2015 2016 District MMC Eliminations Grades 1 To 6

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BCS 2018 Math Challenge

Elimination Round – Grade 1

Time: 60 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on a scratch paper and write the correct
answer on the blank. Answers should always be expressed in simplest form.

___________1. What will you put in the ( ) to make 8 + ( ) = 7 + 8.

___________2.Write in symbols: Five hundred thirty four.

___________3.What is the place value of 3 in 234?

___________4.If April 5 is a Saturday, what date is the next Saturday?

___________5.What number is between 23 and 25?

___________6.What is ½ of 10?

___________7.What number is 8 more than 64?

___________8.Write two hundred twenty-six pesos and seventy-five centavos in


___________9.Arrange from least to greatest. {32, 47, 23, 73, 53}

___________10.What is the value of N in N+24=29?

___________11.What is one-half of 24?

___________12.What is the correct relation symbol to be used in 54 (<,>,=)45

___________13.Which digit has the highest value in 7,548?

___________14.Which is the smallest? 32, 28, 73, 17, 52, 87, 97, 90

___________15.Arrange the following numbers from smallest to largest:

11 – 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 6, 8 – 4, 16 – 10

___________16.What is the value of 7 in 765?

___________17.What is the sum of 12 tens and 7 ones?

___________18.Refer to the clock above. What time is it?

___________19.There are 34 cupcakes to be given to a Grade 1 class. If there are

28 pupils in the class, how many cupcakes are left?

___________20.What number comes after 46?

___________21.What is the difference of 42 and 24?

___________22.Write five hundred nine in symbols.

___________23.What is the missing number: 12, 17, 22, 27, ____

___________24.What number comes between 49 and 51?

___________25.If there are four 10’s in 40. How many tens are there in 90?

___________26.Amir saves 5 pesos every day starting Monday. How much did he

save until Friday of the same week?

___________27.What is left when you take off five from 50?

___________28.Grashelly has 17 red flowers and Aubrey has 15 flowers. How many

flowers are there altogether?

___________29.There are 18 apples and 4 children. If 3 apples are given to each

child, how many apples are left?

___________30.Children are lined up. Sean is 6th from the front and 12th from the

back. How many children are there on the line?

BCS 2018 Math Challenge
Elimination Round – Grade 2

Time: 60 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on a scratch paper and write the correct
answer on the blank. Answers should always be expressed in simplest form.

_________1. What are the numbers between 889 and 893?

_________2. There were 914 people who watched the basketball tournament. How
many hundreds were there?
_________3. What is the sum of the numbers 40000 + 3000 + 900 + 20 + 5?
_________4. What is the number if 874 is added to the sum of 342 and
_________5. What is the place value of 3 in 83 502?
_________6. Write “ eleven thousand four hundred sixty-two” in symbols.
_________7. Aileen sold 420 empty reusable bottles. If she got one peso for every
two bottles, how much money did she get?
_________8. What is the missing number in 400, ___, ___, 550, 600, 650?
_________9. What number is the product of 328 and 4 added to the sum of 54
and 9?
_________10. If 5 is multiplied by a certain number, the product is 780. What is
the number?
1 1 1 1
_________11. Arrange the following fractions in ascending order , , , .
9 3 4 5
_________12. Arnold finished the test in 1 hour and 20 minutes. He started at
9:30 A.M. At what time did he finish the test?
_________13. Christian ran a 40 m race. Joseph ran 400 cm race. Who ran the
longer race?
_________14. A rectangular garden plot is 7m long and 8m wide. What is its area?
_________15. In a word MATHEMATICS, what is the 8th letter?
_________16. Gumamela flower have 5 petals. If your teacher told you to get 9
gumamela flowers which you were to use in your experiment, how many petals are
_________17. Three crews Richard, Edwin and Danny were supposed to share
equally the tips in the tip box for the day. At the end of the day, Richard took 1/3 of
the tip and left. Edwin, who did not realize that Richard had taken his share, took
1/3 of the remaining money from the tip box. Finally, Danny came and took 1/3 of
the rest of the money and left behind a certain amount. How much money was left
if at the beginning the total amount of money in the tip box was Php 405.00?
_________18. Chicken has two legs while pigs have four. If there are a total of 54
legs in a farm, how many pigs are there if 9 chickens are around?
_________19. What geometric shape is similar to a pyramid?
_________20. Find the sum of 1234 + 4321.
_________21. Look at the pattern of letters. YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW…
If the pattern continued until there were 12 Y’s, how many L’s would be

_________22. If you have 4 staircases like shown in the picture,

how many cubes would you need?

