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COURSE NAME: Network Operating System - I

Homework No. 1

Submitted to

Abinash bhagat

Submitted by

Priyanka Sharma

Roll no rtb901a04

Part- A

1. Q)Find out the configuration and minimum s requirement for all 4 flavors
of Windows 2003 Server.
Ans) Windows Server 2003 Requirements for all flavours of windows

Standard level features

o Supports Terminal Services

o Network Load Balancing Clusters
o Can Host a Session Directory
o Max number of processors: 4
o Max memory: 4GB
• Enterprise level features
o Supports Terminal Services
o Network Load Balancing Clusters
o Can Utilize a Session Directory
o Can Host a Session Directory
o Cluster Services
o Max number of Processors: 8
o Max memory: 32GB
• Datacenter lavel features
o Supports Terminal Services
o Network Load Balancing Clusters
o Can Utilize a Session Directory
o Can Host a Session Directory
o Cluster Services
o Max number of Processors: 32
o Max memory: 64GB
o Configuration of window server 2003
• The DHCP server assigns a client an IP address taken from a predefined scope for a
given amount of time. If an IP address is required for longer than the lease has been
set for, the client must request an extension before the lease expires. If the client has
not requested an extension on the lease time, the IP address will be considered free
and can be assigned to another client. If the user wishes to change IP address then they
can do so by typing "ipconfig /release", followed by "ipconfig /renew" in the
command prompt. This will remove the current IP address and request a new one.
Reservations can be defined on the DHCP server to allow certain clients to have their
own IP address (this will be discussed a little later on). Addresses can be reserved for
a MAC address or a host name so these clients will have a fixed IP address that is
configured automatically. Most Internet Service Providers use DHCP to assign new IP
addresses to client computers when a customer connects to the internet - this
simplifies things at user level.

• The above diagram diplays a simple structure consisting of a DHCP server and a
number of client computers on a network.
• The DHCP Server itself contains an IP Address Database which holds all the IP
addresses available for distribution. If the client (a member of the network with a
Windows 2000 Professional/XP operating system, for example) has "obtain an IP
address automatically" enabled in TCP/IP settings, then it is able to receive an IP
address from the DHCP server.
• You are given a choice of whether or not you wish to configure the DHCP options for
the scope now or later. If you choose Yes then the upcoming screenshots will be of
use to you. Choosing No will allow you to configure these options at a later stage.

• The router, or gateway, IP address may be entered in next. The client computers will
then know which router to

Q2) List all Command Line Utilities for Red Hat Linux and show their usage as well.


Provides a snapshot of everything in a system, helping system administrators determine
whether the bottleneck is CPU, Memory or I/O related. You run this command to get virtual
memory statistic

2. chmod
A utility that changes the permission of a file. Additional info:
3. chown
A utility used to change file ownership.

4. find
Find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given
expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section
OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true
for or), at which point find moves on to the next file name.

5. cp
Copies files.

6. vi
A screen-based editor preferred by most Linux users. The vi editor has powerful features to
aid both programmers and system administrators.

7. cd
Sets the working directory of a process.

8. sudo
Allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run
some (or all) commands as root or another user while logging the commands and arguments –
aka "superuser do."

9. netstat
Shows the network status by symbolically displaying the contents of various network-related
data structures. There are a number of output formats, depending on the options for the
information presented.

10. cron Used for scheduling tasks. Additional info:

11. df
Reports filesystem disk space usage.

12. pwd
Displays the name of the current working directory – aka "print working directory."

13. rpm
The Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) is a command-line driven package-management
system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying and updating computer
software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with
information about the package like its version and a description.

14. grep
Grep is a command used for searching one or more files for a given character string or
pattern. It can also be used to replace the character string with another one.
15. ls
The ls command shows information about files. With it, system administrators can list the
contents of a directory in order to determine when the configurations files were last edited.
There are many subcommands under ls, such as ls-r, which can reverse the order in which
files are displayed..

16. man
Short for "manual," man unveils information about commands and a keyword search
mechanism for needed commands

17. cat
Abbreviated from the word "concatenate," which means to link things together, cat is used in
Linux to link file contents and output them for viewing or printing.

18. mv
Renames or moves files from one Linux directory to another.

19. cpio
Back up empty directories with cpio, which restores files from an archive .

Q)3Install windows 2003 Enterprise Edition and Record the complete procedure

ANS) Switch of the computers and insert window server 2003 cd to CD ROM

2)press any key when system is boot loader.

3)when welcome screen display then press enter.

4select the option to window liecencing aggrement;.

5)then clik on next.

