven't agreed D. aren't agreeing
16/ She____a question about Welsh history this morning.
A. asks B. asked C. had asked D. has asked
17/I_______bad that I______them any food.
A. felt / don't offer B. felt / didn't offer
C. feel / don't offer D. feel / didn't offer
IV. Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
I/ I like (A) the road he just assumes (B) we'll listen to him when he doesn't (C) take in a
word (D) anyone else says!
21 His main (A) dislike about (B) work are (C) the noise and dust (D) in the factory.
3/ A good knife is (A) probable one of (B) the most useful things you (C) can have (D) in a
4/ "Do you (A) think (that) you (B) could get me (C) some stamps while you're (D) into town?"
5. (A) Turn the music (B) up – (C) I'm not competing (D) against that noise!
6. (A) There was (B) obvious a great (C) physical attraction (D) between them.
V. Choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D - to each question
There is no denying the fact that prize call stimulate competitors into full play.
One will go all out to seek his greatest success because of the prize incentive and the sense
of superiority over others. Consequently, the highest achievement will be obtained in a fair
However, many competitors cannot overcome , the temperation of the prize.
They see nothing but the prize and may try to get it by improper means. As a result, we
often hear of scandals in sports events.
I believe that the remedy lies in character education of the competitors. This
helps them understand that prize is a means to an end, but not the end itself
Meanwhile, we should enforce the law that no one should take improper actions before
or at the competition. 'Then, prize will play a better part in any contest.
1 . It is true to say that ....
A. all competitors take part in the competitions to get prize.
B. prize is considered as a stimulus for play.
C. prize is said to help competitors to get money.
D. prize has affected competitors' attitude.
2. The expression "go all out"' in the 2 nd line means
A. spend a lot of time B. practise a lot
C. make a very great effort D. use effective methods
3. The word "incentive" in the 3rd line could be best replaced by
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 37 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
A. value B. purpose C. standard D. encouragement


1. population / ,pɔpju'lei∫n/ (n) _________________________________

2. population explosion / iks'plouʒn/ (exp) _________________________________
3. overpopulated / ,ouvə'pɔpjuleitid (adj) _________________________________
4. overpopulation / 'ouvə,pɔpju'lei∫n (n) _________________________________
5. scene / si:n/ (n) _________________________________
6. increase (v)(n) _________________________________
7. B.C.
/ in'kri:s/
8. A.D. _________________________________
9. reach (v) _________________________________
10. figure / ri:t∫/ (n) _________________________________
11. double / 'figə/ (v) _________________________________
12. expect / 'dʌbl/ (v) _________________________________
13. resource / iks'pekt/ (n) _________________________________
14. limit / ri'sɔ:s/ (v) _________________________________
15. limited (adj) _________________________________
/ 'limit/
16. growth (n) _________________________________
17. raise / 'limitid/
/ grouθ/ (v) _________________________________
18. amount (n) _________________________________
19. iron / reiz/
(n) _________________________________
20. metal / ə'maunt/ (n) _________________________________
21. average / 'aiən/ (adj) _________________________________
22. half / 'metl/ (n) _________________________________
23. although / 'ævəridʒ/ (conj) _________________________________
24. safe
25. birth-control
/ hɑ:f/ (adj) _________________________________
26. method / ɔ:l'đou/ (n) _________________________________
27. government / seif/ (n) _________________________________
28. instead of / 'bə:θkən'troul/ (n) _________________________________
29. continue / 'meθəd/ (exp) _________________________________
30. attend / 'gʌvnmənt/ (v) _________________________________
31. injury (v) _________________________________
/ in'sted ɔv/ (n)
32. automobile _________________________________
/ kən'tinju:/ (n) _________________________________
33. United Nations
34. behave / ə'tend/ (exp) _________________________________
/ 'indʒəri/ (v)
35. educate _________________________________
36. properly / 'ɔ:təməbi:l/ (adv)
37. religion / ju:'naitid'nei∫nz _________________________________
38. form (n) _________________________________
/ bi'heiv/ (n)
39. insurance / 'edju:keit/ _________________________________
40. living standard (n) _________________________________
/ 'prɔpəli/ (exp)
41. living condition _________________________________
/ ri'lidʒən/ (exp)
42. awareness _________________________________
43. punishment / fɔ:m/ (n) _________________________________
44. policy / in'∫uərəns/ (n) _________________________________
45. continent / 'liviη'stændəd (n) _________________________________
46. particularly / kən'di∫n/ (n) _________________________________
47. improvement / ə'weənis/ (adv) _________________________________
48. generation / 'pʌni∫mənt/ (n) _________________________________
49. rank / 'pɔləsi/ (n) _________________________________
50. expert (n)
/ 'kɔntinənt/ _________________________________
51. mention (n)
/ pə,tikju'lærəli _________________________________
52. advise (n)
/im'pru:vmənt/ _________________________________
53. implement (v)
/ ,dʒenə'rei∫n/ _________________________________
54. distribute (v)
55. unevenly / ræηk/ _________________________________
(v) _________________________________
/ 'ekspə:t/ (adv) _________________________________
/ 'men∫n/
/ əd'vaiz
/ 'implimənt/
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 38 -
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/ dis'tribju:t
/ ʌn'i:vnli/

