PE2 - Q1 - M2 - What Should I Eat Next

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PE 2

First Quarter

Module 2:
Can you prepare your own meal ?

Photo credit:

Time allotment: 1 - 2 hours


LY 2020-2021

Can you prepare your own meal?

Starting this year by doing something good for you is a healthy way of making a
routine that will last for a year and even for a longer time than that. What better way
than to start than with keeping yourself active. By starting the habit now you’ll start
noticing changes in your pace and how you handle your body which surely will help
you up on dances, sports and games.

At the end of the lesson/ activity students should have been able to:
1. continue weekly routine to stay physically active;
2. follow the instructions of each recipe in this module;
3. finish the food you prepare;
4. eat fruits and vegetables the different way;
5. spend time together with a friend or a family member by preparing the
meal together;
6. participate actively in class.

In Module 2, you will be able to answer the following key questions:

1. What is pinggang pinoy?

2. How do I prepare a meal on my own?
3. Which one should I avoid eating?

BEFORE YOU START! List down the things you remember eating this week or
last week with your family.



REMEMBER! When doing this module please have an adult watch over you. Hot oils, flame and sharp
objects will be used in some of the activities that might cause somebody to get hurt or an accident.
Lesson 1: Can you prepare your own meal?


To prepare you for physical activity using general exercises
To gradually make your body gain more stamina


1. Find a suitable area for a physical activity(a space where you can lie down
and stretch your arms and feet without bumping an object).
2. Do the activities on the table below.
• Drink your water only when you are done with all the activities.
• Practice staying standing up even when doing water break to maintain
the effects of the warm up.
• Finish everything and don’t go over the suggested number of times you
should do the activity

Activity Number of times/ Finished

seconds allotted to activities(put a
do the activity check every
time you finish
an activity)
Stationary jogging 30 seconds

Jumping Jacks 20 times

Squats 10 times

Module 1: Guide Questions

Do you still feel tired after doing this plenty of times?


After finishing the activity do you still feel the need of drinking water?
Lesson 1: Can you prepare your own meal

ACTIVITY 2: My Personal Fried Rice

Follow the instructions of the recipe
Finish the food you prepared


1. Frying pan
2. 2-3 kinds of vegetables (Suggested vegetables: peas, onion, carrots, broccoli,
cauliflower etc. and if you are using hard vegetables like carrots please ask an
adult to cut it for you into pieces to help you cut it easily with scissors)
3. 2 cloves of garlic
4. 1 egg
5. scissors
6. leftover cooked meat preferably chicken or ham (this may come from leftover
dishes even if its not fried)
7. 1-2 cups of rice(preferably not newly cooked)
8. Cooking oil(you can use olive oil or butter too)
9. Salt


1. Wash your vegetables.

2. Cut the vegetables and meat into smaller pieces.
3. Crush the garlic and peel it. Cut it into small pieces afterwards.
4. Spread the oil on your pan and let it heat up for few seconds.
5. Crack the egg on a bowl and add some salt then beat it until the egg white
and yolk are mixed together. After beating the egg you may now pour it into
the pan. Scrambled egg cooks fast so watch over it while you are cooking it
then after a while remove the egg from the pan and set it aside.
6. Slowly slide down the vegetables from your plate and stir them for a while.
After a few seconds remove them from the pan and set them aside.
7. Slide down from your plate the minced garlic (and onions if you are using
one). Stir it while cooking them then slowly add the meat when the garlic is
starting to turn yellow and/or brown.
8. Slowly add the other ingredients you set aside and mix them together for 3

REMEMBER: You can add anything that you like in your fried rice. May it be leftover food or other
vegetables you wanted to try. You can experiment with any materials but remember have somebody
watch over you while cooking and remember the foods in which you are allergic with
Lesson 1: Can you prepare your own meal?

ACTIVITY 3: Fruity Breakfast Combo

Follow the instructions of the recipe
Finish the food you prepared

Ingredients and Materials:

1. 2-3 types of fruit (suggested fruits: strawberry, pineapple, kiwi, apple, banana.
Please ask an adult to cut it into small pieces so you can cut it with your scissors)
2. 1-2 cups of greek yoghurt(plain yoghurt if not available)
3. 3-6 tablespoon of crunchies(granola, rice crispies, plain crushed nuts and NO
4. 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
5. 3 ½ teaspoons baking powder
6. 1 teaspoon salt
7. 1 tablespoon white sugar
8. 1 ¼ cups milk
9. 1 egg
10. 3 tablespoons butter, melted
11. Oil
12. Frying pan
13. Big glass
14. 1 bowl
15. Optional: Honey



1. Mix the baking powder, flour and salt together in a large bowl.
2. Make a well in the middle and crack in the eggs and pour the milk and melted
3. Mix and beat it gradually to get a smooth liquid the consistency of smooth single
4. It’s best to let it sit for a while which is perfect while we prepare our fruit parfait!
5. On a preheated pan slowly pour it depending on how much you want and/or pan
and then transfer it to your plate when it turned golden brown.
6. Add your fruits and honey on top of your pancake.


1. Cut your fruits into tiny pieces (not so small) using your clean scissors.
2. In a big glass (it will look really good if it is transparent!), Put a yoghurt layer, then
some of your fruits. Repeat until full
3. Put on your crunchies as topping and if available put small amount of honey.
Lesson 1: Can you prepare your own meal?

Key Concepts
In this day and age its hard to balance the meal we take. Everything easy to make
is processed or bad for our body. Even while growing up some foods that are
healthy still does not sit right with us in terms of taste. There are however alternatives
on eating our meals while still maintaining or taking note of how good it is for our
body. Food works on wonderful ways specially if we find the right combination on
consuming them. It is up to us discover which one works for us.

Below is the pinggang pinoy, it is a small guide for us on our everyday meals to
determine we are getting a balance meal everyday. Try your best on following
these portions and you’ll notice a gradual change in your body and over all well

Diagram 2: Pinggang Pinoy. Photo Credit:

II- Enrichment

What other ways do you eat your vegetables and fruits? Take a picture of
your daily meal and share it to the class!
Lesson 1: Can you prepare your own meal?

III- Assessment

1. Completion of task – Ability to finish your task on time.

2. Enthusiasm- Involvement in the emotion or mood to the activity. Facial

expressions and body language are always used to generate a strong
interest and enthusiasm. Demonstrates enthusiasm by showing energy in
movements and giving their best Overall attitude and confidence towards
the dance.

3. Participation and Safety / Behavior – Participates in the activity with few

prompts given by the instructor.

4. Following of Instructions – Ability to follow each instruction with few to

zero prompts from the instructor.

Prepared by: Daryll Allen M. Escusa

Teacher in Physical education

Approved by: Cecilia Perez-Nadal Approved by: Samuel O. Geronilla

Principal-CELL Creative Director-CELL

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