6) click on install.

7)the dialogue will appear

8)After processing select format portioning using the ntfs file system option ten press enter to

9)after formatting set up will start copying .

10)then computer will restart.

11)then click on continue.

12) then choose language.

13)then click on ok.

14)click on next

15)type the product key.

16)ask user name or password.

17)then settings the gmt time.

18)setup will continue.

19)select custom settings then click on ok

20)network settings the click inter net protocol option and click on properties button
on network component window.type the IP on ok then next

21) accept workgroup and next button and the click.

22)setup will continue after installation.

23)click on finish.

Q)4Compare & contrast between Windows vs. Linux Operating system?

Both Linux and Windows are operating systems. An operating system is the most important
program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating
system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing
input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and
directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

1. Reduces the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome

When linux is properly installed, there no longer a need to use the mouse. Chances of
you using a mouse is close to zero.

2. Use the extra cash for rewards

Linux is 100% free while Windows Vista Ultimate costs $398.99 at the time of writing.
Companies that pay a licensing annually could have used the money for other things like
buying an additional server to reduce the load or even give a bigger bonus to its loyal

3. Formats are free, freedom is preserved

Linux file formats can be accessed in a variety of ways because they are free. Windows
on the other hand makes you lock your own data in secret formats that can only be

with tools leased to you at the vendor’s price.

4. Zero risk in violating license agreements

Linux is open source so you are unlikely to violate any license agreement. All the
software is happily yours. With MS Windows you likely already violate all kinds of
licenses and you could be pronounced a computer pirate if only a smart lawyer was after
you. The worldwide PC software piracy rate for 2004 is at 35%. Which means that 3 out
of 10 people are likely to get into real trouble.

5. Better network, processing capabilities

Linux beats Windows hands down on network features, as a development platform, in

data processing capabilities, and as a scientific workstation. MS Windows desktop has a
more polished appearance, simple general business applications, and many more games
for kids (less intellectual games compared to linux’s).

6. Customizable

Linux is customizable in a way that Windows is not. For example, NASlite is a version
of Linux that runs off a single floppy disk and converts an old computer into a file
server. This ultra small edition of Linux is capable of networking, file sharing and being
a web server.

7. Flexibility

Windows must boot from a primary partition. Linux can boot from either a primary
partition or a logical partition inside an extended partition. Windows must boot from the
first hard disk. Linux can boot from any hard disk in the computer.

8. Mobility

allows programs to store user information (files and settings) anywhere. This makes it
impossibly hard to backup user data files and settings and to switch to a new computer.
In contrast, Linux stores all user data in the home directory making it much easier to
migrate from an old computer to a new one. If home directories are segregated in their
own partition, you can even upgrade from one version of Linux to another without
having to migrate user data and settings.

9. Proven Security

Why isn’t Linux affected by viruses? Simply because its code has been open source for
more than a decade, tested by people all around the world, and not by a single
development team like in the case of Windows. This leads to a lightning fast finding and
fixing for exploitable holes in Linux. So that my friends, proves Linux as having an
extremely enhanced security and lesser chances of exploits compared to Windows

Compare windows vs linux

1)Linux is well known for its reliability. All Windows users are familiar with the "Blue
Servers often stay up for years. However, Screen of Death". Poor reliability is one of the
disk I/O is non-synchronous by default, major drawbacks of Windows. Some of the major
which is less reliable for transaction based issues have been fixed in Windows XP, but "code
operations, and can produce a corrupted bloat" has introduced many more reliability
problems. Windows XP uses a lot of system
filesystem after a system crash or power
resources and it is very difficult to keep the
failure. But for the average user, Linux is a
system up for more than a couple of months
very dependable OS.
without it reverting to a crawl as memory gets
corrupted and filesystems fragmented
2)Linux performs well for most
applications, however the performance is
2)Windows is adequate for routine desktop
not so optimal under heavy network load.
applications, but it is unable to handle heavy
The network performance of Linux is 20-
network loads. A few organizations try to make it
30% below the capability of FreeBSD
work as an Internet server. For instance,
running on the same hardware. The uses Windows NT, as can be
situation has improved somewhat recently
verified by the error messages that their
and the 2.4 release of the Linux kernel
webserver produces, such as this recent example
introduced a new virtual memory system
Error Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
based on the same concepts as the FreeBSD
Driver][SQL Server] Can't allocate space for
VM system. Since both operating systems
object 'queryHistory' in database 'web' because
are open source, beneficial technologies are
the 'default' segment is full.. For their own
shared and for this reason the performance
"Hotmail" Internet servers, Microsoft used
of Linux and FreeBSD is rapidly
FreeBSD for many years