Conditional Sentences
I. Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type 1
Ex: If I finish my homework, I will go to the concert
(= I will go to the concert if I finish my homework.)
* If clause: If I finish my homework,
* Main clause: I will go to the concert
1. Form: If + S + V1…., S + will + Vo…..
2. Use: Dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän coù theå xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi hoaëc töông lai.
II. Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type 2
Ex: - He doesn’t have much time now.
If he had much time, he would help you.
- I am not in your position now.
If I were in your position, I could do that.
1. Form: If + S + V2/ed….., S + would/could + Vo…
(be  were)
2. Use: Dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän khoâng theå xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi.
III. Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type 3
Ex: We didn’t study hard last year and we didn’t get good marks.
If we had studied hard last year, we would have got good marks.
1. Form: If + S + had + V3/ed…., S + would/could + have + V3/ed….
2. Use: Dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän khoâng theå xaûy ra trong quaù khöù.
* Summary:
Type If clauses Main clauses
1 If + S + V1…, S + will + V…
2 If + S + V2/ed..., S + would / could + V…
(be  were)
3 If + S + had+V3/ed…, S + would / could + have + V3/ed…
IV. Note:
Moät soá töø/cuïm töø coù theå thay cho IF vôùi nghóa töông ñöông: unless = if…
not (tröø khi); provided that; as long as (mieãn laø); suppose (cho laø); in case (trong
tröôøng hôïp); on condition that (vôùi ñieàu kieän)
Ex: - We will be late unless we hurry. = We will be late if we don’t hurry.
- You can borrow my book provided that you bring it back.

Caùc daïng baøi taäp:

1. Traéc nghieäm chia ñoäng töø ôû moät meänh ñeà.
- Chæ caàn duøng ñuùng theo baûng treân.
- Vôùi caâu hoûi phaûi Ñaûo ngöõ (will you go…, would you go….)
- Vôùi caâu meänh leänh, duøng loaïi I
2. Traéc nghieäm chia ñoäng töø ôû caû hai meänh ñeà.
- Phaûi caên cöù vaøo caùc töø / cuïm töø chæ thôøi gian nhö: tomorrow: ngaøy mai / next week:
tuaàn tôùi / now: baây giôø / today: hoâm nay / yesterday: hoâm qua / two years ago: caùch ñaây
2 naêm / last month: thaùng roài,…
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- Caâu mô moäng hoang ñöôøng, traùi leõ töï nhieân: Loaïi II
3. Traéc nghieäm daïng vaên phong, nghóa laø ngöôøi ta cho moät caâu goác vaø chuùng ta phaûi
choïn caâu coù nghóa töông töï trong 4 caâu a, b, c, d.
- Laáy meänh ñeà nguyeân nhaân laøm IF CLAUSE (naèm sau because- bôûi vì, naèm tröôùc so-
vì vaäy / this is why- lyù do laø)
- Caùc böôùc laøm baøi:
 Böôùc 1: THÌ naøo LOAÏI ñoù
He is busy and he doesn’t go with us
(THÌ hieän taïi ñôn)  LOAÏI hieän taïi: Loaïi II
Ñaùp aùn: If he were not busy he would go with us.
 Böôùc 2: Meänh ñeà khaúng ñònh  phuû ñònh
 Böôùc 3: Boû caùc töø noái and / because / so / this is why

Löu yù:

- UNLESS = IF… NOT(neáu khoâng)

Ex: If she doesn’t get to the station early, she will miss the first train.
= Unless she gets to the station early, she will miss the first train.
(Neáu coâ aáy khoâng ñeán nhaø ga sôùm, coâ aáy seõ lôõ chuyeán taøu ñaàu tieân)

- Were + S = If + S + were

Ex: Were I in your position, I would buy a new house.

= If I were in your position, I would buy a new house.

- Had + S + V-ed / V3 = If + S + had + V-ed / V3

Ex: Had I helped him, he would have finished his report.

= If I had helped him, he would have finished his report.

Conditional in reported speech: (Caâu ñieàu kieän trong lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp)

1 Caâu ñieàu kieän loaïi 1 chuyeån sang loaïi 2:

Ex: He said, “If it rains heavily, I will stay at home.”

---> He said (that) if it rained heavily, he would stay at home.

2 Caâu ñieàu kieän loaïi 2 vaø 3: KHOÂNG ÑOÅI THÌ

Ex1: She said, “If I had enough money, I would buy a new bicycle.”
---> She said (that) if she had enough money, she would buy a new bicycle.
Ex2: The teacher said, “If John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed
his exam.”
---> The teacher said (that) if John had studied harder, he wouldn’t have failed
his exam.