_________23. A man was carrying balloons but the wind blew 13 away. He has 19
balloons left. How many did he start with?
_________24. Your family has three bicycle, one tricycle, one PUJ and one starex
van. How many wheels are there in all?
_________25. If your class is in charge of decorating the Christmas tree for your
schools lobby. If your classmates hung 73 red ornaments and 86 green ornaments.
How many ornaments were hung on the tree in all?
_________26. Kristine is 3rd from the family of four siblings. Her mother told them
that their gap between ages was 2. If the eldest sister of Kristine is now 17 years
old, how old is Kristine?
_________27. What number is next to 109?
_________28. If you were to arrange 17, 11, 13, 50, and 9 in ascending order,
what should the arrangement be?
_________29. Maine is drawing patterns on paper. Her pattern is ABBACABBC. The
A means a triangle. The B means a square. The C means a circle. If you were
Maine, what should your pattern be?
_________30. Janna skip counts by 3 five times. Camille skip counts by 5 three
times. Both of them start at 0. They both stop when they reach the same number.
What is the number?
BCS 2018 Math Challenge
Elimination Round – Grade 3
Time: 60 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on a scratch paper and write the correct
answer on the blank. Answers should always be expressed in simplest form.

____________1. What is the biggest number that you can form using only 0,2,4,6
____________2. What number is between 211 and 215?
____________3. What is the value of 8 in 297,682?
____________4. If I have two ₱ 20 - bill, four ₱10 - bill, two ₱ 5 - bill and three ₱1 - coin, how
much money I had in all?
____________5. What is the remainder when you divide 324 by 13?
____________6. Write as one number, 4 x 10,000 + 6 x 1,000 + 2 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 8?
____________7. Four times a number added to 46 equals 118, what is the number?
____________8. Write 3,268 as a product of prime factors.
____________9. Write “three thousand fifty- six and twenty - six thousandths” in figures.
____________10. What is the sum of the first 5 even numbers?
____________11. A rectangle has an area of 315 m2, if the width is 15 m, what is the length?
____________12. What will you multiply to 18 to get 756?
____________13. There are 456 members in the team Philippines, if 2/3 of them are boys, how
many are girls?
____________14. What is the largest prime number less than 150?
____________15. Mrs. Santos has 5 dozen of eggs, if you get 56 of the eggs, how many eggs
were left?
____________16. If you add 69 to the difference of 12653 and 6257, what did you get?
____________17. What is the value of N in 52, 46, N, 34, 28?
____________18. Leo gathered 59 mangoes on the first farm, if he gathered twice as many
mangoes in the second farm, how many mangoes he had in all?
____________19. By what can 48 be increased to make it 231?
____________20. It is the smallest whole number?
____________21. What number is midway between 3 ¼ and 4.53 ?
____________22. Find the product of the first four (4) prime numbers.
____________23. How many 2’s must be multiplied together to reach a 3 – digit number?
____________24. How many acute and obtuse angles are there in the figure?

____________25. The farmer had some goats and some chickens. There are 9 heads and 26 feet.
How many goats are there?
____________26. What is 3 of 95?

____________27. The area of a rectangular ceiling is 35.70 m 2. If it is 5.25 meter wide, how long
is the ceiling?
____________28. If 4 ½ % of Dan’s salary is ₱1,462.50 , how much is his salary?
____________29. A book has 110 pages. How many times is the digit “4” used in
numbering its pages?
____________30. A clock chimes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock, 3 times at 3 o’clock, and
so forth. How many times does it chime in one day?
____________31. 908 seedlings out of 1000 mongo seeds germinated in the seed box. What is
the percent of germination?
____________32. How is “seven hundred twenty seven and two hundred twenty – seven ten
thousandths” written in decimal?
____________33. Jane is skip counting by 9s. If she says 13 on the first skip, what number will
she say on the 9th skip?
____________34. There are 6 people at a meeting. If each person shakes hands with each other
once, how many handshakes were made?