3)The open source nature of Linux allows

anyone to inspect the security of the code
and make changes, but in reality the Linux
codebase is modified too rapidly by 3)Microsoft claims that their products are secure,
inexperienced programmers. There is no but they offer no guarantee, and their software is
formal code review policy and for this not available for inspection or peer review. Since
reason Linux has been susceptible to nearly Windows is closed source there is no way for
every Unix-based CERT advisory of the users to fix or diagnose any of the security
year. This problem is compounded by the compromises that are regularly published about
fact that distributions like Red Hat tend to Microsoft systems.
turn on notoriously insecure services by Microsoft Windows has been affected by a very
default. large number of known security holes that have
However, Linux does include a very robust cost companies millions of dollars
packet filtering firewall system and a
competent administrator can remove unsafe
Part- B

5. What’s need of dual boot system? What is the role of boot loaders?
Ans need of dual boot system

The term dual-booting refers to the common configuration of exactly two operating systems
dual.-booting requires a program called a boot loader dualbooting is useful in many situations
such as those where several pieces of software require different operating systems and cannot
be run on a single system. A dual boot configuration will allow a user to use all of this
software on one computer. Another reason for setting up a dual-boot system can be to
investigate or test a new operating system without switching completely. dual-booting allows
one to get to know the new system, configure all applications needed, and migrate data before
making the final step and removing the old operating system. This is often accomplished by
using a boot loader such as NTLDR, LILO, or GRUB which can boot more than one
operating system. dual-booting mixed-OS system in which both Linux and Windows are
installed.dual-booting can also aid software developers where multiple operating systems are
required for development or testing purposes. Having these systems on one machine can
greatly reduce hardware costs. However, hardware costs are counterbalanced by system
management costs, and the costs of the unavailability of the software that cannot be run at any
given moment.

An alternative to multi-booting is to use virtual machine software to emulate another

computer from within the operating system of choice.

Role of dual boot system

A popular multi-boot configuration is a dual-booting mixed-OS system in which both Linux

and Windows are installed. In terms of business strategy, Windows does not facilitate or
support multi-boot systems, other than allowing for partition-specific installations, and no
choice of boot loader is offered. However, most current Linux installers accommodate this
problem, although some prior knowledge of partitions is desirable.

There are some advantages to installing a Linux boot manager/loader (usually GRUB), to the
master boot record.. All Windows installations will be easily found by Linux, but Windows
boot managers do not find Linux installations (nor does Windows deal natively with Linux
file systems). However, in Vista, in order to install services packs (or other Windows updates)
it may be necessary to restore the Vista boot loader first. SP2 may fail to install if it does not
find certain files from the Vista boot loader, in the MBR. Similar problems may occur with
SP1or when there are cloned disks or partitions . The MBR boot code can be backed up and
restored with dd (unix), available on System Rescue CD.

It is often recommended that Windows be installed to the first primary drive. The boot
loaders of Windows XP/2000 and Linux, identify partitions with a number derived by
counting the partitions, from the 1st partition to the last. (Note, both Windows XP/2000 and
Linux count the partitions according to the ordering of the partitions in the partition table,
which may be different than the order of the partitions on the disk.) The number of the system
partition may change, if partitions are added or deleted, in front of the system partition. If the
number of the system partition changes, it requires reconfiguring, so the system will continue
to boot and function properly. Adding or deleting partitions after the system partition should
have no effect on the system partition. Unlike Windows, if Linux is installed in the extended
partition, it is unaffected by changes in the number of primary partitions. Additionally Linux
can usually be installed directly to an extended partition while Windows XP/2000 cannot be.

Q)7Join 2 computers to the domain and record the procedure?

ANS)Plug Ethernet cables from computers into domain switch, router, hub, or whatever you
are usin You can do that by connecting the two computers to a switch and bring both the
computers to same domain. This is how you can connect to get the two computers and also to
get the net connection. However to share files, you simply make it as shared on your system

1. Logon as Administrator. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. The

System Properties dialog box is displayed.

2. On the Computer Name tab, click Change. On the Computer Name Changes
dialog box, select Domain and enter the name of the domain in the text box, as shown
in Figure 1 below. In this example, the computer currently named hq-res-wrk-o1 is
joined to the Reskit domain.
Figure 1. Joining a computer to a domain.
3. Provide user name and password credentials to show you have the appropriate
permissions to join the desired domain.

4. When the Welcome to the domain message appears, click OK. You will need to
restart you computer for the change to take effect

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