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* LÖU YÙ: Khi chuyeån moät caâu hoûi töø tröïc tieáp sang giaùn tieáp, caàn chuù yù

(1) vò trí cuûa chuû töø vaø ñoäng töø

(2) khoâng coøn daáu chaám hoûi.
Ex: She asked me, “What would he do if he were a king?”
---> She asked me what he would do if he were a king.

Some more examples:

a/ “If I leave now, I’ll catch the train.”

 He told me that if he left then, he would catch the train.

b/ “If you came back tomorrow, I would help you.”

 She said that if I came back the following day, she would help me.

c/ “If I had practiced more, I couldn’t have nade such mistakes.”

 Lan said that if she had practiced more, she couldn’t have made such mistakes.


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. helpful B. useful C. ulcer D. thankful
2. A. cupboard B. map C. prince D. people
3. A. quick B. queue C. quiet D. quit
4. A. future B. Closure C. furniture D. pure
5. A. claim B. musical C. magical D. calm
II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the second syllable
1. A. double B. decreased C. method D. limit
1. A. control B. research C. figure D. automobile
2. A. density B. industrial C. injured D. petrol
3. A. child-bearing B. access C. responsible D. implement
4. A. population B. decade C. punishment D. insurance
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
1. _______ is the number of births every year for every 100 people in the
population of a place.
A. Birth-control B. Birth-rate C. Birth-place D. Birth-right
2. The remote areas are populated largely by wildlife.
A. enjoyed B. immigrated C. formed D. inhabited
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3. Nowadays, people tend to _______ the amount of fat they eat.
A. increase B. observe C. decrease D. enjoy
4. It is becoming _______ clear that overpopulation is a serious problem that will not be
easily solved.
A. increasingly B. decreasingly C. hardly D. uncertainly
5. Time is our most valuable _______ especially in examinations.
A. property B. resource C. tool D. device
6. A sudden large increase in the number of people in an area is called a _______

A. population increase B. population growth

C. population explosion D. population crisis
7/ Different scientists give different answers to this question.
A. pure B. average C. similar D. whole
8/ Some say that there are enough resources to support 8 billion people.
A. several B. tiny C. some D. deficient
9/ Others say that we must limit population growth because our resources are
A. descent B. drop C. fall D. failure
10/ Only ten percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for
raising animals.
A. lowering B. leveling C. reducing D. destroying
11/ My brother takes a ______ _ interest in his children.
A. live B. alive C. lively D. living
12/ I'm reading a few ______ books this month.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
13/ That boxer has been_____ criticized in the press.
A. heavy B. heaviness C. heavier D. heavily
14/ Don't forget to ask me again tomorrow. I'll have to give it some ______.
A. think B. thought C. thoughtful D. thoughtless
15/ After that terrible accident she suffered from loss of ______.
A. memory B. memorize C. memorable D. memorably
16/ It's said that diet plays an important part in the ______ of heart disease.
A. manage B. manager C. management D. manageable
17/ Most of her students say it is helpful if teachers__________ their pronunciation.
A. correct B. correction C. corrective D. correctly
18/ Officially, Mrs. Lan's in charge, but in ______ Mrs. Khoa runs the office.
A. practice B. practise C. practical D. practically
19/ They report that many locals are _______ opposed to the development.
A. strength B. strong C. strengthen D. strongly
20/ It took 1750 years for the world population to reach 625 million.
A. hold back B. come back C. go back D. run back
21/ In 1850, only one hundred years later, the population reached the figure of 1300 million.
A. more alive B. more punctual C. earlier D. older
22/ In 2000, the world's population was about 6.6 billion, and by 2010 it is expected to be over
7 billion.
A. uninterested B. unforeseen C. disliked D. hated
23/ Does the earth have enough resources to support this many people?
A. small B. little C. some D. few
IV. Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to

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complete it:
Projections issued in 2000 showed the world population increasing from 6.1 billion in 2000 to
7.9 billion in 2025 and 9.3 billion in 2050. "High" and "low" projections for 2025 are 8.4 billion and
7.5 billion (1) ______ . The average world birth rate is projected to decline from the 1990 level of 26
per 1,000 to 22 per 1,000 at the end of the century (2) ______ to 17.6 per 1,000 in 2025
(corresponding to a fall in TFR from 3.3 in 1990 to 2.4 in 2025). (3) ______ the expanding share of the
population at high-mortality ages, the average world death rate is expected to decline only slightly;
from 9 (per 1,000) in 1990 to 8.4 in 2025. Average world (4) ______ expectancy, however, is
projected to rise from 65 years in 1990 to 71.3 years in 2025.
Wide variations in population (5) ______ will undoubtedly persist. In the developed world,
population growth will continue to be very low and in some nations will even decline. (6) ______
Europe as a whole is projected to have a declining population after 2000. U.S. Census Bureau
projections, assuming middle fertility and mortality levels, (7) ______ U.S. population increasing
from 250 million in 1990 to 349 million in 2025 and 420 million in 2050. (8) ______ growth would
be virtually zero.
The UN expects the less-developed countries to have steadily falling (9) ______ of
population growth. For the less-developed world as a whole, the 1990 growth rate of 2.0 percent per
year is projected to be cut in half by 2025. Africa will remain the region with the highest growth
rate. In 1990 this rate was 3.1 percent; in 2025 it is projected to be about 2.0 percent. Africa's
population would almost (10) ______ , from 629 million in 1990 to 1.36 billion in 2025, and then
continue growing at a rate that would almost double the population size in another 35 years.