____________35. Phil bought a basket of rambutan weighing 8 kg and another basket of

lanzones weighing 6 kg. How many kilograms of fruits did he buy in all?

____________36. Joey counted the wheels of his toy car collection. There were 276 wheels. How
many toy cars were in his collection?

____________37. If = where is the lowest term, what is the difference of P and H?

____________38. How many seconds are there in 3 hours and 20 minutes?

____________39. A snail travels 22.8 cm, 13.5cm, and 15.7cm. How far did the snail travel in
walking around the edge of a triangle?
____________40. A wire 16 centimeters long is formed into a rectangle. If the width of this
rectangle 3.5 cm, what is the length?
BCS 2018 Math Challenge
Elimination Round – Grade 4

Time: 60 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on scratch paper and write the answer
on the blank. Answer should always be expressed in simplest form.
___________1. Add __________ to 8, 463 to make the new number one hundred less than
10, 548.
___________2. What is the sum of the first 15 terms of the sequence 2, 7, 12, 17, …?
___________3. What number is 30 times more than 700?
___________4. How many prime numbers are less than 100?
___________5. What is N in the sequence 5, 7, 10, 14, 19, 25, N
___________6.Which has the greatest value: 4/5, 7/8 or 3/4
___________7. Arrange 2/3, 9/10, 4/7 and 5/6 in ascending order.
___________8. Which number is closest to 7 – 7 1/7, 7 1/8, 6 8/9 or 6 10/11?
___________9. What is 1 million minus 1 thousand?

___________10. What is 2/3 of 30 % of 60?

___________11. There were 6 pupils who were 20 % of the Math Club members. How
many members were in the club?
___________12. At the town plaza, 12 trees were planted on each side of the quadrangle.
How many trees were planted in all?

___________13. Express 0.375 as a fraction in simplest form.

___________14. How many multiples of 9 are there between 100 and 200 ?
___________15. List all the possible outcomes of tossing two coins.
___________16.How many degrees does the minute hand of a clock move during a 25-
minute period?
___________17. Give the smallest possible whole number greater than 900, 000 but smaller
than 1,000, 000 that can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 3, 5, , 7 and 9 without repetition.
___________18. A farmer cultivated 12 hectares of land for planting. If 1/3 of it was planted
with corn, how many hectares were planted with other crops?
___________19. A round carpet has a diameter of 18 feet. What is its area?
___________20. The volume of a plastic box is 3 600 cu. cm . The box is 12 cm wide and 15
cm high. How long is the box?
___________21. Use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 once to make the greatest possible difference
from a 5-digit minuend and 4-digit subtrahend.
___________22. Bong has four coins of two different denominations. If his money is P 5.
75, what are his coins?
___________23. How many two-digit decimals round to 0.70?
___________24. 15 is what percent of 45?
___________25. A book is 3.4 cm thick. How many books of the same kind can a librarian
put on a shelf 2 m long.
___________26. The results of a random survey showed that 42 out of 80 people plan to
vote for Mr. Fu for city council. What is the best prediction of the number of votes he will
receive if 2,000 people vote?
___________27. The dimensions of two cubes are x ft. and 4x ft. if the volume of the
smaller cube is 64 cu. Ft. Find the volume of the larger cube.
___________28. Describe the effect on the area of a circle when the radius is doubled.
___________29. For small paving jobs, a contractor uses a roller pushed by a worker. What
is the area of pavement with which the surface of roller whose radius is 10 in and 30 in long
will come into contact in one complete rotation?
___________30. A cardboard box is 6o inches long, 18 inches wide and 24 inches high. Find
the volume of the box.
___________31. A 12-by 16-foot rectangular floor will be covered by square tiles that
measure 2 feet on each side. If the tiles are not cut, how many of them will be needed to
cover the floor?
___________32. Cecilia can read an average of 18 pages during a 30-minute reading period
at school. At this rate, approximately how long will it take her to read a 380-page book?
___________33. Judy is taking pictures of Jim, Karen and Rod. She asks them, “how many
different ways could you stand in a line?
___________34. Maria walked from Place A to Place C. It took 1 hour 25 minutes from A to
B. then it took 25 minutes to walk from B to C. She arrived in Place C at 2:45 P.M. At what
time did she leave Place A.
___________35. The furniture in a classroom consists of tables and chairs. The homeroom
teacher is making a seating plan. If 2 students sit at each table, 8 students will be left without
a place. if 3 students sit at each table, 4 tables will be left empty. How many students are
there in the homeroom?
___________36. 8 people arrive at a party. As they arrive, each person kisses every other
person twice, once on each cheek. How many kisses are there?
___________37. The car wash Mr. Buenavista uses gives 1 free wash every 6th wash. If Mr.
Buenavista has his car washed each week for a year, how many free washes will he get for
the year. (52 weeks in a year).
___________38. What is the 2015th digit to the right of the decimal point in the decimal
expansion of 1/7?
___________39. A triangle and a rectangle have the same area and same base. What
conclusion can you say about their heights?
___________40. The sum of three numbers is 98. The ratio of the first to the second is 2:3,
and the ratio of the second to the third is 5:8. What is the value of the second number?