1/ A. hopefully B. shortly C. respectively D. totally

2/ A. and B. or C. so D. but
3/ A. In spite of B. Because of C. For example D. So as that
4/ A. life B. living C. live D. alive
5/ A. height B. development C. increase D. growth
6/ A. Northern B. Southern C. Western D. Eastern
7/ A. say B. show C. demand D. state
8/ A. Besides B. Nevertheless C. However D. Thereafter
9/ A. rates B. levels C. numbers D. ranks
10/ A. develop B. jump C. double D. triple
V. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:
I/ In 1992 the (populate) __________ of Cairo was approximately 6 500 000.
2/ Her (world) __________ success can hardly be denied.
3/ Children with (support) __________ parents often do better at school than those without.
4/ We will have to adopt a more (science) __________approach in the future.
5/ The pay (differ)__________ between workers and management is too great.
6/ Passes are available for one month's (limit) __________ travel within Europe.
7/ What (percent) __________ of women return to work after having a baby?
8/ All her life she had a (child) __________ trust in other people.
9/ You feel so (help) __________ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.
10/ Thank you for phoning when I was ill - it was very (think) __________ of you.
More Exercises:
1. If he __________ here, he would help you.
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Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
A. was B. were C. had been D. A & B are correct
2. If you learn hard, you __________ pass next exam.
A. would B. could C. will D. A & B are correct
3. I __________ you what this word means if I knew Chinese.
A. would tell B. could tell C. told D. A & B are correct
4. They won’t let him in if he__________ late again .
A. will be B. would be C. was D. is
5. There is not enough rain, so we can’t grow rice.
 If _______________________________________________________________
6. Mary was busy. She couldn’t go to the party.
 If _____________________________________________________________
7. We stay at home because it is raining.
A. If it isn’t raining, we will not stay at home.
B. If it wasn’t raining, we wouldn’t stay at home.
C. If it weren’t raining, we wouldn’t stay at home.
D. All are correct.
8. These exercises were difficult. We couldn’t do them.
A. If these exercises hadn’t been difficult, we could have done them.
B. If these exercises had been easy, we could have done them.
C. Unless these exercises had been easy, we couldn’t have done them.
D. All are correct.


1. celebration / ,seli'brei∫n/ (n) _________________________________

2. celebrate / 'selibreit/ (v) _________________________________
3. pagoda / pə'goudə/ (n) _________________________________
4. fireworks (n) _________________________________
/ 'faiəwə:ks/
5. lucky money (exp) _________________________________
6. Lunar New Year / 'lʌki 'mʌni/ (exp) _________________________________
7. grand / 'lu:nə/ (adj)
8. Western calendar / grænd/ (exp)
9. excitement 'westən 'kælində (n)
10. banner / ik'saitmənt/ (n)
11. peach blossom / 'bænə/ (exp)
12. apricot blossom /pi:t∫'blɔsəm/ (exp)
13. kumquat (n)
/ 'eiprikɔt/ (adj)
14. ripe _________________________________
15. sticky rice / 'kʌmkwɔt/ (n)
/ raip/ _________________________________
16. bean (n)
17. pork / 'stiki/ (n)
18. plum / bi:n/ (n)
19. luck / pɔ:k/ (n)
20. positive / plʌm/ (adj)
21. comment / lʌk/ (n)
22. red envelope (exp)
/ 'pɔzətiv/ _________________________________
23. pray for (v)
/ 'kɔment/ (n)
24. Thanksgiving / 'enviloup/ _________________________________
25. Valentine’s Day (n)
/ prei/ _________________________________
26. Mid-Autumn Festival (n)
/ 'θæηks,giviη/ _________________________________
27. full moon (n)
/ 'væləntain/ (n)
28. mask _________________________________
29. parade
/ mid 'ɔ:təm/ (n)
/ ful mu:n/ _________________________________
30. harvest (n)
31. roast turkey / mɑ:sk/ (n)
32. kimono / pə'reid/ (n)
33. similarity / 'hɑ:vist/ (n)
34. shrine / roust 'tə:ki/ (n)
35. longevity (n)
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36. pine tree / ki'mounou/ (n) _________________________________
37. represent / ,simə'lærəti/ (v) _________________________________
38. dish / ∫rain/ (n) _________________________________
39. French fries / lɔn'dʒeviti/ (n) _________________________________
40. cauliflower / pain tri:/ (n) _________________________________
/ ,repri'zent/ _________________________________
/ di∫/
/ frent∫ fraiz/
/ 'kɔliflauə

1. ONE vaø ONES:
ONE duøng ñeå thay theá moät danh töø ñeám ñöôïc soá ít (traùnh laëp töø).
Ex: This watch doesn’t work any more. I’m going to buy a new one.
(Caùi ñoàng hoà naøy khoâng coøn chaïy nöõa. Toâi saép mua caùi môùi.)
There are three rulers on the table. The blue one (ruler) is mine.
ONES laø hình thöùc soá nhieàu cuûa ONE.
Ex: These watches don’t work ant more. I’m going to buy new ones.
The green apples are cheaper than the red ones (apples).
Someone (ai ñoù), anyone (baát cöù ai), no one (khoâng ai) vaø everyone (moïi ngöôøi)
duøng vôùi ñoäng töø ngoâi thöù ba soá ít.
Someone vaø everyone duøng trong caâu khaúng ñònh.
Anyone duøng trong caâu hoûi vaø phuû ñònh.
Sau no one duøng ñoäng töø ôû theå khaúng ñònh.
Ex: Someone is following me. (Ai ñoù ñang theo sau toâi.)
There is someone at the door.
Everyone has gone home. (Moïi ngöôøi ñaõ veà nhaø.)
Everyone knows the solution to this problem.
Can anyone answer this question? (Coù ai coù theå traû lôøi caâu hoûi naøy khoâng?)
I can’t see anyone here. (Toâi khoâng theå thaáy baát cöù ai ôû ñaây.)
No one can answer this question.
No one likes to come to this restaurant.
- Someone = somebody, everyone = everybody
- Coù theå duøng everyone trong caâu hoûi. Khi ñoù ngöôøi hoûi muoán ñeà caäp ñeán
caû moïi ngöôøi.
Ex: It’s a little noisy here. Can everyone hear well?
(ÔÛ ñaây hôi oàn. Moïi ngöôøi coù theå nghe roõ?)
* Caùc ñoäng töø theo caùc ñaïi töø baát ñònh treân thöôøng ôû soá ít.
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I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the others
1. A. theater B. through C. smooth D. thought
2. A. fry B. friendly C. funny D. pretty
3. A. thread B. three C. thrill D. flew
4. A. throw B. thunder C. them D. thousand
5. A. fresh B. flash C. frank D. frighten
II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the third syllable
I. A. longevity B. criteria C. represent D. cauliflower
2. A. envelope B. festival C. valentine D. speciality
3. A. similarity B. decorate C. excitement D. traditional
4. A. agrarian B. Japanese C. comment D. description
5. A. expression 13. enthusiastic C. calendar D. Independence
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the
sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
I. We mustn't miss the football match tonight. It's a wonderful _____ to see it.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. time D. period
2. The Spring Festival is the biggest traditional of the _____people.
Vietnamese B. Chinese C. Japanese D. British
3. Christmas Day is the biggest festival celebrated in _____ countries of the world.
A. Western B. Asian C. Christian D. Eastern
4. On New Year's Eve, we often make offerings to our _____.
A. ancestors B. relatives C. neighbours D. friends
5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the night of the fifteenth day of the
eighth _____.
A. lunar day B. solar day C. lunar month D. lunar year.
6. On the New Year's Day, friends and relatives pay New Year calls.
A. come to visit B. give a ring
C. visit and exchange New Year wishes D. exchange New Year wishes
7/ It seems_____that you could have walked by without noticing that nice girl.
A. possible B. impossible C. possibly D. impossibly
8/ We know that plant_____, is most noticeable in spring and early summer.
A. grow B. grown C. growing D. growth
9/ Don't you know that this theory is no longer_____accepted?
A. wide B. widen C. widely D. width
10/ It was reported that the _____ of the strike caused a lot of poverty.
A. continue B. continuous C. continuation D. continual
11/ There's_____outside the house. I hear some strange voices.
A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody
12/ Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three times, but he still loves her in spite of_____
A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything
13/ Go_____ in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.
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A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere
14/ There's _____ sharp in my shoe and I feel hurt.
A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
15/ These young people have _____, (else) to go.
A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
16/ Would _____ who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?
A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody

17/ You won't find a prettier village_____ in England.

A. nowhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. anywhere
18/ The score is Yankees three, Red Sox_____.
A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something
19/ He's just some _____trying to get noticed by the press.
A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
20/ _____ could dress well with all that much money.
A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Everybody D. Nobody
IV. Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ She's (A) very unpredictable (B) so there's (C) not knowing how she'll (D) react to the news.
2/ "Is there (A) some butter I could use?" "No, there's (B) some margarine (C) but there isn't
(D) some butter."
3/ I (A) don't think I'll need (B) every money but I'll bring (C) some just (D) in case,.
V. Read the passage below carefully, and then complete it with the missing
prepositions (in, on, at, to, with,...):

Mel Gibson is the son (1) __________ Hutton Gibson and Anne Reilly Gibson, who
was born (2) __________ Columcille parish, County Longford, Ireland. His paternal
grandmother was the Australian opera singer, Eva Mylott. Mel was born (3) __________
Peekskill, New York, the sixth (4) __________ eleven children. One (5) __________
Mel's younger brothers, Donal, is also an actor.
Gibson's first name comes (6) __________ a 5th century Irish saint, Mel, founder of
the diocese of Ardagh containing most (7) __________ his mother's native county, while
his second name, Columcille is also linked (8) __________ an Irish saint. Columcille is
the name (9) __________the parish (10) __________County Longford where Anne
Reilly was born and raised.
Although Gibson is a native-born United States citizen, Hutton Gibson relocated his-
family (11) __________ Sydney, Australia (12) __________1968, after winning a work
injury lawsuit (13) __________New York Central. (14) __________ a seven day trial (15)
__________ February 14, 1968, the jury awarded him $145,000. The family moved when
Gibson was twelve. This move was (16) __________ protest (17) __________ the Vietnam
War (18) __________ which Gibson's elder brothers risked being drafted. It is also because
Gibson's father, a devout Traditionalist Catholic, believed that the changes (19) __________
American society which took place (20) __________ the 1960s were immoral.

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1. (Nghe ñieän thoaïi) Hello. I’m Mary. May I speak to John, please?
Xin chaøo. Toâi laø Mary. Xin cho toâi noùi chuyeän vôùi John.
2. Could you hold a minute, please? Xin vui loøng giöõ maùy trong giaây laùt.
3. One moment, please. Vui loøng ñôïi moät chuùt.
4. Hang on. I’ll get him.
Ñôïi moât chuùt. Toâi goïi anh aáy.
5. I’m sorry, but John is busy now. Would you leave a message/call back later?
Toâi xin loãi. Baây giôø John ñang baän. Baïn muoán ñeå laïi lôøi nhaén/choác nöõa goïi
laïi khoâng?
6. How are you? – Couldn’t be better. Thank you. Yourself?
Baïn khoûe khoâng? – Khoûe laém. Caûm ôn nheù. Coøn baïn?
(Coù theå hoûi: “Are you ok?” vaø ñaùp laïi baèng: (I’m) fine / not bad / great / very well / pretty bad /
not fine / not good / awful)
7. Thank you. – You’re welcome. Caûm ôn baïn. – Khoâng coù chi.
(Coù theå ñaùp laïi baèng: Never mind (Ñöøng baän taâm)/ Not at all (Khoâng coù chi)/ It’s my
pleasure (Vinh haïnh cuûa toâi)/ Don’t mention it (Ñöøng ñeà caäp ñeán))
8. It’s getting late. I’ve got to go. Goodbye. See you soon. – Take care.
Treã roài. Toâi phaûi ñi ñaây. Taïm bieät. Heïn sôùm gaëp laïi nheù. – Baûo troïng.
9. Excuse me, but could you please tell me where Cora supermarket is?
Xin loãi, xin oâng vui loøng cho toâi bieát sieâu thò Cora ôû ñaâu?
(Coù theå söû duïng “Could you tell me …” ñeå hoûi ai ñoù moät caùch lòch söï.)
10. Good luck! (Chuùc may maén!)
11. Congratulations! (Xin chuùc möøng!)
12. My God! (Chuùa ôi!)
13. Would you like something to drink? (Baïn muoán uoáng gì khoâng?)
14. Let’s go fishing. - That’s sounds great. Chuùng ta haõy ñi caâu caù nhe. – Nghe hay ñaáy.
15. Why not go shopping? – I’d love to, but I’m busy now. Sorry.
Sao laïi khoâng ñi mua saém? – Toâi thích laém nhöng toâi khoâng khoûe. Xin loãi.
16. I’m terribly sorry. (Toâi thaønh thaät xin loãi.)
17. No problem. (Khoâng thaønh vaán ñeà.)
18. Don’t worry about it. (Ñöøng baän taâm veà ñieàu ñoù.)
19. How beautiful/handsome you are today! (Hoâm nay baïn ñeïp laøm sao ñaáy!)
20. You’re exactly right. (Baïn hoaøn toaøn ñuùng.)
21. I couldn’t agree more! (Toâi hoaøn toaøn ñoàng yù.)
22. I’m tired to death. (Toâi meät muoán cheát.)
23. Give me a break. (Haõy ñeå toâi yeân.)
24. Can I take a break? (Em coù theå giaûi lao?)
25. Keep your promise. (Haõy giöõ lôøi nheù.)
26. Don’t break your promise. (Ñöøng nuoát lôøi nheù.)
27. I’m all ears. (Toâi ñang chaêm chuù nghe.)