BCS 2018 Math Challenge

Elimination Round – Grade 5

School Number Code: ____________ Division: BULACAN Time: 100 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on scratch paper and write the answer
on the blank. Answer should always be expressed in simplest form.

_______________1. A polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles.

_______________2. How many sides does an octagon have than hexagon?
_______________3. How many diagonals can be drawn in an octagon?
_______________4. A 6-sided regular polygon (hexagon) is inscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm. Find the
length of one side of the hexagon.
_______________5. Of the 95 5th grade pupils , 3/5 went to gymnasium. How many pupils went to
gymnasium in all?
_______________6. A train arrives at the station with 150 passengers on board. 2/5 of the passengers get
off the train in Divisoria, and then 35 passengers board the train. How many passengers are on the train
when itleaves the station ?
_______________7. Francis Gabriel says “ I would rather have 5/9 of Php 72 than 4/6 because I will get
more to spend.” Is he correct?
_______________8. A rectangle measures 4 2/3 x 3 3/7 inches. What is its area? Give your answer as a
simplified mixed number.
_______________9. At the gym, Karen swims every 6 days, runs every 4 days and cycles every 16 days. If
she did all three activities today, in how many days will she do all these activities on the same day?
_______________10. A full moon occurs every 30 days. If the last full moon occurred on a Friday, how
many days will pass before a full moon occurs again on a Friday?
_______________11. If 3/5 of a number is 24, what is ½ of the number?
_______________12. Kelvin swims a race in 29 3/10 seconds while Kenneth swims the same race in 33
9/10 seconds. How much faster was Kelvin than Kenneth? 3 2
12 8
_______________13. 1.5 x = 12, what is the value of ?
X 32
_______________14. Is 113306 divisible by 9 ? 192 128
768 512
_______________15. What is/are the single digit divisor/s of 1356?
_______________16. What is the value of x in the ratio table ?
_______________17. In a certain class, the ratio of passing grades to failing grades is 7 to 5. How many of
the 36students failed the course?
_______________18. Is 24/140 proportional to 30/176?
_______________19. A toy marked Php885 was sold at 15% discount. How much was paid for it?
_______________20.Marimar spent 1 ½ hours on the beach. She fell asleep for ¾ of the time she was on
the beach and then woke up with terrible sunburn. How many hours were Marimar asleep on the beach?
_______________21.The sum of Jack and Jill's age is 48 years. Jack is twice Jill's age. How old are they?
_______________22.44 people need to cross a river. They have large boats that can take 6 people each, and
small boats that can take 4 people each. Find an arrangement so that there are no empty seats on the boats. 
How many different arrangements can you find?
_______________23.There are 4 kids in a line: Zach, Mario, Max and Ken. Max is not the first. Mario is
not the last. Max is standing directly ahead of Ken. List the order from the first to the last.
_______________24.There are 21 kids including Sam standing in a line. The number of kids behind Sam is
4times the number of kids ahead of Sam. What is Sam's position in the line?
_______________25.At a Thanksgiving dinner, there are 1 grandfather, 1 grandmother, 2 mothers, 2 fathers
and1 grandson.  What is the minimum number of people at the dinner?
_______________26. Roger ran 5 280 feet in 4 minutes. Write the ratio of the two measurements in feet
per second.
_______________27.What should the next fraction be in the sequence 1/9, 2/8, 3/7, 4/6, ___?
_______________28. What percent of 1200 is 12% of 750?
_______________29.There are 44 students in a class. Every student plays at least 1 of the 2 sports: baseball
and soccer. 27 students play baseball only. 11 students play both baseball and soccer. How many students
play only soccer?
_______________30.Annie, Betty and Corina went to the farm to pick apples. Annie picked one-third of
what Betty picked. Betty picked 4 times as many as Corina did. If Corina picked 27 apples, how many
apples did Annie and Betty each pick?
_______________31. What digit/s will make 767__16 divisible by 8?
_______________32.5th grade pupils form a square array of 5 rows and 5 columns. If 6 rows and 6
columns of students are added to form a larger square array, how many people are there in the array?
_______________33. Find the prime factorization of 2 520. Express your answer in exponential notation.
_______________34.It is 6:00 am on April 14th. The minute hand turns around 40 times. What date and
time will it be?
_______________35. Find the difference between 15/27 and 7/21 in decimal form.
_______________36. Brent Elementary has 600 students. Out of those students, 30 are left handed.
What is the percentage of the students that are right handed?
_______________37.A milk truck visits a coffee shop every 4 days to deliver fresh milk. Because more
people drink coffee nowadays, another milk truck delivers milk every five days to make sure that the coffee
shop will not run out of milk. If both trucks came to the coffee shop on February 28, 2012, when at the
earliest will both trucks deliver milk on the same day again?
_______________38.Carrol lives in Los Angeles and her cousin David lives in San Francisco. The two
cities are 381 miles apart. They want to meet somewhere in between the two cities. They start at 8:00 am in
the morning. Carrol drives at 67 miles per hour, and David drives at 60 miles per hour. What time will they
_______________39. Scholastic Academy celebrated its annual Family day. After the game, the Santos
family was given ¾ of a big pizza. The Reyes family was given ½ of another pizza. The Cruz family was
given 4/5 of another big pizza. Which family received the biggest share?
_______________40. If one side of an Octagon is 3.25 cm , what is its perimeter?
_______________41. A cardboard box is 6 inches long, 18 inches wide and 24 inches high. Find the
volume of the box.
_______________42. An angle measure 70° what is its complement ?
_______________43. Three numbers are in the ratio 2:4:6 . If their sum is 108, Find the biggest one.
_______________44. The teacher-pupil ratio is 1:50 , if there are 42 teachers, how many pupils are there?
_______________45. What is the reciprocal of 0.2 ?
_______________46. If N/16 = 40/64 , what is the value of N ?
_______________47. If the area of a square is 900 cm2 , what is its perimeter?
_______________48. If the perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 48 cm, find the length of each side.
_______________49. In a class, there are 4 boys for every 5 girls. In a class of 45, how many boys are
_______________50. What is the perimeter of a pentagon if each side is 19 cm?
BCS 2018 Math Challenge
Elimination Round – Grade 6

School Number Code: ____________ Division: BULACAN Time: 100 minutes

Direction: Read each item carefully. Solve each item on scratch paper and write the answer
on the blank. Answer should always be expressed in simplest form.

_______________1. What is the smallest number that rounds to 47,000 to the nearest thousand?
_______________2. If 1 inch = 2.54 cm, how many meters equal 80 inches?
_______________3. A rectangular school yard is 168 m by 145 m. How many hectares is it?
_______________4. RJ ran 3.45 km while Jun ran 3850 m. How much farther did Jun run?