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 48 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
28. Don’t beat about the bush. (Ñöøng voøng vo tam quoác.)
29. Come back to earth. (Quay veà thöïc teá ñi.)
30. Take your pick. (Haõy choïn ñi.)
31. It’s your turn. (Ñeán löôït baïn.)
32. It rains cats and dogs. (Trôøi möa nhö truùt nöôùc.)
33. It’s on me. (Ñeå toâi traû tieàn.)
34. I’m broke. (Toâi bò chaùy tuùi roài.)
35. Poor you! (Toäi nghieäp baïn quaù!)
36. Don’t pull my leg. (Ñöøng treâu choïc toâi.)
37. That chance slips through my fingers. (Cô hoäi vuoät khoûi taàm tay toâi.)
38. Watch your language. (Haõy caån ngoân.)
39. Behave yourself. (Haõy cö xöû cho ñuùng nheù.)
40. That’s a tempest in an teapot. (Chuyeän beù xeù ra to.)
41. I wouldn’t say no. (Toâi ñaâu coù töø choái.)
42. They are no match for you. (Hoï khoâng phaûi laø ñoái thuû cuûa baïn.)
43. Travel broadens your minds. (Ñi moät ngaøy ñaøn hoïc moät saøn khoân.)
44. It’s like water off a duck’s back. (Nhö nöôùc ñoå ñaàu vòt.)
45. At first strange, now familiar. (Tröôùc laï sau quen.)
46. I read you like a book. (Toâi ñi guoác trong buïng baïn.)
47. I slipped my tongue. (Toâi lôõ lôøi.)
48. The more, the merrier. (Caøng ñoâng caøng vui.)
49. I’m over the moon. (Toâi raá sung söôùng/haïnh phuùc.)
50. He’s a pain in the neck. (Noù laø caùi gai trong maét.)
51. Take it or leave it? (Laáy hay boû?)
52. It’s up to you. (Tuøy baïn.)
53. I could eat a horse. (Toâi coù theå aên moät con ngöïa = Toâi raát ñoùi buïng.)
54. I could drink an ocean. (Toâi coù theå uoáng caû moät ñaïi döông = Toâi raát khaùt nöôùc.)
55. First think, then speak. (Uoán löôõi 7 laàn tröôùc khi noùi.)
56. They talk behind my back. (Hoï noùi xaáu sau löng toâi.)
57. I’d like to join the green summer campaign. (Toâi muoán tham gia chieán dòch muøa heø xanh.)
58. Many men, many minds. (Chín ngöôøi möôøi yù.)
59. Slow but sure. (Chaäm maø chaéc.)
60. Seeing is believing. (Traêm nghe khoâng baèng moät thaáy.)
61. Love cannot be forced. (EÙp daàu eùp môõ ai nôõ eùp duyeân.)
62. The more you get, the more you want. (Ñöôïc voi ñoøi tieân.)
63. They change defeat into vitory. (Hoï chuyeån baïi thaønh thaéng.)
64. The market is flat. (Chôï buùa eá aåm.)
65. Hands off. (Laáy tay ra.)
66. He’s dead drunk. (Haén ta say bí tæ.)
67. I freeload a meal /a breakfast /a lunch /a dinner. (Toâi aên chöïc.)
68. I eat my fill. (Toâi aên ñaõ ñôøi/no neâ.)
69. Nothing doing. (Coøn laâu, coøn khuya.)
70. Don’t bully the weak. (Ñöøng baét naït keû yeáu.)


Baøi kieåm tra 1:
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1) A. change B. children C. machine D. church
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Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
2) A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3) A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
4) A. number B. eager C. special D. affair
5) A. feeling B. believe C. ready D. easy
6) A. acquaintance B. interest C. capable D. sympathy
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
8) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
9) Suddenly she recognized the ....................... of the situation that made her laugh.
A. wonder B. pleasure C. understanding D. hunour
10) He is a .............person because he is always friendly with everyone.
A. helpful B. good-natured C. honest D. quick-witted
11) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............
A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
12) A ..................... friendship is a precious relation ship.
A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful
13) A good marriage is based on ................................ .
A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B
14) The children seem to be totally .............................. of working quietly by themselves.
A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. not able
15) They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
16) The children were eager ............................ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
17) I’d rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
18) Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
19) They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
20) It’s important for her ............................ the office.
A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring
21) They would .................. go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
22) The boss made ......................... for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying

II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

23) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.
24) There are a lot of work to do here.
25) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.
26) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.
27) I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.
28) That was a very strange question (ask) ........................... .
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 50 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
29) It was very kind of you (show)................................. the way.
30) The teacher let him (stay) ..................... at home to finish the assignment.
31) It was quite a surprise (see) .............................. him again.
32) I overheard him (say) ..................... that he didn’t want to learn Math.
33) She stood there and watched him (drive) ............................. away.
34) It was very difficult for her (drive)............................ the motorbike.
35) I could feel the robber (come) ............................. from the backdoor.
C. READING Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
My name’s Mandi. Three months ago, I went to disco where I met a boy called Tom. I guessed he was
older than me, but I liked him and thought it didn’t matter. We danced a couple of times, then we
chatted. He said he was 18, then asked how old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him
my real age, he wouldn’t want to know me, as I’m only 13.
After the dicso we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next Saturday we went for a burger
and had a real laugh. Afterwards he walked me to my street and kissed me goodnight. Things went
really well. We see each other a couple of times a week, but I’ve had to lie to my parents about where
I’m going and who with. I’ve always got on with them, but I know if they found out how Tom was
they’d stop me seeing him.
Now I really don’t know what to do. I can’t go on lying to my parents every time I go out, and Ton
keeps asking he can’t come around to my house. I’m really worried and I need some advice.
36) Why has Mandi written this?
A. to describe her boyfriend B. to prove how clever she is
C. to explain a problem D. to defend her actions
37) Who is she writing to?
A. her boyfriend B. her parents
C. a teenage magazine D. a school friend
38) Why is Mandi worried?
A. She’s been telling lies. B. Tom has been behaving strangely.
C. She’s not allowed to go to disco. D. Her parents are angry with her.
39) Why can’t Tom come to Mandi’s house?
A. She doesn’t want her parents to meet him.
B. Her parents don’t like him.
C. He’s nervous of meeting her parents.
D. She doesn’t want him to see where she lives.
40) Which of these answers did Mandi receive?
A. Tell me what you really feel.
B. You must start by being honest with everyone.
C. Everyone’s unfair to you.
D. Don’t worry. I’m sure Tom will change his mind.

Baøi kieåm tra 2:

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1) A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
2) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor
3) A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
4) A. experience B. embarrass C. floppy D. embrace
5) A. idol B. video C. birthday D. imagine

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 51 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
6) A. cotton B. happen C. extreme D. quickly
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ..............
A. ideal B. idea C. idol D. fan
8) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ......
A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon
9) She ..................... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted
10) This ........................ girl was disliked by the rest of the class.
A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
11) He pulled a(n) ......................... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ............................ situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
13) The children were ......................... about opening their presents.
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited
14) I know from ............................ that he’ll arrive late.
A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality
15) Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found
C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
16) You ...................... your new hat when I ...................... you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met
C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
17) As I .................... the glass, it suddenly ...................... into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke
C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
18) A burglar .................. into the house while we ................... television.
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched
C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
19) When I ............................... home, I ........................... a phone call.
A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving
C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received
20) They ................. small cups of coffee after they ..................... dinner.
A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished
C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished
21) It was midnight. Outside it ........................... very hard.
A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining
22) When he ....................... at the station, his train already.....................
A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left
C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.

24) Don’t make so much fusses over the children.
25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday
GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 52 -
Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình
26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.
27) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from.
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.
28) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ............................ my keys.
29) While Diana (watch) ..................................... her favourite TV programme, there
(be) ............................a power cut.
30) Who (drive) ............................... the car at the time of the accident?
31) By the time Sheila (get) .................. back, Chris (go) ...................... home.
32) David (eat) ................................ Japanese food before, so he (know) .............................. what to
33) I (do) ............................. some shopping yesterday, when I (see) .............................. your friend.
34) What .............. you (do)...................... when I (come) ........................... to your office yesterday?
35) Laura (miss) .......................... the party because no one (tell) ............................... her about it.
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.


When the bus ... (36) ... in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t
realize that she had arrived at her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said.
“You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be ... (37) ... for us. Come on. I’ll
carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I ... (38) ... in New York, I used to
dream if this moment. And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing
in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age
of six. She had some ... (39) ... of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here
still? She didn’t know. Nobody was waiting in the square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo
hadn’t received Maria’s letter. “What are we going to do now?” asked Martin. “There
isn’t ... (40) ... a hotel here!”

36) A. reached B. got C. stooped D. came

37) A. expecting B. waiting C. welcoming D. receiving
38) A. was living B. have lived C. live D. am living
39) A. recall B. memoriesC. thinking D. remembering
40) A. even B. hardly C. too D. very

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 53 -

Taøi lieäu Tieáng Anh Lôùp 11, Tröôøng THPT Nguyeãn Traõi – Vũ Thư – Thai Bình


PHÖÔNG PHAÙP HOÏC TÖØ VÖÏNG................................................Trang 1

ÑOÄNG TÖØ BAÁT QUI TAÉC..........................................................Trang 2

Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP..............................................................................Trang 6

Unit 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES....................................................Trang 13

Unit 3: A PARTY....................................................................................Trang 20

Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK...............................................................Trang 24

Unit 5: ILLITERACY.............................................................................Trang 28

Unit 6: COMPETITIONS.......................................................................Trang 37

Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION............................................................Trang 41

Unit 8: CELEBRATIONS.......................................................................Trang 48

MOÄT SOÁ CAÂU GIAO TIEÁP THOÂNG DUÏNG.........................Trang 52

CAÙC BAØI KIEÅM TRA ÑEÀ NGHÒ..............................................Trang 54

GVHD: giang Lương Hùng - 54 -

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