_______________5. Which of , , and is non-terminating if changed to a decimal?

_______________6. Which is greater or ?

_______________7. What is 2 + 3 – 4 ?

_______________8. Compute: (1- 2/3)(1+ 2/3)(1+ 4/9)

_______________9. Round 495, 356, 760 to the nearest ten million.

_______________10. Change to a decimal to the nearest thousandth.

_______________11. How many times as great is the underlined 5 in 3, 576, 159 than 5 that is not
_______________12. How many integers are there between – 6 and 9?

_______________13. Evaluate: + -
_______________14. Represent the product of 3 consecutive even numbers if the smallest is x – 2.
_______________15. An artificial circular lake has a diameter of 124 m. If you jog around it 5
times, how many meters will be? Use π = 3.14.
_______________16. Express 0.0000457 in scientific notation.
_______________17. Express 6.038 x 107 in decimal notation.
_______________18. A rectangular park is 48 m long and 14 m wide. What is its perimeter?
_______________19. If your step is 75 cm and takes 80 steps a minute, what is your speed in
kilometers per hour?
_______________20. A graduated cylinder has water to 54 mL mark. When a marble was dropped
in the water rose to 81 mL mark. What is the volume of the marble?
_______________21. The ratio of two numbers is 3:5. If their sum is 120, find the bigger number.
_______________22. Find a fraction equal to 10/18 and the denominator is 54.

_______________23. The sum of three numbers is 135. The 2nd is 5 more than the 1st and the 3rd is 5
more than the 2nd. Find the 3rd number.

_______________24. Round 45.9604 to the nearest tenth.

_______________25. What is the next number in 3, 8, 23, 68, 203, ___?
_______________26. A dress marked at P230 was bought for P212.50, what was the rate of
discount? Round off to two decimal places.

_______________27. The sum of the digits of a 2-digit number is 9. If the digits are reversed, the
new number is 9 less than the original number. Find the original number.
_______________28. What is the greatest common factor of 250, 375 and 500?
_______________29. The perimeter of a square is at most 80cm. What is the largest possible area of
the square?
_______________30. Three consecutive integers are such that the product of the first and second is
64 less than the square of the third. Find the largest of the even integers.
_______________31. Jay scored 66 and 72 respectively for his two class tests. What is the lowest
score that he must get for his third test if an average score of 75 is required to qualify for a bonus
_______________32. If 2/3 of a number is 242, what is the number?
_______________33. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:7. If the bigger number is 35, what is the
smaller number?
_______________34. A temperature of 40ºC is equivalent to how many degrees F?
_______________35. A farmer bought 33,500 m2 of land. How many hectares did he buy?
_______________36. Convert 190 lb to kg. Round off your answer to the nearest tenth.
_______________37. The area of a triangle is 210 cm2. If the base is 28cm, what is the altitude?
_______________38. Paul is 20 years older than Jason. In 12 years, Paul will be twice as old as
Jason will be then. How old is Paul now?
_______________39. In a triangle, the second angle is twice the first angle and the third angle is 12º
less than 5 times the first angle. What is the measure of the largest angle?
_______________40. What 2 numbers have a sum of 86 and one of them is 10 more than the other?
_______________41. What number exactly midway 3/2 and – 9?
_______________42. The price of a pencil is Php 7 and a notebook costs Php 12 more than a pencil.
How much do 3 pencils and 2 notebooks cost?
_______________43. What is the value of (1- 1/2) (1- 1/3) (1- 1/4)… (1- 1/2013)?
_______________44. Express 2250 as a product of its prime factors using exponents.
_______________45. Evaluate: (24 x 32)2
_______________46. A salesman receives a basic salary of P20 000 and a commission of 4% on all

sales. Find his total sales in a month when he received P45 000.
_______________47. In a baker, 250 cakes and 400 breads were sold yesterday. The number of
cakes sold today decreased by 20% and that of bread increased by 5%. Find the total number of
cakes and bread sold today.

_______________48. Evaluate: 5 x 5 x 5
_______________49. Employees of a small factory are receiving an average salary of P8000 a
month. One January they were each granted an increase of 10% but after six months the company
suffered a slow down on orders. To avoid lay off, the employees agree to a 10% reduction in salary.
What was then the new average salary of each employee?

_______________50. When x is increased by 25% of itself, the result is 45. Find the value of x.

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